The Atlanta evening capitol. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-1???, August 31, 1885, Image 3

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CORDIAL FOR THE BOWELS &.CHILOREN TEETHING It is THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY for the bowels. It is one of the most pleasant and efficacious remedies for all summer complaints. Ata season when violent attacks of the bowels are so frequent, some speedy relief should be at hand. The wearied mother, losing sleep in nursing the little one teething, should use this medicine. 50 cts. a bottle. Send 2c. stamp to Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga., for Riddle Book. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mnllein will cure Coughs, Croup, and Consumption. Price 25c. and SI a bottle. Base Ball Saturday. I'be game Saturday was unfortunate for At- I lanta in her present standing at the head of the League by so small a lead. The playing was exciting and close to the end. Dundon was weak for him, but Mappes played well behind the bat. Columbus played a strong game at every point, only making two errors, while the locals made three. The following is the official summary and the SCORE BY INNINGS. Atlanta ... 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I—3 Columbus . . 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 x —s SUMMARY. Runs earned, Columbus 2. Two base hits McVey. Three base hits, Goldsby, Dorgan, Collins. Home run, Lyons. Struck out, Dun don 5; Smith, 3. Green, umpire. White, scorer. Time, 1:30. NOTES OF THE GAME AND DAY. Nurse the finger, Cahill. Some heavy batting on both sides. It wasn’t Kline that found Bitman napping on second. Nashville beat Augusta 6 to 5. Cold day at Chattanooga—Birmingham 5, Chattanooga 4. Memphis downed Macon 4 to 1. Atlanta is still ahead of Nashville by 5 games. Excursion to Koine. There was a large excursion of colored people this morning over the W. AA. to Rome. The Fulton Guard were going up to have a big time with the Route Stars to-morrow. They will go down the river by steamer, and spend the day pic-nicing. A large crowd went, and Captain Adair, the ticket agent, at the Union Depot,was kept busy passing out tickets. Come and Sup with me. We have the finest oysters served in every style, and every delicacy of the season the mar ket affords. We dine at Thompson’s restau rant, 13 East Alabama street. A car of Tennessee Melons will arrive in At lanta Wednesday morning to mix in with the cornei stone exercises, bv Elam Johnson, Son A Co. ATTENTION, LADIES! Mrs. G. K. Woodward Has reopened her Fashion Parlors at Whitehall street, and is prepared to do Dress and Cloak Making in all its branches. Instructions given in cut ting. Harry Lynan. Steamship tickets. JI ad Dog s. This morning, at half past 9 o’clock, a ‘‘bench legged fice” went into convulsions on the corner of Alabama and Whitehall streets. He made the immediate vicinity hideous with Lis yells. After several feats of contortions and one or two grand and lofty tumbles, he arose, and when he did obtain his equilibrum, he struck a bee line down Alabama street, bowling and foaming as he went. He obtained full posses sion of the streets, as far as “pedestrians” were concerned. A crowd of boys took after him, with sticks and clubs, and ere this time he is trying the realities of “dog land.” The same dog, we are informed, bit a little two-year-old -child out on Frazier street, who is now lying in a critical condition. Several persons would have shot the dog, but were afraid of the courts getting hold of them for carrying con cealed weapons. THE BEST OF ITS KIND, It is a surprising thing to see what some people do when they are in trouble. Some lose their heads, some their pockets, and others lose both. One of the worst things to occur is to be troubled with constipation, for this causes dyspepsia, loss of appetite, liver complaint, and many other complaints peculiar to women. Worse than all are piles, occasioned by habitual constipation, and the best men in the medical profession to-day claim constipation to be prime cause of piles. If we were to be more careful and would try to avoid constipation we would help ourselves in a great many ways, and the best plan to do this is to systematize ourselves and our mode of living. If constipation should set in, take a