Newspaper Page Text
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~Grand Lodge of
Frcc Mds ° ns '
'< r > Madame Isabella
u ( *™- ~f *”■■
' 1 1 ® Xir'fi’ -L—v Grand Lodge of
’TinnflfliT contracted a most i
!| persistent cold. My
j i I head mhed, my eyes
j and nose seemed 1
| ’ i constantly running.
| I and my lungs were
i | sore. A druggist
I recommended Peru-
na, which cured me.
; —lsabella E. Bavcas.
| I Loyal Mystic Legion,
of Minnesota.
Mr. James S. Parks,
293 Endicott Build
ing. St. Paul Minn.,
"I prize Peruna for
its healing qualities
in cases of catarrh
i of the stomach and
! lungs.’’—J am c s b.
Independent. Order of
Foresters, of lowa.
B. O. Tuck er,
I treasurer Independent
I Order of Foresters,
i of Council Bluffs,
la., writes:
’’Peruna has been
I both doctor and
I medicine chest at my
I ; mother’s home for
I years. We use it
! successfully in kid-
i ney troubles, liver
I complaints and stom-
I ' aeh and bowel dis
i eases’ B. O. Tucker.
Chicago North Side
Woman’s Club.
Miss Dade Stegc
man, Superintendent
of the 1 ’hi* ago Nori h
l Side Woman’s Club,
< writes;
••Peruna has been
; used by members of
our club f”r stomach
i ti' übie, general de
, bility ami la grippe
; villi very good re-
i gilts.’ Miss Dade
Young Woman’s Club
ol Montana.
Miss Rose Cullen,
Il president Y o u n g
Woman’s C 1 ab,
i writes from 921 Ga
lena. street, Butte,
"While finishing
school I was ex
hausted from over
study and could
neither eat imr sb op.
Two bottles of Peru
na cured me."—Rose
Catholic Knights of
• America.
Mr. Mathias Leif,
Secretary I’niform
Rank Catholic
Knights of America,
writes from 3327 N.
Clark st., Chicago,
I have used Peru
na for three years as
ill. a strengthening ton-
lAJV'WV' jp and find it valu-
Aj able when the system
'■HU!) BIIIIBIH'C gets run down."—
o* ’■ "s
J- f '~*i J f \
mw 4- " s, *i %?fe
f*l Rftte lr> -
\ J&J xx% \y. UweK > Jew y \k F -•!
|T 1 k x , j: |
• 8 ~ H ~ H _
M. / - - ■ ■ 1 '" '
Independent Order of Good Templars
of Washington
Mrs. T. W. Collins, Tr. usurer I. O.
(1. T.. of Everett, Wash., has lls c.d
the great catarrhal tonic, Peruna, for
an aggravated ease of dyspepsia. She
"After having a sei • re attack of la
grippe, t also suffered with ilys, - psia.
Astor taking Penina I could soon <-at
| h)y reg ilar meals with relish, my svs
i tom was bul't up. my health r' tnrm d.
! and I have remained in excellent
strength ami vigor now for over a
year."—Mrs. T. W. Collins.
J 1. O. O. F.
Mr Monroe D. Colbath. Spragm s
Mills Maim. S', rotary ami Chaplain
;.f th'e'Ridgely Dodge 16S. I. <>■ "• !<■
of Sprague's Mills. Me.. writes:
‘’Soidp f»'iir yc.irs tg•» I in .1 ]>!•
carious condition, the result of kidney
and liver trouble. Peruna effe.-ted a
complete cure." -Mr. Monroe D. Col
Legion of Loyal Women, of Mass.
M’ws Mattie B. Curtis, Secretari Le
gion of Loyal Women, of Boston,
"I suffered for over a year with gen
oral weakness and debility, also se
vere backache. I took four bottles of
Peruna. and am entirely cured of these
maladies." - Mattie B. Curtis.
Daughters of the Confederacy.
Mrs. Col. E. J. Gt' .sham, of Hern -
don, Va., Treasurer Daughters of the
Confederacy, writes as follows:
"I suffered with catarrh of the head
and lungs In its worst form. 1 took
six bottles of Pi runa and they were
worth a king’s ransom to me. ’
An Illinois Knight, Templar.
In a recent letter from 5900 Mu higatt
avenue, Chicago, Ills., Col. 'I. P.
Moody, a prominent Knight Templar,
and one of the. most popular and well
known jewelry auctioneers of the mid
dip staff's, says:
“J suffered with catarrh for over 25
years; for 10 years I had catarrh of
the stomach. I took Porum iud am
better than I have bem in 20 years.'
T. r. Moody.
Illinois Woman’s Alliance.
