The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, March 23, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Hand Badly Mangled.
Fitzgerald. Ga . March 16.-(Special )
K B. Wood, a prominent traveling sales
man from Savannah, while hunting today.
ha<J the misfortum to accidentally dis
charge his gun while sitting on a log with
his hand over the end of the gun. The
whole of hi.- 'eft hand was terribly man
gled and will, no doubt, lose all of b’s
Burned Alive by Own Action.
Blackshe r. Ga.. Mar.-li lii iSm- ia ’ ’ - I
flenry Drak". a young negro about six.
tem years old, wa- Imi'mil up it the
Jail at Patterson lost night.
Drake had been arnsti-d and jaili-d on '
the charge of having stolen some eggs i
and a whip from another negro in the j
early part of the night.
It is supposed that he attempted I 1
escape from the jail, wlii• h w is a sm.-ili ;
frame structure, by Im , -ig a 1v.,-
through the floor.
ll.’ sieci.eded beyond his expectations. i
the building being total!? destroyed and
the young negro cremated in i:.
'His trunk was all that was bft to :
toil the tale, the 'm ad and arms and legs :
being burn. * off
Was Found Dead in Field.
Ellijay, Ga., March (Special.) - Wil
I a-it F. Dill, an aged and w ell know n
itizen of Gilmer county, was found dead i
m a field near his home yesteiday even- j
Mr. 11:11 ?. i- ex-county s hool comnifs- ■
siorwr. naving served in that honorable ,
position for nineteen years.
..I - death is supposed to have resulted
from heart failure. The burial occurred :
Judge Walker Found Dead. ,
LaGrange. Ga.. Mar a I'l <S;>- mi! i— ,
Judge James S. Walker, a prominent at
tnrt.oy ,-.f this city, died this morning bo
tw..-n the hours of ", ami o'clock.
lie : a l ati engagement with Colonel D.
.1 G.'imey to leave the city .ally for
I ':■ ii.klin, w here they wr t. to attend
It'arc s:i;erfr < 'utt. When <'olonel I
‘■■•fin.- went to arouse him about I. I
° k i. found h'.ni dead li.-mgli still!
" : -ni. owing th it his death had o.- .
"'d oniy a cotnparativ.-Ij- short while
5(1 -re.
Fists Used by Pedagogues.
• i a G i . M> rch !■ iSm ia i • A
:• •: encounter occurred this morn*
.ng a’ «:!.'> o'clock in front of th. lib'-.-i
< 'lt ’: r - ho] .■ iiidii g i.-i w •
r: <; •- • ••, ‘ ipertnP" lent of th- pmd
• .‘Mis. ati.l S. 11. Gid-'on. who until Fri '
■. . W a ta. , r of the mat. tai training
.< rt m- ■ I of the s.-it ’ >l.
lie tri. •>: g . i:■ .. from an It:.-; ■
o- .: 1:1 ;I ■ : ■ ’id' ’it's ofli ■■ .-■ 1
! ."'•la-. It wa.- i I mi: Mr. Gid.- m I
■ ■ t some v
v . • ■. <l. ’ Il t » d
fl n h‘s -al. • • II all. a . i-m ’!:• a- I
.- ■■■■■.;•: ■■.!•: v '■ a ■
S ;..-r ■.••■>.!•■■■: 11 ■-. :: ■rw a ■ -Is
, : th It he fl it feat in- b.d b.-.-i . - i
■ ■ - ,1 nm r • : • ■
I M'. < . lean n ' that tim-
< t r t'. Mr. Glm m
1 . Cl. tile !■ Ignat: n g-■
Two Bodies K’e revered.
' . ■: ■ . M • ■ '■ iS: ' - > . I
of U I’,. ■ I’.. r'u .-, a ... ..
> ■' ■ i
.\ ev. 'ai t;' ion
A-; ' - .:.! Feli on Live W: ■'
Vein Is o’J<.
■ 1 M
Nf/.o W m n Killed
t ■ XT , .
X\- . - . . . ‘ if th- .• -’J.
Gainesville Realty Soln.
: in - ' t " T; rr v. •
• •
Double Fune-al at Savannah.
[> 'i\ u'. ■ • . . . M-c. EH?
-r. < ?. • • ■ 1 J H M
sf, • S' »p'i>‘ ; i v?:’< t : Imr »f
s Tfi •.. .
' 3 ’ 1— -L
H CK, Iff
. .'FREEp-
(*n:c»n?l <’lin< h and was K- yoars old when
she died in Charleston this in?»rning. The
remains will be brought to Savannah.
Rut a few hours before his aged mother,
Co’.oncl Clinch’s br-oved wife died She
uas 7h \ cars old. In the double bereave
ment that has befallen him <'olonel
Clinch has the sympathy of a host of
Governor Heyward, of Smith Carolina,
is in the •Uy to attrnd the funeral of his
grandmother, Mr.- Sophie Clin-h, and
his uncle’s wife.
Fired Bullets Into Wrong Man.
; C.d imbus da . Mr < h 19. «S P - < ial ; -
• Early tonight Mar.-hal Campbell was nn
: titie 1 that John Callon. :< negro de.-peia-
■ do. who is wanted in (’hambvrs county.
' Alabama, for shoo aiy a woman, wa.-
i coming Hewn th- ri 'T--.a<l tra k toward
I th town.
i lie wa- warm I that lhe mgro was
, arm d with a pi-tol. vvha h he hud taken
awa \ fr- m < wn- ■ - man.