dose of salts: this often helps, but if it should not, you should get a bottle of Ersl inger Pile Medicine, which is intended for ha bitual constipation and piles. It can be taken without discomfort by children and the most delicate women. A noticeable fact is that this medicine is not intended to cure a thousand and one complaints —nothing but piles and habitual constipation. It is sold by all first-class drug gists at 50 cents a bottle. Policemen in the Diamond. The following challenge was handed a Capitol reporter for publication. Th* game, if it comes off, will be an interesting t -.. id a large au dience will no doubt be in a: lance: base ball! base ball!! Thompson, pitcher: Cain, catcher: Hamilton, short stop; Purdy, first base; Hilson, second base; Bagnell, third base: English, left field: Terry r - right field. Baker and Garvey, gate keepers. Captain Crim, umpire. The above organized club of supernumeraries challenge nine regular men for a game of base ball, to be played at Athletic Park one evening next week: proceeds to be givien to the super numeraries, as they are not putting in any time, and they are compelled to have some assistance to keep sole and body together. Supernumeraries. TWENTY BARRELS Kentucky Apples NICE AND JUICY, New Seed Barley and Rye, at SIMONS & DRUMMOND. THE EVENING CAPITOL: ATLAN'X MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1885 COME TO MABRY GEORGE. A Homaiitic Marriage Yesterday—A Young Lady Comes from Mary land toWed her Old «Jweetlieart. Saturday afternoon a well dressed, genteel, stylish, pretty young lady about eighteen, came to the city on the Air Line, and went quietly to a boarding house in the city. A gentleman who came in on the same train spied a reporter wjw was gathering railroad splinters, and he said : “There’s a wedding on band. See that hand some girl there. Well, she has come here all the way from Annapolis, Maryland, to wed her sweetheart. She is quite intelligent and enter taining, and in the sweetest, lauj/iing way, talked to some of the passengers about her er rand. We were all very much'interested and entertained, I assure you.” Just then the young lady passed from the Union depot, and with the stylish tread and self possession of a young lady who has seen some thing of society, she rather mashed the suscept ible Capitol man, and others besides. She got into a hack and went to Mrs. Sellers’ boarding house on Forsyth street, a |<l there the reporter had a chat with having caled Sunday morning to ask if he could make anltem of her roman* ic wedding. * She received the newspaper man very cor dially, and said she hadn’t the slightest objec tion. She handed over a pretty card bearing the name of Miss Eva D. Langley, and laugh ing said she had come to Atlanta to Marry Mr. George S. Pearson, a civil engineer who had been in Atlanta year or more. “Well,” she said, “George and 1 have belli engaged three years, and we were to get lur ried as soon as he got into a position to make a living for me, but he made a mistake in coming to Atlanta, and the poor fellow could hardly get work enough to pay his board. In the mean time I have 4n conducting a millinery store at home, ar *'have made enough money to come after . ,ge. His disappointment was bearing heav-.y on him, and he wrote that he was despairing of ever being able to make the only woman he ever loved his wife; but I have been more fortunate than he, so we are to be married anyhow. He objected a little, but I have made him feel perfectly at ease about it. He is the best fellow in the world, and I wouldn’t give him up for all the men put to gether. I wanted to come South, anyhow, so 1 have come with two objects.” “When do you get married ? ” “This evening and we leave on the 5 o’clock train for home.” The reporter was invited to be present, but the rain prevented, and he thought he could be excused just as well. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. J. L. Casson, in the presence of the boarders, and the happy pair soon after took their departure homeward. Mr. Pearson boarded with Mrs. Sellers, aid that lady says he is a model young man, and made himself popular with every person that knew him. GANTT-COXNELL. The Award of the Board of Honor Settling the Difficulty. Atlanta,Ga., Aug. 27, 1885.