The Atlanta evening capitol. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-1???, August 26, 1885, Image 2

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The Gapitol J (Every Evening except Sunday.) SUBSCRIPTION—By Mail, 10 cents a week; 35 cenis a month; SI.OO lor three months; $4.00 a year. DELIVERED anywhere in the city by Carrier lor 6 cents par week, payable to the Carrier. Reasonable advertising rates and affidavit of circula tion cheerfully furnished, upon application. Communications on vital public questions, solicited. Address THE EVENING CAPITOL, □ . . 48 S. Broad st.,|Atl anta, Ga. ‘ "1 t 1 BWChas. S. AWood, I. W. Avery, Prea’t te Bus. Mang’r Editorial Mang’r. Entered at Atlanta P. O. as second-class matter. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1885. The Atlanta correspondent of the Au gusta News says that Gen. John B. Gor don. is not a candidate for Governor. Txeke should be no fighting by .Mr. Gantt and Mr. Connell. Mr. Gantt’s ed itorial remark about Mr. Connell was not adequate provocation for his calling Mr. Gantt such names as he applied to him. The Code requires men in the- wrong to own it. This matter will be of easy ami cable solution under the Code.. There is another view of this affair. The right of the press and people to criticise public officers cannot be restricted. WANTED A BOOM. Atlanta needs a boom in business, new avenues for trade, and the invigorating effects that follow the inauguration of a new enterprise of general utility, such a one as will inspire confidence in a perma nent increase of business. It is painfully evident that we are lack ing in this confidence, and we have good reasons for it. An examination of the rent lists of our real estate agents shows a larger num ber of vacant dwellings than ever be fore in our history, especially of the cheap er class; evincing very conclusively that we are losing a per ventage of our mechanics —men who create wealth. The loss of a single mechanic, equiva lent to five thousand dollars annually, when aggregated by hundreds amounts to millions. Is not a boom needed in this direction? A further examination Nil' our rent lists shows an unusual number of busi ness rooms for rent. This plainly indi cates a shrinkage in business, caused in a measure by the loss of our mechanics and >.he products of their labor. But this accounts for a part of the loss only. It is very evident that we are not increasing our foreign trade, or why these empty store rooms? Rents have declined from ten to twenty per cent., and th6 tendency is still down ward. A decline in rents is always followed by . shrinkage in the value of real estate. If the defiine in refits continues unchecked, ■our income from must be large ly reduced. EEE ON GRANT. “I rank him among the best.” gexebaltoom bs. Nothing has made more chat in the prwms than the remarks of General Toombs about Grant, Lee and Davis. His words were stated thus: “General Grant was the greatest soldier produced by the war. General Lee was a very good engineer, a man of fine fami ly, but no man to head an army. General Grant was simple-minded and honest, and had no more animosity toward the South than toward the North. Being a West Point graduate it was a profession with him. Jeff Davis was the wrong man for the Confederate Presidency. It should have been Albert Sidney Johnston or General Joseph E. Johnston. The South was throttled by J (avis’ West Point ideas.” The estimate of Grant meets Northern sanction. The opinion of Lee and Davis has evoked general Southern dissent, and in many cases resentful censure. The press comment has called out this reply from General Toombs to the Consti tution : “I have not been able to open your pa per containing Mr. Moran’s communica tion since I reached home, having been in bed most of the time, and I cared nothing about it anyhow. When he came to my house, immediately upon the arrival of the train, I concluded he wanted to talk to me about Mr. Falligant’s. report on the railroad commission. He did not offer to read to me anything he had written until after he had returned from his hotel, but I declined to hear it read and told him I did not wish to say anything upon the subject, and then found he had written ‘all about the war and what we had killed each other for,’ a subject I did not care to say anything about at all. I do not ex pect to" correct anything he has written as long as I live, and my life seems to be drawing rapidly to a close. “I did not consider it on our side a fa mous victory. “The whys and wheres ’tis bootless now to tell. “Very respectfully, “Your obedient servant, “R. Toombs.” The Mr. Moran referred to is the Con stitution correspondent, who wrote Gen eral Toombs’ views. Mr. Moran is care ful and reliable, and we have no doubt reported correctly what the General said. It is likely the General did not mean his views for publication. He is too fearless to turn censure by denial of the truth. At the same time he