Newspaper Page Text
f •Urt’J •»«!»• P<-m Attan'a. <Jeor*i«.
Jvh 4. I**m. fecon*t •ia«* m..H matter.
rcKJ"Hro m rav day kx> bit si juuv ■
at 'o. " *» th vaoAh “TiirrT.
*-TfcLKPM<>nt ..... No. 5M.3-G
J ally Edition. 4 >ne Year .„ <*»
- - Six Months ;< '« I
'•• Three Months 1
The People * Party Paper. One Year 1 <*> j
Where the Producer Stand*.
Vhe democratic party is rnininjf the I
proiucing class.
Forts years the democratic party |
has been aiding to decrease the amount
of money in circulation, per canita-
They iirst had nearly all the paper
moMV burned. '
In 1870, one bale of cotton brought |
In 1873, the supply of silver money
was cut off by the old parties.
Cotton started down.
In 1878. the government began to
make a small amount of silver money
each month.
But the supply of money did not
meet the necessities of the people. t
And in 1880, it took two bales of cot
ton to bring 1120.
No remedy was applied. And in 1890,
nearly three bales of cotton were re
quired to bring 8120.
The same people, continued to con
tract the currency.
Mr. Cleveland, the great democratic
loader, was made president in 1893.
From that time until now. the demo
cratic party has had entire control of
the government.
During the summer of 1893, that,
party passed a law which provided that
not another dollar of silver should be
added to the money in circulation.
In 1894, the farmer has to take nearly
five bales of cotton to town in order to
get 1120.
This ia what democratic rule ia doing
for the southern fanner.
If continued in power, where would
that party lead the producer.
Democratic .StatcsniaiiHlilp.
Some idea of what the democrats
A»vc done, and what they would do if
Continued in control of the govern
ment, may lie gathered from the meas
ures which they have passed, and those
which they have introduced and urged
by their representatives in congress.
We give below a list of some of the
bills which democrats have introduced,
some of which have passed. We give a
reasonable estimate of the. amount of
money which would be required to
carry out the provisions of each :
Tariff on sugar ... I 50,000,000
Democratic statesman
ship by cutting off the
supply of silver money;
by throwing the coun
try onto the gold
standard, and by giv
ing full swing to the
exchange gamblers:
reduced wheat from 85
cents per bushel to 45
cents; and reduced
cotton Irom 10 cents
to 5. Thus they have
in one year robbed the
South of . . , I 1200,000,000
And the. west of ... 2504)00,000
To the national debt
( tAi.V have added . 50,000,000
ItaiMv national expen
they have gone be-
yond the limit of . 1,000,000,000
They introduced a bill
to give the Nlcaraugua
tljieves z . 100,000,000
*• Tosftmd ior 100 years at
:.’ per cent, interest to
thk Pacific Railroad
thieves . . 184.000,000
To give to the Dakota
Land Syndicate, for
the purpose of getting
rid of the Russian this
tle 1,000,000
To land money <>n land,
railroad stock, wheat.
ol>. peanuts, dried
fruit, etc., us per bill
introduced by reuator
John M. Palmer. detuo-
: .Wt . 38,000,000,000
Siniilnr bill introduced in
the house by 1.. F. Liv
ingston. of Georgia. to
lend 8-lu per capita to
all the cities, towns,
states, etc each year, 28,000,000,000
“PaotiXTacy' bill, intro
duced into the house
by Miller (dem.), of
Wisconsin, providing
that the government
thou Id own all the ho
lais. wash houses,
newspapers, railroads,
gas companies, and any
other little odds and
ends that might be
left lying around. . 27,000,000,'Mu
Private bills introduced
by other democrats in •
fifty-second mid fifty-
third congresses, altout (1,000,000,005 ■
Total SI 10.‘.’85,000,WM1 ;
These estimates do not include any '
duplication nor any items of expend!- |
turn proposed in the bills named, nor |
do they include salaries of the thou- ;
satlds upon thousands of officers to be ]
appointed under their provisions. As (
the Ictal estimated tn iney of the world. |
loeluding paper, gold, silver, copper, j
brass and iron token* dues not exceed ;
BJMo3.iX)t>.o!k>. it appears that the
amount of money called for by the
bills named is over tea times the vol
ume of the currency of the world.
What our paper would be worth under
such eireumstances anyone of ordinary
utell'gence knows.