—The differences pending between Mr. T. L. Gantt and Hon. R. A. Connell having been submitted to the arbitra tion of the undersigned, mutual friends of those gentlemen, of the mattei - at issue, we find and award as follows: Mr. Gaunt transcended the 'bounds of legiti mate criticism, and while not intending it, used language calculated to irritate Mr. Connell by making him an object of ridicule.there fore decide that Mr. Gantt shoull. its " any such intent, anil withd* • criticism. Mr. Connell’s Gaunt, we think, was too se£ - J,' ' Z , tied by the circumstances, anffijMßj should withdraw the same above mentioned by Mr. V&'X <■' K : We further find that the atL < award, indicated by the -si vut Jf ’U , the above mentioned sent at ires, and a publicati'.'iW&/ Banner-V atchman, wilt be a ance of the terms on the paißfes that Mr. Connell make in theVgn offensive language was used, iIK offensive and abusive Mr. Gantt. w * e . ft*'/ - ; ■ J. 1 e. We accept the above award, S | , w. h. ifniNiW For Mr. Gantt. J. E. Dart, For Mr. Connell. W. S. Bell, sash, doors and blinds, 25 Ivy. No Guess Work About Our Delivery. Glen Mary Coal and Coke Company, J. C. Wilson & Co., agents. We weigh every load of coal that leaves our coal elevator and send tick ets showing the amounts of each load, and you know what you are getting. Price for lump coal, $4.25 per ton, delivered. J. C. Wilson & Co., Agents, 7 Spring St. Vllanla En terprise. Nace Bros., at 285 and 287 Decatur street, cannot be undersold by any one in the Sash, Door and Blind business. Their facilities for manufacturing the same are superior to any one in the city. A large stock of rough and dressed lumber always on hand. Write to them for price list. All orders promptly filled. Masonic Notice. A joint meeting of Atlanta, Fulton and Geor gia lodges, F. A. M., will be held at Masonic Hall Wednesday morning, Sept. 2, at 9 o’clock, for the purpose of laying the corner stone of the State Capitol building. All Master Masons in good standing are cor dially invited to attend. By order: W. M. Parkhurst, W. M., Atlanta Lodge. Jas. A. Gray, W. M., Fulton Lodge. A. S. Eichberg, W. M., Georgia Lodge. Blinds, cheap, W. S. Bell, 25 Ivy. How's ile Crossing* Was Repaired. Editor Capitol: Let me, as a resident in J,he neighborhood of Forsyth and Beotherton streets, thank you for having the crossing at the intersection of those streets made passable. One night last week a man fell into the hole there and seriously injured himself. The next afternoon, the Capitol, the only paper in the city that did notice the accident ana commented on the wretched condition of the crossing. The morning after that the crossing was repaired in a substantial manner. The residents of this neighborhood feel obliged for the Capitol’s prompt notice of the matter, and are indebted to it for the repairs. A Renter. A Wcl Policeman. There is a standing joke that an Atlanta po liceman never got wet, but it is said that Jumbo Hunter broke the monotony of that joke by get ting s< aked yesterday. He probably got caught where he couldn’t help himself. The British minister is pleased with the Sul tan of Turkey and his courtesy. All building material cheap, W. S. Bell, 25 Ivy street. 0 PUm |Bl 8. Woolley, M. D„ riUBl I Atlanta, Ga. Reliable evidence given and V WHISKY ' reference to cared patients and a M U i ; physicians. n-tu. i for Book on the bruits tlliC Habits and their Cure. Free. Oi bny, sell or exchange a Dog o! any yourdogfinely trained? If so. addn GATE CITY KENNEL, REAL ESTATE. Do You Want to B»y or Ml? I IF YOU DO, CALL OS ’ Frierson & Scott, NO, I SOOTH PRYOR STREET. KIMBALL HOUSE. SOUTH PRYOR— New Groom Cottage on lot 50x150, shaded, house nicely furnished, painted, sash bung with weights, blinds, 2 verandahs, convenient to E. I’ Va. Ga. shops ; $1,300, s2oo cash, $25 per month buys it ryQ ALEXANDER ST.—4-room cottage, lot 50.