I’in west d<-wn tin' track and
! ejr -mnieit d a m Li ! ’ who till- d the <!■ •-
! je ratio s d. . 'rip; im. He .'.tiled t-» nan to
, halt and th- u -gro liircw his hand towa'al
his hip p-'-k-’. wh-ucapon Campbell -hot
' him tin hull is en’-’ring hi-- Eg.
TP." negro wa imt John Cmt<m. and
. , o.lo]. .iS M • William? ’f
■ \rrmriri: . •ia H-■ wo ind- or.- p.'infill,
I b-it n»l fatal
Columbus Man Run Down.
' C-numb' . M.i'-.h < Sp- mal »-
! \\ ill .m E Jolt:; <g- d 5S ve -’s. <
• w-m known resident •-!' East Highland,
I J d).;ari» - in th*- Central of (h-or-
I gia railroad yarls !l:i morning from
i v. .)!< h he di-'d th-‘s a: t. rnoon.
IP ct’--. I!12 a track at the end
iof Co mte, nth ’-St. when , t (’.mtral
: i .ic< r engine, wioc-. wa- being ear
: ru d !•» the lomidhous, stra- k him.
j H. did not not. -• the .approaching en
jgme ,i < he stepp- I upon tin tr.ok, and
iwa - sir- k m th' .mail of the back
and knock- d off tln track.
Bryan* Hanged at Moutrie.
Moulted Ga . M•r- h 2*>. (Special.)—
Jahn II- nr-. Erxard was hanged here
I ’ * da \ a t I • cl ” |<
' He sb-pt well las: night, ntc n hearty
dirmer -moked T?r. and .td-irc- • i
i a crowd '*f .• 'v ■ ra' '■ • ■ ndd ;>• -ph for an
: hour.
i IE urged - ra- Io li?- better lives
: and a’-md p.-f • - .u-d ’*.:d wom*m.
Is Charged v .th Bigamy.
Hon.. <la March JO < Sp- ia! » -
’a• ”1 • »l» rma a w• • placed in ;a' I Inin
tin mon n a • I w; ! held rntil the
P*.e ofTe • him in S mt I:
' • .-• •t i .i wh< - • i;>- i aint -•; > « • »».»rg •
of bigam.v
im tn t p arri.-d a IM. - T r
• ol \ . nd ! i-- *m g
> : I ; ■)<! . • >m-‘ m-
H ’ - i-.o\ < • • ged wi iii ■ *. ••' g ■ r
I -.a . • l -. . S • ’ .oid u l' b- : .io a
I -o* r» ; ' i t th*' ch'i rc»
Will Hold Formers. Institute.
M , Hi. •; • M r< b ' 1 ‘ ’.I H ■:>.
liars ■■ ,J.ini ;•:<•. J« tit. ■'’ 1 1” Slab
; ~nd Ii: • • t .>r.a: < ’«•. t.... Gt -.w. r . a
- . in , O|. tbi nio> iil-ii,-
' I.G v. , . I . .■■];. kills. ’A ■■ ■ • Ii will
.... . I- ■ I ' i- tn.’ ■ ...’.
I M .1,.! *’ ■ |. . ■■ .| I . !:■'>. <ll
■ . ■. Ma ■ du-i. : 11.■ I fall
: - ■i I i' I t:>- 'i in ■ I* 'ns
M >nt < rain, i -
| :ii .. M... ... in.,- • ■ t t" <iv a
Fruit Growers Getting- Busy.
. iS; ■ ’ T -
■ , * . lllb-l
V -a, of n ■■ w-i-li
. . • . a-;
v. h l . P
:• . i w i i • • - ■ i
. • ;• 1 gr- > A
A n •! E. • H
Opium, Morphine- 1 re? Treatment.
I c, . r* , .n• . ■ ■ I, |
: • 1 ■. .
Lee W il Stand by Wasbington
‘ . -Kp- n .
Steamer oes A shot c.
La:,?..- T: * • L • i.d Sold,
M i I E‘
•' ' - -»f i. d ' i
v . * ■ :ve ■
Decaying Arm on Door Knob.
' . : I Mar. a ' «i. .
■ i irn M i .■ s r w■•,! i n w i ;- : I
laliM f. -ni the io r k >b ■ ‘ th. :■■■.
■f M K M. I'-.. .. : I' iir::i
' fa '1 i. ■'. bl> I. i<ir ii- • . at b.
■ :. Has n.’-i I'l.s. F’el!..- offi. r.< .-ut
:■ .wi 1 ■- a 'ii' a . ill- 1 the . i-
Bore Smallpox to Church.
I<' . Jim 11 lx. - Th- ire’St
in 1...':- iinli.-ini’ nt <>. er t’ tlirnGl by
I- • it•’ :r..' rt w;ir pert. I
' r d ■’ ivi.’-n >ln- sr, --. 1 jnrj. neta tiui Ib-n
W.-i ■>., farm. . f. r g .in;: to chnr. h
V ..: aitii- i...] wifi! sm.ilip.-.x. A :-;i.-vinl
ma !■; 1 ; ■ 111 . . no, i x . fine
Dothan Will Be County Site.
Dothan Ma., .March b<- (Special.)—ln .
