Atlanta tri-weekly journal. (Atlanta, GA.) 1920-19??, March 09, 1920, Image 1

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VOL. XXII. NO. 47. THOMAS DEMOCRATS . ASK FAIR PLW IN GEORGIA PRIMARY Issue Is Between Committee and Voters t Not Commit- • tee and Hoover, Asserts ‘, Representative Mclntyre BY BOGERS WINTER (Staff Correspondent of The Journal) ‘ THOMASVILLE, Ga., March B. One of the most interesting argu ' ments yet advanced concerning the action of the subcommittee of the Democratic state executive commit tee in shutting Herbert Hoover out of the preferential primary is that of W. Irwin Mclntyre, member of • the Georgia house of representatives from Thomas county, and one of the most prominent lawyers of southeast Georgia who discussed presidential politics at considerable length with k ’ The Journal correspondent and ex pressed himself unreservedly in op position to the subcommittee’s ac tion. "It is conceivable,” said he, “that the public may call a man to the pub lic service, I admit such a thing does not occur often, but when it does occur. It is very encouraging. Ap- , parently such a thing is about to oc- I cur in the case of Herbert Hoover and will occur if the public is allow ed to express its preference. And when this rare, but very encourag ing, political phenomenon is about to take place, it certainly is unfor tunate to have it thwarted by the ; subcommittee of our Democratic state executive committee. The Beal Issue “The subcommittee seems unable ! to conceive that such a thing is ; possible as a public office seeking j a man. Vt seems to act upon the j theory that Herbert Hoover is seek- ■ ’ ing the votes of the Democrats of Georgia, when in point of fact he I specifically disclaims that he is a candidate. Tfye subcommittee seems to make the issue between itself and Hoover, when, as I see it, there is no issue between them at all, but : a very serious issue between the subcommittee and the Democrats of Georgia. "It cannot be questioned that a very considerable number of Georgia Democrats wish the opportunity of voting on Mr. Hoover in the prefer ential primary. That is to say, they | ttf-e in the attitude of calling to the service of the party and the nation a man whom they consider capable of rendering service. They are pre vented from expressing themselves, although the primary is ostensibly to ?te held for the specific purpose of a - ’ free expression by those who con stitute the pa ly in Georgia. Hence, 1 say the issue is not between the i ubcointgjftee aai_JHerbert Hoover, r ” r ‘*li’ut between the subcommittee and* ?' the Democrats of Georgia. “Whether I myself will vote for Mr. Hoover if his name goes on the • ballot has nothing to do with my conception of the issue raised by the subcommittee's action. As a matter i of fact, I have not made up my mind 1 whether I will vote for Mr. Hoover, ■ if given an opportunity, or for some- j body else, but, nevertheless, I feel that his name ought to go on the ballot.” Mr. Maclntyre's views were not expressed with any feeling of animus whatever toward the members of the > subcommittee. In point of fact his ; personal feeling toward tho~e gen tlemen is altogether 'friendly. One of them, Judge James J. Flynt, chairman of the subcommittee and • likewise of the state committee, is a member of the house, and they _ are very pleasantly acquainted with each other. His views are simply those of a Democrat who believes in fair play, who believes th. members of the party have an undeniable right to a free expression more especiallj’’ since that is the object of the pri mary who conceives it possible, as he says, for the public to call pri vate citizen to the public service, and when such a thing happens or is about to happen, it is a most whole some political sign and should not be stopped or hindered. Want Yair Flay Another Thomasville man who dis cussed the primary along pretty much the same line, or rather from the same disinterested angle of fair play, was Edward Jerger, the editor of the Thomasville Times-Enterprise, a staunch Democratic paper that last week expressed itself editorially in disapproval of the subcommittee’s action. Said Mr. Jerger: “I do not know whether Mr. Hoover would carry Thomas county or not. I do not know whether he would carry Georgia or not. But it seems to me that the subcommittee made a serious mistake when it shut him opt of the primary for no other rea son than his refusal to commit him self to undefined partisanship. I have heard many expressions of re sentment here. The feeling in Thomasville is about the same as the feeling everywhere else.” A rather peculiar situation has de veloped in Thomas county with ref erence to the holding of the primary. The local county primary has not been called. The Democratic execu tive committee of the county is not in favor of holding the county pri mary on April 20. the date of the preferential primary, as requested by the state executive committee. This will necessitate forming of a volunteer crew of election man agers to hold the primary in this county. Editor Jerger is secretary of the county executive committee and is