Newspaper Page Text
(From Harper’s Weekly.) ,
In his letter to Mr. Clark Howell, tin i
p: sident recurs to the policy which gov- '
eras him in naming negroes for office, I
and he declares that he has been ••sur
prised and somewhat pained at what
■ ■ ems to me the incomprehensible out
cry m thf south about my actions an
outcry apparently started in N< v. York
t'r reasons wholly unconnected with the
question nominally at issue.”
It is, Indeed, the fact that the south
is seemingly more sensitive on the negro
question than it. has been for several
years, since the political race question
was settled by acqukwnce. There is a
w ni, h. as one who loves to look facts
■- |oarel> in th. foe- . Mr. Roo-evelt ought I
•■' .gnize, li > s ~,,t n.-cee-.iry, in s. ek- !
lag this reason, to tai.a into account ;
. mr the persona: factor or Hu- suspi j
■n which the president entertains <>f i
om- of his N< w York antagonist-. The I
- ■.tn did not like 1 th-- Hooker \\ 'siting- i
. incident, which Is regrettable, out
i i.»t alone a ft w ye.iis igo would not
tv-- created the storm ot Indignation
w i-.i h itas swept over tb it section of the
' try Nor wan'd the a jqr,iutin, :it < '
1- (’rum then have moved the city of;
tai eston and the state of South Caro
.i-t s-i deeply as if he' The pi- i-i- nt |
in i o go be. ond himself, beyond bi-. <>wn j
. -;.<r.h t for ids • x plena t:. :i.
His j-diey is in line contrast to that i
his patty. It is trie- that even his j
. ■ ary as to the n--gro tn pttbli. pin - Is i
■-:• : :| to the so -,th. but differen -es |
; opinion oft this subject b -tw-, u men ,
tio inev Hable Mr. R
y. ' wis that, with him, color :- io be I
..r ' ■ appointment to util. •-. and. just I
list:-, is it to be e.Hinted as eon- I
. S I right. This, however, doe.- not i
i ’.y »-t forth n.-t precisely detine (hu -
• 0.-i..’•■nt s attitude toward th.- negro *
Th, N< w York S-tn justly points out, [
', ~4.. , 1, it. | puhli- m d '-'St '
, '. . a ni” -I in.- iliti :• I u>n
colored man know that if he
,-w - in a mark'd deg:.-- the ,|-ai liri.-s j
of go d citizenship- the qualities which I
n hit- tn a n »v- !’• - I '-io 111.-,| t re
w.ird- I--' wiil n->l be ■tt t'r- in |
>. .:•■ .--im.i I • r. w are II ■ pt es;’- .
i in other word:-' wT. welcome ..pp .;
•. . • . r- war-1 - x • ptiuua; la- k men '
W - p-ibii ofli. • «iul’.‘, ”ther tilings:
-g . , rd. this is • immendal'le spirit, i
, , j,j V( n ... .n for tin. until.r sl
■ a .4 - , ris-. i and somewhat i
! ■ pr ident a ■ ' ;-b is ib" ■
h- t i. .-i i liar H• - r- ■' ping :
- wind ■-w ii b\ iii: ;■ .rt v an-1 I• • pi'
■..,.e - |- ft . --- v’t "li. ■ han
~, . istently •• I < nsian'J.- applh .1
•:u p.i li. an party, tie- m-gio. or
. • lot nr-ght net r ;. , -111 u
-faii.i'. it wo ;al ti -■ t hi’ . <ii: tu|t ■ - I
: . - ;-. i. . - -ut • n -tat
.., , r - ran s.--'idn ■ a:- '- Hable,
.’ t tdi‘ m . '' ’ 'it ■iy ' 'om
i. w Id 1 -V. hid th- ii-port
i ■ -i :■ .rn ;■ ib’de nr :. who, I
, ■ i; s; I nl. : - ; ilo w -
c ; w .ltd. and It th I-|-ii di ■ |
in , w , a- i '■, i:s- f wit h <
- , „v " ' ■ v id m -
i-.d t .u-turmel them mto th
;t I( r ■;1 H •* ’ f ft? i
..... - it w-■ h 0,.. I
w 1| iNCHE&TEK
Give these shells a thorough trial, and you will find them to he as
nearly perfect as experience, ingenuity, brains and equipment can
make them. They are made with the Winchester patent corrugated
F ad, which ha*; made Winchester “Leader” and “ Repeater’’
Smokeless Powder Shells so popular and satisfactory. Winchester
Factory-Loaded “ Rival ” Shells are thoroughly waterproof,
end are loaded by exact machinery with the standard brands of
powder, shot and wadding which makes them uniform and reliable.
Shoot Them and You’ll Shool Well
oyer, nn unmiturnl state of affairs, and |
was bound to < nun. to in end. Since 1
l-!«>. the smith has felt that it has been
treated by the •■ parly ns a ,
’ eonquerc l pro-. iiu e. " to use the -.Urik- ■
Ing exnre-sion of Hon. John R Pro. tor. i
chairman of the national ,-hil servie'.- -
. otnmlssio.t. Th- federal 011 l s in th?
