Newspaper Page Text
ROBY ROBINSON Business Manager
} r Hf re<! ••• t »?;p IfiKUl't F««tefficr oM'-Mi
<:k?s rail 'i.'Hrr. M». I 1» I K 7 3.
WEEK’ V <’< »X’STf : ETb X. only pr-r
•vinini’ <*|n’- </ !iv» .$| » rhibp <»f ten,
SI each and a c >py ■'> getter-un of club.
WE WANT YOV The C -nstUntion wonts an j
.. t ,-.,rry pms* -Yf i<«- m Anwiiß. A«rnD
-'.•tit ait i p *•<)•’. t'-rn-.' H veil are not ;
}> , , , - ;b. r. ■' want \ »u t< a.-t ;i . .iftit .it
•. nr ■ ■!'•'■•••. Write ns
■ <_>}.' Al’l‘H I- -•< • Wb--n ->rf Ing al-
- -.f y.>ur lai-r . h.tnjre.i always give De
: w at-- new .td-h.Always give
.• and state. If yutiF
■ v ijßii . , ■’•> Ay us at! 1 v. e |
i m i<»« n 'he uat fei
■. .. y, ; ST.NI- I S AN ol’.l'Klt for IKAV sub | alb'w n- .'i v. .ek to get D.e
. . s .n • t and pJpd star !.- 1 i>< Lt
■ • -,, ■ ■.- ,| ;. j . 0. - H ' \ ' JU 1 1< 11
- - -A b 1 TV-w
.. 1•• ‘
< At i; y-. 11l dhvtion -ng anti hl* |
y.r.-t si■ I ■ ■•1 .; 1: • 1’• • Kplres ‘he n-xt I
. > n-h w: i [e : .11 of in'-:---»’»•! J’* 1 * ;
: --• ir A < sing ••■' '1 he ‘ 'on
... .1 -lU. : -a- A a we, k j
,n- ’■ ■ > nvlo- sure-. I' it •*:' nut rake ;
, ■ ' ; net- to gt t Ho m • >• u mail- j
five Obsti
\\ .ii mu . v. -■ a..-.. bat.- - h<> attoio- ■
1...... . ’I ■ sill- ■ Ho. I’- ■ v-- L’s “s- »n b-
. ; .mm ” :;l j !'<>,' llitll il'.W . i'U I !»<• '
i <-| ins •;i(■•.-i> ami at last sum ■
I ffo, ■ a ■ st. intiiir.c, I sb- IH'gro I
■ ' tio-vn <'hari.-sion’s throat?
' tv-.i I riir. .< Slates Semites. ;
. . ;i> i ■ , to o\i. tAvJieltliiimh' I'epniili '
..ns, rmiiss-d to mmtiim litis m-ni'ii's
ti’.poim m.-iit as <-i. sleet or of eiistoms
I . a oil. the {.resid.-m has seen
•ti io -rtirie ami official sea
-isimm i>v DinLiitisr an mt inierini ap-
P'>)ntirmm. which will have th. effect
:1b a;- p ani< . in off a< ■ as.
-- mci'.- as if Im had not In eii ton .al
■ 1-. . ■ O'er j naf , ’s he,ci ’ll do .. . -
’! it tie- i . i •.. t: a. ■< -d «it hill his
.... till. <.> i,,- .pie'll ioib'il.
"t ’ ■ I O'- SI-O-- -nt for Ilia tie- I
' ,-e • - ~1-u : j: ; . .•<> 11 ;> 11V : i'lie.
m. -v> i. • i.’ :;c m s ~ a hi noreil tlb
nsnal custom in t'orctiic the appoint
mem a:--’ ih ■ ; ,enai ■’ - faiime - o am
■st ; i it Io > tlir- \v away >ll.' In -f
o; ■ 'tunity oa- - . ii,.,.. -o iimio.
■ mi a n.e :-p• it harm ' ■ i■
■as already hems v.i.i . m i- tbis- ap
cm ii-i'b .
T - < '<n -1 itii: of :. a rt-pi ■-< nta
■ ■ ■ ■: !h i i sent i.. o . ■ -it in thi '| mat ■
I -1 u■ tc ' -m s :m we
■■ ; m, V ;j j ■ . c: iiiiisim m>
.■roii.-iir--:’ it it v<A- ,;■,- forced tn ; >■<■
. . a- ■ - sei’;:-.. ■ -han a pie <•
< . •-.■< o ,Ja |. a t g’< ,ltj>
m . I: iv. ' h; : 1-u. r. a- •
| • tor or a tips him.
' y ’o'. vv j , f yr
m - no l ' u> uni---
I c m ,s > t . ; , , , i'her s
I . .
h ! m fill of ( 'uni, now ii ar m- ;
! - ■: I ’<■ I an itnti' appointee upon .m
> ( ODi I I U hat lies' ?
\t , h have done with a policy of
h m. t nil's; the foih ’
; has felt that he mo.hi tor eousi e
< . ily .-cm ie from ’’m !’and wl . n ’:m
i i.o alrr-ndy tai;.!’, in tin.-, and mruiiii
ether kindr. rl math will he now
oiit new outh for him..elf ftom
• . stum’ pa:tom ’’ Or will be bo
'' li'c's Ly rea;-.i>n am! comimm .-ense,
e-. expedioney, if lie pleases, rather
moi aiistia.i theories, ami display
me sis-ti smaimhip by itppoi'il men! s
,■ v.ill m.t do violence to the ria
, |mm ami sen»itn< n(s. of the <-om
;|C ’b s ill oi ve.i or V. iSi He deft'
• eha re ■' era ml int< i m -of those
< mmmni'ics by ati<-(i>,.:iug to apply
.s-jns ami eiii’orie poli.-i. s winch
uin c'ei Li- jirodnctive ot liarnm
r silo hitler, then all of his nli-T-
.. admit, dealing- fairly with the i
peumo of the south ntu.-r fall flat and
mnli;:: 1< '■ and it will m>t be worth
while for m to look any io:>m:-r to the
TJhe Panama canal treaty has been ratified at last without amend
ment and without further vexations delay.
It is now only a question of a few years belore the two oceans
will be connected by an isthmian waterway under American control.
This is wiiat lite country wanted, and. as we see it, it does not.
matter a great deal, alter all. that some of the details of the treaty are
not just what might have Imeti desired. It is enough to know that tint
I’nited States will build this canal and control it.
H may js-. tegr. tied that, some of the contentions made by the dem
ocrats in congress lot outright ownership of the .-anal zone, absolute
SOI • t-eigtiiy and right to fortify and defend ar we see fit. were not incor
porated in the treaty al the outset; but it may be believed that the spirit,
of the agreement, will lie sufficient to amply protect its in these matters.