determined that Thomas county shall not go by default with no bal lot boxes open. He intends to form a volunteer crew by his own person al efforts, if tne county committee does not move in the matter, and • open at least one or two boxes where the voters of the entire county will be invited to cast their ballots for their preference for the Democratic presidential nomination. In other words, as he states him self, Editor Jerger was not especial ly rampant for having a primary to start with, believing an uninstructed delegation might not be amiss under the rather extraordinary circum stances of the present presidential contest, but now since a primary has been ordered he would like to give the voters an opportunity for full and free expression upon everyone whom they are interested in. and he is determined particularly that Thomas county’s voters shall get a (Continued on Page 6, Column 6) ©be Mlanfa ©rMßteHfl Wtwua® Let All Democrats Have Chance to ote JHithout Restraint —HOKE SMITH Editor Journal: Not having a fixed opinion as to who should be selected as our standard-bearer at the Democratic national convention I have sought to avoid any part in the coming Geor gia presidential primary, but Holloman and the Atlanta Consti tution seem determined to force me into it. In a telegram to the Constitution on Wednesday he stated that the members of the Georgia delegation are lining up almost solidly behind At torney General Palmer, and that I have repeatedly expressed my high regard for him. The obvious purpose of this article was to create the im pression that I favored Mr. Palmer’s candidacy. I wish to cor rect any such idea. My personal relations with Mr. Palmer have been very pleasant and I trust will remain so, but when he an nounced as his platform an unqualified indorsement of every act of President Wilson he made it impossible for me to sup port him for the nomination. The Wilson administration has many splendid achievements to its credit. It has also done a number of things, especially in the latter years, from which I was forced to differ. Only a small percentage of the voters of the country approve every act of the administration. The wise course for the party is to plant itself on its great achievements in the last seven years and not to blindly insist on following those policies of the president which the public have shown they disapprove. x It has - been and is my desire to take no side in the presi dential primary, but I have no hesitation in expressing the hope, since we are to have a primary, that all Democrats may have an opportunity without restraint to vote for whatever candidate they wish. To deny this privilege will create discord in the party and especially so, if a large number feel that their rights have been taken from them without regard to any candidate. The only -way to run the party is to let every Democrat express his preference and let the wishes of the majority control. Washington, D. C., March 7. WAR TAXES MUST BE CONTINUED SAY BOTH PARTIES WASHINGTON, March B.—War taxes must becontin- -d, Republican and Democratic leaders in the house, in charge of revenue legislation, de clared today. No reduction can be made by congress this year they as serted. Republican Leader Mondell and Democratic Leader Kitchen, the framer of the present tax laws, joined in stating that the proposal of former Secretary of the Treas ury McAdoo for a billion-dollar re duction in taxes and the flotation of a large bond issue to make up for the loss in revenue is impossible at this time and would imperil the whole financial structure of the na- Xlon. The high taxes must be con tinued to meet a war overhang of three billions in floating indebted ness, both believe. A panic, rather than relief, would follow such action, Mr. Mondell said, while Mr. Kitchin believes it would be “the most unwise step that the government could take at this time.” Even with drastic cuts in govern ment spending it will be difficult to make revenues equal expenditures during the next fiscal year, it was pointed out." New Bonds at 6 Per Cent Both leaders stated that it was the opinion of treasury department officials that another bond issue such as Mr. McAdoo suggests would have to bear an interest rate of 6 per cent, which would force the market value of outstanding Liberty Bonds down to such a figure that the 20,- 000,000 bond holders among the American people would lose hun dreds of millions if forced to sell their securities. Credit would be further inflated and the cost of liv ing increased, they-hold. Present indications are that none of the war taxes will be repealed at this session of congress, although the house has passed measures to abandon some of the consumption levies, such as tho"e on soft drinks and clothing. The income and ex cess profits taxes will not be chang ed until after the campaign, Mr Kitchin predicted. The Democratic leader sharply criticized Mr. McAdoo for his appeal for reduced taxes, declaring his statement was fdr "purely political purposes.” He expressed belief that the former secretary knows a reduc tion is impossible with governmental expenditures at the