The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, April 13, 1903, Page 18, Image 18

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Safe Blowers To Face Court.
Charleston. S. ('.. April 6.—(Special.)—
Seven numbers of the alleged gang of
safe blowers that operated in three
states are in jail in Charleston and will
be tried this week at the April term of
the United States circuit court.
Several days ago Marshal Adams was
advised tiiat an effort would be made to
liberate four of the prisoners while they
were being transported from Columbia
to this city. Fearing trouble of this
kind, the marshal got an order for the I
removal of William McKinley. Thomas
Dolan. Ed Duggan and Charles Howard.
<Vh?n the gang got to robbing so many
South Carolina postoffices the federal
government sent secret service men to
the state and several months ago a srn
rational capture was made in Columbia.
The quartette named wore working on
the steel building in Columbia, hut they
w ere throwing away so much moncj at
night that this led to their arrest.
Cut To Pieces in His Wagon.
Greenville. S ('.. April 6. (Special.)—
While returning Saturday night to his
home. 10 miles south of Greenville, W.
J. Ellis, a well known farmer, was se
riously and probably fatally wounded by
Bob I’armore, colored
Ellis met the negro in the road and in
vited him to ride. I pop getting into the I
■wagon Barmore stood urn but Ellis in
sisted tb it be take a • it.
Without further provocation the negro
jumped on EHis and began cutting him, ,
making three wounds on the right arm, ;
nne in th' shoulder and two in th" |
Brown Rorlgevs Surrenders.
Br<>w Rodg rs. tl o.■ > hot and I
killed Rodger Fant. ■ • oiing white man ’
at Santue Sttndai night, surrendered to j
the -.heriff of Union eouiit-. yesterday.;
In :• statement Rodgers claims that lies
killed Fant in self-did'er-e.
Carolina Reunion Postponed.
. imbia S ■' April 7 (Sp< i i-At
a meeting of the Column , chamber of j
commerce last evening it was decided to ‘
postpone for one week th< st ite reunion
of confederate v, teram Mix 12. 13 ami
14 wer< dt< fin illy <l< cided upon I
for the i . union.
Suits Against Seaboard. j
n n «. . v. J s c m b
attorn- > for live in.- ■ ■ ompani'-s. |
yesterday had timmons issued in a suit I
Against the S aboard Ait Idne for burn- 1
j ton eompr . and other build-
ings at ll .mlet. Tin' damages asked will I
he over y.-' ..e,i Cnningbam A Hinshaw, j
•who lost a quantitx ot cotton in that |
lire, have :'.r-.<dx had their attorney.,
A.-mistead Jones, t . institute suit there
so- s2' l .o'H( against the railroad.
lodge Un tn will hoi.l a term of civil I
< A-a il 20. ( )ne of the
first suits ..., th< ■ den is the Raleigh |
H• ■:■ i Mill ag tinst Hi" Seaboard Air I
1 a.. At the pr.x mu- trial the railroad I
won Im: the - > -me court granted a I
w-?s b,jrmd T b; rk from an ngin".' |
at,.i s2»,.<m .;,,m.-,g. s or" isked.
Say Miscreants Are Located. '
<’harlottc. N (' . April x. (Special.) i
Th.- train Wl. ■k. rs win. smweeded in
derailing No. :»7. the Southern’s fast mail .
• ain I mi ■ ■ lon Bl ■ ksburg one wok i
■■ to i
JI . i i ■ start i: ng pie. . of it" w s was ;
I,'ld ." 11 . .rrespm dent this morning :
"U. wit" knows he speaks. j
t sat :■ i.ix I'•t.. : i\ . Hanev < en
ded his w irk it Bl t< ki b trg u d th<
1 • to th< guilt of two white
•r i who t -id. neat ti>. knitting mill at
Bla.ksbu g
Punished Girl Took Own Life.
(’.xlrm da, < (’., \prd 9.-1 Special.)- |
M i .i lev., d endurance because she I
• '•anvl. took - ryehnine and died last I
' Sh. «... a pupil and a favorite in the I
■ am ... . graded schools, h. ■ father being !
I.G.< !iu<l a quarr.-l with a xomiu broth- j
m .ml ho. .Hm-tjlta-tts.-d .m.b . ml- >
Rilevs Refuse To Cede Land. i
< •111'. 1.-st"- S. <’.. Aptil S.—fSpocial.)— I
In an opinion t.I- d today, ('it -ait Judge|
®9ooJffl FREE SB
IN CASH AWARDS. , J 2 months. g
llf You Gen Count and Plan You Can Win, They Are Easy io Count. H Tail Cannot Count >kn;,Ußess ilicm gy ■
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The Semi-Weekly Star 50c a year, while all other semi-weeklles charge SI.OO.
CONDITIONS. > To those counting or guessing the correct «»i nfar« t<<> r< < t number of <!
