The Living issues. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1892-18??, October 05, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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The Man Who Told Us So. “What shall the harvest be?” With the seeds of disaster sown: With the devil loose, with net and noose, To gather in his own; But ’tis sad to recall our actions last fall — A debt of remorse we owe— When we howled and hooted and our bas soon tooted, At those who told us so. Our troubles are here, as predicted last year, Did mortal e’er see such distress ? The Juggernaut’s wheels and goldbug heels Are crushing, we’re free to confess. But now, drunk or sober, we’ll think of October— The month of election, you know— When we votea and repealed, and at the ballot box cheated, All those who told us so. Now, our party is divided, our heroes backslided— Alaa! what a pitiful plight; Twixt Grover and gold we’re out in the cold, They raise not an arm for the right; And we can but remember how last Nov ember— To what extremes poor mortals will go— When we “cussed’’ as best we knew, and “rotten eggs” threw, At him who told us so. But now we confess, in direst distress, They were patriots far above our ken; Far above those we know—as General So and-So — Are angels created superior to men; So with “Satan put behind us,” just look and you’ll find us, Not marching to and fro, But we-11 honor our prophet, and our hat we'li doff it, To the man who told us so. E. Wittich. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 31,1893. Resolutions on The Life of Rev, Luke Robinson. Whereas, it has pleased almighty God in His divine majesty and wisdom to take from us our beloved Christian friend and brother, the Rev. Luke Robinson. Resolved Ist, That as we mourn for him. we meekly bow in humble submis to Him whose righteous will we ac knowledge to be supreme for He doeth and governeth all things well. Resolved 2d, That in the death of him whom we all delighted to love and to honor, we have suffered great loss for one has gone whose place we feel will always be vacant. He was a man who stood at all times for God and the right and often against heavy odds. His nev> r failing courage and integrity for truth made him more than conquerer. He was for nearly 23 years a minister of the gospel according to the baptist faith, having been licensed to preach at Union Grove ohuroh, June 26, 1869 (which place at that time was in Newton county, but now Rockdale,) the great est and best efforts of his life he gave to the people and community that sur round old Union Grove, though his in fluence was felt far and wide, for wherever he went as “a faithful watch man upon the walls of Zion.” he was found doing good, to the eternal bene fit of his fellow countrymen. To know -him was to love him and feel impressed with the God given influence of a good great man. His life, his work, his character, will be a lasting monument to the memory of his people. The night following the day on which he was licensed he preached from the text. * And behold! I come quickly and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” and from that time with the word of the gospel he has waged an incessant warfare upon all that was evil or wicked until he heard the Di vine call of his Master to come up high er, when he laid aside his armor and on the wings of faith he was borne across the chilly waters of death. He went to his abundant reward according as his works had been. “Asleep in Jesus.” Resolved (rd, that we, while mourn ing his loss, realize the simplicity of his life, the fearlessness of his spirit and his honesty, will be an incentive and inspiration to the members of our order wherever hie fidelity is known, 4th, that we extend our sympathies to the bereaved family that they too have a warm place in the hearts of all true alliancemen with him. Resolved sth, that a copy of these resolutions be submitted to the Living Issues for publication. L, A. Ragsdale. Emigrant Rates. To those contemplating a trip to the great western country, Texas, Arkan sas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma Terri tory, Kansas, Missouri, California, or any other western State or Territory, we' beg to call attention to the old relia ble and quick Georgia Pacific Route via Birmingham. This route has been in operation over eight years and has shortened the trip to the west many hours. Choice of three routes is given; via Memphis, via Shreveport, or via . New Orleans and emigrant rates entitle the passengers to good accommodations on fast through express trains. First class tickets, good in Pullman cars, are also sold at the very lowest rates. County maps of Arkansas and Texas will be furnished free upon ap plication and we guarantee to those using our line that the trip will be the quickest and will not cost one cent more than any other route. Elegant through coaches and connections. Write or call on A. A. Vernoy, Pass. Agent. W. H. Tayloy, Dis. Pass. Agent, No. 10 Kimball House, Atlanta, Gh. There is no other organization that can take the place of the alliance. It is a school house of political economy, and the text book is the alliance organ. THE LIVING ISSUES ATLANTA. GEORGIA OCTOBER 5 iBH The Dishonest Dollar. The Chicago Farmers'Voice