The Atlanta evening capitol. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-1???, June 10, 1886, Image 1

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VOL. IY. Actual Humber Issued To-Day, * 5,800 Actual Number Issued to Subscribers, 5,82 8 Limited by Capacity of Press. Anyone having an item of personal mention or news happening, will confer a favor by handing It te one of Tn Cafitol staff, each of whom wears a silver sac simile of the above signet. Second Edition. SPECIAL NOTICE. Mr. J. M. England, who has been acting as our advertising canvasser, is no longer connect ed in any way with Thb Capitol, he having left our employ, he has no authority to repre sent The Capitol in any manner. The Evening Capitol Co. The death of Dr. T. B. Little, of Atlanta, oc curred in Little Rock. The commencement exercises of the Atlanta University closed to-day. The Atlanta Female Institute had one of its entertainments last evening. The wires bring us news of trouble in Ire land, resulting from the divisions on Home Rule. ________ The graduating exercises of the Atlanta Fe male Institute are to be held to-night at 8 o’clock. Our telegraphic news gives, to-day, some in teresting facts about the farm crops over the country. _______ Mb. Joseph M. Bbown tells us about the coming melon crop. If the rain will not injure we shall have melons in plenty. A Capitol man states how he ran upon a spot in the country, showing evidences that Wiley Redding, the noted negro deperado, had been camped there. We abe to have a fence election in Fulton county on Wednesday, the 7th of July. The universal tendency is keep up stock, and relieve farmers of the great expense of fencing their whole places. ■ We give elsewhere the touching tribute of respect paid to the memory of Col. Luther J. Glenn by the Atlanta bar. A committee was appointed to draw such a’ memorial as is due to the deceased. _______ Hon. N. E. Habbis, of Macon, is in the city. Mr. Harris is Chairman of the State Committee on Technology. >He conferred with the Gover nor yesterday about the school. The Board is to meet in New York on the 11th, to-morrow, but Mr.'Harris, on account of illness, cannot be present. Mr. S. M. Inman and Mr. E. R. Hodg son, of the Board, are North inspecting techno logical institutions. The Board has sent a cir cular to every country town in Georgia inviting bids for the school. There will be many bids. Thb Rome Courier congratulates The Atlan ta Capitol for having greatly mitignted its extreme partisanship in the gubernatorial cam paign. The Evening News has noticed this change in the temper of its highly appreciated neighbor, and can say with tne Courier that The Capitol is by far the most reliable political paper in Atlanta. While a staunch friend of Qeneral Gordon, it is not unfair, and gives both sides a hearing. This course is eminently proper and correct. —Augusta News. Bathing Suits. Parties contemplating a visit to the seashore would do well to call and ex amine the large stock of repellant goods specially woven for Bathing Suits at Chamberlin, Johnson & Co. For goodness sake rev 1 Thorn’s “Ad.” A TOTAL ECLIPSE of all others is the I. F. and the V. S. Singer Sewing Machines. Office 39 Whitehall St. Anti-Morn. on. Associated Press to Capitol. Washington,D. C., June 10.—House —Caine, of Utah, withdrew his abjection to the reporting of Edwards Anti-Polygamy bill, from the Com mittee on Judiciary,and the measure was placed upon the House calendar. Fine all-wool Worsted Fanta made to order, $7.25. Ed. B. Fletcher, Agent Browning, Kingft Co., 9 Whitehall. Trv onr prices on furniture. John Neal A Co., i and 9 south Broad. Ice Cream Soda 5c., Bramlett’s. MOXIE NERVE FOOD On Draught at H. C. Beerman’s Soda Water Palace. Ed. B. Fletcher makes all-wool pants at $5.25. 