RY PERSON sending 50c for 12 dots in above dot puzzle, The Semi-Weekly Star will give the following cash \
hs subscription to The Semi- prizes: ?!
y Star can have ONE COUNT. i ( First correct or nearest correct count will receive $1..n00 Ort >
3RY PERSON sending SI.OO for two Second correct or nearest correct count will receive t'.’.o nn >
subscription to The Semi-Weekly 'i Third correct or nearest correct count will receive p«> im ?
will be allowed three counts. Fourth correct or nearest correct count will re l ive :.■."•<•'» <
u-iii be recorded unless ac-i' Fifth correct or nearest correct count will receive 1" '«> <
‘ bv remittance in acord- i' Next 23 correct or nearest correct counts will receive S.Vui'i each Ila W S
. h alwve Count or counts must < J6OO 00. to be divided equally among all remaining .or t counts re- 5
- in same envelope with remit- ceived, regardless of plans : >OO oo S|
No attention paid to telegrams. Total A t > one 00 ? S
Your Skill at Counting. > So every person sending a correct count will receive a <asli nwjtrd, the first ?®
no trick about the puzzle; correct or nearest correct counts getting the largest awards. <■
uteiy a matter of skill and References—Any mercantile agency or reliable business house in St. Louis, Mo.
TEST will close June 1, 1903, contest closes after which the count also w.i'i hi :- and gins. A< 1 ENTS K
.s PAID immediately there- w m be decided by competent judges. MAKE l'.l<; .n-n . , working lor TUES
count bearing postmark of A ll DOTS, both large and small, SEMI-\\ IIEK I. Y .■’.tai;. £
will be recorded. to be eoun t e d. Each dot is a dis- '' ;; '"” 1 "’ '" f"’"' town 3
TO CONTESTANTS tlnct dot; any little blur on the paper "t I'ostcf.i -o .u ih. I ailed ,-u.iic:-. \, • KI
. Q CONT ST Touis or in the printing is not counted. There ; " s '"• ■ l > ■ 1 , ror to l>-H ,
• connected with the St. uouis double dots. agent for Ih. S on-\\ . . ui• star, ,-wnd M
directly or indirectly, will oe al- Wm m» a,. v the rfit for tGrms and sample . ..pies, 01
enter the contest, nor no one The B «® , *Weekl y Star is the J U s ,, nrl ynl|| . Sl]l ,s. ripti..n to-day. Remit® ■
■ of St. Louis. No one con- NEWS. FAMILY, Market and bt j hy nloney or registered letter, and®
i The Star not even .the paner^ publls to agents and club- address THE ST. LOUIS St."
.' : 'o^ n wHi they know untH 1 the raisers,' Ijesldes a liberal commission; Louis. Mo. Department 70
Watts set pside the restraining order here
tofore granted in the- suit, as Mrs. Ann
Riley John F. Riley against the
Charleston Union Station Company. Con
demnation proceedings were tiled by the
Tailroads for possession of the Riley
lands, which were needed for a passenger
depot site. This action was contested,
the Rileys going into court for an injunc
tion. On the first hearing Judge Watts
granted an order restraining the Union
Station Company from seizing the lands,
but after a full hearing the first order was
Handsome Woman Creates Sensation.
Columbia, S. C., April 10.—(Special.)—
"A mysterious woman in black'' has
caused u sensation in Walterboro.
S. J. Fennell, a farmer and lumberman,
residing near that place, was arrested
yesterday and placed in jail on the charge
ot forgery.
The mysterious woman, who is de
scribed as quiet and handsome, appeared
at th. Farmers and Merchants’ bank of
Walt'-rboro on March -7 and presented a
check for $C'. bearing the signature of
\\ . <> Thompson. Jr . drawn on the Bank
of Hampton In favor of one of his mar
vied sisters, whom she impersonated She
received the money without question.
Fennell's connection with the case is
that be is said to have accompanied the
woman from Walterboro to Hampton,
.-.mversing with her the preceding day.
i At Hampton, it is said, she presented a
cheek for a similar sum. but owing to
| some error payment was refused.
Fennell admits seeing her on the train,
but denies knowledge of her identity.
; Another mystifying feature of th® case
is that the woman must have known
the extent of Thompson's deposits in
the Bank of Hampton, and also familiar
I with his signature.
He Must. Pay Alimony.
I Charleston. S. C.. April 12. (Special.)—
I While the laws of South Carolina pro
i hibit th" granting of a divorce, an order
; filed here yesterday by Circuit Judge
Watts makes it necessary for Guissippe
I Del Guidice, an Italian stevedore, to pay
I bis wife alimony amounting to a
' month.
Mrs. Del Guidice recently secured "n
i iniunction from the court restraining the
| hi;: band from h aving this state ’hei.
1 < nil<l. Del Gui.lie.- was tneparing to go
1,, It.ilv. hi.l wis anxious to have Cm
I < ustodv of the son.
In addition to the payment of alimony
the husband is restrained from dis osmp
!of his pi «»port\. pending the fina.
l incut of the family ah i rs. Del Guidie.
I h is be. n ordered to surrender the ■ 1 .Id
it., th.- Catholic protectory, in New York.
Do You Want To Be Cured?
If so. remember Dr. Tucker has had
; years' . xperienee in treating all kinds
; of chronic dis< ases of both s( x. He
| an .-nr. von when all others have failed.
I Don't put off trcatim nt. Write to him
'at on.-, d. scribing vour troubles He
i will . uro x.'.i if h. takes your case. \.l
--i vi. p.Tfeetlv free. Dr. Tucker, Broad
str.-:. Atlanta. Ga.
