Newspaper Page Text
— ? ■ - -• -'- •
VOL. XXVI. NO. 51.
Action in Confirming Hew Min
ishr to Isthmus Reconsid
ered by Senate.
Gorman Says Panama Treaty Will
Be Defeated, and Roosevelt Must
Turn to the Nicaragua
Route or Be Im
By Jos: Ohl.
Washington December 19 Special.’’— ;
Jo ex; -alive session this afternoon th*-
ornate reconsidered its action confirming *
the >mlnation of W. I. Buchanan, as
mir. '• r to the Republic of Panama.
I tiikr the agreement entered upon :
a now senators, it was determined tint ;
hould be held up until I
tin I’hrlstmas recess, when those i
f . • who are opposed to sending a
- I .... .. to tl . new r. publk at this time i
v j/ ; , - tri’* opportunity tn ox- i
t. : and r<gis. 'i their vote<. ;
> .... .. s j- -1 v.'-iey; ifinination was i
. . rv.-.itiV' s ssi<»n a few . V; > *
■ h Ith a lot of others '
h a. waj tiiat nobody understood I
v ... w s '.rd-r consideration. The first i
■ , . >rity of senators knew
v -onfirmation was the next ,
. r vli . t.wy read th* newspaper .
w ... ■ gr* u surprise to them, i
, , . ; o that the prop |
I ' '' •' : I
I ... - ... ..■ ,n .•■.. ■nt nebulous |
■ . . . t down ttrnr** would .
’ aft • eon Senator .'tor
i' . i( ,' a '. •d- • ition 1 the SCU- j
\ ■> ■<* .rongly was the case
fstration sena- I
. (would be better to recon- |
. , v j. :,s a. t’on and let the mat- I
S ...e Republicans Back Hoar. i
mi-stood that seve: U publl.nn j
• •••-: y • .nwh to the of ,
r .. h.tx •_ g disn •<’tio?' to
i. ' -....t0r Hoar in the rapport I
j. . ' ' tion the pnTpO-c of whl'.i ;
. . ;}.. ur.-.-id nt to furnish
i: • , . .. ‘ti’.n whi h wiil rlab!-' the ■
-’r.- i' -.. to show ;-n aleolut ir ;
. - ■■. ' to the "hang*- that this j
; . ... : ."J-I. ri in inc way to
se ■ •? lon. I
< io.- ;i ,*f •.'nine. Is one of thwe. '
, . . ;. ... aid iliat Senator has ex- ;
t ■ Senator Hoar is I
< n i • k It - |
j- ~.-t iveiihtf th:n tilt; adininis- |
V • i .. .... . < th>- s- :. it'’ wilt ac- ;
t t ?• ■ •'!’ -h 1 -a- S- nator •
! pror ;ibly r>”V ‘ ta< He ar
■ • o the f >r« Ign •< iatlon ; com- I
i. ■ where the sting will be taken ’
< • . . -and then p. rmit its pass- .;
t-rmi'.-tier, to get rill of the •
1„ . .. es not necessarily mean that
: is in dang'r of r.'.ici'tlflii.
J.. , 'V .• the democratic senators seam |
. . .i .... 'ii. in my m >v-m.- : eat. . - '
1.,: , ■. .. b. ~:g mor light u;- ’.'. the <>c- ;
.... - n'.lint.-iy pre.■.■ding the j
b.;< il; of th- rev duti. n. taking the eamo ■
j. .-0 , i.t t'... by the Georgia senators ‘
1 •'. .....' i: ?• nt Th- Constitution ‘
I. - i. ght. are enough demo- rats !
wl o V..-H to • the treaty to secure ;
1- rat-.i .-U'.-r.. i". - : ir. the face of the i
ran .- r ami will do so if It can bo !
bi. .w.'i question that the admin- i
i \ A.-.' ';- hi’mis .r< fr"c from stain in
th . .•t. r "f the ineptand organize- I
t. . . th" I'■ .ma revolution.
Does Hanna Oppose Treaty?
■■ in the city.
