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guarantee these goods to be
; pure and 7 years old. None
3k bettor &t any price. Wo
will s hip in plain boxe* v»
r * nT address, express prr
£i’ai<l at the following dis
tiller’s prices:
5 FuH Betties. 53.45
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12 Fui! Bottles, 7.90
iBFuU Bottles, 9.70
Your money back if not a tt a
repre'ented. A sample 1 f
K aw p int by express prepaid. E
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AMERICAN SUPPLY CO.. Distillers. |
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p lulfi
tk:ss 8. M. V.OOLLEV. M- D.. Atlanta, Oil,
i . - r - Catarrh, Fi>r, FiMuAU hnron i ii’l
L ■ DR. H Y fr.. Hanan* City. .TCo*
- ■- 'fl • l>» . J. I • "Mepin -iim < 0.. D‘’; t L
. s ,. r; » a ■ :r offers : subscrlb*
* :h- c .a '.es i reading matter j
.-- i .k. •;■ « -■ t-.ut tsum. that
;■ - , - . be! i >■• I" gW’ !n
. r ;-rion On.-r your premium
r .. - It . i-e, J*.ay an'. vexation to
> . ■■■.-■■. ■ —a »■ «•: -« ■■•*•
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-1 ■ ; iMe.-; ■.., u 1 al one time
. -• e .<f. re ; g " rJ Yaitn; If ,
• 5 | e The Constb
t ■ ■ • .CS n •: reduced thereby.
iu? .>I.OO Comoinalion Offers
a a. . a ■. , e an ’. Lie < :nb-
- pare: :: -a •i •. 1 -.e < ••msiltuttcm ,
. .-• ' -nts * >V;ep-
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C'tL.- Offers —Our $1.40 A r !as Offer.
Any One of These with the Papet
for $1.50.
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‘- T ’-v:r..V t' r. y..u- v
, tere-tlme cur !a<!y sab-
A One of Thes? with the Paper for
$2 50 to Subscribers,
The -<-'-pr-.r.crn TEArttPPS' PTRT.E
35 FAfhT!.r-s RAZOR ani g
I!0 FAV7TT.*'"> r v/nr. Aluminum
r-‘ rs rr*rr’--.’ ’ ' " t f - ; ,b*crfh?r.
e Sewintr Ma bine Offers— All
Freight Charges Prepaid.
. • ’ ■ • • • r ar. S2O CO
I r■_ ’ ’ '□ 1 L • ! M t,
' ’ • £l3 00
rs ’vith' -rp
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. » T‘ •• 1 ;ti<.n neve?
<- ; e ’ s. • ’. . $I CO direct, or
• - A. , r\e ’ <
assume a!! risk.
Atlanta, Ga.
Rev. I. <l. Broughton preached la-t
i.i'_;ht on ’ Deborah the Wife of Strat
egy and War.” taking as his text:
’’And Dt borah. a prophetess, the wife
of Lapidoth. she udg»d Israel at that
time.” Judges, iv, I.
“In studying Enochs wife we saw a
wuman wh » got her greatness from her
husband. She was Enoch’s wife Now
v. »• come to stud\ a woman whose hus
band got his greatness from his wile,
Al! wo know of Lapidoth is that he was
the husband of Deborah. This Is not an
Ir. frequent condition. There are thou
sands of men who wo-.dd never be known
10 the w-Ud but f>r the fad that they
are the husbands of Their wives. Dave
you not seen many such nun” !’•> he
sure you have. They are specially nu
merous in our mid i I think Atlanta lias
more than her share of them. It is com
mon to he ir such questions and re ive
such answers a-- this: ‘Who is that man?'
‘Why. he is old sDter K - . th- Job’s
hushind.’ That is the only w'<\ of iden
tifying man; hatbands. The other da\’
11 one of our courts r< man was put on
the witness stand to testis- in o rase.