Certain it i.-. tile exigencies of the ease rendered it extremely ilall
gerous to reopen the qm-siion; -specially wlten (here was no assurance
tltai wo would lie able to secure better terms through future negotia
tions. So that, even though the democrats in the senate did not get
what they wanted in tluir wis- and righteous contention tor clearer and
more libet .I terms winch the republicans, themselves, admit should
have been ceciirod al lb- outset- the senate has. nevertheless, done a
good day’s work for llm count ty in - losing the t rans.a- l i-m even as it.
stands Afi.-r till, w ‘have lost mor,- than we could have gained
liy t .-opening the ( as--.
llritiy outlined the Colombian government cedes to the I nit--1
States for a period of till years, with perpetual renewal privilege, for
ea.nal purposes, a strip of territory across the isthmus ot I .mama ap
proximately six mile- in width, in consideration of Ute payment of slu.-
iiiii-.iiiiii down ami -t'-<-u p- : y.-ar during the lile oi the concession.
While it is trm the i'nlted S pies obtains no absolute gov -rnmental
control tit being impos-ibh- i--r Colombia, under her constitution, to
ali.-tcit-' lerritoryi we niay < \--reise police power over out prop- tty
i ami full authority over American subjects. The I’nited Stat-'.s may cs
tabi-sh -rilmnals I-t :h* 10-ating ot - as.-s involving American citizens,
.-om- wltat on the plan oi mir consular jtitisdmtion in Oriental conn
tri'-s. The ordmary uTmimls within the canal zone are to lie those of
t'oiombiu, but it not com--mpiat-’d that those will have any anthor
j( y over or in an.-, way mteiiei. with American subjects of interests.
A eontrovet y between an Atmri-'an subject ami a subject of Colombia
would have to go belote a joint tribunal composed of American and Co
lombian jUilgc.- .
Th,, -.j-h; O s the I’m Slates to protect tile canal in “eases of
-■m - ■ r-■ ■■ m■-■ ’ is com - -c-d and we also timiertake to mote tigidiy ap
p|. t| l( , prire-ipi-- of th- Monro-- doetrim' to the protection of Colom
Ida .i mi ml jm-' tit t epm ■: i s.
Th-.-<• lattei i- .iiu.'- . of tin tr at.y would scecm to be sufficient, to
guarantee lie purpose as well as the rights oi the I piled States in a-1
matt- is af'f-'--tim; ilm -imi- They will undoubtedly, be so regarded by
the otln-r power- ot the world- ami they will hold good jtlsi so long as
'le- I’tiit-,! Stat--- is abi-- to make them hold good. Ami that is suffi
cient for all film
Tim -.-. ho- -duaiion in a nui m-ii is sumply tic- The I nit-'-l
Siatcs r-.. sc.-tired ile- : mln t<> build an isthmian, canal ami control
H I; w o| lei-lil ami i-im rol it ami no nation on earth is at all likely
il-e r. i;b t lii fuib--i t: Ii y application
\PC.--S a Ifcat;, Very nuwh iii-.c making a deed: there is a great,
-.a ;■ m'--:.::..- :.- S. c-mc. to- -fl. old r-i’a s mt- good —‘■po-:-----
: , nine ■ m '■ la" ami, in tins. case, ime I nited State, may
afi'.-.i i to waive t.--hniea le i-s in order to get down to work
Win. lie t- ople mieii. -i'll, mist ami west, warn Is the canal -
- they a ■ m-ite ■<-• have. It:- ,-tfm i ( >n the world's eomnmree
V. p: :. mm-imi. mm lar-rms hi m:: but tim south being im-st mivan-
i - ye, m.; -. ,■: ■ ;--- -i. wo i a gv - -a' e r hi - uetl t :r--m Ili - - !m iid iUg ol
h»- atmt t’aan ant otln - - mion <>f th- globe
T- ...-.1 ’ phi ■- ! ■- IT- -lev Within :i T-y- of South
. , ;,m! mil: : - mil brim-, inc (p-mm timiiat-s-is of miles nearer
■ c- ata. ac mivantage in the -a.-t-rn trade that mt otlmr <--mn-
... . , mean, mor-- for -he in nisi and --omm-w- lal -levi-i-
~,1 rn mcli Am- ai -i i ttt,a‘ ~-vei timle.l i aken m -Ir-am-
. . of ai-ei w. will m > v-’ti nave to w; I for tim -- -npi-'tioi) of th-- ca
nal - f--- 1 ’- < i’fci i
(i-;. lS |' i Allan - -i til' potts ,rr- d ii’-'d ’ - lalm on it(-w lii-t
,| .■ on; ms, trm; - -tm r will l-egiii to expami in ant tcipti 1 ion ol
no-, m w -apital will .-e-.-k itiv--.-: tm-nt in i vein' available
11 ua!’ c- v :-: I- mi th and -. ti ’’it ol re u- ■ wed imllis 11 ia i pr- >gr» -ss win
, mi -■ mm
. cm pen,--, esp- i iady. as with oim m.have - rich
,- :f ..e a.•:! mi !->■ mi-! t<> l.’-gin. Am' m-w Hint the li'-'aty has
p, . ;i miifi, - ; > I'm ■ ! Slams and s-.mtl WOI m- by I' -imulmi. a.ll-i we
,i e all ;■ read-, to I- --a -I the somd 1- -owes And it ma-, w-dl re
.5,.. m-.-te m-a'TA :-m, >m . - mm,ms >b;m .my otln-r semion ol tin
co-imm. mm' m- •■ impny mr-oti;-- m :hi- vpin-ii-ma k i tig --nt • ’l'pt :si-.
I>r--i-ni miinini-:'I'o ;>>u or a sirtiit:-
n policy ’ that hi in t • milk ot
HI . 'l.:' "■ ’■ 'I 1 U all '
I : IP 11 :■ Vll .111 lin'd-: ■ ■ atb!in
-I ! ii ■ - -a .. IIT i II in ' 111 ’
;■ s- .■t a' y Siia w ■ ■ imt-.-iii i. n
timtl the --nlfit y i: w a a
-.?'■ it : - no! ma ■ laic as
~ | 'i ■ti - on t: Wall
si I --, . -ah' • an- 'lag] i’li' it-' lo tli-’
:: I'pi ■ I t-'-iM - v L:• i< lias jus'.
\ : : , tin pH: 'SOU .- : - - tl.
.■"li t - n. lit- ",... • - i-1 ■ . -'i itig .v-'-ai:- to shot' that
a. . . . n th- -tmidpo tit: I tali :<*
pot.ii |. I’m ■■" ■' of rtai >nal in
m It tvabiie no ’ ’K jl> V •' H
m --no '. ti i w. -: shov. a lotai
■ : - ' ■ . .
fitly h -tL.iu dining lift.' and
it, i off di 1 :> lint ■ of Ilogs
.i: .. :. i ill " :■■ t t’ i 111 t 'otlljla ti ■
. I, I. -.. ■ ■ .:■ O-I i,, 1 lit I Igllt
pl : m-ip't I whmi' fiiai'k-is fur three
.■ ■ ' ' ' .1 a:.-..-' '- lIoWS
' ! i" a yea > ■' '■ ; ■ ip : ■ wc ■ -or ■
siileiN'il. -u <X-- ;- ■ ' the two proven
,: ■- I. -: i. i : ■ : pinentof
' , '. ' (III) (:i;'■<;> for
’ : ■ C : lie Week s of fill pt e:-. nt.