present high level. “As to the bond issue,” he said, “former Secretary Glass, Secretary Houston, Assistant Secretary Lef fingwell and Governor Harding, of the federal reserve board, all have told us that such action is fraught with grave financial results at this time.” McAdoo Is Blamed “Secretary McAdoo,” Mr. Mondell said, “is, more than any other man, responsible for the present situa tion, for if he, while in office, had not insisted on a heavy reduction of federal revenue for the calendar 1919, while the administration was still running things at a wai - level, we could now be discussing a reduc tion of taxes. "Before there can be any reduc tion of taxes there must be a reduc tion of expenditures and it is to ward that end that congress is now working. The present administra tion is demanding appropriations far in excess of the estimated revenues, but this congress hopes to cut down the expenditures asked for the next fiscal year at least 81.250,000.000 or below $4,000,000,000.” Sells All-Wool Suit for $25.00 A handsomely illustrated Spring and Summer Style Book showing all the latest New York and Chicago styles in men’s suits and containing 52 beautiful cloth samples of the very finest, high-grade fabrics, is being distributed free by the Bell Tailors, Dept. 759, Chicago, 111., the largest concern in the world selling made-to-measure tailored suits direct to wearer. The values offered for the coming season are simply amaz ing. For instance: They offer a very fine all-wool, high-grade suit, made to individual measure, at only $25. The measurement system used is so simple any member of your family can take your measure and the Bell Tailors guarantee to fit you perfectly-or there is no charge. Send for their Style Book and price list today and save big money on your clothes.— (Advt.) HOKE SMITH. DEMOCRATSLIKELY TO CONSIDER WET PLANK-LAWRENCE * _ BY DAVID LAWBENCE (Copyright, lt)20, so» The Atlanta Journal.) WASHINGTON, March B.—Pro hibition has made its way into the strategy chamber of the political 'parties with the prospect that the Democrats at* least, will consider seriously inserting a damp plank in their platform. The leaders here are against the saloon, against whisky, against a repeal of the federal pro hibition amendment, but in favor of a liberal interpretation of the laws and a less drastic enforcement act os that light wines and beers may be made in the home or bought like any other article of food, provided the beverages do not contain too much alcohol. Congress under the amendment to the constitution can define what is intoxicating or nonintoxicating by determining the per cent of alcohol that it is permissable to use. At present the law reads one-half of 1 per cent. Democratic leaders think this is absurd and that the country would not suffer the evils of wet ness which ifhe Anti-Saloon league preached so vigorously If the per centage were doubled or even treble the present amount. But the interesting phase of the question is the consideration given to a damp plank as a vote-getter in the next elections. Could the Demo crats carry the country by it? I present today a table of states which several Democrats of promi nence have worked out a ndwhich they think could be carried “with a strong candidate on a platform containing declarations of a liberal character in the matter of laws relative to intoxicating liquors.’’ “Solid South” It will be noted that in the first group are states of the so-called “solid south,” with certain border states, thus: STATE. Elec. Vote. Alabama . * . 12 Arkansas < 9 Florida . . ~ 8 Georgia •'’••• H Kentucky -.13 Louisiana 10 Maryland J. . 4....... . 8 Mississippi 10 Missouri ,♦ * 18 North Carolina 12 Oklahoma 1° South Carolina 9 Tennessee 12 Texas 20 Virginia • 12 Total ............175 From the foregoing group, it is true, came the chief support for the prohibition amendment, but as be tween a wet and dry issue' and voting the Republican ticket, the negro problem is counted upon to keep the south safely Democratic. The south, moreover, has had state laws on the liquor question long before the fed eral amendment was adopted. As for Missouri, Maryland and Ken tucky. which have shown a tendency to become Republican, the Democrat ic strategists say the liqyor ques tion would surely-keep them Demo cratic. ' 276 Electoral Votes But to continue with the table: Eastern • Electoral States. Vote. Massachusetts 18 New York 45 New Jersey 14 Ohio , .... 24 Total 101 Combining these two groups of [ 175 and 101, the grand total would i be 276. which is ten more votes than ! are needed to elect a president of the United States. But even if the four eastern states were not assured, the wet advocates point to a carefully worked out list of doubtful states from which they would expect to ac quire enough votes to malce up for any losses in that Massachusetts- New York-New Jersey-Ohio combina tion. These so-called doubtful states are as follows: Electoral States. Vote. California ... 13 Colorado 5 Connecticut 7 Delaware 3 Indiana 15 Rhode Island 5 Arizona 3 Montana 4 Nebraska 8 Utah 4 Total 58 Republican States The Democrats here by no means on Page 6, Column 6) ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1920. Red Leaders Desert The Radicals « .1 "SW£E7 E7A/?