Newspaper Page Text
Hall Stone Large as Hen Eggs.
Eatonton, Qa., May 4.—(Special.)—Late
yesterday afternoon one of the severest
hall storms visited this section that we
have experienced In years. It lasted fully
twenty minutes and covered the ground
with stones ranging In size from a pea
to small hens’ eggs.
Leaves and fruit were whipped from
the trees, vegetables and growing crops
beaten to the earth, and much damage
done to all kinds of vegetation.
Fortunately for the farmers, on ac
count of the backwardness of planting,
xrry little cotton was up to be damaged.
The hail storm was preceded by a roar
ing noise that sounded very much like
the approach of a cyclone.
Runaways Wed. in Columbus.
Columbus, Ga., May 4.—(Special.)—A
pretty romance, involving two prominent
young Alabamans, camo to light here
today. T. W. Dansby, of Montgomery,
and Miss Bessie Mallory, of Selma, were
married In Columbus last night about
10:30 o’clock by Dr. \V. W. Pinson, pastor
o' St. Luke Methodist Episcopal church.
The young lady’s father. Colonel Mal
lory, of Selma, objected to the match
and forbade the marriage. Yesterday af
ternoon Miss Mallory asked permission
to visit one of her young lady friends
in Selma, which was granted. It was at
this friend’s house that she met her lover,
and together rnada their way to the
Election Won by Hogs.
Columbus. Ga.. May 4.—(Special.)—Hogs
will continue to roam tho streets of
Phoenix City, one of the city’s Alabama
suburbs In an election In that city today
to decide whether or not hogs should
be taken off the street; 121 people voted
lit favor of letting’ the hogs remain,
and only 74 voted to take them off the
The question has been a live issue in
Phoenix City politics for some time, ami
an anti hog ordinance last year aroused
considerable bitterness.
Major Cliampayne Is Dead.
Columbus, Ga.. May s.—(Special.
jor D W. Champayne died last night in
Houston, Texas, where he went trvo
months ago. He was about seventy years
of age and for nearly fifty years was
an architect and contractor in Colum
bus. He built the Rankin house. Webster
building. Third National and Chattahoo
chee national bank buildings her and su
perintended tho erection of the govern
ment building. Eagle and Phenix dam
and other important work
He superintended the building of the
state capitol at Atlanta, and of the gov
ernment building In New Orleans and
Birmingham. His last work was tho new
water plant at the Eagle and Phenix
mills, which will stand .is a monument
to his skill.
Rice Sent Shot Into His Wife.
Canton, Ga., May s.—(Special.)—Yes-
terday evening about dark there came
near being a fatal tragedy at tho home
of William Rice, a farmer living on
Noonday creek in ColTb county, about 3
miles south of Woodstock, by reason of a
difficulty between Rice and Ids son in
law, in which Rice accidentally shot his
wife in the abdomen, inflicting a very
serious and. perhaps. fstal wound.
From the facts obtained from Dr. W. L.
Dean, the attending physician, and others
living in that neighborhood. It seems that
I.<*wls Keown, who ! t son in law of
.-r. was cursing and abusing his wife
end Rico’s wife at Rice’s home when
Rice camo up and endeavored to make
him desist and R.-iv- the premises
Keown became more .angered an 1 throw
a rock at Ri whereupon It! •• got his
F?.'.tfUll ft’ld ,f nt lx O') W 11.
of the shot took . ffz f in Keown’s
wr'st. V .t ih ' £' ■■it*-; p ' t of flic load
w.'ts emptied into the ab’tmen Rices
wife, who i\.iS rinndlng Known and
In rnnee of the s.iot.
Dr. Denn ren■•"!? Mrs Rice in a very
crhb’a! cu’clblAn with hop chances for
recoverv ver* doubtful. Keown’s wound
Rice f moc’.Tv lived at Canton.
Suicide of T. J. McMillan.
Golembu.s. Ga . May «. -T. J. McMillan.
p prominent planter of Russell county,
Alabama, near Columbus, committed sui
cide this morning at his home, at Os
wichee, by blowing his brains out with a
revolver. No cause Is assigned for the
rash deed, but hi- friends and relatives
Y.p]| rvn y, e ffifl •• jn a fit of temporary
■nsanity He had been in ill-health for
Accidently Shot Himself.
TTTton, Ga., M.iv 6.—(Special.)- 1 "'. F.
Suggs, of *::is place accidentally shot and
killed’ him • ' this morning at Eagle.
Lake, F i Mr. Suggs left Tifton for
Eagle Lake about two weeks ago to
accept a p -Ition with Noman, Feagin A
Co, naval stores operators, and news of
his death comes with H gu at shock to
his friends here. some of whom had re
ceived a letter from him today express
ing the greatest rntlafm-tlon with his new
home. The f’.gram announcing his
death did not state how the accident oc
curred. His remain'-’ will be shipped here
burial He leavi t wife and four
children and was a member of the Royal
Arcanum, In which ho had Insurance,
the only estate he leaves.