,-outh ha • ..ecu til’. 1 by men ol tin- |
wo- t . <r.u ..-I Dive-ke. per.-, foigirs,
embezzlers, smuggleis. violators of lie
|..<al .xeis- law-, gamblers,
burglar-, murderers, iilaek and whit
have bci-it appointed to eollei torshlps. .
postmasb-rship- .-ml "the! otliees I
Tl e blnek voters, no longei useful for ■
the p.upose -If plundering tin- In. al and :
.-late g. iv-.rnm<ii <-. Imv. b n employ
.., to d-.i.' -ii tl. r, |> -”i organtza j
ti.m its,-it. Th- r< puiaii-atts of the south- ;
.rn .--t a I ,s. hnd i t lie pre a-nt rule. < t
about on -thi-d -f the I■ I" the
11.11 :..I ;l ■ ,- .Tl ■■l. . ‘ ill of ! Ilei I '.arty. I hei r
organization- l-.av.- been nnt into the :
bauds ... m- n v- i-.o will -yH : "em to ;
the liigh’-sl iiid. r. and pari of 111- pre e (
... ~.,rr-,ipt -u consists of ■d. ral ,itts- ■
Tiler, fori-, it has naturally come .ibout ;
that 'lie uses made of tile bla< k vote ,
rhe loriii.'u polit i.i in • ha'." taught ;
th. sonlh-rn whips to regard the negro
it! politi.s ns th. frintfiil source and ,
the instrument of corruption and of po I
Illi. :.I <l. iiTi. h- i y Th" black man in 1
c'lliee stand' tor all ilia: is base and
oppr. s-ixtl - pres.-neo in ti e custom
| ll .ii4 t -‘. :i'.id 'I- ■ p—stoflb - - is a onsiant
reminder to tin- southern.-;- ol what
might happ -n if th- near- r- ft-en-d ■
by fol..- m fr.uid. to local power. It ;
so ha,in ns that lie exposition "I' black :
- "rr;mti.’ti n -.e.itlu-rn p.>liti.s lias Iwen
, -. lent sine. Mi. Roosevelt s
admitusti ation began This is not -lily
dm Io t■ e fad th.ll th- a tual eorrup- '
ii.,il of th<- republican part ■ in th. snath ,
■- now gr.atei than it . "-r has be--n '
sim, the sorrowful days of t e -
ti. but Mr It.i.isevelt himself lias 1
.hum ma It to lay it bare by some vig- i
m-m.s .flo ■■ ; which he m.'id" at IHe "Ut ,
-at to work reforms that arc impossible
Her. i- an -x pin ml I ion nf lb-- re-i.-on
f-r lb- inusnal s- n. itiv.-ne-a of the
oath it the p." -''l motm nt l-l\ rv
• ts-i i which Mr. Ro-.-cve,: m.ik- - mi
mi nt* ■ ■m- : e.-. t" ■■ -tow- politi a'
i onoi u .on th. olack man. ex.-ptional
got. ..- Sin- to b.. Hived in the
-•.nth as nn at nipt to pi-mi-l. 'lack
;..,hti. - than which, as th-- wlml-
ti, kn-ws. untiling is mu- .-.riupt It
I pit y • Ibis st-... lid b.- so a pi’'
for 11'-- ,x.- pt i mail black nriti. who
fr.inkn ae. -.lts ti • sit ma tt. m. .< pl t x for
tin ii. Iml I pit ;■ for :Im mint ry. i
Poll . I h.. pr M-1.-it -ay fa.-is ar
what w.- might to :-■■ k-n with, and
fa, • t- . h ■ that i otlling 1..11 ha v
, .an <om. to tii exc. bi.i k man
b’ p : biog nim in ammig degrad' d
of his race, as i f.-dmal otliceholder.
S- ,te of • >f. ' biy of Tol do, I.a -ns
<■ am. ss. l-’rank .1 I'hen.-y mak-s
uh he i- senior partm-r of the |
firm of I ' J < i cm-. .<• < ■ . d-ing b .-i .
n a- tlu c-< m Tdl’-i" I’ounty an i
Slate if-.r said, md said firm will
. iim : <i Y I■; H1 "I 'KI. 11 !>-,!.
l. ARS f. r . i. h .n-l •v. ry ■ -d <’n -
I ,rrb that ■ : not be cur. -I by the use
‘ 1-RANK J. CH I'.NK V
Sw. • ua tn. .i-ri '■ ’it.. ! in I
m, pr, -. • this ftth da ot I>. . . tub, r. ,
A ' I, l-s., \ (V . i l.i-iASt iN.