9 Whitehall street. BUSSEYREPAIRS Old Hats, Marietta street. Send your order for Roller Meal, Mixed Feed and Stock Meal to Zachry Bro.’s mills on W. A A. Railroad, near Atlanta Cotton Factory. All Mlf ® I. TELEGRAPHIC THE CONDITION OF THE CROPS FROM WASHINGTON. Riots in Ireland from Home Rule Defeat. Farm Kepert. Associated Press to Capitol. Washington, June 10.—The department of agriculture makes the area of apring wheat nearly the aame as last year, about 12,000,000 acrea. There is an increase of one-sixth of last year’s breadth in Dakota, a decrease in Ne braska and a small reduction in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The Minos spring wheat districts show a small advanse. The extension of the area in Dakota is due mainly to settlement and the necessity of ready money for improvements, and somewhat to last year’s unsatisfactory flax product in Southern Dakota. The effect of low prices of wheat has been counteracted by the superior rate of yield of the recent year. The condition of spring wheat averages against »7 in June last year, Wisconsin 97, Min nesota 99, lowa IQO, Nebraska 97, Dakota 99, Washington 100. Winter wheat is not quite so promising as on the first of May. A slight decline in the condi tion is reported in the West, and the low condi tion of the Southern crop is still more reduced. Yet the average is only reduced two points, from 94-9 to 92-7. It is still from average to high in the great wheat-producing States. In New York it is not tillering as in years of strong root growth. It is very promising in Maryland and Virginia, except in wild lands. In the South it has been affected with rust, shrivelling the grain harvested. There has been injury from drouth in Texas, rains and floods in Ohio, and hailstorms in Missouri. The prospect is good for a small fraction above 12 bushels per acre. Rye has also declined from the general aver age of 95-7 to 94-4 during the last month. The barley average has been increased 3 per cent., and the condition averages 100; last year, in June, 89. A large acreage of oats in 1885; not been extensively increased. It has been slight ly reduced in Kentucky and Ohio, where the area was abnormal last year. The increase will approach 500,000 acres. Condition averages nearly in 96 against 94 in 1886 and 98 in 1884. It is highest east of the Alleghanies, and a little below the full in the South and West. The tendency to increase in area of cotton has been checked in the Eastern States of the cotton belt. Returns show a slight reduction in South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. More Western States in which settlement and farm extention has been active, exhibits some increase, is maialy in Texas; the net increase is about 250,000 acres, an advance of one and three- eights per cent. The record stands: Viaginia 99, North Carolina 100, South Carolina 99, Mis sissippi 102 Louisana 102, Texas 107, Arkansas 102, Tennessee, 101. ' The condition of the crop is lower than in 1885, averaging 88. 7 against 92 last year. It is lower in seven States, and higher in North Caaolina, Florida, Texas and Tennessee. The State averages are: Virginia 95, North Carolina 97, South Carolina 83, Georgia 82, Florida 97, Alabama 87, Miss’ssippi 88, Louisi ana 85, Texas 96, Arkansas 83, Tennessee 99. The heavy rains have caused damage in Geor gia, and a drouth was threatening in Texas, broken by refreshing rains. The stand has been irregular, but has been practically reme died by replanting. Orange Riats. Associated Press to Capitol. Belfast, June 10. —The people here have been wrought to a state of great excitement by the riotous demonstrations of the Orangemen during the past two days. All work is stopped, stores closed, and many residences closely bar ricaded. Mobs are in every street prepared for further deeds of violence. The Orangemen are greatly incensed at the constabulary for firing upon them and threaten to sack their bar racks. Detachments of soldiers and police from Dub lin and other cities are being forwarded to Bel fast to assist the authorities in restoring or der. At midnight a mob of Orangemen raided a public house kept