/e"GA/VZ NEW YORK.—Are the ’Teds” go ing out of business? “Sweet Marie” Ganz, who threat ened the life of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and served time • iti jail for it, has renounced her allegiance to the red flag. In 282 pages of a book she is writing, “Marie” tblls, why she did it. “I fell in love with Nat J. Ferber." says she. “He introduced (ire to a kind of people I had never qiet' be fore.” Then Harold Lord Varnfey, high priest of the “Wobblies” and an aid de-camp of Big Bill Haywood, has deserted the radical movement. He only requires one page in a Sunday magazine section to explain matters. Both Miss Ganz and Varney de clare they are through with the “antis” for life. ROAD'S WINSuifT ON VALUATION IN SUPREME COURT WASHINGTON, March B.—The railroads of the country in the su preme court today won their suit to compel the interstate commerce commission in fixing the Valuation of the lines to accept the present value of right of ways and termi nals instead of the original cost. The decision is of far-reaching im portance, because the valuation now being made by the commission prob ably will be usted as the basis for making rates under the Esch-Cum mins bill which will guarantee -the reads a return of 5 1-2 per cent .pn their property value. The effect df the decision is to increase the inter state commerce commission's valu ation of the roads, with the prob able consequence of higher rates. The test Suit was brought by the Kansas City Southern, backed by ether roads after its present st'- mated valuation of its right of way and terminals was rejected by the commission The road claimed that valuation made on the basis of the present value of this property would increase the total valuation from $5,- 000,000 to $10,000,000. The road fought the case on the grounds that the lower figure will be the basis for rate-making, instead cf the higher one. The commission is now making valuations of all roads under the act of 19 t L3, LOOK! READ! “NEW SIX” CLUBBING OFFER The Greatest List of News, Farm and Household Journals Ever Offered in the South READ THIS LIST Ihe Atlanta Tri-Weekly Journal, Inland Farmer, Weekly Alabama Times, Better Farming, Household Journal, Gentlewoman. All these are yours for a little more than the price of the Tri-Weekly Journal. Every paper in the “NEW SIX” clubbing offer for one year— The Price of The Tri-Weekly Journal Alone Is $1.50 Per Year. This is an opportunity for those who did not take advantage of the “BIG SIXV Clubbing Offer to get another combination equally as good. With this issue the At lanta Semi-Weekly Journal has been changed to The Tri : Weekly Journal, giving every subscriber 52 more issues a year. The latest in news is on your reading table al most as soon as if you were subscribing to a daily paper. In this day of progress and advancement this is a fact that you cannot fail to appreciate. There has never been a time in the history of the country when there is more real news of vital interest to the public than right now. Covering the Democratic Convention in the near future for Ihe Tri-Weekly Journal will be, in addition to the Associated Press f and the United Press, David Lawrence, Dorothy D‘x and a member of The Journal staff, who will be able to present the things that are of special interest to Southerners. Take Advantage of This Wonderful Opportunity at Once MAIL THE COUPON TODAY The Tri-Weekly Atlanta, Ga. Herewith find. $1.55, for which please send me your “New Six” Clubbing Offer for one year. Name .■ P. 0 R. F. D State Al! Previous Clubs and Combinations Are Hereby Withdrawn STOCK DIVIDENDS NOV SUBJECT TO U. S. TAX DEMOCRATS ARE INDIGNANT OVER ONE-SIDED POLL That the state Democratic tive committee proposes to disregard the demand of thousands of loyal Georgia Democrats as voiced with practical unanimity by the Demo cratic press of the state and refuse to place Herbert Hoover’s name on the primary ballot, was indicated : Monday by Hiram Gardner, secretary ; of the committee, when he stated • that two-thirds of the committee had replied to Chairman Flynt’s question naire and that a majority had voted to sustain the ruling of the subcom mittee. Secretary Gardner was unable to give the exact vote or to furnish the names of the committeemen vot ing to sustain the subcommittee’s action. An effort was made to reach Chairman Flynt, but he was busy in court in Griffin and it was impossi ble to get a statement from him. In Sunday’s Journal four mem bers of the committee announced their disapproval of the subcommit tee’s arbitrary ruling and Monday W. E. Sirmans, of the Eleventh dis trict, wrote Chairman Flynt, refus ing to sanction the subcommittee’s ruling. According to a telegram from Waycross, Mr. Sirmans wrote Chairman Flynt as follows: “In answer to your letter, I would state that your question is not fair, as you ask If I am in favor of put ting Republicans or whatnots on the ticket. The question is. ‘Will we allow Hoover’s name to go on the ticket?’ I think this question of his being a Democrat is all rot. He voted for Wilson in the last cam paign and held office under Demo cratic administration and the Dem ocrats of Georgia should have the right to say if he is a good enough Democrat to be our party candidate and not the state executive commit tee. If his name is not allowed to go on the ticket we will make a se rious mistake.” All of the committeemen who have voted against the subcommitee’s rul ing have declared that Chairman Flynt stated the question very un fairly. As one Democrat expressed it Monday: “Chairman Flynt’s ques tion was about as fair as the ques tion, ‘Have you stopped beating your wife?’ It* was a reflection upon the good sense of every member of the committee. A poll taken in this manner cannot be indicative of the real sentiment of the state commit tee. The Democrats of Georgia should demand that Chairman Flynt call the whole committe together at the state capitol and let the question of Mr. Hoover's candidacy be pre sented in open meeting. The Demo crats who believe that Hoover’s name should go on the ticket have a right to be heard, and they should demand a hearing.” New Czar Reported LONDON, March 3.—Proclamation of a new czar In the trans-Caspian province is reported in a wireless dispatch from Moscow. Prominent Clergymen On List of Speakers at Conference of Pastors Boibbwmmi I - V -W I JMI IS PROMINENT FIGURES IN THE GEORGIA PASTORS’ CON FERENCE, to be held in Atlanta Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Top row, left to right, Dr. Charles H, Pratt, former pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Richmond and foreign mission secre tary of the Southern Presbyterian church, and Dr. James I. Vance pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Nashville. Bottom row, Dr. Wiliam Hiram Faulks and Rev. Edmund de S. Brunner, of New York. .j xl RAILROAD WAGE CONFERENCE TO OPEN WEDNESDAY WASHINGTON, March 8. —Repre- sentatives of the railroad brother hoods and the roads will meet here YVednesday to begin negotiations looking to a settlement of the -vage demands of the 2,010,000 railway workers. The machinery with which an effort will be made to settle the dispute is that provided for in the railroad bill. ALLEGED “CON” MAN IS CAUGHT BY PINKERTONS The arrest in Montreal, Canada, Saturday of H. H. Muggley, alias H. H. Hubert, news of which was received In Atlanta Monday by the Pinkerton Detective agency, halts the spectacular career of a man, who, according to the Pinkertons, posed in Atlanta as a wealthy Cali fornia manufacturer of "safety car wheels,” gained the confidence of railroad officials to the extent where they ordered his "wheels,” bought several automobiles from Atlanta firms, was feted at Atlanta clubs, occupied an expensive suit of rooms at an Atlanta hotel, got prominent Atlantians to vouch for Him at the bank, and then suddenly disappear ed after cashing checks for several thousand dollars which turned out to be worthless. W. T. Gloer, assistant superintend ent of the Atlanta Pinkerton office, said Monday that Muggley has op erated in a number of other cities as well as Atlanta. He will be brought to Atlanta for trial, how ever, said Mr. Gloer, who announced his intention to go before Governor Dorsey and seek a requisition for Muggley’s return to Georgia. Mr. Gloer said that Muggley came to Atlanta last December, and with his wife and child, ,a little boy, reg istered at a downtown hotel under the name of H. H. Hubert, the alias he went under in Atlanta. Mr. Gloer described him as a fine up-standing figure of a man, expensive, genial, radiating prosperity and inspiring confidence by the very aroma of his fifty-cent cigars. According to Mr. Gloer, he bore fake letters of introduction with which he made the acquaintance of prominent railroad officials. To these, said Mr. Gloer, he explained his patent brake by which he made car wheels safe and convinced them not only that he owned a large fac tory in California, where he was turning out orders wholesale, but that the brake was worthy of -trial, at least. Mr. Gloer says that the railroad men signed contracts for the deliv ery of the car wheels, although they did not pay any money, so far as is known. The Pinkertons’ theory is that Muggley’s "safety car wheels” was simply a dodge to gain the confi dence of men of standing, in order to pass his checks. If this is true, he succeeded, according to Mr. Gloer, first at several automobile agencies, where is said to have purchased a n iber of cars for which he gave drafts thit the Pinkertons declare turned out to be worthless. Again, they declare, he passed checks for several thousand dollars at local banks which, they say. were returned by out-of-town banks on which they were Irawn with the statement that "Ml. Hubert” had never had an account there. The Pinkertons state that Muggley cashed all of his checks within a few days, paying his hotel bill with the last one, and so timing his departure that he left Atlanta just before the checks were returned as worthless, taking his wife and child with him. When the case was put into the Pinkertons* hands, they traced Mug gley to Indianapolis, to St. Louis, to Minneapolis, where he is alleged to have defrauded a Jewelry firm of a number of valuable gems; to Spokane, Washington, and finally to Montreal, where he was run to earth. 