<S. al. i N-t.iry i'ltblh . ■
Hal '■-■.! ’ h ' ,i.i • lak.-n int'-rr. ■ :v,
..mi a, ts dii- lb .m T I on.l mt- ‘
I , . i■ ■ :. m. Si mi lor
i - tlmon ! s. ;■ • ■
I-’ I. . lIi'.NHY K- c. i . T 1., <J. .
S.- d i -. -’tig ..:- -is .
H ■ l-'iuniN Pills , r . th- b. "t.
Southern Educa.iou vi- I ’.'- Goes to
Richmond in April.
' , 1 .k. Mn- h lx (Sp.- i., T! •
• . i inn n lb- tn* . in
• - ■ .! u • . D Ljin v-
|.- J I X! C-!: It I ••
I . ■ d Slater b i:* 1 -. lu- tnl i of
t ■•,((> •• ; - ' ■ I 1 ■ ; ;• • ■ H n*l ;
• • I • •.. . fA ' • l 1 ■ •
j: ,’« • I . , ri«-n x ■ :.b>
M>b Sought f. Assailant of
Young- Girl.
a- N lb- ill 1 M ■
v. . Cm ■! ■ - - ■ ■ He s nmil-
\ .1 wd - t'. t : • m I."’-
< -me ■ Ilir- -lint the oft] ■ .
doi- :ml . . t - d i. n > -1 nil'
1 ■
Names of Confederate Officers and I
Soldiers To Appear on the Of
ficial List—Letter Addressed
to the Governors by
Secretary Root.
\\ .XL.if - h I’- By direction
.h SfrMnrj R-’ot. the department
I »du\ emlurk.-d on the extensive w- rk
of •nnpiling and p jblishing .< complete
lusfei t»l (he off•••!>• and eidisttd in ’ll
<»I ihe lifi >' hi nd a rmi»'
'l’h, is ip. >• •'tiles'- n\vn project,
end In- s .} in itn press h; j,
w ith ; uh j ihxt it \v?>u d !>• •■nl?.
.-•nd fair I) the HUII io place OH the
ofti it I: <iy. do Hiitn- 1 «>f ih» c*)n:ed-r
;<le snldjets. in erdet their d» st end
.»ni mux ti.i<e their tamily history with
.1 ' iJt.K Y 'The inn in. through separate
stat*- pnldic .i t i >ns, !i-i>' »• >\« red pretty
xve.i this ground for its own soldiers.
Bi.t tlv seijiherii r» ords and archives,
ii. v. r or; i i.mpleie xvei v scattered and ;
d-~ir owiii.e Io tl.e oii(< «»me of the
\\ a’ . .md it i« ni.iir- frauds
nr. piii. e.i hi the he. e\ .lent an i
iiihh'. i.itii.i's i' - k iinp‘Hi;<nt links in
'7p>if hi<lories l> •.'tn.-. ol the loss of
Hl.-;. 1...H.1 Seyfiarv Ro-H. in call-
ing .hiv matter i ’!'• : ••nt ion of con
grey. .nd that lb- dep.irtmeni was
- onsta nt ly in r<-- -pt of-■ ppe.ils from
.-fate 'IT 1 ., inis ' h lipnsoripts the mlli
nn r» -nds of troops, to answer
whi<h W'>u’d i i mor»‘ than a mil Don
dollars, -o th.H tin :n st -■eon. .mica I way
iv-m.d b - publish a t omplete r<»st‘T.
ihe piibli<.aiion will !»<• enormous in
-iZ'-. in hi !o ;; ji.i |. . - than th:iiy \ I !
nines as large .is th.- rebellion re ords. .
Ila northern tail,-- will be published ;
with the ...nthein h- .iir- it is desired I
I-. have ah of the-’ data iri •■r.e e.-m- '
pi.iiiot "f being > itieyed
through v >i: ms stat-- honks.
Root’s Lettei to Governors.
Mor. o\ er. it : - f. t to boa g» a?a fii
thing to hu.lvi the names oj th*' men I
uho wnfo the blue and the gri\ In cr
ib t to oat ! ' ..'it lhi‘- put pose, S< : tt- j
i\ Root toda\ -mt th-, following letter
t » th. go\. I nois of al; th' .■ ’o- - whi< h
Him he t j ti • ps th-- confederate
artn\ :
■ XV.i t 1 'epa rlrn■ r: t Wa - i t;.x ton M.<i • h
If. I?.-,: F. • (Lo. .-ia a the mi. oi . ’
Si. There is a very general de.-irv on
in.- pari ••. the surviving part icip.i nts of
the gi-.-at oragge )u which th* (••mnS)
was engaged from l s ’d t> an.J on
I’m- part -r tip- .-|e... . nda>.:> of those who .
