Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXVI. NO. 52.
By CLIFFOHD SMYTH, Special Correspondent, in Colombia, of The Constitution.
Bogota, Colombia, Dec. 22, via Galveston —I reached here yesterday after a
rough trip by boat and over trail on inuleback, and on the way was extended many
courtesies by General Tovar and his staff.
On every side, wherever we went, through a small village or passed a Colom
bian, the interest was intense. There is but one feeling here, and that is for war—
war with Panama. The natives cannot conceive that the United States will take
any part in what they consider a purelx domestic trouble
President Marroquin today submitted to an interview. He has just tendered
to the Colombian government his entire private fortune to be used in a war to
bring Panama back into the union.
This will give an idea of the sentiment that reigns. It is not flat
ter of talk, but money is being tendered from all sides. • ,
In the course of his talk President Marroquin took the stand that Colombia,
in making war on Panama, will be following the course of the United States fed
eral government in fighting the southern states back into the union.
The genuineness of this war feeling may be gauged when it is recalled that
Marroquin has just suffered a defeat in the race for the presidency of the republic.
He has set the citizens of Bogota wild over the announcement that his private
fortune is at the disposal of the government.
The news that Senator Gorman, a strong democratic possibility for the pres
idential nomination and a senate leader, has taken up the fight for a rejection of
the Panama treaty has imbued the Colombians with renewed hope that they will,
as they put it, “receive justice at the bands of the American people.”
1 am assured that this is the first cablegram sent out from here by an ac
credited correspondent of any newspaper in the 1 nited States. I have found
no other correspondents here. Developments of a grave nature may be expected
at any time.
Despite the extreme confidence felt in General Reyes, there is considerable
chafing over the delay in negotiations, which is credited to the republican admin
istration. Statements that any internecine trouble is brewing are incorrect.
Washington. December 22—" Refusal by i
th. United States to consent to a prop
osition from Colombia for a reference of >
th< p,i ama question to The Hague trib- :
Una. is expe* ted and will be fully ap- ;
pt verl by the European powers.’’
This statement was marie to a repre- ;
tentative of tin Associated Press tonight
I v an 1. tr*■■ • •io air. wissarior of high rank *
end influenrr It has already been marie I
in substance, though in rather moi 3 dip- !
lematic language, that General Rafa* i, I
•-*'■■■•. ■ ' r , >
ills i th ot i:rg note to biggest refer- :
tr.* e to The Hag' • '*<r the- settlement of !
the isthmus problem. Whether the i
knowledge *h | th- refusal of such a re- .’ far ft >m prejudicing the Euro- ,
pun powers against the Washington gov- i
* - nent will for emphntU
cu rs* mc-rt. will c.r:s» General Reyes to '
modify l,b note is not yet certain.
Attitude of Europe.
The ambassador quoted in explaining
t’>* att.tude of European powers said: i
■'Panama is a cl-*s.*d chapter and The
U’*sw court is not the j i . -e for settled !
qi.* si ions. but for pending problems ’
'.*.' ■ I. referred o it with the full ap- ■
prox tl of all tii. parties interested. When ’
l-:ussi... Germany, ; ,nd Pram e recognized :
th* indep.-nd■ ■:: . Panama they set j
ti. seal of *pprov;*l on the prompt .ir- '
te of the W o-: ingt*m government. Na
tions can hardly !■*■ exp.-teed to s, ttic
Questions of < r. ignty or of natioi ;ii
honor at The Hagw' Moreover, in my
(■•pinion it would not within the prov
ince of t’.'*: W:*-l:iiigt<*n government to ,
grant su. !: a : quest from Colombia it •
is to Panama not to Washington, that ,
Colombia should take such a proposl- ’
■ . between Col rnbia
ta which wi ill propriety .
might be rewired to The Hague, and to ■
tile United States Will
.-.-a; R offer ohj'vtion It is the q*:.>- .
t :: of th< assumption by Panama of a
t art of th* Colombian d; i> .