by a Catholic named •’Hare, and after sacking it set on fire. The police charged the rioters a dozen times with their bayonets, but each time were forced back by volleys of stones. The police were fi nally forced to take refuge in the barracks, where they fired upon the mob from the second story windows. The mob, however, held their ground twenty minutes longer, although the firing.of the police was heavy and incessant. Scores of the rioters were wounded and it is known positively that 6 men and 2 women were killed. A great many wounded persons were carried away by friends, and whether their in juries are fatal is not known. Twenty of the rioters who received bullet wounds are lying in •ne of the infirmaries. A large number of the orangemen who took part in the riot were arrested to-day. The inquest on the bodies of those killed will be opened this afternoon. Senate. Associated Press to Capitol. Washington, June 10.—A resolution offered by Hoar and referred to the committee on rules on motion of Edmunds, expressing it to be the opinion of the Senate that it was not out of or der to refer, in Senate debates, to committee reports of the House of Representatives made during the present session. After the routine of morning business Mr. Beck called up bis bill to prohibit members of Congress from accepting retainers or employ ment from railroad companies which have re ceived land grants or pecuniary aid from Con gress. Mr. Beck stated that he had ne remarks to make upon it, and asked for its immediate con sideration. Mr. Edmunds moved its reference to the com mittee on judiciary. Mr. Beck said it would be as well to vote the ATLANTA, GEORGIA. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 10. 1886 bill down at once as to refer it it to that com mittee. Mr. Edmunds remarked that be would move its reference to the committee on finance if that would suit Mr. Beck better. This didn’t suit Mr. Beck any better. Then Mr. Edmunds repeated his motion to re fer it to the committee on judiciary. On this the yeas and nays were called and the motion rejected. The bill then came to a vote and was passed without reference to any committee. On the passage of the bill the yeas were 37, nays 11, as follows: Yeas—Allison, Beck, Berry, Blair, Brown, Butler, Chase, Cockrell, Coke, Colquitt Cullom, Dolph, Eustis, Frye, George, Hale, Harris, Harrison, Hawley, Jones, of Arkansas, Kenna, McMillan, McPherson, Mahone, Maxey, Miller, Morrill, Palmer, Plumb, Pugh, Ran som, Saulsbury, Sherman, Vest, Whitthorne, Wilson, lowa, Wilson, Markland—37. Nays—Bowen, Cameron, Dawes, Edmunds, Evarts, Hoar, Mitchell, Oregon, Riddleberger, Sawyer, Sewell, and Teller —11. The agricultural appropriation bill was then taken up. AT SOCIAL CIRCLE. A Capitol Reporter Unable to Say Which Side is Strongest. Special to Capitol. Social Circle, Ga., June 10—The announce ment that Hon. Wm. H. Felton would address the people of Walton county at this place yes terday drew a very large crowd. The first train from Atlanta was met by hundreds of peo pls, who were anxious at every moment to see Dr. Felton alight from a car, but to their dis appointment be did not appear. Wiihin a few minutes a special telegtsm was read stating that an accident on the State road had placed Dr. Felton five hours late, and he could not reach the place. Col. W. C. Glenn came down from Atlanta and the Gordon men who were began making preparations to have him speak. He addressed the people for more than two hours, and his speech was one of the most powerful ever ad dressed to Georgia people. It was difficult to tell whether there were the most Gordon men or the most Bacon men among those present. The whole assemblage was very enthusiastic, and. while a number of them seem ed under the influence of whiskey the whole town was in a state of considerable excitement. During Mr. Glenn’s discourse the voices contin ually rang out from the crowd —some for Bacon, and others for Gordon. Mr. Glenn’s