The Atlanta commercial. (Atlanta, GA.) 189?-1???, September 18, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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SPECIALS! The following list of unmatchable bar gains will be on sale early Monday morn ing; they are all new and choice in ever? respect and as season openers they are sure to attract a large crowd: Cashmeres. In black and all colors, 86 inches wide, pure wool, both warp and weft, fine twill and lustrous finish, AT 21c yard Silk Velvets. 18 different colors, pure silk face, close pile, linen back, can be had also in light blue and cream, • . AT 21c YARD Tartan Plaids. Imported, 40 inches, twilled, fine Mo hair wool, all the Clans, Stewarts and Gordons; all the Macs, Shepheard and Hob-Roy, AT 25c YARD English Suiting. 30-inch fine serge wool, small checks, in light, medium and dark colors., stylish and wears well, AT 15c YARD Silks- 38 different styles and colorings, all silk Surah and Glace, two and three tone changeable effecs in stripes, figures and plain, AT 50c YARD Umbrellas. 100 Ladies’ and Gents’ all-silk black Umbrellas, 26-inch only, eight differ ent styles of handle, AT 75c Broad Flannels 10 pieces 52-inch all-wool Flannels, broad-cloth finish, all colors, AT 29c YARD Half Wool. 100 pieces double-width Cashmeres and changeable Brocades, in a wide assort ment of colors, AT 10c YARD Crochet Silks. 100 dozen pure silk dye Crochet Silks, standard quality and full size ball, every calor, AT 10c BALL Jet Gimps. We have all prices of Jets, but here is a lot of choice goods in narrow and medium widths, AT 5c YARD Sheets. 150 pairs of 10-4 Pepperrell Sheets, one and two-inch hem, made in very best manner. 98c PAIR Blankets. 200 pairs of full 10-4 White Cotton Blankets; handsome borders, wieghs 3 1-2 pounds FOR 75c PAIR Spreads, A full sized standard weight white Bed Spread worth 81, AT 75c Cotton States and International Exposition, ATLANTA/ CA. 3 Opens September 18, Closes December 31, 1895. t • — - ■ 1— SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. • • ■. ■ . Washington, D. C., September 14, 1895. To Whom it May Concern: This is to give notice that beginning September 18, 1895, and continuing until Janu ary 8, 1896, unless otherwise advised, ALL BAGGAGE CHECKED TO ATLANTA, GA., by or via the SOUTHERN RAILWAY will be delivered at Mitchell Street Station, Atlanta, and all Baggage checked from Atlanta by the Southern Railway will be received at and forwarded from the Union Passenger Station, Atlanta, Ga. J. M. CULP. W. A. TURK, Traffic Manager. Gen’l. Pass- Agent. 238-240 Marietta Street. Within the past sixty days nearly every line of Merchandise represented in the Dry Goods Trade has mate rially advanced in price. There has seldom been greater activity displayed in all branches of the business, and in many lines the prices will go still higher. Early in May and June, when prices were at their lowest, we commenced buying the more staple requirements for our Fall Stock, and by doing so we have saved ourselves from having to pay these advances, and as a consequence we are in apposition to offer our customers all the benefits of these happy chances. We advise buying now, for we know whereof we speak when we say that there is not an item in this advertisement but what you will have to pay more for when these goods are sold out. Black Dress Goods. It was impossible to tell all that should be told about this stock. It includes so many styles, qualities and weaves that have only mi do their appearance this season. Let us first glance at the Mo hair family. What a range of style and quality they include! Plain Mohairs, 25, 39, 50 and 75c. Brocade Mohairs, 25, 38 and 49c. Silk figured Mohairs, 75, 89 and $1.25. Then there are Crepons, Seraes, Hen riettas, Cheviots, Silk Warps, Cashmeres, Berbers, Storm Serges, Rain proof Ser ges and a host of other weaves ia all wool qualities. Crepons 50, 75 and 89c. Serges 25, 39, 50, 75 and $1.25. Henriettas 25, 39, 50, 75 and sl. Berbers, all-wool, satin figures, 50c. Cheviots, excellent weight, 29c up. Broadcloths, twilled backs, 75 and 93c. Not to mention the half wool goods that begin and end something like this: Double width Cashmeres 10c. Double width Brocades 10c. 36-inch Cashmeres at 15 and 19c. 36-inch Brocades at 15 and 250. 