The lawyer said: ‘W-11. sir. tell tb-c
i rv what your nanm i- a id what you do
f n living.' Tim man dr .!D -t oaf. ‘Well,
m \ name is and m. wiS- keeps a
bo.irdim: boirn. ' 1 pr-a<-.-i .against the
.t 'P' -Il i’ a s.a red w id ,o
h ishan.l bv S’.:, b rm n. H .sband means
'houseliav-I • <u h m-m arc not house
bands 'T .-v . an’t biml anything except
the niumti.-- of fUh':l wif- Tn
s: ad ~f .--.idiug Li’-m b ; •■dm i woi/d
• all th<in 'babbles.' whi-'h slum’s for a
kind of i ; ]a\;hai7
“Sorm-l im< s. h-’w •■• s ifTmmnt
-n !• r • man to take the n :ni“ f
his wiir. Wh'-n w^nk-minded man
m ♦•'!>. s .1 • nm •; d wan . im ma;.'
yrin-d t..»- xv'ig" \ b wim' Dm i'.om. ••>
mm rm.’ a mm-‘ oxmmsim D;.an the other,
ami mm h m:;h» r I asked what ii
fur. i.':d uas told that : : <;>;.■• ■; s.t in
Die uppr • < . and her ‘b. ;Dhie? ':m
tom. M> : I said. 'Dial mu' do for r >-’.c
hut i de. t.jre 1 v.oi.i-! sit In Dm! hie
.hair on<e in a while miywaU De
l .rah sm-b a woma: Slip ue.s
'-t’’ong-minde.l ami ;• bm - -m md. She mu
-ail. j ala- isr.’mi, bat ..; -o judged a- r
Her Career at the Start.
"Th-- si;• s '.he him ’-m of Israel
again did • •oil in Dm sight of Die* lend,
umi Die L t.; sold them ini.. Dm ha id •:’
J; bin. King of « 'urswra t o' <-.-pt.’in of
wa.oso b •-: v. 3 - S ’ ra ' Tms -a - griev-
D- b<- ? •'■ ’A..- .’• ■ ‘l ie :» - ;i d :
mc.'il. This mux '--rm! n *od. to
her .Hid w through h» r- pro: mm-
menty -e' •’ ' wb. ■ • ' 'm evil in
no plan for Not Im g ;»q . •
■io »em-m'- 1 •!•■ - : ' < is- d mi: h wo • * a--
‘Tie-: W;! .; .. ‘W- '"‘i Gm } -
- in 1 Wih! nn 1 bo-L'. *ho h -•> t m-- S- I -
ministm D<-w our h-m- - wr.- ihrd'--d
y nr .Hirer - i.-:a- ■’ ” we Vyd him tell
a’ ea a row: 1 b: i '■» b-- i ’ . • ‘‘;
borah nas )ik ■ him Si. 'm l -d •. • •
A Wild Revolutionists.
DeborahN Plan of Battle.
... . ttb S • snmrn- I I•h ah io b- h. r
Have been on the market for the past twelve yeais with the
best results. They have Mood the test of time and we guar
antee them to be superior in bodv, more lasting, ana to
than any other paint made. If upon receipt our paints are not
enamels, varnishes and painters' suppln It tells vou how to
calc date the amount ■ paint n-i:e>-ary b- paint anv -.-e
surface and tells vou all you want b> know about paints LULL
and painters' supplies. A postal card will bring it. It is t m-s
, to pi i 'e..,! with ti n tlio.isand men to
eupture Jabin ami restore Israel Barak
vry properß said. 'lf thou wilt go with
me, then 1 will go; If not. then I will
not go.' She assured him that she would
go Slsera. the commander In chief of
: Jabin's army, learned of the plot and
■ summoned his army with all his fine
I chariots to go to meet the woman war
j rior. Doubtless he thought it only a
; piece of sport. Most men think women
' are m> lighters, in spite of the fact that .
