Newspaper Page Text
Believed in London That Promoter. i
Responsible for Loss of Mill
ions. Will Never Be Tried.
Wright Is Willing
To Return.
London, March 16—John Flower chair-
nnn of the shareholders committee which
instigated the prosecution of Whitak* r •
Wright, the director of the London and ;
Gnbe Finance Corporation, who was ar
rested yesterday on his arrival at New i
York from France, says
“1 see Wright is quoted as saying ho |
had a powerful protector in an exalt-’*! ,
ci art er. That statement is not new to j
•if It is the keynote of the whole cast
Prior to the failure of the Ixuidnn and
Globe, certain persons maintain Wright '
h in his possession letters from leading ,
members of the English royal family ■
-hewing that they were mixed up in his •
transactions. We have no documentary I
j-. >Ol of this. Wright himself is prnbanly ;
t’a» on;\ man in the world who could |
prove i’. If he has such letters, they ;
i.u’lit now to ho in the possession of the j
New York police, as we suppose they
smirched his ftfect:;. and Wright is not I
'ikely to Rt such a powerful weapon ■
<f defense out of his personal keeping
Complicity of Royalty.
'Within a few weeks the chief issue in ’
r-r 'W right c ase will be the question of .
rnpll- itj- or otherwise of the most ex- i
r red personag-s in the empire in Wright’s j
rancial and other schemes We do not I
- nncipate any difficulty in obtaining his;
• xfradition, b it if w hat Wrfght s friends
r -intam turns out t • be true, his genu- ;
prosecution will become an extremely ’
matter We believe, however,
? 5 -at the lawyers at present engaged wilt I
sthe matter to the bottom, regardless j
< 1 any considerations ”
Attorney General Finlay, in the house ■
f < nminnus. this aft rnoon said the < rown j
Wright and the payment by the crown ;
• * - whol« »'Kpen>» of the proceedings
«!’’ be considered. His pros*' utinn, how
eve w «uld be left In th.- hands of *he
• fT>*ial receiver of th*- T.cndon and Globe
Th* i/in i-n la w Mr Wright held ■
r •'.••rcn .•> to i.«*. w th Samuel X I'n
t» rmeyer. of i N» w Y:k .>w firm w h<» ’
t~ h« a--d who has f e.pmntiy re pre-j
. ■•••! Wrights ii.t-in America i
f.dh’w ;g <• it* in-- * wa - finally made
:i;e A:- >•’.!*• d pros* by the !aw-
• ker Wrig. y ;•< nndmibn-d: v nnx
!• t. rn i•» IT, ~ • d .nd fa. e t i.-- .
' Ico «p. •. • n ■• * • o ndvisa • ilit v :
' doing must b.» • !•'. id* I bx hi.’
’• • ! is.- W • th : i« a doulrt
•u . th* *1 torm-x -• v •;» l s b'.laia
M V\ • : • .x ’ ■«, it i- would
a h ’lp : < XII the
■ • M. W -V •mlding'i.-** •
-w mg t ■ *m: i tty of royalt y in 1
> merely n r j
\V. i • Agrees to Reform.
' » ■ ‘ \\ .ii.kci Wr:gh:
in: agreed
’ • • d. ' p :.i
it Gloh- b nne 1h- r.-ste i : j • .
-■••• <.*m»-. Th. Tii >!ln. V. w
• rn. Thi- o. urr d two yours
! •A» r.t the bonks « iroTilly I
• w th. r‘.. r.- . .-..'r a-:d »’n> nv.'ter
■ ..1 al' f - l.efpro ; •
' •
England r.nd t'-.rer are ■ . '-:-'‘d in r ■
p‘'-‘ YHr -x tv- •;• a;. !
m «=■'**•’ • > -.-no *■»- •,» •.»
To • X 1 * m: n ’; y [ • np. • ’
*• ge . lin pu - .im: tai
an 1 G ?be " ‘ c N*c • ; u <<a
No Conviction for Wortman.
« - ;■■ !> R' tv . tn- r ■ ■
r •• .■ ? ’ . to tktornnne t!i. .■>.
t'r>t •' 'ls • • ;>on-f' ■ t for the
in the 1 nch gnn t: rret of the
<!c» ..I i- • • ti •• .ci.- .1
• an ! th< xvi b-- passed on by
N’aroed for Leonard Wood.
I v •■ >d mix < -■ t ..• <ida
Dr. Shoop’s
Rheumatic Cure
Costs Xothinq If It Fails.
A ■ •.• • rt- r. who - .ffet fraun
Fh uma'i-an Sxx ► -u; •■ . thl - ..ffer
1 am a sp* • in Rh* imatlsm. and
j- treat*-! m«»re c j.-'Cs :han an* other
• • i'in • •' k. ■ ars I made
>it rxpers ai h Htf.-r.-ut drugs.
’.sUng rt-m»< wl i> s»ar. h-
i- - world f'c* something belt, r Nine
cars ago 1 found a stlx «.hemi ,j| j n
.r/mat-; whi with mv previous d;s-
• rb s' gi - • s a • , *»rtalu cur*
1 don't mean that it can turn bonv
< nt- int-> sh sh again: ’it r - ;»•: cur.- tb..