,ii.\e pas *d twa', f.>r a p .Mica 11 -n th't .
shaii he .)■•<•• lb'e !-• the genera; pub-r .
a.’.i shall show th * panes of those wfn.
either a offi-’. • enlisted 11)0)1. holC
afiii’ f.»i the union or l« r the <onhd
er.., 5 during (m great war. In the
opi:. on t dr o • on- that
should be gtatifpn. and that - 'll b’’
gratified, in greit no■-• :r< at least, by
< i>tnpi!lng and pul-iishing, ,i- a . ontlTiua
Hon of the jHihii a t 'op ki, »wn .r' i’.p*
id : l.!n I lb i. h of * ;io I’m hi ami
f. d' : a.'. X• u : i ■? unpa-t • list or
r-’.-te: of ti:*’ oh . ■ : . a r.d »p. *i who ser \ • d
in arums durnig the »i\ war,
r.hi-- d p.irum nt i- • Hnnu mh ai the
last -'. sion of < ongic-s the rn.i' im- :it
of a law ,'iut h nizing the <■ tnjnia: i--u and
pr p* t a tMil ..f sm h a roster for puhii
< alien. That i•• 'omi.mmhi tl«>n uis so!
mwed b\ the .’.-i.b t ment of .i pros imon
of law. wi) < h - embodied in tip. b‘gi- a
1 ' > \o« iiiiv. .< nd .imh- ’ary nppropt i i
ii a a t approved I*. bru.’.r.' -•<.
and wiii- h as
•• Tha i ;m.i<i he dii .•■ i ion of tln s
• atr •’ v :i. ihe ■t) o f i in- . or-i <ml
p. !, .’a ..Mi. • ••!);<-! oaipi.y ft cep - h
. .;!)■ . r • ord- - . >'e ■ ihe po: • v-’. »n
.. th. i nited S: !• ind 1' mn such
oth* i -ord; is imi I"- obtained b\ loin
from lhe variou< -s t ofti ’
a ■ • ti J>. ■ j• • ; : of the . diice , s
mi • • st d mep of . i. ion an 1 co»»
Will Punh the Work.
; :■* -1 m” rn dt i-ep >ml
.a t ..m e Upon ’ \\ • t of ni;i king l h
.nij.i .’ . n ■ . Hhmiztd . nd t . j)ush
” up!. hi ■ • ! - i.ii v os 4 .1,
n . ; O’ m . t oi !in rosi. ■ ■om
, •. i v •• .. ■ ■ I oils .i .
:i h I • rd I • Im - fed. i ate r. - >; os
in ;»• p. • ;• > o' : . ■ d« p-i i:. J ‘
' y.f lie -.1 i-r '■.•!■! -H, ■ : I.m t
I! • f: .It -d) . • ' . d ' e tl. f
lemporaw, to tm- w;i: dr pa r ! rm? •.
h« put i ' g. * f .-.1. <i! j
a . ml mnt i < onf.-.L rib ; ■ ~r<l< ; pat
o .1.1 ;•■< .. i d it : ! )p> d v. i’ h m.nle
re ~j,. ... ■ - , • b ■ l . o , S
. ’ a: • wt<!e •: • d among i -n-t i
that n *n •••d« : tha : ■
to be •mpib -:
iin - ■ ■ m.p..a: n - inple •
... nd i j •'>■': )d 1
. j to ba . • ’ • hi of a; . ipn - -
| ' \ . - i.” o! •hr I ••- o’ •! 31 h
. Jig • on-' dim
, tll . -■■ .• , him - •’ - io 1 .*•
J ■ RUHR 800 1
S- -ret a i -f XV > ‘
North Carolina Accepts Offer.
R y < '• Mn.h I <Sp
!-. r to . frt'in ■
f*o .t ;•! la’-v • ' wlt •’ i in- the
, . , •.: . . ■. I • i ■ m c.ox >-i -or
..| ~ \' .- l ,i. Muj"
I iix-U -'I ■ ‘-.1.l I" ■■ w ',rl. -i
Nml i i .-■ ih : p iti-ui ■’ ' ti'-'
Mattei Again Conies Up in Wisconsin
\t - ■ v \\ is. M.irrh ’ Th'- j-ho! )■•■
... . i .. .S- .-Mm ii- ; n providi* g h r
a <•.;•■ f.-p me mt :! m »’.) ’e pILHHPin <<))!)<?
a a•. ’ !)•• • : ’’ • ' 3d iojl Ib*
..j,.'.o’ of ijr imp.rtam'.- <,f amhni on the ■
r.i! * . .a .ea g: ' hrNil ' p Glima • -y lau .
<}■' r. onoini' -' and sn.-iolngistß, to rm
siFp'r emablmbir.g a training*d f.»r ;
t- o r;'T~ ‘Io different L’anrh-s ih
r. ;<d a r from ;he adoig pr-sidont
o- ••-.. XX'i' mi?;': mivr-rsit’ K A Birge.