: they so. >o much of it xhibited bem-ath [
; tin r own roof.-. Th" light was very in !
i tense, though l.riof. Slsera, seeing what t
i lie had t.l contend with, got out. of his I
■ eb.-.r ot :i:M rat Itelrua'a and Barak did ■
i not ce.ise fighting, however, until every j
man of Jubitt's before theii sword. t
I Jeboi.. ii vas not \et -.1 tisfied. A worn
I an nev. r is satisfied until she v.ins the
last victory. She was determined on I
getting Sis'-r.i. So she planned to on-
1 trap him. fie fled to the house of
i J'oi, doubt:, ss ...ilie. d there for pur
i pice ot getting him; for Deborah had
; said .< woman should reap the final vic
: tori. So w!:on Sis-ra went to sleep .l iel
! got a I >ng nail and .a hammer and drove t
i Hr nail through his head and fastened j
i him to th. ground. What a pfee. of
. strut.-gy this was. and what ■ strung • i
' J .at! ' Bui it . nde.l tile struggle and |
, I redeemed
Punishment for Sin.
■B it W" must tio.v turn from t’ni- n j
1 : .r-'-: h is! ..ri , ■ ■ tempt in:: as It is to 1
| pursue it. and gatber nt' th- main b1
: ,,ns it o li- >• I'lrst ..f all. we must ■
not fall Io 1,..w tied punishes p.-opl- >
and n.i’i-.ns f-<r '■ .il doing. The enslaved ’
e-mdition of Israel that brought about
tin- la.-odsiied ivis due to their -ins. Ihe
Word -a-.-s. Tin. children of b-rael a.utin
did ... ii in tl'a- dglit of the I.ord. and he
i s.dd them mt-, tin- lainds of Jabin. t'v-
I R. ; ., Canaan ' le t us nev.-r fail to I
: p : . - In min.i. The X r:<\ of boil is ■
I . d oil Hi.-, people. Don't let
I iinagine (tod has b-l't ;he watch tower. ;
i lie know.... So:n, time ;.gj a X-ctli Car- j
I ~ nni orintinal brok. jail and slsiicd in i
i t i.<- w .oda : lire, da \ s and nights. He 1
' w o -. to a farm b- - ’use and gave ;
i inni-.-if ■a- saying, 'i am a gouty man I
: 1 .ail : hid from th.- law, lint 1 i nild .
I not. 1.i.1. from t;<.d ' ■; true < th. the
, p.-n-'i : . lod I He follow.- us j
and --i- fails o bring as into judg j
! ment. 'l'lime are ;n ntsands ot men j
and worn, a .boa us now wit > are tread- :
:n t - tie- win. pr- alum . ... coi, .. Cod 1
lias 50,,! ilu m ■’ oi tin baud >-t Jabin. i
.0. ~ ..) 50..:, hep. bus not gone, i
v . of slavery The bat- :
: to :.e a.. lot,a, agi' .!■■- i
I sus ■ ..miner,- : tin- last foe On the
• O -. . -,. pl: nep Satan fast, for- \,T. Come
: p, Hmi. His bio -J makes n- fr. 0. Come
aid ...... Wess has Henri lost ill C:l-
A Divine Mission.
"Annin, w m-,st .e. ~..w Deborah was
d bl- Ihe -'ll ollSaeSS of tl
- mission. Eve:-. where she assert- !
ilf of her |
..V - Slifeh .' life ; b.m -I to bv full
of . omna- .'s Xo i-t .i.-inmi, - r s-ddicr.
~ , i......,, ... ,-, *.. ;f,. ever won a i
Hi • ■ '.ll ■ who :>d 1' ■■■' ■ llimsi
pro i b gr'-.rt . I.’ s- . I have otto., .
; nought. <■•■ t,..:t .• ••I. ■■ sc. lib So oft ! •’- i
: | . Roman s.-no ■ • < Vol 1 ' Ho. :
-t (tiding . . • .■. d ,i- ntamiing ’ ‘ wt’.-i ■ :
.- : . . ae ‘Cart'artd>-.en'.'a c.
