Newspaper Page Text
The Exact Figure, 7,378,627, Was Named Three Times, Once
Within the Period of the Extra Offer, SI,OOO Being Thtts
Taken by Mr. J. D. Anderson, Marietta, Ga.
The result of tho contest is based upon the official report of See
■ retary Henry G. Hester, of New Orleans Cotton Exchange, whose cer-
S tlflcate Is as follows:
“New Orleans, May 1, 1903. —This is to certify that, tho receipts of
cotton at all United States ports from September 1, 1902, to May 1,
1903, both inclusive, were seven million, three hundred and seventy-eight
thousand, six hundred and twenty-seven (7,378,627) bales.
“Secretary New Orleans Cotton Exchange."
The details of the contest are already familiar io our readers, but,
briefly stated, it may be said that the awards are made upon the total
port receipts of cotton at all United States ports for the foriol extending
from September 1, 1902, through Friday, May 1. 1903.
The following wore the awards for which the many thousands of con
testants were competing:
For the exact, or the nearest to tho exact, estimate of the
receipt; of cotton at. all United States ports from
September 1, 1902, to May 1, 1903, both inclusive ’>oo.oo
For the next, nearest estimates 1,000.00
For the next nearest estimates 500.00
For the five next nearest estimates, SIOO.OO each 500.00 |
' For the ten next nearest estimates, 50.00 each 500.00 ■
For the ten next nearest estimates. 20.00 each 200.00 '
For the thirty next nearest estimates, 10.00 each 300.00 I
For the ICO next nearest estimates, 5.00 each 500.00
Fop distribution among those estimates (not taking any of
the above 158 prizes) coming within 1,000 bales either
way of tiie exact figure 1,500.00 '
Should the exact figtire be given during the contest we will
add to tiie $2,500.00, ,f *he exact, estimate be received on
or before February 20, 1903 2,500.00
Grand Total 810,000.00 I
Should th, exact estimate not be named on or before February 20, but
be filed on or before March 10, 1903. we will add to the $2,500.00 first
prize. . 81,500.00
ild the exa<’ estimate not be named on or before March 10, but be
filed on r 1 for< April 10, 1903, we win add to the $2,500.00 first
In a . a tn upon ant prize estimate the money will be equally
I divided.
.Mr. ,1. D. An d r. m. .Marietta. Ga., sent an exact estimate on April
io, tue last day of the tiiird period of the contest, and receives the
SI,OOO extra offered for such a figure within the time named. He re
also one third of the $2,500 offered for the best estimate in the
contest, whether th' exact figures or not.
Mrs. .1. I. Walker, of Hubbard, Tex., sent the exact figures on April
18 Mr Walker is a regular subscriber and in our
<-• i onte.-t, she took one half of ninth S2OO prize. Her estimate entl
t.‘ s her to one-third of $2.5C0. first prize.
The SIOO Prizes.
i'.' ,r'h prize s!'" )7 178.621 nr 630 next '
nearest each way). Tie between four. |
1. I'. M. Drake. 1836 Main street. Co
li-mbia. S. C. 7..' $25.00 |
2 Mrs D W. Perdu-. Griffin, Ga.,
7 ,78 fl 25.00
3 ''lies Northcutt, J-niison. Ala..
- ;; 25.00 ■
1. .1 I’.. Champion. Wilsey. Kans.,
- 25.00 I
’ b prize ?!"0 (7.378.623 or 631 next I
nearest each p ay ). Tie between three-
' .1 A. Huddleston, Forsyth, Ga..
>' < »V,°, 33
rd Meier, 2110 < i deraine a re- _ !
Cincinnati. ' 1 >. 7,378 631 ■ 33
. I . F Milles. Marshall. Ala., ,
7 ,7' )>. . . . - . 33.31 ]
■ ■ ■ . lie!
twe-n three
W D. Harris n, Dothan. Ala..
:;s f j $33.33
ie-go W Ixnnax, Abbeville. S..
7.378.622 33.33
~ I, Weaver, Americus. Ga.,
; .7< . .12 33 -34 I
- . -n h prize SIOO (7.378.621 or 633). Tie be- |
E- ■ - Brown, Gay, Ga.. 7,378,-
, .; $20.00 ,
Mi Mi.tie Perdue, Griffin, Ga., , |
3 T. 1.. Payne. Crewe. Va., 7.378,- :
621 20.001
4 A .Jams. Huntland. Tenn..
7..17- 20.00
f Thomas Nance. 1924 Slate street.
N.a dtville. T. nn.. 7.378.621 20.00
eighth prize SIOO i7.375.t-2o or 631). Tie be-
I Carl I. St-wart. Corning. N Y..
;.375.t:20. $16.66
p I*. Martin, Marietta. Ga . 7.378.- .
S. .1 a. Carrell, Edwards, Ala., 7.-
37'.634 ...... 16.67
4 I' 1 . Schramm. 732 Putnam street,
M; ■ > 7.378.634 16.67
5. Donald M. Bain, Prudential build
ing. Atlanta, Ga.. 7.378.634.. .. 16.67
f. R. K. Ferguson, A'arrellton, Tex..
7.378.634 16.67
The SSO Prizes.
Ninth prize SSO (7,3.78,619 nr 635). Tie be
tween five.
1. Philip J. Gormley, Lexington.
Ky., 7.378.635 833
2. Homer L. Story. Greenville, 8.
('., 7.378,635 8.33
3. W. E. Bailey, Harmony Grove,
G < . 7,378.619.._ 8.33
4 ,1. W. Drewry, Cuthbert, Ga ,
7.378.635 8.33
o. W. J Hudson & Co., Marietta,
Ga., 7,378.639 8.34 '
6. Joe B Gay, Gay Ga., 7.378.619.. . 8.34 '
Tenth prize SSO (7,378.C1S or 636). Tie be- 1
tween five.
1 Mrs. L I'. Simpkins, Nashville,
T en . 1812 D tena Vista., 7,378,618 SIO.OO
2. H. W. Speares, Whitemound,
Tex.. 7,378.618 10.00
8. W. J. Beaty. Kennedy, Ala.,
7.378.618 10.00
4 W E. Bailey, Apple Valley,
Ga., 7.378.618 10.00
5. B. S Willingham, Forsyth, Ga..
7.378.636 • • ■ • 10.00
Eleventh prize SSO (7,378,617 or 637). 'lie
between two.
i M J Willingham. Greenwood,
■ Xia.: 7,37X637. 25.00
2. \V. J. Bell, Atlanta. Ga., 328
Whitehall street, 7.378.637 25.00
Twelfth prize. SSO, 7.378.616. _
1 , Y °. rk \ : , v ; so.oo
•1 :drt. • nth prize, $7,0 <7.378,615. or 639). Tie
1 M.' H." Williams. Spring Place. _
2. H o' Wilder, Cantonment, Fla..
“ 47''619 ;■ fi '- J
2 Rolf-rt S- Link. Abbeville. S. (...
~5.i139 ... ** * ’• -5
4. R C, Craig. Nesmith, Ala., ~-
5. J. T Bell, Horse Shoe. N. (’..
7.378.615 fi -'’
6. E B. Fields. Coleman. Ga.. _
7 William Lovejoy, Birmingham,
'la . 7.378.639 .. ... ■■■■ ■ 825
F Mr' D W. Perdue, Griffin, Ga.,
7.378.615 6 25
Fourteenth prize SSO (7,378,614, or 640.) T e I
between five.
