Newspaper Page Text
Anderson, S. C.—W. M. Adamson, Ala.
(2 til—G. M. Arnold, Ala.—T. C. Aubrey,
La. (3 ti)—J E Asltcratt, Ga. (3 ti)—P.
M. Allison, Ala— L. J. Adding-ton, Va.—
Ernest Avery, Ga.—Alex Alpuente, Tex (5
ti)—VV H All. Ga. (3 ti)—Jac. Alford, S.
C.—S. D. Adams, Tenn Chas. Adams,
Ga.—J. G. Adair, Tex—E. W. Algary,
8. C.—Loyd Aubrey, La.—N. B. Atkinson,
Miss->Albion News, Ga.—ll. XX'. Ayrnett,
Tenn.—S. B. Addison, La. (2 ti)—Arthur
M. Allen. Mo. (2 ti)—Cecil C. Allen. Tex.
—J. XV. Algee, Tenn.—Garnetto Andrews,
Tenn.—G. S. Adams, Tex.—S. 11. S.
Adkins, no address—Rufus Assus, Va
R. L. Andrea. S. C. <2 ti)—Wm. M. An
drew?!. S. C.—A. J. Allen, Tenn. (2 ti)—
W. B. Adamson. Ga.—C. L. Adamson. Ga.
—M. Adams, Jr.. Tex.—J. T. L. Attaway,
Ala.—J. T. Aureas. Ga.—Joe Allen, N. C.—
3V. A. Austin. S. C. (2 ti)— Henry L. Ay-
Cock, Ga.
J. M Browder, Va —,7. I’. Bandy, Tenn.
—G I?. Braly. Tenn.—G. XV. Buchanan,
Tenn.—E. M. Brown. Ky.—(2 ti)—Lyman
Bullard. Ky.—E. A. Baines. Tenn.—Whit
Bunch. Tenn.—D. Bennett. Tenn XV. D
Branham. Tenn - Mrs. 11. B. Buell. Tenn.
—Jas w. Bryan. N. C.~E. E. Bouknight,
S. W. D. Brumbeloe, Ga.—(9 ti)—D.
B. Buie. Ark —E. C. Buffington, Ga. —V •
A. Brown. Ala.—Mrs. L. A. Brown. Ala
J. XV. Bolt, Ind. Ter. -XV. D. Blue, N. C.—
C. H. Baltzell. Tex.—Lottie Bass, Va—
S. 11. Brown. 8. C.—Thos. B. Black, Ohio.
—J. C. Blackwell. S. C.—A. B. Briney. Ky.
—J. Hamp. Barnhart. Ga.—(lo ti)—J. M.
Burn -. Ga —Samuel Bowen. S. C -11. '' ■
Bruce, Ga.—W. S. Benton, Ala.—Odar
L. Baity. N. C.—W. R. Buice, Ga.—J. H.
Brown. S. C.—D. IL Brazell, Tex.—Bar
ney Bishop. Tex.—(3 ti)—Rebecca Ballou,
S. C.—P. O. Boyd. S. C.—A. P. Bennett,
Miss.—J. <». Burleson. Ala.—Joe Burt. Ga.
John S Bowers, Ga. — Millard Blodgett.
W. Va (8 ti) Will S. Blodgett. W. Va
<1 ti)—Cliff Blodgett. XV. Va.—J. W. Burn
side, Ga.—Mrs. Oliver C. Bell. Ga—H. T.
Bartlett. Ga—L. Z. Berman, Ga.—(2 ti)—
XV. E. Bailey, Ga—T.M.BrOwn. Tenn. <2
ti'— Mrs. E. S. Barrow, Ga. —Elias Bas
kin. S. C.-H. M Bird, Ga. (2 ti)—Burns &
Bonnett, Tenn. (4 ti)— Elijah A.Brown.Ga.
—(2 ti)—John T. Banks, Ga.—J. A. Brant
let. S. C. (2 ti)—M. T. Baskin. Ga.—Chas.
B. Bailey. Tex—W. S. Brown. Ala.—
Brock & Russell. Tex.—Jas. M. Bair. S.
C. —W 11. Brittain, Ga.—W. XV. Bates, Ga.
-11. N. Beauchamp, Ky. -J. G. Breazeale,
S. M.Boaz. Ga.(3ti) Jno T. Biggs,
N. C.—Mrs. J. Blalock, 8. C. (2 ti)—C. T
Bacon, Ga.—W. J. Blackshear. Ga. (2 ti)
■>. C. Butner, Ga.—T. G. Burpee, Ga.—
Ennma 1.. Bryant, Tex.—J. Baxter, Tex
D O- Britt. Ala.—Mrs, Fannie I’. Beach,
Ga B. Bi i k, < fliio -A C. Beach, S. C
J. W. Bigham. Tex. (3 ti)—l. M. Berry,
Tex. —W. W Bast, Ark. (2 ti)—E. M.
Babb. S. C.--Emmett V. Ball. Ga.-—H. IL
Brown. Ga.—T. A R. Booth A Co., Ga.—
M. A. Boyd, (la.- ('hal ies L. Bar
rett. Ga.—James Bell. Ga.—Jack
Bennett. Ga. (17 ti)—Geo. T. Barbour, K>.
<5 ti)—Barm y Bishop, Tex. ti)—l. JL I‘.
Beck. Ga. <2 ti)—Saphronia Boone, Tex. -
T. A. Benton, Mis.-. -Mike Brannon. XV.
Va. i 2 ti> C. M. Boynton. Ga F. C- Bow
en. S C . B wen S C.—F M B
Tex-J. A. Baldwin. S. C. -XX’ T. Bailey,
La.—Henry H. Biome, Ohio —J. A Bran
nen. Ga. (2 ti)—Mrs. E. P. Boylston. S.
C. R E. Bundy. N C V M. Brown,
iGa. J. P. Iter- in. S. C—John C. Buz
liardt, S. C.—E. L. Bray Ga —Fannie P.
Beach. Ga —T. .1 Bn>wn. S. C.—E. IL
Bowen Gl G< o. W. Bii'l< la Ret A
R Bacal S. C.-E W. Burn S C.—F M.
Bruce. To. J. W Baylor. T< x.-J. .1.
Blanton. N. C. J. ' Brodnax. Ga. (2 ti) —
J IL Blown, N. C. (3 ti) —\V. J. Boone,
N. C L L. Baker. S. C. (2 til—W. P.
Blizzrcll Ga. A. L. Baumgartner. Mo.—
E. i.. Ronner, Aik Edw Bair, S. C- J.
It Bla.-kburn, T< x J I;. Broi kman, S.
«A R Bowman, Tenn. -B. L. Burn, S.
C -E. W. Black. Ala.- Mis. B. 1. Baker,
La.—C. A Beard, Mi. S. I'. Baldwin,
Tenn. T Barnett, Tex 11. 11. Brown.
Ga.—W. .1. Bell. Ga. G til—N. T. Blaek
-wel.'. Tex. (35 ti) —Rowan Brock. Ky.—E.
H. Bowen. S. C S W. Burt. Ga.—G. K.
Burton. Ga.—C. A. Bass. Ga.—G. A.
Buchanan, Ga.—Burge. Ky.—VV. B.
Brown, Okla.—T. W. Baker. Miss.-R. W.
Brook, Ga.—Jno. VV . Brantley, Tex.
B. S. Crain, Ga —C. S. Cruden. Ga.—
Comet, Tenn.—Martha ('. Collier, Miss
G. VV. Caldwell. Ala.-VV. 11. Campbell.
Ala.- E. .1 t'owarts, T x ; ti)—J. L>.
Crawford, Ala. J. VV. Collie. Va.—E. 1.
Coleman. Ala. (2 ti)—J. C. Carmack,
Tenn.—E. A. Cult, Ga -N. B. Campbell,
S. C.—Frank Cecil, Ark —J. F. Cowan,
Tex—Watkins Crockett, Tenn (2 ti)—Dr.
P. S. Cox, Tenn.—VV. 1 Caraway. Tex -
1 A. Campbell, Tex.—VV. T. Crow. Ga.
(2 ti)—Walter 8. Cook, Ga.—T. A Cobb,
Tex.—E. F. Cary, Ga. (2 tli—Hugh C.
Crane, Ala. H ti)- .1 A Cowan, T< x
Mrs. Robbie Cherry, 1
E. Clarke, S. c. (2 ti)- .Mr- J A Cook,
Ga.—S. J. Caudill, V a.—VV. F. Covington,
Ala.—Janies Cubbins. v\ \ ;i v
Champion, Kans.- [. c. t'herry, T. x - .1.
E. Coley, N. C. (2 ti)—Mi s Elnor.t Cline,
8. C.—VV. N. Culp. Al). (2 < Alex flat
Fla.—Miss Robie T. Chandler, Vn. VV. P
Clarkson, Ala. (3 tf)—L. M. Cauthen, S.
C. (3 ti)—Miss Mary I. Co k, Ala..—G-orge
VV. Causey, Ala.—VV. F ('ovingtun, Ala ■
J. A. Camp. Ga.—Eugen, <• ■■ •■'. . T, •,
Charles A. Castleberry, La J. A. Cov
ington. Ga VV' F. Co
VV. C. Calvert, T< x —A. VV. Collins, A'a.
—.l. A. It. Camp, Ga. i.. Ch Ji
Tenn.—A. G. Cherry, Tenn. (21 ti>— C. P.
Cone. Ga.—L. Childs, T-'x.- John (Taiy.