. ■ ■. -. itot >anna was used
to the treaty. I■■ being represented as ■
.„- it mp..'i.'!:ts. T -is is, in all prob- i
... rant' -l Nobody Is able to
; I tto a:..' ■ ...its nator Hanna has said j
< done which .'.mild warrant this con- >
c . it will b tv .-ailed that ne was i
<■ 1. fly instrumental in securing the s>rb j
, ma for the Nicar.-i- ;
g.-. st-. .1 it seonis certain as any- ,
: Ung an <n that he will support the ;
. ;. . ■ . every way. Os course, j
If it s:.oul'l develop that he Joins hands >
w tii S' na.or Hoar it can only moan that '
: • dr.s to stir up strife and embarrass t
J' Roosevelt. Kobody here who
Is ci ‘.-c to Mm believes that he will do j
A:, '"i r very interesting feature of the
g.,-~ip about the Panama case Is thlit ;
Senator Gorman Is said to feel sure of
the defeat of the treaty. He will not say 1
s<> for publication and In the short talk ,
1 bad with him today he Impressed me as ’
being not at all certain what would b» j
the result. He said that all the demo- !
crats are trying to do now Is to get at
the real facts as a basis for action. He |
did say, however, he did not expect any .
united effort to amend the treaty, but '
t. it it would stand or fall in its present I
Gorman Talks of Impeaching- Roose- ;
;. ’i" he did not say so to me, I have ■
f. fr ." •■ • nt t’lority that the sena- '
tor from Maryland believes the treaty wld !
fall and that President Roosevelt will i
then be faced with the alternative of the I
Nicaragua route, as provided In the act I
of congress, or with impeachment should I
he refuse to obey the mandate of con- ,
gross. It is even said that Senator Got- 1
man, anticipating such refusal, has con- i
fe: red with members of the house rcla- i
tlve to an impeachment resolution. It
Is perhaps true that Senator Gorman has ,
talked of Impeachment possibility in con
versation with his democratic colleagues, .
j ’
By <i3S: Ohl.
I Washington. December 17.—(Special.) - |
i While General Reyes Is here talking ■
I peace and assisting Wayne McVeagh in j
I the preparation of the Colombian memo- ;
I rial to be presented to this government.
i the republic of Colombia is taking ac
tive steps for an attack upon Panama. ■
i'hfs has been known to the general staff
of the army before today, for the gen
eral staff has taken every possible pre- : ;
caution to keep itself fully advised of
all that is going on a’ Bogota nd
j throughout the Colombian territory; but j
I not until reports were received today ■
: from Captain Turner, commanding the
Atlanta, was it officially acknowledged
' that however peaceful the talk of the
. new (V! .mbian president, the trend of
I events In his country Is decidedly war- ■
i like.
I It will be recalled that, some day:- ago
j there - tine a report from I.a Guayra of
' ln . xpedition bound for the mouth of
1 the Atrato river, which is close to the j
! bord-r between Colombia and Panama. '
; Later it was announced that the gov
ernment had been informed that, this ex- j
dition h d turned back, and the Im- ,i
: pression prevai’ed hero that It had ■ '
.been started. But Captain Turner's dis- |
p tches to the navy department today |
: I'. veil the fuel that he has discovered
■ that expedition and that it >s etablish- .
I ed at what appears to be a permanent |
camp which woul II adv: nt geabK as
: a base of supplies In cas> of a movement
I upon Panma. when it becomes apparent |'
' ibat the Reyes mission is a failure, .
I which '1 will certainly will be so far r.s
■„■ ’rt-t "• ' mi.- ...f B . n; ■ t ■ th» ;
' mother country is concerned. While the ■ ,
navy department gave out only a par- :■
ti On ol the >ffi lai dlsn H-hes 1 have It i,
i from high authoJty that t ’-e-o beat out !
’ in all essentials the reports sent by Tne .
I Constitution’s commissioner.
: It is this condition of affairs that forms
th. basis for the warlike preparations ,
I which have for some time been under (
: wav The general staff through its secret
I s' -vi. " department i: kept daily informed , ,
: of th- progress of events in Colombia- ; .
: Tlw feeling throughout that eor.ntrv is.
Intensely letter toward the I’nited States. I
i While the departure of Minister Beau- j,
pre from Bogota is officially declared to , .
be due to nothing but his desire for a , .