<-" ■■ ■ ■ >.b ■ 'dell iotri a
t ’!-■ :.<-l ;<l. wh i T
iii- JT, >i 1: 101, ; i-llt-'i: :' ■ -111 t lie
-aim- : -'at - ■ ti - ' ’ i i: ' ’ ale. in a
Hiai ei.j ilcgl’C' 'he IHiie ’ - tn-ral lip
wai -t ) ' tid i u In t iik :-.- H- ■ -eipts o’'
" :!' '-i I Holl I at : A I Hlllt 1C II
imiii'i lit- tn* ii iii advance of those
.la i: I: ary ol year. Hie total for
tin f-it.-r p:-m : : pons oi’ N--w York.
1:■ - " >u. i’ii i ; ti .a ami iia Stimore
- . . ■ ' . 1- lit
W" h ’ • '■ . -a. '- m . I T : mix --ril-
ni,-nt I--port says “In the southern
sla!--:- a. tola! it .k.LW>,m;3 halos of
eoicui tit'.' reported a- constituting
the availaiile supply up to January
111 t-f tin.- yeto Oi this amount.
V.HI' I .i'Mi i'.i:. ; w- i - leeoijits in
right .’or tie- -mi oi: of which latter
figures i'-.'Tf' .i'-s.-, balm; w- ro received
at ports; :.‘Mi babl'tii.-roil into
tin t- t <■ - --via mt -iiipnienl s, and
T.iigsami |,;i!,s wen- taken by south
ern mill.'.’'
Tlie oiitptii of peiri’lenm from the
Toxa : fp jib- i. ... itiiinarlz-’tl as fol
'Shipmi-p-. of petroleum from the’ ’-■'■! in January amounted
to i: , ,i: ;. containing I.III.RCJ
barrel ;. Sin--- shipments began in
III"!, to tie ind of January, TJO3, a
teal t M <ar h.n ■- been hip
p- .-l. --. >1" a ill I lr_- : :T!I l a ITe!" of
foriy t wo'. aiioiis - ach.
An Er.i. of Goo i Roa,is Un wiling.
■ .. .m a me-,’ - \ei -• sect ic-ii of Geor
i - itip'. i-’poi'is u an incream-d hi
t- r, :ip guild rote: ■ title and in t v
a-'i-r .llioiher inking tin- nialh-r tip.
: ini >a rd o' -.mill y ,mm-
'i:;. -i, m : rim-- and tiler,' ar,- atlopl
:m: im-'h-rn tih-a.- ami nimb i n tm-lliods
:i' i mi'i - iv' i.t in- pii'di-- liigiiwa vs.
As an : tni -at i< m ot :b: ■ :|ir. i- -a rn.’d
I ill --I ■Si ,11 m .ml tom!.-' w, quot e the
iolb-winr Tin- C- ’.■• town Staii'i-
-' i’s I. !*.,ik III" ’ .I'M I’mij.l
li- 1' ■ • ... -... 1 111 .- ,i'.etm -
in i ■ sain-' mmi -•< I mil The Mai ■’
r i .loiiriiai ji.’-'ui ”tis :ii:it I'oiili ' -'iin
i . h : adopt--d tiie m z mad law aiso,
nd no v. --i k;ng Mid' J.“ and d
-inres that m a f <>w A'ar- the roads
(V (’ubi, cotiji’v wilt all b< made first
Pra.-t i< a!. .h< - -.i im st <u y oi-i- .-
ipdii marly , v-ry progressive
-muiy in the .■ ate Indeed, it has
■bout l-Ofim pH.-. tile ptOgFCS-
;\'c rtiiHi! L<>t (Jeoi gia ai>‘ now
known by Uh- aitetition which they
give >o tiim: i-'iblie highways.
Tli- oil! ..'i.vle road systems are out
dat- Gem gin moving along too
rapuily :-i: sm'ii things io be any
•mi-m tol-’i-aii-d Tito people of To
day si no smis- in itim-nuiing two
i;-.m--s iii >ing to niariv'i when I hoy
<an iii ’ as well ci in one hour. Tiiat
i u'-: aboiii the differotice. a- com
pnimi in tinm. bi‘twei-i: good am! bad
roads F.irmer., as well as nie-.ehants
realiz..’ (hat iltey ium cannot afford
tv fry to .i:--’ along with bad roads.
Tiny c-isi t;i: nwiv than the oili-u
A.iways 'iit-i-siod hi everything
that nta’..' s for tfie. material advance
men' of Gooi iia, Tin 1 Constitution is
highly gruiifled and oimoitraged to
-•lbsen e this increased interest in im
proved public highways. Along with
a “Gti-ai -i Georgia' we must have
ixfti-i roads and the people every
where six tn to in fully aroused to that
fa- i.
Should Raise the Maine,
T’m> announcement that Foreign
Minister Abarzuza has ihitertnined to
suggest to tTn> Spanish cabinet that
■ Im taken to have the wrecked
i battle ship Maine refloated in Havana
harbor, in JiMor t<> discover the cause
I of her sinl<ing, will be read with in
; terr-st Hiroughout the I’nitml Slates.
The Spaniards have always con
: tended an investigation would show
i that the Maine was blown up front
i within, instead of from the outside.
A good many people in this country,
among them some naval experts, have
taken the satm- position. The general
opinion is. of course, that the destruc
tion of the Maine, which precipitated
the war with Spain, was the act of
some Spaniards, but it has never been i
believed that the Spanish government |
was directly a party Io any such act.
Just, why the Maine has not been I
raised before this is not easy to under- ■
stand. The government of the I’nited
States should have long before this
had the hulk lifted from the bottom
of Havana harbor, if only to show
that this coimtry i- as anxious as any
body io absolve Spain from the re
sponsibility lor sm h a dastardly act
as the sinking of the Maim 1 , it' this can
be done.
If the Maine was not destroyed liy
a. torpedo or a mine applied from the
outside, all \mcricans would like Io
know It. The high character of the
chivalry of Spaniards, as shown in
the defense of Santiago and by the
bravery the --ommamie) . and men of
the Spanish fleets which were sunk by
Dewey ami Schley, demonstrat'd that
the highest type of Spaniard could not
possibly have been guilty of such an
act as the destruction of the Maine.
If an investigation of the remains
ot the ship will throw any possible
light upon th-- niysterv of her sinking,
Hut American people will not enter a
word of protest against the expendi
ture of any sum which may be nec
essary lo raise her.
Not a Hopeless Case.
Kari-'-s I> i< t<-j ii ■ o-1-11 : Wit-- 111 t w--ri
te I 'bil. wlit w-ml-l you ?
I-1 1 b.- i-|.. .
W-1 • Won 1,1 -.-mi mm - -! r
I lei - .No. I w-mp-n't I--- that - razy.
Preferred To Remain Neutral.
Set Im. - 'am Ami' now, .10l- nnie let me
b- a r r-i-i bmiml .Ala ska
.b-l, mite On' -a, -1 -loll' I Vr ■■.■ oil
m-t im- lai a - .' .1 . in ■ --I y- r old in
!-rua tioua I -Its;.:;!«s.
What's the Answer?
As m Him- r|, a o.j,
Tie re ar" « irr-liii: ■ - n pl- i, I
A ■ --. r ' - -m- ■ ' i ’mm
fr >v. x-. iit. :: -.