S. C.—Mrs. VV. J. Collins, Mi - -J. s.
t ’.ifer. Ga. ■ -<'. 1 <?op 'land .- > ' E 1 ,
Cochran, Ga. —A. Batth Clark, T. i.n. -
A. G. Clark. Tenn.—VV. R Ch.vs. Ga
F. M. Coker, Jr, Ga. W I. Champion
Ga —Charles Clements. Ga.—R. E. c >p<-r.
Ga.—VV. M. Copeland, Ga. (2 ti)—R. L
Chappell, Ga.—P. C. ( Oley, Ga.—A. G.
Craig. N. C.—J. F. Coleman. S. c. -John
L. Chambers, Ala.—Taylor Collins. Ala
J VV. Cole. Ala..—B. B. Cathen, Ala.—ll.
C. Cook, N. C.—T. M. Chappell, Ga —C.
L. Carter. Ga. (2 ti)—J. VV. Collie, Va.—
Kangling Cherry, Tenn. (Il tie- L. .1 Car
michael. Ga.—-George H. Carroll, Ga. (3
ti)- A. N. Coffey. D. C. Mrs. Lizz . Cook,
Afiss. —John S. Clinton, Tex.—C. M Can
dler, Ga. —E. A. C'ley. Ala.—G. D. Col
lins, Ga.—Dr. J D. Cobb, Ga -E'i Clark,
W. Va—John F. Culp. Fla.—W. p.
<'beves. Ga.—' . Al C'allawaj Ga—Mitos
Bailie May Chastain. S. C.—Dr. F. VV.
Code, Ga.—Charles R. Crisp, Ga —J. C.
Carmack, Tenn.—J. F. Currie, S. C. (6 ts)
A. M- Chandler, Miss.—John R. Cain,
C.E. V . Coleman. Ala.—Paul Coker,
Ga.—J- F- Copeland & Son, Ga.—E. F.
Cary, Ga.—l’. F- Cox. 8. C—J. N. Cog
gins, Ga.-E. L. Crenshaw, S. C.-A. W.
Collins, Ala.—K. A. Coker, Ga.—L A
( lark. Ala.—Cleveland & Payne, S. C.—
t eal & Ross, Tex.
S Driskell, Tex.-J. E. Dicks Ga.—J.
T. Dorrough. Ala.—F. D Dismukes, Ga.
j \V. Dumas. Ga —VV H. Dawson,
q-enn.—J- xv - Dillard. Tenn.—Charles L.
jiavidson. Tenn (3 ti)- Mrs. Emma Dim
van. Ga.—George A. Doss. Ga.—G. VV.
Davidson & Co., S. C.-Z. P. Dean. G.i -
T Daniel, Ga Beulah C I> .
Ga (2 ti)—J- K - I,e Ka - V - s - C.- A. V.
Dunn. Ala.-j. H. Dean. S. C. (29 ti)-R.
T Dunlap. S. C.—J. T. Dean. Ark.—Mrs.
X A. Devore. Mo. (4 ti)—Z. P. Dean.
P 3 _G. M. Daniel, Tex. (2 til C. If. Den
r:« Va. (4 ti)—S. VV. Driskill. Ala. (3 ti)
J’j r. Dobbins, Ga.—VV. M. Diamond,
Tenn.—J- Dabbs, N. C. <2 ti)-R. G.
Dickerson, Ga.-George VV Dobbs. Ga -
i M. Duncan, Ala. Mrs. M. s. Dunbar,
c (■ -Miss S.' I'anicl. Miss - .M 'Din
kins Ga. -L. E. Davis, Ala —O. C. Dark.
\'p t il til—Robert D. Delius. Tenn.—J.
H Donald. S. C.-J. T. Dickens, Ga. -
VV C Drake, N. C—Mrs. Annie Dittman.
N. Y.—George Dansby, Ga.-Jim Davis,
S. C— William Doss, Ala.—James W. Day,
N. C—E. Q. Dunbar, Tenn.—D. Y. Dan
cy, Ga.—i George VV'. Doss, Ark. —VV. R.
Dimmock, Ga. —John J. Daniels, Ga.—J.
H. Dodds, Ga.—Hew Dossett, Tex.—Dr.
M. A. Davis, Ga.—J. W. Drewry, Ga.—
Charles E. Dowman, Jr, Md. —William
Napier Dick. Ga.—Edgar Dominick, Ga.—
VV. F. Dahlke. Ala. (4 tl)—J. E. Darley,
La.—J. A. i'ukes, S. C —H. Dean, 8. C.
(7 ti)-JohiXVR. Duffey, Ga. (2 ti)—B. M.
Dodson, W. Va.—W. P. Duke. Ala. (2
ti)—VV. B. Davis, Ga.-W. A. Davis, 'lex.
(3 ti)—Charles T. Deppe. Ala.—F. M.
Drake, 8. C. (4 ti)-VV. O. Dickerson,
E -
Estes <!i Brown. Ga. (2 til—L. B. El
rod Tex.—J. G. B. Erwin, Ga.—J. E.
Edwards. Ga. (S ti)-VV. P. Ethridge, Ga.
(2 ti)—VV. F Estridge, S. C.-J. J. Estes,
VV. Va.—Edmond & Roberts. La.—Thomas
A Elam, Tenn.—John L. Edwards, Ga.
(3 ti>- F. VV. Elrod. Ga.-J- G. Ellis. Ills.
—J. Eagle. Tenn—A. M ■ Eddins, Ga.-J-
E. Elder. Ga. (2 ti)— Henry Ellis, Tex.-
Elberton ('ll Mills. Ga.-G. C. Else, tla
iß. T. Eley. A,a. (3 til—S. A. Elder. Ga
—VV. H. Edwards. S. C.—l. VV. Ensign.
Ga (33 til- A- E England. N. C.—J. S.
Fills Ga —.l. 11. Eddleman, Ala.—D. J.
Everett, S. C. (3 ti)-J. E. Evans, Ala.
C. V Fair, N. C.—H. C. Fulton. N. C.—
J. VV. Freeman. Ala.-J. M. Finley. Ills.
\V. F. Feemster, S. C —C. O. howler,
Ga. (2 ti)—Everett E. Freeman. Ala.—C.
A. Fincher. S. C. (2 ti)—VV . B. Foster,
Tenn (2 ti)—.Norman Farr -11. Jr.. Tenn.—
Charles G. Fisher, Ten)).—Mrs. J. D.
I Flete'm i. Tenn. (2 tl) -E N. Freeman,
I Ga. (4 ti)—R. E. Farmer. Iml. T. (4 ti)—
I VV . MeD. Fryer, S. C. (2 ti)—John VV.
■ Farmer, Ala. (1 ti)—VV. S. Freeman, <,a.
I. .J. VV. Fry. Ind.—J. C. Fowler, S. C.—
) Dr. J. VV . Field, Ark Foelmer Longin.
I Tex.-A. E. E. Futral. Ga.-R. L. Frce
' man, S. C.—Miss Celia Fisher, Tex.—E.
■ p. Freeman, Ala.--G. T. Foote. S. C.—Mrs.
Sam Flowers, S. C. —G• A. Fenton, La.
Elbert S. Formby. Ala.—J. R. Foster,
N. C.-T. E. Fleming, Tex. (2 ti)—Luther
Friar. Ga. (2 ti)—VV. A. Fuller. Jr.. Ga.
—James A Fort, Ga —B. M. Fowler, Ga. (2
ti)—J. C. Finklea. S. C.-J. M. Fowler, Ga.
Elizabeth Farlie, Ga.—J. C. Frost, Tex.
(2 ti)—W. I. Fugtia. Ala —S. P. Freeman,
S. C.—Mrs. j. a. Fumderb.urk. Ga.—N.
V. Findley. Ind. T.—II. C. Fulton. N. C.
S. VV. Fa Hikes. Tenn.—F. M. Fuller,
s. C.—VV B. Freeman. La.— J. H Farmer,
Ga.—D. E. Fine, Tenn —J. Z. Falls. N. C.
—S. S. Farrar, S. C.
John M. Garner, Ky.—C. L Gordy, Ark
' T, A. Gordy. Ga. -R VV. Gordon. Ga.—
I Mrs S. P. Griffin. Tenn.—M. R
Gallimore. Va —Theo B. Gordon,
S. C—Carrie Gresham. Ga.—T. VV.
G-odbold. S. <• Miss Gtladysi Gary
S (' —VV E Gonzales. 8. C.—F. J. Gris-
I fith and Fred S. Deck. Ala. Mrs. H.
i Grice. Al-. - Col. A .1 Gunning. D. C
i E. S. Garrett. Ga. E. E. Gregory, S. C.—
IE. L Goble. Ala. <2 ti l—L E. Gray, Miss.
! J,e B. Gay, Ga. <7 ti i - Mrs. J F. Gunn.
Ala S. F. Guggenheimer, Ohio (12 ti.)
L. T. Grant. Ala. '2 ti)— R. 'l'. Grant.
Ala. <4 ti.i—Mrs. I P Givens. Tenn.
<l2 ti i H S <lrigg. N. I '. -T. B. Graves.
Ga. (2 ti.)—Edwin F Geese). Md —A G.
Gibbs ami 'l' R. Wilson. Ky —VV. VV.
Grier. S. C. -C F. Gattis. Tenn. (2 ti.)—
Nannie E. Gardner. 8. <'.—S. If. Gamble.
I ’jinn- B. T. Guymi. Ark.—l. VV. Gard
i nor. Ohio—l'nirle P. Graham. Ga.—A. P.
Gl'Cti N < —I. <). Glaspio. N. —Mrs.
Elijah Gardner. Va —P. F. Griggs, Va.—
i N. <>. Gunnin. Ga. -Noah Goodson. Fla
C. F. TV Gunther. Ga —D. L. Gunter.
S «' i.; ti. i—Peter Gallagher, S. C.—E. B.