1. J. Bishop, Richburg, S. C-. 7.-
378.04 C. SIO.OO
2. John S. Clinton, Bonham. Tex..
7.378.614 10.00 |
3. O. H. McClain, Moody, Tex.. 7,-
378,640 10.00
4. Percy Mobley, Conde, Ala . 7.- |
378.640 10.00 i
5. C. D. Hearon, Pond Spring. Ga..
7.378.640 .. 10.00 I
Fifteenth prize. SSO (7.378,613. or 641). Tie ;
between six.
1. M J. Willingham. Greenwood.
Ala . 7,378.613 8.33
2. T. P. Quarles, Abbevile. S. C.,
7.378.613 8.33
I b. ‘m Rao, Troy, c._ ; 37V
♦HJ 5.33
4. C. F. Gattis, 'Winchester. Tenn.,
7.37'.641 . . . ' 8.33
5. John C. Richardson, Lavonia, i
Ga . 7.378.611 . . 8.34
i 6. .1. W. Jones. Woodruff. S. C.
I ~378.4)1 . . 834
I Sixte-t•)'.;• prize, SSO <7.378.612, or 642). Tie
between three
I 1. Miss Mitti» Perdue. Griffin. Ga..
7A75.642 $16.66
! 2. S. J. Wakefield Antreville, S. .
I 7,378.642 16.67
' 3. B. J. Smith, Anderson, S C
| 7.378.642 16.67
S-venlcenth priz< . s.4> <i.3778.141. or ill ’.).
; Tie between two.
I \ G. Cherrv. Paris. Tenn., 7.378.-
<:’i $25.00
i 2. Charles A. Clark. Brunswick.
•' ta 7 378 ill 25.00
Eight-; nth prize. SSO (7,278,610, or 644).
Tic between two.
1. Thomas Nall. Griffin. Ga., 7,378.-
t'l4.. $.75.0n
2. Mrs. E S Farrar. Haddock. Ga..
7.378,610 25.0)
The S2O Prizes,
Nineteenth prize. S2O. Tie between two.
1. S. M. Abernathy, Hubbard. Tex..
7.378.64.- SIO.OO
2. AV. H. Brittain, Atlanta. Ga.,
care J. M. High Co., 7,378,645.... 10.00
Twentieth prize,. S2O.
Mrs. Nettie G. Sherrer, Rayle, Ga..
7,378,618 .. .. .. ~ .. $2(1.00
Twenty-first prize, S2O. Tie between
1. W. D. Brumbeloe, Kenzio, Ga.,
7,378.647 6.66
2. I. W Ensign, Forsyth, Ga., 7,-
378.607 6.67
3. Stephen Chase Hanson, Dalton,
Ga.. 7,378,607 6.67
; Twenty-second Prize. $20.00. Tie be
tween three.
I J Mrs. D. W. Perdue, Griffin, Ga.,
, 7,37 s.OOG $6.66
; 2. P. Decatur Grigg, Lawndale. N.
C.. 7,378.648 6.67
3 W. D. Brumbeloe, Kenzle, Ga-,
; 7.378.648 6.67
Twenty-third prize, $20.00. 'He between
1. Jack Bennett, Harmony Grove,
Ga., 7 178.649 SIO.OO
2. C. L. Shepard, Oxford, Ga., 7,-
378.605 10.00
Twenty-fourth prize, $20.00. Tie be
tween six.
1. 11. N. Justice, AVaverly, Va.,
7.378j00 . $ 0.03
' 2. J. S Harris, Five Forks, Va.,
7,378.650 3.33
3. M J. Willingham, Greenwood,
Ala., 7.378,650 3.33
4. Fremont Degolur, Elkhart, Ind.,
7,378.650 3.33
5. E. N. Quattlebamn. Statesboro,
Ga.. 7,378,650 3-14
6. A. I’ Collier, Opelika, Ala., 7,-
378.604 3.34
) Twenty-fifth prize, s2<>.oo. Tie between
1 John AV. Smith. Thayer, Mo..
2. 1 T. Ashley. Rod Springs. N. <’.,
7.378,603 6.67 |
Miss Mittfe Perdue, Griffin, Ga.. I
| 7.378.651 6.67 |
I Twentv-sixth prize. $20.00
■ 1. Norman Farrar. Jr.. 2204 North
I Church street. Nashville, Tenn..
■ 7.375.602 $ 20.00 '
Twenty-seventh prize. $20.00. Tie be- j
twi-n two.
I T <l. Burpee. Newnan, Ga., <.
378,653 . . ■ S 10W I
2. A. D Knox, Nashville. Tenn.,
701 Shirley street, 7,378,601. 10.001
Mr. D. J. Everett, McColl, S. C., sent his exact estimate in April 16. .
He is a prominent, contractor and builder. His second estimate was the
correct number: he has three other estimates inside the 1,000-bale limiL
In his twenty estimates he had some that were about 15,000 bales off.
The second prize, SI,OOO, goes one-half to Mr. .1. I. Ladd. Cheraw,
S. C„ who fell one bale below the exact figure; the other half to Mr. I ,
Mike Brannen, of East Bank, W. Va., who struck just one bale above
the correct, number.
The third prize. SSOO, divides among the four gentlemen who sent 1
figures just two bales removed from the center.
It is remarkable that so many estimates should come immediately
upon tho exact figure. In the first twenty-eight prizes there are only '
three awarded entirely to one contestant. Twenty-five of the prizes are ! 1
divided among those who tie for them, in some instances as many as ,
six or eight contestants sharing In the division. Ihe first twenty-five . 1
prizes are awarded upon the figures that drop one bale at a time, notch ,t
by notch, almost, to the end of the list of $20.00 prizes.
In tho whole list of 158 prizes there are only about, twenty-five that
go undivided. All the rest are distributed among those who tied on
them, some being hit upon by as many as fifteen diffeient contestants.
The set prizes cover 503 estimates. The rest of the estimates coming
within tho 1,000 bale limit, share the consolation fund of $1,500 alike, ,
and. as will be seen, each of the 2,652 estimates coming within the
range of 1,000 each way from tire exact figure gets 56 cents.
These appear, from carefully chocking our records, to be correct.
Should any small errors have occurred they are purely clerical and will
be corrected in sending remittances.
For exact figures named In third period (this being ret' ■'■ i Apitl 10).
' Tie between three, 7,378,627.
(1) J. D. Anderson, Marietta, Ga.
Named exact figure, 7,378,627, April 10; special 51,000.00
Also one-third of $2,500 first, prize (offered for best estimate,
exact, or nearest) 833.33
(2) Mrs. J. I. Walker, Hubbard, Texas.
One-third of $2,500 first, prize (offered for best estimate, exact or
nearest) 833.34
..(3) D, J. Everett, McColl, S. C.
One-third of $2,500 first prize (offered for best estimate, exact
or nearest) 833.33
Total first prize and extra offer $3,500.00
(7,378,626. or 628, next nearest, each way). Tie between tv
(1) J. T. Ladd, Cheraw, S. C. (7,378,628) $ 500.00
(2) Mike Brannen, East Bank, W. Va. (7,378.626) 500.00
Total second prize $1,000.00
(7,378,625, or 629, next nearest each way). Tie between : ir.
(1) M. J Willingham. Greenwood, Ala. (7,378,62:').. $125.6?