- < ’iii- a no Tribune
Other Things To Commend Her.
- N. .. V, if. -d-.ring the iim'-r-
r--l i V. --. aon j'l-.'pl- ’ ’. "ti oiiiy ma r-
ri---l in-- 'or my m - ■
11m.1.aa.! . i-i,- ar,- v wmir my -;t--.--.r
■i-i,.-. ~.. ,1 fl-.- to- : W.,1 y,.:i - - ,
had - ■ - '!■ bl-- r-- ■ - ' -■
With Her Workin- Clothes Ou.
V.,1- .zoo: Na - -El 1 Wil- '"-a j
iomi!.' !-- : im- it tli-' imo -ho wit - - “th- \
tl ..' a-r- i-v. - v ,n y -.-r ua i ;
i - m ' I wiuil e-. - ■ i. -v. in-- -I: I ;
!,a \ - -m '-.' ■ I remaiif- a- r eHI i■ ' -m 1
Ta. I- ’ --I in;-. I I-, > r -a ' !-■ Nm s.-r x
- ufb ■ t ti- Thu !.' ■i - ver ii- i ■ w-' .: '
1 ■■■• a- -'.iri suu'k' a' a ; -i|>--.
Might. Help Some.
1 . la ■ - .11 -wi i 11 -m.’. '
: i ■ -It r•i ’: •. -1 i . I -•:> I - the H r-i and i
■a - .mi- tail are
1..- SI a -mi, : wl-i h .
<!-i>’; -li- I aim t w . -IT iir- ;rain I
A Biiomim; -V Town
■ A'. 1., 1 : ■ -■ a -k ' -a- " :
. I-" l‘iv li "
■i ,m- V- - g - up .a a
' - I, :: i - I - ■■
in’ ■ rl. mii-■ to■ vv.Ht.-r-. tm iir--
shows I’
C indid.
Tid Bit ■' lb ' M -a ;be 'ln r- : :
m. w -'i i -. i
- it,i:n ’ .■• ink- a . .1.-. k •-!
tmcii ’. T ■ ■ vi. . ' - . i’> -mi- .
A. Dist ord ant Note.
it.- \\ I . - * i-'m -
! t N’l my :■ “ •’ -h f -v
Bit - i.isc H“ Im '■ -■ - H’•!
‘ ii- : V' >L> v. M - - ■ 1 '
ill 11.- in ■!, • ■ • ' 1 - !■ !-
si I til
■ ;1 'ti- ‘ V-' ■ .'ii.'- ;,<1 I-■
til- i ■ • ! i.. -b-
A.n Optimist.
fr ail .- t ;-■■■! ’■• ' -I f . \Wa: I mt ■-. ■
. .... fb-WI ' ■
Her Pirnfe, ■■-.■ice.
y - y it. ' ■ !■’- -,i -
Sim I l sin Tic - ■ V ■ ft : m-mbi '
M-- "
•■ ■ ■ v. |, ■ i - • - r- im-rn l ■
y-m aKimi - y :> s ; m-, i
Trouble in Texas.
T-.-r" i- I.lle-wi? - !’, ■a- 111. l -i-'m-ini'l ;
T(. ora ‘ . x - -. a.v , 11 I’> ill :m .Il ’ M.a i - ■
.ti-. »u- • ' mi. l ■ -!'■ ■ .
i. • . I - --- r’t t: ..
< - ■ : ' . ■ . , a :
t’i-Hi >m; "i ■ ’ •11’. I V .'Hh . ni.'lk'- -
.- IIJ AUll . " rlTl-l L • • 'hf’l'' g'IHS
y i flrnr ■ ■■.
Auu I ?!*;•• T-.-'i* 15 i« <■ khil) 11 in i? i
}•••: I. •'.'■Wi;
M- Si- Wild i
H- t -<■ .-.nd C i.--nt
..I.:- i
~ rni , aim. in sw-r-l.s I
,\l,l ' ..I’ <’mlj- i'-U-f.S Wf’ IT. ft 'I-'- '
■- i ;
l-’-trih fr-HH Xut-'M) w.r-’ * ♦-liet •h. ; it the ■
ni<n h‘ Ihum's i--b
•. • 1 ■ hmg oi
Thev ! -a- , r • -■ •iTU’ w. ,;ii-l th- Jr ;
:• i -■■Hi' -i • • -.i ’ ;
tip j-. .-; t ft t]i; »»n H”* i’ll '.villi ;
nil tV;- v.-’.if •:
\. -t •> (l-i/.H : l.i- (’ 'it;-: I h.‘ It-;t \, i ■
’H.”M tIM-rr*
I . v.mi-- the '’l'liut; tint?, niakt-s i
<’ity j.. -p’u -\s
th •.'■|C imii.:*” ■ ■’(' f-.r t; .■ :
j'-tM'.l old -hi \'U <;'■ i
When :11W w-H" W- th.H rna-H' Ui-m ■
!<•♦>! lik<- l-iin-ps it! • t’ 3 !'>g.
TI cv if' I'binnbi.f thW- ‘'- r 1 -Ht ’hat w: I ;
d<. the ’.-v»n no goo I.
And th.-'. . - J'.’is ■ ’llin;-. - 1 : ' Vf-t'> j'.'-t to ■
f-b-i'.v him t, .Tt thev <-('ilW
They will .t-ut.- ’..h-' him wb# t».«-. <--r
IhM Wlb.W j;t”-
That ’tn i hr. wh •-r <i b r mpdf th* m v . ?r a
i ult <-f ;-p!k€ tail ’ T'hct-
. j' •iii H-re Amm k aii.
LAST night t r--ml to my family
porliolis of a long arliele l-y a
;in .((-lii-r des- ribing Ihe slut -omli
lion ol a p-opl- j),, lias r-mently visite-l.
i nit -if one hundne.l and sixty -eight,
towns m the stat- in- visited seventy
-I them that nr,- off from ilu- railroad,
and .ill ol tli-s- have d- er- - —-d in popu
lotion sine- 1890 Norn- of tli--s-- towns
lull- settled pastors or piem-hers and
the --ii a n-lii-s a- nbn nd-in-d oi have
preiii-biug at irr-gnlar intervals and the
.111 i-n-l'i tn -• hardly eVer (-x-mi-ds twenty
five P-’I -Olis. Tin- Sabbath s. bools ar--
e-iiiallv des- -ted The on -- lius.v plants
of small iudiHt-m 1 -- are dead and 111--
iieopli- f.trill only for tin- bare nt eessi
ties of lite. Ibie-is. barns and fenes
iii- going In decay and tin- little mills
that. w-r-. on I In- creeks have tmnbli-d
-town mill th-- d.ims liav- wash* 1 away.
Iler-- and th-r- you will m, a stately
miiiiis'-in shellering some dtigeni-rnte fam
. in the ba-'k rooms while tm- vacant
front greets, you with' the silenec of
the tomb. Som-times you will find an
old man and woman ulon-j In an old
uui-estial home 1 found a uiotlier and
her iit o sons arid two old maids in -m-*
bouse not one -if whom -muld read. The
in I i-rma rria g-t of near relatives or not
marl y lug- at all Is common and -ache!