■: troyod. Hist - w .
1 :,1 po; ■- ,p.. be w ,s. but he eon ■
i tin, 0,1 -id . an :■ d to "XI-'• C
' ;t ! '-'•••
i >'i t3 l :i ■ i .'■■'<! ■ 1 . -<I i) ‘T! '" • • : i ,n ■
oil, ~|, ;1. u- ar l<-,n>. - • " ■.l ■ i : 't
building to tl'-i vol th
"So ma.-h for the of the man with ;
■ ... : i : ( - ' ;• 7-:: . 'S’.- 7 .
■ .' -. .-s :c,, . ‘ !i in \ irgjr.7i
-i’) »v it I.! 1 t ■ 11 ' _■ ! '
Conqu L re
. •
’in b'
t • 1. 'A ‘>3’l* D .‘- : ’'!’;i
W.. . ii. :■ M V »Tli • !
1 • i • L\ - T W \ K SH EE
V ' V: ‘g‘ !”?■; \ I >'s!! u: SU) shea i •
-■ ■ ■ •
• ..fn :--..t 3. ‘ y .-.■•inf w-<*’k • :
;x". ' ? JD- cUp He ii W (S. .
•. ■ : ■
r ■-, 1.. v. . S rm i way 1 ■ ••• tn ;
... ... I well, he wi ■ •
* ■ m ■. •■ ■ ..nd 'i -.-. ,i ‘.rut a da yorl w > H - !
-.....! -. ‘ms ami. v-i: :i be was pieked up. ,
.1.1 ■ -’a !-m a ; to Ibe point that |
. o. a . ’. ,■ m; with Thei s, bl
he seemed to be thinking only of that
until he died, for he kept saying, T didn't
get it done; but she'll know I meant to
finish It. won't she? I'll tell her so, for
she’ll be waiting for me.’ and ho died j
with those words on his Ups.
"it was not long before the story was -
all over the town, and the citizens built j
the handsomest monument In the ceme- I
tery ami Inscribed on It:
'He loved his mother.’
"Nobody Is surprised that they did. Deeds !
of unselfish love, let the object be what It I
will, always cut their way Into the hearts j
of men,
Prayer and Faith.
"But finally hers was a victory of '
prayer and faith. Her scheme was con- i
ceived in prayer and executed In faith, i
How many conquests have been won In I
tit. some way? Or.e bitter night the In
habitants of the old town of Schlcswick
were thrown Into the greatest distress
and terror. A hostile, army was march
ing- down upon them, and new and fear
ful reports of the .-ondtict °f the lawless
sold!,il l wr r. hourly re mhlng the place. ■
In on- large commodious cottage dwelt ,
an aged grandmother with her grand
daughter and her grandson. While all
hearts quaked with fear the aged woman
passe.l her time crying unto God that
Ii- would 'build a wall of detense round
about them'- quoting th'- words ot an
amient lijmit. Her gradson asked why
She J.rt’.i.-d for a thing so entirely im
possible .■ - tiia* tied would build a wall
around t'tieir lions,-; bat slm explained
that he: meaning w< - only thu: God
should protect tlo-rn. At midnight the
,li.:i.|fil tramp was beard, an enemy
< inv pouring in .it. every avenue, tilling 1
the lions. to overflowing. But while
most fearful sounds were heard on every ;
side, no, even :t knock came at their I
door, at w :.i..-h then w.-re greatly sur
prise.!. morning light, bow-.-, :,
mad-- i lu- tn.i tor cb-.i tor. just be\ ond
the holts- drift snow had t;ii.----d .
such a massive wall that It was impos- |
: ibb- to g. over ii lo them. ' I'here
-aid the . . woman, trt a mpli.i nt Iy, d"
101 l not ■■■ . . m.. .-'.' that God rood
r:ii-e UP a w i : around us" Glorious i n - i
..■ - - , ■ ■.. ■ «■. would a1 i 1 earn to
■ - . prayer and faith. Skep- j
.i-’iiia--- -hike '. 1,, ir heads; ititi.b B may
.rid -i-isvlu-m--'. but the soul that .