. a-p it an" s»ag» . •ampk:*}’. and lor
J t • don-*' fuhx loO.tMHi timps
' ,;nnw ■ <i~ ' v * !. that I will f uniKh
. - .-nc N or; trial. S mplx vrrlle me a
f. my >/k -J'. R'levinatism and I
w 1 mail v n an «»rd<-r on -nr druggist
y-. six hoitb-s Hr hh.P.p s Rheum.-,t
< ,r e T:»k»- •’ •••> ■’ nom: !1 <t rn.x n. k. ;
-/■ .. s ds, tin* ’ os’ is onry s'.so. If
< 'alls > v-dl p-'\' ,l - drugi-nsT mvspjf
nioro '.v-'.-ti > .all <j»- ide ,i.
m '■ -t ex ''l' I' t m the !
r.c »c ’.»■»! what J daitn. I don’t
•k , -a p-iu • f’om •
t ,i.-> Xa v m< r sample
n affect ’■» r d< Rh* ma:>s'm mes!
*■ dr ;gged . tin- • ge danger. I us..
» - .- v \ -bl •<, • )k, them
•• < ■ ■ And In all
■\ , ■ . • ■ 1 ' '»«”■ . f-sts- I
••d iit • . - - : ♦ ni»‘d ♦ha ' would
•x r -r : w-h ’-‘Ho - ou th* order
: nv ’•••nmu-- f--. a month a« it can t
1 arm e j -. v.-ay. if •: fails r :s fre*
Address T•• >l»es p .'.4*. Rac;n*», Wls
'.f’ld raert nn* c'onlc a•• often ‘<»d
, rr , pit ies A'
sutitnl Shirt
|.»>ni*‘ N" W<Jfc it
ictory. n»'turn It »t
r expense and we
II refund your
>nP' Th<- walßf Is
uh- wltbfivoclußten*
j»in ttjrkf. front
ea t f r Immed, On
jed with small pearl
ttnn.'*. Back haatwo
listers of pin tucks
A**t hnsthe new pm
tddervJ stork collar
>e skirt ia made of
;tro quality English
ohalr material, fn 7
tr»- flare style. Th'-
■it Is tbr same style
id quality thn? re
ilor - * sell f<*r 00
dor-* n.Ywblue. e.v
--r mixed. brown
ixrd Sizes 3*7 to 40
□ st. 22 O' .’*♦ wnlst. 40
« 44 length Lurr«r
ie* 10 rent rtn
~.>n receipt <>f
amr an-I address w*•
I’l «rnd VOU OUT
be ant ifn llt
1 FREE li'd.'"-
snits and --ti . r
——w»nnitapp:»n J
Layties Bros Mercantile Co.. St. Louis, Mo.
Many Infants Drowned While Lash
ed to Backs of Mothers—Awful
Night Was Passed by Sev
eral Americans.
Pappe!*. Mar h 1. vi.i Sail I riti 1 c.
March In -n ’urn ;p-'nd'-:> «*f the \ s-t
c-.itM Fr» -’LI i itcst p.t‘-llig-ur * i<l
- to ti».« hurr hi*- in th** Tuirnotu,
or low nr- hipi-laq > moo ties that tii- f.»
tMiti.'s wih n m’--r Th»- i -s of pr,. ( .
.:fV w ■ X’.tut... Red •( i n i.i •
h.i . bc- u institut-d The hurti*->• ;ii'l
high‘i Li t.-<l du-ing Januorx It 15
\ Hiku< • . 37■ deaths occurred,
in most j-.d’ among visitors from
other Nlnnd> Fran six other d-nui! i
Ln: i • 14L‘ ih-aihs or. r.-p->rl It 1- ’.)<
iiM«-\.'d th*- total io mb.-i <>f
in the • ntire archipdago a ■ mu it’--
Ou an is'and . mt h • < 11 L ' ■ •;
lives periMic I On o *f Jn.
l*i. hi the d.irkri- '.- ind uu<i-r i d r iving
d' xvi '»! rn i th if ‘ <nu !<>-•• tin I
haiv -i t - • H ;’u <• r ' » >•!.
•-d :’>• ?n ghf \\.i> ’ xvh.-n i '• - ;rg* -
t: ’ • J t:.J h i.' dewr.. d
t-< ■ , -]d girl • ■; unibi J I i th--rs and
mothers - He’-. . 0.1.-. i I t-» r» ’ iin th*
i ... th. I- ■!< -I but .<! b-iiu! h .»d
>. • al> IIP m 'i- t;.-d tbcnd- V’-
t.» (-ij.- tic- '-..n ' vxb.>- fi. l i t.
tr*-. < u oth' 1 tl’.Hlng debris until
Pl' k•■ • 1 i. • Jl;’ ii ‘ ■ 'llf'
Saved by Swimming.