Dr. Sheldon Stringer.
Bro.iksville. Fla.. April fi Dr Sheldon
. Stringer, one of the most widely known
| physicians in Florida, died this morning
at his home in this
Boy and Girl are Drowned.
J.< ksonville. Fla . April In. Mattie I.on
' Snii h. 20 years old, and “Nick” Butler,
i IS Gars of age. were drowned today ill
' tin St Johns river, the Florida East
: Coast railway bridge. Th-ir bodies have
' not yet been recover.■<!.
With aiiotb- r woman. I’earl Seay, they
went t-. th- riv-r crabbing The two
who were drowned entered a row boat
and W'-nt to the South Jacksonville side,
where, after crabbing a while, they went
j in tin- 'dyer for a swim.
i They had no' been in th- w it,-. long
I before persons on the drawbridge heard
i cri. ■ for lu-lp. Two rm n immediately
' started t -ward th.-m in a row boa'. Be
| for.- they reached the spot they saw the
i w .man disappear beneath the surface
i and an instant I iter the man disappeared.
April 20 winds up the great $lO.-
i 000 port receipts contest. Esti
mates must be mailed and postmark-
! ed on or before that date, and reach
lus within five days thereafter. $lO-
000 cash offered.
L__V ■
j Old Officials Leaving 1 Board. i
I Moultrie, Ga . April 6.—(Special.) Res- ■
ignations by the wholesale arc occurring ;
among the oflicials of the Tifton. Thom- i
asvilie and Gulf road.
W. T. Rudisill, general freight, and
passenger agent; .1. .1. Anderson, master
mechanic'; G. .1. Huson, superintendent;
I R. H. Brent, auditor, and E. T. Gibson,
; chief dispatcher, are among those r»'-
signed. No cause is given, but it is ru
-1 mored that the request amo for them
from President Atkinson’s office in At
A new general manager took hold this
week and a general shakeup is in prog-
Fowler’s Skull Crushed.
Ellijay, Ga., April 6.- (Special.) - Hen
ry L'lwler, of Marble Hill, Ga.. fell off
the rear end of a northbound Atlanta,
Knoxville and Northern enneh as It turn
ed th- curve just north of Talking Rock.
His s-kuli was fractured lb' was brought
here, where his wounds were dressed. He
is still alive, but not exp< ted to live ;
John Salque Bound Over.
Rome. Ga , April 6. (Sj ecial.)- John ■
Sa.quo, superintendent of the Romo Bin k
Works, was bound over to the superior
court this morning for whipping in an in
human manner a 9-yoruold boy wiio
worked at the brick yard.
The evidence as to the whipping was
strung, although it was shown that the
boy had used some strong language to ,
the superintendent.
The affair has < aus d considerable taik
as Salquo is well known and prominent.
Witham Found Not Guilty.
All cases that wore ponding in the
superior court of pike county, now sitting .
at Zebulon, against W. Witham, of .
Atlanta, growing op of lonnectioq
with the P.arncsville Savings bank, have
been dismissed
This m-timi w;is tnken Monday mill
was tbc s.micc of mm-li i;r;i I ion Io
Hi., fiii-mls of Mr. Witham, who were .it
nil times confi'lent that the cases would
bo dismissed.
When the cases w.-re called the prose
cution recommended :i v rdi<-t of not
guilty ami it was unhesitatingly approved ■
by the court.
Will Roosevelt Take Notice.
Dublin. Ga.. April G. (Special.)--A state
ment recently made that It. W. Josey,
of Laurens county, Hie father of twenty
one .-liildren, has brought to the front
Eli and W. II Mullis, two brothers mid
prominent citizens of Reedy Springs dis i
trict. in this county.
These brothers are the fathers of forty
three children, at least thirty-live of :
them now living.
Messrs Mullis ami Mr. Josey, there- |
fore, are the fa tilers of sixty-four chil
President Roosevelt's fem of "race sui- .
. id. '' is based on conditions that are not
npplic.ible to this s-.-tion of the country, j
Million-Bollar Peach Farm. |
Americus, G ;.. April ' iSpfcia! » •
| Judge George Gnber and 11. (’ Bagley. ,
j <»f Ailanta. art' her*- today and tiled an '
; application for a charter iu -orporating ■
i the I logic v-( ; t tber < »r> hard (’ompany. The '
I < -i pii .tl : took is SIOO,OOO.
j The companv alrcadv <»wi’s ‘‘>,ooo acres I
ot splendid fruit lands J mil* north e.f .
• A nif-i iciis, and will plaet OCO.OOO pi nch .
trees fher'-on. The . >mp.i!i\’ will ’ike- •
V j
$10.90 hu-, g this Ihjjh
! Grade Inibro Spec ;a|
lii.-y. : ■ It upon i.-cei|.t
<i'» not tllld it the
best wheel s’oll eversa v ;
/A f<»r the nioip-y, return it ;
at our expense and we
win refund your money. 1
Sl ‘.7() buys o'ii Kendrick '
1903 model the finesv wheel
ever offered et the pi ice. Every i
K'-ndrick Ihc ycle is accom- I
p.'tnied by the strongest pos
sible guarantee ever given
with a lirtit clsss bicvcic,
t'pon r< (G* t we w/i inaii you our i'-ustrated I’A-vc' •
Cat a log H- ' t It . . 'lll . s.l ■ H-rjpl D'l! 3 of our complete,
line oi bi. les listed at D'.-.s than wholesale prices and j
full information regarding our ten dayi. free trial offer. • '
Luy ties Bros. Mrrvant ile Co., St. Louis, Mo.
