Newspaper Page Text
Neither Miners Nor Mine Owners j
Must Discriminate on Account
of Membersnip or Non-
Membership in the
n .shington. March 21 - The r. port of I
.!■' mmis i m appointed by the pn-.-i
--d n: list October t ■ investigate th" an- :
tit.strike wa • ma,l> public to- i
’1 lie report is <i:i:,-.l March IS. :m<l is i
t-igneii by .til the memlr.:-' of the eornmis j
.-1 ■’, v. ho ~ r■ , J mII< I.■ >i m < lr.iv , m' D‘T- ;
atvar, . I»ab >r <’ommissioiv) (•■■rroil T> I
Wiight. an.l Brig <;• :> Jiii:i M Wilson. .
b■: ii of til's .it \ . 1i: - hop John I. ■
t- tiding. of Illinois I’.iomas II \\ iilktu- j
m Pennsylvania, an.l I. !w 1.1 11. ' l :-k. I
■ 1’.,;;.1.- [. |
ihe rop 'd is to 1.. I :• t- id. and will .
a p i;:: -, I py t . I :■ • i-t.I k a ;
b th. ■ 'mniission. bit ta ■ fni on’> th’
t«, t p. . has Hen i rit.'. I This
In brief the commission recom- I
mentis a general ’.n-. rea. ■ in wages I
amounting in most instances to 10;
per cent.
Some decreases of 1 . ne.
The settlements of all disputes by 1
arbitral ion.
Fixes a minimum wage and slid- ■
ing scale. I
Pi videa a.-.iin-' d: -c initiation if ’
persons by either the miro owners :
oi th" mint . s •I 't • -.ber-
ship in a labor union, and provides i
that the awards made shall continue ;
In force until Mai b 31. 1903.
The commission niscu .so.' to some
extent the matter of recognition or i
non-recognition of the miners' union, j
but declined to make any award on j
this matte:
Recognition Urmn ’ : Settled, i
a :
Skk and helpless
I Have Discovert ti lhe Mir
velous Secrei •)( Life and
i (ii\ t iTee i) You.
’■ Heal the
Sick dr t Cun '!:■ MMim Com:-
'l< 'li ■ , 11. >h.. M ..riili.Ms
l <»iq.. n . liis.’oi ... .1, I n.l l<>
K 5. WT ttx&sx??. T-i-AEir jc-Tr?; n-'v»i
■" : A-•T
lit* !ht» I* •* over* <1 fhr ‘•»<vrrl ot I !<<•’* !<»r
H. < urv* th iJncMM- W till Hi-
m ;h . - I !•' .4 • lutt !y
n ' •!;. of] • • f •• .:4s Y«. H
i i; i . : -i f -i •-i . n.t know :
T ‘ J I f < I’l <:i; •* .
1-t nu M
i ■ ; .1. I’J XX ••. Ind . and I
• . uim ■
u ■ ■ p- -nipt
a .;<! ■ i - i • • v r ; ■ >4 in v
t .r. . \ . I ■■ l-'l ..1 ■ tn in ■■ i
Umm hat I bav. t-ul\ .1: ... r..<l the :
l- ref
and repression of the union he need not be
surprised if the empradieal ones are the
ones most frequently heard."
Thep express the opinion that diff. i
en. es can best be settled by consultation,
lit the employer with a ' . ommiltee
chosen l>\ his employees" but they add
that "in order to tie entitled to such rec
ognition the labor organization must give
■ the sant recognition to the rights of the
< niployer and of otliers which it dema’ids
: tor itself and for its members."
| The cotnmissioneis also .-onelude:
The union must not undertake as
sum,-, or to interfere with the manage
men. of th* business of the employ. >.
They also pronoume a untenable tin*
contention that " t m.'ijorit . of the cm
ploy. es of an in.lustrial by v 'i.mta rilv a
seriating themselves in a union acquire
authoriH over thus, who do not so asso
ciate themsrlu’s.”
Increase of 10 Per Cent.
i l-'oliowing is the < ommis.- im s own .- im-
1 tn ary of the awards mad. :
I I. That an inereis. of in per cent
I oxer ami al.o\o the rat's pai lin thy
i month of April. ll'T.’. be pai.l to all
I . oiltract miners for , uttine coal, x.ird-
I age and other work for w.ueh siand-
I ard rates or allowances existed at
that time, from ami after X ...-i no r
’ 1. 19®. and during the life of this
award. Th, amount of im re.i tin-
, del til * av..ird dm 1' ’ work dope be
tween Xo nib. r I J9u2. and April I.