\l. n,t tu . \ -. ; \• - !■> I’.’ a ‘ g’ »
swam • .* . y. m. nid I- ■'
. e . •. • 1 i tll i XX I’ h ■O- XX ■. -
wat • mu ; ; f 11 • : -'an.i xx a
..1 . i.> • t . 11 !•. I- . ’ !.'•
T> g.i i- f- - ind ’; • v. ■ I • ;
". .. > *yr : •
Q.ngp !> .XX : rd. h‘ - xx h« t • • !>•
a . - xx - a’-d to th wadi'-g
• H» d <• .■ I 1 • •) uh
M.- - .. \ •
11; Mui: ■ . .i . h : i M' i•. ; M ’
Gilbert, -f ’.o- r.atu i• • S-< nt- nr -Jot;,
in a t-> :h»- I'mt.-i S’.it.
Ki'•- gr»*x' <om. : ' hr tl
The G...UJ r ..’ • H ! Wl -•!■ •>
a b gb -t .-m. :
Th*- vx.i’T Wh;< h . »’! out •- 'rd rg
. 1 th* in. .• • • h» d on!' theh • ■
•hr xvi I th- . .1’ I.- m m
Ti’.ir i -M: -u ■ : i again ano
tip- \ rn. r. »< ' - d 1 d t ■. a < t>...'
•b. .. . , . ■ ■ . . . • : ;nt
Tr • ; : . X\ • . ’I ■ v C’ :
I’ ...rflgl
and pains tl w .<b
Sharks Devout Corp. 4 s.
h* .wn* Liu h d n -ran< d hx >
• *rnl th>- appr.nun • «f ’he •• orpd xx • ■
. •
the sld lid XX • I. ' d‘ ' ' • TTdd
br-i.. xx • • . in 1. •d" ■'! * "
. ’ . .• mi,.;..
mob *- 'Utt ■ * u: U o.' .h» • 11 ; 11 *
admirnd -f-n • •■• :■ '• ’ ' ,; ‘i ’ ’ ;
thirst or ui -• if a.•• < i o r
n.-mt.-'lid ■ ' » untm iida I*!.- J: - t>
11. f fr• ii hirst ...m- i th hi m •' •
l ib i wo • Ml G ■ • - '
.. ;-.l . I•• I’-' H’. l” dis v. , *-i
-;. i n.-- ’ • • •
!1 I . •. . ;. i Zc- li -
the uatt. •s, x* !<• I ‘i bn
aggr.-tr-p, •V-"*-' '*••' r Td* govern
nv-n’ '- - •■!..- r■■ I • • ■ ’•»
dk. I h 1U .. c bv. in Which i'ra.ue
Is exp.--:» 1 d jd
Relieving the Destitute.
\\ ith :h»* mon- • r;-l - p js r:d-', !
tha‘ diving m bin. s will l>c j) rcha -d
and given t-- in h-stil-d ■ rvixor- M.t
• blid i’,l;irr. f»u "JI hi iT-wd
di: r i’ig a .- r <»r ir • . ”ti d ; .i t. ! •
xvhleh hav.* i.v- n « loscd hitii ito to ma
cti.m* npi-rati«>ns
Supplies am . iii’lng io T joes sent firm
San Frauclsio and cairh-d fr»-o i.\ the
<’»-a rrr.r. ip Mariposa h.>\.* b.* n trans
f. i-i-x. t-. rhe Er. mb, j. rnl..- i Z. .1-*• t-. -•
ir.i nsjH.r! »u *o tin .b-’i’.uh na:iv.- Th'*
ur-v hind h--re l a lost h.avllv through
th* Ins dv *-u<" of n nru .’ >s .-r.-.blurs who
■ i .-e -. port.-.i gvi'-r.i.l ;' .-ii ' a-* S,. : u
S» a islands tn '1 t -i ;• • <- Island
ib- viol a i ex ■ • •iliia.-Jx -ir.-m-.
vv • ■ -wn down and tro- s ■■
Carter Harrison Gets It.
Chicago Marr - 16 Ma\--r <’artn Tl
Hajrison was renominate.; for a f* irth
term in the deniacri! • <o. convention
h*»-c todax
Odds Will Be More Strongly Against
Them in a Number of Years.
Some Figures in Regard to
the Electoral Col
By Jos: Ohl.
' XViishington. March 17. i Sp—■>.< 1) —ln
j th* discussion of th. possibilities of "b •
next cuiti-st for tht presidency, the fact
( that th. odd in ■ will be more
liy against the democrats than ’ hoy hav-.-
bc« n for a number of years seems to have
i been prett.v g.idra 11;. ovei locked oy
ith s j m*an that the electoral rullrge
j cm.iii i-.ns will be differ’ut. The c< nsus
<of I'.H'a 0,>.-•!•,i ted to increase the numt>--r
lof members of ihe eb .ro/.il < ohoge m
I such away ibat tin i.-put)-. an stat s of
1 :a- north gam *t tin* expanse of .a?
s:at- .- v». h ar • •><).-;.| c r-u i.diabl, Jcm
j ocr-Hic.
Number Votes in Co’lege.