(In- election held in this (Houston) coun
ty, the new county formed from parts of
Henry. Geneva and I’ale, today to select
th.- ■ mintx itc. Dothan w<m b\ over 1.-''”’
i majnritx. Ashford, the .ml\ posing can
did ip forth honor, being badly defeat
• d Th citizens of Dothan are jubilant
i uver the victory, which meins much for
| them.
Brains Dashed Out Against Beam.
• W'iii ii' i , A a.. Mar'h 17. (Special.)—
; Ih nry Hamakm, a miner, was instantly
I killed lo re while riding on the 3 o’clock
all rimon Southern passenger tram, ea.->t
■ bound
Mr llnmakor was standing on the
. stejv, <»f one of the coaches and swung
hims-ir to., ft! ."it while waving his
■ I .mil 1o smin' of his fri.-.ids wlm were
: pin '. ini; b.iscball.
I His head stj-mk of the upright on the bridge .and his Innins wire
c.-ifhed out.
Gloom’s Fi'end Shot Father.
; A li»-?rt <vi’’. , Ala. March 17 < Specie. -
; Dab-- (- dliiv- o< Tiioinpx’ii's b<at. was
! shot fix .■ tim- la -1 pveriing.
It :i i :p".i is dint a piling man. whose
■ n.'inin- s not giv< u. had .'-''c ired the s« r
\i •- of aimlinr man in the <om-
1 m’Ho’ty io st. i] on ■ of Mr. t'ollins' dauga
l<rs will whom the first young man • x
j pc f t. d i“ dope io J.ickson county and
' gct man i- d.
The young nine who was appointed *o
• ire dj.- •■’jj from home sn-'cr<‘drd.
\\ h» n . ■ Ic c h d I’n.'ii his daughter
‘ was In- pre- ured a revolv-T.
ami coming in -ight -f Hie man • ‘"J the
i girl, opened tire.
The young- man tmm-d and shot <’olhns
i !i\ e t irm .
' It is slid that ’he young man proceed
; ■ to (•an’, tin gir io h» r lover and flint
she am; ].< lo\rr prd to Syd ts!")r->
ami v\ re ma rn< d.
< ’ "llii is nm ••xp.- t. d to live.
Outlook in Alabama Gloomy.
>"'m i Aim. Marcii ;'The <<uiiinm‘d
' rams i; h hav-* '’aHcm tii rough out th’s
I < li-m of Alabama ha\• caused a gloomy
< il’ ok for ‘hi ■ season'-' crops. Earmmg
Irimls ; re in ;-m h -omlition (hat ..niv in
j oigh ar. I . nndy lot itl.-ms ha - ;»’-v plan
I ’rm. work I", don" ... t b ,:lnv»st imp«’<st
i io . 11 . o m llm pi air i" '"ls
tio \i> mil of S* Him
: Th. A 0■ ma im. • r I"- i aga wit ’ l -
i bank.- br( •• v Hets h l il .m \ .
I r. .-dcd ftom llm p-- vi .m-'- tl" "d-< \c’e<l
|Ji c-1 be: : t Iho ’ -nd > that only I
, i i • < ?.. . . i b- Im i' • •‘ cd
Three Men Shot by Crazy Negro. i
; ' tul.i, Al . M * h 17 (Sp( ma! i- i
, \ I • . g . p- "min. it ’• ■ rm* r,
d car W hi!<- Dak i I two
• ~• w." o a :e .1 !• mm nr g
! mvdi : >ll d f:m t h-* ( ffe - - "f h'
i w-.m. ■ tlii . • -ni’ g.
(n • 1 > a ■ d in ti arm and
' ilm oth< r th< side. B«hh will rm- vcr.
! \\ i Hi m <’ • i w•: kewn negro in
• ■ i d. u > md" <1 t<’ 'ill.' 1
■ xx ’ f im! ■! it: ■ d • • 't • .’da , nd (his.
' nmimmg in- • • iz" I • wm< n. mp ami at- j
1 m diom h>, u f, .<-;d jhiidrmu i
« ; • d b m g a ■ I hid 1 llg
■ || •• ••” : ! W' !! ’ • • •!’. 1.1 li •• 1 ‘ D *”.X I- J
in.; - . mr ■ Hed m m ' m d -m aml
’ •: • i cute- .•■ hi: bl -a st.
I!• i ■ st-. t- ■ i . 1. . . ; ■ n |
| known arxi highlj < ■
Offii AVS for New County.
M"..-,: .A’. M,- i>;’-' al.i
■ ,->v- .i •: i ippointcil tb(- Ol
l"t\ i ; flii G , num , .
: ■ . r 11. i . Go lr s’ aI n i ■ it ■
.1 I. r VV i Gr i' .
• -. ■' -i S .1 !!:■'!, :•«•. ■ ■
; ■ X . s (’•••>• • • 1 I'.
II.:: ■ ■ an : )'. S I' k' , itniv
Bid t.; Furnish Books.
'I .. ■ J' ■ '! ' ' .' )- 1
hl’ t ■ • : i>n..k inirn: ’
■ ■ ' ■ • ..... tri. ;. il>
’’■ - "ini-. .vill rue- . .1-1
■t; I : ‘ A • ■ • -. • 111 • :. 4 I: ■ ,m
• ■ ■ ..i ;
Boys Stole Swifrh Engine.
■ - ” i”
.- X . G ■ :i .i
■ t w. :ibl
• a rid' uni at
■ ' '• ■■■ r w, •. . if b
■' ■ ' broil;;): I k Phi x
. • I , t , I I .■ •. ;
■■■ v■ "■ ’t ■ t’-d and
r ir _ Hh> ' to ule th. -I bi ■, : J he.’