I Illi).';, to be paid on or before June I.
11 i'li if th.- <-t:gin : employed in
' hoisting shill li,'.- hi inerea <•
of Io p. r . ent op th.-: 1 <at ni.-igs ...
I tween Xovetnb.r 1. 11' 1 '". Hid April I.
1 1-. :to be paid on or b.-for- .lime I.
i I'.Ki'l; and irom and .ift’i .April I.
and during th. Ii f< <.»* th a « ard. 11:. \
shall have eight hour shifts, with the
■ime pay w hi. Ii'. .ti'-- in Apri..
111-,-’, and when t'm-x h m w working
■ n,ht hou- -hists. th. ,ight limn
hiftx ••• iv- an im-r- . ■ .if )<• ; r f t
■ ..■ the wages which w ,-■■ off. tae in
: tn ■in i■h. 'i \ pri I'.'' 1
At all hl .rings befoie s .id b.. i rd the
j par ties Ilia-, be r< pres, nt.-d b-. mil
‘ person ..• p. . son a tie .ma>.i ■ .• ,
! I iv.-I; .. 1.-, i.
X o p asion of, work - H take i
' phi. e. by lockout or si i ike. pending |
i i:.. ad ittd. a lion of in mat let a ;
I tak. nup for ad lust m. n:
\ \A lu-ner •rn ■, i-.- to.I I', a m..,i u -
it v of the iop I r.> -t niinei o any
' :i. r. .chk u . iglim. n k .Io- k -
ing ho: - or both. hill b. .-Up ■ iy. ..
I The u ages if -Ik w - g iim -,
i ~i.d ch -. k do. king 1.-, s.
fix. .1, . olh ted an : paid bv t i min
ei,. in such m.inm i .is th. aid me;
I . : shall by a ma.i city ot. ■ ■■■
I when 11 quest.*d 10. .. ni. < |.-I 11 'of SUl'i I
min- . i ■
v. . s I i for ell.-, k w- .11111' I. "li'l '
■ho k <li. king ho out ’ <b dm
toi ■ m id. pi oporti..- at- -. from I •
bio.., is th< in i.ior.r of sa.d min. i - (
hall det.-rmine
\ ' Mim .1 in ’ l>. <1 ... : i I
im.e.g mim r- v. .I. ,
• nifot .n!. id a equitably , n- -
Sible and 111. 1-e shill n d
. Iloi t .-ii t ... part a ■ ■ m w t■. ■ s
or .co . llier;, or ■ ■ : ■ I- limit 1
tlu .ut put o' : u- o tn c.-i i t.
:.--rn Cm- n ; 1 .: - -'I : ■ •’ i'k p rs.-. ni
,d. . :d- - sin h limi'’ ■ i s .t ■ it;. t
b.. tn . mformit' t • in ig-eetm ut !
tv. .ti 'i>,.c a t ~r ipo '.tC"s tnd ■ .
\jl in il ... u.• '• nimci
pa id bv the ■■ 111- in ■ . - ■v. ■o- 1
lb.. . ontr.-u I n. rs i b.: -I nJ ■ i
*L i ;ir>' in n-'*. ih*' i ‘Pping >i
■■■ ■ -i '
Sliding Scale Fixed.
\ HT. '-1,. ■■ . ,w n slid. --f
p. ; - I th* n» imurn - -
.... ' .. h ;i t m th. .. ! ;:•!