I wise establish a refrigerating plant, cot- I
ton and grist mills and a canning es- l
tabiishment. This will be. perhaps, the I
largest peach orchard in Georgiij,
New Court House for Wilkes.
Washington, Ga., April ".(Special.)—The
! citizens of Wilkes in mass meeting today
I at the courthouse authorized the county
i commissioners to begin at once the erec
; tiou of a new courthouse. A year or
Iwo ago the commissioners decided
| tiiat a new temple <>f justice was abso-
I lutoly necessary, asked for plans and
bids, which wore accepted. Just at this
juncture some complications arose and
the matter was held In suspense until to
The plans which have been accepted
and by which the new courthouse is Io
lie erected calls for a. handsome fire-proof
building tiiat will he in keeping with the
public spirit and good name of Wilkes
county mid will cost $-10,000. The new
building will be modeled after that of An
derson, S. C.
Spears Dies from Wounds.
Dublin, Ga., April 7.—(Special.)—This af
ternoon at 4:17 o'clock, Ed Spears, who
was yesterday afternoon, at Danville,
shot by William Wynn, died from bis
From the first it was known that Spears
could not live. In fact, that he lived for
any length of time was remarkable.
1 Spears died at the hotel, in Danville,
where he was carried from the depot plat
I form where hr- was shot. Everything pos-
J sible was dime for him
Board of Trade Indorses Hester.
Savannah. Ga.. April 7. (Special.)- The
annual mooting of the hoard of trade
was hold today at noon.
Resolutions indorsing Henry G. Hester,
secretary of the New Orleans cotton ex
change, for appointment on the Panama
canal commission wore adopted. The di
rectors of the Sivanmib cotton oxch.inge
yesterday adopted resolutions of a simi
lar nature upon which the board of trade
resolutions wore modeled.
President D. G. Purse, in moving tt> p
adoption of such resolutions paid a high
tribute to the New Orleans secretary.
Ho would worthily represent on the com
mission not only .sow Orleans, but the
entire south, said Gaptain Purse.
A copy of both resolutions will be for
warded to President Rosevelt.
Peach Crop Escaped Injury.
.Moultrie, Ga . April 7. (Special.) -The
I'-ccnt edd bis done considerable dam
age to small col ton and to watermelons
• here, but nothing has been killed entire
i ly. The peach crop seems to have es-
I ( ipcil. The large orchard of W. B.
; I'ukes. which is under green pine tim'n‘r.
; has fared best of all and gives promise
of .> full crop. Mr. Dukes is greatb- en
couraged and feels that he has m a
very great measure solved the greatest
problem of peach growing—that of es
caping the late frosts.
I Coh.mbus, Ga.. April 7—(Specia 1.) —...
.M. Bishop, marshal of Girard, who was
! -.tabbed last night by Ramsey Webster,
I wliom he in turn shot dead after a des
perate struggle in the dark, died
i ills wounds tiiis afternoon.
Five Convicts Take Leg Bail.
Savannah, Ga.. April 7. (Special.)- Fivo
county convicts took advantage of an
opportunity this afternoon and effected
. their escape from the chaingang. The en
tire gang might easily have gotten away,
blit only the fivo chose to take advant
age of tile chance.
Robqrt Crumley, a desperate negro, no
torious for the facility with which ho es
capes from the gang, was the loader
in Ihe rising against Doc Wail, the white
(Tumley seized the guard from behind
and snatched his pistol from his pocket.
A negro named Barrett caught (lie
guard's rifle and wrenched it front his
grasp, hurling Wall against a barbed
wire fence.
Levelling th. pistil. Crumley was about
Io Gioot Wall, When the latter bogged Wi
llis life. An old negro convict added his
entreaties, and Wall's life was spared.
"Come on. boys." said Crumley, and
the five took to their heels, getting away :
as best they could with their shackles. I
It is a desperate quintette that is at -
large. Scores of police and special officers '
are now looking for them and as tin
coiivi -ts have a pistol and a rifle that I
belonged to their guard, a fight Is ex- ,
peited if they are overtaken
Lee To Be Tried for Insanity. '
Millard Lee. the convicted murderer of i
Miss Lilia Suttles, must be given a tri.-:! j
on the affidavit of Insanity in his case,
sworn to by Dr. Robert W. Westmere
iti nd.
A decision t<> this effect has been handed
down lif Hie supreme court.
'lhis opinion means that Lee will go Io
trial in the superior court on tin. 'p:cs
li.m as to whether he is or is not now
Lee's last respite expires in Mar and
it ix di. doubtless, be necessary to scenic
further del,,, of the sentence in ord. 1;
to ha ■. '• the (rial.
Dissen'iiig opinions in the case wcie
filed by Justices Fish and Candler.
Found Courthouse on Fire.