■ rim-.' lx’»l ill-- ♦lei dural vote Oa- been
Ml Tin* id. .-ioral . ollrgn for i‘.'O4 v. jll
. of h'i \ ii. s that is. oin- f--t •a- h
i < f!.-i )-,.!< .'ii’a tix •* m congri s.-.
id- n ai!-' ; ■ !■ <■*.-.ral vo;< s ne. essarx
y. a eh. 1.-.* li'i-.h-t th* appomnient was
i wis .J 4. iindei tii.- new. the winner wtll
hav«- ti havi- d’.T a char majority of the
,rh ■ t..ral college
j thirteens-t O's comprising what is
I.: j’Aii as tin- did south will have 151
i votes in thr i-b-.'toial college. This h-aves
<-!.■ - no--’ssa ry !<> tiemoi ratio succ* ss.
all of which will have to c -mo from
;*-s liiat in i- ; ent years have be»-n g »-
. ing r<-pi;:>!i an. The sta’ea included in
ih- . ::• i:st are Altiuania. Arkansas.
!Io- da . <b Ix-iitmky, J/oulsiana,
Ml - Mi-S'-u’i North < r.dma,
S- .1 ! ' ai • < I • ioicssi . . Texas and Vii
l gmia
; Ai.-> a -!w two other states which
ho ■ , : ic’. i reasonably d«-m«H ratio
, . • t ; ■ f m". e:•■ .ni < lee t ions are
■ N<-\-id-i wi'!« thr t > votes and
' Maryland with right. Th*-s*- two would
aiiig * t dal up <> h.J. or 77 loss lb*nn
I tho : ,-.|iils:t •- majorh r
Could Lose New York and Others.
i jt will h.- apparent fi*'m this that the
r•.»,h i:• a n < o ■,! d los»* Now \or k with
.us o|e< »oral v-des and f*j\ other one
. . : I ;usv 1\ a nia or Illinois- nd
\ ; <-t j’.ditieiiUß h.»\e al-
w -th- pa-' :ig -< d that New York
; wIS r. <11; th.- <1 siding T-. ause as
N.-w ¥<uk xx nt. ? xx.-ut «A. mn*-ct icgi
•; N» w J.-ts-y. but the d«-in». r.i is under
w ’“o' . oul l i, u win with
. • -.. ' d ■ .- .d Now Y-u k. N*w J* r
y. < . .-* •. strongly
r- - ‘ i ■ day. ; \\ . < Virginia is
o . ... Ini, w a t o wi 1 pj lx t .-main
: t. g* :■ ;• r ' o.:»’« »*r "f ’iu !w •»
} . . , fl. tl •’!•- I >a. w hh'h Used
t (.• \ ' . . •: - I -ji ! • h. : -is
-. p•? »n pt i i o eof a derno-
}• »ii- d- mo ■ ir- \*-a' York N'-.v
j . , -id < ' ...e- •:! ' :o-\ rnm-t <d ’-I
\ . .i!-- •• - : ” i \ dos. The si;. Les
fr ..-.u w . u ‘ L • oom hope ■> '4< t
: ii • t. ;-ia t ’olorndo.
. < , _M ■: i . X' brisk., and perhaps
Hh Jo ! ~ - , , utly u ...p d, rn .
Tidal Wave Seems Necessary.
. . ,• ■ . •a ; < rid:;t m ■ ..*■ p-
. . . • a j .'<<re that ihe d'UK’crats. ,n
■ , : • win : i lAM. m t be aided, by
i a i. ■ I x\ a\ o es risentmen: t-.»awrd
• . I .:!,' as Wi‘i sweep into tho
.... •- ■ ■; m ; <: • ■ .-< win • i ar* .
< ■ - .. • miidonrc’iab’.y repabl-a a
; miM I ■ ‘.ineii in: < b-i a
■ ‘ . -if-iiu- -.1 * - ,n ■ pa . ing fr.j
■ . ib- ’ iin i. nr: t not only
npl. ;r -• mm ratio harmunx b.t the
r>. .i'gu mn i »* on* which w; ; draw
- •i♦ t ■ t■. -a :he rep-ibltrau side
u -i ■ - ’1 states wh ■ h a• • certain
q> it ■ < •
KT'.uij :inz Wilhelm Lands Him Sefe
'y Upon His Nt ive Soi
\- XK V. , r M .- -r; I‘h h o M
• .ini’ lx ro,. priuz M’i h- an from an *x-
. • ■ t ■ : .f i in.*,.-
Mi Si.- -id •• a-■ • x- lie:. •
• i •- • ><:■ 1 !1>«
id M- S 'iw.- . • . . mp-in 1 him
Guest Threw Lightei Match
• - » - • M M ” EV • o.
-v. • • d..c >■ t: f a ,’ght- d
.inch I • ■' in ins ••’■•m a tit.- wa
•i.<l to ini ■ xx- h ' • -.'ti all- .}»■ iroy
. ■ t 1 < ■ : ib-ij h '• »• < ’ ’mil a;.-!
y-, .tr.,i • :i’sing the ins
. f- >• d I1 • ie >• • -i lr - ( .j . .
Os Smoking Affected
My Heart
So 1 Had To Sit Up
To Breathe.
Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure
Cured Me.
