The Atlanta evening capitol. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-1???, September 05, 1885, Image 1

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VOL. I. ACTUAL NUMBER ISSUED TO-DAY -8/) 00 ACTUAL NUMBER • ■ SUBSCRIBERS TO- DAY, - - - 5,247 'IHE Capitol issues every day 2,000 more papers, and has that many more subscribers, in the city and out of the city, than any other evening paper in the city, and its value as an advertising me dium has been proven by actual expe rience, not by affidavits, to our business community. For the exact facts and truth of the matter we invite all interested to enquire of any advertiser whose card appears in our columns of its value to them. Six cents a week, associated press dispatches, and no patent insides, has done the work. Local Rains. Associated Press to The Capitol. Washibgton, Sept. s.—The indications for Georgia to-day are occasional local rains with stationary temperature. RAILROAD SPLINTERS. C. 11. Hudson, general manager E. T., V. & G. passed over the line yesterday. The E. T., V. & G. has put on a first-class through car from Atlanta to Little Rock* The Georgia Pacific will commence selling round trip tickets to New Orleans, on November 10th. It is rumored that important passenger sched . ules will be made on all the railroad in a few days. Col. Thomas McGill, general northern agent of the Central Railroad, with headquarters at Chicago, is in the city. A large crowd will go out to Salt Springs on the Georgia Pacific to-morrow "to attend Con cord Musical Convention. Mr. Montgomery Miller, passenger agent of the Memphis & Little Rock railroad, with head quarters at Montgomery, Alabama., is in town. The East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia will put on a new line of Mann Boudoir cars, on the 15th, to run through from Cincinnati to Jack sonville, to accommodate travel to Florida. Col, S. JI. Hardwick, general traveling agent of the E. T., V. & G., writes from Cloud Land, that the thermometer there is down to 40, and that they have big log fires every morning. Chief Joyner Absent. Chief Joyner, of the Atlanta Fire Department, left yesterday for Long Branch, N. J., to attend the annual meeting of the National Association . of Chief Engineers. He will be gone several days. „ Tbe Ptibiio School*. .e’p’tipiiii s"vl 7ft n f.Wiita Monday and a large attendance is looked for. Most all the school houses throughout the city have been repaired and painted, and convenien ces have been added for the comfort of the pu pils. W. T. WILSON. > J H STIFF WILSON &> STIFF, * :,-- --w- -L-- 34 PEACHTREE STREET, COR. WALTON, A /I |X) ■ ATLANTA, GA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF SEWING MACHINE GOODS. MANUFACTURERS OF MOSQUITO NETS AND FRAMES. 0 Southern Agents for HA L L & TAY LOR Electric Lamps. — 1 ° THE BEST MAKES OF SEWING MACHINES: The Domestic, Household, Davis, Imported Singers, Etc. ■f ; 1 :| c a * ? (/I (*T) For Cash, or On Installments. S'* m I ~ S' SPECIAL AGENTS FOR r SD § Crompton Corset Company, of Atlanta, Ga. eQIm * “ CORSETS TO ORDER, AND GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. 5 ANY GOODS 0. O. D. US. 3.1 taut aiSfell NEWS IN A NUTSHELL. From the Telegraphic Columns of This JI oris i ng’s Paper. A qase of small-pox in Berlin. Strike spreading in Pennsylvania. Bellevue hotel, Savannah, burned yesterday. Oglethorpe camp meeting dosed Thursday last. Vaccination has been made compulsory in Canada. A fatal disease is raging among the hogs itOllinois. i The week's failures—l 46 for the United States, and 19 j for Canada. The canmakers at Baltimore have compromised and ■ gone to work. in the past year Savannah has put out over $200,000 in new buildings. There is an enthusiastic