■ i:- fresh from God can
know no <b-f. at.
- -t;,. is- no w annot win,
N-. ■ an- - :■- t,,.> gre.-tr.
if only We know ii-it we’re with Him
\\ ■' Ii : ill ::i C l tall
‘ 'The:. :« no d ns grim, I
\<i S'l'H'Tt! S’ n.13'1 c!‘J V.’.i'l,
If 'inly wo kiP'W Dint W‘*'rr- with Him
The sun wi:i .hn i: smib'.
*• *Thr r. is iv> h"HT’t ‘ full nf sin.
i;f- so i'.’l sis sL.D; i.
If '.c ; ; . ,sd k"..w i . x’.c'j. w't’h Him
Wf i: P . ..•,■] ps- ion Kain.' ”
Biggest Elephant in Captivity Died
on Board Vessel.
New fork. March IS The elephant J:n
--!?;> si’.! ' ’ b. ; : ”s*. r Driu Juui- ;
whi"b -■! ■ ■<! HmD v ; ■ u I\
H. D'.Jh o.’-hnc.l M-Ux’a j? ami
D:- 1 b ’,’ b<><ly v. a- iU a 1 saa. A u
nnlmrti - haw haugh-i in Jz>rH.l>ui.
c'. i : c| i; t a.,.- n .,! nav-!•'•! siut-e
f;i .. U(1 fr< 'TH D” t f •G I i H t
I, >■,. ■ 1! fr-l :• ii -ii " pii'-ci 3 w.t?..
J up-- was 22 yours -id, 1L D •: hii;h,
w« uxk-’i! ?-ms ami w-‘ - '.'a!u‘.’<l at a•" , - i ”
mionma! n b- a• ; D a.j -’.l w " D
u’. ■ twit'-* lii - .'•'k’-i <lc»wn it. 1 -
.-<! p H-if.v i’. i'ia <-ri- < Du ‘-iapuai.l
ar-• :.<■ '■ pir -T -i •: Jg’- r - ri’-' ::
ware Dm . i ’ ■
•’t rhe ■ r_*. w hi' h r c- •si ■ days Ig p’
Dm cH'W of the <r>- •: . >n its urd. ,
As Gb. h day <;• ■ Dag-. - com’d Ja :
icr-tw ’.V’-aker aa i a H rm- d m .as .
narrow < a.i;*’ in ;i >- c : t• • g*- ■> ■■. H •
wa - ch-ii.;-’ • S mh a p*is’G";; '
a i . • ’a- h ■ I. f wrt ” !
’• ! c. ■■( <• .f V. f.- : iln: . ‘ !hr •■
da\s. It was Dus :ha i
nv -a \ <a , 1 Ji.-- . • »;■ 1 lii'i; ui t : 1 *
;' : dig. ! b,' << - w.• :: i.t> L:> w -
and j<iiu“ : him hi a?i ♦ ( I( pa<'i ;■. ,
Jingo Ts • ■ . »w : .
' io bars of tb ■ - am! -;r :-k
wi ’ : ■ ’■’• ! ".at ”!■’ *■*- I ■’
'- g of D-- 12th. ’. Id 'ii*’ Jirig. ’
a s ♦ ,- , • •• . j ■ ' ci ;; v.. • ■;
Or.: W‘ ’■ ‘ ’ '-■ ' '' ■
General Hani.nli J. Ttyiny; To A:-
.'range the Regiments.
K.- ' ‘;. T-: - M.- - ’■ D.