ElgTHning Kills Young Wright.
Newnan. Ga,. May ft.—(Special.)—T*r»p
kins Wright, son of N. P. Wright, of this
place, and one of the best known young
men In the state, was struck by light
ning and instantly killed this afternoon
during the hard rain which fell here.
The young man had been out riding
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and when the rain came up he took ref
uge under the awning of a store on
the outskirts of the town. He wore a
steel spur on one shoe and it is thought
that this acted as a conductor for the
lightning. His death was Instantaneous,
the chair in which he -was sitting being
knocked out into the street.
Seventh Squadron at Rome.
Rome, Ga., May 6.—(Special.)—A squad
ron of the Seventh United States cav
alry has accepted an invitation from
the mayor and council of Rome to camp
in Rome for one week next month. The
Woman’s Club of Rome originated the
movement and the citizens generally
have taken the matter up and it will
be made a gala week. A merchants’ i
carnival and a big military prize drill
will be Interesting features of the pro
gramme being arranged. The cavalry is
now at Chickamauga and It will make
a practice march to Rome. The tele
gram of (acceptance from the command
ing officer was received tonight.
Sunday School People Meet.
Rome, Ga., May 6 —(Special.)—The first
session of the second annual convention i
of the Sunday school institute of the
North Georgia conference was held in
the First Methodist church tonight. Dr.
Hamill, of Nashville, who will preside
over the meeting, will get here tomor
row and tho meeting tonight was pre
sided over by Dr. Bradley, of Atlanta.
An Interesting programme was rendered
tonight and the church was crowded to
overflowing. The institute will close Fri
day night and many prominent Sunday
school workers are in attendance.
Engineer Hales Injured.
Macon, Ga.. May 7.—(Special.)—A
freight train on the Central, a double
header moving toward Savannah, jump
ed the track near Gordon. 20 miles from
here, this afternoon about 1 o'clock and
in leaping from his machine Engineer
Hales, one of the oldest and most re
liable locomotive drivers on the road,
was seriously Injured. The fireman also
made a jump on it but escaped injury.
The train was moving at a good speed
and was upon a high embankment when
it left tho track. The injured man was
carried on to Savannah by the afternoon
Death of Pearsall and Daniel.
Moultrie, Ga., May 7.—(Special.)—As the
result of a collision of a motor ear with
a b'g train on the Georgia Northern
railroad near Moultrie last night. Matt
J. Pearsall, a leading lawyer of Moultrie,
and Frank Daniel, a prominent young
physician, are dead.
Tho accident occurred last night short
ly after 7 o’clock near Corbett's mill, 4
miles below Moultrie. Tho young men
had been down the road several miles
; on a fishing trip and were traveling on a
' small motor car.
i Returning in the evening, night fell
upon them before they reached the city,
| and it was raining. Coming up the long
grade near Corbett's mill they were sud
! denly confronted by the. end truck of a
| long train that was rapidly backing ov. r ■
tho hill.
I They were in 20 feet of the log train
I when it was first seen and there was no!
; time to jump even. In the collision that
: followed both men wore fatally hurt. ,
i Dr. Daniel was crushed from bls waist
' down, the trucks jtassing over him. c-.,i0-
I nel Pears.ill received injuries about the
! lo ad, in the body and had one leg broken. .
| Government Officer Investigating
| Augusta. Ga., May 8. (Special. )—Lien- ,
. tenant Colonel .lames B. Quinn, of the ■
! United Suites army, in charge of govern- j
ment river and harbor work in Georgia, j
was here today from Savannah to look !
at the river bridges, the situation of the |
cottot mills relatlre to the river, and
to gain data which he will present to the department on the proposition ’hat
oraws be placed in the river bridges it ;
• Augusta. i
| With Captain Garnett, his assistant, ho .
I went up the river as fur as the cotton i
1 mills, looked at the bridges, carefully I
[ rot.-d til industries on t!:e banks, and I
I then went down the stream to inspect ;
the river improvements.
The hearing will -ake place in Sav.mnah •
Hail Storms in Carolina.
I Charleston, S. <’., May 4.-Dispatcher j
| from Chesterfield on th.’ North Carolina !
I line; Edgefield, on the Savann.ih riv- r. i
i .and Florence counties, report a disastrous j
’ hail storm this afternoon At <'lieraw '
I the hail stones were three-quarters of I
i an inch in diameter and In Edgefield tin’ j
1 depth of the hail stones was as mu<h |
ias 12 Inches In some drifts. Very little i
j corn and cotton are up. but gardens and i
vegetable crops may have to bo repl.tni-,-d.