Covington, Ga.. April S.—(Special.)— i
The N.-wton county court house came !
very near being burned last night. This I
morning as Major John B. Davis who |
is clerk of the county, opened his office |
doer he was surprised to find the room I
idled with smoke, ami upon “xamination ,
it was found that the floor was on fire ;
and .-ilr...'idv a large hole had been barn..! '
in the floor and sills of the building were |
on fire.
By quick work the flames were extin- |
guislwd and the progress of file fire ;
Hon. Weldon Price Is Dead.
Allien.--. Ga.. April X -(Special.)- V- - ;
terd.iy afternoon at Bishop. Ga.. Hon. |
Weldon W Price, one of the most prom- ]
inent citizens of Oconee county, died '
siddenly from heart disease. Mr. Price |
was in Athens Monday in attendance
upon a big barbecue at the Athens park. I
~mi while there complained of feeling
very badly. His death was .-> gr< it sno.-k
i . Ills many friends in this section of
the state.
Two Drowned While Fishing.
Gainesville. Ga., April S (Special.)—
William Waldrlp. aged 30 years, and
Pledger Barnes, aged 10 years, were
brow nod in tl’.c Chattaheochee river, near
Brown's bridge, about 12 o'clock today, i
The men were stretching a trot lino !
across tile river and were doing ihe woi k j
! n a boat, which capsized, pi oeipitaliiig ’
both men into the river, which is very [
deep at point Neither man could i
swim and no help being near they went I
under and up to this hour their bodies ■
have not been recovered. Fiat creeK ;
empties into the Chattahoochee at the
point the men were drowned, and tue
water swishes in a swift current.
Wardlaw Was Acquitted.
Thomasville, Ga.. April s. (Special.)—
The trial of Professor J. ('. Wardlaw. >n
the count; court here, this afternorn,
who was charged with assault and bat
tery on y . .;ig Louis Houston, resulted
in an acquittul. Harry Hou ton and Luke
Langford, charged with assault and bat
tery on Professor Wardlaw. demanded
an indictment and wi.. lie tried (his April
term of our superior court.
It will be remembered that Professor
Wardlaw, who is principal of schools i
here, whipped Louis Houston, a pupil, |
and that Harry Houston. Louis' older ,
brother, attacked Professor Wardlaw in
front of the postoffice. Langford, it is •;
alleged, aided Houston in the attack.
Machen Macle President.
Brunswick, Ga.. April B.—(Special.) .
Great rejoicing here tonight over the j
change in management of Brunswick and
ll'u mingham railway. E- •'■ Machen, the
new president, and I'instead, the new
ehairman of directors. means. it is
thought, that the Goulds have secured
the road and will use it as the eastern
terminus of the 'Frisco.
The Mohawk Company purchased Pros
idem Hyde'.- interest in the six million
dollar steel plant seems assured for
Brunswick. It is understood here tonight
that John W. Gates’ recent visit here has
I resulted in the Gould's purchase. No
I changes will be made in the operation of
| the force of the road here.
Negro Killed by Lightning.
Columbus, Ga., April S.—(Special.)—Mon
roe Taylor, a negro employed as a fire
man at a saw mill of W. T. Harvey &
Co., near Upatoi, in this county, was kill
ed by lightning today. He was going
along the road, and a storm coming up
lie and two other negroes took ref
uge in a house by the roadside. Just, as
Taylor placed his foot on the doorsilj
lightning struck the house, splitting it in
two, killing him instantly and shocking
the other negroes.
Dr. Byrd Has Declined.
Macon. Go. April f» -(Special.) Dr.
Byrd has declined the presidency of Wes
leyan Female college.
His letter is now in the hands of Dr.
Branch, president of th" board of trus
tees, at his home in Dixie, Brooks coun
ty. So far Dr. Roberts has not heatd
from Dr. Byrd.
Killed by Lightning.
Americus, Ga., April 9.—(Special.) ■
During a thunderstorm near Americus
last evening two young farmers named
Cannon and a farm hand. Sam Scott,
took refuge under a pirbj tree.
Lightning struck the tree, instantly
killing Sett and prostrating the others,
who were considerably injured.
One "f Scott's toes was completely sev
ered by the electric bolt.
Convict. Guard Kills Prisoner.
Thomson, Ga., April 9. (Special.) •
George Embree. a colored convict, work
ing in tile county chaingang, was shot
and instantly killed this morning by Con
vice Guard Sam Lokey.
It appears that the deceased was a
violent .nd desperate character, and lv--
cam*, involved Iti some trouble with an
other convict, strikjng him with a pi: k
and knocking him down
He then fl. d, and as he did so was
fired upon by Guard Lokey, and shot
through the heart.
Stave Factory Burned.
Dublin. Ga., April 9 (Special.) Last
night the plant of the Dublin stave
works, owned by A. B. Jones, and leased
bv the Georgia Cooperage Companx. was
entirely destroyed by tire. A machine
valued at about SBOO and a small amount
of stock w.-re saved. The loss amounts
to between $12,000 and $15,000. with only
insurance to the amount pf $2,500
Sisters Adjudged Insane
Savannah. Ga.. April 9- (Special.)—
This afternoon there was a trial of the
Harman sisters, Misses Grace and Sa
rah. touching their sanity. They were
adjudged insane, and will be sent to the
There has bocii gre-at interest mani
fested in the rase nf the unfortunate
women, wlm have been music teachers
~ aehers in Savannah for fifteen years.