46-inch Henriettas at 25c a yard. Colored Dress Goods Here is a partial list of new things. Novelty Dress Goods. In Silk and Mohair mixtures, beautiful shaded effects in all the newest combina tion colors, 50 and 75c sl, $1,25 and $1.50 per yard. Then we show an excellent line of do mestic manufacture made in imitation ol the best foreign styles at 19, 25 and 35c. The plain weaves of all wool colored Dress Stuffs include Serges at 25, 89, 50 and 75c. Cashmeres at 25,39 and 50c. Broadcloths at 75 and 98c. Ladies’ Cloths at 25, 39 and 50c. We should not forget that Chevoits, Tweeds and rough-faced goods are to be very much In evidence a little later in the season, and it may be well to buy this class now, as they are going to be scarce In choice colorings. The prices are 25,39 and 50c. THrf COMMERCIAL: ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. SEPTEMBER 18, 1895. TAYLOR & GALPHIN. Silks- Every color, every style, make and price can be fou.nd In this stock. All-silk changeables, 50, 75,89 and 9Sc. Black Brocaded Satins, 50, 89 and 98c. Black Satin Duchess 50, 75, and $1.50 Black and colored Failles, Crystals, Bengalines, Merveleux and fancies of all descriptions at lowest market price. Black and White. Silks in pin stripes, dots and checks in all-silk qualities from 50c to $1 25 yard. Velvets. We are showing a complete stock of Silk Velvets in colors and black from 25c up to $1.50 yard. A line of novelty three-tone pin stripe Silk Velvets at $1.25 YARD Velveteens. Black at 25, 39 and 50c. Colors in silk finish at 40c. Braids and Gimps. Jets will be used to edge velvet points. Ve are showing a very extensive line of narrow jet edges and insertions from sc. to 50c. Silk and Jet point collajs, loops and bands; Button Sets in Pearl and Jet; Jet md Pearl Buttons in large and small sizes; also full lines of wide and narrow plain and Soutache Braids. Ribbons. Our stock of black and colored Satin ,Ud Velvet Ribbons is now complete, and patrons can still buy at old prices, although there has been a material ad vance in the price of these goods. Lining, ‘ . Good linings only, at prices you can not get elsewhere: Skirt linings, 4c; Silesia, 10c; grass cloth* 10c; genuine hair cloth, 49c; imi tation hair cloth, Bc. OUR FALL STOCK. Linens. 10 pieces of 68-inch grass bleached double satin Damasks, AT 50c YARD. 10 pieces genuine turkey red Damasks, worth 250, AT 190 YARD. 25 dozen extra quality pure linen Huck and Damask Towels with fringe, knot ted fringe and hemstitched borders.' worth 25c, AT 15c EACH. 1,000 yards of Roller Crash at 3jc yd. Domestics. One case of soft finish bleached Mus lin, worth file, AT 4c. One bale of very fine smoot. Sea Is land Sheeting AT sc. One case 10-4 bleached and unbleached Sheetings, worth 20c, AT 15c YARD. Lace Curtains. 3 yards long at 50c pair. 3.J yards long at 75c to $2.50 pair. Window Shades. With guarantee Spring Rollers madeof fine glazed Hollands, 25c EACH. Curtain Poles. 250 SetS Curtaih Poles in oak and cherry now in, complete with trimmings, AT 19c. Wash Goods- One case of new dark standard ging hams in choice designs and colors, worth 8 cents, AT 5c YARD. The new illuminated and printed Cro pons—they look like silk—others ask 124 c, AT 10c YARD. One case of dark stripe outing Flan uolfi, heavy cloth, . AT 5c YARD. New Percales in black and white, navy and white stripes and figures, 12JcYARD. Flannels and Blankets White Wool Flannel 15, 20. 25 and 35c. Red Wool Flannel 15, 20. 