Troops Are Guarding Negro. j
; Columbia, S <?.. May 5.--(Spot al. '
I Much excitement was caused in Chester
I last nl, .t by the reported gathering f
a mob at Loweryvllle, about 7 miles from
Chester, f >r the purpose of lynching Jim
Montgomery, a negro who entered the
home of Mis. Nellie Smith, a highly re
spected and agexl widow. Governor Hey- ;
: ward was requested to send troops to ■
i the scene, and he immediately ord-trod ■
| the Lee Light infantry, forty two strong. ;
to proceed fir Loweryvllle. The prompt :
arrival of militia probably prevented the
lynching of Montgomery.
Attempts to Wreck Trains.
Columbia, 8. C, May 6—(Special.)—
East night two attempts were made to i
wreck trains near Ridgeway, a station on
the Southern railway. Freight train No. |
81 passed there about 10 o'clock and re- I
ported having knocked a crosstie off the
track. Hater, a passerby reported having I
fount two crossties on the track, one of’ I
which he removed, but left tho second on" j
en tho track as he feared some one
might shoot him. No trace of the would
be wreckers could be found,
Gun amd Pistol Used on Creech.
Columbia, 8. C., May 7.—(Special.)—Last I
night Spain Kelley and Howard Singleton
were driving a double team on the high- j
way, 12 miles from Bishopville, when )V. ,
E. Creech drove by In the opposite dlrec- |
lion. j
When opposite Creech. Kelley snatched .
a pistol out of the bottom of the buggy I
and fired three times, each taking effect i
in Creech’s back.
Kelley picked up a shotgun and at
tempted to lire, but Singleton got in the
way. Creech jumped out of his own bug- ;
gy and got. into the one driven by Wil- I
Ham King, who put Ins horse at a gal- ■
Kelley’ ent one horse out of the har
ness, sprang on it" In-k and pursued at
full “peed. lie overtook Creech in 2
miles, and tired twice witli a shotgun.
Creech, desperately wounded, pleaded
for mi rev, while King whipped his horse
into a run. Kelley loaded again, rode up
beside the buggy and finished Creech with
the full load in bis body.
Creech is said to have ruined Kelley’s
I young daughter. He owned a livery sta
ble in Bishopville.
Kelley has not been found h.v the sher
iff. ’
Death of Joseph Ragsdale.
Charlotte, N. C., May 6.—(Special.)—Jo
seph S. Ragsdale, of Jamestown, one of
the most prominent mill men In the cot
ton manufacturing belt, died last night
at 9.10 o’clock at the Presbyterian hos
pital. The deceased had been under
treatment of the physicians at the hos
pital and was succ-ssfully operated upon ;
about three months ago.
He was 67 years old, was a cotton man- ,
ufacturer of Jamestown, and a stock- ,
mills in the state
also a director of the First National Bank j
of Greensboro. Ho leaves a wife, two I
daughters and a son.
Pistol Quicker Than Ax.
Newton, N. May 6.-—Dr. W. H. i
Davidson had an altercation with a ne- !
gro named Dan McKinney about the doc- i
tor’s horse, when, according to tho. i
physician's statement, the negro seized an !
ax and attacked him. The doctor whipped
out lits pistol and tired twice, killing the
negro instantly’. Davidson then gave
himself up.
Young' Keith Kills Father.
Asheville, N ('., May 6.—(Special.)—Tn
Haywood county today Samuel Keith was
abusing his wife, when their young son
remonstrated. Keith then turned toward
his son. who fired nt his father, killing
him. The young man surrendered to
officers and was placed in Waynesville ;
Minister Asks Divorce.
Asheville. N. C., .May 7.—(Special.)—
Richard L. Ownbey’ has instituted suit
in tho superior court for absolute divorce
i from bls wife, Neva Blanch Ownbey.
: from whom he separated several months
! M ' iwr.hey names as corespondent W.
T. lordan, a cotton mill manager of the j
Mountain Island section. Jordan is wed ■
i known in political and social circles of j
I Charlotte.
Mr Ownbey gave up the ministry while |
, living at Mmphy. it being presumed that I
j be did so on account of his dome-tie .
■ t rouble, and lie now has a position with ;
, the Victoria Iron Company’ in this city. ;
I Mrs Owtibey has not as yet tiled mis- ,
' wer. She was -Miss Detter, of Lincoln- I
Escaping Steam Roasts Engineer.
I Wilmington, N. C , May S (Special.) -
(me man was killed, two probably’ fatal.
: )y injured and another seriously hurt by i
■ tho explosion of a boiler on the govern- ;
I ment tug Cynthia this afternoon.
Ine men were Horribly scalded by a ■
j de: a;- of es -apihg steam and boiling i
I water. j
t '.'ae dead man is J -sse A. Dicksey, aged
22, engineer on I lie tug. ’l’wo firemen,
~1 C. W arren and Tobe Jackson, are at j
, the Margin hospital with Utile or no
; Ambrose Livenier. the cook, was blown I
• ov- rh ’.ird, but ros- ued. His injury is not .
Bratton Accepts as Bishop.