Roxa Tyler. Vice President Illinois
Woman’s Alliance. 910 E. tiotli street,
Chicago, Ills., says:
"Peruna gave me new' life and re
stored my strength." Roxa Tyler.
Secretary Illinois I tidies ol G. A. R.
Mrs. Julia C. Brown. Secretary
Henry W. Lawtoi} Circle, No. 27, of
Pecatonica Ills., writes:
"I am thoroughly i-onvim ■'! that
Peruna is a reliable family im di. inc.
It is a splendid remedy in , a.--< ol in
digestion or any irregularities of the
stomach." —Mrs. Julia C. Brown.
Ft,ah State Council of Women.
Lucy A. (’lark. Vii-e President I rah
State Council of Wone-n, Farmington,
I’tah. writes:
"Peruna is a good remedy for grip,
extreme weariness or frei[uent bm k
acihe. It keeps the body in a healthy
condition."- Lucy A. Clark.
independent Order of Foresters.
Mr. Donald Robb. Jr . Jti Wright’s
Ave., Nova Scotia. Cam. Deputy Su
preme Chief Ranger. Independent Or
der of Foresters, writes:
> "1 recommend Peruna to any
suffering with stomach trouble. It
cured me.”—Mr. .Donald Robb, Jr.
Dannebro Society of Women.
1 I C. N. Peterson. President Dannebro
Society, Council Bluff.-, la., says:
■’Constant eonl'meim-nt in my store
bi gan to tell on my health and I was
' breaking dowm.- Five bottles of Peru
na completely restored me to health."
—C. N. Peterson.
Ladies of Illinois G. A. R.
Mrs. T,avina Walker. Department
Chaplain of Ladies of the G. A. It., of
Illinois, writes:
"I have used Peruna when worn out
’ and found most gratifying results."—
Mrs. Lavina Walker.
Modern W oodmen of America.
Mrs. Fred. C. Piatts. No. 1600 East
10th st.. Kansas City. Mo.. Escort of
the Modern Woodmen of America,
"Three bottles of Peruna cured me
of catarrh of the stomach. As long
as Peruna can be bought no doctor or
any other medicine shall enter my
lowa Athletic Association.
John 11. Corlies, Council Bluffs. la..
Secretary lowa Athletic Association,
writes til” following:
"I suffered for three years with se
vere trouble of the kidneys and other
i pelvic organs. 1 used Peruna for II
weeks and it cured me."—John H.
A Prominent. Sunday School Worker, i
Miss Bertha. H. \\<ntieT, of Buck
ley. \\ ish.. ;i prominent Sunday
Sc/’oii| worker, writes;
•‘Having tri' i several remedies for
cTiroiiie catarrh of lh<- bronchial tubes
witlimit ii'.-iii”’ helped. I began to think
thvre was no ■ ore until I tried P<*ru
iia. A great change for the better at
once took place. and after two
nn nit hs' faithful use. Peruna com
pletely cured me.”- Bertha E. Wmt
Chicago Teachers’ Federation,
M .!
the <’hir.i2'* T'o -’’'ler Ecdoi’a l ion,
writes from 3118 Lake Park Ave.,
Chicago. Ills.:
“liming the past ten
> I hay.- b<-‘ii ;> teacher __
in <’hi't\'i ami s.iv - oßt-n /lYk
f<»i:: ;d my -• If worn out and Ji
in nc'd <»: i lOtii'-. Amon-r
tile dilT.'i’i ill rctncdics 1 i’.a \ • ( XQuZr
j’i-’d. li'Ci'- have helped mu
nnire th in Pet ima. ( niul it
• . !>'■;■ i.”> lly helpful in cast’s of *
■ atarrh of the stomach; it ■ n
restores the functions of Hjn
nature, imiii. ■ sleep and // //
build;-: lip the et tire sys- J///
tc’n. It has been a sieal
h' lp to me.”—Jennie John- Ir/
son. JL
Secretary of 1. O. G. T.
