Newspaper Page Text
Turks Finally Defeat the Rebels,
Gain Possession of the Dyna
mite and Use It To De
stroy Village—Over 100
Rebels Killed.
Vienna. May 25.—About 150 Macedonian
Insurgents were killed at the village of
Smerdesh, south of the I.ake of Presba,
May 21, according to a. dispatch to the
Neus Freie Presss from Salonika. The
Insurgents, who had possesion of quan
tities of dynamite, sought refuge in the
village and were attacked by Turkish
troops. The lighting lasted for forty
hours and ultimately all the houses were
burned or blown up by dynamite by the
Turks. One hundred a.nd fifty bodies were
found in the ruins.
A dispatch from Constantinople, May 23,
eaid fighting had occurred all day long
on May 21 in the Bulgarian village of Mo
gtl, 6 miles north of Monastic.
Rebels Threw Dynamite.
Berlin, May 25.—The Lokal Anzieger to
day prints a. dispatch from Salonica
which says the Insurgents seized the vil
lage of Smerdish, on the Lake of Presba
and Turkish soldiers surrounded the
place They fought for thirty hours.
The rebels threw dynamite and dynamite
bombs at the houses, which caught lire.
The wind spread the flames and burned
the whole town up. One hundred and fif
ty bodies of insurgents were found in the
This Is the Best Season of the Year
to Treat Catarrh for a Per
manent Cure.
Dr. Blosser, the discoverer of the remedy, which has undoubtedly
cured more cases of Catarrh, Bronchitis
and Asthma, than any other medicine,
says th it tms is the best season of the
year to treat Catarrh, because the dis
ease is not aggravated by cold and
cna n gea i>l e w eat ner.
Dr. Blosser s Catarrh Cure is put tip
tai enough medicine lor
one month's treatment, which is sent by
mail for 51. W.
A e will ■■ mailed free to
any -atler-r wild lias never tried the
t -n,. <ly. Writ*- at once to Dr. Blosser
Company, 42 Walton st., Atlanta. Ga.
Private's Failure to Salute Cost Him
His Life.
Berlin, May 26.- The attention of Ger
many is centered on the public court
martial of Naval Ensign Hussner for
killing with 1 ; sword Artilleryman
Hartzmann, winch was held today at
Kiel before five .iadg 11 ass tier's replies
to the president’s ip.iesiiuus w< re straight
forward. lie s.d I :.i ; v■ ;..!<■ regretting
that his sword .-;roki s killed the artil
leryman. he affirm, i! that ii.- acted within
the service ins: >a ■: iuiis. and that h, was
obliged by li'n.-u- ;■> - I'lju’i .neo.
Hussner c laimed 11 irt :.,ar.n 'lid ■,■•!. sa
lute him properly.
"But. " said : . pr -sid'ait. y..u said
you never dr- w y..i, w.iihhi -with-uil
using it?"
"Yes. replied the • - Iso ■' so
ordered in the re,,ai:: i ■
"You were S'-'a swnrii
before 11.'.rtm.i a: ,■ : • o • <• m-
"Yes.” the prim" ■ is-.-. -<-d. "I
thought nf I!' !;• Hi;.- ■■ !.ienli"D-
ed the name • nitor
obliged t<» r<sieii ’ ’■ was unable
tn loosen his sword a:ai 1 .s«' private, who
was not id» ~11. i n away.
Hussner a.lmiitH Hi-h Im 1«• amo infrr
rstnd tin y »h. 'h, immediately
after Ilin killing of Hartmann, in discus
sion over the diifcrcnt classes ol shoulder
st i aps
The impro-sian made by the prolonged
examination of llnssnor on the hearers
was that th<- nation was the r<•.-■alt of
th* 1 system of training on material which
.... • , V. '
Affected the mind li 'cd with exaggerated
of hr nor.
Hussner war sentenced tn f ur years
and one w • k’s Irnpvl r npv • •■nment and tn
degradat ion.