. vacation, eommg a the time it do"-, it . ]
I can be tak. n mi an Important piece of .
i corroborative evidence tending to show , <
' that there is a great deal doing down . ,
: tiieie. ~ , h ! J
i Os course, Panama’s fight must, u the |,
; administration programme is i 1
; sered with In some way, lie our ow i | ■
president Roosevelt Im< determined that -
| the I-nit. 1 States s bali k-e; th" Colom- P
! bians off Panama territory, ext. tiding to
tv.> i ..w gT)V( rnni< nt ih<* snrne meas-
' - 1
' treatv whlc'n he has ro-v->t l.i ted, .mt which
I -n.-s not yet bo-n perfected by the senates ,
' ratification. Criths may hold that tins ’
! means nothing more nor loss than .ae
I declaration cf wai L-. the president, .-
i which is specially Inhibited by the con- ■
‘ stitutiom but pr. s’.dcnt believes with
the late Tim Csrnpb 1! that th- const uu-
: and h- looks upon the republic of x'an
; nma as even "loser than a ft ■ 'nd. He
' wiil rely j-<on the to pief.eive
■ th,, sf tus -iri'l ’< to •••'. J
! tr-inbliiiy little nation unless Colombia i
• s'b'u’.d rii.-.k* .t". <>P‘’n Hiov« nicn«. in wi'.ico ;
. event, \ Th< < 'on; tit ution 1 ’ shown, |
I he will semi the army to the isthmus. ,
i Reop’c' fnmiii..’- with th" country south I
I of the canal strli sn> the claim that a |
j ~attarmy could not get through to
i Panama t'-riitor- I-' baseless. The pos- |
■ ' Ibilltles of a campaign, not such a cam- I
pnign r..« would be nude by h.-ivily bur- ,
d.-ned modern armies, but one win h the
Colombian troops could make, are < er- ;
tainly them ac -orilln" to the Lost au- ;
It ■ ■ • ' ■ guerrilla war- I
■’ : but it would be no 1-ss war. It is j
,jble that G, neral Rey. who Is a ,
r-allv strong man, may bt- induced to see ,
th" foolhardiness of ar.y such attempt on j
th" p.rt Os his country involving It In .
! war with the Cnited States, but unless '
Ihe is convinced and is able to cotivin ,
j his people to this effect with Co- I
i lombia is something more than a mere I
, possibility. The present state of feel- |
I lug In that country is such that it may '
I prow- dangerous for any public man to
! attempt to stem the. tide, ami Reyes is '
i a politician. •
’ Colon, December 17.—Th,- L’r.ited States
\, raiser Atlanta, Command r William 11. .
Turner, returned hi.m last nt-ht from ■
’ the Gulf of Darien. She discovered De- i
.ember 15 a detachment of Colombian
troops n-umnering visually aboij* 500 men, !
i but according to their statements, total- '
ling 1.000 or 2.000 men at Titumati, on .
the w stern silo of the gulf lust north
of the mouth of the Otrato river.
I The commander of the Atlanta sent i
I ashore an officer, who conversed w-lth
j the Colombian commander. The latter
) protested energetically against the pres
i ence of American war ships In Colombian ;
waters In so much as war between Co- ;
: lombia and the United States had not ■
J been declared and politely requested the I
• Atlanta to leave the gulf because it be-
j longed to Colombia.
: Commander Turner ignored th" reques t
I and the Atlanta return d to Colon to re
! uort. to Tt' :', Admiral Coghlan.
j The Colombians are clearly busy with
■ protective and strengthening measure,
i Although they treat< d the Americans
.courteously, they decidedly resented the
I presence of the Atlanta’s landing party.
■■■' ■' ■ - --—■——— * I
| but anyth! g of that, sort must necessa- ,
i rily be very very far In the future, us
■ the indications now ar*? it will be several
’ weeks before final action can be had upon
! the treaty In the senate, and Instead of
■ the treaty falling, the present outlook lx
! favorable to it.-; ratification. If the pres
ident m ikes a showing that will dispel
the present clouds of suspicion and those
■ In high authority ns.-uri me this can and |
j will be done, the treaty will be ratified, i
The Colo, .‘o’: n I 'rec w >.-• cmnpo: ; e 1 part- ,
1;. nt ;!:■ men landed recently at the !
\trato rlvei by th-* Colombian cruisers
..'artagena and G- neral Pinzon.
Situation Dangerous.