Gammell. Ga.<- L. O Gillespie, S. C. —
Welch Galloway, N. C. <2 ti.)—J. 11.
Germany. Ga.—R. J. Griffin, Ga.—C.
Gardner. Ga.—A. H. Gillock. Va (2 tl)
—Miss Elma Greer. Tex —C. M. Gane
ly, S. C- H. E. Grover, Ohio—T. I'.
Gurley, N. C.—.l S. Guyton. Ga. —
T. 11. Gregory, Ga.—J. W. Goldsmith.
Ga. .Mrs Margaret Gideons. Ala. (3 ti.)—
1 L. VV. Godard. Ga.-J. R. Gay, Ga (2 ti.)
.1. S. Gregory, Ga.—Columbus Gilmore,
8. C -William R. Gates, La.—N. S.
, Gravitt, Ga.—E. E. Griffith. Ga.—J. P.
Gibson. Ark.—A. L. Gramling, Fla.—
J. M. Griffith, 8. C —W. M. Gantt, Ga.—
< L. L. Gant, Ala.—R. T. Gant. Ala.—
i Chas Heilman. Cal. <4 ti.)—VV. A. Hos
! ter, 8. ('.—M . P Hurt. N. C.—Byron S.
' Huie, Ga. (2 tf.)—W. O Herndon, Ga.
. <2 ti )—S. O. Hussey, N. C.--H. G. Heiss,
Fla.—Mrs. A 3'. Harmon. Ind.—Mrs Ida
B Bitch. Ga. (2 tl.)—B. I'. Hagan, Ga
B. M Hudson, S. C. (2 ti )—John F.
Hudson. Al.i. VV. L. Holcomb, Ga. Mrs.
Sarah A Huggins, Ala.—W. G. Hester,
: Ala. A. .1. Hurt, Ga. <3 ti.)- L. O.
| H.irpir S. C i.l ti. I Allie Harper, 8. C.—
IVV !•’. Harvey. Ga.—R. J. Hummel, La.—
I D VV Howard, Tenn. VV. A. Hauser,
| Ky .1. E Harman, Miss. J. P. Harris,
Ala. J. 11. ILi.. (b n. Tenn -E. .1 Hale,
I Tex. —L. D. Hicks, Ala.—lke Hamilton.
Ala.—F. B. H.irimm. N. C— L. .71. Hat
t I, Ky.—Y. F. Harvill, Tenn.—M. P.
Haynes, Tenn T .1. Henning, lai.- I.'. E
lludgen=. S. (’ VV R. Heard, Ga. --M. M.
' Ham, Ga .1 L. Hurst. Ga. (3 ti.)—F. L.
Hiek' Gi> B. A. ITancock. Ga. William
11. Hinds, N. V. (3 ti.)—Mrs. E A, Haw
kins. Fla. L C. Hess. Tex.-C. C. Hor
len, Ga.—John A. Haysworth. Ala.—
11. D. Hmig< Tenn,. J. D. Hyatt. Ga.—
IF. VV Hollingsworth. Ga.—J. T. Hicks,
i G.i. .1 VV. Hmcook. S C—J. IL How
: a)d. N. C.—Henry Holler, Tenn. (2 ti.) —
J. I). H.imlm, N. C VV. E. Hancock,
N. C Carrie F. Howard, Ga.—M. VV.
Hall. Ala —.l B. Hightower. Ga.—Moses
TV. Harris, Ga i 2 ti.)—N. L. Hutchins,
Ga.. IL Hmigins Ga J. C. Hartley.
(c< A II Hall. Tex-J. J. Hartsfield,
Ga.-- A. <. Hall. Tex —J. P. Harris, Ala.
I - .1. .1 Hammonu. Ga.—VV. B. Harris, Ga.
Handy Harper. Miss.—J. A. and VV. M.
i Il’ iiry, S. c. F. II Hall, Ga.—S. S.
I Henderson. Ga. (2 ti.) —John G. Harrison,
j Ga.- W. O Henderson. Ga—J. P.
i Hill, Ala A. G. Haygood, Cal.
i —<' C. Hodges, Ga. (4 ti.)—Mrs. D. A.
' Houston, N. C VV. J. Hawkins, Ala-
John C Hubbard, Tex —C. H. Hester,
Tex. (2 ti. >—VV. Hunt. Ky. (2 tl.)—Dave
Hixon. Ga.—J. VV’ Harris, Ind Ter.—l. M.
Hancock. N C.—J. M. Harris, S. C.—
Pete Holden, S. C.—J S. Holden. S. C.—
Mrs G. E. B. Hindsman, Ga.—VV’. J.
Hugh n. Ala.—yr. M. VV. Hawkins, Ga.—
S. B. Hunt, Ga.—W. C. Hudson. Ala. —
A. J Hyatt, N C. (2 tl.)—J. D. Hope.
| S. C.— R. H. C. Henderson, Tex.—Arthur
I W. Hill, S. C.—A. N. Hopkins, N C.—
1 T. J. Holmes, Tex.—Mrs. W. TV. Heard.
I Ga.—G. A. Hurt, Ky.—H. B. Heath. S.
[ C.—Miss Marie Hogue. Ala.—Mrs. E. Har
j ris, (P. M ) Ga.—Thos Halliburton, N. Y
I (2 ti.V-L. 8. Harkness, Ga.—Mrs. A. D.
I Hopper, Ohio—J. J. Harry, Ga.—R. D.
I Harbin, S. C.—Miss Rebecca Harris, V’a.—
S. H. H. Howard, Tenn. (2 ti.)—Jas Hil
debrand. Md.—J. Fletcher Huddleston,
Ga. (21 ti.)- -J A. Huddleston. Ga. (17 ti.)—
L E. Holly. Ala —TV. A. Harmon, Ala.—
J. 11. Howard. N C.—Mrs. M. A. Hill,
Ark -VV R. Haywood. N. C.— J. C.
Hill. Tex —VV. T. Halsell. Miss.—Mrs. J.
G. Hamilton. Miss G. J Hall, Jr., N. C.
II F. Hanis .and V Pruitt, Ky. -Mrs
E B Hyatt, N. C.—Miss Lettie Hays,
Ga.. A. 1. Hill. Tex. (2 ti.)—G. VV. Holley,
Ala .Mis. A. T. Harmon, Ind.—O. A.
Hanes, Ga.—Lueia T. Hudgens, S. C.—
| Mis. Berehie Hamblen, Tex.—VV. D. Hol
: land, S. <’ Mrs. II M. Hebb, Fla.—
8. F. Irby, Miss.—N. F. Jrick, Ohio.—W.
' E lon. VV. Va. it ti)—J. VV. Haddock, N.
i c.
F. 1. Jones. Ga.—Tyre I<. Jennings, Ga.
—Geo. VV. Jacobs, Tex.—W. T. Johnson,
S. (’.—Journal, Va.—J. S. Johnson, Ga.—
J. A. Jones. Ala.—W. M. Justice, N. C.
—Geo. TV. Jordan, Ga— L. Jones, Ga.—
W. L. Jenkins, Ga. (3 ti)—J. M. Jack
son, Ala. (8 tl)— Charley Jackson, 1. T.
—R. M. Jones, Ky. (5 tl.)-F. B. Johnson,
S. C.-J. W. Jones, 8. C. (4 ti.)-W. H.
Johnson, N. C.—V. L. Johnson, S. C.—
Walter Jones, Ga. (2 ti)—Rob Johnson,
Va. (3 ti)—L. M. Jones, Ga. (3 ti)—S. J.
Jones, Ga.—Owens Johnson, Ga. 2 ti)—
H. C. Jones, Ga.—TV. 11. Jones, Ga.
—F. P. Johnson, S. C. (2 ti)—
J. Roy Jones, 8. C. <5 ti)—TV. L. Jackson,
Fla.—N. Johnson, Ohio.—R. T. Johnson,
Ga.—Miss Nannie Jones, Ala. —TV. J.
Johnson, Ala.->J. IE James, .Miss.—Eugene
Jonard. Ga. (2 ti) —R. H. Jordan, N. C.
(2 ti)—C. J. Johnson, Tex.—A.H. Johnston,
Ga.—B. N. Justice. Va. (2 ti)—Oscar Jor
dan, Ohio.—J. Jones, Tenn.—J. IL Jeck,
Tenn.—TV. F. Johnson, La. —Luther A.
Johnson. Tex.—C. L. Johnson, TV. Va.—
Jas. M. Johnson. Ga.—H. J. Jones, Ga
Bruce. Jones & Co.. Ga. (2 ti)—J. TV.
Jennings, Ga.—Jas. Jackson, Ga. —M. M.
Jones, Ga.—D. R. D. Jennings, N. C.
(2 ti)—J. B. Jones. Ohio.—C. H. Jones,
Ohio.—C. F. Jeffcoat. Ala —W. R. Joiner,
Ga.—TV. K. Johnson, Ga.
J. P. King S. C.—F. TV. Kirtland. Ga.—
Mrs. G. S. Kytle, Ga. (4 ti)—E. F. Kelly,
La.—J. L. Keen. Ga.—E. M. Kirk. Ga.—
W. N. Keith, Ala.—A. O. Kytle, Ala—C.
N. King. Henry T. King, N. C.—
Jas. Kennedy. S. C.—J. R. Kirkpatrick,
Ga.—L. D. King. Ga.—Mrs. S. T. Kceble,
Ala.—J. L. Keeling. Tex.—G. A. King,
Ga.—A. D. Knox, Tenn. (7 ti)—TV. VV.
Knox, Tenn.—Jno. M. Karr, Tenn.—Jno.
fl Killy, Tenn.—K. King, Ga. (2 ti) —O.