5 CENTS A COPY. $1.50 A YEAR. MILLIONSGOLLEGTED ON INCOMES MUST NOW EOEFUNOED Supreme Court, in Memor able Ruling on 1916 Act, Says Stock Dividends Are Capital Stock WASHINGTON, March B.—Stock dividends may not be taxed ‘as in come, the supreme court held today in declaring unconstitutional the pro visions of the 1916 income tax act taxing as income such dividends de clared by corporations out of earn ings and profits accruing after March 1. 1913. Under the court’s ruling, the fed eral government must refund mil lions of dollars in taxes collected, on stock dividends since the 1916 law became effective. Internal rev enue bureau officials said today the exact total of the refunds could not be estimated at this time, and that it would not bo known until all claims had been filed and computeci. The opinion read by Justice Pit ney declared that the 1916 law dis agreed with the sixteenth amend ment, providing for federal income taxes. The court held stock dividends are capital stock. “Stock dividends are nothing man* than a book adjustment and repre sent the increased value of a corpo ration’s stock because of increased earnings,” he said. "Stock dividends show a company’s earnings have been capitalized In stead of divided. They still remain property and In the hands of the company, and the stockholder re ceives nothing Which may be re garded as income. “It is argued the stock dividends may be sold, but that is not the question. The question is what is a stock dividend . and we hold it is capital. It doesn’t make any differ ence whether the stock dividend Is salable. “It would require the selling of other stocks to pay the tax on stock .dividends, if it were held taxable.” The case has been argued twice during the last year. The decision of the court was 5 to 4. Justices Holmes and Day dis senting on one ground and Justices Clarke and Brandeis on another. Charles E. Hughes represented tho financial interests fighting the ef forts of the government to collect. The suit was brought by Myrtle Macomber against Mark Eisner, In ternal revenue colector, and lower courts decided against the collector. The Standard Oil company of Cal ifornia declared a 50 per cent stoak dividend and Myrtle Macomber, who was owner, of 2,200 shares, received 1,100 shares more as her dividend. Eisner levied on this under the 1916 law and the attacks on the law followed. Text of Opinion The majority opinion said in part: “A stock dividend shows that the company’s accumulated profits havo been capitalized, Instead of distrib uted to the stockholders or retained as surplus available for distribution in money or in kind should oppoi - tunity offer. Far from being a real ization of profits of the stockhold er, it tends rather to postpone euca realization, in that the fund repre sented by the new stock has oeen transferred from surplus to capita.!,., and no longer is available for actual distribution. “The essential and controlling fact is that the stockholder has received r othing out of the company’s as sets for his separate use ano bene fit; on the contrary, every dollar of his orighial investment, together with whatever accretions and acctP mulations have resulted from em ployment of his money and that of the other stockholders in the busi ness of the company, still remains the property of the company, and subject to business risks which may iesult in wiping out the entire in vestment.” Court officials said the case was. one of the most important at this term and that determination of the’ question affects thousands of in vestors. Palmer Starts Probe Under Own Direction Os Sugar Situation WASHINGTON, March B.—Attor ney General Palmer today turned his personal attention to the na tional sugar situation with especial respect to the New Orleans and Den ver phases. District Attorney Tedrow, acting on personal order of Mr. Palmer, was on his way back to Denver to start a thorough investigation of the beet sugar manufacturing industry. Beet growers of Colorado complained manufacturers were profiteering. District Attorney Henry Mooney, of New Orleans, arrived here today for a series of conferences with Mr. Palmer with regard to the cane sit uation in Louisiana and his recons, mendations, adopted by Mr. Palma, which resulted in the order of <he justice department that prosecutions were not to be started where prices were raised to 17 and IS cents per pound. On the basis of Mr. Mooney’s per sonal report, Mr. Palmer was pre pariing a mass of data to be laid before congress in reply to the reso lution ordering an investigation of Mr. Palmer’s course in the Louisiana, situation. Mr. Palmer’s friends charge the investigation was ordered for politi cal reasons. Hungry Deer in Church BOONTON, N. J.—A young deer has, been around here for several days, visiting garages, churches and other places. He was apparently driven from thp woods by hunger. It was given food and returned daily for more. .