Early in the morning of December 15 i
the Atlanta sighted a small sciiooner in ‘
the center of the Gulf *>f Darien and fol- 1
lowed her to the western shore, where 1
th--- schooner attempted to hide behind |
an inlet. Lieutenant Harla;-. P. Perrill, of
the Atlanta, was ordered to board her !
-ml thereupon a whale -boat was lowered
ind pulled toward the schooner. Through .
the courtesy of the naval officers the car- I
r spondent of the Associated Press ac- ■
companies the party In the whale boat. :
r was found that the schooner had on
board a hundred armed Colombian sol ’
: . conn, i >■ c.i by Rafat i NO- i
vo. who said General Daniel Ortiz, com
mander in chief of the Colombian forces,
had a. large camp a mil. away on the
mainland. General Novo requested Lieu-
* -i.ant Perril! to land an„ confer with
General Ortiz. After temporarily return
ing to th,- Atlanta. Lieutenant Perrill
went back to the schoon r, which In the
meantim’ had taken up a position off a
beach within a small bay. 1
Great excitement prevailed among the |
Colombians on the whale boat's ap
proach. There w* re repeated cries of
"Viva Colombia."’ and there was a sud- |
d* n concentration of 150 Colombian sol- i
db rs on the beach I*’ r som*- moments :
:’n- sit;;-.t m appeared dam-.erous and had .
the appc.iram. f an ambuscade. Gw - I
■ r:il Ortiz appeared on th" beach when ■
j.icutenant I’errill went on shore, ths ■
whale l>oat in the meanwhile lying close
io i?n b< General Ortiz Insist' d th: t
Li tit* Perril; should lly the Colom- ’
iiian flag at the bow of the whale boat,
or lower the American flag at her stern,
beeaus*- she was in Colombian waters.
Refused To x.cvver Elag.
' Lieu,. I’ertlii Liat ne did
not have a Colombian flag and refused to
lower the Stars and Stripes. General
Ortiz did not Insist <m io- doing so, but
he protiMed In writing against the pres-
* nee of the Americans in Colombian wa
lieutenant Pci rill accepted the protest
and conveyed it to Commander Turner,
who handed it to Rear Admiral Coph
lan upon his arrival her". At the c"i;-
f* r*"i-- with the Colornbi, w ashore, Lieu
tenant Perrlll was surrounded by General
firtlz’.'- st iff while inland, a f* w pa.-es.
there was ;* semi-circle of armed senti
nel-. The beach in both directions was
ills.*, lined with sentinels. General Or
tiz did not permit Lieutenant Perrill to
leave the point of the beach where he
landed. While Perrlll was awaiting the j
Columbian protest. First Lieutenant Ed- |
ward B. Malnwarlng, commanding the |
marine guard of the Atlanta, row. .1 up '
In a cutter for the purpose of communi- i
■ itlng with Lieutenant I’errill .and gain I
military Information. Lieut* mint Main- I
waring went ashore and the cutter join- |
■ 1 ihc whale, boat. Lieutenant I’* rrlll i
returii.'d the Atlanta at I o'clock in 1
tin- afternoon. Lieutenant -M .inw .ring, f
I>. t' .re returning, pulled In the cutter ;
along the coast, observing the Colom- 1
Mans camp. L iter in the dav, G* neral I
* n-ttz requested the Atlanta io leave. ■
The Colombian . amp -ipy.a•••'<! to be ]>■ •- j
manent, was well provisioned, ami prob- i
ably designed to be used as a bus* of ;
pc.■ paratlon. G*?neral Ortiz and others
■r .- y expressed the d< termination of Co
lombia to tight to the bitter end ir. ca.-e 1
G* I'* r.i! R. yes' visit to \. ashlngton Is '
not successful and lami ma is not r.- '
term'd to Colombia.
Secretary Moody Sends Instructions.
Washington, December 19.—Let Colom
bians tak* the initiative- is the restrain
lag key note of specific instrite.lons which
S. -ri'tQry Moody has cabled to the Amer
ican naval commanders in Isthmian wa
ters;. The secretary has token active
hold in I;.- shaping of the naval policy
on the Isthmus, and from now on the
instructions whether to naval or to ma
rine officers will as far as possible be
prepared a*, his personal direction.