I l.e $1 I P to
■ i-
N . More .-Polic "
,m -.1 : : ■
• • of
A era : . -110..- - --m. nt . f til. I ws in
r e ■ to ■-. eii-., ■ ■ a. nt I .. !' '
.■ ■ 11. ' ' H-d i'l g .- ru
mil . of ■ .irq. . i. ■-i :‘ ■ ■
diffl. .ill. - ’! h. . on: iir, Apr. s
the opml'.fi t .. . wltn as. w in la. ti"
. i.-rai el of 1,. I-. 1,01 :• ss, .11
ing i -ornmi -si.-n I tti- .-onti- rsu .
i. -. w. n ia . i ■ ..1 d ■ u-p. .| ■ll ms no. I
<-oi..mon ■ rrn-i.s . mild be made tii> -i i •
of a law for arbitration in the .-intin
. .. mining buslm-s- Th.- . omnm
s ■ -a. v. ■ tak. . .h led p -t'l.m
iu-mst vonq . l: -uy ...rr.nion <jn hi
j. th* y .old a imgthy .-■ .mmentary.
v I'iell elos.s in tin- so Ijigu ige.
|-;;e ebp.l benefit to be derived from
iggesti'.': In r. in made l'.< s in plac
•ng 'll'- real fa- is and th- respond l.ilit \
: si. a condition luthorit.itiv.'ly before
the people that the public opinion may
er . stalize and make Its power telt.
I < -.. ,id such a I onimis'ion as th:'.: sug
gested h.i.e :>'■ n brought into exist, m-e
11: Jun. lasi we 1.. li.-ve that th- co il
i famine might have b. . n ..--ri.-l .-er
■ in' th'- suffering al-i ■!• pri\ a; mn
might have been gr'crly mitiimt.
Total Strike Cost $99,100,000.
Tm-se awards am! r, ommendations
| constitute the cl 'Sing part of the report.
The earlier page-, .ami by long odds tile
larger portion of the report, are devoted
to a review of the controversy which led
t<> th.* pre-i<l<*in’s a<*tiun iu appointing
the ctunmission, to th.* nppointinont its.-l!
.'tnd to th- proceedings of the commission
during i's t x;s:»*n<-- They review In a
g.-neral v..: ? tin* pr. ■ i : ini oi anthracite
coal. :• fer Io the small area of country
in which it is produced and dwell at some
length on th- niarlct conditions and th**
pries of coal. Thr\ a'so refer to the
hazardous nature of .1 .it in unite coal min
ing and give an estimate of the los-
estimate as follows:
As to mine owners $46,100,000;
to tiie mine employees in wages, v
$25,000,000; to the transportation
companies $28,000,000
Th< c'immis<b>rr makt-s < immary ot
th* <hang<s »>f the t-omli t>• »:i - which
<au.'*d th.- -Irik-, including their p 1 i
><mal ohyrva (ion of the conditions which
the product ion of ant hr;oii o < o.d involv •.
and coining flown to th*- ♦a m i i<.‘t ti ( >n »ind
; t’oss oxamina: ion of witm. th--v
ha\giv. ii Ire. s<-op. t. rh-* c.ains'l who
Tuprcsoiited the (i]n T’.iior--, lhe non-union
rn» n and the mi:i-T ~ ni.i they <!•-
'.o{.-d an - utii' w» ek to hearing t i- ir ar
g union'
Th' •'on i m .i.c i’- uk-o s.iy that while
thorn havu- Ih-.-u tllffo’-.-a.-' of opir.i>m
among t homs< ; vos. thcro i -’. - r ha - been
,i Einio diirin:.; th.- live Uicuths of the ’ \-
i f.-!i<-o .-f tin- <-.unmis^ l - hi when ih'-re
w ■< .-in unplc i- mt v ord spoken among
thorn. ”' r any indication whaler- r
thought oy do ir.- < f aught a e futh
■ d just if < *
Increase About 20 Per Cent.
\ow \ M. •• il -.’l Th'- ini'! -.■ • "f
th. .inih o .o-j, (i * >)V
tb.o .1.-, i )..n the ’.' ike
nnu •- J l .. i !.di ■ . ■ idu •h pi • •a*
• I ot . o Iwill - • ■l\ '* I) i. ■■ ■• :
c'.o •• ' o '* t <• • t in v. ; . !h<- ■■ ' ■
,'gn (Id* v. to pi .>• Hard < nil a Perth
.Xnio- • i:.g • tm. \ I "okia
li on. f I Hckin-o > A I hlfr coal agents
of ip. <>• • ■ d A . ■ -it o-l 'od iv
■ tht tii:o wa ’ • prlet lu of gr ■ ’
;il w Xi . 1 .y:-. to . ’
cln - t nut. SA. Tm< Would mak-- tL<- av -
' .ip - j i.-. g -•• ■ box pi • < ■■ -i
n. -st S”, uuj .;•< w tj. min. f» •Jh pc-"
't .•- ! di(!o-> ; ■ t -i. " - -■ ■ l mini
mum *d an ill owed
: Eli ■ - I-•U -i >n : I OI) 5••
•-U - ! I’!.: p: !< ' V'l'h I ; <• a t v. .rib”
t ’ll 4
Coal Presidents Are Silent.