address was somewhat like that he delivered in Atlanta on Monday night. He spoke of Gordon’s career and also of Bacon’s past record. He dwelt on the history of their past lives from a political, a moral and an offi cial standpoint. He produced the letters that were long since sent between Felton and Har per concerning Rev Mr. Simmons. The Bacon men made every effort to criticize Mr. Glenn, but with no effect upon him. One man rang out, “Bring me a horse ! hurrah for Bacon ! away with this man !” and many other expressions. In answer to his exclamations Mr. Glenn said, “That man need not call for a horse. I think one of those long-earad mules would match him.” After Mr. Glenn concluded a Mr. Middlebrooks made a few remarks for Bacon and was loudly cheered. When he sat down Mr. Glenn arose and said: “That man’s remarks remind me es a mischievious babe. His remarks are too small to reprove while his sentiments are too weak to spank.” At 5 o’clock the speaking ended. The ex pression of the people is that Mr. Glenn’s ad dress made impressions upon the people that were never made before. He is in Atlanta to day. The day was a lively one. Everything is in a stir this morning. The contest in this county will be a hot one. East Atlanta. FROM MOBILE. Strike of Railroad Handl-Trouble Imminent—The Strike Untimely. Spicial to the Atlanta Capitol. Mobile, Ala., June 10.—All the negro coal hands and workmen employed at the Mobile and Ohio railroad shops, at Whistler, five miles from Mobile, hare struck for higher wages. No riot ing has yet occurred, but serious trouble is im minent between the strikers and the men im ported to take the strikers’ places. The strike will end disastrously for the strik ers, as at this period of the year work is partic ularly scarce, and five applicants are -had for every vacant place. W. C. W. , New York money market. Associated Press to the Capitol. Naw York, June 9. —Btockf—-Steady—Money—Easy «t IX@ 3 per cent. Exchange—Long, 486%; short, 487%. Governments —Neglected. State oonds—Dull and un changed. Liverpool Cotton market. Associated Press to Capitol. LrvaarooL, June IS, noon—Cotton- Steady fair de mand. Uplands, 5%; Orleans,s3-16; sales, 10,000 bales; speculation and export, 1,000. Receipts, s,ooobales; American, 1,400; futures dull; June and July, 55 64 iaA 5-64; July and August, 5 6 64; August and Septem ber, 5 6-64; September and October, 5 4-64: Septem ber, 5 6-64. Tenders, I,IOOS, new; 600 old docket. Wheat—flat; demand poor; holders offer freely; Cal ifornia No. 1,6 s and Sd; red Western winter 6s lOd Corn —quiet and steady; demand fallen off. Lard, prime western 32 Livr.apooL, June 10, 2 p. tn. —Sales, American, 8,000 bales; June, 5 5-64, sellers; June and July, 5 4-64 sellers; July and August, 5 5-64, buyers; August and September, 5 6-64 buyers; September and October, 5 3-64'value; October and November, 4 63-64 value; November and December, 4 62-64 buyers; December and January, 4 6i-64 buyers; September, 5 7-64 sellers. Futures dull. Good uplands s*i; uplands 5%; low mid dling4ls-16; good ordinary 4}£ ; ordinary 4 5-16; good ordinary 4%; ordinary 4 5-16; good Texas 5 7-16; Tax es 5 3-16; low middling 5; good ordinary 4 13-16; ordi nary 4%; Orleans 5 3-15; low middlings; good ordi nary 4 14-16; ordinary 4% nLonden —The bank has reduced the rate of discount from 3 to 2% New York Catton market. Associated I ress to Capitol. Maw Yonx. June 9.—Cotton—Quiet; sales, 426 bales; miuuunge. 9 3-16; Orleans, 9Q ; futures, dull, steady ; June, 907: July. 9 19; August, 932; September 918; September 9 04; October 9 03. New York Proviainn market. Associated Press to Capitol. New Yons. June 9—riour— Dull. weak. Wheat — Com —Higher. Fork—Unchanged at 9 2V<59 50. Lard Fr/i at 6 25, Turpentine—Dull at 32%. Freights Firm. Ed. B. Fletcher, agent for Browning, | King & Co., Hew York. Clothing made Ito order. 