•; f *;*••:., it,-'.: <>• *■ 11 • ! ask the Unit
, <• .., . • : good *. .’fives to lltl'.C ■
* .. . ■ hrough; before 1 The Hague,
panama wight safely acquiesce in such j
.. ti - , diffieiiltv tn making this re- :
t . ... • w .. ’.! i* that t'elombia th*'roby ;
v ogniz*- th* indepcndenc* ot the
r ... ■,), bi'; . his inns: conn so*>n*r ‘
t i; n vv department the statement
5. mad.- tonight that the instructions to .
t i.iv-c't in isthmian wa- |
pr; to ••prev- nt the landing of force's |
-h hostile ini-nt." have not b*'* n mo*l-
. ■ believed. .
* *■ sufficiently compri to enalue
- ....mmun.l.-rs to maintain open iian it ;
, t :•. isthmus ' d to protect the ■
: • .v republic from < " >l**mbta expeditions. ,
Transports Offered.
Wash: gton. D- ';nb’'r 2' -I'nrler the
Imp-e- ion that war is surely to occur
h*'t'ween the T'nited State.- ' nd Colombia,
♦he *!tmr’*rm'ister gemtial *f the army
J-.a be.en l.csiog.’d by rallr* .id and ship
j r..; ’.a u desirous of tran-murting troops.
A number of offer; have come to the de- i
partm*-nt from f c :gn s'aip owners ten- ,
tfer’ng their vessels as transports ft was
pointed out today that while the land- ,
Ing of marines on foreign soil occasions ■
but little comment and is only an evi- i
donee of a disturbed condition of affairs, ,
th« • mbarkatinn of troops puts a differ
ent aspect on the situation. For this
r-.*snn th navy will bo permitted to eon
t-oi affairs in Isthmian waters, for the
present, at least, or until matters reach
a stage tn-essitating the cooperation of
the army.
If Reyes Fails There'll Be War.
Bogota. Friday, December 18.—Patriot- j
1c meetings are being held here every ]
evening at which conting* r*ts of men :
nnd sums of money are offered to the i
government. Even the women demand ’
to be enlisted for the purpose of subduing
•.lie sv- aratists.
The government only awaits news from ■
'i-.-jera- Jieyes and If that news Is to
j effect that nothing can be aecom
-ii-hed bv diplomatic means then the an
rlties will continue to send troops to
the isthmus.
.• government and people hope that
. fnlted States congress will avoid a
•■ . .; ?< j th» y r r h. upon the fairness
be American press.
Walker Expects No War.
Washington. December 22. A tul! and
?-•■ lied report of th.- condition of affairs
tv. he Isthmus as he saw them will be
ide to President Roosevelt and to Sec
retary Hay by Admiral John G. Walk-
j er. chairman of the Isthmian canal com
j mission, ho returned to Washington
from Colon tonight. The admiral's stay
on the Istjamns covers a period of abmit
■four weeks, during which time lie went
over the ground very thoroughly, par
ticulatly with reference to the condition
of the canal property. Admiral Walker
went to Colon as the representative of
■ the president soon after the rpubllc was
I proclaimed.
‘ Ihe admiral said the Isthmians have no
fear that the Colombians will att-.mpt
| to reconquer the country. There is not, he
said, a t.all m all Panama ot sufficient
i "1*1:11 to drive w.u. hi. Columbia has
never built a trail or constructed a bridge
tn Parane*. Th- .. ,■ : ,
e>>'*i.ii ? lendets !t unlik*iy in the adrni
rni s opinion that any warlike measures
will be undertaken l*> Colombia.
."'.'Ur <q-iii;iin. t!i*’ a.imira] w.-.s
ask’d, "would Panama be able to take
its own part if the r-.dted States were
'O withdraw its h. Ip?
: 'ies. J thinks it would be able, to take
’>' However, as 1 said. I
, ,h" ‘ h,n “ t'olnmbia Will tty to do any-
! Aomira! Walk, r maf j e a trt ttr of tlm
■ ’b<l wttb a party of engineers. He said
, mat the engn,.-- rs remained behind.
Beaupre Leaves Bogota.
Bogota. Saturday. December 19 Unlt
'<! States -Minster Beaupre left here to
i day for Cartagena.
Colombia Presents Some Questions.
Bogota. Saturady. December 19.—Dr.