The jury entertained not the least
doubt "f the insanity of the younger
sister, there was some doubt about
I tlie older one.
The latter oegged. however, that she
might lie sent to the asylum, too. if
her sister were sent. The younger sister
hitterlx- denounc-dd all connected with
the trial. A third sister was present
during the trial.
Tom Greene Disappears.
Rome Ga., April 9 (Special.) -One of
the most mysterious disappearances ever
recorded in Floyd county has just come
to light.
About, two weeks ago Tom Greene, one
of the best known and most prosperous
young farmers in Floyd county, came to
Rome, presumably for some supplies tor
his hands. While lie:.- he wrot.- a letter
to his wife, near Crystal Springs, con
taining these words only:
“I am going away forever. Mr. Torn
('lnner will give you some money."
Sinci tha.t day not one track or trace
of Green has been seen, nor does the
most diligent search reveal anything indi
cating in the slightest his probable where-
I abouts.
Ellen Webster Given Freedom.
! <’olunibtis. Hi.. Api? 9. - ( Spu'-ial,' Mi-8
' Eilen Webster and George Phillips, who
i were ar-cst-d la<t night upon warrants
I ('hanging them with being a rcessories to
jlhe murder of Marshal J. M. Bishop, of
i<;ir.i:d, by Ramsey Webster, were to
day released.
' Th** former is the daughter of Ram
! so\- Webster. When arraigned before Ju>-
i 1 .c ■- -I' th- P» ace King, in Girard 'od.ty,
iho only »!\ idt nee producod was so un
; atisfacto\, being only hearsay, th »t
the justice dismiss-d them.
The officers are still at work on the
< asc and it Is Hkt-iy that other arrests
will be made. The Girard city council
I tonight offered a reward of s!(>'» for Ihe
(•■•iivi- lion of each and every person im
plicated in the case.
Crime Charged to Young Boy.
Athens, Ga., April 9. (Special.) L»*n
Sp-ncc, a 11-year-old white boy. whose
hone- is at Whitehall, a few miles from
. this city, was arrested afternoon at
| the Seaboard Ai’/ Line depot on the
, charge of jinxing attempted to ravish a
' little white girl, named Teat, in that
J section of the county this morning.
• Sp< nce had just bought his ticket for
Abbeville. S. when the officers put him
I under uresi. Ho is-nothing but a young
! boy. and when he was arrest- d he broke- •
' down and wept. H- very little t •
i say about the alleged crime, however, '
! except to enter a denial of guilt.
Deaf School Officers Reelected.
Rome. Gu . April 1". (Special ' The ;
board of trustees for the Georgia school
forth., (leaf im I in Gave Spring yester- ,
day Kild H.1j..-.rr.--l last night. The .in- ; ..lection of the teachers was held j
and the present faculty was retained for I
the coming year.
Hon. W. J. Griffin was reelected pros!-,
dent of the board and D. W. Simmons
was reelected secretary and treasurer.
Professor W. O. Conner, who was re
elected principal, lias held this position
for many years and under his manage
ment tl). Georgia school has made much
progress and ranks very high among
like institutions.
Son Follows Father in Death.
Macon. G.i.. April 10. (Special, i -Last
week Ira Jennings, once an old stage
driver through Macon, tears before the
railways come on. died at an advanced
age. leaving a large family. Last night
his: eldest son, William 11. Jennings, died
at the family homo in Warrior district,
nt tin ago of r." years. Mr. Jennings
was paralyzed the day of his father s
death and never showed ant signs of re
covery. He was a brave confederate sol
dier. He leaves a widow, but no chil
George Hamp Hanged.
Madison. Ga.. April 10. —(Special.)— |
George Hamp, or Hampton, colored, was*
bung here this morning a little after 10 I
o'clock for murder. I.
At 10 o'clock Sheriff tyonek. with a j
strong guard, brought the murderer from I
iho jail and escorted him through I. ho ,
largo crowd of negroes assembled to th"
place of execution.
At 10:16 o'clock tile trap was sprung. ■
E k”,
I adies and Gents is an honest advri Wlwn we say wp will send you a Matcbthat willoqual
q| f<«r timo anv Solid Gold watch made, we mean il. No chance about il. Don’t pay from $20.00 tn $40.00
S 8 for a Solid Gold ladies or pun’s watei We will ;-end you a waieb thatwo will absolutely guarantee t” he ggS' f
Bf exactly what wo claim without asking a cent Al l we ask i ;ha’ y-u will agr••« to sHI < mly 8 boxes of
si our famous Corn (’uro at 25r. a box—iis the creates:, f'-'ri' Cure on • ,'rth. ami soils like hot < akes. ibue is
» the chanco of your life, send-us your name and address at onct'.im. we will send thi‘S boxes by-mail.