Havana. May 31 PrcsM nt Palma has
fdgned the act incr the duty on
Here is a message of joy that will
bring gladness to thousands of hearts- ■
that will give happiness to those who now
t ifter from that grievous affliction—Deaf
• it is more than a message of hope
it is the positive statement of a deft
n! e fait. Deafness can Indeed be cured,
ns recent medical and scientific discov
eries have proved. The world moves on
in many ways—in knowledge, in inven
tion, in wealth, in goodness—but greatest
•if all in new methods for curing what
were considered incurable diseases. Day
and night the most learned and skillful
physicians are studying the causes and
cures of the various ailments that affect
the body and sadden the heart of man.
At last a scholar, more painstaking or
more learned than the rest, has found the
cure that means salvation for countless sufferers.
“th causes and cure of Deafness have for years been dally studied by Dr.
c -7- th.'. <mi'-n» English specialist. His heart has often ached over the un
rt- 'to lot of the v.'tlms of this trouble. The thought of all that they were
a'nr!' 1 of shut off from the world of sound, affected him profoundly. He
f H that his li.. v. .rk would not be complete unless he could say to the dea ,
•■v 'an be cured." It i< now with the deepest pleasure that he does say it.
sssa- rnrr consultation
How ha-. u.t^.i "vi-it'iei 1 If you arc deaf, write to him and he
iTave tcin m'the ears? will examine your case free of charge
‘ v..ii li-avo ir-iees in your ears? and give you his opinion and counsel on
no you hear be ■ i in a noisy place? it. He will give you valuable Information
1.0 vol have a ’.arge from either ear? j n re gard to its cure—and lie will do it
Old your .l»afnr- come on gradually? with sincerity and friendliness, simply
Is yoirr deafness worse when you have a ] )(?c;vuse ] le believes it is a physician's
coll. „ »h»n fluty to "lend a helping hand’’ wherever
Can you hear some soun . • he can. Do not suffer from Deafness any
°n e ?'vmrr e>r» crack wdimt you blow your longer. Let your hearing be restored!
Do- IT Hundreds of persons, formerly deaf, bear
n** l -’ grateful testimony to what Dr. Sproule
. w r the above questions, yes or no. j iag done for them. They took advantage
r i t .■ x our name and address plainly of his generous offer. Now they hear.
an \t>r tott. d lines Cut out and send to You can also if you will. Write to him
Srpoule, B. A.. English Specialist, at once.
(Graduate Dublin
[ niv vi >iiy. formerly A J] r
Surgeon Brit is h
Royal Naval Ser-
vice) r>-12 Doane St.. APIMnW
Boston He will
give you advice
free. ’ '
And the Inmates Buried in the Ruins.
Some of the Survivors Driven
Crazy by the Horrors of
the Earthquake.
Constantinople, May 28.—Advices which
reached here today from Asiatic Turkey
show that a terrible earthquake occurred
April 29 at Melazghard in the vilayet of
Van, 80 miles southeast of Erzeroum, on
the Euphrates. The town was totally
destroyed with its entire population, num
bering 2,000 souls, including 700 Arme
nians, as well as the troops forming the
garrison of Melazghard. In addition,
over 400 houses in neighboring villages
A somewhat severe earthquake shock
was felt here this morning, but no dam
age was done.
Details of the Horror.
London, May 28.—The foreign office
here today received some details from the
British consul at Erzerum regarding the
recent earthquake at Melazghard. accord
ing to which a strong shock lasting thir
ty seconds was felt on the morning of
April 29 throughout the entire district
between Lake Van and the Russian fron
tier and as far west as Kharput. The
town of Melazghard, consisting of five
hundred houses, destroyed and much
havoc was wrought in the surrounding
Colonel Khalil Bey, commanding the
garrison at Melazghard, with his whole
family, three other officers and eighty
soldiers perished in the ruins. Lieutenant
Colonel Tayib Bey, whose family per
ished, became insane.
The telegraph operator who sent the
news of the catastrophe said lie himself
was badly injured and that his wife and
sister had been killed. The foreign office
has appealed for subscriptions for the re
lief of the destitute Mohammendans and
Christians of the Melazghard district.
Decision Rendered by the Committee
from the Typographical Union.
The Constitution offered 3 prizes among
newspapers presenting the best adver
tisement of 1-2 page or whole of the
Port Receipts Contest that closed on
April 20.
The matter was submitted to a com
mittee of the Atlanta Typographical
I nion No. 4s to bo composed of expert
compositors, none of whom should he
connected with The Constitution in any
way. The committee consisted of Wil
liam S. AVier, fleorge AV. Purdie and J.