9 Whitehall street. WOMAN SUFFRAGE. MBS, H P. VIANSFIELD WILL CHAM PION HER CAUSE. Sie Shows Her Credentials aid Proves She is Worthy of Attention. About two weeks ago there appeared in The Capitol an interview with Mrs. H. P. Mans field, of Kansas, .in which she claimed to be a member of both the Wo man’s Christian Temperance' Union and the Woman Suffrage Associatian. She asserted that it w’as her belief that the former organiza tion was dependent upon the other for success in this country, and that the women of the South must be converted to the cause of woman Buff age before they could hope to succeed with THE GREAT TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT. It was her idea that by giving woman a voice at the ballot box, prohibition would float its banner in every State in the Union. This interview brought forth a paper from The Capitol’s able correspondent “Aru,” and an article from Miss Stokes, one of the leading temperance workers in Georgia. The former was down on tb» woman suffrage question, and the latter at tacked Mrs. Mansfield’s claim to be a member of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. This morning a reporter culled on Mrs. Mans fiild and asked what she thought of the present status es affairs. She answered that she was glad that the question. HAD BEEN AGITATED, and would like a little room in the columns ofTns Capitol to write about woman suffrage. She was told that the columns were open to her. “Are you a member of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union?” asked the reporter. “Yes, sir, I am,” she replied, “ and although niy name cannot be found m the list of officers, as Mrs. Stokes savs, I have been tendered both the presidency and vice-presidency of the W. C. T. U. in the State of Kansas. I will admit that I labor more in the woman suffrage cause than for the cause of temperance, because I be lieve if we can get the former, it will be an easy matter to obtain the latter.” HER CREDENTIALS. Mr#. Mansfield showed the reporter several letters telling who and what she was. One is from a bank official, cne from the editor of a newspaper, one from a Baptist minister, and others from prominent people in her State. That she is a ladv of intellect, refinement and good social standing there can be no doubt, and she lias ample proof that she is a member of the W. C. T. U. The Capitol has taken the liberty of publishing an interview with her, and that pub lication has caused an attack to be made upon her as a worker for the cause of temperance. Now the people will hear her reply. To talk of “woman suffrage” can do no harm, even if the women of the South are opposed to it. Oft For New York. Mr. Isaac Steinheimer, the genial and clever proprietor of the celebrated Southern Clothing House, 82 Whitehall street, will leave tor New York this morning, to purchase his second stock of summer clothing and gents’ furnishish ings. His numerous friends and patrons may look out for bargains within the next ten days. Hold up until bis new goods arrive; it will pay you to do so. I. O. O. F. Memorial Notice. Memorial services in honor of Brother Past Grand Sire, L. J. Glenn, deceased, will be held at the lodge room at 8 o’clock, p. m , Friday, Jone 11th, 1886. The members of sister lodges in the city and visiiing brethren and their friends, are cordiallv invited to be present. The exercises will be public and under the auspices of all the lodges of the city. R. L. Burnett, N. G., of Barnes Lodge, N 0.55, I. O. O. F. W. H. Rhett, Sec’y. PERSONAL. M. M. Mauck, wall paper and paints. See Motes for finest work. Fish and ice. G. C. Goelze. “ Ivie,” the artistic Photographer. Dr. Catching, dentist, 36% Whitehall st. Mrs. D. Scarhens, of Tennessee, is at the Weinmeister hotel. Motes, the Premium Photographer. H. V. Harnet, of Columbus, Ga., has regis tered at the National. “ Iyie ” makes picture frames to order. The National Hotel is becoming more popu lar. Motes’ club system still open. A good supply of fish for the trade at G. C. Goelze’s market, 117 Whitehall street. For elegant frames go to Motes. James G. Gray, of Macon, is at the’Na tional. Potts & Hadley, bouse and sign painters, No. 43 South Broad street. Geo. Schillinger, wife and children, are in At lanta. |SO will buy a good canopy top pony phaeton at 51 S. Broad street. Fresh meats, fish and oysters. Sign of the red snapper. 