Miss S.iili, B, kcr, No 125 JbVI
\\ ■ Elizubi’ih S’.. Detroit, ■■ ML*
Mil’ll.. So’i’idu iy of Wayne 11 Jftfd
f'minty I.edge of I. o. C T.,
writ< "Foi y< 11 . i was a
great suffer'r from catarrh. ll
My eyes got very weak, h id I
piercing pains in my head fif j
and my system seemed all If f f A J
deranged. I found that Pc- j I ll
rima was a great restora- Ll 11'
live to health and eye- wkVL
sight." VAWL
Wm. Downs Relief Corps, of
n<-\a Parker, Tr usurer ”
and Condui t"!’ of tile Wil- 11 D"’a .... lb lief Corps. ts
No. I:, oi the l\ . R. <’.. of //
t!> ■ St of Minnesota,,
writes ii" following from Vs
dil’.i t’li avenue. Min- If
iio.ipolis, Mit.ii.:
"My li'-iltb was complete-
I.' broken down from over- JI
work. My appeiilo was lost. II
my sleojj fitful and 1 found I!
no relics from I’m preserip ’|L
I."iis of do.-tor. On lhe ad- jfg
xii e of fri nds I i tied Peru- >1
1 i>’K the It
si cond bottl" 1 was com- /
pletiiy restored."—Geneva II
Knitilits of Pythias, of Nebraska. yk
If. S. Emory. \’ic. Chan-
ci'Hor K. of I’ 's, writes >
from 213 N. 16th street, L
Omaha: (j
"I can recommend I’cruna. JI
as a cure for catarrh of the >■’
stomach and head; also in *
kidney complaint and weak- 1
ness of pelvic organs."—ll. I
S. Emory.
Ancient Order ot Pyramids, Kansas City.
Mr. Ciharles 11. Brown. No 419 West
14th St., Kansas City. Mo.. Noble
Prophet of the Summit Council No.
206. Ancient Order of Pyramids of Kan
sas City, writ's: "I suffered for four
years with catarrh of the pelvic or
gans, caused b> a severe cold. A
neighbor had been cured of la grippe
by Peruna and persuaded me to try it.
Within a week 1 felt relieved and tn
thirteen weeks I considered myself a
perfectly cured man.”
California Grand Army of the Republic.
Hon. D I- Jnycox, Chaplain G. A.
It., writ's from 565 Broadway, Oak
land, Cal.:
•'I < ont raeted severe bladder and
kidney trouble. I used Peruna for four
months and believe myself cured. I
would not lie without Peruna in time
of need for ten times Its cost."—D. L.
w 1
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Illinois Woman’s Alliance.
Mrs. Minnie Sic' ”. ■•’. Presid'-nt Illi |
ni'is Woman’s Adian-ee. tl Delaware ;
Place, Chic,i.vo, Ills., wi’ites;
"Eve” since my :on, now grown, ,
wa ' ’ l ' ' ■ -
peculiar weakness of the pelvic or- j
whi .'h no meilicine seitmed to
reach. My sister asked mb i" try l*e as ' List te-ori. it worked von- I
tiers wo’t m.' • • 'em and in a lew I
weeks til" P'i’.is b'-cilll to leave. I kept
on 'aking ii and am now in p-rfeet
h, alih. ’ Mi> ’ Minnie SU'cves.
Member of Self Culture Club.
Mrs I 1 ' ■ Inman, No 111 Ogden t
Ave.. Bent'in liarlior. Mich.. Ic I
ti!,. 11,0.1,', F'lium Club, ami member
0 £ Self Cnltui'" <'lul>, writes;
•Toi- over 11 months my
life was made miserable by—
noil! pains. I ■ do- ' -
ndvis' d i.e to trv Per ’- i
O and in two months all
A 1 !'•» if I !I' 1 ‘ Ilg ■ 1 f
Appleton Younu Ladies’Club, j
/j'kA” Mi Mari ''"'s. i’-
ll dent of tin Aid.l’ Cm Y"’:ng
ta 1. Hi. .’ I’l ill ot A pl ion,
\\ W Wis., . peaks in glowing
WTi L rms of Peruna. A letti'i’
\\Sl j,. ,-ntly r’’’’"i' d front her
l,y T!|. Peruna Meth ,:>e
\X Co. reads as follows:
JA "I glad to eiill th, at
Jnv tendon "f my lti' n.l- to I''’-
Ij I | runa. When tngui'l,
1/ I tired feeling comes ov, r yon
/~tjr / an ! your food no lotiyr
/A /'s good, and sin.ill in
I I if® mivanecs irritate you Pi ru- |
I I ml im' will mnk. you feel like
\\ another person inside i
\\ \V week. I h.’iv. .i"W l< e.l if
\\ for three seasons, and find
IB ill *t very valnabL and effi
■ W carious. " Miss Marie Co ,ts
jij Betsy Ross Educational and
I '. Benevolent '•ociety.
Zl Mi- ■ Maggi. W leh :
« Seer.-1.,:-’, B'ts-. It" Ed I ■ I
J e.-ition;)’ uibi B-• i(.\< »i- 11i So- |
I J ■■i.n-U fill I e:,:.vllt til"
♦ 1:o • i: h'-’.’.i ii. - • • in' '
<// me a’ld nothing ive m ■ ,
f 7
rather In a joke, ’I gue-s I’o- j
that wil! euro you.’ I told I
■A him I v "u!d e< rt.iinly m it.