E. Coble.
The report of the committee is as fol
Atlanta. Ga , May 29. 1903. The Atlanta
Constitution Publishing Company. Gen
; lieni'm: Tile comnr.flw appointed from
I the Atlanta Typographical Union No. 18
! to pass on Gic merits of the advertising
. ~nt-st.inl;' in the Port Receipts Contest
I 1,. q )0,-ive to report in their order of ex
the following newspapers re-
' I Y.iz'to Sentinel, Yazoo City, Miss,,
i prize SIDO.
.. \\ !!i ,n.ron County Sun. Georgetown,
j Tex., prize s.">o.
I l'!berton Star. Elberton, Ga., prize
While priz.i- are not awarded to the
' following. they are -mentioned as next
i !-. 'lu ir .>rd< r of excellence:
I 'll." Dalton Argus, Dalton, Ga.
Im Has Democrat, Dallas, Tex.
M. mphis Herald, Memphis. Tenn.
I".poet full v submit t cd,
.1. E. COBLE,
checks for the prizes awarded above
will be forwarded at once.
The Eyes of ihe Musk Ox.
i The skull of the bull musk ox is re-
I markable for the development of the eye
i orbits, which project sufficiently beyond
! ihe plane of the front al bones to com
| pensate for the interruption the horns
i would otherwise make in the. range of ;
I vision. The musk ox, however, does not
s< im to rely greatly on keenness of sight,
! tar less on acuteness of hearing, for the
| ears are of small dimensions anil are
ci nipletely covered bv the heavy growth
of fur about them. The organs of scent
are evidently mor.,- highly developed, and
they exact of the hunter his greatest
cu lining.
Tjtuc weekly ooNsrrnmoNi atlota, ga.. mouda june i, 1903.
Lorrimcr & Co.’s Free Offer to Those
Who Desire to Grow Hair. Whose
Hair is Falling Out. and AH Ladies
and Gentlemen Who Desire to Re
store Their Hair to Its Natural
Color Without the Use of Dyes.
Dr. Arthur I.orrlmer, I.on<lon 9 Eng:«»
who first prescribed the Celebrated
Lorrimcr Treatment in the Year 1887.
By special request we have decided to re
new our s-peeial free offer for a time
and we therefore send a trial bottle of
Lorriiner's Excelsior Hair Forcer, and one
bar of Ixrrrimer’a Skin and Scalp Soap, ab
solutely free of charge, to any person who
asks for them.
If all persons that are suffering from the
above annoying troubles will give u.s a trial,
at our e>:[‘cn>c, we know from experience that
the results will be truly gratifying.
We ask you particularly to try our treat
ment if you have tried others without suc
cess. Hundreds of our testimonials are re
ceived friini persons who, having tried various
advertised remedies for the hair with no ob
vious result, are now using the Lorrimer
treatment with the utmost satisfaction, there
living a palpable change of conditions after
the first few applications.
In oases where persons have been bald for
’’•a: -, or where the hair has fallen out from
disease or otherwise, whose hair has turned
gray from a variety of causes too numerous
to mention, the consistent use of our treat
ment has been attended with results ap
proac.hing the marvellous.
We have convinced thousands of unbe
lievers that there is such a thing as ra
tional treatment for hair troubles; uno that
an be used by any self-respecting lady or
gent lonian w’ith the utmost satisfaction, be
cause it is clean, sweet and free from all
dyes and injurious mineral compounds.
In most raises there is a decided change af
ter the first few applications, and as a rule
if the •Lorrhner system is followed up failure
is reduced to an impossibility.
For forcing the hair when it does not show
.1 tendern y to grow, for restoring the hair
to its natural color by natural meant*, and
lor cleansing the head of dandruff and all
irritati >ns, there is nothing to equal it.
So great has been the demand for tills treat
ment -that w* are receiving orders from all
parts of the world. People in distant lands
write they have never known of such
a remarkable remedy betore.
\\e do not puivtuLse testimonials or resort
to any unfair methods to induce persons to
u.-e our tr«:atni'Uif. We believe that sending
out a fre-* trial is the only fairway to gain
the pat r>> 1 ;age of those who almost tired
of ‘rying to i•■store their hair.