\140, I verandahs front and rear, nicely furnish |nd painted, weather-boarded, plastered, blinds, etc. ■ ■ 100 cash and $25 a month buys it. on nnn— c< htox factory proper?y p■. WOU.UvV Sale for $2,500 (TwtTnty-five hundi ini- ; Jars); a fortune for some live enterprising man ; Cotton Mills: 13o<» spine les—Cobb county, Ga.. ■- > miles from Roswell; 5o acres of land: both steam • water power, 5o horse engine complete, and 5 : , i power turbine wheel; frame factory building sox I ' ( ’ n | stone foundation, picker-room 30x40; store all conm'.' | shelving, etc., 24x40, where first-class business be done: thickly populated neighborhood; cotton hi.iiA, ; 20x30: 16 operative houses, 2 rooms each, dajn I's t high ; head of water 24 feet. Mill filled with cot ion v chinery, some of it very valuable and in running < The engine, shafting and pulleys worth more than . asked for the entire property. Title- . feet. No better location anywhere for furniture iac tory. Timber in abundance, only 3 miles from Cha ;a- I hoochee river. Full investigation will convince any i one that this is an opportunitv seldom offered. FRIERSON & SCOTT’, Real Estate. 1 ATTENTION! HAVING stopped manufacturing on account, of the | scarcity of suitable timber, I offer for sale, at, a > low price, machinery all complete, for the manufactur of bent wagon fellows, top bars, etc., of all description' . , This would-be grand opportunity for some party in th timber regions of Georgia, or Tennessee. For full par ticulars, address, HERMAN E. BUCK. Canister, Steuben Co., N. Y or FRIERSON & SCOTT, Atlanta. 170 R EXCHANGE —Nice Six Room Residence, wi-1 ’ located on good street and neighborhood. Wille? i change for SISOO Farm. First come, first served. ORANGES! A BARGAIN.—II 3 acres of first cla<> Orange Lane, six miles west of Wildwood—tin i junction of F. ... & N. R. R., and right on survey df ihe W. W. L. L. & W. R. K. which will be completed b\ January, 1886. Good box house, three rooms; one >f the best wells of water in the State; 50 Orange tree three years old. 500 two years old. Will exchange so store, or other business or city property. $2,000- GROCER, or sharp business man, seeking location, here is your chance : STORE, ON PEACHTREE ROAD, 15x36, with L for sleeping room and office; 2 1 2 -acre wagon yard. . stalls; two springs, public wells, etc; two-room cabin the wagon yard. Store all fitted up—counters, shelvii , scales, etc, —ready for business Adjoining same is fi acres, and a new 7-room cottage, all modern improv, merits—stable, carriage house and all needed out ings; two wells, shade trees, etc.: two acres of fir ■ bottomland; only four miles from car shed: irnmens- i wagon trade passes the door: telephone connection wit!.< nl ty * l /. !< F'lß $-’(10 CASH, and -5'25 per month, o |HKHLjdendid lot 50x140. Nice 3 t i:. cottage No. 7. street. Call IS THIS? e ill sell you vacant lot and have houses built on them in size and plan to suit sell you h .>e and lot at actual value and on ih’-JpAdVbA? r ’’ ls - is your chance to get just cm want, and on terms that you can n "‘ ! u? BRjom cottage No 2.59. lot 60x138; only $1,500. riJ'.l'.T SCHOOI—Ix>t 211X100, second ! Sgmgk'id schoolhouse, same side of street; will build | suit purchaser and sell on monthly payments. look at the lot and call at our oflice early ; i are seldom made. & A. R. R. or other railroad men who want to j • save money. We have a large a <‘ r e lot and , I ilDuble house, renting for sl6: plenty of room for an ' other house same size, which we will sell for S3O a month till paid for; price $1,800; this beats any saving bank : ' who is the man? Close in and always rented. YTTCE CENTRAL HOME on insta’lments. New, xx modern, well built, nicely furnished 6 room cot- ! tage, modern conveniences, on pretty lot 50x100 feet, ex cellent water, pleasantly situated, and close in on Cal houn street. Rare chance to secure a real desirable home, in a good neighborhood, on good street; at cash value by paying 8 per cent, interest for installment terms. Small cash payment, and balance monthly. J? AST BAKER. STREET— North side, near corner of J Ivy; beautiful vacant lot 50x200; will build house to suit purchaser on easy terms. Call early. First come ! first served. \TACANT Lots on installments. Nice houses for me chanics, railroad men, and all who want cheap : ami desirable suburban Homes. Call and see us and select lots to suit you, and have houses of your own. DAIRY, Fruit and Vegetable Farms near Atlanta, for sale cheap, and on easy terms. SEVERAL Good Farms to exchange for City Property. Call for particulars. SEVERAL Fine Farms in North Georgia, suitable for stock, grass, clover, fruits, etc., for sale cheap. Call an<l get full descriptions. Bring along the above list of bargains and de scriptions and we will carry out our advertise ment, though the prices