< .'.l rice- Ra o, minis: r of foreign af
'■•C-'. has cabled Reyes a.t Wash
ington under date of December 16 a's
1 "It the explanation which the United
' Stati-s governim-nt lias glien to tie. ptess
■ is of a diplomatic ebaraei*r, answer
i tearing the following (.oints:
: _ B.' the treaty *.f 1846 the United
.states (lid not voul:,- ,-.,ntiol over iti
t -ro,-( a.i:ie fran it but ent*‘i *ii into oliii
g itot’s by which, for compensatory la
vot: it guaranteed the . ■ ttrality, pr*'p-
■ (tty and sovereignty of th, is-thmus, lite
I SOV( r, igntj- b. ing indii Isibl*-.
'l' th' Unit*',! Stat' s gov. r-.m.-nt pre
i vents the government of Colombia fnini
subduing tl, ■. ; e), t> . n p ought to snb-
■ mil J item i,, t '.i!ombi,:n a uthoritles.
: *‘lli'.- I ntt*d States hti* never protect-
I e<: C-dombia against foreign invasion.
\\ hi n* v* r that gov. : iim.-nt has intet fei -
: ed to prevent t.i;** int-rr.iptlon of tiafiie
i it has been b-cause ot :hc rights granted
’ or at Colombia s r<<j:t *••.-1. Utrly in this
’’ stance it Intel >■ r* .1 ml its own initia
i live witlt tin r iiden; obi et of protecting
I tie -■ ■■• s'i - on tiie isthmus
I "it the guarantee ot neutrality were to
i be looked upon as a privilege, it wotiitl
prevent th* sovereign government from
keeping trdir on th* Isthmus, which is
' against the principles of all govern-
I ments. Th.- protocol- of 1897 did not.
i giant, any new rights to the* United
‘ States, much l. s- the rights of ilommatmg
. this te.rritor.i
"Tin Hay llcrt'.in treaty did not modify
th* obligations which th* United Stales
•ontra<'t*'d by tl'.e treaiy of 1846 to
guarantee th*- t,< clit > sovereignty ami
prop.-Tty of th*- i. thmtts. Wl;en tin trea-
■ ty was iliseov* ri d no new propositions
"Th* orders given by th.* United States
i goverrim* nt to its navy helped to favor
tin - . -ion movement, and Colombia at po.iee wh*n this war movement
was begun.
! "Til* conduct of the Washington ex
' ccutiv*- lais been and now is favorable in
i every way to the rebellion, but pot to
th* maintenance of order, which is erm
trary to th ■ principles and antecedents
of th* I'nilc't Stat*s government and to
the* policy ostablfshed by it during the
'.mcrii'an war ot sec-sslon.
"RICO, Minister.’
Panama Ready for War.
! Panama. December 22. -Nothing new
i has been learned from the Darien dis
! triet. The Panamanian gunboat Chu
chutti. which is now being used as a
i dispatch boat, is ready to leave if nec-
■ essary .it a moment’s notice. Three
hundred Panamanian soldiers, well-
| equipped, are prepared to board her and
[ go to i-einforce the garrison on the Dut
; len frontier. Other troops are being or
ganized for the cruise of the 1 res No
vii-mbre, a Panamanian gunboat, which
is under steam and fully supplied with
provisions. Troops will also leave this
week for the Batmano region to reinforce
and occupy stragetic positions.
Washington. December 23.—(Special.)
Tin* early return to Colombia of General
Rafael Reyes is predict eil by those who
enjoy the general’s confidence. It Is an
nounced that the Colombian note to
this government has been completed and
is ready sot submission to the state de
partment, and it is known that the pre
sentation of this note has been with
held by th.- Colombian envoy in the hope
that delay would operate toward the pro
motion of )*eace. Advices front Colom-
■ bia indicate that, the effect has not been
just what was exp c ted. The war spirit
is raging there to an extent that not
■ only endangers peace but may endanger
: the political standing and influence of
I General Reyes, who lias been tin strong
est man with the Colombian people as
was evidenced by his recent election to
I the presidency.
Hay Advises Reyes To R- turn.
In a conference held at the home of
S* rotary Hay, the secretary strongly
| advised General Reyes to return to Cu
; lonibia, as he could be of more use to
j his country than in Washington. This
advice, or hint. Is one of the influences
1 wilt -11 have shaped the Colombian geit-
I etals decision to leave Was I tug ton in
I the wry near future. Th* other has to
! do with th*' internal politics of Colombia,
i Friends of G< i.*-ral Reyes have reported
to him th* ae'ivliy of president Marro
, quin in lining up with the war party.