'1 E s ■ .ill h.l- A u- •!'• dc’etrr
10ax riba i 1( p. :1 ’i,r h<;i.i' c: ' nerves
t'iar; ' *• r ■■r• -r ut I.i n and
i.nv!-:.,* ;oonn<i t;;* an <>ppi*ss **•
j'-e . i: i- iru. vLoe - .'.- Nation in t:;e
throat. ■ • o • it Loin slerj r.g on the 1- t
- and. :•!’!• : •* ng spells at n:eht xvhen the
sufferer •. to T u m bed to l>reathe are
the rn- d . ma -u -vrnpt >ir.x » (;•we ik bent!.
Sir . * .v. d •'I ! svnr,.lom< and who
d . ■ ' !::. >• ».r I ’i meaning should be
>xving e r ■
"I w.?< or*-.itlx ti . led with an affection
if t ’ < • -I > ii k ’(• * t *s .• •. r sin -kin*
()n w•ng to x tor ’• ‘ e I wan directed
t< • nurse < ’r*-jtment win ii in
- uiueu H M - ‘ li .R * :?**. Dr. Miles’
N>-v|i;r* : N-r\e;u.i Riils. together
xx 'li oat!) •.£, el Isa ‘bfuPx followed t 1 ?
dirr. tioiiMg \fn and am pleaxed In sax' that
mv (lire is <-m>p.~tr and permanent.
f..:e lite tr • of x •■nr remedies I
w.»s so j* . . / • 1 • ..i m t keep mv hands
•t il and xfiftf-d greatly Ironi severe pam.-»
R’-omid the heart Manv times at night J
xvouhl b* for-*• to A'---me a sitting posture
to get my brea’h, n*a I for the time being it
wo,.M e*m es Re > gh mv heart had stopper!
beating l*rum the ‘tpi-nJ'd remits achieved
in ;-p I > .an • !ie-‘rhd v recommend Dr.
Mues’ Heart < . r, R* loiative Nervire arid
other remr res D. a ) suffe r ers from ’ eart or
nervous troubles. '—Yours tndy, b lhah
Hall, Dothan. A’a
All druggists se i and guarantee first hot
s e Dr. Miles’ Remedies. Send for free hook
on Nervous and Heart Disease*. Acid mu
Dr Mfles Medical Co , Elkhart* 1 nd.
Hearing of Arguments ir the Anti-
Merger of Government Case
Against Northern Securities
Company Begins at St.
St. Louis, March IS - Eor the first time
in the history of the I nited States courts,
and by authority of ’ special (F f con
gress last February, four I’m nd States
circuit judges ar.'* sitting togeih' i to hear
arguments in a case, the triai being the
light of the governmen* ;igain'-t rhe
Northern Securities Compa n of New
Jersey, in the celebrated nui;;<r suit. I’n
dei this speiial ait. the I’mt.j States
circuit ■ ourr for the district • ; Minnesota
is holding its i s in Si bonis m
the appellate i onrt room, -i'.d l,\ thia
a rr.i ngorn.-nt the can g> mni’-diate
ly from (his court to the sunj.-ine court
of the I’niled St-at-s. wlni > m the
general court proceeding it W'.uh] neces
sarily go through the circuit ■ mill of
appeals and delay of from two *o thr**e
years would pmhab: ' ♦ c Th*- hear
ing of th*- cas< in Si I. >- i merely for
the personal cu.\‘ a tie- of ' nos.- con-
Four Judges Present.
The four judges before whom th* mer
ger rns<* is being argued arc I'nit’d
Stales- Circuit Judg c a |dwei; Sunburn.
Thaym au<] Van I >’•; *n 1 »-r. J .idge Cald
well pre id!ng
The attorneys f<»r 'he,m- nt are
X ss: an t All ■ l l i" ■ J a mm- M.
Re<-k and William H l>ay, ,-n . Special
Counsel I>. T Watson, <d Pittsburg,
Cnlted Sialo- At! - I‘. !’ JC’I. of
St I .o.iis. nssistll g
E r th<» North* I - Sm uri’i- * Company
ar< form* r Ain- fb •• » t i J W.
Grigg--. I.»rrn»r G. rg- P.. Young,
of St Paul. M I> Grov- r, g.-neral attor
ney forth. ’ Xortlmm Itailrad
Company, ami C W Bunn, gvtmtai aPor
tmx for 'he Norilcrn Pacitu
M * 1 of todax s sslon w.i> taken tp
win ’he pr-sn;!.»• : of arg im-mt for
the R»v*-rnm»mt Assista* Attorney
i b-ner.i 1 R» . i; I in tu» a f l»-r no<ci a i
gumem to- ih»‘ ;<•»-' 'Jmrn <’em
i anx v.< - •■* g m A l ’-»rim •it org-- R
Yoimg. of S: Pa m ’-.Mor bring ,
tra nsporia lion . i ■ -mem • In r- -'
Hr oprimd l> i !'■ ' -k- hiog Cm uilii
iug of thr Wrrhrtn railroad uul
its rn on : J‘,i. it! • --s’
Aft* : Jndgr Y.» ha i pok»-u 1 ha’,
an hour roiirt at t.adjounmd m,i.'. t -
rnorr.-w mormi.g i’ «' * ik h
limo Judg*- Y-> • xxlp eonb.m;- Im a e
Beck’s Argument.