in some cases are aston ishingly lbw. Frierson & Scott, No. 1 South Pryor Street, Corner Decatur KIMBALL HOUSE. tor Sale by Smith A Dallas, 43 Soutli Broad Street. SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE VACANT LOTS, AND several nice cottages in West End at low prices. One superior 8 room house in specially desirable resi dence neighborhood ; near the center of the city; at a bargain. One very nice 6 room cottage; nicely shaded : very desirable locality, at a-bargain. Five cheap houses and lots which will pay at least 16 per cent, on purchase money. One 4 room house; close in ; very cheap. J. A R. Will supply youjrith G. M. everyday. Leave your orders with them, 133 Whitehall. Telephone 456. Note What 1 Say. I say I am giving the best prices on lumber, sash, doors, blinds and building material of all kinds that can be obtained anywhere. Come in and get the proof. W. S. Bell, 25 Ivy. CANDY Made fresh every day at NUNNALLY & RAWSON’S. Protect your eyes by using only the best spectacles and eye-glasses, to be found at Delkin & Kuhrt’s, Wholesale Jewelers, 69 l S Whitehall st., Upstairs. Vernoy, railroad ticket scalper, 28 Wall. Harry Lynan, Ticket Broker, Sells railroad and steamship tickets, low rates. BREAII THK POPULAR CHEAP MIHKY TO LOAN. MONEY can be borrowed on Atlanta real estate u sums of S3OO and upuard on five years time, by ap plying to C. F. N. Varker, 31 b, Peachtree. E’H <5 VrWN rpHE INTELMEuiA I E AND PRIMARY SCHOOL of 1 Mrs. E. J. La Hatte, 30 Garnett street, will begin on next. Tuesday, the Ist day qf September. Little boys and girls carefully prepared for the High school. A liberal patronage is earnestly solicited. 11 T ASH I NCTON SEMINARY -16 East C.iin. Home ' 5 and day school for young ladies and little chil dren. Fall term begins Sept. 2. Mas. Baylo* Stewart, Principal. AUREL WREATH SEMIN A R Y—BO ARD ING AND J Day School will open at 233 Whitehall street, Sep tember 2, 1885. Miss BUNNIE LOVEPrincipal. Miss KATIE B. MASSEYAssociate Principal. Miss ANNE L. LOVEMusic and Art. Mrs. NORA L. HUSSEY German. Terms liberal, instruction thorough. Drawing, vocal music, calisthenics, German and elo cution in classes without extra charge. Until September 1, Miss Massey, formerly a teacher in the Atlanta Girls’ High School, will answer all inqui ries and register pupils at the residence of Dr. Wm. Abram Love, 217 Whitehal street. LXDIi:S9 COIAhMN. HEADQUARTERS for Electric Atmospheric Fruit Jars, Ladies like them after testing them. Pre serve Jars, Stone, Preserving Kettles, Agate, Iron and Enameled; China Sets, Oval Churns, low down at Rip ley’s, 89 Whitehall, 96 Brqad street. V (’CORDING to the Constitution and the records of the Telegram, there is no other place in the capital ore attractive to the ladies than the Art. Needle Work Store, corner Peachtree and Walton street. By the In dex we judge it will be the pride of the Sunny South. flowers and floral designs go to Mrs. A. Lambert, Jr south side of Oakland cemetery, at terminus of Fair street car line. « Telephone No. 4. MRS. DANZIGER has returned from Now York with a new and elegant assortment of th6 finest and best fitting Corsets, and some novelties for ladies. Ladies filled by Mrs. Danziger, at the corset parlor, 71‘-i Peach ; reel. r« >om 10. AUCTION SALE. 4 ! (TION SALES promptly attended to on liberal terms by H. Wolfe. 6 West Mitchell street. E EECTHO-M AGNET ■ C 11E A EIN G. MNE. BALFOUR, tho noted Electro Magnetic healer, has opened an office at her private residence. No. i 46 Houston street. She is prepared to treat an'y linger- I ing and chronic diseases of every description. Female ! complaints a specialty. She brings with her some very i strong testimonials of her skill. Call and see her. Gentle ' hii will be treated at the office,llß Decatur street,where • 1 . ther treats all kinds diseases known to mankind. V ' 3ALF °U R & RRO - FOR SALE. AU HITE SEWING MACHINES in splendid order, and i t V second-hand machines of other makes, very cheap, I a' 57 .8. Broad street. 1- . SALE—A few exchanges and old papers for • rappers, or just the thing to put under carpets, at ■ -lb ■ nts a hundred, at Evening Capitol office, 48 South I Broad i ' S ALE—BO acres land, four miles from car shed, i' x McDonough road. I'lenty of water, ami fish pond. Idress or apply to C. K. Buzbee, 102 Peachtree St. I >i; \ Y W IGONS. FARM WAG()NS, AND \ Oue-Horse Wagons. 