; Today's advices stating tiiat Marro<|Uln
has announced Ills willingness to place
his private foi tune in the hands of the
government to promote a war for the
purpose of bringing Panama back into
. the Colombian union are construed here
as m■. inlng that Marroquin Is taking
advantage of th*’ peace advices of Reyes
in the face of the prevailing war I*.cling
it I'.ngota with a lil.T to a coup d'etat,
which would secure to himself conlm
i,i. .. it, tie i>ri-ldential office without
' regard to the * lection of Reyes. The
' ti nn of the iiiw president does not be
-1 gin until August.
T» ■ sttp;: >rt -s of General Reyes are
: pointing out to him that a greac deal
1 can happen in a South American rep’ib-
11. in eight months and it would be well
for him to be on the ground.
Reyes Warns His Country.
•‘Wir on Panama means war with the
i United States.’’ is the substance of ca
! bl*.grams which General Rafael Reyes *s
set.*:ing to the Bogota gov. t rim* nt and
[ to his more influential followers through
: out Colombia. Realizing the gravity of
the situation. General Reyes Is endeav
' oring to bring the Colombian people face
to face with the situation as he knows
1 it here. He Is convinced the United
States will not permit a Colombian army
to lard within the territory of Pau
i anta
General Reyes, with the assistance of
' Dr. Herran and the American lawyer
i whom be lias employed, is actively en-
I gaged in the preparation of his communi
; cation to the state department.
United States Ships at Colon.
Colon, December 23.—The United
States cruiser Olympia arrived here to
day, Other United States warships now
,'n the harbor arc the Mayflower, Hit*
Prairie, the Atlanta, the Bancroft and
the Nashville.
i Colombian Army Can't Be Found.
' vt asbington, December 24.—Rear Ad
amical Glass writing to the navy depart-
■ incut from Panama, under date of Dc
’ comber 13, rep;rts that, with the view
ot investigating the movement of Co
lombian troops, he sent a scouting party
from the Boston to Real Santa Maria and
i Yaviza to communicate with the inhabi
tants and investigate the rumors of an
' invasion of the isthmus by tile Colombian
l forces and to obtain information as to th
j practieability of such an invasion The
scouting party reported all quiet In the
' distil t visited, and that they could g< i
no knowledge of any movements of Co
i lomibtan troops.
Admiral Glass reports that while an in
vasion is possible the progress or any
• considerable force must be slow, as roads
' would have to be cut and facilltie sfor
j transporting larges bodies of men bv the
' rivers are inadequate.
| Reporting on a scouting trip of the At
| lanta. Admiral Coghlan says that a trail
. was found by which small parties can go
from San Blas to Colon, but that tin
party neither heard nor saw anything of
I anj Colombian troops having
■ that vicinity.
Reyes Advises Patience.
General Reyes, the Colombian minister,
has finished the communication to be
presented to this government, and if Sec
- retary I lai is able to be at th.- slate de
partment the document will be presented
by General Reyes in person. Saturday
' morning. General Reyes today ernphati
I Continued on Second Page.
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Whore Commercial Ambitions Clash—Gulf of Pechili the Confer of Strife—-Facts About Manchuria
and Korea-The Great importance to American Commerce of the Ports Which Are
To Be Opened-Russian Attitude Toward United States.
.By Jos: Ohl.
Washington. December 23.—(Special
correspondence.)-The senate's ratifica
tion of the commercial treaty with China
which guarantees the <•:' ring oj the two
Manchurian ports. Muk' "■ and Yn-Tung.
to ropfign commerce .e United
Siates right tn th*- heart, um itin heat,
of the present Far Eastern contriver, y
so far as its eommcrclal asp' ■’ is con
This does not mean that the United
States has. or can have, any direct hand
In the Russo-Japanese contest for su
premacy In Korea; but it does mean
tl it this govi-rnmt is now in a positlim
to put to a test the friendly assurances
of the Russian government that the In
terests of American commerce in Man
churia shall be fully respectc-1, even If.
the face of the declaration of \T. * ro>
Alexl'ff’s newspaper, that so long as
Manchuria Is occupied by Russian sol
diers. the provisions of this treaty will
be "altered in such away as to save
Russian interests the blow they would
otherwise receive "
While this latter declaration is not
official and may not have been author
ized. it is natural that, coming from such
a source. It should be taken as voicing
unfriendliness toward the "opening” ot
these two ports to American commerce.