Xu iLstra. i of Mr Pa-ek s ogum.’J
so ;.'W*-
It w'o d b- d : ;L Hi to minim •• tn*
Importan. • t.-;- i-* .*■;.-•■ F- xv
'•om : wiii h aft. <1 ■ c u at.-
ut s’.» h n.a gni t ;d A ii : 11 few-' win h
more Vltily ..I;, IEI Um W’-if.H- m :.;r
A merman ja-o; b
■ls comp* ting ••.i-i- an f.»rm » >
Lb'. p«'rm.i n<nt aml o' ■ • :.x; ■«m Um'i -
tion with ttidebmu- ami p»-ip- ' i • .w-r .
througii fh#» simp’ dm. •- of a so ■ alb- I
holding o; u > ' i: .. a t ■:d• ■ r .«
state cha
’ r.a ft! :ru ny *••'><
J'‘S7 with its ire ' pooling, ami
whicr. !ho law h.i • :r« •<m •in: •■d ■
, i* u both tin n'tici -t.u• mm- : • -i > • '
'he 3C| of Jab .. iPi.) -. h if w-- ;c -:
-n.1.-m- at. »•, ~f , ; , ltl y . m •
si - • ■ ■ ••: • : I • • . ’ : m
will be rm.litied » ti pow’ i - f imi mJ
mils. w!m wfl! • -low :■•..• imp'-;.: -•
of Hm d‘ at rd v i’d ‘ th Aim i!- <n ;- ■>
P •
H- i*-fe: t--d ’ i.-egth : ■ tn-’ ex n.m
whi h led Up > llm • p, o. .. o! ’ie
But -it ci ' m aud t efcr . ;•>Ja tm •
Illi J P. M< y. i •• d E H. H ■ r m.t u
lion, tm gia i u a'- -d Im • ■»
, --j 'la ■. out ' al' Hl’.' 1I • '
m : tb* d tio :;-» ; a ••’.■. ; t b- w• / . i
flnam-'.al puw- .- IO .au<»! th*’ N--’tli'mi
P»• ill railwax. ami till >agh I > a*- B :
Hngt >n syst* tn, w ' • a dru -. ts-c n
panic o! Ma- .’ Ib’l whrn Northern Pa
in. t ose to sl,in : a sha? a. II- •!. I’ mb-d
•at u'i*t this pani. hud shakm the
,i :l,r i m ,»f ■ m \\* rid ’-u*
>nt* s: ants »-n:. : a' i:.t > n d*tlnil •• •: •«■ .■
of p.-ace win-; •,m M Morgan xv.m •• -?
nn t- B t . . ant! - * m- bn • d ■' ' : • ’ •
w• re to be aa i m-c z ’ : ’lm oom ■. c»f ini *•: -•- : p ! '‘
oped mg, an !"• ’ ! nh •' u
Ext i nordirm * y Powei s.
Sa ti *x''3 •• • j.ow. rs w.-t I,- ■
• i grant'd to a v-e uu
wo*d- it** powers nil ■■■• ■ : ' ; «•
foil iw •
• •
4 l 1■- > ill* | ■ml I Vent•» ': ■ > 14
!■, ,l<b t -
•i; w,: : int. r* -img '•. H'H -w on: th--
p.. Uh.u; - - •■- ‘a • : -a> i a
. cd,
v »..'lm I.e imnil ■ln map ! .
X *O,l '• . O’ t !.' No- I he, u Se it,. -
I - nnp im. . mi m- ‘ 5"1 .-a u
(Im Buri’;nglo n N-.rilmiti P*• in in;
, • • N-.i rm- : ’ m »ml alt s- H , -j.H-
a’ 1 . e«uu p.i ttb-- -x •” ' aggr-gau-
<y ! („(>>> LH) ir. it ’i- 1-a• < I o! dll (■ :
• A b.o •• h d ngs o- No ihcrii tii ■
may Im compa i a u\r!\ Insjg.iiii, -m. mi,-,.
. iri-ig :u- ion . o their otlb ■ >,■ < ’ir'
a .imiitle* With pox* Io i s ..-id o ii---
t I;,. .» t i th- <■.P'■' -I t 101 l at I.: .1 ir-
Tms « omnii’ t* ■ tm’ ,t! •’ :hi m
in: er .' d • t * ’• ' d* I- i mln I
■ :*.) na
■ y.' ooal rig me whh . in : .: n
~ n •>!.- •u‘ ’• • • I” ' of im Bit
'.ington. N-.flh-’i. I’a-m ami Great
Noith-ii. (Mmuavi ,:| ! .. ib- ; d;a v
. < mp.iniew \\ ho- m >. he (t y <>f t -. l(
P . ■ it ti: gam/ . t ion xx * h* - - .era
, | whi. h . ■:•■ •■ : -’ l ' d ' ' ‘ ami :m
UP : .-ui ahi-- p..\v- i o -I -
Mr Re -k . o'io id. d t ...■ I’m ~..-<rds
No. th. f p p., : th Gt* .-t rib. rn ami
p.m lingtoii .*■ ' i; 1 '•» --• gi • i;m 1
th.'.l nil inl’ias-v w<t «* .;.r* -mt-d oh
per ‘ , WO! km,; ' -mbinmion b.d been
, fl.-ered win b . r'.U ■' I* « Be- th-*. I! arm -
evHtiupnt;. I • si n ~ t 1.- •u ' , (U |„ .
t;\.- wliohp trnHog'' wns ov‘i' 7
H„ nnulvz-' 1 • SI,- in an , ,ti trust
Inw ..nd . ,m-n I- : I ■...>!'■ p-.. .1 sn.-I. a .•..tubinalu.ii
Rights of Stockholders.