Livingston’s Record.
He was with the republicans when
the aouth was in the throes of the
He was an independent against or
ganised democracy.
He was with Nr*. Lease, Jerry
Simpson and General Weaver when
they came to Georgia to organize the
third party.
He fought the soldiers’ home.
He was the leader of Gideon's
hand, which was organised to defeat
the democratic party.
He «as at the St. Louis c. nven
tion which declared for independent
political action.
He has proven himself a hydra
headed hybrid politician who has
done anything and will do anything
to get public office.
This tecord has l>een proven.
You will lie called upon to east
your vote tomorrow. Can you *u;»-
pott such a mau? Atlanta Journal,
Julv, 1894.
Sketches of Homan History, by Hon.
Thoa. E. Watson, sold at thia office
1 late far B|«ek and <«et a Free Ticket
Is Augaata.
The 1100. J. C. C. Black i« a hum
uier ahen it oiran to getting out
Not telly satisfied with the result
| of hia previ<»u‘proclamations holding
! forth the idea that if elected ho
■ would put the negroes ij the jury
Loves, and divide offices with them
(on a “parity” t, he now issues a
j supplementary paper in which be
I promises to gne a grand excursion
I trip to all the colored men who will
! Vote for him, the said J. C. ('. Black.
, Mr. Black explains (through his
I Chairman) bow the voter is to get
| the benefit of this magnificent offer.
In the language of the circular,
“Please prepare a list of every colored ‘
man who votes for Mr. Black and 1
i send it to me that we may buy Kail
road Tickets for all.”
When are these interesting lists to :
be made out?
Io the language of the said circular '
“You had better get the lists made I
up before, the election as far as you ■
can, and then as each man votes for 1
Black have men at the polls in each J
precinct to check hie name."
Mr. Black further says through his ;
authorized agent and campaign man
ager, “I send you little memorandum
books for enrolling their names.”
Mr. Black’s agent is kind enough
to state how far his authority ex
Hear ye him: “Be sure and don’t
get any names on the Role except
Black supporters, for lam not au
thorized to extend this invitation to
any one else.”
That’s clear, isn’t it? The agent
who signs up this precious docu
ment, officially, is Mr. Boykin
Wright who in 1892 got 13,000 of
tbe.campaign boodle for his services,
and who will probably get a like
handsome salary this time.
Lest some of our readers should
disbelieve the statement that the'
“peerless Christian gentleman,” J. C-
C. Black, could have put forth a cir
cular which proposes to swap Free
Tickets for Black votes, we publish
the paper in fnll.
White people who have heretofore
cherished lofty conceptions of Mr
Black will probably view with grief
and shame this desperate effort .to
bribe the colored people into selling
their votes.
And the colored people, the honest
and respectable of the race, wil'
learn with deep disgust that Mr.
Black has so low an opinion of the
negroes as to believe that he can buy
them with Railroad Tickets.
The Great National Farce.
A political partj should be com
posed of those who unite their ef
forts for the purpose of carrying out
a public policy upon which they are
all agreed.
This is the substance of the defi
nition given by Edmund Burke :
To carry out some plan, some
principle, sonic reform, individual
citizens unite their strength and their
energies in order that they may suc
ceed in giving effect to the plan, the
principle, or tho reform.
Thus, to free the slaves, the aboli
tion party was formed, by those who
agreed upon the principle that the
owning of human beings by other
human beings was wrong.
Nobody ever heard of an Aboli
tionist or a Republican who was op
posed to the principle upon which
the party was founded. The task
which tho party started out to do
, was done because they all agreed
j and all sided in the work.
I Thus, also, the new party which
Andrew Jackson founded to abolish
■ the National Bank was successful,
because every member of it knew
the principles the party stood for
and worked in harmony with every
other member of the party. Tho
nnmo “Democrat" was then first
■ used, as a distinct party name, an I
’t stood for polivws and principles
upon which there was perfect agree
j inent among nil those who went by
the name.
Tested by the rub, of Edmund
i Burke, who can say that there is
1 more than one political party in this
country? The Populists have a
creed in which they all believe, and
for which they all work, but what
o'.her party can say the saw?
Not the republican, for they agree
in nothing unless it is the Tariff.
Not the democrats, for they do
■ not even agree or lhe Tariff.