Admiral Alexieff and the editor who is
supposed to speak for him represent the
popular Russian view that Manchuria is
part of the domain of the czar, ignoring
the oF.lcial St. Petersburg acknov.lodge
ment of China's sovereignty over the
gr*'at. northern provinces of the middle
kingdom. The United States, whi-h with
th*'- rest of the world holds to the theo
ry of Chinese sovereignty, has nego
tiated this treaty with the government of
Chit and expect • it.’
respected, whether China does or not.
The Demands Upon Korea.
Colncii -nt with the euat i action which
makes this treaty, comes the
request upon the emperor of Korea for
the opening of two ports in his kingdom—
■'empire" he Is pleased to call it—adjoin
ing Manchuria. The I nited States,
through its able minster at Seoul, is
asking for the opening to commerce of
t'.'iju, while Great Britain and Japan
are pressing for similar privileges al
Yongampho. Russia, which is endeavot
mg to become the dominating influence in
K ( ( t 0 the detriment of Japan, is un
iriendlv to these commercial moves
"bleb‘would. It fears, give to commer
ciil rivals an equal footing with berscll
in terrltorv she hopes to control, and
here it. Washington there is a suspi. i**u
that Japan because of her hopes with
n «ar.l t i Korea Ls not Particularly anx
ious Io see these Kor* an ports e; .mu
to outside commerce. Whether there Is
anything in this suspicion of Japanese
bad faith is yet to tlevel”!”-'. Japan may
I,*) somewhat aggricv d over the i.t l
that she has been given to understand
ti ,t if sin goes to war with Russia she
ran 1 ’ xpect fc no help from the Lntieu
& Burwhether Russia ami Japan like it or
Ilot . the united StaGs wtll continue m
its eiiorts to secure the opening ot M iju.
11* of die unsettled state ot at
flits' an American war ship is on the
wav to Korea. Minister Allen has asked
tor' this probably becaus. lie desires to
make a showing that will impress the
Korean court that this government means
business. There is nothing in this situ
ation to imply that, we propose to get
mixed up in any warlike developments
between Russia and Japan, but we do
desir.- to have It. realized that the Unlt'-d
States Is a factor to be consider*,! In
that section of the world which Just
now is the meeting place of International
The New Mediterranean.
In the light of the far-reaching im
portance of Hie problems io be solved
In Korea and Manchuria, 1 have thought
an ex’liana lion of the relationship be
tween the different places mentioned in
the daily cables may be of interest.
The gulf of Pechili has been called the
New Mediterranean on whose shores
rival Asiatic interests continue the rival
ries of Europe. The Shantung promon
tory, which commands the entrance to j
the gulf on the south has the German '
naval base of Kiao-chau on its south- I
western shore, and the British station of
■ Wei-hal-wel on its eastern extremity. At :
* th« most, southerly- point of the T.i"o-tu .
peninsula, commanding tne entrance <>i
i the gtil' on the north, is the Russian
citadel of Port Arthur, which forms the ■
terminus cf the east Chinese extension
' of the trans-Siberian railway.
This marks the most, southerly limit, so
■ far. of th' Russian advance, on the Pacific
i shores of Asia, which began in 1858 when
the Amur province was ceiled by Chinn
i to Alexander I*, "bile the other gov
i erntnents of Europe were asleep. There
I is tin interval o’’ forty years between .
. the date of this t.-.-aty, which secured
| Russia ;cc> s.i to the Pacific at \Tadivos
tock and the "lease'' which gave her
i Port Arthur, whj li Japan had been
1 compelled to evacuate in 1395 after her
victory over China. It Is because Rus
i sla was tiie power wl i b compelled this
■ evacuation, taking from Japan the ,
fruits of that victory only to secure them ■
i later for herself, that the f.-. I ug 1 tins .
j so strongly against Russia in Japan.