25 and .35c. Gray Wool Flannel 10, 15, 20 and 25c. Cotton Flannels 5, 64, 8, 10 and 15c. 10 4 White Cotton Blankets 75c and $1 pair. 10-4 and 11-4 Wool Blankets, $1 25 up. Special value in a strictly all wool white heavy Blanket, worth $3.50, AT $2.08 PAIR Notions. Buttermilk Soap 5o cake. Leather Skirt Binding So yard. Velveteen Skirt Binding 80. Wha’ebones 5o dozen up. Hooks and Eyes 1c dozen up. Spool Silk 5c and 8c spool. Spool Cotton, three spools for 100. Gents’ Furnishings. Boys’ all-silk Plaid Windsors 150. Men’s extra good laundered Shirts 50c. Gents Unlaundorcd Shirts 830. Gents’ White Merino Vests 25c. Closing out Gents’ Summer Vests at 15c j Gents’ Siix Umbrellas at 75c and 980. New stock Gents’ Neckwear. Shirt Waists, Wo will open up next week all the naw things in Ladies’ Silk and Wool Waists— the prices will run from $1.98 to $5. Ladies’ Laundered Shirtwaists at SOo. Ladies’ Wrappers. 100 dozen ladies’ best quality Calico Wrappers in Indigo and dark grounds; also black with white, made right and and full sweep and sized. 750 EACH Separate Skirts. A »ix lot io. They sell very fast because we sell them cheaper than any other house. Navy Blue Serge, unlin ed, 98 cents. Black Cashmere, lined and piped back, at *l9B Black Figured Mohair 1 Skirts, all lined, at etitlen* I ed hackn and 'faced, from A $l9B to SI.OO. 4 All wool Serge (Skirts *2.98 Up. FJ SEE US ON SKIRTS. A ii Half Wool. Dress Goods can be bought hero in double width qualities in plain colors or changeable effects at 10, 15, 19 and 25c. We never displayed a better assort ment of these goods than now. 238-240 Marietta Street. Capes and Jackets. You would think it the middle of win ter if you were in our cloak department. Heaps of new Capes and new Jackets, all put and trimmed in the latest fash ion. Length sweep everything just as La Mode says it should be an opener. Ladies’ all-wool black Cheviot double Capes, satin band and five rows of stitch ing around collar and cape, AT $3.08 Ladies' seal plush Capes, fur trimmed silk lined, 110 Inch sweep. They will be $8 later, AT $5 EACH Ladies' fine black Astrakhan Jackets, silk lined, largo pearl buttons, double breasted, ’tis the latest; others Say $25 — we pass them to you AT $12.50 EACH New Hats. Do you want the best hats in the world for the least money? You do. We’ve got them. Dunlap's and Youman’s latest blocks. Instead of $5 we say $2 50 EACH Men’s finest French mixed fur Alpines, latest shapes. Instead of $4 we say, $2.50 EACH Men's fine Black or Brown Alpines, latest shapes. You would say $2 if left to name the price. We say take them AT 08c. EACH Boys’ navy Yb ht Caps, fine cloth, nicely trimmed, 50c value, AT 250. EACH Boys’ Black or Brown Crush Hats, 50c kind, AT 39c. EACH Clothing- This week we begin a now fail season, Strikes and higher priced raw material have made the cost of clothing a little more than It has been for the past two seasons, but we placed outgorders early, and will bo able to offer early buyers the beat the market affords at extraordinary little prices. I Jleu’s finest Imported'Worsted Suita, such as the usual clothier sells for $25, you find here AT sls A SUIT $lO Suits. Wc make this line our leader this sea son. Any cut, any size, Clay Worsted, fancy weaves, cheviots, all pure fine wool warranted to give satisfaction or your money back, and only $lO A SUIT Men’s fine tailor made Cassimero pants, now fall colors, correctly cut and finished. Others have them at $3. A big pile hero AT $2 A PAUL 50c Overalls, made of nine ounce blue denims, apron fronts or plain pants, jackets to match. You find them else where, but the price is sl. Here you got ' them for 500 A GARMENT Shoes- We have hard work this season mak ing shoe tcnntifncturer. deliver the largo orders wc placed for staple shoes last May, but most of them are coming to time now. Sion's lino Calf Goodyear welt Shoes, bal or congress, any new style. Every pair warranted. $3 A PAIR, Ladies' finest Vlcl Kid Gordyoar welt and band turned Button Shoes, $3 value, $1.98 A PAIR. Misses’ genuine Dongola A. S. T. tip Button Shoes, the best school shoo on the market. $1.25 A PAIR 7