Hh When sold you send us rhe money ami wo will ser.’i you th'- Viatcb soor as imme} is received. YSe are
giving away these w<itehes io quiekly introduce ou. < 'orn Cure, and people who have received a Watch Z-Sis
■| from us can testify we do as we Wo are an old reliable eonrern with a • oputation for square and ,
honest dealing, and wo know ever.v person who receives a W<Hr.h from us will !>•* more than delighted, if
you want a watch address at onco. Manufacturers Supply
J / i
There is no disputing the fact that
man’s heart is often reached through
the stomach. Happy the housewife who
can please her husband's appetite with
well cooked food for the table. Many a
man is grouchy, ugly, nervous, suffering
from distress after eating, heart palpi
tation, and all through the overworked
stomach. No chain is stronger than its
weakest link. No man is stronger than
his stomach. If the proner elements in
the food are not taken up bv the blood
j in the stomach and carried to the vital
■ organs of the body, one's health breaks
I down and one leaves the gates open for
i the entrance of disease germs. The
l germs of typhoid fever, grip, malaria,
• pneumonia and consumption cannot pass
I through the stomach into the intestines,
where alone they arc capable of going
j unless the stomach has first been weak
ened by disease, indigestion, dyspepsia
or errors in diet. Keep the stomach
healthy, the boxvels regulated and the
blood pure and rich and vour body is a
stronghold against which the germs of
disease cannot make a successful attack.
If your blood is impure and von are
sometimes pale or have the other signs
of bad blood, such as pimples, boils and
j eruptions, you should at once take warn
Nature is the real physician in
such cases, for Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief
consulting physician to the Invalids’
Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo
N. X’., years ago discovered that certain
herbs and roots made into an extract,
’ without the use of alcohol, was the
! very best means of putting the stom
' aeh, blood ami vital organ., mt prop
-ler condition. His Dr. Pierce’s Gold- J
en Medical Discovery helps the as- ;
similation of the food in the stomach, j
assists the blood in taking tip the proper ’
elements from the food, helps tile liver
into activity, thereby throwing out the
i poisons in the blood and vitalizing the
whole system. This assimilation helps
in the oxidation of the red blood cor
puscles, the poisons in 'he system are ‘
eliminated, the heart gets the right kind |
of blood and the person feels invigorated
I and stronger in consequence. As a tis- ■
1 sue builder it is far preferable to cod
| liver oil or any alcoholic compounds or
tonics, because it give: the blood and
: the tissues the food elements thex- re
' quire and maintains a person's nutrition
I by enabling him to eat. retain, digest
• and assimilate nutritious food It over
i comes the gastric irritability and syttip
| toms of indigestion. Because of the
good effects front using Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery upon nntri-
I tion and the building up of the tissues,
i catarrh, consumption, weakness or de
i bilitv and symptoms of fever, night
j sweats, headaches, etc., disappear.
I Each of the chief organs of thy body
• is a link in the chain of life.' A chain is
' no stronger than its weakest link, the
body no stronger than its weakest or
gan. If there is weakness of heart or
lungs, liver or kidneys, there is a weak
link in the chain of life which may
snap at any time. Often this so-called
'’weakness” is caused by lack of nutri
tion, the result of disease of the stomach.
Diseases of the stomach and its - allied
organs are cured by the use of Dr. i
Pierce's Golden Medical Discover}.
When the diseased stomach is cured,
diseases of other organs which seem re
mote from the stomach, but which have '
their origin in a diseased condition of
the stomach and other organs of diges
tion and nutrition, are cured also.
: In health just as does the city-man, and
he fails cotnmonlv from the same cause,
'’stomach trouble.” The farm is a
i wholesome place to live ; the farmer's
' life is a healthy life ; but no externa!
advantages can overcome the effects of
i diseased stomach. When the stomach
and its allied organs of digestion and :
nutrition are diseased, the food eaten is j
I 11 is nock xv.-is broken .md h* was pro- j
; vounc< (I <b-;i<l in eh x eii minut
Doctors Meet in Columbus.
(’oluinbus-. Ga.. April 11. -tSpe ia* -
Everything is in n-adiiu-ss for the filiy
i f »urth annual session of Gue Georgia
Mcdieal Association, and when the do.
tors of the slate come to the citx next
Wt'din-sday they will tind a he arty wel
come awaiting them at. the hands of the
hospitable people of G’olumbu.-. It is ex
pected tiiat nearix two hundred dele
gates will atfend the conx ent ion
olliierc of the Georgi;* Abdic,.; ,\>
social ion are: I’r.sid nt. (’Luries Hicks,
Dublin, < r:» . first vi< e president, J A.
Guinn, (’onyers. Ga.: second \i<e presi
dent. \\ . W. Binion. Benevolence. Ga. ;
seei.-tary and treasurer. S. 11. Jones.
Atlanta. Ga.; I’. V. Hubb id. o’ Vtlant.e
is chairman of the committee <>n pro- j
gra m me.
Atlanta's New Postoffice.
I Th" First Baptist ehttreh block, bounfl-
I ",j bx Walton. Faidii-. Poplar and F.>>
1 syth streets, has tinali. been selected
i by Seeretarx of the Treasury Shaw as the
(site for Atlanta's iiew publie bui'aling
. Th" choice made bx tn." -.'-er."at . on
Saturday, the purchase prie. being $199. ■
7((i'. or $11(1(1 loss than the sum original!)
ask...l for the property.
| The selection of the Firs' Baptist
I church block was mad it of t list of
J r ' ■‘•’h f
imperfectly digested and assimilated,
and the consequent loss of nutrition re*
suits in physical debility.