1 have in stock a number of : ii awl"'/ and 2 inch Iron-axle. 2%, 2% hollow-axle, 1; ■'.ii- ity dray, low wheels; wagons suitable for heavy * dr.ivii... of any kind. I guarantee them first-class, and u ' anynn the market, and they will be sold cheap. • V i . .’.pence, 81 and 83 Decatur street. I I NEsTIOT <»F HA N D- _ M ADE 11A R NESS AND ' \ IDLES ever seen in Georgia, for the price, at an, SO Whitdr'ill. s . ■. nxu.x si:ts, winri-: and kei>. •, unds fresh turnip speed. ?iOO o s-hels Georgia seed rye. i . io!<hels Georgia seed barley i 1 »■' bu-hels red rustproof oats. NBect-d specially for our trade, at 27 Marietta street. Gjiss see<L_ Mark W. Johnson A Co. - YLE—A CHEAP LOT OF SECONDJIAND 1 i Beds, Comforts, and Mattresses. Also, second bi-yl St«. ps. Stoves repaired e eap. No. 93 Br eid st FOR MtEXTe E '« R RENT—Part of a store, in one of the best retail F locations in the city, suitable for any kind of bu •i ■ All who have been occupying same, were sue i c<-.-iul Address Q. Tomkerson. Atlanta. Ga. I 'OR RENT—Dwelling house, seven rooms. Rawson i V -rr. Pt convenient to churches, street cars and Crew -i•• ■ ’t'sciiool. Best water in city, stable, good garden. ! . Rem cheap to good tenant. Apply 89 Whitehall v'~ WANTS B—Agent* < ’ ' !’ED—An Agent in every town to sell Biiggs A ■ *v Co.’s Stamping Designs. We guarantee success. I All u -ods are returnable and money refunded if you do I oot sue< eed. Send stamp for particulars. Art Needle I- Sto , corner Peachtree and Walton. _—i, ■ GlioUfin & Krouse, Real Estate Agents, No. 2 Kimball House, Wall Street. j lANEW 7 ROOM RESIDENCE, LOT 200x180, Hill and Anderson streets. Large , ■ subdiyideintofiveJdts, I RACRE FOR S 5 ACRES FLORIDA LAND ’ OOvnear Oriole. Hernando eounty. Will exchange 1 foifTarm tear Atlanta. mFOR 320 ACRE F.YRMj 6 ROOM HOUSE H "and outbuildings. 500 orange trees, besides 1 . ! b-" frii't and grades. Suwanee co., Fla. ; .. n-NICE LOT; 100x250, ON STREET CAR , ■/line, west. .j u v ,RX ER LOT Un STREET - (■ AR LINE 1 > Vest End, 50x200. 00 , ic vacant lot, Whitehall street. 81000 utiful shaded lot, Richardson near Smith sir et. : 6 room cottage, Smith near Richardson street, rge lot. good neighbors, part cash, balance time i S3H'.i ; iot 160x150, Forest avenue. ; ; n <\rvWlLL BUY ONE OF THE BEST STOCK I 7)lOvV(/and dairy farms of 660 acres in north Georgia. ■ : i | QAA— CHOICE CORNER LOT, WASHINGTON c! I O* ’’ /street, well worth $2500. /\_7ing for S4O per month to good tenants. ii* / YTWO NE wTri )(>M HOUSES. RENT O1 Ox '’ y for S2O per month. 835 S4O and SSO lets—One-third cash, balance monthly $ 450 for 3 lots, one a corner, Highland avenue. I slieo nice 5 room cottage, pantry, &c. One-half cash, balance long time. Rents for sl2 50 par month ■ Wa■: ance money on city real estate in sums of S2OO I to SI,OOO. three to six months. We have a large and attractive rent list of three to ten ' roo'H collages; stores on Alabama, Whitehall, Broad andiPoachtree streets. F<vr Kent by E. M. Roberts & Co., 10 S. Broad Street. ■ 8 Room House, Ivy street, - - s2l 00 ■ S “ Ivy street, - - 25 00 “ Williams street, - - 15 00 u 37 Powers ssreet - - 15 00 G t( Spring street, - - 18 00 5 “ 279 Luckv street - - 12 50 5 “ E. Ellis street, - - 18 00 1 “ Cooper street, - - 10 00 4 “ Lucky street, - 12 00 Chappel street, - - 10 00 ' I • Decatur street, - - 10 00 3 •• 93 Plum street, - -7 00 3 ■ ‘* 158 Foster st,, - - 800 LOST. I OST— V Gold Cuff Button, marked: “D. V. G.” j Leave at Cxpitol office and receive reward. W - NTKD AIT ANTED TO RENT—A small furnished Cottage at 1V low rent. Will pay money in advance. Ad- ; Ire<T Hal, this office. AU A NTE DTO RE NT—Two communicating furnished v 5 rooms. Will pay sl2 per month. Address Hal, j this pffice. A V ANTED —Everybody to know that G. O- Williams V\ •& Bro. are selling Coal Creek coal, rough and I dreJsed -lumber, laths, and everything in the builders | line, at bottom prices. 234 Marietta street. Telephone 328. Give them a call. SECOND-HAND furniture and carpets in any quantity ><■ .iibt and -sold at G W- <t Miii-lu 1! -t'-’et. ! WNSIGNMENTS solicited and money advanced on J Wurniture. etc., at 6 West Mitchell street. C^Wl'R ACTORS TAKE NOTICE.