It was announced today that while the i
situation on the isthmus was In no way ,
alarming to the Washington government, j
It was sufficiently delicate to compel care- j
ful diplomatic handling. For this re,a- I
son secrecy has been enjoined on officials •
In the department regarding the opera- :
lions of ships and marines. The only of- I
'I. iiiformatbin on th. subject wL,’
lie given out at the direction of the seis i
At a confer 'nee this afteri i**>n b.-tween i
y. .'rotary Moody ami Brlgadi' r General ,
Ge >rge F. Elliott, commander of the ma
rine corps, the latter reported that in
.wenty-four hours" notice lie cw.ild
underway to Colon with the now Carib
bean sea battalion, which Is under or
ders to assemble at Philadelphia,
This battalion will probably soil b*s
tween December 25 and January I. Gen
eral Elliott has been Informed that un
less the isthmian situation enters a de
cidedly more peaceful phase In the mean
time. he will command this battalion and
*>n his arrival will organize, the three
battalions of marines on the Isthmus Into
a brigade of which he will assume su
preme. command.
Lest the administration be put in the j
light of anticipating the senate's ratifi- ■
cation of the canal treaty by assuming )
. obligations provided for In that con- j
vention. It has about been settled that ,
; Genera] Elliott not mass tils force
: along the Panama border unless the
. safety of the republic absolutely de
mands it.
In ofl'lcki.l circles tonight it was said
that Panama, while disclaiming any ob
ligation to Colombia, for the payment of
a portion of her debt, would voluntarily,
as an act of comity, assume such share
of It as In her Judgment might be deemed
proper. It Is said that formal expres-
i ©
i eo/ o e I Z' ’
i i
i / I I M yK-/:
: i / .owe V-wZcA--''> F yr •**-» :
: L... ■ -b" /„ -r —*~sA •
M \ f A - "’.t KAN - /LaAv J ?
• 1 OKLA.
i N / a! i
i V ° it A ,\> Y i
; t!E&a» J TEXAS LA —A •
: division V x X- A
j' I,Nes - \ V\
* DEPARTMENT he ADquartTßS- \ A /r C)A> \ | *
i : m \L_ j !
»■ ♦
e P? •
£ TIK. -f.JUr grand divisions are indicated by the heavy crossed lines. The departmental divisions are indicated by the colid heavy 4
♦ black linci7«-nd the crossed black lines. j *
rtera of the divisions are as follows:
» _ ■' 'N’evr York; northern divljlon, St. Louis; southwestern division, Oklahoma City- Pacific diriti-r Sar Francisc:?.
0 '. ■’ ‘Fees of the departments are as follows: Os the east, New York; rs the gulf Atlanta; of the la'ce . Chicago; of ths «
* Misscull,"OinamsF; of Texas, San Antonio; of the Colorado, Denver; of California, San Francisco; of the Columbia. Columbia e
4 t
t a...«.a•»•«■« '»■»•*»•<"o o » r><4••• a .Ofe-a-.-a-fe-w ■'•■a » ® ..e < »•«•*■»■ a »-s-»*is »•<> «
sion of that government on the sub- ;
j, t Is delayed only pending lb* ooiu- |
pletlon <>t the . taternent us General >
Reyes. the desire being to note just what ■
demands Colombia makes.
Secretary Hay Warned Colombia.
Washington, December :9. -President ’
Roosevelt today transmitted t ■ the house ,
the third Installment of papers relating i
10 the recent revolution on the isthmus I
of Panama. The papers •-nmprir.o th.- ,
correspondence betwe-n th. state depart- -
merit and Minister Beaupre .it Bogota I
relative to the Hay-Herrar treaty, con-'
sitting of 120 letter-- and telegrams sent I
between March 18 and November 18, I
Mr. Hay instructed M. Beaupre In May ;
to keep him advised on every phase of '
the situation and to use hi:-' influence in I
favor of the ratification of the treaty. :
Mr, Hay asked wh,.-' er ' ••-e was any
< pposi lion from Eur.-p.-an .sourc.-s. Mr.