94 W. Peters. A. W. Fite, of Cartersville, Ga., is a guest at the Hotel Weinmeister. Hammocks, croquet sets and base balls at low prices at John M. Miller’s 31 Marietta street. Visit Motes* Art Gallery—everybody wel come. The Brunswick Hotel at Norcross, Georgia, is now ready for guests. Families wishing a pleasant home cannot find a more delightful place to spend the summer. For particulars address W. W. Austin, proprietor. Mr. Isaac Steinheimer is a good swimmer. He leaves this evening for Savannah, from which point he will swim to New York. His reasons for going are obvious. Since he intro duced the “co-operative” system of selling clothing, his trade has been immense, and he has nearly cleaned out his summer stock, wllich must be immediately replenished. Wait pa tiently for a few days for the result of his visit ta the great metropolis, and you will be happily surprised. A Capitol reporter strided into H.Y. Snow’s, on Fersvth street, near the State Capital, this merning, and found everything moving on in a bu«iness-like manner. The trade of this old and established bouse is increasing for there the merchants find a full and fresh stock es fruits, produce and groceries to select their supplies from and that too at lowest prices. “Ba Year Beat.” Because you have no market house to go to, it is no excuse that you should not do your best when buying your table supplies. For Cherries in abundance, Raspberries, Spring Chickens, Home-raised Vegetables of every kind, the best in the market fresh daily, go to Culberson k Cameron, where you will also find a first-class stock of staple an i fancy groceries. No. 106 Whitehall street. All kinds of furniture very cheap. John Neal A Co., 7 and 9 South Broad. JacoteWStore The promise to sell from 25 to 50 per cent, lower, without giving prices, is the argument of both the fool and the knave. PRICES: 8. 8. 3., large 99 8. 8. S., email 59 B. B. 8......................................... 75 Brewer’s Lung Restorer 55 Brown’s Iron Bitters 74 Harter’s Iron Tonic 75 Lemon Elixir,small 39 Holmes’ Liniment, the Mother’s Friend 88 Simmons’ Liver Regulator, pk’gs 8 Allcock’s Plasters 10 Sozodont 58 Phillips’ Em. Cod Liver Oil 75 Scott’s Emulsion Cod Uver Oil 74 Tutt’s Hair bye 70 Davidson’s Family Syringe, No. 1 |1 75 Davidson’s Family Syringe, No. 2 1 50 Fellows’ Syrup Hypophosphatee 1 18 Magnolia Halm 60 Hall’s Hair Renewer 73 Warner’s Kidney «nd Liver Cure 83 Bradfield’s Female Regluator, large 83 Ayer’s Hair Vigor 73 Beef Wine and Iron, pints 60 Swan Down Powder 15 Blue Mottled Soap, per bar 18 Brown Mottleu Soap, per pound 8 White Castile Soap, per pound 13 Guinn’s Blood Renew er 1 25 Moxie 40 Delectalave 40 Exact Change Given! Medicine Tumblers and Corkscrews Given Away to Customers. Raffle! Raffle”! Gents' Gold Watch and Chain I Will Be Raffled ON OR ABOUT JUNE 15th. Chances, SI.OO. Only a few untaken. On exhibition at BRAMLETT’S. 51 Whitehall. p MADE JP J TO ORDER BY JJ, 0 SAM A T WALKER, M U 2% Marietta Street. JjJ p Bran New Steck g *pi Mouldings. 50 Gents Per Dozen. KUHN’S Gem Photographs! An elegant lot of New Scenery just arrived. The cheapest and finest Photographs in the city. 33} 2 White nail. Cedar Fence Posts and Fencing Lumber. Atlan ta Lumber Co. ONLY $2.00! II Algo Lowest Price on —«——Freezers, I Tinware, I Garden Hoes REQUIRES I COMPLETE AND 1 itself. Hardware! A GEO. EllNfi & CO. WB Cor. Peachtree and Wheat. Let ’em kick, but if you want Groceries so you can live, call on 8. W. SULLI VAN, the Cheap Grocer, Cor. Thurman and Mangum Sts. Dove Hams He Best N. 0. Syrup ... 