I'pon the niort important issue of
all, Finance, tjuie is hopele-s confu
sion and disagreement in both the
old parties abeolntc harmony is
During the last few dav« we have
had a rare show in Atlanta. Four
of Georgia's greatest men, running
for the highest office the state can
give, and ail being unimpeachably
good democrat", made speeches be-
' i’Si: ATLWiA. GEGjKUA. i Rlj>AY E\ ENilxG. NO\ EMBER 2. ]S94
fore the All rr in thr hor <• of
G'tlcrit g tt< ir chaw,-* (>l aai-oeas.
No two of these speeebvs were
alike. It may Ixr said, how* ver, that;
Mesrrs. U'xVj and Garrard favored
Free Silver at •’» to 1. that Hon. H.
G. Turner opposed it, and that Hon.
A. O. Baccn covered ail the ground :
between then- two po« : tions as well i
as judicious straddling could do it-
Take Burke's definition and apply
it to these gentlemen : the dear re
sult is that all three of these posi
tions on the r Ivrr question ought
not to b<- held inside the same party.
Mr. Turner ought to join Tom Reed
and John Sherman; Walsh and;
Garrard ought to join the populists;
and A. <I. Bacon ought to establish
t a recruiting station, in between, for
‘ the benefit of the undecided.
If the Legislature elects Turner,
, the democracy of the South will be
i represented by a man who is in fu'l
accord with the republicans of lhe ;
i East on the biggest question now
under discussion. If it elects Gar- \
i rard or Walsh, the State of Georgia
I will have a Senator who will vote I
I against democratic Senators from
' Ohio, New York, Ilelasrare, Mary
i land and Indiana. The party will
therefore be in the absurd position of
electing antagonistic representatives, j
In the South it will select men who '
will kill the votes of democratic Sen.
ators from the North and East.
In the North it will elect demo
cratic Senators whose votes will kill
those of democratic Senators from
the South and West.
Could madness go any further?
Is it not a farce of the most stupen
dous character to elect ten Senators
to represent a given principle, and
ten others who oppose that prin- 1
What party can live when it gives,
day by day, such examples of its
utter want of purpose, plan, policy
or principle?
If the Legislature tries to escape
the trouble by Bacon they choose a
representative whose position is so
much tangled with “ifs” and “huts’
that no living man can foretell just
where his tired feet will finally rest.
Hence the Senatorial contest now ■
going forward in Georgia shows a«
clearly as possible that the demo
cratic party stands for no principle,
no policy, no reform. It simply and
tho pcditiciaus and
tho office getters. Beyond its use.
fulness as a machine for place hunt
ers, it has no mission whatsoever.
Miss Lula Pearce.
Miss Lulu Pearce, a young lady
just merging from girlhood, has lieen
appointed business manager of tho
Atlanta Daily Press. —A r . I”. Home
Demoeraey’s Yard Stick.
“In politics, the only standard is :
success. The fellow who gets office
is great. It is nothing in the esti- ;
mation of the public to have deserved
success.”—The Augusta Chronicle,
October 30th,
One of the wonders of the nine
■ teenth century is, why will a decent,
respectable and Christian man like
Major Black, vote with, affiliate with
and pose as lhe “standard bearer” of
the dirty wardheeling, boodlin’g and
whisky dispensing gang who run the
democratic party of Richmond j
The above chipping explains it as
The Chronicle represent”, is t|>o i
I mouth-piece of democracy. The
i Chronicle openly says that the high
est, most desirable and best motto
I for politii s is that “The only stand
ard is success."
Major Black has evidently imbibed
the svmiment. At- least we perceive
I that he is hustling for “success,” and
is not considering the means to be I
employed to bring about the desired
end. Success, yon know, overrules
any objection as to means. This is
why the major takes “under bis
wing” the ward heeler. Wardheel
ing is a powerful lever towards suc
cess, and success is ‘ the, only stand,
ard.” The major knows that ward
het ling can’t be carried on without
boodle and whisky, but. success is
‘■the only standard," hence the major
can’t draw tho line, ’l he “job lash”
is conuinpiible, but it helps gain
success “the only standard." The I
unlawful and fraudulent election
m-thods of K ehmoiid county are a i
shame and di-grace to the country,
but they assure success and hence
the major condones, for “In politics,
the only standard is success.”