■ uiid diver,mi nii-n ami widowt-r.s bare
’-,-.msi ke-pi-r- ami tiu-y inbliishiiigly <•<>-
habit with them and young- girls be
.■"im- gr.-i-- wi-l-ws by til- time th-y ar
sis t-ell.
'"vVl'-n.- I- .-.’l till.''?’ said my wife ”t
don't ln-liev- ,i wor,l of it. It is some
m-wspaj,, r he ■ n take made tqi l>y some
■ -rl - • I j ■ .cl on. In on-- t own 1
fe •: -1.1 >ll ■ ' S -I '. I d'l - Il lilt <l.l uc" g-1
in- -m in .in old '.-a :-:-d t.-x--ri' '-ii-.i tin",
-lane,-I :."i d-v-11-d and ilr.ilik until
Sail.l"., in-.ruing. Sumi,', is no more ob
served Iliac it in (’hi.-ago, for tb-.v
!;"■ .iml .11- and gatbi-r hay all the.
.--me as on week days. Ji : ile.-.u-y. In
sanity and 'iiibe.-ility ar.- Very marked!
1 found one f imlly in win-. ;i both pa
: iii.' w--re idiots ami bad raised up .<
.-ainiiy of Idiots. In anotln-r borne or
ii--''-.- I found a poor old i’atb‘-r taking
a:,- -u’ tin-- mol h-i less -liildren. aii
"I don't heli--'.'a. word of it.’’ .sai-1
o. . wb-- T’m-ro is no such people in
this i-.mnt:.- . p''.:>er are you r-.-iul
ing from?”
( >iu' -an linrly «-.>nc- iv-* -f the tilth ami
ri-ig-ning n th-- < .--iiti . plai-'-s
-all-d limn-'- i '..<ri-arism differing ’Toni
the city slams only in bs stagnant in->r
tia ail,J ma-'i.-i as little cc -imreb in
ll i-i'.'.s as if ai ti'-. 1 li-nrt m Air 1 ..-.a lim
imiritry |,---pl- nil OUT lb-- '’a'-.-
a-rilly w'lb'-.-’ arnb'-m". impruvld'-ut.
ignorant, a abb <-r-oi m' wri'-- !o-’-'
in their fanil!-.- r- Alma - ,-..c <- -fl' ■ i-t.
g: .-I to drii'!., 11,,1 s-.-.H-- '-■ the opium
',.1-at. Aim I’m* lire T.- !i 'Wns where.
• ~ ;r , li'-ed tn- !>■ 1.-mi ■
t:. ... -tn"' Anm'ig ' iu-m t’---
1- ald i is • >’o lbs bi ' ■ ’ It Ai- -
~,t is, th I’. I ;:> ■ Ind 1 ’ i - ’•! - ■ M ib.’ri
ell .and otliers
I am i-mbt'm l’r--m The Il.iri: -r,i I-m--
and i’i. - j .11’. a I u f riiou of tin
i - p,.;-i r- -d in .'<■ W ll.' -ii I" T ‘s'
It- .- Alt 11 ,b mas. a Itil-ie .- ■aw
I : .--nd , -'ll- . l '.f -1- Times U’TS
. ■ it . ■ wi’i' - ''.l O'-'
. -.1,.:.:.. ;.s .1- --rib- I l>. Mi il l 1 Inns '\>r
■ ritie-t I, I are c-mim->’.i to a.: v-- oi<b-r
. . ■ l; .' 11m-", -T M.i -'-co
■ - . .... > Biie e -,' po' ' ■ : r for tl’-nt
j It -. in I bi-■ r -:a
- i , a;' .. i N, w I Im; hi a I
it-i m ■ -wn li.-rs, ■ amt m' - '■!'■ - ,n
•fi, ■. - u Inimm-.i i’i- ifi at'' -A-'':- tn
milia will .-im; ir-- W'l--'- wont
u 'si : m ■ New I .m:
, , 1 (. .. . y| F| ; j , I.ins' ■ o’l- ’-I. I tioll
~ ■ w itli my o-.v •
: I - kind i’i ' ■ want If to
■ dmi... |i. mt tl,.- Il 'I ’ll- mill-' i' of Th'
T. ni-s ; - ml-' I I.- a v. !i n he • .i- ti:- sa’m
s a mu to Hl Ih” ' -ki- i
. .1 I:!'.,' Im I’- Ce il'
e ~ I-i ■ .m.l- of '•"• iimantain emuities
” j ... i-:,- iT- rale, imt Hl'-' ri’"
Urn .1 n tn. ■; 11 'll : ’’ : ' ltd emir- : I id
• e TTiiir: .’!ti r,-fatiuii anti übey
... . tci id it t• m ’ -i' y ‘
v. i . . ■■■ bo --rimln.i :- k-
Nov, I was thmking that r.i“ Hosi-m
... JI art ford . ■: Ne a 11 -■■ i: had ti:
a I, ,- ..- nm* --y -loivn II- to -’d'li- otd
.■ml -,n. i .-i-.r--■■- it wo. Id Te ’ itb
■ig li.t lilr ’ * t-i a lot ol th-'
-i,clam ■. c re to -!■- mi-'Tmarv
..e m I’.-m- . I i-’busi-’t-
•fh< -■ mS' > gi-ml iaios ■ udn’f t i h
::mm :| I nil >1 mak'm: Wood- n nut
..... It tfit b i' '' It--’- am!
m -,d ■ne N■ w i'ingla i people
them : ami th-ir
pym.i ■ I' im S-iUTetbnm nius* be
, ~m q ■■ i lb<- old I'm-itan
-a . . w:: I be- mm -xI i m ’. I r- i k' -'1 those
■a..'--.; ,d 'a ’- 'Am’lld 11. "h !■■-':.! till- •
■ • . T 'I. - hl i-e n- ""1 tim J a ,-i> ■
.. . .' ■: '.; I Mr T l< < "
, ■ (- h: , ,d;. ' >.mi- Ti 'libs ■ '
i J.- .o . I ''i- Smith Vimb'ni t-d,’’ I was
too i, . , i,. it i-a-rfM'ly Sim - I
lit; . , n better I m: .' ■ r-r-'a ■ it
r.‘. t'l-im ami am f’ -■' to >’■ D th
m st mrm ti. ... littl- book of f l -'' piig.—
I im ve mt f- cmd It is nm srm-ly amt
- i - li. ami a. -1 i-1 as .1 si -U'm '■’. a 1 11 ••
l,s rn-rta i " ’v. mi! a t-d tie a-nt ti ami
anil.,l til ':: a and simmers to Ii- mast-
I i feel I'k.- I have a dm nder in
min. own imis.-hotd, .- id vm tmw.' Is not
a malignant expre 'ion i it I'.
gr.i- -•t’-iilv d->m- ami would bring c.m
v' -i-n to ' -' ■ rr.iml. m-rth or s.- itii, tn it
wa , ~p, : - ■ ■ ,'-‘-.i c:--' i-m. Every emit h
in I'm- hind -'.rml-.l -nv a copy aii-l a b
sorb its eonti-ius. for it is ns rr-ndable tin n.
rmnam-t 1 regard it as th-- b.-st con
tiil-iii-mi lo smithern liistor’mai limratur-'
1 , t. !m mo m a--. .. S- d M-■ m Mr.