- No engineer would be mad enough to
' run bv the flag which signaled danger.
What the danger was he might not un
derstand, but he would take no chances.
It is different with the average man or
I woman. They attempt constantly to
r ; run by the danger signals of Nature and
! that attempt costs thousands of lives
i every year. When the appetite becomes
; irregular or entirely gives out, when
sleep is troubled and broken, when there
1 , is loss of flesh, when there is a constant
’ I feeling of dullness and languor, Nature
’is hoisting the danger signal. The
J stomach and its allied organs are failing
’ in their work and the body is losing
J , the nutritition on which its strength
, , depends.
* Such a condition calls for the prompt use
1 | of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery.
I Will be paid by the World's Dispensary
• ■ Medical Association, of Buffalo, N. X
; the proprietors and manufacturers of Dr.
• I Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, if
i thev cannot show the original signatures
.■ of the individuals who volunteer the
' testimonials below, and of the writers of
' ! every testimonial among the thousands
i which thev are constantly publishing.
’’Words cannot express v. hat I suffered
j for three years from the effects of ■
I pid liver,” -writes Jas. E. Hawkins, Esc.',
I President Order Golden Circle, No. 41, of
' j America, Box 1038, St. Louis, Mo. ” Had
; I but known of your ‘Golden Medical
: Discovery ’ sooner what misery I might
: have been spared. I was bilious, tongue
: was coated, appetite poor, and 1 had fre
quent distressing pains in the side and
■ under shoulder-blades, but within a week
I after I commenced Dr. Pierce’s Golden
in edj
! and the results were all and more than I I
* feel ten years younger, and am entirely ’
i free from pain of any kind. Vour ‘GoW-
jen Medical Discovery’ is certainly all
1 tiiat its name implies, and I gratefully
; endorse it.”
' "Mrs. Alice Everly, of Creedville,
! Ohio, says: "Sometime ago I wrote vou
' in regard my case, asking vour advice,
. also what I needed in the medicine line.
. The advice came promptly and after fol-
■ lowing your directions I find myself en
i tirely relieved of any distressing symp
-1 toms of my old troubles, and feel I am
I entirely cured, I had liver complaint
I and indigestion of the bowels. Took
eight bottles of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med
ical Discovery, also three via’s of Dr.
Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. Your reme
dies have proven very satisfactory in mv
case, and I am delighted to be my old
self once more. I thank you for your
good and valuable advice, which was so
promptly given. My husband is taking
the ‘Golden Medical Discovery,’ and
also feels that it is doing him good.
1 One thing we are very positive of, is that
’ it will give a wholesome apoetite when
all else fails.”
M »
1 Adviser, paper covers. Sent free r
. 1 if
pense >f tii'iil’.i’.g only. A.cidres. o.
R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.
i fix ~ .lift', ri-i. bbivks offered the g-'
i in"!.: v.i.s mail, in spit- .if t?
I that it the highest priced pi
t of its ntral loca.
Child's Body Recovers v,
: " ■' :i id ■ M.i 1;■ 1:1 K iil :ng -W" 'th I
: droxvii"d at a p enie party yeste: I;
■ found in Spirit cro.-k about 21.-
■ down he stream from th" point .
( she fell in It was at point ’
i ek'.'ir water tlie body was plainly
| it was not marred bv bruises or
I of any kind.
Many Farmers To Atte’
■ 1.1 p:.. :: li. < > I'u rse. of S.l' - :
1 be- Il invited to addr-'.-s the tarn,
I tlie subject of sug 11- eane and sir/
Continued on Page Ninet jaugu-
■r the
E,jr ßKa
w'd ,
Cleanses flock
perfectly and Loat*
H.-asit.v •■». ■ i-1 ~ went '
Ssiii bi mailprepakl
ui |d.m -.vrapi'cr, ou N. ' lloc .<
rc.-eipt of $l .’.(I. A Z/eorgn
Enrr >nr.<i<:<-M ic-enl \ Z'letem
t sttt \ // nonth
. :,:.r m'oki.-1. <>i a.' 1 .*., e \ //
and d o-' tions —inVET-.ruig to telong-
iil ’ nr. \ddreH3EUREKA CO- jgp up
32?. Commerce St.. Phiiadd., ’ a. * j ur j
M Original ujm. Only Ge
■7*-f 3*^.' AF* E. ' '•>'•■• •Jhh'e Eiolie P’
f- .5) f,,r CHICIIS. anroducA
t<* » ?i KI O ‘ (sold N. •’ t . ..
JX ■«£.'J ' eri i'likcnooth in
..’'Vj, Pnssger<»UA K ubi«tflutloFiß >
I / /yr tion*. Ku? of t ; r Prusgist
| * J-? ataruje '. >r Particular*. 3 ...
v **• p sad ’•Kdlcffor I.udii N/’t . 7;
A // turn Mail. 10.000 T-.mir.,
• k" ‘ -• < hlohenter <*■
Mention tbh pi.;. .IrladiAon Square. P!
Sold by 1,. N Brunswig,
Druggist, New Orleans, La.