A man may In dishonest, may ac
cept the worn of dishonest men, but
it’s only a n erit according to demo- i
, < racy, tor they have only one stan
dard, that of sue ess, and the dropping I
of all scruples and conscience is a
’ step toward the attainment of “sue
Major Black evidently imbibed
these sentiments as far back as ’92,
| at least he was well grounded in the
sentence that reads. “The fellow who
1 get* office is great."
The Major gained success in’92;
i and now he “is great” -Great b -
. cause he gained success. That* why ‘
they call him “great and glorious
’ Black, the peerless gentleman.’’
1 Great, not becau e of what he ha«
' done. Great not because of whit he
will do. Grea’, not because be de-
serves it. Great not becaiMO of merit.
Great ••oly becxuM “the fellow wbo
ceu i» tout.” Great Major
Back. . ♦
No on*, real z»« more felly than
Major Black that “It ia nothing in
the eatima'ion oi lhe public to have
deserved racee*. bem-e bo did no
catering along this line. That’s why
he went to congress and voted just (
like the “eoptc did not want or
expect him to vote. He wanted
i only to be a full-iledged democrat
and be a great statesman by measur
ing himself with the yardstick “suc
The major is still a democrat. He
will remain a democrat as long a*
he “is great,” by gaining suece-s at 1
any cost. Once upon a time in this ,
country, to be a great statesman, a
man had to have courage, patriotism, |
a good stock of brains as well a< i
common sense, and had to stand I
boldly on principles and the right,
but democracy has raised a lower
standard of greatneis —that is suc
Major Black liked the new yard
stick, was measured by it, and meas
ured up. He proposes to continue
to measure up.
Statesman Black, “where are you
at?” If you were your old self, the
halo of glory that now surrounds
you wonld be an ever abiding horror.
You once bad higher standards and
fought for them. Why is your pen
and voice silent when a leading dem
ocratic paper tries to force on honest
people such maxims as these? These
maxims are beyond the toleration of
a Christian man. You once said
you Would rather be right than pres
ident. Why not say so now ?
Augusta, Ga., Nov. 1, 1894.
Democracy in New York.
Here is what the New York
World, a democratic paper says about
democratic rule in that city .
The municipal contest now on has no
concern with party issues.
The people are in revolt not against
any party but against organized
They are trying to rescue the city
from the grasp of plunders.
They want to drive out of power the
men who have fattened upon the tribute
of vice and grown rich in partnership
with crime-
They seek to restore a reign of law,
to overthrow that dynasty of plunder
ers Which puts every citizen’s liberty
and prosperity and life itself in peril.
In such a contest partisan eonsidera
ttipns are irrevelant. Those zealots
who Seek to make party prejudice or
.party hope, a factor, wantonly imperil
results 'of immeasurable consequence,
to the coinmunitv.
This struggle rises high above party.
It is the people’s fight for law and
From the Whole of the United
Farmers' Voice.
The Farmers’ National Congress
at Parkersburg, W. Ya, voted
against free silver. Os course. That
is the kind of farmers most of these
fellows are. The majority of them
ccu'd not tell a cucumber from an
iax handle. They are lhe Morton
i breed of farmers.
i Pittsfield (111.) Advocate.
The people go hungry while the
i farmer lias a surplus that wastes or
sells at ruinously low prices. The
people go ragged while the mer
chants complain of bting unable to
sell ulothiiig. And still the ignorant
refuse to lenrn, and cry overproduc
Cotton Plant.
What does it cost to produce an
American man, a man fit to be your
fellow-man, and become our brother
and our partner ? One who can lu Ip
! us administer the estate of liberty
! left by our forefathers? The tnis
i sion of the Alliance is to help you in
i this work, fellow-farmers.
Brockton Diamond.
Two tilings the people have got
j out of Georgia are—Hoke Smith and
a populist gain as fi2,000 votes in
> one year. A minister passed his
hat ’round serve as a contribution
box, and receiving nothing, thanked
God that be got his hat back from
‘ that congregat'on. Wonder if
Grover thanks God for his Hoke?
Win. E. Mason, of Illincis, in talk
ing to farmers, says that the low
price of wheat is caused by under
consumption and not overproduc-
I tion. W.lliam finds that this sort of
■ talk suit* his political purposes at
present, Now if lie will admit that
lack of money is the cause of under
consumption. be can pass up to the
head of the class. •
The Date «f the Election.