may have been misun derstood in some respects. General Toombs’ estimate of General 'Grant we do not concur with. Grant was .i great general, but we think Lee a great er one. Lee, with Grant’s resources, would have done more. We think General Toombs underrates General Lee, who, in our judgment, was the great general of the war. At- to Mr. Davis, we agree with Gen- i oral Toombs. Mr. Davis was heroic and scholarly—devoted to the Confederacy, and had high ability. He was not the | THS EVENING CAPITOLu ATLANTA. , WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 26, 1885. man for the place he held, die was self opinionated, prejudiced, unmalleable and deficient in administrative capacity. He came very near being a great man and a statesman, but still he missed it. THE EQCINOCTIAE STORMS. The equinoctial storms on the coast have been unusually severe. The tele graphic report of the ravages yesterday shows serious damage. Charleston suffered the most. The damage is estimated at one million of dol lars. One-fourth of the houses are un roofed, spires blown down, ami on Sulli van’s Island houses blown away. The Casino hotel fell in. The storm moved at 70 miles an hour. A schooner was blown across the railroad track. The South Car olina railroad depot and warehouses were unroofed. The storm did its worst at 9 o’clock in the morning. In Savannah the storm was very de structive, demolishing residences, blow ing down trees and unroofing houses. Great injury was done to the park, many pines being uprooted. The shipping in the river was extensively damaged. Ships were blown on land. The wind reached its highest velocity at 5 o’clock in the af ternoon. The writer has seen many of the Savan nah equinoctials. The worst in his mem ory was the storm of 1854. We are curious' to know of the specific damage to Tybee, and how Mr. D. G. Purse, the enterpris ing proprietor, fared. CAPITOL CRAYONS. The Calhoun County Courier puts in the name of C. B. Wooten for Governor. The editor took an afternoon ride down to Clarkston, on the Georgia railroad, some ten miles from Atlanta, to visit the vineyard of Mr. Bryan and his wife, the authoress, Mrs. Mary E. Bryan. They have a pleasant little farm and vineyard. Mr. Bryan is a native of Thomasville, his father, Hardy Bryan, being a wealthy planter of that section and one of the founders of that town. Mr. Bryan, as a youth, accompanied Frank Bartow around in his can vass for Congress, before the war, with James L. Seward and made speeches for Bartow. The Seward crowd charged young Bryan with de claiming prepared talks and dubbed him “Par rot.” Mr. Bryan made a gallant soldier in the war. John Ruskin, the famous art critic, is recov ering. He was born in 1819 and is 66 years old. He took the prize for English poetry, when 20 years old, at Oxford. His most famous work on “Modern Painters,” he published in 18-13 at 24 years, and the sth and last volume in 1861. He has Gubliahed many books, among them “The Seven Lamps of Architecture,” in 1849, “The Stones of Venice,” in 1853, “The Study of Arcitecture in Schools, “in 1865, “El ements of Drawing,” “ Political Economy of Art, ‘‘ Fors Clavigera,” and others. Ruskin has written upon almost every subject. Ruskin’s home is thus described “Three miles away from the village of Conis ton, and on the opposite side of the lake, lies Brantwood, the home of Professor Rus kin, a large, beautiful, rambling house, with spacious rooms and low ceilings, command ing a view which is certainly unsurpassed in England for picturesqueness and poetic beauty. Down the grassy slopes and across the placid mirror-like lake the spectator looks up at the Old Man of Coniston, rising majestically from the middle distance. The village lies away to the right, on the opposite shore to the left no habitation interrupts the view for four miles and more save the ivy grown Coniston Hall. On such a picture, rich with ever-varying color, fascinating and peaceful the great art-entie loves to gaze throughout the summer twenty times a day. The Atlanta Evening Capitol is the bright est, neatest and newsiest paper published in Georgia. There is nothing “patent” about it, either in its “outside” or “inside,” but the fact we have stated—Bainbridge Democrat. Benjamin Russell always was a trump. We shall never forget that speech of his made in Savannah at the Central Banquet on one of the great Ocean steamers. Russell fairly sparkled with his fun, and kept the folks convulsed with good things. CAPITOL FUN. ORIGINAL —BV “ FITZGOOBKR,” OV TUB CAPITOL STAFF. It was cruel to grind his feelings so merci lessly, but not near so bad as it was to set the dog on him after she had scared him away. What Was,. “What is more pleasing to the human heart,” sighed the romantic girl, “than the notes of a good piano, performed by an expert?” “What is more pleising, fair lady?” responded her escort: “let me whisper to thee what notes would be more pleasing to your humble servant —the notes