( No 8 Smith E.rumi street, At
'anta, it.i, I: s.-ms to rm- this hook
ym.mld - -nw-rt a north-’rn fa-ati- and if
j; e.iiT. i'rt,-d only one it would save a
a., d from .i- iuh ami mde a mu!i:: • id-’ of
si'., And li’.-i'..' has r--eei;tly coin-.' to
;v.,. ,M ,ri number T Tile Ani'iliest, a
l-r,r a -.mithern mng.-izin -. and I tlmi
in jt. a v-ry r■ - n.-1 r i.: 11 >I • • article, 'Tim
S ag,-., of (’i vilizatlon," by Mr I-'rank
i nn-. of Alla nt.l. I did m-t think
I-'rank I irm-- I is- d to km-w aam id
-no’igll to ‘lam- W"!t.’-n an irll so
-■ i-ntili'- so pllilo.'mpliiea 1. So Huxley
like ,m th- c.-im's -f mankind. Most of
tli.- .-iriicl- 1 Is in .inalyti-al hiu--ry of the
prineip.'l ra-'-’S and the i.-iiusos that coin
tribu'ed to tln-ir a<ly a m men- or their
d-eay The latt-r part deals gently amt
fairly with th.- m-gro and our eff-irl • to
elevate anil ’---fim- him by i'du
.alimi. I’l-’in Mr. (brines vlewi>oint
nnd the laws of ethnology mil
biology (bis ..-mrmt bo cloin"- amt th,'
effort "ill be in vain. Hilt I have m-t
Him or spae- to i-ii-w his a-imir.ibl
ir-itis--. Eet o”.r t.mugbtfnl men. our
wise m- n. our b-ained professors in hi.-
-ml-'rn-s r-ad i; and th-y "i’i find .-ib:in
d.-int food f.-r thought and s-riomi re
flr-elton. Mr. (Irmo seems as familiar
with onthunlogy. hlfi,.. M y. ant hro|- ilogy ,
sm-i-bigy and all the other oiogfes as
Huxley -T Humboldt or liarwin. Av
oid veteran.- are plea, cd to see our young
The Unreturning.
All tli-> days I listen listen for h‘T un
returning feet;
Ho not. say that Spring is glori-ms -do
not say that Summer s sweet ;
Lio not say thai any sunflower s heari
toward the sun shall beat
AVhilt- I listen -listen lisu-n for her un-
I '*: ii ; i iug I • - j '
Ghastly snows, through <L<rk ni-iht'- wost-
< <]. s<ek my ib'-sola»<• r» (r»';tt
And Hie ikies are black above me. and
no nights with mornings meet;
Do not say that any rainbow through the
storm n-worhl sh.'dl greot
While I listen ever listen for hei h>-
retnrning f'-et’
Not the blossoms ol lh<- MnytinD no? the
Sommer s pleiidors tier! .
\<>f the <1 irkm-sH, or the doytimc not the
songbirds singing .su’eet;
’Tin no? these - no, lost music m3k> s
the h» rt for bent:
<mh this I l.sleu li-d<’u for her ‘in-
I rt iin ning feel!
Rural Intimations.
' 11". Ron Spring Is coinin’ ’long
Whisper in the trot-s:
• Somt-Thing mighty like a ■ >ng
; Singin’ in th* br»*«ze
; (That reminds me: le<n't f« rgil Spring note nin't settled yiC)
: Now <•♦ happy feller -"•••s
; Light Mloiig the scene.
While th.* winter blighted to-vs
Twinkle Into green'
; 'That I’ lniinls m« . Don't frrgit
! This her** n.: ainT. paid for vn'j
A Citizen of Summer.
The sue. Is - linii-iii' high-r lo the nnddl-'
o' i tic day.
An' I tell you. I’m a-feelin' like the fmm-
Iner's . ti th-- "35 .
: An’ we'll soon be eboppin’ cotton, an’
We’ll Suoll t»; S'-l.i-.ilT liny,
j An’ we'll all sing baileliiia. in the
mm-niii !
Some folks, ihey lb;, the winter, when
-lie I'ro-'i is on iii-* slied.
! An' Hie Clara are like bright diamonds In
the cold skies overtiead.
But give me summer-bios- -ms an’ the
wa term-l-m's red.
An' we’ll nd sing halWui.-t. In the
mornin I
, I ibm'l ke-r f'T I'm- hot day* f--r the
twinkle o’ the lle.H
i In the I'mg- an' w. ary furrows, where
isami i' ’.imn •ir feet;
J Eor :ti- I'-mmbiy b-lls are ringin', sis
th- m-midnv' r-st. is sweet,
: An' we'.’ .T.i sing ba ii-bibi in the
mornln !
1 d ke-r it •" ■ ''in.-' A thus
r; >' wor-f mn c :■■■ ,
'' I want lo roll in -"mis feel the bn-eze
a -blowici f,--e-
I In tin- i , if.,, harv-s’, an’ the
iiurV'-sf. is for me,
j An we’!; sm" Iml’M-iin in the
Spring Notes fiom Billville.
I I. ' ,il- Illi been the t two
I "--ks. All the p.-et-s plowing.
\V!,;. - oct- !•■ i-Ime m-T-l t ".<s gru-i "m
S'- .-n ;■ i.isl VV-d'iesd.i . , e-m- p.-r? n aim
- :iiiilo-.-I■ JI-. i t‘rieti-1 to me i-'obng
; pub.' I- .-'I -.- I lie m ' f< c I i ’.lles'.
; novel
Tin- ■' ar.- just Hyii’ fm ii-i-'mg n w.
ami '..< 11 ’lily I
:>!i :!>.- >isii-lla rs v. i : :,c. in-- .' p-rtion,
»ri, in m>:.l)i -■ .
The only rm-e pro rm m s rieigbc-r
'■ ■■■• ii, at ir'-s-'il, is wiwi ce.i y.
Insi -"i- shml- 'I--- ■' iii" I ' r,-.i -
- end
I Tile-'.- Is m. im of t !.'■ i : '.wmaiT m
tin- io Th.) pl ion ii is too
s w-'.'ll'lbg .i t the in i ’
With the Country Still.
I- ■ ■ lb-' li, - '-- t
i. i, i ’ •;;; if .. i : •
.A w.t : Ida v
Lr-uit the dawa i:> rwidga* m >. '
A w.i th ■ C'juntr.
Wit h the f •‘iiri: ry • ? in '.
I '
A rd, ,i < »b *d ma ■: wid.
; vA'a v ' jj.' c Hint I-■ H ■
W ■ '.I Dll’: <■ ’ IDU’ '-’lip
The Happiness Head.
’•j i.. i' ’ . !Li ppm " I ih- '
I ' ->pie
A h-,.’ id' ‘ mi it -i i in d ■ ■ 1 ;s t y
w. I ’.