Two Hundred Men Walk Out.
) - Mr. ’ ia i'.a o
■ ‘ ' ''
Turp”ntine Com;>any Wins.
i,I : . r
' on; . n ■ I . ■■ ,
:*" tal, ■ ;■ . Ki< ::;rj■ ntiin-
I r .in ~ n - i,,;.
■' v ■ ■ • It bo ,| | .iv,. ;
■Si : ■
'- x ■ ' irgm wh-’r. it wa -in
i nd not mH • i ;i i • w here t;e
• .c < ir r • ■ •
11 1 mM ’■ udC I th ■?
Sf.'f - J !/.. ■ ,
stat* TI govei :m nt wjil appe j
Miami s New Chtmnel Begun
Mri nd t . - M.u i , gp. ?
Dreriiriri” art.-vrl; thl~ morning mi
. *!'■ * ' ■«' ‘i i • I’.' wiilc arm |s f. . r
I"-’A im ,i I.- 1” am .ing). ssl<, na ( i
• 1 11.1 ’ lin *' I: ’. r.G’mslvv s shots that
; : : >f wa ti r .-.3 II b, had bi'f.-,r.’ Mi lk -
.11'-. r. ■■ I ■ X .-aa ni;,.: .3 ■ i,., s ,, a
'•'ill !>•' !■ tl' in ii mih's. who’-., is tlip
1:"' - ..I . • . I ■ ■ -ir:-i I is - J;; m i -ys
Tin Kriird: is.’Gr ship-- Tribiini- liOri
•ii '. '..'i.i ,t } ■iv ■< t t, ,)
. m , n.iiiml north.
Steamer Sinks—Two Drowned.
1., iik . 1I i. Aiar-Ji i;i Pho stenm
M f inb’:.:, •■ the l.jicas lim-., run-
i.iria ,-,• tin- A.-kiawaba r:.,-r. sunk this i
tool in ::: ~ iitte al'tr r ?. o'.-la. k, four
mil--.- tii.. i.miith G,,. ri'.f'r. As
: til' •■ngr-r w-r. al! asl.’ep ami ih,-
I'-nn-r wii-mm ainiost a moment's
vGiriiitig. 11 is . i.-ims: a miracle that so
, K ifus King in 1 Will, r Wat-on. both !
■ ol'-'i I r. iI”HG- ..’ p.-ilatka. were
; drow iio,!.
Bodies Still Under Water.
j I'.’ialk.i. !■ ii: .M-ir-'fi -<i.- The bodies of
i Ihi two men who wre drown U i, v tbe i
inking "f Hi- .M'limoi'i have not i.-t
1•■• ti ri-.-ov.-r. .1 owing io tlb- fa. t that '
'll* ' ar, iivl 1 t m forward deck and in !
: 111 i t of W:,t. r.
Th- mon..', : :d va!uai,li?.« oi the pas
S'lig.-rs have i..-.-n found and restored to
i their owner I ids amounted to a con
--id.-i.ibli sum. uno of tiie passengers, W.
Hamilton, having ' $l.o”0 hi money,
m ■ ■ ' all of her jewelry,
1 im-liding so' diamond rings,
j Captain Luca:- owner of the steamer, ;
says it will be raised at once and re
fit t eel.
Very Unique Request.
Tallahassee, Fla., March 19—(Special.)
Florida, offers to the country the remark
able fact of a military ofll.-vr of high
tank formally and officially asking that
I bls rank be reduced. The annual report
of Adjutant General J. Clifford K. I'os
ter. of Florida, has just l>.■< n published,
and in it he recommends "a reduction in
the rank of the adjutant general from
that of major general to brigadier g.-n
--<ml." This is explained in the next par
agraph, as follows;
"Advan.-ement In rank is the hope and
aspiration of all who follow the pro
fession ot arms, and .1 r.-quest from an
officer for reduction i-: -uftr imi l\- out. of
the common to merit consideration. It
is clear to every milibir-. mind that the
rank of brigadier general would be ijidt"
slates with even greater ;,opu|:i• ion than
Florida the rank of in Gn- general for
that office is im:isual. .iml it iei rt dniy
very much out proportion with the
strength of our orgardz.. I miliiia."
Will Be Protei t ed.
Tampa. Fla.. March 19. I'hiei' .lo'.i.s, of
th, Tampa ivdi . . tonight received a
lengthy t.-l’-gram from Samuel Gomp
’■r, president of th’ Am -ri- in Federation
of Labor. <b-m:'nding prof.vtion for four
laboi a-ailet . dlegi-d i- have received
threatening '■ tiers ■■■ .'■: il weeks ng’
Cliief Joni-s answ -ii-d tb:H th' men will
bi- given al protection ir i-ssary.
The chief of p'diee als . r.-.-eived a let
ter today from the pt'< lent of th" In
lernati".. ■ll ’;ga' inalo-is I nion, of the
same tt noi Gompei ~ ogram. 'and
■•■ tit the s.imi- answer.
The p.-opl'- 't Tumi':! ::r,. aui’is.-il by
the iui-iibml. though sum. what exaspri
at”d. Many b -p. v«- that the t iirr.i lining
letters w-re written one. ot' the men
who re.i.-eii .-d them, for the purpose of
.-xilting sympathy <nd abliug ti’-.-m in
tlieii work 'Di re : ■ feeling again.'-t
ll’.i'in and tbi-x ale ii"l and h.i’.-- no: been
in any<-’. wmiti i'-r The letters were
r.n-.'ivi'd over ’W'-.-k - ago.