,-.- . ll.c • ■ i -ton: ih, the .n ’om-
:• ■: : . 0,-1 , , . mu -
• ..’l] -•■ t ?■ a !• ‘ • Vr: ’. WG -•. ■
maned Iha i H D ’dim’ Jhat , <
r> cirii in iw • . ma aing a i • m- ’ » - ■
r. ghjt-nt- ;■ il of a* at
| i■ - ; - i !t ■ ■ I. o■ m , c: 1 • •’' 1! ■ ■ t
H;. it ’lie. tt !’ S t •' C' .‘ ’1 J DIO
wit.:'• nit c ■,! -.a i’ c-’ing !'• ■dt It .
j. d r *.• :r .u -• •• ha vo b-.-’p
neo;*.-» •m» ; i w;’h Kr agg - Jory-i'.-op j
> i!b-‘N to .-..J/,,, ii- c-o Dm Hoak I dand j
.o.c G - apDmsiast !<■ j
Inc.- W'c\ wi’i •b-', I
i -••;.■ • i " if ' !•• ’■' ii: ■-: :h• <
I't’ai f - -ri s.i’mo paid j
c. ci'klv. iiid ni‘Ui»\\’ ub Ha o<i. ■
’ \ND X TtD. (' !Xi■ • P ■
bldg . Gh'a .iao.
Suit Filed by Minority Stockholders
of tile Central Pacific.
New York. March I'i -The Tnit- l States
, ir.-uit i sk'd today by Waiter .
Mo:head -rid G. I'.m "• mlnon:.' !
-aoekho le ■- ,f ;!n- < 'e:itr:il Pm Hie Rai! j
roii Cornp'.ny. a (':■ ii f-.rnin < • .rpora lion, .
Io ,i. I-., null mid v dd and fraudulent i
?12o,(iOt'i,OfiO of l auds !.~-md by the Smithert I
I I'dfie ’ on.p.i: ,y ;tud t'.'iitral Pacific I
Railway Comj-.iny. the latter eurpmation I
organized mider th- l.iw- ,f I lah, mid ;
r.’:-o syi.oß'i.u.., , 5 p;-ferrod stock of the
<.', ntral I’.- Li Rm!w.: v < 'mnimpy
■l'ii-- ■ .mpl.iim that the i'entral
P.i- it,. Railr a 1 c'omp.n' is the ownet :
nf railways jp the st.::*- of < ;di oornia :
,-iid th.-H Ihr '.IWS '■< that ”ifn d > Ib't ■
permit a ra ilw.icorporation to !.-•-■ m
i't'l.i!- C. ' \-’0 (if i’S < Ipil-’i! ■' I< H ’ . i til
complaint < barge'• that 'h<‘ traustcr of ,
the propertic-: of tlv L'a i i f-Tti ia -<jrpor.;- ‘
tmn to the I tab ■ ■ uporatmii was made •
without < '’iish;. r;: d-•’. was void, fraudu - |
lent and illegal, .and > >k ti«;p tho oop- I
stitutional r.Mns of ta«' plaintift.- rmd r i
ing vahn I- < ■ their stock-
It !• charge.! that the defendants, hav- 1
TO and expenses weekly
SI,OOO to $1,500 Annual Income Gliy
Big Profits Wf r ; c' ®J
Ncw ’ uick Proccss
® “ Us R J®.
S ,^ B aKa Pi a n.x«. ■ J
No Humbug, Fake or m ,„„ h ß<:oio .
Toy Proposition s,llz ™ 4“”'
An OwiIKT we Manufacture Com -
Reliable, Responsible Firm, --, <'*/ i t plcte Outfits, At!
Capital SIOO,OOO. - - r Sizes
Whv not •• b r r •• ■ ...... . . '
a-- .
local’.t V. . .. , ..
If you in ’'"ne ■'ii;:' r*'l '.'.ember i dx.'-T* '■•>!: PDATTN'G !':■■ -m -• . (
he wl'l r.-t '.lm.- I- ’ -a -a •■ .IT V jh ■ •■'•••” f ! !. .G •’' “- • * - ’ ' ". ; ? "
G ....... . . I "- . ' -
looking ■ ■ c t • - n.r .♦ ”k ' • ' -r ! • '• ’’ _f, ' .
c I .