Keeton, Tex.—Dr. J. D. Kelley, T.eniL—
Guy Key, Ga.—J. C. King. N. C. (3 ti) —
R. F. Krueger. JTieh.—Julius C. King,
Ind.—Jno. Kurth. Va.—Mrs. Geo. King.
Ga.—E. E. Kimbrough, Ga.—Clarence
Knight. Ga.—Agnes E. Korff, Tex.—H. T.
Kennedy, Tex. —R. B. King & J. H. Top
ham. Tex. (Il ti)—Dick King, Tenn.—J.
H. Kennon, Ga.
Benj. F. Long, Ga.—il. R. Lollar & D.
M Lovett, Miss. (2 ti)—Otis P. Latham &
L. F. Sosebee, Ga. (2 ti)—Otis P. Latham,
Ga.. (2 ti)—Wm. Lovett. Ala.—Jas. Long,
S. C— J. M. Luke. S. C.—J. C. Latimer,
S. C—C. IL Lockett, Tex. —Olin, Luns
ford, Ga.—J. T. Luwery, Ala.—Lockhart
& Thaxton, pa.—J. VV. Lavender, Ala.
(2 ti) —W. B. Logue, Ala.—J. T. Lord,
Jr, Ga.—lL C. Love. Va.—H. A. Led
better, Ga.—J. R. Lay & C. L. Stav
anoah, Tex.—VV. N. Larkin. Tex—S. A.
Loe. Va.—Cy H. Lyle. Tenn.-C A La
fitte Ga.—Mrs. Annie L. Lollis, S. C -
L. "t. Longhurst, Ga.- -Ixinkford & Cog
gins, Ga.—Jas. T. Lpdd_, S. C. (2 ti)—L.
Lamb, Fla. (4 ti)—M. L. Leggett. Tex.—J.
R. Long. S. C.—J. M Livesay, VV Va.—ll.
C Loe. Ala.- J. H. Lockhart, Ga.—Math
ew Lewis, Fla-Jno. Lojohro. Ga.—J. L.
Lee, Tex.—N. b . Lawless, S. C.—Mrs.
Annii L. Lollis, S. C.—D. F. Lynch, Ga
Bon Lindsey, Ala.—Robt. S. Link, S. C.
(3 til J. I. Lentz, Tenn—M D. Lamkin.
Ala —Van lenders. Ala.—R. L. Little. Ga.
Jno P l.i'wis. Ga.—C. H. Ledford. Ga.—
Chas. Latta, Ga. (7 ti)—'f. J Leverett,
Ga.-E J. Lamberth. Ala—l. P. Lalli<-r.
8. c —l. Lamb & Co.. Fla.—O. G. Lander,
N. c -J. N. L 0( ke, Aa. 11 .1 Lurkins,
Tenn.— L. R Longhurst. Ga. -Wm It
T. N. C —F. L. Lash. Ohio. —VV. <’
Lanier, Ga —Horace Lanier, Ga. —TV. C.
Langford. La. Jas. Lollar. Miss (I tii -
Tt. E Langley. Ga.—C. F. Laas, Tex -
Mrs. N. C. Lathan, S. C.—TV. H. Living
ston. Miss J VV Lavender, Ala (2 til -
VV. H Lincy. Ark.—Mary P Littleton,
Ga.—L. S. i.odhettor, Ga.-J. H. Left
wich. Ala. (- tt).
R. O M< Farland. T. x- R M M. Fry,
Ala. (3 ti) J. R. McCormick. N. c -J VV.
McCain. S. C.—Mrs. L. L. McMullen-.
Fla.—Miss Ardena McPeak. Va.—J. L.
McMurrian, Ga. <2 ti)—M. S. McPhail,
5 C—R I. McKenney. Ky —R. A Mc-
Collum. Ga -T. VV. McHugh, 8. C -A. J.
Mcßride, Jr , Ga. (2 ti)-Mary Lucile Mc-
Kenzie. Ga —VV. B McDonald. Ark -
S. I. McCants, Texas—Mrs. J. K Mc-
Daniel, D. C.—E. C. McMillan, Ga. —11. D.
6 J D. Moore, Ga.—Dr. VV T. Mash. Ga.
E. K. Miller, Ga.—E. 8. Myers, Ala. L
L. Mullimux, Ala.—TV. 11. McKinney, S.
'■ 13 tl)—John M. McCandless, Ga.—
O. VV . McConnell, Tenn (2 tl)—J. H. Mc
i lute, Ala.—E. E McCowel, Ga.—John A.
M -Kenzie. W. Va. (3 ti) -Mrs. O H. M<
Gee. Ga.- A. J. McDonald, Fla.—VV. B.
McWhirter, Ga—N. B. McDowell, W.
Va. Porter MoFerrin, Tenn.—S. K. Mc-
Aliley, S. H. A. Mcßill, Ohio—Henry
McClennon, Tenn. (3 ti)—Minnie McCary,
S. <'.“Clarence B. Malscomb, Ga. —G. C.
Mays, Tenn.—Mrs. Laura Mays, Miss.-
VV. J Mabry, Ala.—W. S. Mar
tin. Ala. ■('. 1,. Martin, Miss.—E.
M. Moore, Ala.- J O. Mit< hell, S.
C— J A. Mount, Tenn.—N. B. Moore,
Ala .1 N. Morrow, Ala.—F. K. Mosely,
Ark W. E. Morse. Miss.—C. H. Messick,
N. Cl. E. Morton, Va. .Mrs. Ellen
Murph, Ga I P. Marshall, Ga.—E. A.
Mulkey. .8. C (3 ti) —C. L. Monday, Ark. -
Byron Mitchell, Ga. (2 tl) —VV. A. Min
for, Ga. (3 ti)—Mrs. V . TV. Mayton, Ala.—
Charlie Marion, N. C. (2 ti.)—B. F. Math
ews, Ga.—J. A. Meritt, Ga.—M. N. Man
tling, Ala V. C. Mason, Ga.—F. G.
Middlebrook, Ga. (3 tl)—Geo. VV. Macatee,
Va.—T. P. Morrow. N. <’.—VV. C. Man
gham, Via. 11 G Murphy, 4J-a ■W . F
Moore. Ga .1. D. Martin, Jr.. Ga. —Mar
lon Bros., N. C. —Maysville Clulr, Ky.—J.
W. Morrow. Ga.—A. A. Morrell, Ga.—C.
G. Matthews. Go --L. D. Mitchell, Ga. —
J. 1. Moore. Tenn.—L. Montgomery, Ga -
Mrs. S. R. Milner. Alm—E. Malloy, S. C. -
J. E. Mitchell, S. c -R. J. Mackerel, S.
< ■ W W. Moore, N C (2 ti) Dr C. R.
May, S. C.—Minnie Moore, Ga.—G. W.
Mo re, G.i —C. J. Mobley, Tex. (3 ti)
E p. Mize, Ga. (2 ti)-—D. O. Manning,
Aia.—Mrs. Jennie Martin. Kans.—Edgar
Monday. Ala.—M. F. Murphy, Ga.—P. H.
Martin, S. < ■ -R. E. Mobley, Ala.—J. M.
Mills, Ga.—Charlie E. Martin, Ga.—A. N.
Mullikin, S. C.— J. G. Meriwether, 8. C.—
Miss Sadie Meriwether, S. C. (3 ti)—J. A.
Mason, Ga —J. T. Manly, Ala.—John TV.
Mathews. Ga. (3 ti)—T. B. Moseley, Ala.—
J. L. Moore. Ga.—W. E. Merck. Ga.—Jas.
A. Mabry, Ga.—J. H. Marlow, Ala —J. R.
Matthews, Tenn. (4 til—John B. Mitchell,
Tenn.—M 11. Moore, Tenn—Lewis G.
Moses, Tenn. —Gen. XV. Morgan, Tenn.
M. E. Mainor, Tenn.—A. J. Mitehell, Ala.—
B. F. Mixon, Ga.—A. C. Mobley. Ala.
(2 ti)—Samuel Meyer, Ga. (2 ti) —D. C.
Mahaffey, N. Y.—John TV. Miller, Tex
Richard Muckle, Ala. (tt ti)—Dr. J. W.
Mobley, Ga. (2 tl)—Oscar Meister, Ga.—
F. E. Martin, Ga.—J. L. Moon, Ga. (4 tl)—
j'Jlen Monday, Ark.—Massie Marshall,
Va.—J. M. Market, Ga.—James Miller,
Ohio—Henry T. Masters, Ga. (2 tl).
Thos. Najl, Ga. (2 tl)—B. A. Nolan Ga,
r-G. W. Newman, Tex. (2 ti) —J. A.
Newberry. N. C.—J. I. Niblett. Ga. TV. i*
Nix, Ga. —M. D. Nance, Colo.—Mrs. Ella
T. Newsome, Ala.—Charles Naylor, VV.
Va. (2 ti)—J. G. Neil. Miss.—G. T.
Neugent, Ala —John F. Neves, S. C.—
Guy Norton. Ga.—R. B. Newsum, Miss.
—Thomas Nance. Tenn —Mrs. Neal.
Tenn (2 ti)—J. H. Newsome. Ga,—J. A.
Nix. Ga.—Dr. XV. T. Nash, Ga.—William
Newton, Ala.
Mrs. W. L. O'Dyer, Ga.—Edw. T. O'Con
nor, Tenn —A. 8. Owen, Ga.—Joe O'Neal,
Ala —J. R. Owens, S. C. (2 ti)—J. M.
Orugdulph, Ills.—Ousley Bros.. Ga.—R B.
Odum. Ga..—Peter Ophett, Ohio. (2 ti)—
J. T. Owen. Tex.-Celestop Ouden. La.—
If. L. Oswald. S. C —H. E. Overton, N. C.