revival of religion in Greens boro and Lexington, Ga. A cyclone in Madison county, Fla., destroyed several houses and killed one child. Rev. Sam Jones is to conduct a camp meeting at Cartersville, beginning next Tuesday. J. F. Bearers, of Cobb county, lost his house by tire while at church. Incendiary; loss, S3OO. A wagon load of dynamite exploded in Canada yester day killing two men and the team of horses. A suit has been brought up in New York testing the , constitutionality of the Civil Service Commission. The Georgia Mutual Insurance Co., of Gainesville, is i just chartered by the Legislature, will be organized Oc- j tober 3d. The naked bull of the Savannah was found off the : Georgia coast with no living creature on board but a j bull dog. Jeff Murphy. the leader of the robbery and burning of ' the store of F. P. Dillard, at Broneator, Ga., has been - sentenced for life. When the Squth Carolina Legislature meets there will be made a strong effort to abolish the South Carolina • Military Academy. At Williamsport, Penn., James Walbert fell on a tack ! hammer. The cla • s stuck in his side under the arm pit killing him instantly. Dr. Stephen 11. Tyng, Jr., who died on the 3rd of Sop- i tember in New . York was eighty eight years of age, and has been insane for two years. Archbishop Walsh arrived in Londoiuyesterday and was given au, enthusiastic ovation, receiving addresses j from the lord-mayor and municipal authorities. Secretary Bayard says the United States cannot do | anything to save Riel, and could not do so without an | investigation which would’look like officiousness. Tammany organized for the campaign last night in New York city, Gen. Spinpla says John Kelly is im- 1 proved in health and will be at the helm in this cam- ' paign. The National Waterways Convention in session at St. ; Paul asks the government for large appropriations to im prove the facilities for water transportation throughout i the country. The bodies of Senator Morgan’s son and Mrs. Emma > Della Setts-, who were drowned in llie Potomac, have ■ been renewed. Mrs. Setta was a Savannah lady and : was only 27 years of age. At Milwaukee, William Luther followed his wife to a friend's house, where she was visiting last night, and attempted to shoot her. he returned home and suicided by taking arsenic. y. It is said the Presbyterian Theological Seminary, at Columbia, South Canoiina. will open witii only three professors and five siudends. The future of this venera- i ble‘inßtituti£ii appears gloomy. Henry B. Bersayer, an old man of 70 years, killed a boy in Chicago for stealing apples. As he, was being I taken to the -station bouse CXvo gangs of boys rushed at • him to lynch him, ami it was with difficulty that the i police saved him. Judge Maynard, second comptroller of the treasury, j Washington, has disallowed S4OO iti the account of Rear Admiral Joyett. which amount was,an expen by him in entertaining a 'ntimher of distingujjdied peo ple onboard the. United Spates ship. T. Tlu\| | compiroli< f f c -i'lod that tho-go-. '’rnnnort, not tt-aoje i i»ible for expenses hjeurn*i by ” •wial- .i onter-iuiuit i- ,ju>. . i sylvauia has sent ciR-ular letters to the Republican em ployes in the department at Washington, asking them for a contribution to the campaign fund. The circulars were turned over to chiefs of departments, and they have sent them to the civil service .commission to act ; upon. It is thought the senders of the circulars can be got at under section 12 of the civil service act. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. SATURDA . . BfGl VK’N OPERA HOI SE. The Theatrical Season Opened LaM Niglit to a Crowded House. When the curtain rose last night on Mclntyre.