• (2) John S. Richardson, Sumter, S. C. (7,378,625).. 125.00
: (3) J. R. Gay. Gay, Ga. (7.378,625) 125.00
(4) Thos. J. Shepard. Ft. Valley, Ga. (7,378,629) 125,00
Total third prize $500.00
Twenty eighth prize, $20.00. Tie be- i
tween six
1. J. H Jeek, Nashville. Tenn., 600 <
Russell street, 7,378,654 $3.33
2. G. AV. AVUlingham. Morton, Miss..
7.378.654 3.33 •
3. M. J. AVilllngham. Greenwood, I
Ala , ~:>.B.!>o<> 3.33
i 4 A. G. Jordan. Midway, Ala..
~3<8..,00 3.33
5. E. B McCullough. Hillsboro, Ga..
7.378.654 3.34 .
6. D. P Movers, Atlanta, Ga ,
I 7.378.654,. .. 3.34
List of Thirty SIO Prizes.
1. D A'. McAlpine, Port Gibson.
Miss.. 7,378,599 (1-3) $3-33
1. Madison Smith, Jasper, Tex .
7.375.655 (1-3) 8.33
1 H-uncr L. Story, Greenville, S. C., |
I 7,378,c.-i (1-3) . 3.34
2. J. 11. Dean, Greenville, S. C., ;
7.378.597 (1-3) 3.38 |
2. J F. Currie, Walterboro. S. C .
7.378.597 (1-3) 3.33 j
2. Mrs. D. W. Perdue. Griffin, Ga.,
. 178,1 )■ (1 -3) 3.34
3. J Fletcher Huddleston, Forsyth,
Ga , 7.378,659 10.00 :
4 D. W. Perdue, Gritlln. Ga.. 7.3,8.-
660 10.00 j
5. Leonard Woods, Fort Worth,
Tex.. 7.378.593 (1-2) 5 00 I
5. Mr-c G. It. Bond, Ditnonia, Ga.
7.378,593 (1-2) 5.00 J
6. C A. Savin, Ithaca, N. Y.. 7.378.-
662 (1-3) 3.33 !
6. Jackson W. Foster. Station C,
Jacksonville, Fla . 7,378,592 (1-3).. 3.33
6. Millard Blodgett. Wadestown, W.
Va.. 7.378.592 (1-3)............... 3.34 j
7. Captain Jason Cannon, 368 Geor
gia avenue, Atlanta, Ga., 7,378,663
H-4) 2.50 i
7. S. T. Ward, Molena, Ga., 7,378,-
(U 53 (1-4 > 2 50
7. Charles J. Tarrant, Piedmont, 8.
(',, 7,378,663 (1-4) 2.50
7. M. J. Willingham, Greenwood,
Ala., 7,378,663 (1-4) 2.50
8. C. H. Woodiiff, Gainesville, Ga., (1-2).... 5.00 |
8. Miss Pearl Lowry, Bernice. Ixa., (1-2) FOO
9. H. I Webb, Cuthbert, Ga., 7,378,-
666 (1-5) 2.00
9. M. J. Willingham, Greenwood,
Ala., 7.378.58 S < 1-5) 2.00
9. Mrs D. W. Perdue, Griffin, Ga.,,88 (1-5) 2.00
9. C. C. Hodges. 314 Rawson street.
Atlanta. Ga., 7,378,666 (1-5) 2.00
I 9. Burns * Bennett. Pulaski, Tenn.,
7.378,J.58 (1-5) 2.00
10. c F. W. Gunther. Gainesville,
Ga.. 7,378,667 10.00
11. J. 11. Dean. Greenville, S. C.,
7.378.669 (1-4) 2.50
11. <l. D. McMekin, Penfield. Ga.,
7.378.585 (1-4) 2.50
11. Miss Mittie Perdue, Griffin, Ga..
7.378.669 (1-4) 2.50
11. .1. C Edwards, Griffin. Ga., 7,378,-
669 (1-4) 2.50
12. Arthur M. Alien, Menton, Mo.,
7,378.584 10.00
13 J 11. Dean, Greenville, S. C.,
7.375.G71 m.OO
14. R. B. King and J 11. Topham,
Tailing, Tex.. 7.378.582 (1-5) .... 2.00
14. 11. Ragan, Carrollton, Ga., 7,-
378.672 (1-5) 2.00
14 Frank Stokes a,nd L. Waynes
ville. Ohio, 7.378,672 (1-5) 2.00
14. Charles O, AVright, Nashville,
Tenn., 7.378.672 (1-5) 2.00
14. W. L. Jenkins, Thomaston, Ga..
7.378.672 (1-5)
15. W. S. Lynum, R. 1, Sumter. S.
C.. 7.378.580 10.00
I 16. M. J. Willingham. Greenwood,
A1.)., 7.378.675 (1-7) 1.43
■ m Airs D. AV. Perdue, Griffin. Ga.,
7.378.579 (1-7) 1.43
| 16. J. C Edwards, Griffin. Ga., 7.-
| 378.579 (1-7) 1.43
16. J. Flcfi-hcr Huddleston. Forsyth.
I 7.378.579’ (1-7) 1.4:;
16. Benjamin Roth. Cincinnati, Ohio.
I 7.378.<175 (1-7) 1.43
’ 16. C. F. Laas, Oakland. Tex.. 7.-
■ 378,675 (1-7, 1.43
I 16. J. D. McCraney. Eufaula. Ala..
1 7.378.579 (1-7) 1.43
17. F. L D. Bennett. Mish. Ga.. 7.
378,578 WW
18. Jack Bennett. Harmony Grove,
Ga.. 7,378.577 (1-3) .. 3.33
18. S. F G-uggenhelmer, Cin.-i-mat I.
Ohio. 7.375.577 (i-3) ... . 3.33
18. Jack Bennett. Harmony Gi
Ga., 7,378,677 (L-3) ■ ... I
I 19. R. E. Tr.:- • !!. !’!• Hill,
Ga., 7 378,678 (1-5) 2.C0 |
■ 19. D. W. Perdlb-, Griffin. (I > 7,
I 378,67.8 (1-5) 2.00
’ 19. Esther Overt n. Oxford. N. ,
7.375.G78 <1 . 2.00
119. B. \ Brantkv. Sutherland, !•' i.,
7.378.576 fl-5) 2.00 '
119. D. J. Hendcr ur, Ocilla. G i , 7 ,
i 378,576 (1-5) 2.00
I 20. M J. Willlnui in, Grcc'.v .■ d.
Ala.. 7,378,575 ) -3) .... .3.33
'2O. C. ft Castlelie: ry. Gnnzali Tex.,
I 7.378.679 (1-3) 3 - 33
20. .'>' M Harris, Fort Mill. S. C.,
I 7.375.575 (1-3) 2.34 '
i 21. W. I'. Knight. Townley, Al 7.
I 378,680 (l-"i ' 2.00
I 21. E. E. H'-ndcrsen & Co., Marietta.
Ga., 7.378,(180 (1-2) 5.00 i
I'.?. Th'imas Nall, Griftin, Ga.. 7.37'
573 (1-2) 5.00
22. Rak< i Stev< ns. Bu< r a Vista, (la ,
7.378.681 (1-2) 5.00
23. W. F. Woodiiff. Galni 'Ville, G.i .
j 7.375.572 . . . .. 10 00
j 24. 11. 11. B.ixlC; Columbus, ( la. 7
i 378,:i< 1 (1-3} 3■ ■ ,
,24. Charles Wad-. Tuscumbia. A )..