Russian Desires in Korea.
As the Korean strait is a vitally itn- ;
portant part of the line of commulca- ■
i tion between Vladivostock and Port Ar- !
thur. ami as the Island of Tsushima—in |
th" middle of the strait--belongs to Japan, !
the Russian desir* for a footing on the ■
mainland of Korea is, apart from all ■
other considerations, <;uite intelligible.
' In May. 1900. a. piece, of land was
actually acquired in the harbor of Ma- i
samfpho, opposite Tsushima, which it I
i was announced was to be used for a ;
:c* .illnir station by Russia. The acqui- ;
sitlon of this territory constituted a i
! breach of tiie understanding- given by
' Russia in 1886 never to occupy any
' portion of :he soil of Korea. This prom
ise was exacted after th" occupation of
| Port Hamilton by a British fleet -an act
prompted, In return, by the announced
! intention of Russia to occupy Pott La
zaro, on the eastern short of Korea.
China was then th" acknowledged suze
rain of th* Hermit kingdom, ami from
! her came the protest against th*' Brit
i ish seizure of a commanding position on
I the j.onan strait, while to her were
addressed the Russian assuranc* s which
. brought about the surrender of the po-
I sition.
' So much for the past. Into this area,
so fruitful of controversies old and new.
and so clearly designated as the battle
; ground for the future control of the Pa- !
( citlc, the United Slates enters with the I
peaceful rivalri* *• of trad*'. Ninety ;ifr I
■ cent of all the exports of American cot- >
: ton cloths to China finds a market in j
■ the thr*e treaty ports of Chefoo, Tien- .
■ tsin and Newchwang, situated on or
i near the Gulf of Pechili. The port of
■ Clilnwantao, close to the seawatd ex-
I tremity of the great wall of Chma at
f Shanhaikwan. Is the only other treaty
i port within this area. On the eastern
I side of the Liaotung peninsula Is the
'new Russian free port of Dalny, for
merly Known as Ta lien wan, whose com-
[ nii-fcial promise sc ms to bo bl’ghted
; almost, as soon as it is opened to trade.
Up to the Yalu.
: In the northern bight of the bay of
' Korea, at the mouth of the Yalu river, i
I j< the of the great naval confli 't
of 1894 between China and Japan, t'n**
| first conflict between modern navies.
About twenty miles up the river is th**
port <’f An-tung, one of tiie ports cov
. ered in the new treaty. An-tung has
'no Immediate commercial Importance,
i but as It Wil! form the future terminus
i of the Chinese railroads which converge
I at the -.orean frontier and Join the Ko
rean railroad, still awaiting construe- (
tion, but "hich will traverse the entire .
; length of the country from M'iju to Fu- I
' san, the future of the place has enor
' rnotts possibilities.
I Mukden, from which will start the [
, branch of the East Chinese cornmunieat- .
j inc with Antung, Is the other new treaty '
port pr*>vid*'d for in the American treaty. '
anil is a. place eminently suited to the ■
development of trade. The affluent of the ;
Riato river, on which Mukden Is situated. :
lis navigable for boats of light craft, j
which *s an important consideration fur
the future of the seaborne trade which |
I finds entrance and outlets at. Newchwang. ‘
i at the mouth of the Liao.
I As the new commercial treaty with ;
Japan now awaiting ratification provides
■ for the opening to commerce of Tatung-
i koii. at the mouth of the Yalu. Ih, r* will ;
' be . *ur treaty ports in Manchuria In
t . I. i .. "ug.
iof cummer* lai influent' ■ will thus be :
' driven Into the hemt o: the sphere w'.ich
I th** world ha. become .*■• ustom* d to re
gard ns exclusively Russian.