W». have thousands of unsolicited testimo
nials from persons in every walk of life whose
hair haw I- • n permanently restored, and be
sides .-<• ii ling you the full samples as stated
above, w< will mail you sufficient testimony
loi vour consideration to convince the most
sceptical that the success of this truly most
wonderful Hair Treatment i-s founded on ster
ling merit.
Write to us today and we will send you the
treatment free by mail, together with some
useful information as to th- care of the hair,
and a numbvi <>f testimonials proving the
Izorrimer treatm-mt to be one of the very
Hair Ketterers on the <ma.rke,t. Please in
, i.-e five eents for reply, ana -address dis
limtlv Lorrim.’r A <>.. Dei'l 3, 118-120 N.
j-a'-a"«t., Baltimore, M<!., and you will re
ceive an’ Immediate reply an 1 courteous at
te n t ion. ,
Witnesses Give Strong Evidence in
Favor of the Defense.
Raleigh, N. May 28.—The habeas
corpus proceedings in which Ernest Hay
wood, charged with the murder of Lud
low Skinner here, on February 21, seeks
bail, began today before Justices of tho
Supreme Court Douglas and Walker. A
great crowd was present. Two witnesses
were 'beard, their character proven and
court adjourned till tomorrow.
Banard A. Schmitz, a lawyer, of Bal
timore, who was here that day, testified
that Skinner struck Haywood, knocking
him down, and backed away, putting
his hand to his pistol pocket, and that
Havwood then fired. The second .shot
fired, he aid, was while Skinner was in
the street going from Haywood.
R. N. Simms, a young lawyer, regarded
as the star witness for the. defense, tes
tified the same as Schmitz, except that
he told of no attempt of Skinner to draw
a pistol.
The case will last well into next week,
and there will be two sessions a day.
Haywood is looking thin and his hair
lias turned almost white, lie is very cool
and shows no uneasiness in ills face.
Defense Rests Its Case.
Raleigh, N. c., May 29. —This afternoon
in the second day's hearing in tho case of
Ernest Haywood, indieted for the murder
of Ludlow Skinner, seeking bail under
habeas corpus, the defense rested.
Ned Barnes, a negro driver of good
character, testified that an altercation
took place in front of the postoflice; that
Skinner struck Haywood in the face,
knocking him down. As Haywood rose
Skinner, with his hand behind him, was
backing and Haywood fired.
Charles Hocutt, a clerk here, corrob
orat'd Lawyer Schmitzs account that
Skinner struck Haywood in the face.
Testimony was introduced sitowing that
a pistol not discharged was taken from
the dead man's left hip pocket.
The state’s first witness was a drug
gist, W. E. Gwaltney. Ho testified that
Haywood shot first when Skinner was
off the sidewalk. Representative Simp
son. of Perquimans, testified that after
the first shot he saw Skinner on the
street, who liinched at the second shot.
Big crowds attend the trial. The ques
tions asked show that the defense will
urge s' ll'-defense and that the state will
argue that there was no blow struck;
that Skinner was shot at as he left the
sidewalk, and lint the second shot, made
while he was still going from Haywood,
killed him.
Not one word has been brought out
showing any cause leading up to the en
counter between Haywood and Skinner,
though domestic matters are understood
to have been the real came. The line of
defense Indicates that Haywood wui n.
be put on the stand.
Qualified for Admission to the West
Point Military Academy.
Washington. May 28.—The following can
didates are among those who have quali
fied for admission to the military acad
emy on June 15. 1903:
Alabama—William L. Martin, Jr.,
Melvin G. Farris and Thomas L. Coles.
Arkansas—Fred 11. Coleman, Homer
Scott and William F. Perin.
Georgia—Warren Lott, Jr., Emmet
C. Wilson, William R. Henry, Paul
J. Horton.
South Carolina—Calhoun Ancrum.
Tennessee—Lewis 11. Watkins.
Texa»—Lvwis Greer. Abbott Boone,
Richard H. Kimball. Charles T. Harris.
Jr. Early J. Moses, James P. Marley,
Sloan Doak and Hal A. Hamilton.
The following candidates found mentally
qualified are ordered for physical ex
amination at West Point on June 12;
Florida—Thomas C, Spencer.