65c | Beat Lent Lard . B*/£(s9<: I Good Coffee 10c Side Meat 7c Good Rice 5c I Country Butter Me I Best Coffee 12Uc Sugar C Shoulders .. Best Rice 7Uc I Best Cheese 12>£c I Jelly 9c Patent Flour 80c Egas 15c I Sugar, Brown, 151bs. 1 00 | Soap 4c Good White Flour.. 70c Canned Tomatoes... B%c Sugar, Granulated.. 7%c I Soap 3%c Good Flour 65c Hay 1 00 | Cabbage 3c | Bran 1 W N. O. Syrup 40c Oats 55c I Meal 85c I Corn 65c Shorts 1 10 I | Dried Beef 13* Garden Seed, Crockery, Glass and Tinware at Bottom Prices. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Dr. Francis’s Tonic and Blood Purifier. Only 40c for a Quart Bottle. Read what Col. Baum says: “Acme Company, Atlanta, Go.—Gentlemen: I have tried the Dr. Frances Tonic and Blood Purifier, manufactured by you, and consider it one of the finest bever ages that has be»n brought to my notice, and with the roots and barks from which it is composed it must necessa rily be very efficient in purifying the Blood and for General Debility, Lastitude and Nervous Prostration. Tours respectfully, J. W. BAUM.” Hard AVood Lumber HAVING PUT IN MACHINERY EXPRESSLY FOR WORKING HARD WOOD LUMBER, lam now prepared to furnish the same Rough or Dressed as may be desired. I also do Wood Turning,(Scrol Sawing, and Re-Sawing Id the b' st manner. e Newels, Rails and Balusters Always on hand. Also Thin Wood for Bracket Sawing. I have two steam Dry (Kilns, and wilipMfreauyU tarnish Kiln Dried Lumber when desired, 1 ard asset Mill, 40Collins St. J. C. PECK. THE DRUG STORE I OF Benjamin&Cronheim Is Doing no Enormous Business. In Prescriptions, because the people are finding out that they can obtain Pure and Fresh Drugs compounded by Competent Pharmacists, and save from 25 to 50 per cent. Patent Medicines as Low as t>e Loiost And no OVERCHARGE on Prescrip tions and Family Medicines to Make Up For It. SOAP, SOAP. Blue Mottled Castile, - -20 c per bar, Brown Mottled Castile, -10 c per lb., White Castile, - - - -15 c per lb., Toilet Soaps 40c. per doz. and upwards. Try a box of our “CREAM OF LILIES” Soap, only 20 cents. Telephone 570; NIGHT BELL. Packages delivered to any part of the city. Benjamin <fo Cronlieim, 101 WMteiall St. Cor. Mitchell. AWIUWBMENTW. II Armstrong Lecture Association.” THIRD LECTURE BY REV. J. 0. ARMSTRONG, J.D. ’ SUBJECT: “Whither is This Spirit of the Age Carrying Us.” in the public hull of the court house, at 8 o’clock Fri day evening, June 11, 1886. The nubile are invited. Admsision free. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Applicants for election to teachers’ places In the Public Schools of Atlanta will please report at the High Schoal building, corner of Washington and Mitchell streets, for examination, June 12th, 9 o’clock a. in. Colored applicants will be examined at the sapie place, June 19th. Lette sos recommendation tn ay be presented on the day of examination. By order of Board of Education. W. F.HLATON, Superintendent.. Electi»iNofe--Feiic6orNoFeiice. GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY, T Ohjhnahy’b Officr, June 1, 1886. To the Lawful Voters of Said County : A petition having been filed in this office by as many as fifty freeholders of said county for the benefit of the provisions of sections 1449,1450, 1451, 1452, 1453 and 1454 of the code of Georgia of 1883, known as the “stock law,’’ in said com ty , and it appearing that the notices of said petition required by law have been given, and that no counter petition of freeholders lias been filed thereto: it is ordered that an election be held on Wed nesday, the 7th day of July next, in said county, at the court ground in each militia district, and under the same rules and regulations as provided for members of the General Assembly, in which the question shall be submitted to the lawful voters of said county of “fence” or “no fence.” It is further ordered thut the returns es said election be made to the undersigned as provided by law. W. L. CALHOUN, Ordinary. Kiln dry dressed and matched Flooring and Ceilings. Atlanta Lum ber Co. NO. 61