■'Will V,” p’:‘ i- 'll ,b- WUiti’r'/ -V. lii Wr
i it in <te Max ‘
j Lu d'i <>!•■ worl' a-ioHmi Y*]i a-ri'diin'’
■ • ■ . -
all <h* ’ini**
; it higher tian a s'ps'rnd -m a gv;- r
‘ ’tin I - km 'iimh ■
; Wid we < •(!«'. be tn ibb'. rn l.’Y fe’-idl’
go ’d er; prim--" '
*j F-'n dt- t,;e WHl)' .1 roili'i' < n r; i'-fb”,'*
i'Ht'W f*-r it u* i i;i 11-i d.-.-X
; de w;n ;■ s”-’
i'.n i!” w di- ; i-t-aer .'r.-'V. • *' -
r.»-x'»r kiiow,'
: Ln de \ighl -d,- N'r;:: ;i-m;.-;
j S’Hije fall do s’! nv
"H.ivmg |n in (he ;? v. r pa ; -g ir;sb
; r. >s i wnt y :drn- y.-a ,m.- Iba-sdax/ 1
; w Fit- s a P.iHvi’L’ « iH-r. ”1 ,i<- thu, ;h .
j nuUib’t-' my r* iif'-nion: in (w-v my
k» riia rgi
; I 'lsinc-s. and wa.> will know m »’e wb. rr
i?Dy thi'Mgli vvbil :t than I ki ow
' 1! IH
; man taking hied of these things Ever
; S ; -H-e lilt u . ’.■ I-I;’ h- have -.■■mod aj-
; mils! 1.. -1'd b-r f--ar m making .''hit
‘"•ndiJimi n;me Hitolera bio b\ iaik’ing
but •->!’ >hL- tier.- is a. rem-wai of inm
i'-ndemt' and \.>un,m ; - men arc corning
!•> the from. Tim s-ib- of H- ary R. .Lu
•-■nil's great sp.’e-'h im W;»mbm”
has - A’ ceded my *• X pe< ’ a I im m ami is w
■ a ymmg man who j.>j»■ f/-<j t h:H rmt
! for rnom-y b !-■' th*' diffusion of ki.'".v:-
j ‘ dge
j -Did hm ; s a bum artim-* a ’a •
i Aloha s fr"m a uim has
’lm< rt n.?ccn i. : traveling through !exas
’ miming for -mm iimg s’n- waui-.-n to mm
land stie found it. It wa:-- .'•one \ c/y
, high w e-’ds m ?he f;.mi ya rd of .
’mme- ajid t :' r hoes, w.m a v <-- ,
m.t n • ini’ •? . ' aim; dipping -n iff nud
si'.,- bind im .iii ’..or front to.-th. \ n
otiier dim-oAt!” w.'m that Toxas women ;
■ -i’.n't do ,(■■■ Tht'\ won'! work the
garden m mis-- hi. ’<■ e is or churn tin-
but i. i ~ nd if was ■.l light .it t -•;■■■ ■
would li-- !ak< ri up and pm in a glass i
■us,- ami smit to the St. Loms fair >
curiosity. W'bmt a madgrriiit <n n-!-•: - r
she is. Sin* winds up lo ".i \mg thai ihe '
people there hale Iho negro so had th ii ;
i’■ tie* whole had hit one not k they :
would ('hop it off I know Ecn.i from i
• ast io W' st and north to south 'ml •im i
pi-opki' will average 'A •- d with tim h '
class in the oid- r stales. When \\j;: j
those -danders t : Tie’ .dar- h .mm- i
Pm- of The H’ of ‘t-’i.’W- in; .- ■
most i xi-elb-nt editoriai ,>n dm south ■ d ;
her peoph'. It is kind and umisidornm ,
until it gets to Hoos. velt and ii gmes ;
him the most ful-"nV' prime and d-mimesi
th it he is our frb nd. I’mf I want Mr.
Shavy to toll mo if he m mmn when ;
wid R(»os(. \ch rrtrm i his pubibdi- d ;
siindeis of Jeff, r -on Davis .uni m <k u
apinogy to his widow. That’s w -mt i i
want to know md until he d -. s th<t no ■
word-- of pr-iis. will pi-ox him .
eitlier a gtmib-niiu or i f:i> nd
Hickory buds are swelling, i-r-ui b-in
all in bloom, sparrows arc a. skip
ping an ! blue birds are hunting hol
low .--tunilis -all this means planting timo
an( j springtime.
the weather will settle next week will
find many farmeis planting corn and ir,
tins region there will be hundreds of boys
mid girls -mt from the towns roving the
woods fol dogwood blossoms and hoiw
suckles. It people at a distance—from the
cold plaines and praries of the northwest
could see this sight once of boys and
girl- roving and romping for these wild
tbTweis it would be the greatest advert's- ■
ni-. nt In favor of the ’’tfreat-’r Georgia'*
mov-ment. I have heard much talk of
Hi-- inlervicw with the big northern edi
tor In Sund-ty's i'• institution, all of whi. ,
g,-,,.s Io show that the country pecpT
stand ready and anxious to d-i their part
ill fiirtiier.-iiii -of this movement.
y fellow like me learns a h-ap by
mingling with ih--s-* country crowds a: J
m uring them give tlu ir notions. General
ly- spi aking there has b -ii nothing but i ■>
most favorable comment upon this move*
ment, but the veriest, old clod-hopper sa , s
things In connection with It that is most.
Important, and that gr-at m-n m : t
never st-or- to grasp, one old man to 1
me •.--•i-l-T-i'iy that Tie thing t ■ il-r was ■ >
ptart a ‘Tad.’" “Start many fads.'* ?.!1
' he. “all pointing in favor of th"
G- org-ia. mov,‘trn nt.’'
There, is sense in this wtu-n w - .-.m-' t ■»
'think that "fads'* now about, ni’i
world, and all we hire- to do is to g-'f
the right sort of ’Tad - ’’ nnd ther- --im-n
Hie rub. I list, n- d to th- gr->’,ip« p--. .-.
their different I its of view along sir
and had brought, bu-'k t-- w. rm:
j the days of the "war between th- stat'
j Ilona span frocks and bom- puu - .' ■ .-
: thing else was just as respect-', hie th- ■-
I Cue tlm-'t of silk ami - ii'-ap mm- <ip.
j propriate. To make th- w-'.iring of ■ at -.