Georgia- Robert M. Cheney.
Oklahoma—Frederick W. Green-
Ryan Says an Effort Was Made To
Bleed Hun for $25,000 for a
Senator —Ryan Has Confessed
Everything and Will
Not Be Prosecuted.
Washington. May 26.—United States
Marshal Henry C. Pettit, at Rockville,
Ind., today notified the department by
telegraph of the arrest of Joseph M.
Johns, charged witli conspiracy in the
alleged bribery of Daniel V. Miller, the
assistant attorney for the postoflice de
Johns will be tried at Cincinnati. The
cases will be presented to the federal
grand jury which meets there October 6.
According to evidence in possession of
tlie postal authorities Johns received
$4,500 as a result of the decision of the
acting assistant attorney general, Chris
tiancy, that the Ryan Turf Investment
Company was entitled to use the mails.
Miller was at the postoflice department
today in conference with Attorney Gen
eral Robb, who questioned him closely
regarding the ease. The case of the Ar
nold company is still under Investigation.
The checks which figure in the alleged
payments to Miller and Johns which are
in possession of tlie department are for
$3,400. They were supplemented with a
cash payment of sl,luo. Tlie cheeks are
signed by the Ryan concern and made
out to Johns’ order, and indorsed by
him. Ryan has agri-.-, 1 to be a witness for
the government. He Inis furnished the de
partment will) all the information in his
possession, including the documents.
Miller left today for Terre Haute, Ind.
While the department cannot guaran
tee Ryan immunity it will put his serv
ice in turning state's evidence in the best
light before tlie cuurl. Miller had charge
of the investigation of the Ryan case and
prepared the letter which Acting Assist
ant Attorney General t.’liristiancy signed.
This letter, which cic .diluted the decision
of the department, allowed the concern
to use the mails ami was signed Decem
ber 10. The decision in tile Arnold case
which served as a precedent and whose
language it follow"! was signed by As
sistant Attorney G"nmi Tyner, Decem
ber 4.
Why Ryan Squealed.
Cincinnati, Ma.v 26.—John J. Ryan,
whose confessions caused the arrest of
D. V. Miller, assistant attorney general
of the postoflice department at. Washing
ton, and of Joseph 1. Johns, prosecuting
attorney of Parke county, Indiana, at
Rockville, Ind., operated ids "get-rich
quick” turf investment concern from
here and from St. I, • ds, and ran winter
races at Newport. K; Ryan is hire now
and admits that lie operated some time
at St. Louis before tlie inspectors got
after him and la • r he was called to
Washington. Ryan ays:
"I was sore becat: ■ I heard that others
doing business like mine, stood in with
tho postoflice department by giving up
$25,000 and t felt that those who were
standing in with tin department were be
hind the investigation so as to get me
out of their way.”
After returning from Washington to St.
Louis last Noveml" . Ryan says lie got
a telegram from Attorney Johns, of Rock
ville, Ind., that Johns could be of serv
ice to iiim with the department at Wash
ington, and later R. an and Johns met
in Terre Haute. There, Ryan says, Johns
explained how close he was to Miller and
how Miller had accepted a $2,000 job In
the postoflice at Washington, with the
idea that the job had certain "trimmings"
such as, Ryan says, Johns explained,
Ryan would I" able to tarnish.
Ryan declares Johns asked $5,000 to get
from Miller a letter from the attorney
general's ofiic ■. showing Ryan was enti
tled to use of the mails. After a little
dickering Ry m says Johns came down
to $2,500 and the proposillon was accept
ed. A proposition to pay $2,000 for litera
ture so worded it would pass muster if it
was ever taki n up in tlie mails, was later
Ryan assert- Johns delivered the letter
and literitun to him December 16. Ryan
says he gave Johns $l,lOO cash and checks
dated Decemb, r 17. one for $2,000 and one
for $1,400.
The i/etter That Cost $5,000.
The following is the letter that Ryan
says cost him $.',000:
"D. V. M.
"Washington. D. ('., December 10. 1902.
"Messrs. Join J. Ryan and Company,
Fourth arid !.•- list streets.
"St. Louis, Mo— Gentlemen: Your at
torney has request'd that you be in
formed of th" decision in this office in
relation to your case, which has been
pending befoi' it since November H.