< Ralclgi: N May 8 -Rev. Theodore I
■D. Bratton, rector of Sr. Mary sschool !
i here, today ar:n-".i:-d his acceptance of I
■ tho bi 'loprie of Mississippi, to which he j
I was ri .enlly elected.
Scooped by Tobacco Trust.
Durham, N (’.. May 8. -Tho R. F. Mor- i
I ris M.anut'ai tilling I'mnpany has sold out .
;tn the Ann rb an Tolia"' - o Company. The :
! price paid for the busite ss and machin- ■'
, erv was J 105.000. The plant is now closed, i
i Whether it will 1’ rc .ponod is not known, i
Ashore Off Beaufort, S. C.
Beaufort, N (’., May 9.-(Special.)-The i
Portuguese bark Vera Cruz, from Capo, i
Verde islands bound for New Bedford,
is stranded on Ocracoke bar, about 200 i
i yards from the bench. Tho cargo con- I
! sists of thirty tons of whale oil, some;
' bone and 2t'i emigrants, mostly’ women, I
I all port ague:-", bound for New Bedford. |
i Tho life saving crew at Portsmouth |
■ haw rescued sixty passengers and land- I
ed them at Portsmouth, where they will I
be taken care of, and will save the ba I- !
ance of the passengers and crew. The ■
vessel and cargo are in a very dangerous i
position Wind is strong northeast and ,
very heavy sea.
; Raleigh, N. r. May 9—(Special.)- There’
, are 505 students nt. the North Carolina Col- ;
I lege of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.
I Os this number 2.’17 are paying their own
j expenses by lalmr performed at the col-
lege or before coming there. Tho college
has a labor system whereby students earn
about $5,000 a year.
The spirit of work and economy’ is very
strong at Um college. Even rich boys
catch the spirit, and work at odd hours
beside boys of Um greatest poverty.
Every’ possible form of labor is repre
sented, from bartering and shoemaking
to clerking, teaching and preaching. There
are plenty of carpenters, machinists, engi
neers. draughtsmen and electricians, and
no end of farm workers.
It is a big sight to see the A. and M. i
boys at work every Saturday.
White aud Black Sat Separate.
Montgomery, Ala., May 6.—For tho first
time in tho history of tho republican
party In this state at the conference of
the republicans held in the hull of tho
house of representatives today the whites
took seats on one side of the hall and
the negroes on the other.
The republican conference, called by
Referees W. F. Aldrich. Charles H. Scott
and Jo Thompson, was called together
a little after noon by W. F. Aldrich,
who called R. Hundley, of Madi
son, to preside.
Farmer Leaves His Home.
Eufaula, Ala., May 7.—(Special.)—W. AV.
Kilpatrick, a well known farmer, has
mysteriously, disappeared from ills home,
south of here.
He mailed a letter to a friend In his
neighborhood, saying that he was tired of
life, and that his gun would be found on
the banks of tile river, 10 miles from ills
home, and his body wpuld find a watery
grave. A vigorous search has been insti
tuted and they u-o dragging, but noth
ing has yet been found.
He left homo ,t night with his shotgun
and sl2 in cash, and has been tracked «
few miles from home, where ho entered
a swamp. Ills friends say’ he had no ap
pearance of being imbalanced, and many
think ho has gone to Birmingham, where
he has two grown children Ijving.
He is 50 years old. and loft his wife
and seven children at home in destitute
I circumstances.
Respites for Murderers.
' Montgomery. Ala., May B.—(Special.)
; Governor Jelks today granted a s'ay of
j execution of thirty days in the cases of
I Henry Hlghtow'r and James Foster, two
I negr-iee of Macon comity’, convicted of
I murd< r and i 1 to hang, .
Escaped Convicts Captured.
i Montgomery, Ala , May 8. —(Special.)— ;
: Josiah Johnson and Will Williams, ne- ■
groes, and es aped convicts from the I
camp at Sanford. Ala., have been recap- ,
tured. They were convicted of bur- ‘
J. C. McLaughlin Shoots Himself
Oakman, .Ala . May 9. J. C. McLaugh- i
lln a prominent citizen of Helena, Ala.. •
while visiting his son at tht« place, com- |
mltted suicide at 2 p. m. by’ shooting ,
himself through the heart.
Bad health la supposed to be the cause j
of the act.
Ten Years for Hardwick.
Decatur, Ala.. May 9.—(Special.) After :
being out two nights and two days in
one of the most interesting murder cases !
that lias taken place In the history of I
north Alabama, th ■ jury returned aver- I
diet of ten years for murder in the see- >
ond degree against Jasper Hardwick, who I
was charged with having killed Dr.
I Thomason, near Danville, this county, I
: last, summer. An appeal has been asked. I
Engine Ran Through Wall.
! Decatur, Ala... May 9. (Special.)—John i
| John son. a b' • ' mlth in the Louisville ;
I and Nashvitle iiops, was seriously in- ■
i jured in a. pecilair accident today.