N- -a York M- 1 ■ i i a n to
• in*, the pl< . Ol tie "|- . ting COal
ad I to ;; •!.. ' ; !• >g o
itil tb. h"I tiim to Mimi • j care
l’r. i nt ' ‘Lil. • .• Del
AH' I. o k wi r ; \\ - tell'. v/r:
th. • . d • t ■ d who .de that
so ha. 1 I. - !. - . ' ■ .
U. • c: Tiiott. I • high Va‘
I. d ' •' . ' . to dis
th- n.-. i(■ ■ - ;id • -d tb.“
i. port. •' ' rh■. I'li- ? - -a m .-<• *
ns** of '.ilh ioo now that • u nolo ma. -
Notice to Contestants.
. :•! ttm WHI b. 1 it • ;o • Kt W •
Entire Eeil Before Bullets c-f
M . • ia
f. n. K . M X
e , . : > ar :. u- 1 -.Vi'i
. m,-.e\ and a ; id v.
Tom Job.nson Nominated.
t; . ■ • • :. n -n t ■> •
Hanged fm Kj liny; Daiuhtr-r.
\HI n. M . ' • h ‘c ■ ■ • ' : w
Without Medicine Person-- Pt r<nanently Cured
by 'kr.’.ii. I'oot Drafts 1 .ast Year.
Thev Will Cure \'ou.
I rial Pair PR?Ji i>n \pproval to
Any bodj - iry '< hein.
) 1 Ann
m ism ■ ilv-
- ~-i< . li’ 1-. mill'
- ■ - -n
y; h <-o •.■ . ■• d i .AV
i .- ..} ■■ i : !.-■ ■■ •
i;. I • . e, < • iI: .1 ■ k
•.i . : ’ ; -*i pain
,\i . h i )g Ibe m in .
E . tc;- I *m 11 1 and m> ny
! h : ’ I:■ •-1 ill ' a book
». .. t • • *■ ’ ’: v. f u
S- i.d ; • moiiev w<- m ■ ;< \ our
I~i me 1:d v. ■ .i I •'. * i ■ u .. ».i :d, a
p,.- ot Al ■ -:u I i ' f ; if '” • <: •
s:itisli.?<l with tb-- relief th-\ give vou.
Ihvii .-. nil ’hi 1 ><»’, ir If i."l. d.iii':
s. n.l u ' -.’it. " know 1, .vj ,-om-
: ..rt li-ipi'in :I. ■vi r. (■ i’r. .1 ml
w. w i -ii i" l--i'. t !:■ rn . ib. 1' wh\
w li-' w bin-.; m t.ik" n iy ;if(p|-
tb- " ’i’k ‘1
'l'll., 'll-.llls :l ■ worn "Il !'"■ S"h-: of
lb,. I■. 1. I.:, lii ■' ••11 - • ib- min 1! in in
. V,’l V i' Hl ■' t •• w l':L oil'
Iml :i bs.'i bii s t! ;.i-■■■ 11 11 on) 'ln s•• s
-1, hi. i,|. g’ ■ 11-. noli Img Ii . g- u
1 iu Hili Tr ■ Ih- m I-' If I I Write
1... 1.. 1 to M . I 'ooi 1>,.1 ft ■ - . j
.1. < >li\ -i building, Ju k.-.'ii, Mich.
They Have Just Closed Annual Ses
sion at Madison.