of a good national bank would come near filling the vacuum now becomiug so marked in me.” Home Industry, “That’s right,” cried Miss Flimsy, after read ing the marriage notice of one of her friends. “I’m glad to see you young men are determined to patronize home industry.” “What do you mean?” asked her companion, as he bent timidly over her. “I can’t see any thing in that marriage to verify your remark.” “I'm glad to see home industry patronized,” “blushed the girl,” and ain’t we girls Southern maid?” The wedding was fixed that evening. Asleep. Ike Yancey has a small boy who is a wonder of brightness for even in Atlanta child. A few days since he was sick, and the doctor having been called, left some medicine, and the following advice : “Don’t wake him up to give him this medi cine ; let him sleep without being disturbed.” The boy heard it, and at once dropped into a deep slumber just as his mother entered the room and began trying to arouse him to take his dose. “Go way, ma,” he finally said, without open ing his eyes, “don’t you see I’m fast asleep?” How She Liked It. That he was a poet was proven by the fact of his sitting still sixteen minutes without mov ing his eyes from the moonlit scene that stretched out before his vision, and quivering with terrible agitation as the soulful wail of a disappointed cat came sadly on the evening breeze. i “Miss Higginbotham,” be finally gurgled, ; turning to his fair companion, and throwir,g bis | earnest gaze into the rock bottom part of her! soul, “how did you enjoy my last lay—wasn’t it I grand, sublime, beautiful?” * “Which lay do you refer to?” asked the girl, j “the one you performed at the skating rink last | night? If you mean that one, 1 don’t see any thing extra about it; any fool can get on a pair of skates and lay all over the floor.” EAST WORDS. Dear hearts, whose love has been eo sweet to know That I am looking backward as 1 go. • Am lingering while 1 haste, and in this ruin Os tears of joy am mingling tears of pain— Do not adorn with costly shrub, or tree, Or flower, the little grave that shelters me. Let the wild, wind-sown seeds grow up unbanned. And back and forthall summer, unalarmed, Let all the tiny, busy creatures creep; Let the sw*etgrass its last year's tangles keep : And when, remembering me, you come some day And stand there, speak no praise, but only say, ‘‘How she loved us ' It was for that she was so dear !’* ' Those are the only words that 1 shall smile io lu*ar. Lilian Whiting. j - CAPITOL SALMAGUNDI. | M. Pascal Depart, French minister to Chili, died at i sea while returning home. Worth, the Parisian modiste, is to be made a Baron or a Chevalier of the Legion. Professor Brewer, of Yale, says the future trotter will do a mile in two minutes. Hon. Julius Converse, ex-Governor of Vermont, died at Diaville Notch, N. 11.. Monday night, aged 86. Ludwig, the mad king, is thought by Mr. Labouchere to look like Byron, whom some regard as the mad poet. Miss Folsom, of Buffalo, who was once reported en gaged to Grover Cleveland, is now the guest of Miss Grace Storrs, at Scranton. By the construction of a new street in London, the house of Nell Gwynne, the historic favorite of- Charles 11, which has stood for 300 years, is t<? be demolished. Edward Everett Hale, in an address at Chautauqua on Wednesday, declared the narrative English of Gen. Grant to be “the best n irrativo English that has bee’- produced in this century.” The Princess Hilda of Nassau and the Crown Prince of the Grand Duchy of Baden will be married ou Septem ber 20, in the face of the frowns of Kaiser Wilhelm’s court, no member of which will be present at the cere mony. The Duke of Ratiborn, who presided over the Bis marck Testimonial Fund Committee, reports that the total amount raised was $685,000, of which $375,000 went to purchase the Prince’s ancestral estate of Schon hausen. Roscoe Conkling is to be asked by the Boston city government to deliver the oration at the Grant memo-1 rial services. John Boyle O'Reilly probably will serve as the poet of the day, and Mrs. Julia Ward Howe is to read an ode. After ruling thirty years and attaining the age of 114 years the Sultan Abdul Munin, of the Kingdom Brunei!, in the Island of Borneo, is dead. He was more or less familiar with the German, English and Spanish lan guages, having been educated in the Dutch settlements. ■ At the time of his d»ath he was the oldest living sover eign in the world. The famous Jardin Mabille exists no longer but has been replaced to some extent by the Bullier, which is situated on the left bank of the Seine in the Latin Quar ter, not very far from the great Sorborne University, an ' institution which has been in existence ever since the ■ middle ages. In the Bullier the famous can can is to be | seen ‘a passeul,’ in which he who ventures too near is i liable to get his hat kicked off. OUR GEORGIA EDITORS. Quaint Notions and Witty Quips of ■ the Newspaper Craft. COLONEL ESTILL, SAVANNAH. If the report that Ouida is to be married soon is true, it may be doubted whether she will ; ouidas wide a row in literature in the future as she has in the past. BEN RUSSELL, BAINBRIDGE. It is custoiiiarv for every member who has : the slightest “gift of gab” to shoot his mouth i off on every occasion, and then when time flies away and nothing is done the constitution (Idrd help us!) is to blame. ALBERT LAMAR. Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Repre sentatives : The warm weather is opening cot ton rapidly and pickers are much needed. The way to distinguish a female eel from the male is to try and pick them both up. No man can hold a female eel. Life is pretty much the same all the world over. DOUGLASS W. T. Revill, of the Greenville Vindicator, an nounces himself as a candidate for Governor, just as we were about to propose his name for President of the Technological School. The old school master would be a good man in the latter place, but as Governor he would be too much inclined to wallop the overgrown boys ; who play off as legislators, and this would not ; be conducive to the dignity of the State. GEORGIA GLEANINGS. - i Gathered from the State Press for the , Capitol Readers. . j Sylvania is organizing a brass band. Half grown partridges ate plentiful near Sy 1- ; vania. Mr. John M. Brannon, of Russelhcounty, 11C> : % i bushels of oats to the acre this year. Atlanta’s closing her barber shops on Sunday is making “Rome howl” for the same wise law. The Geogia Ice Manufacturing Company, of Savannah, will begin operations at an early day. The heirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Collins, late of Jones county, are wanted in Augusta, where an inheritance awaits them. Five hundred bushels of new rice were shipped to-day from General’s Island to Savannah—the first shipment of the season. Chickens, eggs and butter are bringing a good price in Griffin. Chickens, 20 cents for the smallest; eggs, 21 cents ; butter, 30 cents. Decatur county’s tobacco crop is very fine this year. Farmers say it is one of their best side crops. The growth from Havana seed is exceptionally fine this year. Some farmers attribute the cotton caterpillar j to commercial fertilizers, as they say, there ; were no caterpillars when manufacture d fertil- J izers were not used. But, of co rse, that was ’ “before the war.” ART AMBLR, A bust of Cervantes, the property of the late • George Ticknor, has been given to the public ’ library of Boston. The copy was made by D. ■ Antonio Sola, of the head of his full-length ; bronze statue, erected in Madrid in 1835. The late Thomas Allen, of St. Louis, is hon- . ored in the placing of a costly monument at ! Pittsfield, Mass. The monolith is a block of : Missouri granite, resembling Scotch granite in j fibre and color, forty-two feet high, four and a ! half feet square at the base and weighs forty- ; five tons. Some would-be witty journalist, years ago, • stated that the great painter, Ingres, was far I prouder of his skill on the violin —which was j very slight—than of his genius with the brush. Mme. Ingres, his widow, vexed at seeing this . legend crop up at every turn has written to the ' papers to say that, though her husband was ex- ; tremely fond of music, he never had any pre- i tentions to be a great instrumentalist. Before You Build Get my prices on all kinds of building material, ; lumber, sash, doors and blinds. Large stock, ; low prices. Be sure to get them. W. S. Bell, J 25 Ivy street. I ftlade His Fortune. J. E. Barrett, of the wholesale and retail Trunk House of Goodman & Barrett, of this city, made his fortune, by taking, some years , ago, a single course of lessons at Prof, and Mrs. • Hagan’s Portrait Scool. Wilson & Stiff, the largest manvfacturers of : mosquito nets in the city, 33 Peachtree. - L K: CITY BY THE SEA. TERESTING LETTER FROM I ' A EADY CORRESPONDENT ABDI T SAV 4NNAH. uidmarks and Sad Clauses—The Foretold Death. Special Correspondence Capiioi. tVeep not that the world changes—did it keep A stable, changeless course ’twere cause to weep.” 3 a v ann AH, August 18, 1885. —Once again the *Aamer has neared the shore and brought me i bj<bk to the beauful Forest City, where in years P<*’.st a part and parcel of it was my childhood’s I h<*me. I now look in vain for the large white i h(.n|se, with the yellow jessamine clinging i around the front porch, and the green lawn in I frtfnt bordered by altheas and crape myrtles. ■ memory alone they dwell, with the merry i children ou the soft green grass, with battledore j ln siand, tossing the feathered shuttlecock, or enraged in other diversions. Jhe riverrolls on, “still singing its same old sO Sg,” but to a new crowd of people. I almost w snder if this is the place I knew in days of y<Ye. But it has its landmarks. The Green n ß>nument stands in front of the Pulaski un changed. Christ church, where the sweet and B’mign countenance of Bishop Stephen Elliott gained upon his congregation