) • • mmer.ding mm 'onferern'o. ami .no\ t -.’
y. refer ih. r**s •■»' •; t ion tn the c -mmittee
on rd am Hm.. Th-' nintlon ran ifi],
Whi'e the sentiment in the senate seems
• > smm.g ng. l ;;' ’he bill Senator Ha’
■ • h of -.he opinion that when its
m:d srojif iatt-r mirrst and th“ fetl
i-,g —gar.]!; g | - a :H im dI!Y- n-n’
Summer Weather in Chicago.
mg - XI lira H G.-mdne mirnnv-r
ir-mp.-uiair-- swept -ori ''iih-ago rorla.k
« d slu’Wr'l litt’e -if dim: ~iti<m t •
fight The mer i irv r'dmbtf] tn the high ;
“st mark in Hurt} two years f rir the
jn-'m-.h of March, ?4 degrees
Paine’s Celery
Saves a Gentlema”; From the Hangers
anti Perlis ol insomnia and Nerve
Troubles After Failures of
Able Physicians
It If now gi-neially adniitud hat Insom
nia or
tion of lu-rv, f-r- ■ .ind , “lovg-s-i • ui il
tton of the dlgesth-- organ- uverw- k.
worry and care have tha:- .’f.-. upon th'
nerves Sle.-plessu. ."s i-; soring',im,- i-
one of the eomnioi: -■< tr , i ,lc- .ittl .ii. -.
men and wonun. .iod in too ui.i’a . -,-s
I, i tai r-sults f-.iiov. In Iho i--and-- of . a
REV V - Raw.
Os t’.idgo R-a 1 N Y . S 3 Years Old
the ’.'rribl' tr-ul- d-velop. s insanity and
madii i’’i- :i ■ asylum with its sur
r. .iinllng iiori "- ■
I’.ini •: <’•■!■ ry ’ -.mpnun.l pr-mpOy ban
ish. -. sb-- i’l'--'and inflammation ”f
. T! • wo:i 1.-I-f it m.-di' ine
quleklv m i 1-- s nr- ■ ■■ t and m-r-. ■
for. . . <■!<■ an-’. > i. tr.-ngth- us the
tissui -of tl" 'll ’•■: i g. ■ ’ .'"’d
y ; .-.inn.; pr-. urn i hes.-
I-I. sing .- ;i,i-n ,1: , th- u-:.- -.f .-■■ ..1.1-1
hi. .p, p. Ii - < ' ry ’ '-nip ■'.!-. ■ he
■■ I . ... ■ . • ' I ■ ■ o '.■!
,ut ai i- ■,. -i i i el.-tn- ni ■ n-. lor
, ise in , i ;ngiiin.- \1 ■ h--.-- ■ • u
,|u t - to I" H ■ ufln: - ■ .It th:.-
ii ; ,i,.. M>' Max Itry li.'im . ’-ti- .iiU'i 11.
(>h! -. ’-.'l. s.
|, . .. hron ’offering f’ >m ■■ pl
nr.-s f..| mao-, ni Rt !:• Th !
];a v- tl li alm ■ •': hint I . g.. u; ■ I.
...,|. >l! mg i b-- '■ : ph' si- ia us .- .1 n
going E several times all was
• u ...>n I • ’ I i’aln- <’• lory
. .0 I Ti ■ "St P .’.Ht 1 t;-’ i t. y<"l
■ ati imagine n.■ i-,y v li. n I -mi imi t
I ~j si.-pt in : 1
. .-.ii ... ;. .1 ; • . of I'a - - ’"I 1 "m-
p d tor . .'l'. ■ '■ mtl - -id ■ ,
I all . - ■ r-. ni -■ I '
y . . \ . ' a ' It R>a I.
N '
pans'. Tr ■ ■ 'I' 1 ’-I
n n it- 1- al tvb - -ill
dis i,• |-.. ared b- -■ aI la
alti: ii’ ■ i ' ii so s ■-
til ' ■ . v. '. wi -
-nos ■ "a - ' th i '-"ii-
p...1 m. I '-• ■ ■ al- ’ •" tt" •
« . i’. . I lia- s. boitl- . and
-t. . ■ . .-■ -1 m ii'.d I ■' m
r '-.v in u-y ■ rhty-
N' ■
w> . li Hi.’ pi ' w-- t . .1
>’-l. ■ ' ' '
TCUiia I "a- i
!•' ■: ■ • ” ” ’ ’ - '■ '■
. Mi-- M■ . J ’fl’ ~ pr.-lt- t
.. . -in- .Jit- ■ < - tai" ■ ,
-. o- poop’,..
The ■ ise.lo -- ■ - wli- a tl- y ->K
v ■ W lliilgt ■ to I"
app ■’ to <I . I Qi -la 1 ban
n:: l ’■ : 111 a V. :.’ I fl . do, I’l • blit
I’, 'rn . JO 111 • l k . in W I t il.i b- 0-1 of
in ,v. 'l'll. : ■ • ■ -. , t 1. "II
mm .t< ' i ■ !’■ ■ ' P:Ri>. < iw r.