J. M. Phillips, S C. (8 ti)—P. H. Pin
kerton, Ga —XX’. R. Poole. Ga.—C. T. Pate,
N. C. <2 tl)—I. H. Price. Ga.—R. T.
I’ittman, Tenn.—Chas. G. Frother, Tenn.—
D. T. Ferkins, N. C.—R. D. Prophet, Fla,—
Ti. R. Pitts, <jGa.—j aSi Persinger Ohio.—
M. Pattillo, Ala.—Jno’. F. Petty, Ga.—
J. R. Phillips and VV. M. Henry. S. C.
(2 ti)—A. C. Polk, Ga.—J. B. Powers, Ala
—Charlie Pearson, Ala.—Chas. W. Pate,
Tenn —TV. R. Poston, Tenn. —J. A. Pick
ard, Tenn —Jesse Padon, Tex.—L. B. Par
ker, Tex.—W. A. Putnam, S. C.-T. T.
Page, Gazette. Ky —H. K. Purdy, 8. C.—
Richard Phillips, Ala.—E. L. Parnell.
Miss.—W. B. Pankey, Ark.-J. P- Parker.
Tex —C. F. Perkins. ’ |nil.—W. E. Penny,
8. C.— .1. E Powers, Tenn. (2 ti) —Mrs.
Jennie A. Pledger. Ga.—Wm. Pate, Tex.—
Mrs. 8. C. Peden Miss.—XV. P. Persons.
Ga.—lL H. Parker. Ala. (2 ti)—XV. 11.
Pleasant, Jr., N. C.—M. V. Farmer, Ala.
—J. P Powell. Miss. (2 ti)—A. IL Pritch
ard. N. C.—Lewis It. Parvis, Ind.—J. T.
Payne, Ala.—Frank Perryman. Ga. (2 ti)
J. M. Pitts, Ga.— Jas. O. Parker. Ga.—
D. B. Parsons, Ala.—D. TV. Perdue. Ga.
(4 ti)—Beu I). Phifer c.—Mrs. A F.
Prevatt. Fla. (2 ti) —Pomp Perkins.. Ga. •
J. XV. Patterson. Ga. (4 ti)—E. 'l'. Pugh.
Va.—Geo. 1,. Paschal, N. C.—Mrs. A. W.
Payne, Ga.—S. M. Patterson, N. C.—Chas.
I. Perkins. Tenn. 12 ti)—Geo. H. Price,
Tenn.—Mrs. D. XV Perdue. Ga. (164 ti)—
R. 11. Parker, Ark A. XV. Perdue, Ga.
it ti)—Miss Mittie Perdue. Ga. (34 ti)—
Harley F. Powers. Mich —J. TV. Potts,
Tex.—L. & E. Poole Co., Ky.—C. C.
Pruitt, Tex.—J. 5 Pearce, Ala.—C. .1.
Pool, N. C, —H. C. Perryman, Ga. (2 ti)
—H. 11. Pratt, Ga. (4 ti>—J. L. Pruitt.
Ala.—G. E. Pierce, Ala.—C. Peteet, Ga.—
W. E. Pophr.m. K J. F. Price, Ark. P.
J. Payne. 8. ('.- Thos. IL Parham. Va TV.
C. Peacock, Ga llthrl Presley. Ala.—
Miss Anna Peri;. Tenn.
H S. Quarles. S C -A TV. Qu.ittle
baum. G.i. (7 tii T. p. Quarles, S. C.
(6 ti)—J. H. Quick. S. C.
H. H. Robinson. Ohio —John S. Rich
ardson. S. C. (2 ti 1 D. TV. Renelier, Tex.
—J. M. Royder. fox.— TV. 11. Richcreek.
Ohio—J. L. Rainwater, Ga. —Capitola
Rogers, Ga.—Mrs Queenie Rockett. Ala.—
Rob. Roy, Tenn -8. B. Rickett, Tenn.—
J. M. Ragan. Tcnh.—T. B. Roebuck,
,\ r k—G. W. R.i Ga.—Hardee Russeil,
Texas—Mrs. Emrna Ray, Ga.—J. H. Rid
dle, 8. C.~J. E. Reeves, Ga. (2 ti)—3. 1.
Revell. Fla.—E. 1. Rail. Ky.—Miss Ruth
Rawlins. Ala. Charles P. Robinson. Ala.
(3 ti)—W. R. Resciss. Ga.—J. G. Rock
more, Ga.—ll. T. Rhodes, S. C.—!• • M-
Rainbolt. Tex. J E. Reeves. Ga.—Ed
win Reynolds, T< x John C. Richardson.
Ga. (2 ti)--W T Reeves. Miss. —J. XX.
Bawlins, Ky. it tii -J. 11. Rinard. Ga.
John T. Roberts. Ga.—J. W. Robertson,
N, c. J. L. R< ynolds. Ga.-Mettle J.
Redman, Ala - XV H. Rees. Miss. -Alma
Reed, Ga. (2 ti)-J. N. Rogers. Tenn -
E. E. Ray, Ga. I ti'—J- Reynolds,
A.ia. 12 ti)-C. L. Rowe, Ala.-Frank W.
Roberts. Tex. til—C. E. Rowe, XX is.
(3 ti)—George TV. Roberts, Ta. (2 tn
A. Rhodes. Ga .1 S. Roberts. Ga. tl)—
,). A. Roberts. '. -.. A. R. Reid, Ala -
Professor A. St. Randolph, Fla. —J. .1.
Rowe. W. Va. i. ti)—John Richardson,
X. C—Benj. Roth. Ohio (2 ti)—R. B.
Ray. Ala.-Mrs S S. Ricks.. N. C.
D. G. Shelton S. C. -Jessie Stribling.
S, c.-XX'. B. Singleton. La.--Proctor
Smith. Ala.—T. x. Strahan. Ala.—Docie
Slielhiutt. Ala -J. W. Stedham. Ga.—
D. K. Smith. Ala. L. Stevenson. Ga. -
TV. L. Simpson, Ga —James H. Schooley,
D. C.—Mrs. John A. Streyi.r, Ga. (2 ti)—
W. P. Smith, Ga M. T. Salter, Ga.—
H. B. Smith, Ga. W. S. Seal. Ga.—'.
II Strick and. Gu '. B. Stollings, N. > .
—Baker Stevens, Ga. (2 tl)—Frank and I'.
Stokes .Ohio (2 ti - Frank and .1. H.
Stokes. Ohio <3 tl -AV. K. Schraumm,
Ohio—A. 11. Smith. N. 1 ' -P 11. Smith.
Tenn.— W. D Sim.-. Texas—F. L. Sheely,
Ga.—Settle & Welch, Ky.—R. F. Saun
ders, Miss.—J. R- Sims. Va. XT. C. Smith,
Ala.—S. B. Sieg, Va.—Thomas B. Scog
gins. Tenn.—J. XV. Shinault, renn. XX .
H. Sayre, Ga —Fannie Smith, Ky.—L. TT
Sayre, Ohio—E. B. Spaulding', Tenn.—
Harry Sandlin, Ga.—John E Stone, Ala.
-James M. Smith. S. C. XV. L. Skelton,
Ga. (4 til—John Sabin, N. Y. (2 tl)—C. A.
Sabin, N. Y. (2 ti)—Hud Stow, Ky. (2 tl)—
J. A. Sims, Ala.—Jos Spi< c-r, Ind. (2 tl)—
E. P. Shannon, Ga.--George P. Smith,
Pa W. J- Smith, Fla (2 tii—W. TT.
Southern, S. C.—H. B. Sandifer, Ga. (2
ti)—Mrs. Annie Seaborn, S. C.—O. I'.
Sanborn. Ark—T. V. Smith, Ga.-W. R
Shaw, S. C.—T. D. Standy, Illa. (2 ti)—
J. H. Sanders, Ga.—lion. W. C. Shef
field, Ga. (2 ti)-Mrs. M. A. Striblin,
Miss. (2 ti)—Mrs. E. TV. Stark, Ala. <2 ti)—
Benj. Shaver, XX . Va. (8 ti)—Mrs. Oc
tavia Southern, S. C. (2 ID—Frank and
L. Stokes, Ohio (4 ti)—B. Smith, Ala. (3
ti)- W. C Stokes, G.i—W. W. Suggs,
Fla —J. O. Smith, Ga.—S. F. Seale, Ala. -
TV. A. Sparks. S. C. (2 ti)—R. W- Smith,
Miss. W. R. Smyly, Ala.—F. 11.
steed. Ga. R. s. Sutherland, 8. -
Eddie T. Sanders, Ind -O. E. Snow, N.
C.—H. H. Stone, Ga .1. W. Stanford,
Ga—S. J. Stewart, Tex. (2 ti)- Reed Spi
vey. Tex.—Albert Sims, Ga.- Stanford &
Brightwell, Ga. (2 ti) ii A. Sullivan, S.
C.—H. M. Sanders, S C. J. Stewart,
Ala.—Sam T. Smith, S C. (3 tl)—J. Rica
Smith, Ga.. (2 tie-M. C. Shadburn, Ga.—
W. D. Shook. Ind—J. E. Sharp. Tex.—
W. 'l'. Snow, Tenn. (3 ti) -S. R. Stevens,
Ga. -E. A. Secoy, O. (6 ti) —Roy XX.
.Smith. Tenn.—T. H. Stafford, Tenn—E.
it. Spaulding, Tenn.—T. D. Scott, Colo.—
Peter Schilds, Tenn. (J ti)—Mason San
ders. Tenn.—Charles Stone, Ala.—J. TV.
Suttles., S. C.--J. M. Scruggs, Ark.—G.