® and a' it .king n fa i: lit’u I- i
Is ly the cough grndmilb di- j
minis!" d, and th" s"r,ni' ss
left me. It is line ” Ma,g
gio \\ I ’ll.
G. A. R. Relief corps, of
■ill |L Mrs. Jane I lux' r. .if Fl ' -
!| moat. W.ii-'n.. I‘io-ident (1
T,T A It. li’ lie C"! ps. v fit’ S
'fi 1 the ' ul.'Wing:
•*—-j - I is, ,| |’. run -. for a
vere ami continued back-,
ache and found it th,- only
remedy that could over cure me."—
Mrs. Jane Baxter.
President of Milwaukee Liederkrantz.
Mr. I’ N • I'l7 7th
St.. Mllkaukeo. \\ is., President of the
Milkaukoe Uederkrantz, writes:
"A couple of years ago a rash broke
out all over my face and body which
the doctors called scrofula. After tak
ing Peruna seven weeks I found that
during’ that time my health ha 1 grad
ually improved and my sk it was free
from any eruptions.”
Schwaebischer saengerbund, Chicago.
Fritz Vollmer, of Chicago, Ills.,
Presid'-nt of the Sehw.:ebiseher Sien
gerbund, writes:
"I suffered with catarrh of the
, throat and was afraid 1 would lose
I my voice. I took Peruna. and it cured
i mo promptly.”—Fritz Vollmcr.
’ independent Order ol Odd Fellows. '
M, < 1.. L. Harris. Warden of De [
I Soto Lodge N". 55. Independent Order |
i odd Fellows, also Treasurer l,os An I
I g,-’ s Blue Ribbon Club, writ' s from I
i -’|x N. Grand Ave., Los. Angeh ' il.. .
’ ” "i suffered intensely with Ih< urn t i
: tism. | |o,,k Peruna faithfull’.' t r I
■ tw ) months ami I am riitii’ lv • \
l Gen. H. W. Lawton Circle, Ladies
of the G. A. R.
I Mrs \nnle Glen, Edgewater, His.,
President General 11. W. Lawton Clr
! i-le, No. 27, Ladies of the G. A. R.,
i wfill's; . , ...
I "I have suffered tor nearly e.ght •
years will) more "!’ less backache- ano
b'-ariiig down pains. My druggist
recommended that 1 take peruna, and
it was simply a God-send to me. in
side of five weeks 1 was once more i
aroag and happy woman.’’ Mrs. An
nie Glen.
. Order Eastern Star, Chicago. HI.
Mrs. A. E. Howe, 239 Rush Street.
Chicago, Ills.. Worthy Matron of
Chicago Chapter No. 161. Order of
Eastern Star, writes:
"There is no medicine 1 know of that
is so perfect a healer for all cases of
catarrh as Peruna. il is a friend to ,
women, the pains peculiar
to the sex. and restoring them to
health and strength.”—Mrs. A. E.
Betsy Ross Educational and Benev
olent Society, of Illinois.
Mrs Alice. Rush. Conductress Betsy
Ross Educational and Benevolent So
I cioty. writes from 42 Delaware Place,
Chicago, Ills.:
"T’eriina has my best wishes, as it
cured me l.i-t winter of a cold whi</l
settled all over me, causing a. bad ca
tarrh, and no doctors or medicines
helped me. I could not sleep nights
and lost flesh until I took Peruna.
Three bottles of Peruna made mo a
well and happy woman again.”—Mrs.
Alice Rush.
Loyal Mystic Legion, of Minnesota.
Miss Anna Busse]]. Past Worthy
I’a trone.o. Local M\stii; Legion, writes
from 293 Endicott Building, St. Paul,
"For years my system was in a pe
culiarly’ receptive condition for ca
tarrh. when exposed in any way to
Ini■l eme n t weather.
"Now for the past year and a half I
have usrtl Peruna in such cases, and
have found that it not only cures im
quickly, hut it also cleanses my blood
and renders no- less liable to catch
cold." -M iss Anna P.u. sell.
Robson Post. G. a R.
yf c i Thomas, Chief Guard
Robson Post. G. A. R., of Albert Lea,
Minn., writes.:
"I suffered with severe kidney and
bladder t rouble- e I us d i’eruna and
! ;im glad I" say that today 1 am a per
! th ( tly well woman, thanks to Pcru
| na." Mrs. Clara Thomas.
i Women of Woodcraft, Washington.