M I' m ii,.-i I’ . IB
Three Missiouai ies Killed in Chiu t.
x-'oreit; ne rs Fleet no
> ( M i ■ h 17 W ti '
I ■ 1
S . ■ ■ ' t i' i-n 1 ma.
<] bu t p! , . I >ti'h. n t ’hina ii
t- ~ : -;>/ ,X " known
... ■ .- :■ n- 1 11
, . i ’ •• I , i.. .■■■-:• mi - ■
" ' '.'iiT..nt ' m - •’ wk ’
. ->"p : ilim, aino'j;; til" r: i . '-I
p: .- - ' I " -omi .ii- to ■ -ni -
v : I mu" ‘ ' "l'"t" ■■ ■ ’
Roosevelt I. ■. .’ id by Get-
Rich-Quick Concern.
s, ■ .-a M -r- '. •i’ * : ’"‘ ’| A -a !.3 ry
rt-.i-’h Si. I. mi ;• ••»!) t" v ■•qmri .< •r
--iati'i *.'>.<’•33 e h<* in pnssf'ssion
of a , ;■•:.!rm • ■!’ • Tiy, 3yd whmh,
it - - - invu ' ■ - » 1 at
II h quick" sehrni"
When Hi safe of J Arn-M y- Co. was
opeiu-d r,""iitly. i: s said, this receipt
yv.-'.s dise-iy ■ i cd. It is .alleg'd that it was
signed iiv a form'!' attache of ihe attor
ney geiu-r.a’.'s "file.- it is said also that
other r-'e. ipls, similar In char.acti’r, ar
in axis .-nee
Body Pierced by Scantling.
Sa lulstoni’. Minn., March 17 John
Whitalo-i. owner of a small saw mill
west of liere, walked ’naif a mile from
bis mill io ’nls home yvlih a pbec <>:
■ ..piling throe feet !->mf s-1.-king through
bis b-.1 . 11.. was p-'-rmlag a mill, the
scant'itig being thrown iigalnst th- -Ir
r-ulai saw nii'l hurled bark against him
„ nr | stiokli’g him al"" -th" third rib
rind completely ptofing b s side After
arriving h<rmo !>r H»n>-ni v.n« called, the
scantling extricated and the patient will
pr .hably recover.
Assert b Thnt Congressman Bankhead I
in the Fear cf n Political Danger j
Gravely Neglected Duties
of His High I
e • a • € • • e o «•»-.».* • t 9 • • •
• (; r* <l»or- • \ < . M> r - ’ • IP ■ • ?
0 Edit ■; •’ ■ 3iiL. : In< I is 3. 9
0 . r . d 1t • 1- < • ;,. 'I - Mt •
• ;• *■> • ' X • . ; .
■ • b i <»!’ n.!3-t i < in- ii 1 f 1 ni o
•> ‘ *
1 ♦ |v cir<ml:il'd in.;- • i< *
i nf tin . in-* f>• ■. ■ • i.i I -ge tn «
• me ’tn- t ffmi.; of Mr. ! • in '
• e*
w Julitii Walk- priviM '••<)<• t.l m t
o Mr. J H Binkh ;*i. t •■pr»-.-3.*nt tti- - o
; ? from tho sixth Xl t’ itnA <-'ngrc-
SK-nn! district Thp f:n ts bm ••
• b» tll p«-i v« 1b -i with a \ • w t-> •
• •
• S’biiil \ f".- ! • d‘ f'- 1 I I ii-’
• f<n ni ■. :•1i ■rm n’. T' r • u o
9 \\ i..'ling t > T ■ A > •
• i t! -• ver 1.3 i .■ n’ ■ ■ .»••:)>!<■ rm I < ■'- e
e s 111 . • •. ■• , w r I!, :•, •
• ®
coniplx xx ih Hi»’ im-; i ’’hm „
• tnakf for publi -tinn of ■ in- 9
• <d l"tt. i You y ■ ' iru; ‘
• R 1> HO!'SON
• <*
♦ ■ » • • $» • -t> • t>-« ♦ 5 £ • ♦ • ® • *•* '•
In his statement. 1 '■ in
foregoing letter. Richmond ITaisoii If”-
son .barges >' ngi- - min H-nkir .-I nil
I fixing him Io i - i-.-o inq t I’a: i in:
i gi- ■ in in from Al.ibam.i. i fl’" apt’!''
j llehsion ”f ,i p.diti' -1 d.invcr. grossly t-. ■
! iei’t’ d til’ dllti s of il.s ilSil ofil. '."
I Ml Hob on 11 tls fully w ith his ca ?e,
! citing just what h- h-’’.- done in 'll off l
'to si-cure r.-li- f f-r ids ■ ■ ■'. w’’i-h Im a■'
I s.-rt -'I «•■'. ':, 11. <i v.-hil" th" S’ 'i 1
j of his coii'.ti y .
i The f: I i. si ■>, the t.-tt- io Th-- Mont
I gum. r A-1\ -iI ir 1 ■ •' b>« :
Attacks Walker’s Tetter.