Madison. >March 18. (Special ■ Th:
thirtieth annual convention of the Geor
gi.'i Stilt,- Sunday School kssoclatlon. an
organization comprised of members of the
various denominations of the stat'-, as
-■inbl.-d lu re In the auditorium last, evi -
Hing .-Il , i., o'clock. Th" hall was artis
tically de-oi-at.-d with tlm emblems of th.-
~ " oi-iaf i.,n. i., utifiil national flags of
various sizes and flags bearing lhe r"d
cross of i-'irist with the inscription: "By
Tin- Sign We i’linqd'-r. ' l-'lags ol each
kind wrim grouped together iii various
sections f the hall, and the effect was
in epi I ing t , 1 h». v - I audience
The i.xei-.-is- s began tlii.-i morning at Tl’.O
ocloi-k, tlm ib-votioiial services b.-lng
londi.l'-t'd by m- Joe Broughton, of At
lanta. <'ommitt.'- s on credentials, nomi
’..ltious, I-. - .liltlull e .-Hid ollie -rs wr- ap
pointed - 1-T-, ■:-•!< I•- nt linin' Marion ' • ,-i:ir-. of liu- International
Sunday School Association, spoke elo
quentl'. i", "Th" l-’roiit Line in Organ
ized Sunday S'-ho--l Work."
j-rot's -■ • >' It. i i-i'-r, of Mai-on, gav
an int'-r-simg address on "i'.m-b.-r
'I raiiii:■ 1:. lb . S M Jolmsoii, of i'lil
. igo, epoi". m- I'hi mil:.’i 1 onqu.(.'ru
.-mi,-,' -I" ins midi-w.-is one of tlm
1.. : In ~i Tlm pimgranmms for the
.1 ■ 1 ‘-rnoin,| uigiii. .is . .ii'iied out. wr"
2;(i(i I>. , .t:oii:il S'-: viv . ' ',mim’ted by
J J 1 ■ bb. Mio-on
■ 1;. -| . . 1 V. • I'e.i'-h. ' I lon.
I’l.imb- : . ;■ ... Ma. Ot
-. |.. , for S.iml I'. . M Teh 22.
..liiglit I.- A Siu. 11. At!.int:i.
. s ■ MHI 1 :n- - I."
M.iri-m 1. ei. . I 11. S . Tol.-do. 1 ltd,,.
(>. .- ■ | . r. : .tl-lo■ !'■ I by
!:■■ W S. Me' •;.(•!' M 'd' "U. I la
. . I;, of ■. ' im:i t'-.- -n 're ien-
ti.-.i-. per- ..f . omi iltl"- on ofli.- rs’ r—
j,,... ini , A i-ounlc < irg.iniz.-i
~o: I' 1 l-'.lli ■ Mm "U. Cm
... t . id- : Sum! 1 School.
11.- 1 > ' I'm k. Mm •'
Meets in Macon Next Year.
. : ~| . ; , M ml < .11 '
i ll' ';. or .1 St ill ' md.-iy hoot eon
■ i;t.: .of ' ■ -i.-- ' 9'l S'
' mi in
! , i>.- Him 11 ■ m y. in
! .Vim'.m 1 ) ■- if th in ' ''l.; ."t im t- 1'
, ,1' - .t- . Sin 1 .ho -: Work in
I’ ng Given In loisement.
Th :. : ... - . I" Ttilv
. and - Hliimm U T .-10-,t,.,l ie. lhe
'nu • 1 -a > . I- ■: I ' :>nmen:
• Wii -' m 1 eh ■ h-i ■ hen : 'fore
. . '-. it ■ . 1 ■ 'b'J .
:,,. n , 1...- M Johnson, .-f
, j- . . O- at- m:-'h
. . b- , . i - ■■■ ■ ■< White
: , . I-. , • I the :>i 1 m .al,
: ~ c' in wmi ■’:• I -th" words.
11: . I ■ .ml is to bi
I ; wi I-l lim rni ti.l.C. Il mi
V. ■■■ . . -im. • It till -tu-nlfi
, Hit : n i ■ m; ■ ■ ‘I! • -th'l
. ad ■ ■: I ,- t '■■■ - "in "
~ .. i,. ~1,1 . It -I *1 n line.-.
•B ■ 1....: Hi- ■ n- tian mq jes.t
I• ■ -'ah- nd ■ -eb.' lopt -1
■ -ii.- nd.. School
n , tn • 1. ; u.i • ’ :he
•■•■’ • ■ ■ ■
' till ■'■ :• S' W‘ ‘ 1 : ■ ’ b •
Macon Merchant Took the Advice
Giv n by ■ oliceman.