Time of Trial Is with Defense.
Raleigh. .X. . Minh 16. iSpceia'’
had an interx i w with S.-naior John E.■ i. who of ... ,s. | forth. pro-.-
i-'.'iition of l-iriu-si I I.i ■■ wood.
He wa :iskeil f tii’' ■-i ••■ W"UI.I he tried
next we.-k 11. rcpli.- I:
"That depenD on tl-c def-’ns.'. The
defenitant is t - :<:l '. a the pros”cution
,• ,-iid not v. • ■ .•■t upon ■’ iti ■' ■n • -
Wb ■ h w » lid i>‘- a d* G .-' t.'n’ 'I- (• ’ ’l
atit S right to I" ■ ily II i ll
Safe Crackers in North Carolina
I ’i!.l.?• 1 .. M il. h 16 is;.- - I.i! 1-
Th.- S.if. ill • 1 ■ postoffa ■■ a ■ -.ln-
ti. X I' w 1 blown op. n • ’ h this
m.irliig ,ni" I L”' a: in’iii--.’ and
.1 .nip- «i. • • ■.'■ th" 1 is
Then is 1.0 ■ :-w ;■ th.- guilty parties.
Schooner and Steamei Grounded.
I:. I n'-r.rt A (' Ma r. h Imi ir.v -a
hi. k l"g 1 night an I th. mornii
ai> kni’» : ' 11 ■ -ri th. ..-ir. mast, o
: i hootli-l C h (ill't'l. : . St tek oh til'
out* r -.- tpe I . 'k<'-.’t Iv-al: . hi" *u uv
north a’l'l '.l - oil h*' ■- ’till' Ide '1 !*■-
itfn I ... .: .!■ I .■ ■■ k t"d.‘..
ulv 1: :: ■ 1; i: f f ~.i ving ■: ■ x - i_'r, t*-d
the vessels and ini no Hat. . put ■:) tons
: t them. I -i' i ■ • ■•!: 1• g them the
■t- .1 nisht p 1.. 1 ' ■ r . * - i '■" -k .; ■rr v. "it
ti-,i .. ho ■ . r •<: -i priici "I- I ■a - • Th'.
. ao-■ ■ 1 ■ nv rg.-'l aft ! :• «tati.■ 1
1 rdid n-’t ..... h. ■ . W-- king t• Ig. ■
bav.’ been ivir..i for.
Toot.i Filling Gave Identify.
W: minct- 'I K 1 M1 r 1 i iS -. -i 1, >
T ‘ ~.n .- ...11 ■ :-. ia. 1 S :
Iv.i 1 x in <i i"'.- ; jiit- i. tni..
"tn Wilmtt-gi. 1 M ■ t■ -wn
'...1 tis ' ' ■ 1
1,. oil of W V. Young a wli:-. 1
;■■ll • ■ . i);i.r| v. • .1: •-1 : ■ 1.l
la ■■ ' .am . ■ Ma; I •
Identfn. ■ ■ . ■ ’ln ■ 1. t!.■
t< .-th ' ' .■ ■ ' nnd 1 iit of
slio r. -d n h v. as : : with
tii l>'’ii». ■
Youth Dies of Lockjaw
C) at '• N. ■ .. M.i- .G t.-. .. ’.
I ■ Ci’ ■ I : -I
V. ('a w ■ W• ■: ’
st: < I, d>. i .- n as l' 1 ■ ■ ’ll of
... a...f .. ■ v
Ihe lit' < fi'll ’V. ix -. j: .■; tng . . tai
day . i■ . a ... 1,- win ' ■. 1.
pi - i ■ ■ ■ ■ < ; p.-• ■••r> ■■■ .is
' . t > 'it epib 1 .-1 or nice.
1 w .1, r, I .
rlous me . id the is no Gs'iiit'.i' ait
! tt’. I .w -a. -Id - r.
w .-■ ■ hni .T g ’ : ■ It '. ■ ■ d. . 'ti.
I . 'SI r. . t h- l; ■ .11 -. . :' v. i .
: ■ ■ I ■ • t tr. ■ a- ■ ' T ; 0 i a
North Carolina Negro Named.
V '. 'v> ~ ’ ala >. ' 1. La ■;. ■ f '
.1. Gihli. ■ ■ ■ I 'ld: r •
ha . I ■ • >mmt 1 med b. th. pr.
..i. : : 1 .. ",
in. nt 1 ■ 11 th prot’i
'1 Senat ■ I- ■ f \... ■ , ,
i”. 1 ’bat i ■ il-' ,; in.-i hoi; I- -.
Iron id Di I: . It oom
: • \\ . . • '
M.. ..- (M ■!,. , X.,,.
I "l-.a « . .1. ... : ■ .. n
Georgia Man Takes His Life.
\\ ilndngt ’ ■' . Mai h |9, Sp. ip .
S:f|.r!:.g fl'.'ll tr.r'.a;.- I :■ .. ~f
•... nt V. . ’.| *; .. ,
■-r ■ fi "’U G- ■•’ L- . mimit' ■<l |. t
' 'k- ' ' 'ko .. a .. . .f r
He ate sapper 31 rot j at <> n ...
To Try a Good Thing.