7.378.653 (1-3) 3 33
I 24. Burton <8- Ib’e l. Lavoi.i ). Ga.. 7.-
378,683 (1-3) 3.34 |
i 15. Miss Mittie Pardue. Griffin. Gi.
| 7,378,570 10.00
26. George J. Graham. Jasper. F!a .
I 7,378.569 (1-2) 6.00 1
j 26. Z. T. Smith. Red Apple. Ala ,
I 7.378,685 (1-2) .. 5.00
I 27. E. J. Wvnn, Jonesboro, G.a.. 7.-
378.5)17 (1-1).. 2.50
27. I. AV. Ensign. Forsyth. Ga.. 7,-
i 378.6.8“ (1-4) 2.50
27. 11. L. Ozborn. R. F. D. 20. Aus-
tell. Ga.. 7.378.687 H-t) 2.50 I
■ 27. D. AV. Perdue, Griffin, Ga., 7,378,-
l 6.87 (1-4) 2.50
28. A. G. Gibbs and T. ,R. Wilson,
Scottsville. Ky.. 7,378,566 (1-4).. .. 2.50 I
28. M. J. Willingham. Greenwood,
Ala.. 7,378.688 (l-1>...... 2.50
,8. J. \V. Jordan. Blue Springs. '.Ttss.,
7.378.566 (1-4).. . . 2.50
28. M. W AVeeks & Smith, Opelika,
Ala.. 7.378.566 (1-4) 2.50
29. W. F. AA'oodliff, Gainesville, G.a.,
7.378,564. (1-3) 3.33 :
29. G. E. Mit.'lll'll. Ab hie. ya., 7
378.690 (1-3) 3.33 1
29. Mrs. J. A. Cook, Gainesville. Ga.,
7.378.564 (1-3) 3.31
: 30. M. J. AVUlingham, Greenwood,
I Ala.. 7.378.563 (1-4) 2.50 1
I 30. A. J. Hurt, Marble Bill, Ga.. 7,-
378.563 (1-4) 2.50 :
; 30. W. F. Hamilton, Knoxville, K\ .
7.378.563 <l-1) 2.50 •
30. F. M. Blankenship. Upper Glade,
W. Va., 7,378,563 <l-4) 2.50 I
List, of One Hundred $5 Prizes.
1. T. J. Graham. Chester, S. C., 7.-
378,692 (1-5) ITO
1. W. H. Woodside, Fork Shoals, S.
C., 7,378,692 (1-5) 1.00
1. L A. Byrne, Texarkana. Ark..
7,378,562 (1-5) 1.00;
I 1 John L. Ice, Nelsonville, Ky.,
I 7,378,562 (1-5) 1.00
I 1. Will S. Blodgett, Wadestown, AV.
Va., 7.378.562 (1-5) 1.00
I 2. Mrs. D. W. Perdue, Griffin, Ga.,
7,378,561 <l-6) 83
! 2. Bcnj. F. Long. Bremen, Ga.. 7,-
| 378,561 (1-6) S 3
■ 2. Julien Strauss. Bennettsville, S.
C.. 7,378.693 (1-6) S 3
1 2 R. .1 Freeman. Ingleside. Ga.,
7,378.693 (1-6) 83
' 2. H. It. J ..dial- and I>. M. I ,o\ . 't.
j Spring Creek. Miss.. 7.378.1,'>3 il-Ci
' 2. J. F. Austin. Black. Ala . 7.378.-
693 (1-6) 84
I 3. J. M. Morrow. Banning, g.i.. 7,-
: 378.691 (1-2) 2.50
j 3. Geo T. Barbour. B'>\ 66. Mays
ville. Ky.. 7.378.560 (1-2; 2.50
; 4. T. .1 Shepard. Ft. Valley. Ga.,
5. D. W. Perdue. Griffin, Ga.. ;.37x,-
RI6 5-00
6 R. A. Luke. Ashburn, Ga.,
7,378,556 (1-2} 2.50
6. G. W. Bell. Alpine, Ala., 7,378,556 I
(1-2) 2.50 |
7. E. .1. Wynn, Jonesboro, Ga., '
7.378.699 5.00
8. W. F. Woodliff, Gainesville, Ga., ‘
7.378.700 (1-3) 1-66
8. M. J. Willingham, Greenwood,
Ala., 7,378.700 (1-3) 1.67
8. G. F. Pearce, Germantown, Ohio, ‘
7,378.554 (1-3) 1.67
9. D. A. Lancaster. Laurel, Miss., ‘
7.378.553 (1-2) 2-50
9. Aliss Allee Coats, Senoia, Ga.,
7.378.553 (1-2) 2.50
10. S. F. Guggcnheimer, Cincinnati, : -
Ohio. E 7th St., 7.375.702 (1-3) 1.66
10. G. F. Wingard. Center Point, ;
Ala., 7,378,552 (1-3) 1-67
10 Miss Mil tie Perdue, Grlflln, Ga.,
7,378.552 (1-3) 1-67
11. George F. Woodley. Cincinnati,
Ohio, 37 Mitchell Ave.. Mt. Au
burn. 7.378.551 ».00
12. John S. Hunnlcut, Anderson,
Tenn., 7.378,551 (1-3) 1-67
12 .1. A. Huddleston, Forsyth, Ga.,
7.378.703 (1-3) 1-67
12. P. M. Huff. Simpsonville. S. C.,
7.378.703 (1-3).. 1-66
13. W. L. Hyde, Silver City. Ga.,
7.378.550 (1-4) 1.25
13. M. J. Willingham, Greenwood.
Ala.. 7.378.550 (1-4) 1-25
13. John Fairbanks, Priceville. Ala.,
7.378.550 (1-4) 1-25
13. A. B. Bone, Madisonville. Ky..
7.378.701 (1 11 i-25
11 Mr- D W Perdue, Griffin. Ga,
7..T0, 7i!.-, 5.00
15. (I. It. Floyd, Dillon. S.
7.278.5(8 5.00
16. Mrs. B. Raker. 5 Vauxhall, Nash-
ville. Tenn.. 7.378.547 11-2) 2.50
16. J o. Gilbert, Hapeville, Ga.,
7.378.547 (1-2) • •• 2 -50
17 I-’. Bowles, Marietta. Ga . 7,378.316 5.00
IS. Thoma - B. Black, Kenton, Ohio,
7.378.5-15 (12) .... 2.50
is. li. i’. Billingsley, Reddick, Fla.,
7.378.515 (1-2) 2.50
19. A. Battle Clark, Nashville, Tenn.,
7,378,511 (1-2) 2-50
19. A G. Cherry, Paris. Tenn.,
7,:'-75,710 (1-2) 2.50
'Vi Mi-s Miltie perdue, Griffin. Ga.,
' *7,1178,543 (1-3) 7 - GG i
26. . A. Huddleston, Forsyth, Ga.,
7.378.543 (I -b 1-67
20. 1> Stand)'. Lake Forest, Ills.,
7.378.543 (1-3) ... 1.67
21. J. C. King. R. F. D. 6. Rushville,
Ind.. 7.378.712 (1-4) L2s>
21. W. P. Brumbeloo. Kenzie, Ga.,
7.378.712 (1-1) •• 123
"1 M B Thompson, Wampee, S. C .