To th,. . l inn tli-i: '' 1 ' -t .. khohler
ba - tin- right to ,il-p • • o |,is prap.-iv
a( hk-asin. . Mi i;-< •' I no
iraliviiln .l .-an, ' i ornl.ino; ion with <>th-
vlolat- th.' anti trust law Irrespective
oi the ,-ibstra- i pow--- to <• ||. the le
galitv of th" tran i n tmist turn upon
tile power of 11-..■ North- m Securities
Company to buy the stock ~t two eon
stituent svst.-ms, and Illis, h-- lonteinletl,
did not exist ti vn-w of the pro'iston
of tin lav. which 1 uhitl- tine attempt
to monopolize ompctiti. ■ tiatlle.
In eonidasion Mr. Jlr h said
I’ll-- American people -ire both mn
rervativ, and pra tical. aid when the.
recognize that monopoly I-' beneficent and
lompetltion Is an evil, th- \ will icpeal
existing laws and by positive legislation
[Test for Yourself the Wonderful
Curative Properties of Swamp-Root
To Prove What Swamp-Root, the World-i ;iinous Kidney, Liver and Blad
der Remedy. Will Do for ¥()!’, Every Reader of The Constitution
May Have a Sample Bottle TRIT.
/ f f,: \ . V - j c h
b :C" I • d
V- CHIEF. LJL ‘ - IkJ L .... 7. UMC; 3 MAN l
GENTLEMEN:- Somt* two years ago I was so run down that ! ■
could not sleep nights. Sometimes it seemed as though my back would break in two after stooping I had
j to get tip many times dining the night to urinate and go often thiougli ' ■ - : , .p, r- ■; ph/-
! sicians prescribe for me without relief, I decided from my .symptom '~c ■ ■ < j W p. p r .
Kilmer’s Swamp-Hoot, the great Itidm-v liver and lutidd - retn. < ■ \i • ■ h ro .
1 suits. 1 purchased six bottles of the regular siz.- ami alter taking m a
a wonderful remedy when a man is not feeling wel'. alter ixposuie. or ; , . t f ' >-| r. ,i- rn als. Ir
is also a great medicine to lone up a man's system. Other im-mlu->' ct r. om-
niemling Swamp-Horn. They like myself, cannot say too m ; 'li in pra. ■■ .. t- t- •..
The Officers (whose signatures accompany fit's < tt> r), as well a. m.' ■■■ \ j t • 1 • . ■; ;• -it
have acconij'lisln-d in the compounding of Swamp-Hoot.
Wp remain, yours very truly.
<To Or. Kilmer .\ C<>., / y I ''' ' ' /
’ Binghamton, XV. " ■
' z z
OHieen? of the Bingh.'imton, X. X . '
Police t’epartmeut. t - ' i ,tr<<n:a ■
If •.,.!) - - k • ' . i,'<lly.' 1,,-glu taking the ' . - , r Kr ., •
ni »<is --W d.-- □’ 'i ' I>' Ixilw -■ S.v.Hup Rou t .-•- '. ,v
n- s ,M)u - - . o.- I. (Ht. • ii* W' ll they will h*lp -<L ti - i liv--- tr<*-;!»:• ... . ■ \
• .>!■• t«» X - ’ll X’. ill ■•>11X1:1 ’• Hl
\X *■ 1 k .1-;.) < • t .- k.. 1 TM-X < i «•.«!■• >:isibl' f • rn - «r*- : ’■,( ■ •
«'J ■ ; I iU • : Os hfT <IIS- ■ ’b* :
for. . xx- b<• 11 ’■ro . • > i »•••■!■ '.ii.'- k: • N ’r *
, bb- ie i.• i■ • . u, ;■ :•: : - »R <: ' sin- i"
i rjizzv ’■ x. Hid !’’t.)’»>:■ \lak- >u p o’l.-u i r.. ;vh tb. d.iv 3U.1 I.bhg’--’ V<n: ;-t •;;> c---<T’T r- dv
m.iHx tim- (Inr.i n i ■ uii’b’ I'nh- Hth. kitjt \
rl«.--i'U<!' tn. i. ■ ii 'iih th.- bladder. p:>:u i -I;. '
|-‘J >I!'»R Xi T, N<»'!’l'’i Sxvanu- Root, ib gr* d kldtu
I v . :1 -I!::;. i.! I b‘ ■ U UEl'iv by V-’b tl lii '
. -• .■t. I JU.lil. Xi " t
■ . Bl- tß'- ’> ll> ' t .<1 * • H*l tLI - gPI •f ‘ fl • ! \,I T a XX
I > E o. I s. '■ ■ RiHubanHon N X
1 •., . |R. id- -If 11- ' 1 t hat Sxx •:u Ib • •’
’ dv ' bt.-- at tlHi d> :g (• • er- !• ■ik
Ixl'Ui' • Sxx Hl.; Root and tin tddre Bl \ X oi
’ '-nil th i ’Hn* i'. h )• *H<* : '•> if
th. G; •■ d ‘ ■! ■ f ’ ’ ! ! w ’ ‘ ■ I
t , o\ .i . - ig tr that »b”
HUl'* rail V ; <1 • 1 a.i ■ •UH: \ . on’ h
tl- '. t i '
..or - ’ ■ u t» ’ ' m g tLG
nu-rgei n ba--- b-*-n and what'-vp?