- a Heath’s minstrels at DeGives Opera House," even- sent i was filled and standing room was not abundant. H seemed as if all Atlanta was trying to got in. 11.-d tm i clerk called the roll of the house from the stage he wojfir; ■ have found a quorum present. Several clergymen toe I in the audience. V ! The house has been newly painted, and everything ‘ looked as fresh and as sweet about it as a bunch of roses. Mclntyre «fc Heath are the stars of the combination; the former having an endless fund of dry humor that keeps the house in a smile, rather than in Joud laughter, all the time he ’ has the floor.” Harry KarTt has a very sweet tenor voice. His song, the “Sweet Alpine was rendered in an east style, with much melody. Notwithstanding that “shadowgraphs’’ is only a magic lantern show, it is t\- , eeptionally entertaining. The old people seemed to eu"[ joy it more if anything, than the gallery gods. .. i “A Sou*- Mash?’ i* a sketch that shows originality. It iF'elever and very funny. F. T. Ward, the author of the ; j skid as “A Sour Mash.” captured the bouse. To look J : at him forces one to laugh. Delhaner and Geyer, a.yl clown and frog gave an acrobatic exhibition that is n<» I I equaled in the world to-day. That is saying a g -d deal, but, it is certain that Ddhaner’s performance is I • unapproached liy even the celebrated Majiltons. j The show closed with a Southern sketch that pleased ■ I very much. There will be a matinee to-day, and the f j last performance will be given to-night. j The next attraction at the opera house will he Miss i i Lizzie May Ulmer, cm the 16th inst. McTfcrfde’s Column. 'Tlt« great crockery house of Mcßride & Co. no.- I . tii.e public'to-day with a full column adverrixeiu-- n f ’ol Jlfeir general stock, and testimonials as to the ci; • ; of their popular Gate City Filter. We are jilea-t i: , ‘ note the success of this filter. They have a N-- • i( ; •' i office and salesroom at 843 Broadway, u large sior-’ ' 1 with iilters, and their trade extends ail over a ! They have now 65 agenpies in Mexico, and '■'.‘v-'-.-al . oj Cuba and South America. The very flatten • wii*.. i > lof this Filter company is an example of v. j t ,i>u j energy and determination will Go with any ent. rpri> t Frank Lester. As a young business man, it i- dvubtfyl i ’• r, ;t j more popular gentleman thaa Frank Lest who h; I just opened a first-class stationery store at ■ .ir ’ For twelve years he w;,-with Messrs. I’hill C j rising from the positic.n of office boy to that oi> 1,,< I clerk, which he held during the last live years' of bis stay with them. He was earnest, honest. * faithfhl ami sober, and Vas much liked. He left, them to go ini.- i.partnership with Mr Lynch on Whitehall, whicil j pired by limitation a few months ago. He visited the ! eastern mark'-ts and-p ii Qhimed an elegant line of id kinds-of stationary goods, some of which have not I arrived. He will represent the National Blnhk B i. Company, one of the largest in the Company, and which 1 ! has for its busin.>s manager, Mr. Dewey, one of the I ; most succe sful young men of the day and will make I specialty of keeping a full stock of blank-book goo«s. , Also of Whiting’s -tandard papers for the ladies trade. ! We wisM.or Mr. !.--ftfer tlm measure of cureess I , and'we unhesitatingly recommend him to be a c<>ur- • i teous, deserving, worthy young im-chant. English hosiery, 82 Whitehall. Evening;. Oft have 1 seen the glowing west-. One fair bold star of nvld eternal .bea.i'. . Fu't am horc .n the * inset’s purjile.str . n« . r’■ \ ' ' ' i •Amiv.;. ■ .-I'ie iu-.ypln.- Who cries: “Os .1 '. v p’-ophets I alone ' Remain to se’v. The.'