7.378.542 (1-1) , 125
21 .1 \ Greene*. Cedrus, S. * <
7.378.542 (1-4) ■■ • •• ■■ 123
22 M J Willingham, Greenwood,
Ala., 7.37.8,713 (1-4) 12 °
22. L C Williams. La Follette, Tenn.
7.378.541 (11) •• ■ b2d
22. IV. 11. Johnson, Springfield, Ky.,
7.3'78,541 (1-4) 1.25
22 'P \ Daniel. Box 614, Atlanta, ,
Ga.. 7.378,713 (1-4) 1 - 23
23 Mrs. Vila Savage, IV>t N. McLe-
more. Nashville, Tenn., 7,378,540 :
/1 _' • I DO
23. Panini Fiefei. Staunton. Ind., I
7.378.714 (1-3) 1 ' 67
23 P W. Perdue, Griffin. Ga.,
7.378.714 (l-3> 137
21. Thomas Nall. Griffin, Ga . 7,378.715
(1-2) 2,30
24. W I l ’. Woodliff. Gainesville, Ga.,
7.378.715 (1-2) 2 ' 3O I
"" M. W. Weeks, Opelika, Ala,
7.378.5.8 (1-2) 2.50 ,
25. .1. W. Harris, Willis. I. T., |
7.378.716 (1-2) "- 00 '
-i- \\ p Persons Americus, Ga .
, *> r,n
7,378.537 (1-2) ;
m I Willingham. Greenwood. ,
Ala . 7.378.537 (1-2) ■ 2.50 I
T X Gordv Cusseta, Ga.. i.oiS.ils
(i-2).'.. .. ' 2 - 30 :
o- I-’ w Bailey. Carlton, Ga..
■' 7.375.536’ (1-2) 2.50 I
■>s W I Bell 33S Whitehall St., At- :
I’, G < . 7.378.535 5.00 |
29 11 E. 1 loiightallng, Hastings. >
Nebr.. 7,378.720 (1-5).. 1-00 ;
m P. T Grant. Cooper, Ala.. 7.378.534
' ' (1-5). 1 -'"'
p m W. Weeks, Opelika, Ala ,
7.378.5:14 (l-5i
"i ( - <■ Harlan Calhoun. Ga.,
' 7.378.534 (1-51 I- 0 ® !
129. Miss Mitti. Perdue. Griffin, Ga..
7.378,534 (1-5)
3'l Miilaiil Blodgett, Wadestotvn, W.
Va . 7.378,5: ! (1.-2) 2 -50 !
:v. ,i m ja. kson. Ijeesdale, Ala.,
•; ,375.5!2 (12 2- 50 I
: - d. A 1!. Jeffords, Gainesville, Fla., _ I
1 ' 7,378.723 (l-'b 1(56 i
'2l p W. Perdue, Griffin. Ga.,
7.578.723 (1-3) _
31 II 11. Praft. Pratt, Ga . 7.378,i23
(l-Ji... . ■ 1 37
;■ ]i wi'.ev Jewellvtlle. Ga.,
' “ ' 5.00
22. J 11. Rinard, Atlanta. Ga.,
7.378,529 (1-4) •• 1 “ a
23 W A. lioggs, Calhoun. S. C.,
■ 7,:i75,529 (1-4)' 1 - 23
.l imes Roberts. Chick Springs.
' S (' (1-4) 7
m ,j Willingham. Greenwood,
Alm. 7.378.725 H-B 7 - 23
; .1.1. Mi'Pnwell, White Oak. S. C.,
... \|,. = i i’ Givens, Nashville,
'r 1 ;.:... (1-2- -■ -• ■
i w. Ensign . Forsyth. Ga.,
7 278 .-.27 (1-3) 7 66
.-. \ Teaslev, Hartwell. Ga.,
' 7.318,527 (1-3) 767
' O-, (i \ ivy. Chickamauga. Ga.,
■ 7 378,727 (1-3) •
36 M. J. Bush, Barnesville. Ga..
36. Wi'lLm F. Hines, Brooklyn, N.
v 7 378.526 (1-2) 2 i >°
: 37. P. W. Perdue, Griffin, Ga.,
7 :v;8.525 (t-6>
37 ~ 11. Pean, Greenville, S. t..
7.278.525 (l-6l
37. M J. Willingham, Greenwood,
Xia.. 7.378.52" (1-6).. . ■■ ■
I 3? Lola Clark, Sycamore, Fla.,
7,..;.8,729 (1-6) • ' S3
37 j \ Torrell, Vonah, Ga.,
7,378.729 (1-fi)
37 T J Shepard. Fort Valley. Ga..
7,;.75,729 (1-6) ■■
38. Robert S. Tank. Abbeville. S. <’ .
7,:;75.7!!0 1 1-31 ~ I ’’ >
38. Patter-in Bros, Senee.i. S. C •
7.378.524 (1-3) 7 Gl
38 M N Manning, care Standard,
\shland. All.. 7.378.524 (1-3) 1 67
•n \ J Locke, Jericho, Ala.,
■; ,N :: (1 :.) - • 1 - f,R
. Hugh C. crane, Birmingham,
! .Ma. 7.378,731 (1-3) I- 67
Igo lob.n B Blake. Fayetteville,
" Tenn., 7,378.523 (1-3) 1.67
40. Birdie Lewis, Picnic. Fla.,
! 7 375.732 (I*6)
140. Miss'Mittle I’ordue. Griffin. Ga.,
7.::78,732 (1-6) 83
40 Mrs. Oliver C. Bell, 419 Washing
ton, Atlanta, Ga., 7,378.732 (1-6) -83
40. Rebekah Black Porter. 515 Capi
tol Ave.. Atlanta, Ga., 7,378,522
(1-6) ■ ■■ •• 83
to W T Mooney. 62 Johnson Ave.,
Atlanta. Ga., 7,378,522 (1-6) 83
40. t.. H W■>nnamakor Orangeburg.
S. c.. 7.378.522 (1-6) 83
41. W J. Blackshear. Fort Gaines,
Ga., 7,378,521 (1-4) I- 23
M i Deone. Magnolia. Ark,
' 7.378,521 (1-4) *- 23
’ 41. P. B. King <8 J. H Topham.
| Luling. Tex.. 7.378,733 (1-4) ■ 1-25
41 Benjamin Shaver. Waclestown,
w Va.. 7.378,733 (1-4) 7 -• >
42. !.■• W Shannon, Merrimac. Tex..
43 It \ Leftwich, Hubbard, Tex..
44. J. Thomas Austin, Columbia, S.
('. 7.378.736 (1-3) ■ 1.66
' 44 r. O. Simmons, Lebanon, Miss.,
’ 7 378,.'.18 (1-3) 167
44 Frnwne Jouard. Gainesville, Ga.,
> ’ 7 178 518 (1-3) .* 7 - G7
'45 I P Rovder, Welborn. Tex.,
7 >,78.517 (1-5) 1 - W >
P <■ Renter. Coshocton, Ohm,
■ 7 378.737 (15) 7GG
! <-, p 11. Frazier, Dunreith. Ind..
'7.378.737 (1-5) 7 -°°
. M 1 Willingham. Greenwood.
’hi. '7.378.7" H-5> .... .. .... 1.00
M | Smith. Villa Rica. Ga.,
7 278.737 (1-M 7ft °
<(4 xr r o J P. Givens. Nashville.
Tenn.. 7375.73 S (l-i.i S 3
(fi w !■' W > 'd’iff, Gainesville. Ga..
c-6) S 3
46 L M Killingsworth, Fort Gaines.
' ' < : t .. 7 378.516 (I-61 83
ic Mrs P. W. Perdue. Griffin. Ge..
7 175.516 <l-'U 83
, 4,; \v ,T. Turnaare, Farmersville.