I A locomotive was being moved by com
pressi 1 in machine room when a ■
: piece of rass '■ . into one of tnc valves, j
i Tho engbieer aid not cut off the air ,
and tho motive plunged through a j
brick wall ;i t-t t thick. ;
A numb':: d bricks fell on Blacksmith
I Johnson and as bricks were scattered |
I for 'iiindreds of feet it Is remarkable :
i that many others were not injured. When
| the )o ' (motive went into the wall the
! air was shut, off and Hie machine came ;
j to a stand.
Baxter's Resignation Accepted.
Nashville, Tenn., May 4 (Spt eial
i The directors of the Tennessee Central
; railroad today accepted tie r.-signa.l i m of
I Jere Baxter as president and elected J- |
i ('. Van Bcarcow, of St. I. 'uis, to succeed .
| him
Frazier Visits State Mines.
Nashville, Tenn., May- 4—(Special.)— |
■ Governor Frazier left tonight for the !
' state mines at Brushy mountain, where !
I he will make a personal investigation ;
: into Hie condition of th<‘ prison and also :
inform hitiwlf thoroughly as to th
j alleged timber lepreila: ions of John M.
■ Davis.
Smallpox Closes College.
Knoxville, Tenn., May B.—At the re
quest of the board of health the author- .
! ities of Carson and Newman college, at I
i Jefferson City, Tenn., announced the '
: closing of the college todav The step
was deemed ne< ■ - sary because of the ,
! fact that fully two dozen students are i
i affected with smalqiox. Two more new j
eases were reported today.
Marrier on Fire Wagon.
Knoxville, Tenn., May 9.—(Special.)—A 1
novel wedding Is reported as having oc- .
curved at Bristol, on th" midway which i
has been given there this week by the
Bristol firemen.
Mounted ipon a fire wagon. ATr. George
F llutiton and Miss Ella Lowe, of Wai- 1
lace. Va . who were visitors at the carni- ■■
val, were united In marriage by Esquire -
A. A. Hobson.
The special Inducement offered was a
handsome purse and a supply of free tick- ■
Pts of admission to the midway shows,
al! of which was given by the midway
management. Needless to say, the ’at
traction” drew thousands of people.
Italian Boy Used Pistol.
Jackson, Miss., May B.—(Special.)—An i
old white man named Crqft, who has i
been employed hero several wec-lts as a
carpenter, was shot ami Instantly killed : i
tonight by an Italian youth named Joe i j
Messin 1.
Croft called at the Messlnl home for tho
purpose of renting a house and the boy’
claims that he insulted ills mother, whlcl’i .
provoked the shooting. ,
Tho weapon us- <l was a 4! caliber pis
tol. and Croft expired almost instantlv.
the bullet striking him in the heart. Ales
sinl is in jnll.
Will Use Silver Gavel.
Jackson. Miss. Al iy 9. (Special.)—A sil
ver gavel which has- performed a similar
function nt tile u-:ior stone laying of
some of the Inrm “t buildings in Ameri
ca and Europe, has been presented Io
Superintendent .1 F. Barnes by Mr.
James Cook, of Memphis, to be used in .
laying the corner stone of Mississippi’s
new state house on June 3.
Two Men Killed in Street Duel.
Yazoo city. Miss.. May 9.—(Special.)— '
A desperate street duel took place here
this afternoon between T. A. ami T. M
Kelley, on one side, and R. F Birilsa:?
editor of The Yazoo Sentinel, and : a
brothers in law, Gibbs ami Doyje Dei
on the other.
Tlie men met on Washington ■ ■
near the court house, when the sim ei.
began, and no one can tell who lir< d i .’
first, shot.
When the smoke of the battle <le ii" l
away, T A. Koll.’y was dead, w.:;;
bullet through his heart, ami hi- b:-...,. .
T. M. Kelley, dangerously wounded, ami
I’ [>. Dorsey killed.
The shootirjg grew out of polities ar. I
personal journalism. T. A. Kelley w.i.
circuit clerk of tho county, ami all th
participants nr" highly rispected. so I
tho shooting has causal great .
Editor Birdsall was the only man im :|
plicated in the shooting who escaped with 1
no wounds. He and his brother in law. ,
Gibbs Dorsey, are in Jail, pending an in- '
veslgatlon of the affair.
Flighted Vows in Prison Cell.
Richmond, Va., May B.—(Special.)—lt
was a strange sight when on Thurs
day behind the prison bars of Buchanan
county Jail, Mrs. Joseph Beavers, Jr.,
was married to Mlles Charles, who Is
under indictment lor tho murder of C.