, ■-.! .. A’ ■ . M.” ■ I • : Edi
i lor Montgomerv A-h. • rtis.-i : In Tie- Ml
- \ i-ri. o' | • -• ’I i. ’ - imb r I he ■ tie
' . '... Ho- a i.:> 'ii a b't ■ ■■,' I' cm
IM- L’li ieii Julien Walker, yvhich. y- ;r
1 ■ ■■ .dlin. - . t He. ah.-"- Mr. |t:inkll- ~1. ;
I Th, htlc: ~ f. -rr.i.g to ti."
;- r of ti i•'ir. rn ’" . 'll, was not : I
I in in ill’ ordn.. ry way b- nil .’ tyvo .
Olff. . I 111 - ... .; ■■■-•. ■’ •■ ! I <
that he Wa I”t pliy-'.. ' v qu liti d t-r
I: ■ ' II). :.t . !i : s ■ ' A• I ;Uitc 8" "i
i • iiough f"! tin lelii I c.-d ibtlli II work
.oi a ii.ll ■■ I , " i ru. ■■ He vi ■ > not i• -
I ni i' li :. "■ the fin," of th,- nr ii- -d
bo 'rd, bin maini, th- i ■ m t> il i
.p. .■ ■ .. ; in h - -i: tb '- '. '
a pr. I-'••l.-nt ■x t 1 • HI- li ■■g- ' : to the
well li.-ll’. . a ’ ■ li.lV' I' ;ii iny :
-. ouiig oilier could with a ,---'d ■ ■
•:k to be .: ir ,-d wis
ah ' 'I . p I :1V ; ; 11-"..b ■ ’till l'i d.
Th . ■■■ at’ -I.- i.t .• I i ii- - , '
am- wit a t 1-- I ’-.' ’ij I:- ! . y t it
b’ ■ t) . ..I ; .r” -I ■ t .. r : ■■ 'at, "t
Au bi Ina an.l lb- ■■'' ■i ’ '' : i::■ -is
now tone - ■ . bi . i-.0i.w,!
and I ain . :: - i : ■ . v. I ii. fill!
r. X.- tins -.-I .t.i : ■ me p mt:•
:-..-n. ■■ i.i ....... ■ ■■: . : ■ it
U-. -I .- - I .■.r, - - ;• < 1 T ■ ■ ■ ■ . li-
ve- I' No- ” ■ I !■ ’
. : it.-.i to the .. 'i at ' 'ko! n.a.
lauan, at--! :'n- - . • . • .1 :•• - I ■
S . lid-1 in S: > . V., .
«.. Os ult.-.l .. ■: ; - with I il" m- .1
■ ■ 1, ,i-i . rn .1- : id g I ■ I
■ I! yy t . ~ -I n-g.-t -.1 b'imin- ■
Mr. Walker's "Uiiv.mi rant.erl Stato-
Wa Ik. -tn. ... g • ird
■ • or.- wlii o 1 Ip|•• ■' ' I ■, J- ■ . .
Tile two singtons ih - iio:" I It'.
Mil Ea@©IFIS
Send Your Application At Once Tc
The Physician’s Institute.
They Will Sfnd Vou Absnhifely Fr» •• On<
of Lheir 1<»O Su prrme J'lorl r’.e I’id!
fi»e Kelt Which H in M ude e<» Many IVoncirr
fnl< ur«‘N YouNrnln’lSpnil Rt *•>» a
K.Uunp,*)list Your Narnouud A<ldr«»s.
X \ /-l®» 4
/// <
r-"wm Y
/x L \ \
F'vcn year’ ato n"? M 't<‘ "t illltioK granted
to the I’liy,’ 'li:)-' Instituted t'lib-.a -a < uart- r.
I'liore was n.-ed of somotlilug .iboi .j ttieordl
jary method of trcatuieut for chto.-dc dis
soinetlilng morn than any one specialist or at'!'
•lumber cf -oeeiabd:. acting Independently
■anld do, so t!ie State Itself, uiidiir iho poi'ers
granted it by Its general laws, gave the j aver t;i
the Physicians' In -ilti:t,- to furnl.- li to the slek
such help as woi’ld make them well and strong.
Ever sinee Its ostabll ’uuctit this Justitutc li. s
endeavored la every possible way to carry out
tin) original purposes of its <■ tabllßlmient under
Hie bonellclent laws of the State.
liireo vears ago, the Physicians' Institute,
reaming the value of eleetrl'-lty In the treatment
of certain phases of disease, created under the
superintendence of Its stall of specialists :m
electric belt, and this belt has been proved to bo
, of great val'io a- a curative agent. From time
to time it has boon improved until it reached
that stage ot perfection which warranted l-.t
present name of‘‘Supreme.”