’goods a “fad” would s.'ir-'i.v h-w t
move for "Gr-ater (f-.-rgla In the ■
lie. Hull It was S'lgge-iiod ir mor- rirr- • '
that it would ’•>»• w-’ll t-- rt,i.-: a "rn-i
b-.y o'.r f.-i rrn'ra i"’m'
w-io'l ~m.i G-orgla. mad". In Hr
ll-in ,i tboiisaud -him;-' mbrbt I- rn-'nE
ed t'uit w.iid be mm-!i --ti-i'
i than the "fads' a- hav- A fa ' f-yr -
I Stan-e, that would cius-' away to -
! found, to rais-, ■o- i"'z : •••■
:; c\ '-r raised before would !■• r gem. •-
I thing than tn -he the pr- .Ment ..f fu
; baseball •'■■am <>■ er g-'-t t<-a- ' imr A
'then if «■ , ould the wa r of
■utilize Tmiky -ropo t (l profit th-it w-:'-!
ibe ;* gr-at--r Shing, W<» all k: iw m. ■
: Georgia a natural Ic y country, but ,
j r ile through the state a tm---. -■ ■ i
’pm-!-ii to di'atli getting iv-.!.''
i Th-re are m'-t -b many ' r-r,-- wb
i Sire to raw- <ot ton a s Turn;.- w-uiid Nr
i the trutli i-i -m .c; lui.-• '" ii •- ■ ■-m
I thing thai •?'■■’ ' inn toil - ’
! f-’armerz rer'-gntz" that it takm. •-
I sort." of people to run tn- world, a
■ kid Is m 1 - ■■S.---11 ", wf - w- '-’rt Ho : a
i sition along sid-- -f the idea of p.ii ; !zi
horn-’ ::id-mtr’--; w- - in s- ■- t,.'- '
.suggestion of starting a “fad ’ ■- :• >
i mid. Ax. han-ii- '-. I'”- baod’’.'. -■
■p's, swlngb-'trm-?.- phwT'i'ks—tii'!'. m
inf things :’ |' -Oiil-'J In- marbj aS w-I. -,
<l<‘nrp!:> as a-. , where ‘m ’ '• w-ii'i-i
I .‘■-"nt off for and w.- I--r.-'-t rm
' iii,-, .-dv.'intag" if ii--'""''.- nut’ morn-y
’ home, but w« I-xise th- great oppartuu 1
j of f'irn’.-'bir.g in- hosts tt takes i - ma" '
' ■ things yv'ih Gc-rglu i-'i'.a'd
Jlt nmy - tn| Tt’-- but. r ho
, that ■- rii 'ii sh-'ml-l 'rad-y -.'.-it 1 , m-i-.
; horn- m- bants ■! to-.-"- tnore.ha -■ --i
; shoub.l strive '■> throw ev'rr.v nd rant ak
' into 1! hands of his h--me peojib i a-.i
. ' •■■■■
? spir't .'arri-d Int-o j.-rs- m to m~ m? »’
G"-'.‘t-.-i G-org! . limvvmr-nt th-' gr;>-:d ■'
•- ■ th.-. •It sh■ lid be
Th- .
is pie - ... I t'l the ibseil ■ Os :
tt- c l:k-' :■-■ -■- rial stiTT uno EmMent.,:
• mentlone.i Hw -p-: mile wb: - : -
-I- ' IS dC'' ; so mu. h. g ■
is v.'-’i R,"'u!’s in mit-ri-il progr- 1 :-''
IC- .’’ln..' ti bill;,I •>. -1;-
■ ’-,p< '', - -■> imprint. - and all s’
’'litll-'" imi'.llfa W' 't
ith/ll folks with mom-v f- A . ,
'd - I, 7 ." •'! . i ■ i'. - - X-. - ’
w th- . i. .'xa
, f apply
-d’l Ti- j King Arw'r; - ■; 1 .
* |-g nr* ■ .J.-r ■ - -I -
ra -s ■>? th- <--ipper v --lor str. or. •
India t£ The irniiin {rf'OC.j «
P- ■■,.!■ and th-- 1
’’ - -y- d ■ -rve . -11 tin r - f.. . ■ ■.. -
' ' '• Willbm '-no «' kt -. 1, : 'it ■ . '■■■;
i’.'i - ater Georg-. -.
lam pb i«i fl -■ th pirit I'd
, sort lu’W "t' i y n< I ■!
rn-x i tell 111 C:-.;-
j r It "■ '. Dm-
llf I. bl' ir ha I!s sml tt ■- - r. .. : ■
. w l-willfl ».•« w-- ;■ . -
.- ii i-». it i -n- ... ; , ■ . ,- i
i!' trpMi ,-rai. in .r ow
' T It’Klj 11l , u; 1
' ■ I: ' C’H. st a- V.
! < out -. ' i ’llf' ; fl front . . ,n
I nil! I : ' a . \ .
iS'- dI. m ' . 1: :;t ■ :
jour - oiintv rind ■ 1 k;i,m th. rnr
. o.D Ltit liivr hr ht '■>
I W m "m V ■
\ his care-- r in o;■ . u< h ' it- ■ '•'
:-- m the min : ■ ■ te !’
jT!■> t ’ " ' .?!
ill'll Vv : ill -. t’l WT ‘ I
I v.'. ■ k ;i:> -n Ihe i Tit . -ry m : :
phot f X! S : ■ ■
! gilg-'i. -T fj-mbo? - - m ■
iit has n ihe pl.-a . , ■•'' r’ ’ : '
I who w---rl< 1 '. r ; -in * - •
: -.vas t'' man in '■:■ " i >n’
im >r for « --k : -an - -a in' r in -
1 1 li-- S me I i -■> -m: io - -: t"
•I■' ■-! . i -1 r i u- ■
Ge- - I'M a " rm m- if '' . • ’ '■ ' ■ "
- 11:0 effort. i"’- w:i: b-- :■ TI - " ■ f “
p.'-'mng <b"--o: ins -vei yy b--m-
i solmoD. good -’1 "T-he-s r ’ a «
I will .1 -i tho ' : W im-. ■
j fl- ■ try ■ phim• fl ;n 1:
I " ill be". . I : '... :' .. f --1
• ib-rre find > •nark-t for • ii.- ■ ' a- k
I Hu- gr -at ’-pro'-Icin' of w i
! has b-.-n said w;': I?. . : I" -
i!- ■ •>' i;fe g T pm- : ' -
: Willi.- l.i w , 'ig « T .:
I Ii a log- --1 the gm - E ■
j ! 'ii-i' in my !if- I ita y , -a ■.
Iw: th o:i :■ il l :,. ,■ i" . I - :
I think th-’ nam-. is --n-'i'' f--r ;',c
'lt otirdit to b- -'ille" I'oi'-S'- ' "
j- ■ nstan t ib : i, .a. ■■ mieth ’ !;■■ 11- •■ ’.
1 think t H-- f.-liow «im m- -- it w
j at'd as It- ,-t i-i "1:|" :1 "tip :■ :u I '
I sln-rt rigs ami that - on- - ‘
■ X : | T ,-p. pt, >..! , - :,. m ! ;■•
SARtIE I’l.i NEE", f
Fotn ted Pit rag tn phs.
j Eato li-mrs .iml a br. s ’ a , I
jto t-11 on m ,r L
i Ma i-’-ia g - -m v.m .! f ■!,,;, >
i ways a n 1 1H ,,.,1 ■
i Impulsive - i-.-p,. < s ti,,-- k.ii i tli-t
■ t' iw,-- tr-i-n the -aii-iou .. m.- ;; >
■ (■■ -mm ■:: S- H ■ 11 111- -- ■ . cr|W :. I
| to be classed as lui-’-anijnion.
j Ei-ok imf upon p.. win- wit - j is red,
I nor it p-ii tli-’ turn wb--:i i- i■■
i !'.•< •-.*-i. »x >. ;< 1 ihmii"! it mu -,. nl ma
la man who d-.' li;-, .- hi., erm-.-'j