B. Smith, Ga.—Walter Smith, .-Ma. —Mis.
Robert F. Summerville, O.—Herbert Sco
tty. Tex.—Luther Sentel, 8. C.—J. M. San
ders, Ga. (2 ti)—J. M. and Alex Stephens,
Ala R. S. Sutherland. S. C.— George W.
States, Pa. —Janies F. Speer, O.—Mrs. M.
F. Smith, Tex.—F. B. Shuman, Ga.—J.
C. Smith,, Ga.—Samuel Sanders, S. C.—
Mrs. A. 1. Smith, Ga.—H. T. Sear
boro, N. C.—J. O. Stephenson, Ala.—
IL TV. Speares, Tex. (2 tl)—Albert
Sherrell, N. C.—J. E. Snow. Ky.—Gay
Shaw, S. C.—Fritz Sarto, W. Va.—Roger
Smith, Ga.—TV. F. Sherwood, Ga.—T. J.
Shepard, Ga. (IS tl)—J. F. Saunders,
Ga.—John TV. Spinks, Ga. —XT . P. Smith,
Ga. —William Seandrett, Ga.—J. H. Shaw,
S. C.—J. Lathan Smith. O.—G. A. Smith,
Robt. A. Toard, N. C.—J- B. Thomason,
Tenn.—Mrs. P. F. Talton, La.—W. P.
Thompson, Ga.—H Turner, Ala.—B. F.
Thompson, Ga.—F. P Tribble, Ga.—J. XX .
Toomey, Tex.—C. J. Thompson, Tenn.—
TV. L. Taylor Ga. (2 ts)- N. A, Taylor.
Ark —TV. O. Trotter. Ala.—Albert N. Tum
lin, Ga. (2 ti)—Turner & Smith, Ga. (4 il)
—Lewis W. Thomas. Ga. (6 ti) — G. F.
Turner, Ga. (.2 ti) —Walter Turner, Ga.
(4 tl)—J. D. ’Prammel, Ala.—C. B. Taylor,
Va.—XV. J. Taylor' Ga.—Sam Threlkeld,
Ky.—H. L. Turpin, Va.—Barton Toland. S.
C.—C. B. Tarrant, S. C.—G. S. Turner,
Tex.—A. L. Thigp-n, Ga.—M. A. Thomas
on, S. C.—Geargia Leo Teater. Ark.—
Geo. M. Traylor Ga.-Douglas Turner.
Ga (2 ti)—TV. M. A. Tubbs, Ark.—TV. S.
Thompson, Ga.—Chas. C. Tyler, N. C.—
F. G. True, Ky.—C. TV. Tift, Ga. (2 ti-)
J. F. Turner, N. C.—XV. L. Tate, Tex
C. M. Thomas, Ala.—Mrs. Jas. L. Thorn
ton, Ala. (2 ti)—H. O. Thornton. Ga. (2
ti)—TV. R. Timmons, Ga. —T. C. Tarpley,
Ga.—T. H. Tharin. Ga.—Mrs. J. M. Turner,
Ga. (4 tD—J. B. Talley, Tex.—A. R. Tra
week, Tex.—TV. p. Thomas, Ga.—Daniel
Tiefel, Ind. (2 tii—Jno. T. B. Tedler, Ohio
(4 ti)—J. R. Trotter. Ala.—W. XV. Ted
ford, Ohio.—L. D. Tatum. Ala, —F. B. Tay
lor, Ga.—D. I. Taylor, Tex.—B. « Truett,
Ga.—P. S. Talbot. Ga.
C. H. Underhill, Tenn.-WV. Under wood,
Ala.—E. C. Umland, Tex.—R. L. L'tsey,
S. C
TV. F. Verdin, S. C.— L. B. Vaughn,
Miss.—D. F. Vance, Miss.—B. Vlgeneaux,
Ga.-W. M. Vinson, Tex.-Lena ViHines,
Tenn.—Mrs. J. C. Vickers, Ind. Ter. —G.
T. Vernon, Ala.—J. H. & F. A. Vance,
Ga.—T. M. Verdin, S. C.—J. M. Verdin,
S. C. (5 ti)—H. A. Vaughn, Ala.
T. XV. Whitmire, N. C.—XV. H. Wright,
Tex.—C. A. (M.D.) Wallace. Tex. (2 ti)—
Mrs. J. I. Walker, Tex. (3 ti)—Jno. A.
White, W. Va. (2 E. Woods, Ga. (2
ti)—S. H. Wood. Ala.—Mariah Williams,
Miss.-C. W. Wilkes, Ga.—F. A. Williams,
S. C—Charles Woodliff, Ga. (7 ti)—J. H.
Walker, Tenn —W. C. West, Tenn. (2 ti)—
J. R. Weaver, Tenn.—F. A. Woodson,
Tenn.—D. G- Webb. Tenn.—G. R. West,
Tenn.—Charles O. Wright, Tenn. (2 ti)—
M. J. Willingham, Ala. (160 ti)—E. J.
Wynn, Ga. (11 tl)—F. M. Wyatt, Tex
S. T. Wiliams, S C.— C. TV. Wheatley,
Ga.—J. P. Walker, Ga.—J. R. Whitesides,
N. C.—E. J. Walsh, Oregon (2 ti)—M. H.
Williams, Ga. (4 ti)—J. C. Weekley, S. C
W. R. Wadsworth, Tenn.—A. H Woodson,
Ala.—F. 11. Wade. N. C.— James T. Web
ster, Ky.—John K. Watkins, Ala. —
J. C. Whitfiekl, Tex.—E. D.
Wood, Ga. (3 ti)—J. F. Willis, Ark.—
W. L. Williams, Ga.—J. T. Wright,
T«nn.—Agnes Wright. Tenn.—T. H.
Wright, Tenn.—F. L. Wlhitehead, Va. —
J. H. XVhitfield, N. C.—S. E. Ward, Ga.
—W. C. XVilliams, Miss.—Fannie Webb,
Tenn N T. Wilkerson, Ala.—G.* B.
Wood, Ala.—B. M. Webb. Ga.—W. W.
Whitehurst. Fla - E. H. Walker. Miss.—
!M. W. Weeks <& Smith. Ala.—J. M.
I Walker, S. C —Wade H. White, N. C.—
IS. H. W.'. ii, 8. C.—Fred Wells, XV. Va.—
Ade Sanford Wilburn, S C.—Chas.
1 Wright, Ohio—B. F. XVilliams, Ala.—
| Mrs. ,1. B. Wynn, Ga.—L. D. XVise, Ga.—
T. B. Wood. Ala. (2 ti)—l. A. Woods,
Fla.—R. Wilkinson, Ga.—J. H. Walker.
Ga.—J. C. Woodward, Ga.—G. T. Wake
field, Tenn.—W. H. Woodside, S, C.—J.
J. Williamson, Ga. (2 ti)—M. H.
Williams, Ga.—Thos. M. White, Ga.
—E. J. Waldrup. Ga.—M. T. Wise, Ga.
W. F. Woodliff, Ga. (24 ti)—G. TV. Wal
drep. Ga.—A. B. Whatley, Ga.—R. A.
Williams. Ga.—Mrs. C. W. C. Wright,
La.—A. R. Walker, T<x.—E. J. Woodley,
8. C.—H. xx ntte, N. E. F. White, N.
C.—J. B. Wood. Ga. (3 til—M. W. Weeks,
Ala. (3 ti)—T. S. Wilkins, Ga. (3 tl) —J.
H. Walters, N. C.—A. E. Williams, Ga.—
TV. D. XVelchel, Ga.—A. F. Walker. Ga.
(5 ti)—H. T. Williams, S. C. (2 ti)—(W.
Woodie, S. C.—Geo. XV. Whitehead, X'a.—
T. E. Woods, Tex.—A. J. Whitten, Ala.—
Mrs. C. V. Wright. Ala, —Wm. M. Wig
gins. Ala.—Miss Ida E. XVright, Ga.—J.
XV. White, Ga.- J. N. Winniger, I. Ter.—
11. T. Williams, Tenn.—Hugh XVilliams,
Tenn. (2 tl)—Mrs. A. E. Weekley, S.
Michael L Woods, Tex.—Della XVoodard,
Ga —Geo. W. Wiley, Ga.—G. P. Williams,
Ala.—H. W. Ward. Tenn.—Jno. A. TVtiite,
La.—W. E. Wilson. La.—Chas. T. Whid
den. Fla.—O. W. Weaver. Ala.—
I. If Wanamaker, 8. ('.—W. L. Whet
stone, S. C. (3 ti)—D. D. Word. Tenn
Wright & Brown, Ga.—John A. Wilhelm.
Ohio—G. F. Wingard, Ala.—M. J. Webb,
Va—Mrs. E. O. Waldrep, Ga.—J. A.
Williams. N. C.— C. TV. Wiecking, Jr..
Ga.—L. R. Wynn. Ga.—A. L. Watson,
Tenn.—Wm. F. Weekly. S. ('.—E. F.
1 Woodward, Ohio—T. J. Walker, Tenn.—
I XV. G. Ward. Ark.—XV. G. Williams. Tex.
I Mary G. Wooten. Ohio—XX’. T. White,
‘ Ga. —Ware & Putnam, 8. C.—Thomas O.
' Watkins, Ga.—R. B. XX'aldrop, Ala. (2 th.
G. G. Yarbrough, Ala. W E. Yeat
! man. Tenn. —A. J. & H. S. Young, Ga.—
|B. E. Young, Va, (2 til—C. A. Yarbrough,
J Ala.—A. E. Young. Ga.—J. D. Young-
I blood, Ala.—E. ). Yates. Fla.—W. K.