Mi .1.,..-phi "■ Bi-ns"". Guardian
i Grand <.'iri|e. Women of Woodcraft,
I Seattle, Wash., writes:
' I eimtracb’d a severe cold, on my
i lungs l.i-l fill. Peruna not only com
-1 pl.-tely healed my lungs, but cured the
catarrh o my head ts well, which
I had nt. in." Mrs. Josephine Benson.
I. o. O. F.. of Washington.
i M"C ■ B Crane. Secretary I. O. O.
I writes from Tacoma, Wash.:
"1 can indorse Peruna as a cure for
kidnev troubles as il affords speedy
and satisfactory results.”—Moses B.
| Crane.
: Past state Counselor, Kansas City.
Mr. Marshal Polland, No. 521 Ohio
Ave., Kansas City, Kansas, is Past
Slate C'cinselor of .junior Order of
I'nitt’d \meri in Mechanics, and is
National Representative of the same,
lie writes as follows:
"Four doctors tried their best to
. ar. rm- "’ r’X’umatism without suc
cess. What they failed to do Peruna
did in a few short months and 1 have
all tin faith in the world in this great
medicine to cure this torturing ami
most disi’essing disease. It regulated
my entire system, drove the uric acid
out of my blood, increased my appe
tite and restored my vitaj forces, un
til 1 felt as though I could work from
morning until night without the least
American Anti Treat Society, of
Joseph 11. Ridgeway. Secretary
American Anti-Treat Society, of St.
Paul, Minn., writes:
'll is with great pleasure that I en
dorse Peruna as ut honest medicine
i oin;» tent to do all it claims. I have
used it several times In cases of se
vere colds and catarrh and kn-jw of
nothing that cures so completely and
the same time builds up the system."
--Joseph 11. Ridgeway.
1 Woman’s Bene.vo- .’*T&^r'Y■
' lent Association
! of Chicago.
■ \\ n’s B”)i' ■ .FU A z \ .Jr
sx h’ nnnpfifi
”1 siiffcr- d w : • ! | i
grippe be j
W’fks f d n'.< j ! I
helped m- me:! I j I
tried !’■ ,-mi.i. I ■. :•. i,j
at "" e that I !i I |
a t last si curt d the i ./1
right medicine a>>T (
kept steadily improv / ‘ j
ing. Within title.
weeks I was fully r • I
stored." - Harriet A. I
S. Marsh. | I
Lake View Lodge of I
William I’belakor, I
President Lake View
Izodgc of Foresters,
writes from :;:;27 N. j
Clark street, Chicago,
"When I have | |
been exposed to wet I
or inclement, weather > I
my chest would hurt
me and I would have, j
serious indigestion
and 1 would be laid I
up for a day or two.
causing inconveni- I
ence and pain. On' |
of mv lodge friends i
| advised me try Peru- I
na, as it had helped j I
him. and 1 found that I i
a bottle cured me. If | I i
I feel badly now I at
once take two or «-I ‘
three doses and I / ! ! ‘
find it keeps no in JI I I j
tine health."—Win. 1 i J
Übelaker. I I ' I
Vai Krein Assoc!a
2! : 1
Mrs. Cat h e ri:;e I'l il ' I
Toft, Presid nt Valk-
UK -
ta,‘ | | I
privilege to advis.’ a j ; I
number of ruy iriiais I I I II
concerning t’nc 1.-’.-t IL ; l|
medicine in c is. - ii ; h > |
a worn out constitu
tion. 1 know of noth- j| j ( L i ||
ing better than Peru- i d il I I
n’.i in cases of id I |! I , I
tarrh of the stomach, |T ! i|
and for liver >■ ib! ■ ' I U
i ft is of superior nn i II , I
it. I gladly in’or. ! | , I I
it.”—Catherine ’"oft. |, I I
W. C. T. U„ 01
Mrs. Anna B. L’i
hart j. recent super- i Ii
intendent of W. C. ’I". I I l
T'.. headquarters at , Ji 1
G a 1 e s b n rg, Hi--, r I i
writes ns follows i |
from 401 Sixt ■’- I I
seventh st , V ~ Chi-
cago. Ills.:
"My health fail'd j I ij j
me a few years ago. I h
I took Peruna and I |
am well."
Royal Templars of
I l I
Hon. John Elliott. | '
President R o y a I
Templars of Temper- I
ance, writes from
1216 Ellsworth st.,
Philadelphia. Pa.;
“I have fm/nd I’-’- i |
runa of njuch help in > I '
cases of catarrhal
trouble, also in k;d- j!
ney and bladder tiis- U V -JvJ <
oases, I can recom
mend it to all. !■■'.’> ’ -i-i'iWWliiC
John Elliott. —1