Hay pronounced the situat m "seemingly [
grave." On June 9 Mr. Hay stmt to [
Mr. 80.-tupie tiiis telegram:
"The Colombian got , nnmnt apparently I
doos not up?: < iai-- toe gravity of the '
id'u.ition. The- canal negotiations were I
11 it.iatf'd by Colombia and w. re energet
ically pressed upon this government for :
several years. 'I hi propositions pr. s< nt- '
ed by Colombia, with . light modifications,
w.-re tinilly a eepted by us."
"In virtue of this apt ment our cong- ■
gross reversed its pr. his judgment and ;
decided upon the liinunia r ,i at< Il Co
lombia should now n i-et tim treaty, nr ,
tit duly delay its ratine., tion, the fri.mdiv .
undersianding between he two countries [
would tie so seriously .-ompromtsed that I
m-tioi might lx take- by th i-ongrcss •
n< xt winter which ev< : friend of Colom- ’
l>la would regret.”
Caused a Sensation.
Or, July 5 Mr. Beaupr. sent the follow- j
Ing confidential telegram to Secretary I
I lay:
"Have received Info nation privately ,
that a paraphrase of your cipher tele- :
gram of June 9 was : -ived in the sen- ;
ate secret session; creat- d : ensatlon. Con- ;
Strued by many as a threat of direct re- ■
taiiation against Colombia in case the i
treaty is not ratified. T .is and the state- i
ment of just arrived member.- of congress
from Panama that this .I'-tn .-nt would ■
revolt if the treaty is not ratified, caused ;
alarm, and th.- effect is favorable ’’
Under date of September 10 Mr. Beau- .
pre cabled:
“Fierce attack today in the senate upon
the appointment of Obabiia ns governor ot [
Panama. The. .appointm- at is regarded as [
being the forerunner ■ • separation. A |
resolution passed by almost unanimous ■
voir- which is equivalent to vot> of cen- •
sure against the government.
tn a letter which fol >wed this cable ,
message, Mr. Beaupre .-ommented on the (
“separatist” tendencies ■ f the newly ap- ,
pointed governor of Panama, which be j
said were "well known.”
"He is reported to hav-- said.” the letter >
continues, "tha, should the canal treaty .
not pa -s the department of Panama would ;
declare Its Independence, and would bo ;
right In doing so. That these are bis ,
opinions, there is, of course, no doubt.”
On October 31. Mr. Beaupre reported
great anxiety over conflicting reports of !
cessation in the Caucu and Panama de- ;
partments. j
On November 24 Mr. Beaupre reported
the situation under control, but expressed
alarm, as there wai Intense feeling
against the government,, and also against
the United States, because of the belief
that the United States bad eni-oumged
the cession movement.
Later advices from Mr Beaupre have
been already covered by cable and other
Colopibia Raised Army.
Final adjournment of the Colombian
congress on October 31 was duly reported
by Mr. Beaupre on that date, with com
ment that nothing had bten dono except
a vote of rejection of the treaty on Au-
I gust 12. He reported great anxiety over
I conflicting reports of secession in Panama |
I department.
On November 26 Mr. Beaupre reported
; the situation under control, but expressed
; alarm, as there was Intense feeling
'■ against the government, and also this
government, because of the belief that
| the United States had mcourag. d the
| secession movement. .Mr. Beaupre said an >
: army of 10,000, commanded by General ;
, Reyes, was being raised to operate !
• against Panama, provided the United .
I Slat.-s would allow Colombia to land :
. troops. Tills, telegram reported also a ■
I meeting at which a resolution was passed ;
I requesting the government to call a con- j
i vention for the purpose of amending the !
I constitution. Ir order to render possible
I Immediate ratification of the treaty.
: This was opposed by tile government and
; General Reyes as being Inopportune.
Colombian Sails Northward.
Washington. De.-ember 19.-The navy
i department hfis received a cablegram
I from R ar Admiral Glass. a.t Panama,
to the offer t that according to a report
1 which has just reached him from a
! steamer th- small force of Colombian!
troops which had been discovered at 1
:h ‘ mouth of' llm At.roto river has sailed
! to the northward in a Colombian gun- !
lo.’tt. Admiral Glass has not been able (
; to verify the report. I
The cabl.-gram was involved and scurce-
■ly intelligible to the officials of the |
■ navy depirtment As finally deciphered I
I It reads as follows:
"Uolonl lamb irg-Amerlcan Steam |
i Packet Company’s steamer Christian, •
I from i''artag<-:ia December 17, reports :
i that cruiser Cartagena sailed to the ■
i northward (date missing! with 500 men I
i i.o go to rendezvous In gulf of Darien.’ I
, Box Containing- Treaty Opened.