- -
1 -°' v >’ ■ ■ ' • I --’I j •»> .’ik-‘ j
ft 6 OO a -■ pr .f J
■ -' in ' rf'Gm'THE STIVER OUTFIT.
V « • • ' -ft- ' :1- ' ■ pin V 2001 f» -PMI pro; h <kiiK .
f!-n 'NS, • ’ \S.‘ dp'-, T \ !:. zi: . <>p .• 1 j
Di 'T •■; A ? ; i' Hi '; ‘
TH i;nr; r ’ • r . ■ *• •?; ■ • ■ ■
f ■
WRiT!-- iD*inn j
rFkL» L. *<n I; - U■ ' '
V. " ■ V. ■ ■ i
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cess it's r.’i .z.ihi •
■.. ,■> I '. 111 r: I’. I ■
. in ■ i-X".t or- 1 rim: tg '
b.. 1 I- ■■ ■ •iii l tn - . the :<>•• pr >t-
V, t: ■ 1
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
~7 ,
Bears rhe /"V
Signature of /■&/CC&444
Doors of the First National of Jack- :
sonville Closed.
Jn ok ■e'iv i'P'. Fin . Mr ' 1 Tin lit- 1 :
mition.: hank. ;i.“ i: 1 1 in. ’rrf
oldest mti..mß bank in Fi” 'u... bi ... d '
1 ■ ■'! ii - dot ts tics morn 1: ,g It « 1 ■
<•; ,s..p p ■ tin .■:d< ■■ .r’ t >l, - •■>r: : "
of the -mr.-n-y J.urns \V. Xm-v-H. of
the trf.-oa?) «If;-a rtm- :i 1. is it'. . -h.-tfsc
•I . pension is due to thret large
loans whi> ii if.' 1 .ink h : - be' tt carryonx
for more than ten years, and it wis
hoped to 1.1 . ■ .-■l'Uli'd th ' ■ 107..- sale
factorilv within til •<! sixty s. 'I lie
bank is S' ■ ar<"l a:.- 'hist these loan-. 1-
fnr a- It is possible 10 O' 1 , and upon
tin r< ■■ >ni nt • 1.1;;. > ■ of the > x.t tn I n <■}'.
some time ago. the bank proceeded with
th,- bops of collecting rnitsiamiim;
indebt* du. but the crash came iimx
peeled I■■ to 1 1 1 1 od: ■. ' I
official of lb.. I. ink S.i.v the: if
,'olb el ion -■ en II bl made : I'.e d.-p' l
wit: bo pa i i in f’ll I.
Receiver Is Appointed.
Jacksonville. I March 17 t
s'lit of ii l .' l foo. I .' of lii' In-1 X.: t ion:’l
bank, a bid of om; ’ a in 1 wl. 1;'. >1 in the ,
I l l■ p J Sol t- s . ‘I.: i 11 'da v b' t I 'osmo
l.iitb'. against tin Lit!! ' Bro.:, phosphate
and Ferliliz.iU t''. and the <Por
gia Florida t'hemi i! ibinptnr. tn fore- '
close a mortgage of jIB.iAi op the I Hid •
in smith Jacksonville, win r< tip' Lilt.
Bros Phosphate plant is • it'd
The hi!’ prayed so: a r.'eivei and Wal-
The Bib’e Suit ; AIL
•' :• <•.■;!. ’ in ■ ’ In:*- ■•-' I vv. - -w: -
ft'T <'! I’t • ’•*, ’P' ’■! ’ ■ '• ‘ i H IZU ti.
'.‘IS \ •’ '
Letter,- Patent Issued by lite State
Autho, ’i.ief-.