I.m. 7.378.5'21 (1-6) S 3
16. J II >mp Barnhart. Grlflln. Ga..
7:178 7.16 (1-6* S 3
( 7. a". J Lm k, Jericho. Ma .
; 7 378.515 (1-8) 62
47 W t . Jenkins, Thomaston, Ga..
7.378.739 (1-8) 62
47. j 1< Armor, Brooklyn. Ga..
| ’ 7,378,739 (1-8) 62
47 J Fletcher Huddleston, Forsyth, ' 7
Ga.. 7.378,739 (1-8) - G2
47. A. D. Knox, 701 Shirey St., Nash
ville. Tenn., 7.378,739 (1-8) 63
47. William E. Him:/,, Brooklyn. N. ( '
Y., 7,378.7.59 W -
47. 11. A. Sims, McDonough. Ga ,
7.378.739 (1-8) 63 -
47. Mrs. D. W. Perdue. Griffin, Ga.,
7.378.739 (1-8) -
48. W. T. Bailey, Athens, I«i.,
7.378.740 (1-2) 2 -"<° -
48. Charles L. Barrett, Jersey, Ga..
7.378.514 (1-2) 2 - oG 7
49. Irwin Taylor. Welch s Creek.
Ky.. 7.378.513' (1-7) <’ ;
49. C. W White. Millport, Ala.,
7.378.513 (1-7) , 7 1
49. Mrs. Robbie (.'herry. Paris. I run.,
7.378.513 (1-7) - 71 '
49. M. J. Willingham Greenwood,
Ala.. 7.378.513 (1-7).. ,77
49. L. (). Harper. Honea Path. S.
('.. 11-7) , 72 '
49. J. H Pean, Greenville, S. C-,
7.378.741 (1-7) ■ ;■ l 2 1
49. Miss Mitti" Perdue. Griffin, (.a.,
7.378.741 (1-7) • -~'-
50. J W. Barrett. Greenville, e> <
7.378.742 (1-2) • - '■' q
50. J Hamp Barnhart, Griffin, ‘1 , .
7.378.742 (1-2) . ' C " "
| 51. 11. M. Saunders, Sumter. S. C .
7.378.511 (1-2) •• ;■ 2 - 30
51. Alex Alpuente, Houston. rex., „ _
7.378.743 (1-2) x . ,
52 Robert Foard. ' harlotte.
C., 7.378.744 (1-3)
52. Ike I. Steiner. Montgomery. Ac.
7.378.744 (1-3) .- 7 - 67
52. Miss Annie t imer. North. S. ' ■
7.378,510 (1-3) . ‘
53. Henry McLemore, Nashville,
Tenn., 7,378.745 ••
54. Mr:. P 11 Bro; les. 86 Merritts _
Ave., Atlanta. Ga., 7.378,746 eJ )
55. Mrs. l>. W. Perdue. Grillin. Ga .
7,378.507 (1-2) , : ■ -
55. E. A. Secoy Stockport, Ohm, ,
7,37.8.747 (1-2) •• • ■ “ o 0
56. Mrs. J. P. Givens, .Mishville, :
Tpnn. 7.X75.7 IS (1-15).. ... ••
56. J. B. Mayo, .McDonough. Ga.,
7.375.748 (1-15) „ ■"
56. James I’. Farley. 203 Auste.i
Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.. 7.3,5..j06 ’
(1-15) .. 4
56. R. L. Christopher. Jr., LaGrange,
G.).. 7,378,506 (1-15) 3
56. B. F. Arnold. Honea Path, S.
7.378.506 (1-15) ■ ■■■•
56. S. F. Kilhangswreub, Abbeville,
S. 7.378.506 (1-15) .. "*
56. John L. Edwards. Senoia. Ga..
(2 times) 7,378,306 <2-1").. ■■ ■■ ' b ‘
56. Maddox Bros.. R F. P. 3. Jack
son. Ga., 7.378,506 (T-l.i)
56. A. J. Jones, Coleman, Ga.. 7.3<5,.4)6
ti-15) ’ 3 ' s
56. T. J. James. Rex. Ga
(1-15) 3
56. John Bradshaw. Jennings. 1-la., (1-15) 34
56. J. P. Anderson, Marietta, Ga.,
7.378.506 (1-15).. . 13
I 56. Mrs. A. M Henegar. Chatam
i Hitt. Va.. 7.378.506 (1-15) .. ■■ ••
! 56. Miss Alice Coats, Senoia. Ga..
I 7.378.506 (1-15) rl
|57 P F Lynch, Monticello, Ga.,
7.378.504 (1-5) -- 00
57. Lewis W. Thomas, 443 Equitable
Bldg.. Atlanta. Ga . 7.378,i50
(1-5) - • ‘ L '
57. Miss Mittie Perdue, Griffin, Ga.,
7.378.750 (1-5) • 100
|57 M J Willingham, Greenwood,
| Ala.. 7.378,7-50 (1-5) 700
: 57 Hart Miller & Alford. Greenville,
S. < . 7.378,750 <1 -5) _■
I 58. R. L. Rogers, Winder, Ga.,
7.378.503 (1-3) 7 66
' 58. Jerry Gerber, Russellville. Ark.,
; 7.378.503 (1-3) 7G7
158 R. C- Wells, Davis Station. S. (.. _
7.378.751 (1-3) 7
■vn t a « Seegar. Wehadkee, Ala.,
I ' (1-3) 1-66
i 59. J. B. Gillespie. Bisbee., Arlz.,
7.378.502 (1-3) ■ 7 - b ‘
I 59. E J. Wilson. Brazoria, rex ,
' ’ 7.378,502 (1-3) 767
,60 G W. Hardin, Point, Miss.,
I 7.375..7)! (1-3) 7 - GG
■ 60. B. F. Caldwell, Nottingham, Ala.,
i 7,378.501 (1-3) 7 - G ‘
i 60. Milliard Blodgett. Wadestown, W.
, Va.. 7,378,753 (1-3) • 7 87
■ 61. W. R. Green, Troy. N. C.. 7,3.8.:.")
(1-5) 7 -°°
! 61. .1 H. Pean. Greenville. S. ■ .
i 7.378.500 (1-5)
161. W A. Hay, Govan, S. C.. 7,378,5->')
(1-5) ■ 7 ' 7
,61. M J. Willingham, Greenwood, i
Ala.. 7.378.500 (1-5) LW
61. Lewis W. Thomas. 443 Equitable
I Bldg., Atlanta. Ga., 7.378.590 (1-5) 1.00
! 62 J. Fletcher Huddleston, Forsyth.
Ga 7.378.499 3 - GG
163. Mrs. D. W. Perdue. Griffin, Ga ,
i 7.378.41'8 7 - Wi
'63. H ittie Wright. Corsicana. Tex.,
7.378.498 (1-)s| 7 00
'63 E ■)■ S-'-iv. Stockport. Ohio,
7.378.198 (1-5)'.. 7
■63 (' II Woodliff. Gainesville. Ga.,
7.378.498 H-5> ...■■■■■ 7 0G
63. Mrs. Butler King. Luling. Tex
7.378.756 (1-51 ■ lnG
61 Mrs Robbie Cherry. Paris. Ten:-..
7.378.757 <l-1 * 1 23
i 64. Ellen Murph. Eatonton. Ga.,
, :;;x,7.)7 (t-4i‘--a,
-64 J P. Bandv. 119 S Market St ,
i ' Nashville. Tenn.. 7.378.497 (1-41 1-2»
■64 Robert P. Pelius, Kingston,
I Toni. 7.378.197 (1 H . 7 ->
' 67, T .1 Shepard. Fort Valley. Ga.