1902, and in accordance with said request
I beg to inform you that information
desired, as indicated by certain written I
questions prop "Hided to you at the time
of the hearing, and your answers there
to, were furnished by you to tlie. post
oftice inspector- November 28 and 29, 1902.
"Said inspectors have filed their report
in this office, which report shows that
you have furnished tlie information de
sired and were ''.implying with tho prom
ises and agreements contained in your
letter to this office November 11, 1902.
If you have since November 29, 1902,
complied with "Ur promises and agree
ments contained in your letter of the
11th ultimo, and will continue to do so.
no further action will be taken ty this
office and your case will be closed.
Should this office ai any time in the
Cures Week Men Free
Insures Love and a Happy Homs for All.
How any man may piekly cure himself after years
of suflering from s<*xual woakness, lost tyi
night losses, varioocvle »‘tc.. and enlarge small weak
organs to lull size and vigor. Simply send your
name and address ’ ' l )r * Knapp Medical Co , 7i>o
Hull Building, Detroit, Mich., and they will gladly
eend free recipe with will directions so that, any
man nicy easily cure himself at home, ’J his Is cer
tainly a moat generous offer, and the following ox
tracts taken from their daily mall show what men
think of their gener' sity.
“Dear Sirs—l‘leasu accept my sincere thanks for
yours «>f recent dale. I have given your treatment
iv thorough test end the benefit has been extraordi
nary. . It has uompleiciy braced me up. lam Just as
vigorous as when a boy and .you cannot realize how
happy I am.”
“Pear Sirs Your method worked beautifully. He
su-ts were exactly what I needed. Strength ami
vigor have completely returned and enlargement is
entirely satisfactory.”
“Dear Sirs- Yours wan received and T had no
trouble In making use of the recipe a* directed, and
can truthfully say it i* a boon to weak men. lain
greatly improved in size, strength and vigor.”
All correspondence is strictly confidential, mailed
n plain, sealed envelope. The recipe is free for tlie
asking and they want every man to have it.
better than cure. Tutt’s Liver
Pills will not only cure, but if
taken in time will prevent
Sick Headache,
dyspepsia,biliousness, malaria,
constipation, jaundice, torpid
liver and kindred diseases.
(Catarrhal Dyspepsia and Nervous Prostration Makes Invalids of More
Women Than All Other Diseases Combined.)
fn Wils' Wk
i t|OB xk i
ss X A
L Allan J
1 1 —
Systemic catarrh causes nervousness,
pour appetite, tired feelings. l?eruna
cures catarrh jtrherever located.
Miss Anna Prescott's Letter.
Miss Anna Prescott, in a letter from
-16 South Seventh struct. Minneapolis,
Minn., writes:
‘‘l was completely used up last
fall, my appetite had failed and I
felt weak and tired all the time. My
druggist advised me to try Peruna
and the relief I experienced after tak
ing one bottle was truly wonderful.
‘‘l continued its use for five weeks,
and am glad to say that my com
plete restoration to health was a hap-
future receive satisfactory information I
that you are not. complying with the |
agreements in said letter contained, then
such action will be taken as the circum- |
stances demand and the department :
deems proper.
"Yours respectfully.
"Acting Assistant Attorney General for !
Postoflice Department.’
No Warrant for Ryan.
The "D A'. M.” indicates that the
letter was dictated by Miller.
No warrant will be issued for Ryan,
who lias not only made a full statement
to the inspectors, but also furnished cop
ies of letters and telegrams. Tho orig
inals of al! telegrams and letters be
tween Ryan and Johns, and also those
of Washington officials, are here In the
hands of the postoflice inspectors, it ho
claim to have a complete chain of evi
dence for District. Attorney Bundy to |
present to the next federal grand jury. |
Ryan savs he was told that if he put ■
up $25,000 for a certain senator that the I
postal department would stand by him, ,
but that he declined the proposition,
Paris. May 25.—1 t is now p, ssil,le to as
semble from the many i ports from
along the route of the first stage of the
Paris Madrid automobile race a com
plete list of the casualties. This shows
six persons killed, two so dangerously
injured that they may die and ten seri
ously injured. A carefully revised list
of the casualties follows:
The Dead.