Yeahman. Ala.—T. H. Yeargin, Tenn.-
John Yokum, Colo.
J. A Zeigler, S. C.—A. Zimmerman,
Spot Cotton Prices.
Atlanta Steady IO 1 )
Galveston f '' irni l 0?
Baltimore. Nominal I
Boston Nominal 115
Wilmington Firm 0
PlillmlelplilaSteady I .40
Savannah. Firm 0%
New Orleans Firm I O s
Mobile Quiet and steady 10 ;
Memphis. Firm lOQ
Augusta Steady I I
Him |0 ?
Cincinnati Quiet 0 <
Louisville ••Firm O'.
St. Lout- Steady 0 .
I Houston
i ST eW y.H-'n . . 1115
Cotton Jumps Above 11 Cents.
I New Orleans, May 9.—Futures were ap-
I patently very Quiet. Ihe ring was not
I noisy or excited, but prices shot up rap
' Idly, tli'- day's advance being the largest
lof tit»- season. The advance was made
1 chiefly on bullish visible figures and the
i lontinued dwindling of stocks and of
! the supply of tenderable cotton. While
there was some realizing today, prices
I were only shaded a trifle, shorts eagerly
tfiklng everything offered at almost any
1 price ia preference- to carrying their con
i tracts ..ver until Monday. There were
slight fluctuations in the trading, but the
upward movement, continued to the close,
when the hoard showed net gains of 31
points on May. June 33, July 49, August
23, Sept -mbi-r 31 and 6 to 7 points on tlio
other months.
The market for spot cotton was firm.
; There, was a good demand for the. better
grades, which are very scarce. Sales 1.450
j bales. Including 300 to arrive. Quotations
. advanced 1-Sc.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Mav 11.03 11.13 11.03 10.10
July 10.98 11.43 .10.97 11.43
Augustlo.s7 10.73 10.55’ 10.68-69
September 9.11 9.b7 9.40 9.65-66
October 8.69 8.71 5.67 8.70-71
December 8.54 8.59 8,54 8.58-59
The week In the cotton market closed
at noon today with futures at the most
sensational advance of any day of this
week. The tone w’as quiet, but bulls push
ed the market hard and shorts were forc
ed to bid almost any price for cotton to
cover with. None of the shorts appeared
willing to remain uncovered over Sunday,
as there is no telling what next week will
bring forth.
At the closing at noon today July was
48 points above the closing of yesterday
at 11.42, August was 23 points up at. 10.68
and September was 34 points up at 9.65.
The Dry Goods Market.
New York, May 9.—Dry goods ends with
slightly increased activity, although buy
ers are still conseravitve in their ideas
of the future. Weather conditions have.
Improved, and retail business has profited
thereby. The high prices of raw’ cotton
continue a handicap to free trading.
Condition of the Cotton Crop.
Cotton conditions in the southern states
according to reports of Dun'§ Review from
branch office of R. G. Dun & Co., are
far from satisfactory. The season Is cold
and late and the crop from two to three
weeks behind. In the southwest the
drought has caused a serious setback.
In mans sections much replanting will
be necessary, and the indications point to
a reduction of acreage. Along the At
lantic seaboard there lias been ample
moisture, but in the gulf states and tlio
southwest there has been an almost to
tal absence of rain for several w’eeks
Conditions are especially bad in Texas
where nearly one-third of the crop" is
raised. The frost on the. last few days of
April did serious damage, especially in
♦ lie lowlands. In Mississippi and Louis
iana the drought lias delayed germination
and only a small portion of the seed
Planted has come up. The light rain on
Pre .e< C .m?faXwhich leads us to make this statement. Acting on our
•dvhe, our clients have, in the pant, realized thousands from
investments of hundreds. Our advice today Is
. ♦ „.4n nfi tnnlßhinfc to you. A study of thef
and you will learn facts that will P . (jrn and the prevailing market conditions and ,
relative to the present world s sto. k f | 903 wl]l proV e staggering to the ma ■ ,rtty
of fln oworm ' for mßk,nK a f,rnr ‘
which has never been duplicated.
w. are corn
Our Plan gives
the last day of April helped conditions
somewhat, but more and abundant rain is
needed. In Georgia and Alabama the
stand is nut very good, and in many sec
tions much replanting will bo necessary.
In Virginia and the Carolinas there has
been ample moisture, but the cold weath
er has retarded the growth.
Liverpool VJeekly Cotton Statistics.
Liverpool, May B.—Following are the
weekly cotton statistics: Total sales ah
kinds 61.000 bales; total sales American
58,000; English spinners’ takings (w.i'sh',
total exports 6,000; imports of ail kinds
31,000; imports American 18,000; stock ot
all kinds 686.000; stock American 603.00):
quantity afloat all kinds 148,000; quantity
afloat American 87,0(10: total sales on spec
ulation 4.500; total sales to exporters 5.160
Secretary Hester’s Crop Statement.
New’ Orleans. May S. —Secretary Hes
ter’s weekly New Orleans cotton exchange
statement, issued before the close of bus
iness today, shows an increase in the
movement into sight compared with the
seven days ending this date last year in
round figures of 27.001) bales, an increase
over the same period year before last of
19,000, and an increase over the same
time in 1900 of 41.000.
For the eight days of May the totals
show an increase over last year of 25.'W,
an Im re i ■ over the sam ■ j ori< d yea
before last of 23.000. and an increase, over
1900 of 43,000.
For the 250 days of the season that have
elaipsed the aggregate is ahead <>J tin* 2.<0
days of last year 282.000, ahead of the sarn"
time year before last of 678,000, and ahead
of 1900 by 1,471.000.
The amount brought into sight during
the past week lias bee* 95. .•;<), against
68.710 for the seven days ending this dale
last year. 75,908 year before last and 51,005
same time in 1900. and for the eight 'days
of May il has been 102.701, against 77,865
last year. 79,459 year before last and 60,104
same time in 1900.
The movement sin September 1
shows receipts at all United States ports
of 7,445.894. against 7.280,037 last year, 6,-
918.795 year before last and (>.388.618 same
time in 1900; overland across the Missis
sippi. Ohio and Potomac r:v< rs to north
ern mills and Canada 1.021,421, against,
1.051.627 last year. 994.242 5 ear before last
and 1.111.126 same time in 1900; interior
stocks in excess of those held at the close
of the < ommereial year il:i.’>■!>. ay,ain*t 9.<.
182 last ’-’ar. 387.510 V’-u' b'-forr- last and
a "decrease of 3,8.414 under same tini- in
19M; southern mill takings 1.584.0'00, against
1.409,000 last year. 1.1’2.120 before
last and 1.188,136 same time in 1900.
Those make the total movemo it for the
250 days from September 1 to date 10,120.-
824. against 9,838.816 last year. 9.442.703 year
before last and 8.619.466 same time in 1900.
Foreign exports f -r the week have been
96.960. against 61.231 last year, making tlm
total thus far for the season 6.305.415.
against 6.004,313 last year, an increase of
Northern mill takings and Canada dur
ing the past seven days show an increase
of 4 772 as compared with the correspond
ing period last year, and their total tak
ings since Septeanber 1 have Increased
The total takings of American mills
north and souT’a Canada thus tar for
the season have been 3.593.988. against
.3.409.761 last year. These include 1.981,208
by northern spinners, ag.ainst 1.975.182.
Stocks at th<- seaboard and the 29 lead
ing southern interior .-.Titers have de
, 1 . 1 during the week 69.806. against a
decrease during the corresponding period
last season of 52.811. .and are now 213.359
smaller than .at tills date in 19<’2.
Including stoi ks left over at ports and
interior towns from the last. crop, and the
number of bales brought into sight thus
far for the new crop, the supply to data
Is 10.235.598 against 40,198,533 for tlie same
period last year
Tt must be remembered that the weekly,
monthly and season's ..-unipo'flions in Sec
retary IP-i- r's report.-, are made up to
corresponding dates last year, year before
and in 1900. Comparison to close of corre
sponding weeks are misleading, as to
tals to close of thi.’.’""week list year would
take In 251 days of the season, year before
Inst 252 days and In 19'iii 253 days against
only 250 days this year.
World’s Visible Supply of Cotton.
New Orleans. May B.—Secretary Hester's
statement of the world's visible supply
of cotton, made up from special cable
and telegraphic advices, comipared the
figures of this week with last week, last
year and the year before.
It shows a decrease for the wreck just
closed of 186,710 bales, against a decrease
of 154,706 last year and a decrease of
108.91.3 the year before last.
The total visible is 2.975,725, against
3,162.4,35 last week. 3,443,746 last year an.!
,3,524.071 year before last.
Os this the total of American cotton is
1.842,725, against 1.978.435 last week, 2.35 D
746 last year and 2.-160.1(71 year before last,
and of all oth< r kinds, including Egypt,
Brazil, India, etc., 1.133,000, against 1,184,-
000 last week, 1,062,000 last year and 1,064,-
000 year before last.
The total world's visible supply of cot
ton as above shows a decrease compared
with last week of 186,710 bales, a di <-rea.-e
compared with last j- ar of 468,021. and
a decrease compared w it 1 year before last
of 548.346.
Os the world’s visible supply of cotton,
as above, there is now afloat and held in
Great Britain and Continental Europe
1,750,000 bales, against 1,915,000 last year
and 1,793.000 year before; in Egypt 79,000,
against 147.000 last year and 171.000 year
before last; In India 696,000, against 589,000
last year and 555.000 year before last, and
In the United States 45L000, against 793,000
last, year and 1,005,000 year before last.
Sea Island Cotton.
Savannah, May B.—Sea island cotton:
Weekly receipts 27; sales 395; exports 606;
stock 9,139.