for years, on cfiery Sabbath morning. And the grand, old, Presbyterian church, where the Dr. Preston for years labored among his devoted people. They stand, as they stood l< ng j ears ago And the old exchange, where B>r a century it seems business has been carried to within its walls, and where it was that the JJurtly LaFayette held his great levee, where 8o many of our old ladies tell us they danced the light fantastic toe in honor of his presence. Another landmark is the old Telfair House y ith its tall pecan tree and grand old oaks wav ing their branches around the pretty flower garden in front. And where golden oranges Jthone from the masses of evergreens around, Stands as it has stood for years. A mournful /ilence has hung over the mansion for a long while. The inhabitants of the place have folded (heir tents in this world and silently passed away. The rooms, all furnished in grand style, with elegant coverings bedight, ; ? tand silent, with the dust of years gathering apon them. No tired sleeper has found rest find comfort within, even the old gray maltose q:at tipped over the garden walks, and stealthily crept around the porches looking for old forms juid faces, and finding them not. The house has Xeen in litigation, and after a long and tedious Suit it has been given to the city by the will of Jts former owners, and has been turned into \n art gallery. As one views the beautiful paintings and works of art by the grand old masters, the memory of their dead benefactors loats like a sweet incense over all. I ( Near the park, the beautiful public thorough .-are, may be seen a public library, donated to the city by these public spirited ladies, in mem ory of the English husband of one of them who died several years before they did. It is filled with books, and at the head of the aisle stands marble statue, the exact personification of the i man whose memory it perpetuates. j Out at Bonaventure, beneath the gnarled |£aks draped in heavy gray moss, the family Wult is found. Their bodies have succumbed the liat “Dust to Dust,” but their spirits live in the present, through their kindly gifts to the iterowds who gather knowledge from the founts j which they have opened. I, One portion of tne city, a little spot, on which rested an old dingy bouse, is full of sadness for ! me. And oh how many have been my vain regrets for having ever entered j it. 1 was but a child and became imbued with a spirit of curiosity to have some ‘/Sybil’ predict my fate. So taking a girl friend * along with me one day we sought the house of a .4 fortune teller. She came in the room wjien I i f illed and sat near a table with a pack of cards i ip her hands. Iler head was bound around j witi) a bandanna handkerchief. Her first ques i ti° n /was, Do you believe in the cards? Not mu<:-h, said I, tossing my head, but coming so Tir [ want my fortune told. “No use’” said she, “if you do not believe.” But I suppose the glitter of my piece of silver stimulated her. So told me a whole “rigamarole” of stuff about blue-eyed lovers, etc. Then she said: “Do yon want the bad as" well as the good told?” “Oh, yes,” said I, laughingly; “I want to hear all.” “There is to be a death in your family,” she said, “which will cause a great move.” I did not place enough stress upon her words to allow them to annov me. so paving her her fee I left. As I entered our back parlor, my mother and sister stood near the grate. My merriment caused them to know that something unusual been going on. They soon found out that I had been to a fortune-tellers. What did she have to say, they : inquired? I told them all, and as I said some ■ one of my family was to die, mother remarked, , “ It may be me.” Weeks passed, and in early summer I went J away from mother on a visit for the first time in j my life. I was gone only a few week, and I re | turned home with visions of summer pleasures I.dancing before my mind. But as I neared the j old homestead, a servant met me ; say i ing, “Your mother’s most dead.” She had > been taken ill at our plantation, and brought < home. After a while I became composed enough I to enter her room, and as I saw her sweet, pale • face, with the grey shadows of death creeping over it, my heart almost broke. A sister with stronger nerves than mine, remarked to me one day as I was assisting in nursing: Do you re member the fortune-teller? 