i v vio’.i t - \! -t: ng la x\ . w. -
c.-nf the i rple - to -I’ • ’u- d »
In the Spring.
'l'l-.e H’d or- a’> • ’’»< • • rish* d »"f d : n
..: d r !* : XV! U't dll . 1 :
li .il on ti;- id. .-I ri-ldh.a A of all mi
purlins itvl n -i.’ - ' it r i« and .'bn
IT t).. ’,lti.!:. .-• lE'il.’X (• b l. ’’..:!
!■ . d
1..- i th in I • F gt ",d ding Up ’b
whole svstetn.
Mr< B ‘ • B ■ ■ - k T 2 D’ - ”-• : 1
P.i - jklvp N X’ * • I b *• « h• -■ •
Ho -J s 'i ■! I.i I •U.l Fili U«1 ’•*'!• ird ;
i t -torn I : a*- !.. ■■•! • B’. .. -
p.-> rill’ and f'd • *i* h.>s . . t :
Henry Watterson Again Attacks the:
Foi in#H President
: ■ k \1 ■ i: 5,.. . .
.• •. \. *. •.• . nd*- 1 a t- d th. d-uno
I. . . -lading <■ ' -d H'
r . at* gr. ■ t ! . . *b-un ■ i? s
of ’ w>- ! ,i !!• I S'': i' h Mi ’ \ t!' u '. .( i
th">' ib tm ' •! \*. • k»- i’ •■lx •
xx . d th tu ■ ’ s «■■ I
1U- > - • . - II u• ' •■!. II- '■' -id
!iio< I. :ilg 'i.* XV;. 1I x ■ i-■ • in !In
S\ •U id b. i;• * : ‘ W > XX -■' •
11- ! ei d ■ d . Hi ■ -i! \x t: - ii-. i -
•Bt al- . nd h -• \’ d IB h’-’ 1 ■ >(• ;
’-:<' 1: - \\ »• i•• U I d ’ > Ill’ll x i
.-, i - whih 1 w ’ ’i ■■;!• hi ,dg<-. in a
* uhi di■ ~' • ■ h ' i.t i;• -b ••tnb •■- i »
. out ;rh i d ind •>• Hitt. •- "i ag'* of
-p.HS.- h ,H ■ Biot Utui- •’ tk ng • < --•• !
1 List of States He Will Visit Has
Been Given Out.
Wusiiinx• Man !i t- S. -i al '■ iw '
, ernilm In- a ppr.iactiiuy om of Ihr j
«cst ar.l uortawcsl Tl.- Itocra:. of .
ee;, z k V;;:."’,,.::" TV*:! I
| h- m.-ruing -i April I and pr<>< - t ■ di- j
| ~Hls l.x th. l’*un>\lvania • tilroad to |
I Gh. 1.-avmg (dmag.t G.
will M..- ;hi- BE!.- important p-inl> •:> I
XX:- •i.n-ln, and .n- I’-.kmas ■
! arrixmg a’ Giumb.u M<mt Xptil '
. Cinnlbat is at (b- «uHrai:« c of '< h* X«
I low slum- park Tib- pi • id.-nt s train j
will bv si*l« tia<-k-d th*!-- until Friday. :
Apr ! a I’rv-id- nt H* v*-lt. a- • ompa-
I Blvd !>\ S«- !«-t H . Root Hid John Bur
! "i>gb*- th*’ I-n itut a list of Nd xv York,
xx h<» has br.-u Invito i to a» »mpany th*
partx on ih»* trio will make’ an extond-H |
■,.,)• ,>f th, . How-i"- * tniiional park. ;
n:,d* - th< guidon- • of M il") Pitcher, |
i the park superintendent. On this trip :
the president will be escorted by a picked j
■li Jim* ’I - II- .p i ill •■:• ~X
I '-.ring th. • r , pr • ,
m tn\ ; -h- X r t ; H v
«iu:• Mural:- will • .
them ’a TI -r> ■ ->.■ ■ . j ' :
hn ■,>.,
Roosevelt Moy Visit
.xx ' ■ ■ • - ' p
They Will Both Sp. o' St I
\i ■ ,I! ' - W I
-■ fifing fPTF
'WK »?
g Sa 1 e Te n Mi Ilion Boxes aYear.
I zm Udi n 1
Oi I Ek I Air U-’’- Ai
I 9
H an c y*c hart 9
Era AU B
YyJ 25c f 50j3DrogrUts
; - - - A. v, .- la.G.