—The Daisy Lime will be in full blast by August Ist. J. P LIVW- A CO., Rockiuart. rp® DAISY LIME WORKS longs to no pool, at Id 4 HP7II be run iiideuendtm. ? | I if I IIT I F A SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Os the Hartford Fire Insurance Company,. Furnished the Governor of the State of Georgia «s required by the Act o( the General \j embly, approved Octo ber 3, NAME AND LOCALITY. Name ut the Company: The HAKTI'ORI) FIRE INSI’ItANCE CO. lawality—stieet. Trumbull, No. 53, City oi Hartford, County of Hartford, State of Connecticut. C( )N l)ITION< OXJINK3 ° 18< ’ I—CAPITAL STOCK. 1. Amount of the Capita! Stock . . ' ’ *51.250,000 00 2. Amount paid up in cash $1,250,000 00 3. Amount in Notes to the Stockholders None. II—ASSETS. 1. Real Estate held bv the Company, (Where located, stare fully). In Hartford, Conn., and Chicago, 111 . . . Actual cash values 639,675 60 2. Cash on hand and deposited in Banks to the Credit of the Company M 3,712 65 3. (’ash In the hands of Agents, and in course of transmission 273,67 7 06 4. Loans secured by Bond and Mortgage on Real Estate, (Where located, state fully; 1,013,288 89 Chicago valued at $2,550,000. 5. Other loans. Secured thus: (Explain fully). Loans on Collateral Security ‘210.C25 o<) Market value $263,225. Amount carried forward Amount brought forward 20 ASSETS—Continued. 6. Stocks and Bonds. (Par value $1,583,200 00. Market value. . $1,889,846 75 DESCRIPTION. STOCKS. Par Value. Market Value. Hartford National Bank, Hartfordssl,loo 00 $84,315 00 Phoenix National Bank. Hartford 46,700 00 63,979 00 Connecticut River Bank. Hartford 5.000 00 4.500 00 American National Bank, Hartford 15,000 00 19.500 00 •Charter Oak National Bank. Hartford 20.000 00 27,000 0O Farmers’ and Mechanics’ National Bank. Hartford 18.200 00 18.200 00 Mercantile National Bank. Hartford 15.000 00 15,000 00 First. National Bank, Hartford 17.200 00 17,544 00 Etna National Bank. Hartford 31.500 00 35.280 00 City National Bank, Hartford 20,800 00 13.936 CO Conn. Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Hartford 23,000 00 29.900 00 American Exchange National Bank, New York 20,000 00 23.800 00 National Bank of Commerce. New York 10,000 00 14.900 00 Importers’ and Traders' National Bank. New York .‘IO.OOO 00 76,500 00 Bank of America. New York 30.000 00 48,600 00 Manhattan Company Bank, New York 10.000 00 14,500 00 Merchants’ National Bank. New York 16,700 00 21.710 00 Union National Bank. New York 8.000 00 12,000 00 Bank of North America. New York 7.000 00 7,000 00 Metropolitan National Bank, New York 22.500 00 2,250 00 Blackstone National Bank. Boston 10.600 00 11.395 00 National Bank of Commerce, Boston . . 3,200 00 3,712 00 Second National Bank, Boston 10.900 00 16,56 •“ Hide and Leather Natio ml Bank. Boston 2.400 00 2,70 : Atlantic National-Bank, Boston 3,900 00 5,73. First National Bank, Boston 10.oof 00 20.22- Boylston National Bank. Boston 12.500 00 15,250 oo Merchants’ Bank (in liquidation) St. Louis 10,000 00 1,00 First National Bank, Albany 5,060 00 8,500 00 Montreal Bank, Montreal 30.000 00 57,525 00 Ontario Bank, Bowmansv.'lle 6.500 00 6,841 25 Connecticut River Company 12.000 00 3,000 00 Connecticut River Railroad Company 2,000 00 3.320 00 New York, New Haven A Hartford Railroad Company 70.000 oO 129.500 00 Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific Railroad Company 20,000 00 23,400 00 Chicago A Northwestern Railroad Company, preferred 20,000 oo 25,600 oo Chicago A Northwestern Railroad Company 50.000 oo 46,500 oo Chicago, Burlington A Quincy Railroad Company 66,00® oo 83,499 oo Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company 40,000 <•<• 28,800 oo Union Pacific Railroad Company 20.000 oo 10,700 oo Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul RailrdadJJompany, preferred 30.000 oo 32.4(H) oo BONDS. United States, per cent. 205,000 oo 230,625 oo Tennessee Stated 6 per cent 33,000 oo 13,860 oo Alabama State, Class A. 8 per cent 10.000 oo 9,200 oo South Carolina Consols, 6 per cent 14.500 oo 15.732 5o Toledo, Ohio. Water Works, 8 per cent 5,000 oo 6.250 oo Harlem River A Port Chester R. R. Co., (guaranteed by N. Y., N. H. A Hartford R. R. Co.) 7 per cent 50,000 oo 65,000 oo New Brunswick. N. J.. City Bonds, 7 per cent 45,000 oo 49,500 oo Pawtucket, R. L. Town Bonds, 7 per cent 75,000 oo 90,000 oo Dubuque, lowa. City Bonds. 