On the Korean side of the Yalu, oppo
site Antung. or nearly s *. is IViju, 1 lie ■
. starting point of the propose,! Korean
i railway system in the north, which ■■
, Unit'd States Minister .Mien Is emi-.'V' r- .
ing to have opened to tiie commerce of '
i the world, while south of I’ is Yoncam-
■ pho. which Groat Britain and Japan have
i urged Korea to place in '.h* category of
I free ports.
j Chicago, December 27.--.Duri:. -a sl. tn-
! pede of the 10,000 men. women and ci'.ii
■ dren waiting for admission, whieli fol
i lowed the opening of the doors of the
i Coliseum, wh-re the Volunteers of Amer-
I ica today gave their annual Christmas
| dinner, several glass doors were demol
! islied and the d-z n polii'eruen on duty at
Salt Lake City. Utah, I ■•--'•ember 27 j
Frank Rose, a. barber, surr ndet’e*! him- ;
s* if at police headquarn rs louay. He : ,*i
tiiat he had klib'd his wife Ciiri- in -
afternoon and that the Body was *llll
lying In the bedroom where tlf woman
died after lingering for two hours with a ;
pistol bullet tn her brain.
Tii*' police found lying in a b-d in a
miserably furnished sha* I . the boci;- ’
of Mrs. Rose, ■■lad only In her und.r- 1
j garments awl by her . ide w.i- the wot n*■
■ two year old son; the. ba! i clothes '
j being saturated with its mo’.her's blood 1
New York Banker Disappears
from the Steamer
New York, December 27.—Refe-ring t•>
th,* disappearance from the steamer Den
ver on her way to Galveston, of Gran
ville W Garth, president of the Me
chanics' national batik, of this city, Alex
ander A. Orr, vice president of the bank,
said today that for some time past Mr.
' Garth had been far from well and with-
I In the past few weeks had seemed to be
on the verge of mental prostration. For
! this reason tne board of directors passed,
1 on December 14, a resolution urging Mr.
■ Garth to take a vacation of four months
! To this Mr. Garth assented ami sailed
' with a companion on tin- Denver oi. De-
I comber 19. The bank had continued to
• prosper under Mr. Garth’s management,
I Mr. Orr said, and his death was solely
due to mental anxiety of a purely per-
1 sonal character.
| It may be assumed that this expansion
1 of the area of free commercial oppor-
■ tunity in and around the sphere in which
; slio'is seeking to establish political and
I military supremacy is the reverse of
; pleasing to Russia. But the only open
l n:anifesta.tion of her opposition comes
I from th ■ semi-of Jcial journal puliitshed
: ' Bort Yrtl; ir. w’hieh has frardf ■ as
| cliuria i. o* -upied by Russian 50.,!.-re it
■ win bo possible "to make sure tiiat article
i 12 of this (American) treaty will not be
j ratified, er t!. i: if ratified, it will be alter
ed in sueii away as to save Russian
: Interests the Mow they would otherwise
! It remains to bo seen whether tills cor
i redly Russia'.- position. The treaty
: with China having been duly ratified by
the United States senate, this gover,-
' ment will see to it that its provisions
are not nullified by Russia or anybody
I the place managed to restore order with
j the greatest difficulty.
In the rush several women and children
were knocked down awl trampled on, but
none wre seriously fnjui-od. The crowd
was the largest that ever assembled at
I such an affair in Chi "igo, and when eve: y
one had been .'-atfs’led not a mors'! of
the tons of food remained.
I It was nt first thought that the •.•;■,;! ■
I was dead but when an officer attempt*.:
; to re;, .is. the little arms from aroui
th- " Oman's nek. the child began iw
plaintively told the police of the nicit* '
, and that she "won't wake up.” Fo~ ,ii
i most two ddys the child had been !<■ k
' ... In tiie cold room with its mur,.- :•••;
'; mother without food or attention of in
; kiwi. The , 1 i!d is In a serious conJi;!
’ ■! probably will recover.
: The family came to Salt Lake City
| from St Louis. The husband was alrr-osl
; nit of employment and the couple are
1 said to have quarreled frequently.
Hold Up Persons, Crack
Safes and Secure Much
I Philadelphia, December 27.—Two white
i men with revolvers blew open a safe.
I held up several persons ami otherwise
caused considerable excitement last night
■in the suburban towns along the main
i line of the Peunsylvanla road. Two men
were held up at Havreford. Several hours
later the men appeared at Strafford, cov
ered an aged Watchman with revolve -s
• and blindfolded him. The men then blew
• open the safe ,'n the railroad tatlon.
1 which also Is used as a postoffi. < and
took about SI,OOO in money and stamps
i The police have a good description of
, the burglars, but up to tonight they have
been unable to find any trace of them.