PIERRE RODERIZ, Mr Barrow's ma
chinist; in collision with a tree near
NIXON, Mr. Porter's machinist, burned
under automobile.
NORMAND, M. Tourand's machinist,
at Angouleme.
DUPUY, soldier, at Angouleme.
t'AILLON, cyclist, at Angoubune.
The Injured.
Mr. Barrow. pelvis and thigh broken;
amputation of leg expected.
M. M.ireel Renault, injured about body ,
ami head.
Mr. L. Porter, cut and bruised.
Mr. Stead, overturned; badly injured ;
Mr. Stead's machinist, head cut open
Lesna, champion eyelist, broken knee- i
George Richard, chest crushed, rib i
Henry .Peannot, Richard's machinist, i
shoulder fractured.
E. Chard, head cut open.
Tourand, severely bruised.
Gaston Raffett, boy, fractured skull,
leg and arm broken.
Marcel Renault’s machinist, severely
Miraculous Escape.
Some miraculous escapes have been re
M. Terry’s machine was burned at Co
ignieres, but he and his machinist were
M. Rodolphe Darzens and hfs machin
ist were thrown out near Bordeaux and
were practically unhurt, though the car
was destroyed.
The manufacturers have agreed that
as a road race is impossible the meeting
wil! be resumed within a closed course.
The correspondent of tlie Associated
Press interviewed a number of the lead
ing American and French automobllists,
and they all expressed horror at the se
ries of accidents and stated that in their
opinion it would end speed races in
France and at other points on the con
Foxhall Keene said:
"The killing or maiming of so many
persoqp is a terrible blow both to in
dividuals and to automoblling. I had
hoped to drive my sixty-horse power
py surprise to myself as well as to |
ray friends.”—Anna Frescott.
Pe-ru-na a True Friend to Women.
Miss Florence■ Allan, a. beautiful Chi
cago girl, writes the following from 75
W.iltoa PLic-:
"As a tonic for a worn-out system,
I Peruna stands at ihe head in my ej-di
| mat ion. its effects are truly wonderful |
lin rejuvenating tlie entire system. 1 |
keep it on hand all the time, and never j
have that 'tired feeling.' as _ few dos,-s j
always make me feel like a different ;
woman." Florence Allan.
Peruna. will be found to effect an im
mediate and lasting cure in all cases of
systemic, catarrh. It acts quickly and
beneficially on tlie diseased mucous mem-
I branes, and with healthy mucous mem
| branes the catarrh can no longer exist.
car. Ii was a wonderful machine, show
ing 112 kilometers without effort."
There is not the slightest ground for
the suggestion that Henri Fournier. AV.
K. Vanderbilt. Jr., and Baron Do Forest
withdrew from the race on account of the
dangers. Each had a damaged cylinder
and could not proceed. J. B. AVorden, who
arrived fifth at Bordeaux, is the only
American remaining in the contest. He
has only a touring car. but. neverthe
less, made a fine race.
No More Fast Time.
The speed limitations which have been
fixed by the French and Spanish govern
meats will put an end to any chance of
fast time being made bttween Bordeaux |
and Madrid, and the balance of the race i
will be run ynder tourist conditions.
Clarence Moore, of Washington, lias re
turned frpm an inspection of the track i
for which unusual facilities were granted
him by tlie judges of yesterday's race. He !
gives a graphic description of the ter- '
rifle speed of tlie racers. .He timed Louis
Renault's ear as it passed him. and he I
found that it was making 74’" miles an I
hour. The automobile of M. Gabriel, yes
terday's winner, he says, gave forth a |
roar, as it leaped the steep incline near |
Chautres. like a huge rabbit bounding up I
a hill. He saw Jarrott approaching .at
lightning speed. A huge black mastiff j
got right in tlie path. Jarrott realized ■
that to try to avoid tho dog would throw I
his car against tree and he steered ;
directly ah&ad. He struck the dog square
ly anil it was pinned in front of the au- I
tomobile for a moment, and then drop- I
ped to the ground between the wheels, j
Every bone in its body was broken, some |
of them in ;l dozen places.