6 per cent 25,000 oo 28,000 oo Des Moines. lowa, Ctiy Bonds, 7 per cent 50,000 oo 57,500 oo Chicago A Western Indiana R. R. Co. Bonds, 6 per cent 75,00<> oo 84,000 oo Minneapolis Union Railway Bonds, 6 per cent 50,000 oo 55,000 op Minnesota State Bonds. per cent 3,000 oo ?T,ooo oo Cleveland. Col., Cin. A Ind. Railway Bonds, 7 per cent 8,000 oo 9,600 oo Nashville A Decatur 1-: Mortgage Bonds, 7 per cent 50.000 on oo . ■ti•R. R. Bonds, 7 percent 32,000 oo 36,p00 on $1,583,200 00 $1,899,846 75 nd rents actuallyjtiue and uncollected $28,127 7G 8. PreinT Ji notes on hand upon which policies have been issued None. TotaWssets 4,388,953 71 III—LIABILITIES. 1. Losses due and yet unpaid 2. Claims for losses resisted by th- (’•mipmy / $250,280 88 3. Losses not yet due, including those reported to Company, on which no action has yet been taken,' 4. Dividends declared, and dm-, and remaining unpaid ) 5. Dividends declared, but not yet due I. 6. Money. ! None 7. All other claims against the Company J 8. Re-insurance $1,71 9. Surplus beyond capital, as regards policy holderssl,l6B,9sa 16 Total liabilities $1,96 ► IV—INCOME. (Duringtlie proceeding six months.) 1. Cash premiums received . $1,130,473 97 2. Notes received for premiums None 3. Interest money received, Interest, Dividends and Rents 100,407 79 Total income $1,230,881 76 V—EXPENDITURES. (During the proceeding six months.) 1. Losses paid 761,819 75 2. Dividends paid 12:>,00U 09 3. Expenses paid, including fees and oemmissions to agents and officers of the company 4. Taxes paid f $380,752 83 5. AU other payments and expenditures ' Total expendituressl,267,s72 58 VI—LARGEST RISK. Greatest amount insured in any one risk. Except in special cases $20,000 00 GEO. L. CHAN. President. C. B. WHITING, Secretary. STATE OF GEORGIA—CorxTY of Fulton. Personally appeared before me the undersigned, John A. Perdue, of Perdue A Eggleston, who, being duly swon, says they are "agents of The Hartford Fire Insurance Company, residin' l in said State, and that the foregoing state ment is true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. JNO. A. PERDUE. Sworn to and subscribed before me. this 29th day of August, 1885. R. A. HANCOCK, Notary Public. FAIRBANKS & COOK, Stencils, Seals, Rubber Stamps, Catton iT rr ' % Brands. J 51 Figures. Etc. No. 57 Broad Street, ----- Atlanta, Georgia. M. M. MAGICAL MIXTURE. Internal and External Remedy. Best Family Medicine known. Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache. Headache. Dysentery. Diarrhoea, Cramp Colic. Pains in the Back, Chest, Stomach or Bowels, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bums, etc. Try the M. M. that you may be convinced of its merits. No family should be without >t. For sale by druggists. Manufactured only by J. 1. BRIGHT, Sole Proprietor, Atlanta, Ga. Testimonial. For four years I have been afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism. Have not been able to walk only by the aid of a crutch. Have tried a great many preparations, in cluding both the S. S. S. ami B. B. 8.. and some of our best physicians with but little benefit. In the three or four weeks the use of M. M. has done me more good than all the other remedies and physicians combined. Am t confident it will cure me. I can now do a tolerably good day’s work. Have usedM. M. internally and externally, and cheerfully recommend it to all persons suffering | from Rheumatism. S. M. HARDY, Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Pemberton’s Triplex Liver Pills —The Best 1 DRS. MEMMLER & CO., 1 SPECIALISTS. •> I / A jxas StrlMqze. Caturrh. Liver. Skin. Ith.-uwMism. : / V. • R ’'*' a U an i a'! Chronic Disease, i for do . ■ ,k. PROFESSIONAL. CARPS. Architects. G' L. NORRM AN, " _ , ARCHITECT. Rooms 68, 72 and 73, i Gate City National Rank Building. J£DMLTND G. LIND, F. A. I. A. Architect and Superintendent, 03 Whitehall Street. gRUCE A MORGAN, Architects, 3d Floor, Healy Building, Corner Marietta and Peachtree streets. Lawyers I WM. A- HAYGOOD. EDMUND W. MARTIN. Haygood & martin, Lawyers, 17’a Peachtree. Atlanta, Ga. Telephone 117. j rpHOMAS L. BISHOP, ATTORNEY at law. Room 2, Brown Block. 28 Wall street, Atlanta. Ga. gOOIIRANE & LOt'HRANE. 0. A. LOCHRANE, ELGIN LOCHRANE, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. I have resinned she practice oi law in copartner ship with my son, Elgin, at Atlanta, Ga. 0. A LOCHRANE.