I m ■'. -t.w "at ;d n p ■ . f,
’ • -s - -I : If .. . .... .
•I r ■ ’ : Ml J ' t’j. . :
.f Vh g.- n v ’T ■ . with ev. ri . ring,-
■ ■ V- ■ Hl- : :. ■ i-i . al : r. • WO | .) b ■
-'' ff V»i Up U ' h •at ' ■ 11 ;• : . ;!i
! • • 'I U>t I I • ( lb* •i.i :.• al I
• • i ■ HJ . H*
■m 'I ■ ■ llm to: • I ■ ' -'-. r. .1 from ,■,,3 i,
"f ill - St. ma it Finn Itv >., v Ji.-a ,• f,... [, .
f; - '• and I ■ liz.'-.. ...til.; It. ng ni ii-.t
1 : i-l inhaler ■ 1 , (v .
v, id.-': in.- ’ ’in: it-a: \ relic 1' and mv
-Ilia a- a.R ,ia dm. to .pra -.- di’U.-h.-
wit'll I’.-roxfd.. II -, dio. ]i>;t to
■ .larrii w mid ; • "dih rm-.i.-r in 3 «
u.i’.‘ and I be.anv tli-r-mghh' discour
I had n'way.s t -t. pre.indi. d against
i iteiii m'-jH-iii'- i-’o - < <. vervlhutg . !•>■
hid failed I felt justi’ii-d in. a- !■. a.-t.
making a
Our M'-0.l old fam. ’.':i\-si. ian. )
1;.. nisi!.' 11. laugh, d . i me , liifle, i.nt
•aid if I was tletertnim-d to ti\ pat.-rd
m-ni.-il'.i S. hr. w i:i.l ...ha-. n) .. 't,-. b-aa.
with St rt's < 11 a .'-i'll I abl, t
li a-w what tin - ■ out.-it,,.d and lie
heard of sevrral ri’nnirkn . ures r.s’i-i
--t-.g from their v.■■••. and furtli.-rmore
t':.-. were perfvtly safe, .ontainirm i;,,
i”i.'i:ne or opiates.
I'll" next day I bo’isht a lifly-erut box
at .a drug store, i.ini.’d it p, IIJV pock
et, and four or th-- tim. a day 1 would
t ke a tab! t; in I -ss than a w. <k I l'”lt
a 11 irki-.l imi’r.. m id. .... lii,.|| , ~.1,,. ~j.
itil at this time I am entire!’.- fr-from,
a 'iv tra<-.. of e.n tn rrll.
Mi- head is ii- i’.’-. nix fra.- t'r.mi
irritation, my he.iring i - . p
e' was mid I 1 that I i .innot ay
• uough in prai.-'i Stmi’t's I’atarrli 'Lib
Tlmx-e t.'iil t-- ...litain extra.', of i-im.a
lypitis baric, b'liml loot and other cal
liable antisepti, ■’ ' .mmt'nil 111 |ile.i- ant
tablet form, and i’ i- as, to -ay
Stuart’s Catarrh Tablet are tar sum-rior
in ’ i’-iix cideii. e. saf- t v m ( | etYc. tivene-s
to the antiquated tre itnie-it by inhal. r
sprays ami dmiclu s. are sold Uy druggists r icrywh. r" ■
in the I nited States and • anaGa.
Pe-ru-na a Specific Restorative That Has
Stood the Test of Time.
Women Fear La Grippe and ■■.
Catarrh —Pe-ru-na a Re- /
liable Protection. f
7 ITH )’ T’• t• liir- d: i.'.-d'U .* _
I \A/ 1., w i.ripn- ' ' -p rß,t .’ x ' x '•■ -'■•'
’ ’ ■ a m rob" m i ••• it le mt /°wk’ i-: '>?. ..J”* ■
IHo im: . uim 't.di. y" .. y '< . 'l.
wil pro Im ■ .imrrh if hot ;■»». -
jirompi y .nd prop. , -d. • ,'x'■. < '' (
1 lea'.’- .1 p in ),:igg.i:’l. wm.k sui-
i i-.. f: .... . I m i UP m : ’ I’."'- •• ’ft,..*Je i
i ■ < ’ KM
' i’I’' 1 ’' -d ’ "'-u <-mpti.- .f JS&kikix. ' '''"-s
all me.nd gor d -.n i > ’ ''*•• GV {
Ti .: < ,1 :m ; III" World . ' "x L 'K •-.
■i.-pi ■ I b.\ ia _i.pp" g dSffiL'i-'mA - kj??- ’. ??'.. A.
n.-tt . in •-m ■’ !’• I’. rm. WRb.* 1 xSsNt? , J x-vG"..!" c 3(
1 ” r ■ " wide / ..'f-’K J >
■mi , Iti Wil:- : •xp •gat. ''SaM . ' ?'' " f; ' fe'''k G X '"W ' >
l'-r- ■ I"', a j■ir . ti.'m m • ithait; / F H ? -VifsStl 'ySidrWi
/ “Ss
' i .'if -??■ jLyM ?
' M ..Exs- <• I? .4
Pe-ru-na Reaches the Source of Ca- I' w
tarrhal Diseases—Unhealthy l Lfe'V-
Mb. <r . ■’■ . .. T -.''Mjfz j (
Mucous Membranes. ,
Ii - - the .of a'i diseases o' feg.
the nil- ■•:■ im-ii...: ■ .-■• b.' it" . i: m m <• .. .G
j the \ a mt-ii olor system of n"rv's. . /■ ' " .-x -VtSsm-; .