I '7.37.8,496(1-4! 723
65. R. 1. Brinkley. Oglesby. Tex.
7.378.496 (1 -4 7 =3
65. J M. Manning Manning. Miss.,
I 7.378.496 (1-4) 7 --°
165 (' S Cox, Cass Station. Ga..
7.375.758 (1-4) 7 2 >
I 66. P. W. Perdue, Griffin, Ga..
7.378.759 (1-2) -•■ lG
■66. H. c. Buth-r. Forsyth, Ga.,
7,::78.495 (1-21 2-50
I 67. G. B. Wood, Beulah. Ala., 7.378,-
760 (1-3) . ....... 1.66
G7. Mrs. S. S. W'eks Macon, N C.,
7 378,494 (1-3) 7 - G7
I 67. W. H. Eades, NashviHe. Tenn..
1 112 Vanderbilt ave.. 7.375.494 (1-3) 1.6.
J E. W.i tson. I ni-: Gi .
7.378.493 it-3> ■ IGG
: (K. Fred Bell, Cleveland. Ga.. 7,3.8,-
761 1 -' , ‘
l f,B Mrs. J. K. McDaniel. Wasbing-
' - DC.. 7.378,761 (1-3) 1.67
169 B M. Boland, Eubanks, Ga..
7.378.762 (1-3) 7 - GS
: 69. W L. 'late. Saginaw, Tex.. 7.3.8,-
4'C »l--> ?..
i 69. XV. M< D. Fryer, Little River, b.
C.. 7.375.492 (1-3) 7 - G ‘
' 70. Jos. R. Pace. Marietta, Ga., 7.378.-
I 491 (1-3) 7 - I,G
70 Mrs C. E. Merrlwether, Wash-
, ’ ington, Ga . 7.37'..763 (1-3) .. 1.67
i 70. M. J. Willingham. Greenwood,
Ala . 7,378,763 (1-3' 7 - G7
I 71. S. 1* Sherrill, Hartsell, Ala.,
I 7,378,490 (1-3) 7 - GG
71. A J. Mcßride. Jr Atlanta. Ga.,
Room 17, Brown bldg., 7.378. tf.M)
; 71, M T. Gray, Keener. Ala., 7,3*8,-
■ 490 (1-3) 1.67 |
i 72. J. C. Edwards, Griffin, Ga.,
i 7,378,489 (1-4) 1.25
72 'C (1 Napier, Columbia, Tenn ,
■ ’ 7.378,489 (1-4.1 1.25 I
' 72. Mrs D. W. Perdue, Griffin, Ga..
7,378,48!) (1-4)..' 1-25 :
i 72. Jas. W. Buchanan. Arran Fla.,
7.378.189 (I-41 1-25
' 73. W W. Durden. Thomasville. Ala.,
! 7.378.488 (1-3) L 66
73. Turner A Smith. Gainesville, Ga..
, i 7.378.488 (l-l'd 1-67
73. M J. Willingham, Greenwood,
Ala., 7.378,4.88 H-3) 1.67
74. Mrs. J, P Givens, Nashville.
Tenn.. 7,378.767 (1-8) 62
74. T. S. Wilkins, Jesup, Ga., 7.378.
i 767 (1-8) - ■ 63
i 74. C. S. Brooks. Mountainborp, Ala ,
7.378.767 (1-8) . -. .62
74. 1. W. Ensign, Forsyth. Ga..
| 7.378.767 (1-8) , 63
! 74. E. J. Wynn, Jonesboro. Ga.,
: 7.375.767 (.1-8) 6‘2
74. Marion Payne, Narrows, Ga..
7.378,487 (1-8) 63
74. W. B. Atkinson. Brownsville,
Miss.. 7.378.457 (1-8) 62
74. H. C. Haynes, Centreville. Miss..
7.378,487 (1-8) 63
1 75. A L. Dillard, Auburn, Ala..
I 7,::75.486 (1-3) 1.66
' 75. J Roy Jones, Abbeville. S. ('..
| 7,378.768 (1 11) 1.67
I 75. Mi s Mittie Perdue, Griffin, Ga ,
7.378.768 11-3)...................... 1.67
76 N. Ward. Dayton. Ala . 7.378,769. 5.0)
! 77. George Barbour. M ysville,
Kv.. Box' 66. 7.378.771 (1-3) 1.66
i ,‘7. S.' H. Clark. Rising Star. Tex..
i 7.378.483 (1-3) 1.67
I 77. H. c Stanton. Galla von. S. ('.,
7.378.483 (1-3) 1.67
I 78. E. L. Winston. Youngsville. N.
7.378.482 (l-12i 41
78. L 3’ Besson & Co.. Heflin. Ala .
7.378.482 11-12'i 41
78. A H. Parrish. Heflin. Ala.. 7.-
378.482 (1-12).. , 4 42
78. Mrs. W. Y. Batson, Marietta,
Ga.. 7,378,482 (1-12) <2
78. D. N. Barton, Rapley, S. C., 7.-
378.482 (1-12) ' 41
78. Millard Blodgett, Wadestown, W.
Va.. 7,378,4.82 (1-12) 41
78. Tai Griffin. Darnall, Miss., 7.-
378.482 (l-12i 42
78. S. M. McCain, Lineville, Ala., 7,-
378.482 H-121 42
78. Albert Sheets, Lebanon, Ohio, 7,-
378.482 (1-12) 42
78. J. 11. Rockel e. Trezevant, Tenn.,
7.378.482 (1-12) 42
78. Mrs. Anna Brvson, Woodruff. S.
('., 7.378.482 (1-12) 42
78. J. T. Mills. Marble Hill. Ga.. 7,-
378,182 (1-121 42
79. Samuel Meyer, Atlanta, Ga., 7,-
378.773 SJ)O
SO. T. J. Chandler, Tallapoosa. Ga.,
7.378.4.80 (ip 1.25
S 3. Mrs. D W. Perdue. Griffin. Ga.,
7.378,180 (i 4 ) 1.25
sn. J. W. Brumfield. Hardshell, I/t..
7.378,480 04) i.a
.80, o. c Dark. Alexander City. Ala.,
I. (so *'+)., 1.25
81. Al. J. Willingham. Greenwood,
Ala . 7.375.775 op.. 1.25
'■l. W S Thomas. Rockingham, N
c._ 7.:i78.179 ((.,!.. .... 1.25
81. .1. S. Huckaby, Neck, Ala., 7,-
:’.75.47!l O. 4 1 . . .. 1.25
'l. Dr. .1 E. Lee. Hopkins. S. c., 7,-
378.479 0.0 1.25
■B2. Mrs. J. W Burrows Allen Farm.
Tex . 7.378.776 5.00
83. W S. .Bridges. Nashville, Tenn.,
7.378.777 il-s> 62
S 3. -I M Jackson. Leesdale Ala..
7.375.777 'l-si . , ... .63
83. Jack R* iiie-tt. Harmonv Grove,
■GO.. 7.378.777 (1-8) . .. .' 62
83. Mrs D. M Perdue. Griffin, Ga.,
7.373.777 (:-S) 63
S 3. B A. Nolan. S-noia, Ga.. 7.378.