This bolt Is the most effect Ivo cf nl! agents In the
cure of rhoumatlsm. lumbago, lame back, nerv
ous exhaustion, weaken: 1 i r lost vital functions,
varli’occl.?, kidney disorders and many other
1 his ‘‘.supremo Electric Ik it” Is made in one
it radfl only - -100 guagc—t hero is no better elect tic
belt made and no liTtcr b It can bn mode.
Whenever In the oplnl n of our stall cf special
ists the wonderful curative and revitalizing
f irces of electricity win cure yon wo scud you,
free of all cost, one of these Supreme I'lectiic
Itelttt It Is not sent on trial. It is j ours to keep
forever without the payment of one cent. Tills
generous offer may be withdr o-’-ti at any time, to
you should write to-day for this free "Supreme ,
Electric Belt" to the Physicians'
U 20*7 ilaaonlc Temple, Chicago, Ilia.
O"TT-' T-, • - Bought
I! AXcgclablel reparation for As -j * w
Tsimilating(lieFnodandßcguln -i! - #
i Stomachs and Bowels of t.: t- 0 ff <
I ’' H Signature
! ji Promotes Digcstion.CheerfuF'Hi]
|p nessandKest.Conlainsneillier T - p M
f i Opium,Morphine nor Muieral. : 01
I'li Not Narcotic.
!l ~—— , r ._
ti if-, j
h 1 ,/ll ' * 1 F
’ I’ ft In
■■■ A i "11 H ..
h- Ap. . •<: th •'!••:. Hi.Hpw .f >’ VOu
t i. . pp • Il p a r Ovpr
;■ ' g UH u I
I I'3' •• of I!
! Z" -•- '•• I «7> I ’ . t.7
i, ; t! r >'l y n W
I , ■. . :
‘ ' '
I O h ' -■
> -••a Lj £ 2 li J
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, IH > .3! 3; nu I 'I; •■ -< re ;
pi ’! <»t • ’• • • li
X n. • • :
• ni« - i • f it. ; n
Chars-es B. i .nkhp:ui G
liijurv Dnne Hip Serx • •
pro * h I* !B» nib'-r
lust e !•» bv ■ xp- •’•;'• •*’ ■ ’ ' HI
~; 11: i • ■;g . u t. hi -• i -Il 1 ' ■: : • i‘ n
13 > > 1!) I 1 ' -.
W- vvil- -"i'll With Col,■ ■ -i. x. . ; ■ ” X'U
. |>:,ru... 11,-’ "!'.'! Ilin R. J " k-iol 4 : .
“The Wanderer Case’’
\v il Ii ; li '• hi- 1 i •:: i '.> ! h i A-. 3’ id << •:, M i 'u ■ - ,o-
sin.-’ -h. .lull'’. !S"d. it tl S;H iii;,- X f
This is BfHt'.v ;iit)l‘R.l h ’-i vid
< J ft H‘ i;■ \ ’’.ir'-iil’S i•i ■’' ■> i i I > ’I - ;*- \\ ••■ 1< •. ' i .'■ .:. -i Ul
..I . T.hhißn 1 ']■• , ;>••!it ihL-w-M xvh- n 1 . - Is L : i
'!’!)•• ”th.r .h!'.’ .-
a Souvenir Confederate Canteen.
T\v o ;iß<i 3 half i:i-h- -• :- ilia '< . Im hi’. iD’/h 1" L
It is uh: .>f«• iI uh ’••]. :ii) <\■ - l i’ S’ ‘; ’: : i ■ ’ - !-• - • :' ' ‘ , '■ . ' ,r?
oi’-- si<l>' is 3 i'-’.i ii;l' h L:; :-.<••• - -f M; - XX ‘•.‘.i.- : ! : •
>lf('3< \ , ilb r -bi' pj’i s.-iit,- l ; :> ■•;;!'■ :• ■ ! \\ ■. >• 1‘ '■ ‘ ' s
BHi lx<'S t| il 11 '* a’) IB I'IS ■'•UU;: •- Hl V'tlir -” i • - • 1 :
0! Ih- ’US I tbls <>f ."O’ lih; ’- XX *■* W ' St ! d ‘■:• • • 1 i: ’ ' • !■" i'■ •< ! ’■ • ?’ •
$[ foi Th- W' tTiv < 'o v: il 3: L-;- ■ -> • G . >' - r ") J <
H i di;' n!'o ’A - -<i i■;i : h - 1 : »■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ -•’ : ' ''' l v; 1
;; '3i’oS< tion.
s-'iid »IP, .<1 XV- I!i I ■-■ , - . . ■- g
are ?<•[•■>-u r»': if ,vo i wish b'dh pri'in: >; ins d M
Address all orders 'o
1 Subscriptions for Tobacco Taga.
j,--- '■ • ■ • ■ • •
K li-' in 3 Ft- -