1 think she has had some effect on her.” B In a short while my brothers at college were sent for and my absent sisters and other rela tives arrived. As we stood weeping around and heard mother murmur, “The Lord has "been with me in six troubles and in the seventh; He will not forsake me,” we knew that death had come among us and had caused the great move prophesied by the Sybil. Since then a mortal dread seizes me when I approach one of their ‘number, and I am now quite content to await the gradual developments of the events of prov idence. Changes have come, not only to our city, but our individual lives have been changed by i death, marriage and separations that we can j scarcely realize that we are the once joyous j creatures, surrounded by our loved onqs at ■ home, and the happy faces’ of our devoted serv ants who loved to do our bidding. But our lot ! is the common lot of man, and as Schiller re marks, “What is universal is no evil.” BVGGIES TO BE SOFIA BY THE POUND. j From 20 Cents a Pound Up to SI.OO and Wore. It is known that for a long time it has been ' argued that eggs and many other like bulky ' articles which vary so much in size should be sold by the pound. The idea is a good one and ; no doubt, sooner or later, the system will be j adopted, but we were astonished, this morning, > when we heard a suggestion that buggies be J sold by the pound. ; The idea was a new one to us and we asked Iwhat was meant by selling buggies by the pound. Our informant was Mr. 11. L. Atwater 1 manager of the Milburn Wagon Company, and I in reply to the question, said: i, “Why there is our 125 pound buggy, the : lightest buggy in the city, that we will sell for ■ SI.OO a ])ound or $125 for the layout, and it is a • nobby one, too.” “One hundred and twenty-five Dounds for a - buggy—is it stout?” > “Oh, yes, it will hold two j heavy persons easily, and is very stout. “Could you charge $1 a pound for ail of your ! buggies?” “No; there is one SSO buggy, the cheapest buggy in the city, to-day, that we would sell at ibout 20 cents a pound.” We have a still jetter buggy ; our $75 buggy, fully guaranteed, , <\nd a splendid affair, for about 3O.cents a pound, i The idea, of course, will be treated as it ' f houkf be, as a good humored joke: but the fact , •‘•cmames, nevertheless, that the Milburn Wagon ; 00., hav£ an ini nense stock of buggies, Cannes, and are selling them very low. SWIFT’S SPECIFIC. EXPEKIENC’E THE GREAT TEACH ER AN» INSTINCT ITS PRE CEPTOR. We presume to say that the S. S. S. cures blood poison diseases! How do we know ? How dare we make such mon strous proposition ? Science did not teach such fact, nor did chemistry suggest any such formula for the cure of this class of diseases. But we do know that the Swift Specific will positively cure them! and in saying this we only utter the voice of ex perience. This teacher has spoken, and hence we know that this combination of nature’s plants does cure this -form of dis ease ; does antidote these noxious influ ences that have stealthily infused them selves into the blood current, and which are imparting to that vital fluid death dealing instead of life-imparting proper ties. Whether or not these particular plants were pointed out by instinct of nature for these diseases, actual experi ence has most convincingly shown—not from one case, but by constantly occurring demonstrations in thousands upon thou sands of cases witnessed by us and credi bly reported from all sections of this con tinent. that this Specific does, in some way or by some specific property, abso lutely cure scrofula, cure contagious blood poison, cure rheumatism, cure hereditary taint, cure most blood diseases, including several foi'ms of cancer and many skin diseases'. We know these facts, then, from experience—that this Specific does possess such antidotal and blood purifying properties, and by what other process could we possibly know it? How do we know the peculiar therapeutic property of any medicine except by clinical experi ence ? By this test alone do we know that opium will allay pain and produce sleep; that jalop will purge and ipecac vomit; that quinine will cure chills and sulphur cure the itch. All these medical facts were ascertained and taught us by expe rience and experience alone. No sort of process of reasoning could have brought to light and demonstrated such important facts. Experience first told the tale, and now we have the benefits of such knowl edge. By study we have learned the human system and its diseases, but by experience alone do we know a single alleviating or curative remedy. Hence by this same legitimate test we know that the S. S. possesses certain specific curative properties, certain blood alteration and blood purifying powers. We know these facts just as well as the learned doctors know that opium will narcotize and ipecac vomit; but as is true with all known med icines, we cannot explain its modus operandi any more than the doctors can explain the action of opium or ipecac. Each medicine produces its own distinct ive therapeutic effect, while the formu lated compounds produce modified results which can be determined only by clinical experiences. Ulider this test the S. S. S. is found to possess such a specific proper ty as enables it to antidote these blood poisons and gradually but positively elim inate these noxious and effete matters from the blood and thus allow nature to repair the damages inflicted and recuper ate the system to a healthy condition. Careful study of the natural history of diseases clearly teaches the fact that