I I. wtl . .
i : g ■
k d ' > til 1 im! "f tlm
m . pi on w:■ in J vis preying
1 al rar- int.
immbj : o; tini--. Stindi'i night aw, -k
Ig . •Im pin ... - >!'- 1 into and a
in . mm. -.-• ■ k t 111 ' 0 ''' 1
. to -mi- fit" " '
11., iiii 1 r • < ii robber;- -it
t: , j,. ■-i ■ -la n •' h< !1 >*” nl '
, ,1. kid . 'I 'Wi III; si:.;.
gl.n :,! ■•-, ■ t '1 rm co mi elt
.. h adq.. I ' ■ g '• -i
■■: bm- !•!' ■ ■ .■ bl " ring th'- ' 1
v kit It-■ : t .-tore on watch.
naw "
. - ,m- at - I -li-.u wait ■<
’ - - -gi.t mm .
~,,11 id Ha: : 1.- touch' d
"i -i 1 Hu man
. ft .■W i. • hat-. IS
" U : 1 a time tnd m tne
m,,-, ■■-!' an. -I : the
, I; :. i« that 1 • h'd
... -n, .11 the m g;- , s
- .1 w. 1i n - t non "‘'b w-'i'i.-h
q. , ■ .. -. ;.. ■ th, locks. liiirrls
' , . 1. ■ rn id ' a £• w- minute . .1
Tin 11 was
■ . .
- , . ill- d< ad man t” ing
gniz i , . M ■ ■
.. .. . .;. ■:... >f th.
.- tin ibl- h rnleide v ?.
i n The rm m. . wm e
- g u ■ . I.- 11.. :■ ■
i- | t- irg.a.r are
. . . 11 w •-- :.e ’ :
... is 1-. -■ > wi 1 le trj Ing
IV , ....,-. ~1 . -.' ‘th the lead bod)
, iv 1 linn i Land To Go iu
N- w 0 : chard.
; : till llinshead
. . . - . 11, .1 m X miles from Port
;.. firn M ,mi V.-i'le--.
; m i ■ • • 'ii: bier ' -i be ’ g
m :, . w- - - ' ■ . r aer. for
tlm i.-i : f.iri
. .-. Mi m? '. 11. I ■' -I. It’-- Ims
apptl'd fm- 11( 1 1. m-.<: 1 th' G'-orgt 1
w ■ ■■ ■ ... Wk nf
P,na->: |-| !( I.■: tit. . orp"r.ition
will b.- miirii ■ x ■■■' .’lv pm-icll Ctll-
; T- ■ ~. ■; , 1 -n. " puttmg out
i will mt '-v< two \ .-irs wi"
I. iv.- ■ gr.'Wii . , m J "f 2"0.000 peach
Tie st.. -his new company
:iliZ'-|- thi- w ■ I: I- imw generally
|.-r, I E I-.... II W. Truax, all
■ f Ohio. ; Brown and C W
\\ illmft. of !■' ,-t ill"'. <l-i
Tn- 11 'llin- .-id 11 m w s owned by
. 11. Ilolt.m '".id. -I X ishvllli- Tenn.
1.1 W. II li.irri 'f this place Thi«
I'i.-intation forth.- p.i-i several years has
t.. "ii under 1 du - -t management of
\\ II liar-' . a typical Illustration
~f wli .: inigii’ 1,.- 1 ,;!■■! 1. -laime.l lands.
S mi'- • igln .-ai .c > this place had
I'-CII run d >v. :■ u'ing it nut to ten-
: :hi: until il I -k.'l upon a." a mast
ar.iiii ir pirn-. Er,mi tlm '• ry start, Mr
' li.irri .-. gin 1. ri 1!-.'-n- g it exceedingly
h' iv.'. Al mt -mr y.-.iis ne-i be went into
ilm , .-iite| Im a.--- and kept several bun
dred In ml of tm-k on th- place, having
, movable fences to change their location
; until the entire farm was practically for- I
tilized I nthis way. It is now generally I
conceded to be in tlm highest state of eitl
tivation of any farm in Houston count.'. . J
and Is an ideal place for a great p. aeh
Before making this purchase them- men
traveled in .ill the peaeli producing S'-'
tlons of our state, and the; pronouni ■
this section unquestionably flu- p.-<-: of 1
any they have seen All of tlm prin- ipal 1
owners in this . ompani .-onie from th"
Miami vall>\ in Ohio, where is !o"ili.i
tlm most fertile and productive lands of
that state, and they have given tlmir
'■"mpanv this name be, . i.-o lhev s.,y i
this is the Miami valley of tin- south.
| Many Delegates Will A’iiend Sugar
Growe rs ’ Convemt io ri.