Remember that the Congressional
! Elections come off on Tuesday, No
vember tith, 1894 Don’t forget the
day. Tell your neighbors. If you
want to vote for a Congressman go
to the polls Tuesday, November tith.
Georgia Congressional Nominees.
Ist.—Dr. J. F. Brown.
2nd.—W. E. Smith.
3rd—G. W. While.
4tb.—C. J. Thornton.
stb.-—Robert S. Tood.
6th.—\Y. S. Whitaker.
7th.—Dr. W. II Felton.
Bth.-—W. Y. Carter.
9th.—J. N. Twitty.
10th.—T. E. Watson,
lltb.—S. W. Johnson.
Five copies of the Plofi.f.’s
Party Pai’ki: will be sent one year
for $3.75. Get foor suhs.-ribers at
<•1.00 each, and get paper
free. ts.
The Daily Press four months for
two dollars
B;ait*, M dav, NovemGr .•.
Ifou. ( . J. Tli< raton’s Atqiointnirnti.
Htmilton. November 3
Hou. M.S. W> Baker's Appointments.
Fayetteville, Saturday, Nov. 3. (
Speaking will begin at 1G o'clock
' when not otherwise specific i.
Rr. W. 11. Felton’s Ippalutment*.
Saturday. Nov. 3, Marietta.
Monday, Nov. 5, Cartersville.
Dr. E. 9. Stafford’s Appointments,
Seventh District.
| Gordon, Whitfield county, Nnv 2.
i Liberty, Gordon county, Nov. 3.
Hopewel, Gordon county, Nov. 5.
Ball Ground, Murry county (at night),
j Nov. 5.
Appointments made for 10:30 a.m.
Hou. W. E. Smith’s Appointments.
Thomasviiie, Sa' urday,N ovember 3
I will be glad to divide time with
lion. Ben E. Russell at any or all of
these appointments. None other
med apply. W. E. Smith.
Judge Bines’Appointments.
Marietta. November 3.
Columbus, November 5.
Hou. IV. Y. Carter’s Appointments,
llariwell, November 3d, 2 p. m.
I will give no one any time at
these meetings unless he is on my
side, except Judge Lawson. Will
gladly divide with him at all of these
Col. Snenrl.
Col. C. ('. .Snead will speak at Irwin
ton. Wilkinson coutlty, Saturday No
vember 3 at 2 p. in.
At Cedartown.
Hon. .1.1. Fullwood will address the
people of Cedartown on the political
issues of the day on Saturday, 3rd No
vember, next, at 7.30 p. m. ; at Rock
mart. oa Monday, sth, at 10 a. m., and
at Cotton Hill, at 7:30 p. m.
To Speak at Canton.
Rev. Thad Pickett will address the
people at Canton, Ga, on Saturday.
November 3, at ll o’clock a. m. AH
To Subscribers.
Do not ask us to credit .you. We
cannot do it. Our terms are strictly
cash in advance, and letters asking for
credit will not receive any attention.
Daily Press,
People’s Pabty Paper
Mr. T. T. Cheely is authorized to
take subscriptions to The People’s
Pap.ty Paper and The Daily Press.
and can always be found at the depot
at Tennille. Ga. ts
Reform Papers of Georgia.
The Daily Press. Atlanta.
People's Party Paper, Atlanta.
Herald, Dallas.
Living Issues. Atlanta, ,
Clarion, Clarkston.
The Wool-Hat, Graeervood.
Signal. Dahlonega.
The Sun. Thomaston.
Guide. DuPont,
Enterprise. Thomson.
Voice. Baxley
Populist. Tennille.
Farmer's Eight, Harlem.
Clipper, Warrenton.
Free Lance, Waynesboro.
F. & L. Herald, Swainesboro.
People's Press, Sylvania.
Banner. Statesboro.
News, Ellabelle.
Georgia Patriot. Washington.
Populist. Winder.
Alliance Plow Boy, Buford.
■ Free Press, Canon.
Home Journal, Lincolnton.
Advocate-Democrat, Crawfordville.
Farmer's Outlook, Gainesville.
Messenger. Woodbury.
, People's Tribune, Dalton.
National Headlight, Flovilla.
World, Irwinton.
Broad Axe. Claxton.
Populist, Carrollton,
Clay County Reformer, Fort Gaines
Milton Enterprise. Alpharetta.
Advance Courier, Cedartown.