!" Andi dreamed a dream, v j ; That thus our Milton stood amid the night, : Faithful, alone, ilope s bright ami shining light. • W. J. Daw><.n. } Suspenders. s 2 Whitehall. ' PALMERS Blood Purifier! >■ iN OLD AND RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Plood Poison, Scrofula, ! Jp'ljipers, Sores, Skin Diseases, Boils, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Itching Humor. Originating'some fifteen years ago by Dr. Fred. Pal (ner. it has been prescribed since with unvarying suc c:>s. Letters and testimonials are on file at our office certifying to its efficacy. 'lt is sold in quart bottles for one dollar, including * and IF DIREC'fIONS ARE ADHERED TO, AND PURCHAS ER IS DISSATISFIED, MONEY WILL BE . REFUNDED. * * I 1 1 WS DRUG STORE. ,-unship tickets, lowest rates, steerage and . • , all parts Europe. Harry Lynan, i Kiin louse, Wall street,.3B Wall. e bought wall paper in Chicago IMy es reduced. Come and price goods, i M’ M. Hauck. ICKET I bought wall paper in Chicago ! My i ■ ices t educed. Come and price goods. - M. M. Hauck. hire money—bur your pants 82 .Whitehall. 7 ( , Elz? AND PUNCH. i The Central Saloon, under Kimball -WUer Wall and Bryan, is rap- ' overing its old time popularity 1 ■ z t.aem in a scientific manner, and . keep everything neat and clean. S. T. Grady is now the proprietor. Betsey Hamilton Tobacco sold every where. i dz/TBER 5, 1335.‘ MENKO Not at the Corner I TWENT'I IMS IN THE RACE UNO STILE VICTOR I HAVING SOLD OCT ALL OF OUR OLD STOCK WE ARE NOW IN FULL BLAST At 3 WHITEHALL. ALL NEW GOODS! NO OLD STOCK ' j CALL SEE AND HE CONVINCED. WHY BUY OLD REJECTED STOCK WHE* MENKO SELLS YOU THE NFAV GOODS FOR THE SAME MONEY, HATS, SHOES AND SHIRTS! Are Specialties with Menko. lie laooked Happy Just the Same* Simon Benjamin looked as if he had been up all night, and his friends, when they inquired, received the answer : “Yes, it’s a girl, and a black-haired one, too.” Boys’ nice pants, s()c, 82 Whitehall. CANDY Fresh and absolutely pure. NUNNALLY & RAWSON. Rupture relieved instantly, or money refunded. Perfection Mfg. Co., 40 Col lins street. Steamship tickets., Harry Lynan. Betsey Hamilton Tobacco sold every where. THOMPSON’S Restaurant and Palace Dining Rooms are daily crowded with the leading merchants and profes sional men of our city. This alone speaks vol umes. 13 East Alabama street. Best place to buy shirts, 82 Whitehall. Chew Betsey Hamilton Tobacco. BREAD. More for the money than anybody. NUNNALLY & RAWSON. See Vern-'y, railroad ticket scalper, 28 Wall. 2,000 Tons Glen Jlary Lump Goal, Vow ready to be delivered from our coal eleva- > ■ summer rates. No del v about deliver- ' -'l- j Hi . r_. ,i i . \i ilsou & Co., . Spring/ sire.r New store—New Goods. New Firm—New Prices. McConnell & James. , 65 Whitehall, Corner Hunter street. | j “IVIE,” ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHER New Scenery. Nice lot ot Gilt and Velvet Picture Frames in Pbotir sizes. Gallery,JOT Whitehall street _ L. J. Hill, Edw’d. S. McCandless, A.W. Hill, President. Cashier. Vice-Pre*. Tllft- — GATE CITY NATIONAL BANK. OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Designated Depository of the United States. CAPITAL & SURPLUS, §300,000 Accounts of Banks. Merchants, Corporations and Indi dividuals respectfully solicited. We have a Savings Department in which we issue Time Certificates of Deposit bearing Four Per Cent. Interest. MISS EFFIE STIFF, —Will re-open her — MUSIC SCHOOL 41 East Mitchell Street, "Vl Commencing with September Ist. All branches ol Music taught. Training of the Voice for all parts a specialty. , Sc haol Suits for Hoys. Heavy enough for three month yet, but a lit tle light for winter, only $1.25, well worth $4.00, ...»- . Selig A C°.£ i , Uffetwiem t oT every and newest ! styles, at LaFontaike &. May, 139 West Mitchell St. I TICKET SCALPER, 28 WALL ST.