A late dispatch from Bordeaux adds I
another terrible accident to the long list I
of ■ asualti"s. Mme. Chayssas. aecom- •
Uncle Sam says it’s j
all right g
Uncla Sam, In the person of ten of his government officials, is always in che nre of every gj
department of our distillery. During the entire process of distillation, after the whiskey g
Is stored in barrels in our warehouses, during the seven years it remains there, from ihe &
very grain we buy to the whiskey you get, Uncle Sam is constantly on the wa,tch, e dare El
not take a gallon of our own whiskey from our own warehouse unless he says, it s all runt.
And when he does say so, that whiskey goes direct to S'?'*'B
ness and flavor, carrying a UNITED STATES RH.lsl hRr.D DIS*IL.,I'..L AR.i. • g
l TEE of PURITY and AGE, and saving the dealers enormous profit,. Taat s "ny g
HAYNER WHISKEY is the best for medicinal purposes. ThaVs why it is preferred for M
I other uses. That's why we have over a quarter of a million satisfied customers. That, s ffl
why YOU should try it. Your money back if you're not satisfied. ,
Direct from our distillery to TGU j
Saves Baalsrs’ Profit#! Prevals Adulteration I “ |
|M YEAR-OLD RYE tor $3.20, and we will pay the express charges. Try it and
M if you don’t find it all right and as good as you ever used or can buy from d
anybody else at any price, send it back at our expense, and your >3.20 will be RrSa
13 returned to you by next mail. Just think that offer over. How could it be
M fairer? It you are not perfectly satisfied, you are not out a cent. Better let
m us send you a trial order. If you don't want four quarts yourself, get a
|| friend to join you. AVe ship in a plain scaled case, no marks to show what’s gwlffiSnaaSl
M inside.
13 Orders for Ariz.- Cal., Col., Idaho, Mont., Nev., N.Mex., Ore., Utan, Wash.
u| or AVvo. must, be on the basis of 4 Quarts for 54.00 by Express IgJMviassj’Ql
H Prepaid or ”<> Quarts for *IO.OO by Freight Prepaid.
M Write our nearest office and do it NOW.
H 153 DisTnmsßY. Tbot, o. Established iB6O
Peruna Makes You Feel Like a New
Miss Marie C'.ats a popular young wom
an of Appleton, WJs w and President of
tlie Applejon Young Ladles' Club, writes:
"When that languid, tired feeling . ,ni's
over you. and your food no longer tastes
good, and small annoyances irritate you,
Perumi will make i o_y feel like another
person inside of a £cel:.
"I haV" now used it lor three sea a .
and find it verv valuable and tffi. !■ :"U.-. '
—Miss -Marie Coats.
If you do not ilerive prompt and satis
factory results from Hye use of runa,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving i
full statement of your case and in will
be pleas* d to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, (,'ulurabus Ohio.
panied by her husband, both riding bikes,
were watching the passing automobiles
at St. Andre de Cubzac, 12 miles from
Bordeaux, when a horse, frightened by
the noise, bolted, ami overturned tlie
; woman, who fell under a racing auto
! mobile. Both her legs were cut "ff. I ’.e
| hope of saving her life is slight.
Prohibited by Spain.
Aladrid. May 25. Th. Spanish gover,
ment has prohibited tho continuance of
the Paris-Madrid automobile race in
The news of the accidents • > the Pa’in-
Madrid automobile racers made a d p ep
I impression here. The Royal Automobi’ c
| Club is exhibiting meetings on a rge
■ transparency, which the pubm.- i aa\
I iously watching. The competitors in t'
j tourist section of the race who ar
riving here are received with gr. at ■■ m
pathy and there was a. great dem a a : -r
> tickets to stands to witness' tlie imisb
the speed race. The action oft! Freni I.
| government in stopping the speed .■nntost
is gene-rally approved. Tlie inijar -tai"
blames the Spanish government for not
I taking steps to obtain oflieial a .1 tins
I of the accidents, and describes c ni- a
(killed as "martyrs in the can ■ in-
mercial enterprise.”
A Modern Ananias.
j Mrs. Matelar.d—Henry, I wonder f you
I love me as much as you used to love me
I before we were married. You never say
I the pretty things to me that you did in
j those days.
I .Mr. Mateland That's been is I love i" i
i more Ilian I did then, dear. 1 ayou
! too much now to ii,. to you, yon k : >’-v.