Ih- : ' i"-- -.on who lia :hid i t grippe dur > i I"''
ip:.. ■lull ' should take a ours" of ) jim ' ■
!'•-■ xi X > i" ri-.-l expo" p-rf.'. I re j
cm. limy d. Th.- grip i .IS )
; - .1.. I - ..i... ••’ ,:>..i • :<ir th-: ' b 1( -. f
w ’ '• ni’i -.:i' .!.■ mi r.i’ ' ■ : g" ■ 1 im.'Hth
■mp- - r> '.-•• ’."d t • -I . "
' l, ' ! i.
1 ! • ‘ <■ ■ • many " _.a > - ’<r,.:
■'■'- "' - i::.-;- :!•-I fm ruts -.m- : , . Xi’p'lmGGm
"I i-m ;■ I’, rlt .1 ■■ ‘ ■ '■
' ■ n i '"it Ivm .my V '
i i 1 ■ i i " m- rs- . x • .*■ - '‘lr-
Pm' I" --I, ■ -
: -1 i: - r . 4t u I•*!: <•i •: ■. ‘t t h»• on Jy,i | . •'?‘ • .. _ _>■
i" in- ’: I H I.< >PH U i H< HH M ! < E 1 ‘
; Like I’"-?!.’ j i. sin.ill dos"s tteaspoonful •
Pe-ru-na Not Oniv h
" i Leaves (he System In H <■'. .. < - H ■
Mr T ; , ■ S •n. ’t. w :f• ■' * the ex S’’ ■■■•.: *' <I-
■; . lU7 Wahi i'."nnv. Uhie.igo, ll'
"I suffered this winter with a severe attack of la grid] ,
I’s iiina tn such cases I thought I would try it. I used i' ‘ait m
ter the second day. and in the course of a week I was very much t; : ■ • A ■
; found that the grippe had disappeared, but my general health i
is a wonderful family remedy and gladly indorse it."—Mrs. Ti
Omnlrt. Neb.. January 2'5. 1000
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus,
Gentlemen: "I am 68 years old.
am hale and hearty, and T’cruna has
helped me attain it. Two years ago
I had In grippe—my life d»s
paiird of. Peruna saved me."—J. R,
i: I ■■■ R . ’ ■ t
r-= R.- a* m-ed SUPpicmflf.
bis when m »■,>.••, • t w - dis J by
iI ’ \. • • Vv > ; •■ • ‘ . ■ • f ' ;• i: ' ■ ■ . 11>
• S' i- : • 1 ' IS ■ ir mid
!« ■ . V’• • t-vr a;
Old M.n- Killed. Niece Wounded
S\ H'.dr ■•; . m:>i R'l yea pa
w • ir. : -r ’ . • ■ ■ M. S Eli*?
A > ■ .v > ■ 1 . nv ■ ind
rini; -i v. in i**d ’ s 1 !' >m*- i .!>hn
[ »a.dr
'l'onn; t T’r ■ ,?dm ' v. • lam *• Rni: 'i.•. x is al. it ••••r-; old.
Av , ■ . • ••
From Ed: Room to Coffin.
: S’ .:!••. I > • Mm M -
G , £: . \ Jmm ■•:• R b X R
th. mmr to • -t ’ • na f >rn . tn-' -
a ■ ;i.. S>-it horn Jh’.« 1 I'd ' «.* • nigh?.
;.■! ,t, Mr John n : ; - .yht -J • nlic ;
, . her ••• m.irk • it n • w mm ,H>- .
11 i, •; ■ ■ a j i .i ; i<i ': ■ r -■ ;: i;
• ,-. <] : : ’! t: • ■ he; • oh t ;•-!!> i
M•• Julias >ll Wb' !• ;■ • imm’ ; t t'lkmg
with : m. tin’ r--mmm ■ m- with t,• th-rr
Th ii meth Mid fur Gaston
■ ’ ... t . mh\ m -.! ■ d th.' M >r .-
V •' t.m niii - Pallas. <J . ton
. . *i h $ as -’ d <• J Web •
Badly Gored bv Bull.
' Columba. >i '' b '.a;,. '
Cur.'t-<■.'»! 1> 1-'1 i’le of
.■■ i !-,a J lr i<a. b-olh ■■ IUF’ I- :
i;„ fllr / M . nr,:. '■- ■s- ;
.... ; , < | io; 0: t ks '<*.
; d'bio.oitin- tli<
Suit to Collect Back Taxes.
b s >•., VI;;. IS. (Sb b <’.)
. ~,, ■ :o' bnw-si s ilts f-r ba• k ; •
' . oom mill.- was rnml- puo!;. iv
f..r - i.-'or. In-..
' ab.inst the Sp.o'tori m-I!-. 'ms j
Th.-' lit d io lie mill ■.
0,l si'i), . mpti '!i iC-m o‘ x ' ', 1 ;
.linam-o ..... la : b. .
•0,0 aeiitioner in ' ■ ■ ■ '■■ 11
5 .,„ ; a. -1..- •:■ 'f 'l'k- ’ I
, f .] i.-ii.... fop. . of South I ar ..m-!. ,
! iv ,s Iro.i .b pr.iop.i 111 ‘T<!b :-.|bri’b :
' , .. ; V nib- t" 'ii"a 11 - t! j
. . ... ; tin G’-a' !