Macon, March 1G (Special.* \
thousand <El’-*gatr- ;ir<- exn- .-{.*4 iu M;u hi
during the grow-r.-’ convent iou
this spring. Thesp delegates will come
not onl\ fi.iui every stut'' in the south,
but from of the wstrrn tt-d smu l :
es the eastern states.
Captain I). «>’. purse, of Savannah, on-'
•if the most prominent im-mb'-rs o’ th*-
association ami one <»f the most indus
trious workers in behalf of th-- npprwH.'b
m.* cunx ens ion, vi.? in M > on this m*»:
mg, and nt ih«* ' harnbi*’ - of ■ unm-a ■ '
b.'ld a•' hi f’.jrem with il hi. I’tipc IJrowit,
I Mon. Il ii-.l'- ,h.ed:i.i l , iof‘- --(H H L
i M.sriin, president of th- Xia.- a ■n.-ini
her of (om;r•*!••■'■. and CapLaiii i. i. rh-y,
Hsh. during which ’u i • -Hinied the work
he has done wiih.-i tlu- j.i- ’ few wxs j
<’aptain Purse st that l/mi<’.ina iu ! I
Mississippi are .-ntimsia-( e ;) \er (hr - r* i
gr< iu ris' t oiiv.'Hhii. .tnd -in. g.-»w {
ing and j < pre.naris a ; Mv. -J«. ms I
in those two sl.-iGiS. lb - rywlr liu- • a,< j
! ain g'"- . m* ha< (omi I •c- it imerr mi
tie- r'intompi.i’'d niovt.-ip-:■ t and -m ■ « ’
greai good in he terne ;hc ■■;vy mt"?* .I I
b\ ibos.' who ar.' to a•• ini/lt 1.. . •
The 'hl if •< ■ '.:;nbrj ; n I
m< i win m.-'-i turnon <- a t-> ia • re j
; orts of < nmmittres \s. lu> ha - b■ - . w>i k ?
ing I-.- illy ’a tie- nl'-resi .f ti..- !; t |
. m t.\ cnii-Hi
<;< '-I 11-'! J. M. T- !■: ’ll ml Ir. d I
i.l letter ..--I TI--.1 c- r ,r ■
i Wii- Hi, -'i in r--: -. ' ■ t;. - I, :'. r u. I -
: - Mved ,-isking (1.-mgi., ■ . .-.p. • ,
the rn ■I " '111 ■■, ■H . I ■ . ■ .
■-.■■■ ■■: ■ I .
1 army, a w,.rk wh .is in .-•- I
: I'im i ’ :. m .... i .
b'-. a mi b-i t.ik, ■ !■-. ihe w.h '
1 1. "p; ~ n ,>m; I w :
t i of w-i; - r. • .m.G"
r.-n told S r. : tr. K■ d ! - ■ I
t . ■i"|..-HHe Will! ,v .. :■ • ;. nr
i '-v.-ry wa y p .cable i : . ,mpl: ■ . w-’ ,
i the rer|i>. :?t • i th. ■ ■ ;aI of w. ’, <; .-
. T, . . ; -b m-;. '. : ■ ■ ,-i i .-
1 Al'z.ii l». ' -lb . . .o' ■ - . ...-
. i-'.mpnim: th.’ ■ i - if.-d
v, th < |' i ■
■■ '.r,l ■ '.l :■■ u di. , ' : - . ■-.) >
i t !>. w rk in h.ind <'• ■ • : mi: r
; ob ib; k-c’-.’ in ■■ ■ : ■ :
;fi -'m which t m di ■ ■ ■■■: ■ : irm : ■ i
b Ob: ■ l ed tl .in ■ ' ■
‘ -".lie and iu- will I-'- .-I v.omti,: ~ :
:.‘".T' l -."
| c -te.-i 111. he or i r
' :l"t null t.ho-. wiio w< ' nn •, of the
j - 'Uf'-d'-ra t a m ■ , ■ i ' t •
i TO I '" • g. d in I ’ m -Vl'--
The Confederate Constitution
n Stat Pl" ■V. k ,
''uiurii), L’h',;
/ '*'X (•■.-■-i.snf V.'iiint'ii, :
tin'-,D<iroc< n
Vnr-i-oct-ie. S\
9 rl ‘‘ a - vu:i •
\V »• a k ti e h n, '
'•eininal Loskpx. Iviurw-v anu il’is'l
l»-r Trouble.", f’iles, in fa-t all
Chronic Diseases
Our 20!fi Century Method;
Write for book -nnl -t mpt in blanks.