C. Hatcher severe! months ago. ,
Besides the prisoners who (ire confined
in the jail on varolus charges there were
live witnesses to the ceremony, which
was performed with an added solemnity
by Rev. Dr. Pierce, pastor of tho Metho- '
odist church nt. Grundy, the county seat. |
Tlio authorlt'es have consented that
the bride may remain with her husband
In jail and tlmlr first trip will he to the
count'/ court house, where. Charles is to
he tried for murder. The woman who I
was brave enough to become the wife of
a prisoner charged with the murder of e. i
fellow-man, Is a widow of a few months,
Imr husband having died a short time ago
of consumption.
Professor Price Is Dead.
New York, May B.—Thomas Randolph
Price, professor of tho English language
and literature in Columbia university and
head of its English department, is dead.
Professor Price was born in Virginia :
sixty-four years ago, and was educated
at the University of Virginia. At the
outbreak of the civil war he enlisted in
th< confederate army, serving through
the war as an officer of engineers, brom
1867 to 1876 he taught the classics and
English in Randolph-Macon college.
in 187'1 he was called to the chair of
Greek ami lb brew in the University of
Virginia. For the last twenty years he
taught English in Columbia.
Death of Judge Maxwell.
Defuniak Springs, Fla.. May s.—Judge .
) E Maxwell, tin last survivor of the :
Conl’ederat! St " ■ ■ " - except Sena
tor Vest, died at Chipley this afternoon i
in his 83d year.
Judge ALixwi’ll was a native of Geor- |
gla, was educitted at the University of
Virginia and moved to Florida in 1845.
He had served in both branches of the
state legislature and has filled the posi
tion of S'. ' r.'tary of stat" and attorney
i general of Florida.
If., was a member of congress from .
I 1853 to 1857; was Confederate States sen- ,
ator from 1862 till 1-G">; was appointed ,
judge of the stat, supreme court in I 860; .
wa ■ circuit judge 1877 and was chief I
Justice of Florida 1.887-91.
Railway President Plead Guilty. i
?<ew Orhans. Mav S.- b' , )rnvr President
11. JI Pe.‘i-ion Jr, the Orleans’
; Railway (Company, to leave the
i <lty. went into di- riminal court today .
and pleaded guild, to eleven charges <?i e ;
failing to provide sereuns in the street [
cars to si’par.ite de- Mr I’earson i
was fined gave his .-hock for
' tho amount.
Italians in Tough Luck.
! Frankfort, Ky., Al iy 8- -Count Rosewa ;
1 dowski, Italian consul at Chicago, has :
written a letter to Governor Beckham. !
' stating that according to depositions be- !
' fore him a gang of Italians brought to (
KC' In.-i I'll;" comitv. Ky., to work under i
: < • , ..ntr-’”’’b-r Langhorn, w-'re cruelly treat- I
.-I and that when they tried to escape
: consul asks for an investigation.
1 County Judge Radcliffe, in reply to a.
: letter from Governor Beckham, says so .
I far as lie can learn there is nothing in ,
i the charge made before the Italian con- !
I sal. «
Mexican Defies a Posse.
Dallas, Tex.. Muy 8. A special from '
Gainesville tells of the murder of •’ 'V. •
Powers, near Burns City, by a Mexican j
: tramp, who afterwards barricaded him- I
| o-ls in a. house and held a posse at bay .
until he was shot to math.
);■ v. I’owers saw the men enter the l
of a neighbor, who was away t
fr()tTl ] lon] in d he wet t w ith n shotgun ;
'to drive the intruders away. When lie I
opened the door the man dealt him a
blow with an ax and continued to strike ■
until the preacher was d’-nd. I
Th. man then barricaded himself in the
house and held at bay a. large posse.
i After several volleys had b«*o.n fired at .
j" house a rash was niade and the door,
v. is broken. The man was found dead :
with live a diet hob’s in his body. A ,
letter addressed to Antonio Ramos was i
found on til” body.
Members Believe That Colombia Will !
Ratify Treaty.
Washington. May 9. -The subcommit- j
tee of the isthmian canal commission, j
consisting of Rear Admiral Walker, Gen- ;
oral Haines and IToressor Burr, which :
Visited the isthmus of Panama to in- |
spoct. th” work ami property of the new |
Panama Canal Company, has returned I
to W isliington. The mission of the com- .
mitten was accomplished quicker than ;
was anticipated. The commission found ;
that while the canal company has etn- I
ployed on the work about 1,200 men, .it- .
tie'in a definite or effective way is being;
accomplished. Jus.t enough work Is he
lm.’ done to keep the project alive. I
jq , m b ( rs ,f the commission are of
opinion that the tr.aty will eventually.
~.. ratified by the Colombian congress.
Vlmiral Walker had a long t ilk with :
S’crotary Uav todav upon conditions on i
the Isthmus in their special relation tot
the Panama canal project.
Colorado Begins Shaking Soon as the
President. Leaves.
Grand Junction, Colo., May B.—A dis
tinct earthquake shock was felt in the I
Grand valley early today. The shock i
lasted several seconds.