cer tain of these poisons that infect the blood inveterably tend to lurk and loiter even for a life-time, and that nature possesses no adequate power towards throwing them oil'. This is especially true in the case of contagious blood poison, and hence a remedy is required to assist nature in neutralizing and throwing it out of the blood ami system, and thus curing the disease. Swift’s Specific is now the known rem edy that will effectually furnish such assistance to nature, and the only remedy known, to this day, that safely accomp lishes this grand work for suffering humanity. The S. S. S. is composed ex clusively of nature’s plants and exerts no hurtful effects in any case, whether the patient be man, woman or child ; but it all the while tends to build up and invig orate the general health 'of the party taking it, and forces the poison out of the blood through the pores of the skin. But as per contrast, the sheet anchor remedy of the regular medical profession in the ' treatment of these blood poisons, and es pecially for contagious blood poison, is itself a mineral poison and often product ive of the most disastrous consequences to health and life. We allude to mercury, which is the sheet anchor remedy of the regular medical practice. lodide potash is generally associated with the mercury, and is itself a corrosive poison ; and aside froai the absolute hurtful effects of mer cury, the verdict of three hundred years of clinical experience denies it the power of curing this blood poison disease at all. Certainly the experience of this age does not accredit it with any curative merit whatever. So true is this that the learned medical profession of to-day contends that this contagious form of blood poision can not be radically cured. But our vegetable remedy, the Swift Specific, does positively and effectually cure all these blood diseases. This is the verdiet of unquestionable experience in a vast number of eases. The swu’t Specific Compaxy, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. DRY Swift’s Specific. THE GREAT VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER ! This medicine is nature’s own remedy, prepared from the roots of the forests of Georgia, and nothing in its composition comes from the apothecary or chemist’s shop. We offer this, the only vegetable, reliable and safe remedy to suffering hu manity, as a boon more precious to them than gold, because it will eliminate poison from the system and give tone to the vital powers, imparting vigor and energy to the whole man. Swift’s Specific in Dry or Powdered Form. We are now preparing the r<»ots and herbs in powdered form, whereby every one can make his own S. S. S. We have done this to supply those who wish to use S. S. S. without spirits. There are a num ber of people who cannot take spirits of any kind, and who need our Specific. The dry is to be prepared like Simmons’ Liver Regulator, and can be taken with or with out spirits, as may be desired. We are having a great demand for it. We have just placed it on the market, and in one week we have had orders for it from most every direction. We have shipped some to California, some to Penn sylvania, Washington City, Richmond, Va., Michigan, and several packages to Nova Scotia, and are constantly receiving orders for it in this form. “Have you had any experience with the dry form?” asked a reporter. “Oh, yes. We have prepared it for hundreds of people, and some of the most wonderful cures have been made by the use of the dry form, and taken without spirits of any kind. We cured a young man, five years ago, of syphilis, after it had attacked the brain, and he was con stantly having fits. He had been dosed for ten years with mercury and potash mixtures, and at last resorted to S. S. S., but The Brain Trouble had gone too far, and he could not take our remedy on account of the spirits in it. He wrote us this fact, and we sent him a package of the dry S. S. 8., and he was Cured Sound and Well. He wrote to us a month ago that he was a walking advertisement of S. S. S. “The dry form is cheaper for the con sumer, as it saves the expense of the spir its, bottles, etc.” Price—Fifty Cents Per Paekafe. This places this great Blood Remedy within the reach of every sufferer. Each package will make a quantity equal to that contained in our large bottle. Each pack age contains directions for making it at home, and the medicine can be procured from all druggists. Caution. Consumers should not confuse our Spe cific with the numerous imitations, sub stitutes, potash and mercury mixtures, which are gotten up to sell, not on their own merits, but on the merit of our rem edy. An imitation is always a fraud and a cheat, and they thrive only as they can steal from {lie article imitated. Treatise’ on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. For sale by all druggists. The Swift Specific Company, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. 157 West 23d Street, New York.