77J (1-Bi.. 6J
S 3. W. 11. N.ishvilie. Tenn.. 23
Vanderbilt -■:■■•(. 7.378,477 (1-8).. .63
S 3. Jack Benue: l. Harmonv Grove,
Ga., 7,378,477 <l-81 62
83. J. J. Bailes, Fort Mills, S C.,
7,378.177 (l-8i 63
84. A. Franklin. 373 South Pryor
i street, Atlanta, Ga 7.1:78,476 (1-2). 2.50
I 84. W. (I. Martin. Ib'rt. (la., 7,378.778
I 85. Robert S. I,ink. Abbeville, S C..
7,::78,779 (1-2) 2.50
85. M J. Willingham, Greenwood,
Ala., 7.378,475 (1-2) 2.50
' 86. E.sth-r Ov-rton, Oxford, N ('.,
7.378.751) (l-2i 2.50
' 86. A- M. Cunningham, Parkers
burg. W. Va., 7.37-8.471 (1-2) 2.50
87. W. T. R. • v.-s, Tupelo, Miss..
7.378.473 (1-2 i 2.50
87. S. B. Carter. Gainesville, Ga..
7.37 s 473 <1 J. . . . . . 2,50
88. C. E. Barksdale. Atlanta, Ga.,
7.378.782 (1-3) 1.66
88. R. B. Gilliland, Snow, S. (’., 7,-
375.472 (1-3) 1.67
88. J. R. Powell, Lawrenceville, Ga.,
7.378.472 (1-3)... . .... 1.67
89. Mrs. M. S. Deale. Dancy, Ala.,
7.378.783 (1-7). 71
I 89. Everett E. Freeman, Sheffield,
Ala., 7.378.471 (1-7) 71
‘ 89. W. It. Smyly, Pleasant Hill,
Ala., 7,378.471. (1-7, 71
' 89. H. G. Powell. Valdosta. Ga.,
7.378.783 (I-7) 71
89. G C Coleman. Lynchburg. Va.,
7.378.783 (1-7) 73
i 89. J. A. Huddleston, Forsyth, Ga..
7.378.783 (1-7) " 2
I 89. Miss Mittie Perdue, Griffin, Ga.,
7.378.471 (1-7) 73
i 90. H. B. Williams, Choccowlnlty, N.
C.. 7.378.470 (1-2) - 2..‘>0
90. C E. Rowe, Dodgeville, Wis.,
7.378,470 (1-2) 2.50
91. John M. Graham. Ocala. Fla.,
7.378.785 (1-3) 7 ~G
H A G Cherrv, Paris, Tenn., 7,378,-
' 469 H-3) 1
l 91 J. W. Rawlins, New Columbus,
Kv.. 7.375.469 (1-3) • I G7
<r» <; F Willis. Dothan, Ala... <.3.8.
468 ,1-4) •■ • 7 - a
I 92. J. W. Bradford. Penn, I exas,
92. Mr D. W. Perdue, Griffin, Ga,,
7. 378,786 (1-4) •• •■ 1 - 3
I <p Else Custer. Fort Gage, Ills , 7,-
378.786 (1-4) 7 -°
; 93 James Miller. Rose Farm. Ohio,
I 7.375.467 H-5) I - “
: <l3 1> M. Pain. Atlanta. Ga.. Pru-
dential building. 7.378.787 (1-5) -•■■ 100
93. W. T. Snow. Paris, Tenn.. i,378.- ,
467 (1-5) • ’ ’
93 Ji'hn Cline, Millersburg, Ohio.
7.378,467 (1-5)
93. Dr L A. Mallicoat. Trion Far
tory, Ga.. 7.378.787 (1-5) 7 “i
I°4 M J. Willingham, Greenwood.
! ’ ' Ala., 7,378.78-8 ..5.00
95. J. A. R Camp, Moreland. Ga..
7,378.465 (1-31 ■ 1 GG
95. Proctor Smith, Normal, Ala.. 7,-
i *' 378,465 (1-3) 167
'95 D W Rencher, Crockett, Texas.
' 7.378,465 (1-3) 1 r;
96. Mr- and Mrs. W. P. McKinney.
Tigersville, S. 7.378.464 n
97. N. R. Jordan, Mount Sterling,
Ala.. 7.378.791 (1-4) • L2a
97. M. J. Willingham, Greenwood,
Ala.. 7,378.463 (1-4) 7 - 1
07 ,j a Huddleston, Forsyth, Ga.,
7.378,463 (1-4) •_•• •
97. R. M. Jones. Odessa, Ky.. 7.3(8,-
463 7
98. J. W. Brasher, Bale. Mtss , 7,-
275.792 (1-5) ' ' '
98. D. W.’ Perdue, Griffin. Ga.. 7.-
378.462 (1-5) :
98 W F. Woodlift, Gainesville. Ga..
7.378.462 (1-5) ’ ■ "
98. A D. Knox. Nashville, Tenn.,
701 Shirlev street, 7,378,462 (1 ■' L '
98. A. E. Williams. Hamilton, Ga
■ ■are Journal. 7.378.4.62 (1-5) '
99 Mrs. J. p Givens, Nashville,
Tenn., 7,378.793 (1-4) 7
99. M. 11. Williams. Dalton. Ga 1,
378.793 7 ■ - 0
99 Millard Blodgett, Wadestown. W
Va . 7.378,793 <l-4j ■ ■-«
99. John D McCauley. Travellers
Rest. S. c . 7,:i78.4G (1-4) . ■ !■-■•
i<n). a A. Rice, Round Grove. Mo.
(i 2) -
100. J M- Jlalf'jrd. Vliwrs, S ’
The following 2.652 estimates are :!■ °
who share the' Consolation Prize of ’’
the value of each being cents. 1 :'•■/■*
estimates that, come within l.fbO h
did not take any of the set 158 prizes ''
eluded in the $6,000 list of prizes Wh.’ :
one person had more than one prize es
ttmate the number Is indicat'd oppos!
tho name. Wo give the name oft: ■'
contestant and the state to identify '■'
fully. The great number of names to !■ •
presented involves considerable space ar.
the postottice address Is omitted from f ’
published list to save space. Me hav" <
i complete list of the contestants with th" <
■ addresses and by it we will mail checks
to tho proper parties. This work will 1'"
carried on as rapidly as possible an!
check should certainly roach the own-'r
within two weeks, allowing for a!' de
lays of mail and mailing. If you do n’t
receive your check within that time wo
will consider it a favor for you to no’.t:
us, giving such facts as will be of .<
. sistance to us in locating the estimate-
Every precaution has been taken to
present the matter fully In this first pub
lication. If an error has crept in It 's
in spite of much care and will be duly
corrected. Be sure you are right about
a matter before you make complaint.
■ Be sure your estimate Is within I.W) bales
of the correct figures, and if possible
give us the green tile number that ap
peared on the lower left corner of your
receipt card if you ordered the estimates
only, that Is, estimates without subscrip
tions. All estimates that came with sub
scriptions were considered duly acknowl
edge by sending the paper with proper
date slowing the payment mule thero
on. We trust no one ha> inj ’a ise for
complaint: some unavoidable s mas
have occurred.
\\ ni. O. Ames ' I i -W.1.. M Austm.Ga.
J. F. Aidworth. Ala. L. H. Andrews,
Ga. Con All- :>. Go. <2 tii I. F Austin,
Ala J. D. Anderson. Ga. ■l3 til—Mrs ’H.
J Abney. Ga.—Ernest A.berb. Ga W. I’.
I Addie, Ga,— J. D. Adair, Ind— Edward