&i O Austell Bldg .
Liniment eMm
Its Year of Jubilee has come.
Sixty years of faithful service to Man and E*
- ' I-.,..
V,’„ .ir„ C,l *• Mexico fig W)’/M?
Nluetang Liniment bec;>us<. -t healed th'-.i ’Pt
hurts and cuixul tbe ills of their doiuvsiit- ar.i
ri -ls. What Mexic in Mustang Fixtme.xt tli<l
for mankind am! brute kind l>o year., ago i
does to-dav. It has always cured and al-wava
will cure any and everything That a good,
honest linhneut can cure.
A!l Sorts of Horse Flesh
are all subject i-> all sorts of Sjirains. Bruise Flesh \V , i - ■■• r ails. Most
owners know that Mexican -Mustuiug Liniment i- .-, st <■ J-.-ctive faoree med
Seine that ever penetrated flesh, it is t lie lies’,, hivcm. incut un ;■ alma! < .v,-:"-: • ;uld put
money mt.--.
U soaks down through nuscles.
No limtnctit' cure unless it penetrates the fevered : u --adie: inn-ems ;■ -.t
down to the roots of the tronbii. Mexican Most axi. I : imixt per.e. rates i:.- re
thoroughly tlmt: anything iliat was < vet created in a chern,. al laboratory The
deepest, most st übborti and me ,t intense pan-, in man oi . -:c.'-nl- reach-and
routed by the use of this good old time-tried liniment.
Cures the hurts of anything that walks.
If your horse has a stiff joint, a harness sore, a cqt or bnr e, Mexican Mtstaw»
I rxtMEST will «»ire it. If your cow has a hurt, a caked udder <>r sore 'eats it wiilcure
ii and restore her to healt h and usefulness. If your poultry has roup, frozen combs,
rheumatism, scaly legs or any ciise.-se of the flesh f)! - y.nies Mexican Nir’STAiwi Laxi
mentwHl cure them. What it has done in thousands tipuv. thousands of instances
justifies these claims.
Fwo things needed in lameness.
sVhat Lameness, Stiff Joints and other deep-seated ailments need more than, .any
thing else is Mexican Mustang Liniment. The next is plenty ot rubbing. The rub
bing workß the liniment away in through tlie tired and s,• nmsck -to where the
pain begins and then the lameness disappears and the pain dq .•••>.
Three fuzes. 25c.. ROc. and a bottle. Sold every where.
(\4 !
/UWRA r ® W ’’ye? ■■ ‘
H- mu i -
‘w- ?' - J ■ -JT’ Sent free
F„cryboy . .. . - , Q
‘ -“A .---V for Me
' asking
In a daintv little bonkk-t, 2."' out -f son-- 490 f biat’.r -y - tell in their own
yq Saturday Evening Post
Pictures Os the rr, ! :-rs i b ■dt up ■ :z - u"-:ie ' ccwide o'
: ■
I'lie Ci'rlm I’ub'-'liim: ‘-"ml’o ' . il Arch -'- ' I . i i Irlphia. I’a.
t-wwS’--’-' . ■ X.■ •-k.. T'.’
’x-k /
i lll’,' ■ ■
Georgia's Qu. ■ nt c.n
. alln’A th i • ’ A vi )
*>f Mi - ’rr*.
’ misha o
< rgi • ' I
I’ :m P . i Tu-A . ■ ,-e ■ - ]
■ fir lin • a. d ■ are 1 i,c
mad-'' ' ■ ■ ' ■ irt h» t •i• ;
The vho •’ Pa -ant
'■ : h • ' r .
!() •' • a; OLD BATTERY
. o- i . History To B’
P . 1 -?ri -a
■ ler I Pi omofted
■ ../t:
a- • r i ■?
■-..■l'- < Rf- -£- *
u-Range Catalcg F