This Assurance Is Given by Secretary
Muskogee, Ind. T„ May B.—Secretary I
Hitchcock today visited the offices of tho !
Dawes .■■■mmit't< e. A public reception ■
was held in his honor. He also called
at th.- olli. " of -.1'," b’.'llan agent. Seer'- i
tary Hitchcock expressed surprise at the I
development of the Indian Territory and |
assur.d the officials that their work
wold hereafter receive the earnest eo- |
~p. ration of the interior department. He I
said that tho Indians would be fully |
protected bv the government and that i
\li -, .ssi’-’o haste would bo made in
opening tho territory. Se-retary Hitch- ,
will le.'ive for Oklahoma tomorrow.
• -7
«‘ii k now of such n ‘
' ;>nd a ill Hi nd me a
• • - ]•; ion of it. I will
i .. ' . i I hi* child's pic- I
I ’ ..Iter being cured. ’
I : . parent.*’ address, •
I . ' • ? • -•» the address of I
■ ’> A 1 • ’S'-* near y our !
’ ■> y«»u may know |
•’w 5 < h work is done.
•; ■ t ml,
p Uldress.
• .T ? .>y, i !’• 3? GRIER, M. 0.
; ■ - wj Ms- ;
i - ' »•’> I’.owen Street,
“** — V| ( As * * TEXAS.
Free Medical Advice
To All the Needy
No Use Paying a Large Fee to Your Local Doctor
When You Can Get Even More Experienced
Attention for Koihing.
This Great Southern Specialist Has a Way of His
Own of Curing Chronic and Sexual Diseases
of Men and Women in a Wonderfully
Short Time in Your Own Home.
Lose No Time, But Write at Once.
p.' .
j <<"
The «ecret of cujldk discasa Is to krow and you can get the boo’: you want free
what the trouble Is “Does your doctor charge by wr.tlng to the doctor: 1.
understand your case?” that the ques- Diseases of \ Hal Organs. .. Diseases ox
tton. The very fact that you are still sick throat and
proves that he does not understand It, and (en.nn;-'. • < ed ; -
•o you should write to Dr J Newton ’ ‘
Hathaway, that did 1
scientist and physician, tolling
your own words how you suffer end be Bl'>od poison (enlarged erl! ' ; •
will soon enough tell you the why and 1 stiffer from a > omp.'jdnt not
wherefore. and, you of a tioned In this list do not let thatk ep . 1
■ new way by which yo Hired re- >l i writing t
, markably quick. We know this to be a l earn what lehi s sa
fact slnoe there are thousands of living- t 0 rp Pb !t wI 1 ’• .
examples of his great skill, who like you I beso < ‘ght books are »
I perhaps, once seemed hopeless. or * ( ' anyone Lire ee
The doctor wants to hear from every enough to ask - .r ther;' either > / ;
man and woman who suffers from any P erson or name a . I
disease of the throat. lungs, heart, drees b- •
Btomnch. sexual system, kidney, bladder, Dlt. HATHAWAY I'D HT> 1' BIxA
rheumatism or blood. These are chronic “All I ask of any .• ufferlng imho or
diseases, and It is chronic dlaeases that, womnn ' said Dr Hathaway • •:erd.
the doctor is very quick to cure If you in an Interview with a Sena. W<'
cannot call in person, write a letter, as fill 1 Journal reporter “is *hat he or he gh'e
his cures are perfected for home use. In : me the nri ilege of pr t... f
' tnls wny he has cured pecple who were i I have the ki < ' ledge :r h’. . *:
; bed-ridden for years, people whom home : will cure pern .mer:! 1r... 1 r . a. st' rter
doctors could do nothing for, women who space of time than a: ■ other method yet
were barely able to drag tb.ems rt j known to science The <inl} ws ’’ can
around the house, and men who t?uffor».d prove rhls to anyone vbo cannot iB c
so from varicocele, omissions and other me in person is f-r them o -vrl’-? •
■ forms of sexual weakness that they felt giving their ncur. A a■ : adders' a ; ’•
like committing suicide Through Dr. sides sending the book tney tor r.' ’ i;
Ixathaway's majestic skill these people Is always free, I v. i a. t?
were all permanently cured at home tlcal proof that any'-n* wants that I
A VERSATILE GENIUS I hlm 1 wl!i fell them for I ’’ hl " '
I j . . . i W “ a ’ ' l ’
The dortor is the originator and dis- < .
. coverer of many new features In medical rea d Gr « t writ : m< that
; practice. His method is now used by many • '
of the leading great hospitals and sanl- i rh ’,
' tariums In the large cities of America and j !n .. , H , ... .