.. ,
lu.V' S SI.O--I - ii-.1.ei..-, .-■•■mill..:
i . .m-i la.m- i a lei. rh-.iim.ii Ism
: ; ml ■ - uiariti : •:.•■ kl'ln.-ys an I i-
,i. in i. it'.> m?i .!• I v..>ni- e ’•»•<!. r • >•••■ I-
I ,!,... mines tn n. 1: nm II I" ’"o
■ . 1 ::srzl -i. «i? be s.n( by ie-.1l <>l of
S,| 'one Mr. H t- (I-- • .e ,
1 men:, and will cure an> ■ .'iw nu iui"ii<'<| i
) H i: \\ H.. b (•!■ ri.e* I•Imi • • • " <•’ ;
I-'.. \ f>29. bi I Xh i ' '• in.••'.•■•«•-. I
A | |. drumn-
M.i rli 11 I'• ■n i .■ ■: 3 190 i
j lie • • »■! t if? tbit I ii.a\ r ■ <c--‘ ‘ links
! r-'x t - Wend-r f-’i kiln-' n niM<- ami b. j
| Dever feiiml .it’.' tiling 11 - ■ ijiri'- Ils merii I
I are wctn-lerf il. Ir?. if. 1 .lid, ami be t n-
j \ n < 1 HI X . K C. XX 11l l X I.LL. |
IH" b l .1 ■-■ ’• . ...
.• ■ t ving o : P's '.- i" •
I Tlv >1 ov< l"t'. r wilt' -
1 I’. :■ m . Medi.-me G ’
; ind’v .■ „ Hu- i -m. I'
’arrli - -a - ■ "t - v
■ :eiw. v'lt Iml w p.” ' •
: 1 ’ .i *
■ grlppi I’’ •■ : i i ”, i.
Re. I’ll" ...
■ pa G i- ... '
w ’! 1. i I ’
im,- TIP'"
ivv 11! -9 . : k 1 I 1
| th. mi J ‘
Life SenD G\\ K
Eng -vh’L •
; fit •' ■• ■ ■ ■ .
| S nn; ■’ R ■;:* ■
Gonzales ’<• II • B: ; '\ f
Sheriff ’s Baby Drown-<
I thr ‘ ■' • w' ’
i HUf»r!iT and •' w;' w\ •
| •.VP!:’ IHtJ it-
Kfb' -k* •: 1 •
Two Negroe - A. e H < r.' •
bit tie R■ -k \’*k M..-
. r. < ■ .r»: < !*">i ■ . ' '
■ xint > th rn ir¥g wl n in
i ’h'.( tii v»-n<(lty : ■ ’he in s ■
' JhCf . J :• • •
•-•))• f; in si :nh h v\ 1 • i i-T
' fr-’in j i • ighbt't
Secretary Shaw in Texas.
!'• a iinim:: j ’. M : < -'-i bi At • ',
:ion given t" s- ■ ret.-i:') t" r i -■■u-
Sb.i.w by th" bustn.-ss num "f lids ■ i’>
this m.-’irduu. s» ".’■■■! ux rnmiv :
■p. ", li in wiiii- : is mid gr 11 - -.
Hi, nf.-’-ssitv f mbimi h.ii-mir. -m tm-
H ■ al. . idm- it.-.i ’ ■- o'" :■ ip
pro]■ ri.ltions :imi til- ;:. . . s ,: ■. j.m
ship Sttiisid \- :■> : mild up S •■:': Atm :
irnin trad-' Mr Shaw will ... In op .1
W .-dm dm
Nine Injured in a Wreck.
San A :;!• ni.i. T. x.. M.>: ': :ii i - ■
t ! :! lid Gri-:i t X" 111, :-r. p , ... -,l: , ■
trim \<’ .». smn lib-mud, whii-1: v. ■. d .
t" arrive at San Aatoldo at 7 :g I . k
this moridiig. . la- h.-d hit" Hu- r.-.-o ~f
p.isS'.ng’.r train No. - .-itb..l. at
Kyic j,iati"t;. ii milts north of Sa:. Au I'hri e "f th. train -m w i: : :
sengvrs wiT" injured, but num- fata!:;.
Tm injur, d
I'higim-.-r Frank Br\.-", S.-i A:.t
I>. A Virm express mess. \
ton!.’: I.rakeman J. i-.’. <'i.inniiigha nt. San
•\r.tmu". D. G G.I swiek M" .-u V.-m.m
Mr- 1' M H igifitm Sa : Vitim;.. M. G.
lieriiaril. Mar-.- Ann Callahan.
I'll’ Wi- k Wa- "111 "d In a !:■ ( yy :'"g.
No Pool Rooms for Texas.
A ustiu, Tex.. March m The >■
day lin.illy p.i.-: ■ d ib.- anti-p" il r<. .m
lull, which . arri.' - with it .. «-.-.-ti -n f -.r
bidding betting on horse races even at
■ ■■■ ■»"' -
5i BOYS’SUIT. $2.50
■■ i
j .i< ■■ r ‘jj Y.J
•i > v -.!•.• W ■■'tN H
I ;'■ ■ •■■ ’ M--;. •• H ‘ ’if’. 'Ch'h h• •' <■
. .nr >■ -n:." nit r» \
Lilies Bros Mercantile Co. St. Louis. Mo.
j;-’ '..’JPtS WNtHt A.I tlbl rA.Ls. fgj
kyr Best • "j-rh Tastes Use P"1