Washington. December 19.--M. Bunau- I
Varilia, the minister from Panama, at '
noon toe .. opened the Iron box contain- :
mg the ratified canal treaty In the pres
ence of several Washington newspaper ,
[men and M. Arosamena, the secretary
lof the legation. The box contained In ad
dition to the treaty duly ratified by the
junta, the official decree of the govern
ment announcing ths ratification of the
The treaty was carefully wrapped in j
the American and Panaman flags, testi
monials, as the minister expressed It, "of .
the moral ratification of the treaty."
The ex hange copy of the treaty will (
arrive by the next steamer from Pan-
i iUaa - __ j
New York Ordered to Isthmus.
' S, I'tie. Wash.. December 19 A dis-
I patch from the Puget Sound navy yard
i says that hurried preparations are be- ;
i Ing made to put the cruls- r New York j
i into condition to sail. Officers have been
[in Seattle bidding their families goodby.
! Wiushington, December 19.—1 t was stal
led at the navy department today that the
■ cruis<r New' York Is under orders to go
| to San Francisco as soon as repairs are
' completed. After taking supplies there,
l she will go to the Isthmus to ax:t as I
■Admiral Glass' flag ship.
Colombians in Fighting Mood.
Colon. December 19. —News received j
from the coast is to tho effect that San- j
tandro Antioquia and other departments I
in Colombia continue tlnir offers to raise
men and enlist new battalions to defend
the national integrity. Al a large meet
ing held by Cartagena liberals on Novem
ber 3, resolutions were passed offering
their services in defense of the repub- ,
lie. and in the maintenance of public
order. A board of control consisting of
live members was appointed to raise the
public subscriptions throughout the de
partment of Bolivar.
By Jos: Ohl.
I Washington, Dot ember 15 —(Special
| Secretary of War Root today approve 1
! the recommendation of the g-'neral staff
! establishing the. military department ot
| the gulf and designating Atlanta as ns
j headquarters. The new department.
: which as explained in these .-.
[ Is to he Included in the military division
I of the Atlantic, Includes the states
North Carolina, South ' irolina, G. orpin,
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and T<ni-
• ncssee.
I i.oulsiana Is attached to the departrm.iit
■ of Texas.
The n- w divisions and sub-divisions of
the army wore announced today by Sec
retary Root.
There will be four divisions in the
' United States and one in t:m I’hllippin -. j
' The AHantt’ division will constitute the
! present department, of the east, except I
: the stall- of Louisiana, with th'. i.ite
1 of Tenm-ssee added thereto and will be ■
1 composed ot the departments of the
I cast and the department of the gulf.
! Fhe headquarters of tin- department of '
i the gull will be located at Atlanta, Ga.,
land that o the division and also of the ,
. department of ihe east will at Gov- ;
I i rnor's island. N. Y. The northern di- t
; vision will te composed of tile present ;
, department of the lak< -th department
i o Missouri and the department of Da- |
- kota. The headquarters of thi northern ■
' division will be at St. Louis.
[ The f’.i ific divisio wil lb l
J of the present departments of < 'alffor if ’
I and Columbia. The headquarters of the
division wlii be San Francisco.
1 The southwestern division will lie com
. posed of the departm- nt.- oi Colorado and
j Texas. The department of T'-xas will be
[ enlarged by the addition of the states of ;
I Louisiana. Arkansas. Oklahoma and In
[ dian territories. The headquarters of this
division will o ibklahoma City, Okla.
[ The Bhilippine division wil! remain as
now constltutr-d.
The following division commanders
.have beer; decided upon;
Atlantic division Major General Cor
; bin; northern division, . l ajor G--r,oral
. Bates; Pacific division, Major General I
MacArthur; sotuhw stern division. Major
General Sumner; Philippine division, Mi -
: j.,r General M ade.
The order becomes effective Jannarj- 15.
i 1904.
1 The following officers have been d'-dg
nated to assume command of th,, several
j Department of the Gulf—Brigadier Gen- >
I era! Barry.