Free Ballot, Dublin. SSEF
The Southern Railway Begins
Sale of Winter Tourists
Tickets November Ist.
The sale of Winter Tourists tickets to
all Florida resorts and the principal re
sorts in Texas and Mexico has been
arranged by the Southern Railway Co.,
to begin November Ist 1891. The rates
for the coming season will be about the
same as heretofore, and tickets will be.
good to return until May 81st, 1895.
The new winter schedules of the
Southern Railway will afford most ex
cellent accommodations!and through
car facilities, and those anticipating a
winter outing should qommun'eate
with A. A. Vernoy. G. It, Agt. oxW. 11.
Taylor. D. I’. A . Kimball House corner.
Atianta, Ga., before miking '.»ryatage
men'.s for their trip,
Dentuesi < anuoC be Cured
bv local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There only one way to cure Deafness,
i and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
i tochian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
i imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed Deafness is the result, and
, unless the inflamation can be taken out
and this tuba restored to its normal
t erudition, hearing will be destroyed
forever: nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an iu-
■ flamed condition of the mueuus stir
. fact s.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
' i any case of Deafness (caused by ca
. ; tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. Cheney. Co.,
Toledo. O.
by all druggists.
Our offer to send the Peo
pie’s Party Paper fori four
months for 25 cents K was
withdrawn on October 15th.
W. C. T. U.
The old organized W. C. T. J’, will
’ meet every Thursday afternoon, at the
' residence of Mrs. Trippe, M, Orme
I street All friends of temperaace are
, invited to attend.
Semi four annual subscribers to
, I’nori.E.'s Party I’Artaaiid get a
year's subscription free. ts.
•Now is the t'me to sutMcribe for
! Tj.t I’kOi LB's Party Paper ts
'Sr \
( Tl
( fOPYRICHT 94-W v
Startling News I
It’s a capital way of being taken if the news h* good. We can assure
the readers of the People’s Party Paper of the good newsthat we have
the best and moat eolid stock of Shoes and Hats in the South thia aeaaon.
and it will pay every reader of this paper to call and see us.
Head a Few of the Prices.
Men's all solid good Kip Brogans, SI.OO Women’s “ Button Shoes • 100
“ better " 1 15 •• “ Calf " - - 125
“ “ best “ 1 25 “ “ Dongola But'n Shoes 1 00
Boys’ *' Kip “ 75 “ “ “ “ “1 25
Men's “ High Cut Shoes, 100 Youths and Boys’best solid shoes,
“ “ Buff ■'• “ " 1 25 75c. 81.00. 81.25, 1 50
“ “ Calf “ “ “ 1 50 Child’s and Misses’ solid Shoes,
“ “ Best “ “ “ 20050 c, 75c, 81.00, 1 25
Women’s “ Plow Shoes, - 75 Men's & Boy’s Hats, 25c, 50c, 75c, 1 00
“ “ Lined Plow Shoes 100 and up to 500
Handling Shoes and Hata. We guarantee to duplicate prices of New
York, Boston, Baltimore, or any Southern city. Give any sizes and same
discounts for cash. Orders by mail receive our personal attention. Write
for samples.
Rice & O’Connor Shoe Co.,
Retail Stores, 836 and 613 Broadway. Wholesale Store. 839 Broadway.
For the Fall Trade:
Men's Good Solid Boots, . • . $1.50
“ Whole Stock Brogans, • • 90
M Solid High Cut Brogans, • 1.00
“ Solid Lace and Congress, • 1.00
“ Genuine Calf Lace & Congress, 1.50
Boys’ Brogans, Solid, 75
Boys and Youths’ Solid Lace Shoes, 75
Ladies’ Kid Button and Lace, • • 75
Ladies’ Every-day Shoes, .... 75
“ Patent Tip Dongola Button, 1.00
Misses’ Good Button and Lace Shoes, 75
“ Every-day Shoes, - • • « . 60
Children Shoes, • - 50
Infants, - - - • 25
We can undersell them all; when in Augusta call on us
and we will prove what we say. W e give careful attention to
mail orders. Remember we sell Hats and Trunks as cheap
as Boots and Shoes.
Wm. Mulherin
Sons & Co.,
913 and 712 Broad Street,
We give Personal Attention to all business.
Cotton Factors, • Augusta, Ga.
' I <
Liberal Advances on Cotton in Store.