Charleston. May B.—Sea island cotton:
Weekly receipts 4 bags; exports, none;
sales, none; stock S 3 bags.
Comment on Bank Statement,
New’ York. May 9.—The New York
Financier says;
“The official statement of the New
York associated banks last week showed
a somewhat unexpected gain in loans,
this item being Increased $9,001,200. This
probably reflects in part the increase in
the previous week and also some syndi
cate negotiations. Tla> wash showed a
net gain of only $1,366,600 instead of an
increase of $3,081,200 as estimated from
the traceable movements of money dur
ing the week. This discrepancy probably
reflects withdrawals of cash’ by trust
companies preparatory to compliance with
the reserve requirement, which will be
come effective on June 1 and possiblv
some of the receding trust companies
niay have drawn upon their cash depos
its In banks. The statement as regards
cash was most likely made on Hsing
averages, for the assistant treasurer was
heavilv debtor at the ' leaving 1. ■ ise at
Hi,- last day of the batnk wij-k 1 <1-
posits were increased $10.074,;.>00. whica
amount corresponds very elo '.vith
that called for by the c. ■
and the net gain in cash; tie r. ‘ ■ - -
.statement may be regarded as '.arnw
nious. The required reserve was !n
--i-reased $2,518,625 through th- a.-c-i. nt< !
deposits, and deducting from ,m
the gain in cash, leaves
.leerease in surplus reserve, v. ■: m
now stands at $10,029,825. Com mt- : . >s
the basis of deposits, less those ' L. ■
218.800 of public funds, the surplus <
342.025. This disclosure of a rod:. ■
the surplus reserve had somov.'-• a
sentimental effect upon the nrek"’
Saturday, ns is customary »!>-.• •> r v ->
banks show decreases in sut flu ■ t
there was no good reason for < xp
an advance in ratos foi rnon<y. ■■
less liberal offerings, for there =
groat abundance of loanable run'
excess of current and of imme li i
prospect! rt demand.
There was an increase of $,.-...
circulation, indicating that, th” New X i<
banks are preparing .’"'r greater
in money later in the season, and
feature was - a decrease of about ! . Q
in public deposits. Eight of the -Inn
town banks <how a net tn.’ro.'i'.-
10 0000 jn loans Four of the banks
a net loss of sl.3r-o.i'loo in easli. j': ■
age daily clearings of the bank
in the previous week were $229,009,00
$■’13,006,000 last week.''
The statement of the averages ■'
clearing house banks of this city :-
v <-ok shows the following ehang- s
Loans $923,080,200; increase $9,(>"1.2
Deposits 5915.534.700; increase .r\7!
('in-ulation $43,918,900; increase $86... •
Legal tender $69.936.8Mt; decrease S2(>
Snecb- $169,051,700; increase $1,612,100
Reserve $238.055,5(H); increase $3.366.6C'
Reserve required $228,958,675; inc:i ?
"Surplus $10,298,465; decrease $1,152,0'
Ex-United States deposits $19,342,025,
Crease $1,156,925
Flour, Grain and Meat.
Atlanta, Ga., May 9.—Flour: Dlarr. .1
patent. $0; seciond patent. $4.30; stralg
$.:;.89; extra fancy. $5.60; fancy. $3.30. Ft. ’
patent spring wheat. $4.75. Corn, ch. ■
white. 66c; No. 2 white. 65c; No. 2 mix- i
65c. Oats, white clipped. 52c; No. 2 wh!’> .
50c; No. 2 mixed. 49c. Bran, $1.15. Brown
shorts. $1.20; white shorte, $1,40. Viet ■
food, $1.35 per 100 pounds. Quaker food.
$> 25. Choice large bale, $1.20; No. 1 small,; No. 2 small, sl.lO. Plain corn meal,
t>sc; bolted. 60c. Cotton seen meal. $1.25
per 100 pounds. Hudnut’s grits, $l6O,
Atlanta, Ga May 9 Clear ribs eid"'
boxed 10 1-4; half ribs 10 1-4; bellies 10.6"
to 10.40. Sugar cured hams 15c; Callfor
nia hams 11c. Lard 11c; compound 8 1 -t
Atlanta, Ga.. May 9.--Coffee, per
pounds, Arbuckle’s $10.30; Lion $3
Cordova. $10.05; Blue Ribbon, 9 ’-2; grt
coffee, choice. 10c; fair 8c; prime 6c. Su
gar, standard granulated, 5.20. Sir .
New Orleans open kettle, $3.00@4.65; r,■ j
r-d, choice 20?t28c; south Georgia cane.
Salt, dairy sacks, 1.40; barrel, I
*2.50; Ice cream, $1.25; common, 555;-
Cheese, fancy, full cream, twins ‘
’ingles, 15c. Matches, 15, 45 3-41(55;
$1.50@1.75. Soda. Arm and Hammer, J.
Crackers, soda, Ge; cream, 7c; gin„-r
snaps, 6 l-4c. Tie peaches, $1.75; . >
peaches $2.754{3. Canned tomatoes, '■
Canned corn $2. Best mince t
10c lb.; choice, 7c lb. Oysters. F. XV. S.
L. W.. $1.20. Fancy head rice 7c; head
rice 6c. XX'hite fish. 60-Ib keg, $2.75; v. e
fish, 100-1 b kegs $4.40. mullet fish • -lb
kegs, $4.50; macaroni, 7c Tb.; pork s i . .
8 l-2c lb. Sardines, oil, case $3.75
dines, mustard, $3.50; salmon, case.
5.50. Pepper sause, dozen, 6tic; 1'
pints diij.en, 85c; mustard, dozen
Pickles, 15-gallon 6(>ns, $5.50.
Fruits and Confections.
Atlanta, Ga.. May; 9.—Apples, r ■ v
$4."0 to $4.50; choice $3.01' to $.:.!
anges: Florida. 126 to 216 to th
$4 to $1.50. Tangerines SlIiG. Grap
s6 to $7 a box. Lemons, fancy,
$3.50; choice $2.75@3. Bamii .
bunch, culls. sl(til.2o; straights $1.5”';.-.
Nuts: XX'alntits. No. 1 12 1-2; No. -1 1;;; pecan 9 1-2 to 10; Brazil ;
mixed nuts 12 l-2c. Peanuts, Vir> .
4 1-2 tu 6c; G torgla, 4e. Co<
I”''. $2.75. Pineapples, $3.5 Oto $4
Dates, s'flb boxes. tlhC.■_><.’; pa--kag- -
lb. Figs 13 l-2(tjl4c. Citron 15c.
xx $1.65 per box; xxx $1.85 per box. 1 . ■>
smal. 54?6; large (i(g7 1-2. Candy, corn;'. 1
stick 6c lb; mixed 6 1-2 C.
Country Produce.
Atlanta. May 9.—Eggs, fresh 11 '
Country smoked bacon, H'gl2 l ;.- n '
13@15c. Butter, Georgia fresh tai .-
22 l-2c; Tennessee table, 20522 l-2c: ~'<'
1’0522 l-2c; cooking butter 12 1-2 : ■ ■
supply plentiful with demar. i
Liv» poultry, hens, 32’4©35c; fi.
2c@27 l-2c; spring broil< rs 20@3
16(1/ ISc; small 14516 c. Ducks, puddle. ■■■ '.
Peking 30c. Live turkeys 1" 1
Dressed poultry, hens, 12 1 25 12 1 .
Tb.; fries 15c H>.; cocks 84J10c Tt).. turkey*
12 1-2 to 14c. Onions $1 to $1.25 bn.
bage, Florida green, 1 l-2®2c. Irish ;
toes. northern, 90c to SI.OO
Sweet potatoes 75 to 90c per n ‘
p t . white, $1.25
52.00; stock $1.00@1.25. Dried fruit C ’ •
gla apples 5c Tb.; do. peaches ITr.'-c.
Florida Fruits and Vegetables-
Atlanta, May 9.—Strawberries 4 Q
9c per quart;' tomatoes $1.5" . '*■
crate; peppers $151.25 per era ■ '6 £
plants $1.75 per crate; lettuce $1.2: 0 $
percrate; beans $1.7552 per <-rare
$1.25 to $1 ’) per crate -
per crate; beets $2.75 to $3.
Coffee and Sugar.
New York, May 9.—Coffee futures >" 'ti
ed dull at um hagged prices i - 5
regular in keeping with feature ■ “s f
eign news, closing dull on the <
basis, with sales footing up 50’’ rac.--
eluding May 3. SO. Co ft'.-e. spot Rio -I '
No. 7 Invoice 5 1-S: mild quiet: I'”’-’ ♦
<3-I''-il2’2 Sugar, raw nominal; t'.:r ■
lining 3 3-16; centrifugal 96-test 2 ’1 •!’•: n '-',
lasses sugar 3. Refined steady; N
4.40; No. 7. 4.35; No 8 4.30 N
No. 10, 4.20; No il. 4.15 '•
No. 13, 4.05: N.' 14, 4.00
4.0:>; mold A 5.05: cut loaf. 5.4’ c:"s'”"
5 4"; powdered. 4.90; granulated 4 '■ ' ' J
Naval Stores.
Savannah. May 9. —Turpentine
46; receipts 393; sales 254; exports 1.0 -
Rosln firm; receipts 909' sales 44.’>. e’’
Ports 1.J41. Quote: A B C D E $ I" '
$1.75; G $1.80; H S' '.I- I L <’> K $
M $3.10; N K. 15; windows
white $3.35
Wilmington. May 9.—Spirits Arm
4-5 1-2; receipts 383 casks. Rosin, n-’t'' £
doing, receipts 154 Crude turpentl 1
quiet at $253.25 and $3.50; receipts