I Department of the fjakes-Brigadier
General Grant.
Department of the .tfl isouri—Brigadier
General M'ante. Brigadier General Carr.
Department of the Dakotas—Brigadier I
General Kobbe.
Department of the California—Major
General Mac Arthur. Temporarily.
[ Department of the Columbia—Brigadier .
; General Funston,
I Department of the Colorado—Brigadier
I Genera] Baldwin.
i Department of Texas—Brigadier Gen- i
I eral Lee. Brigadier General Barry. tern- J
j porarlly.
I Department of Luzon—Brigadier Gen- !
eral Randall.
Department of Visayas—Brigadier Gen- i
era] Carter.
Department of Mindanao—Major Gencr- j
al Wood.
Commandant of th- Infantry and C.iv- ;
'airy School. Fort Leavenworth-- Brigadier
General Bell.
Atlanta’s Facilities. I
It Is very probable that with the com- I
Ing of the department of tho gulf of the
I United States army U Atlanta so- head
I quarters that de: as .vill be established
■ here that will mean much for the oe -.
■ interests of the city.
j A representative of The Constitution
’ talked with one of the officers a: 11 t
I M'-Pherson about the matter last eve
[ ring. Whll,■ he was unque.-.tlcnaMy a
j a position to know, his name is n■■: used
i at his own request.
i "J dare say,” he began, “that tl.< mO’’-
. much more Ran is apparent fir. *
i srlaii.-e. You say the report comes from
Washington that general depots f a ti c
■ commis-ary and quart erma st,-r 1
im, nts will be established here. 'bat 1
■ believe Is usually the case.
I "Os course, if that Is done, the suppll '.-i
lor «t least most of them, will come
through Atlanta for the entire u-rrito-y
!in the department of the gulf. Wh>',>
■ you take Into consideration the many
; posts that are Included in this depot;-
‘ ment, the purchasing of these supplies
will amount to a great, deal.
[ "Atlanta is most fortunately situated
; not ordy as a strategic point In case of
i war, but as a supply station tor all
j paints in tin territory. Its railroad !•;
I c-iaties are simply wonderful and it is .i
j nv.d Chlcigo as a distributing p -i’.:.
N’aturMly that means ev.-rytiiiag both <a
[ peace and war anil unquesti<>:;.tb.v had
[ much to do with the sele.,-tii.g -‘f Atlan
i ta as headquarters by the general staff,
j "Still another thing. Atlanta is a man
I ufacturing city and this should mean
I much in her interest. If a depot of the
[ q'-artermasters’ department is establish
ed here, Atlanta wouii ho ablo
[ to put in lower bids on account of the
saving of freight rates. As it is now,
i most of these goods come from Now
York and Chicago and the freight rates
' amount to considerable. Whether or not
i the surrounding country would be able
to provide the materials necessary tor
the subsistence department is another
If a purchasing; depot Is established
Atlanta will have another advantage in
being the great mule market she Is. Very
■ many of these animals are purchased for
| the army and Atlantans would be in the
best kind of a position to bid for L’ncle
i Sam’s trade. Thon I suppose big ware
■ houses will be engaged for the storing
of grain and other supplies
■ "You sc,, all of the coast batteries on
. the southern Atlantic coast. Charleston.
Savannah, St. Augustin’ and tho rest
' of them will look to Atlanta as their
; headquarters and if depots are stationed
■ here. the. contracts for the supplying of
. all the.’ army and coast posts would
! amount to a great deal. Just how much
[ I would be afraid to estimate even ap
; proximately.
The Purchasing Department.
i "But I feel quite sure that Atlanta
i with her many natural advantages
[ through location and as a strategic point
j and mt I'Ufacturing center will reap a
; great deal more of benefit than she
[ knows. Certainly it will be so if a pur
i chasing department Is opened here.
! which I naturally presume will bo the
I case and the orders that are now going
I to New York and Chicago from Fort
[ McPherson and other southern posts will
I go to Atlant;>.
i "Another ihlng, 1 dare say the head-
1 quriti rs will bring w-iti. them a working
i for.j, of over one hunched clerks. This
will in itself moan much to Atlanta, ind
[ then as vacancies occur at headquarters.
I it is quit. p. ssible that these vacancies
Continued, on Fag'S Fiva,