Europe, nr.d it is this n»w method that Is I K
at the disposal of all who write him. He i wh( , wa ... .... . - f , d
, explains this new method in a l.x'go I a v l(j .v , . ~ .
volume of over 1.900 pages called "Hatha '
; way’s Cure o* Chronic Diseases." which is ' s( , nine", so- i t- r
a textbook for nil who want to under- j Write him ’h" - • m ment
star. 4 how disease comes and how it can time, for the «
be cured. This book fe now Issued in frac- soone- vou will lb cv” ’! -
i tlonal editions under the following titles. 1 simpiy
43 I /» Inman Biiilcinc, Atlanta. Ga.
i Over a Hundred Natives Were Killed
and Sixty Captured, Including
the Sultan—Two Americans
Were Killed and Seven
Manila, May 7. Captain Pershing's col
umn has defeated the sultan of Ampara
gano’s strong forces of Moros in the Tara
caco river district, on the east
■ shore of Lake Unao, island of
' Mindanao. The Americans cap
tured ten forts One hundred and fifteen
Moros w re killed, thirteen wounded and
sixty were made prisoners. The Moros
captured Included the sultan. Two Amer
icans were killed and seven wounded.
The ten forts constituted serious and
strong positions on the bank of the Ta
raca. river and from them the Moros
vigorously resisted Captain Pershing's
advance. The American troops attacked
the forts Monday and captured eight of
them v ithout suffering any losses, though
the thirty-six obsolete cannon mounted
on the fortifications were served with the
best of the enemy’s ability. The garri
son of the ninth fort resisted fiercely
and Captain Pershing ordered the fort to
be shelled and captured by assault, which
was done. Lieutenants Shaw and Gracle,
leading two companies of the Twenty
seventh infantry, and a detachment of
cavalry surrounded the tenth fort, where
the sultan had sought refuge, and it sur
rendered Tuesday. The forts have been
Captain Pershing moved north Tues
day to complete the exploration of the
east shore of the lake. No further re
sistance Is expected.
The Spanish gunboat Petaseo. sunk by
the ships of Admiral Dewey off Cavite,
has been raised. Her hull is not injured,
but her upper works show the effect of
the American shells.
Eighteen Plants at Norfolk. Va.. To
Be Absorbed.
Cincinnati. May S.—The Michigan Un
derwriting Company, of Detroit, has com
pleted a combine of the peanut industries,
and the American Edible Nut Company
will soon be Incorporated in New Jersey
■with $1,250,000 of 7 per cent preferred and
$2,750,000 common stock, and it will
E'nrman and \\ i-1. A ■ ■
IT 1i i ill,. -I, Jackson ; C-- r.;.-
Grand Lapids; ,T-!m H’
John M. llalv. Cail ■. .■ >. ,-i . ' ■ H.
Griggs, Chi.-a go.
'He Is Not Seeking Territory £ut
1 America.
| Mexico City. M
; kor, Gorman' churgo T'it-T ■■■■'•■
■ acquire sea-ports. rviiir.g • t 1 ’ ' ■~-
• ter in a M ritorjal p ■ i -y '
th>n, or to control timimos m
■ impair the sovereign ■-’ ■
An ■ >
■ German ‘■myire, h-- sa v • • ■ :
j fol development of th-- u
The disavowal is pr-me • T T.r
; production of an uriim- ■ ■ : '-i
I N a ' ' ■
I <h rnri’i p'T<cy L >f :■ -
i fe- Ate
1 Hy a secret new Trial tr< .itn:■
| essay free to nil--S-n<l for it thi> vrrx da?
I Ifthcre be any man or woman wlm J
poison, whether transi
lof New London, erm., for af;■■ t -i : :
i of his very remarkable new discovery t’ • • ’
caught like wildfire even going so tar as ’.
the bones of the nose and < ■ ■
rotted away by the terrible poison. It is nc ■ •-
cury, or iodide of potash, notming to rub on i
simple liquid, tablet or pill but ar. herbrdine c r
nnund entirely ditferent from anything beret «
known. In magic-like thshh-n it or
poison in the primary, E econdarv or tertiary ’ ,
copper colored spots, swelling of the giandc. >• s
; aches, old sores, ulcers, mucous patches in T o
mouth, loosening of the teeth, hair nr eyebp’w ;
i falling out and all the other signsofblood p'
i It removes every blemish in a few days and ■
I permanently in* a few weeks, not only the bb’-'d
. poison itself but restores the stomach, live r, 1. ■ •
I neys and heart to their normal rpnditiou thus
i again opening to you the gates of society, mar-
I riage and parenthood.
i Do not put it off; do not experiment. Satisly
j yourself that what the professsor say> true
1 sending name and address today to I’rot. 1 . <
; Fowler, Box 691, New London, Conn.. ' e
i will send you at cnee (sealed and free !»• m
[ all marks) a full trial treatment of his discov
| ery absolutely free, together with a vakialno
! treatise “All About Blood Poison and its Cure.’
i He asks for no money, simply the privilege of
I convincing you that what he has d.i."covered
■ will cure you, so lose no time in sending
I address. Do so today and you will soon be cured.