"I'l- l t-. ': - I .11 u- 1- I, ; : : < -|l>‘ ’ ,
I .c* 1 , w s !-‘. 1 «" ;
nr: ilf. roving mid <b--
m-,1 .it ~mi i■■ wu ' - - Th- ino- rp-.ra i - -rs
I ■ ;. -. of M , -■-. Mich.;
’ ■mt ■ i. I .-' -. I ■ ' : i -d ■ .
i :mi Ju m<‘ - M■ ‘ " ■ ' I >el‘'m'i:-ik
I Snring-s i’i-i.
I Th, ,I- , rw.-i Ir. ‘- i '--m;m>y. of i ".-m - > l-'l i.. with . -ii -- st-'.-k of
T 8.-’i- -, i. I’llil b-u . F’-t . Su','!’
[> 1..'. ,--. Winchest.-r. K? . G< rge M .
S.-otl -.r Decatur. G.t end D, :d N
Si -■ y d it . -k: - • i. I: C.
„f r., nt . ~ U- .111 ' . wUS .i mhoi izc-i
to iner.-as- its e i?it-il il'-mt U“”. | -> I U
< :Lj . , u*. <■ A. Mitche 1 W<< guarantee >*• e« r r*-s.
~.J Pud*. '< *n’ terift. two yw». Ths i n -meare.; . • \
I V\ 1 In.\> >l. <-fi V GRE AT Ha< genuine leather tr i, :; , k£'"W
x */'*****. J ' *-E A i»EH i••c'i'uo i» €l vr ” t leather auaefertop. I f. i, ** ■Z ! '
>'X : n !.'■•••«. : a»*. '• Our llbtanrc. sal? axhs *'.!••• '.
’'Vni..ri Harners will r.l*asc v<." *n vrirrir.ings IJM) 3 atr ic “I > >*’ *’" *—
• \ Jp. i-.c andqunlHy. ApreSnl ’■ - KI <»GIFsSTa\D THK TKST OF TIME.
her- ..wi Ather t*am c liars fit We guarantee «nfe delivery an<l ant itfact! .m.
; a H H4KSKSS A MiHGH’I. NEXT CAT ALOG frea m r-q <st the largest vehicle
We make ail st- les of harness and hurnr«u ats'< g iss .«4. c • tarns fir rh •«.•«-* . ■ f
eart« r-tsl- ’» r v; wazons tnlixery a n<! express wagons, spring wagons, trneks. farm va? .» buggies | h setons,
, .. . . . * ; .ft- i,e In’/}. t. ■ k and surrsy harness ext ress. spring wag n. farm, team and lumber nsrn-»>
< Ar Ji m YEHS’ ii MO’s, Manufacturer* of Harness and A'ebtelea, Rept, Fl r CUH'AGO. ILl*
i'■ • "i .• i i<] :;i p :• . . - I -
x ; itb •!
■’■•.■• X x ■ ■ ■ >id
Hi> Life Worth *70.000.
.-.- ■ ■ -
’ ■<" ■*■•• ' .in -l- r.’.-t '•!<• '-.‘"W
i i -litr/i’ rati'.'. ;•> v .- aw n-do : a
■ ■ • •' • =
iR. 1 ’-Ibx w’l- w.i • ■ •. r.f ‘ ; r-;..
:m'•’ .■ ••inn< 3 l a • ■ Mr \\ was
. • ■
Carnegie Gift. Flatly Refused.
■ X"IV fork. M I". 1 ':.. Li. ;
• Mil rn.'i rope k id ; t d iy : it. 1 :
I Ijit- election til l’ th. y did notwo 1 11; 1 ' ic
i Jib?..' ’ibrii.ty off.: 1 . I b? And:' l w < l < ri
i Tip v. . .lithi.T 1 wore in favor of rhe
: gpt. ’vit ’A' : 11 outnnni'o. r"d bj th,- other
' residents, who were th,, propo
! sitinn bei’.'i’.if-e it w >:dd bind 'h’ni to
I r.iisc anr.unll 1 . : nininteti;) 11 •«.