furnishes the following evidence to prove that the gold dollar is the most “dishonest dol lar in existence:” “The most dishonest dollar that ever circulated is the barbaric gold dollar. For thousands of years it has been the silent robber of honest industry and the despoiler of the brightest civilizations that have adorned the world. It has been strangling the producer of the world’s wealth, impoverishing the masses, enriching the few and starving many. In those nations in which it is the cruel monetary despot—the sole measure of value and the only legal tender—its value practically equals the value of all other property and it has the monstrous power of confiscating all other wealth. If one man owned all the gold in the world, his insignificant possession would be equivalent in value to all the farms, and homes and prod ucts of the earth. But while one man does not possess all the gold, all of it is practically under the control of one great, absorbing, greedy and passion less banking house. The gold dollar has crowded itself into the currency of every nation, and usurped the functions of every other kind 'of money, sooner or later, in every instance, bankrupting the masses and paralying industry. What else could be expected? When the basis of business and of debts has been a larger circulating medium of one kind and another, what else could be expected than that bankruptcy and dis tress should follow the confining of legal tender money to a metal that everybody acknowledges is not plentiful enough to do the business of the world with? Whenever any man or set of men or system seeks to put it beyond the power of the debtor to pay his debt, it is an exhibition of impudent dishonesty; and that is what gold standard of value and only legal tender means. The gold dol lar is as dishonest as satan is ugly.” Insurance Earnings, Life Insurance has become one of the best methods for accumulating an im mediate estate for the protection of one’s loved ones and as a provision for one’s own old age. How unwise it is for a man to work and wait twenty years for the accumu lation of two, five or ten thousand dol lars when by this means for about the same amount an he would pay for the taxes on that much property he has an instantly accumulated fortune; and the small amount that he puts away once or twice a year for this purpose is eaning him a good rate of interest. Should his demise occur in the inte rim his family is immediately provided for even as though he had lived, worked and waited twenty years or more to accumulate this sum. There is much to recommend invest ment of this nature it being tax free, exempt from debt and insolvency, made by law and the company’s written con tract non-forfeitable after only three payments, so that in the event of his ceasing further investment the insured will receive his pro rata share. We cannot too strongly commend to our membership the wisdom of this step. TV <->you want to reach 10,000 farmers UU with your goods; if You I XT,-, -110,00 farmers in Georgia to VV U.IIL read your advertisement all you have , T ( -. do is to place it in the Living i U Issues and you will certainly TDnar}i^ em ’ We have the best LILjCLIjII evidence that Living Is sues is read by more Georgia Farmers than any paper in the state. It is certainly read by 1A nnri an< l you cannot place your iUj UU U goods before a better class this year than the TT-j Living Issues is owned rdllllljlv l and controlled by the Farmers State Alli ance of Georgia and is a farmers paper. Address. Living Issues, Atlanta, Ga. DA MH CD PERMANENTLY CURDD. unNuCn No Knife. No Poison. No Plaster. JNO. B. HARRIS, Fort Payne, Ala. oct 5-ly HOG CHOLERA Cured Free We will furnish medicine to cure ONE HERD OF SICK HOGS In each township in each United States FREE ! Give express office and number of bogs. THE WM. HALL MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. SEEDS! Georgia raised Seed Rye, (new crop.) Georgia raised Seed Barley. The famous DeKalb Wheat. WTiite German Sweet Ruta-Baga turnip seed. Seven top Yellow Globe. All the best known Foreign and American grown garden seed. One of the finest COLLECTION OF ROSES in the state. Grape Vines, one and two years old. Raspberrie bushes, the largest and best varieties. Strawberries all the new and old standard varieties. To have a good crop of Strawberries the first season put in your plants in October. GRASSES. We have the Long Blade Kentucky Blue Grass,. Orchard Grass, Red Top and all other grass seed (all new crop.) FLOWERS. We keep one of the finest assortment of Narcissus, Hyaciths, Crocus and all other Bulbs for fall planting. New Seed Store, 19 South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. J. C. BUCHER. aug3l ts. SUCCESSFUL FRUIT CULTURE Is Not Possible With Cheap Trees. None but first class southern grown trees should be planted. Procure them from a nursery that burns all poor stock ami sends out nothing but good trees carefully packed In damp moss so that they will reach you in perfect condition. If oui agent has not called on you, write to us for prices before you b’.y elsewhere. During the fruiting sea son sanij les of fruit will be sent free to any address on receipt of ten cents to pey postage. Agents wanted evervwh'Tc; catalogue free. Address Ch “'oke s Nu’ iry (Jo waycross, Ga. LOST ! A l arge Amount of Money. Is lost annually by parties purchas ing worthless fruit trees, roses, etc. Get them from a firm that grows their own trees, sends out nothing but good stock and sells at reasonable prices. We want the address of every farmer or gardener in your section and will make you a liberal offer, write for par ticulars * and prices at once. Send stamp for descriptive Catalogue. Agents wanted everywhere. Address. Cherokee Nursery Co. aye ross, Ga. (Mention this paper.) FRICK COMPANY. ECLIPSE ENGINES Erie City Iron Works Engines and Boilers, Automatic Sta- tionary Engines. ■'V' ' GINS FROM $2 TO $2,50 PER SAW Boilers, Saw Mills, Moore Co., Corn Mills, if Pratt Gins, Seed Cotton Elevators, Cane Mills, Cotton Presses, Wagon and Platform ji j Scales, Foos Scientific Grinding Mills, Hoe’s A Chisle-Tool,Saws,ShingleMacliinery, Shaft- MALSBY & AVERY, Southern Managers. 81 South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Catalogue by mentioning Living Issues. Jaji-12-52t-ew DON’T BE CAJOLED By slick tounged Fruit Tree Agents from the North and West, into paying enormous prices for inferior Trees and Vines. But send us your order now, to be shipped and PAID FOR NEXT FALL. DON’T PAY MORE THAN $1.50 A DOZENjFOR APPLE AND PEACH TREES unless you want to BE robbkd. Any quantity sold;Wholesahfprices. THE KENNESAW NURSERIES. J, D, CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor, Marietta, Georgia. * act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cleanse the system effectually; cure dyspepia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One Tabule taken at the first indication of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you MUFKEK FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PI DH IU C TH DI II E C PEPIIA or INDIGESTION. TAKE 1111511 LES If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or PIDHUC TH DI II EC have A DISORDERED LIVER - TAKE I\|l 1 nDULtS If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you . vv PIDHMC TUDIIIEC SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, TAKE UllnlNd InDULGO For OFFENSIVE BREATH and all DIS- 't-at.-c’ PIDBMC TH DI II EC ORDERS OF THE STOMACH, - TAKE Klrfl/TO lIIISULES Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best physicians, and are presented in al form acceptable to the stomach. An infallible cure if given a fair trial. Contain nothing injurious. *ONE GIVES RELIEF.* Easy to Take, Quick to Act, Save many a Doctors Bill. SOLD IBY JACOBS PHARMACY, Atlanta, - Georgia. AND BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. “Blood to the Horses’ Bridles.” This paper has arranged with the Road Publishing Company to offer as a premium to cash subscribers a copy of The Road, an illustrated Denver weekly that preaches the doctrine of free coinage and the People's party. The cartoons of The Road are the gieatest converters of old party fanat ics that have appeared in any paper. The price of the Road is $1.50 per year. We have arrangements whereby we can furnish the Living Issues and the Road twelve . months for $1.50. Send in now while this offer remains open. Alliance Demands. Finance—We demand at naional curren cy, safe, sound an flexible, issued by the General Government only, a full legal ten der for all debts, public and private; and that without the use of banking corpora tions a just, equitable and efficient means of distribution direct to the people at a tax not to exceed 2 per cent, be provided as set forth in the sub-treasury plan or some bet ter system; also by payments in discharge of its obligations for public improvements. A—We demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the legal ratio of 16 to 1. B—We demand that the amount of circu lating medium be increased to at least SSO er capita, exclusive of legal reserves. C—We demand a graduated income tax. D—That our national legislation shall be so framed in the future as not to build up one industry at the expense of another. E—We believe that the money of the country should be kept as much as possible in the hands of the people, and hence we demand all national and state revenue shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the Governmen, economically and hon estly administered. F—We demand that postal savings banks be established by the Government for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people and to facilitate exchange. Land—The land, including all the natu ral resources of wealth, is the heritage of all the people, and should not be monopo lized for speculative purposes, and alien ownership of land should;,be prohibited. All lands now held by railroads and other corporations in excess of their actual needs and all lands now owned by aliens should be reclaimed by the Government and held fer-actual sottlers only. Transportation—Transportation being a means of exchange and a public necessity, the Government should own and operate the railroads in the interest of the people. A—The telegraph and telephone, like the post office system, being a necessity for the transmission of intelligence, should be owned and operated by the Government in the interest of the people. StfKO. R. LOMBARD ft ■udry, Machine, Boiler ANO GIN WORKS, .Lallroiid, Cotton Factory, Mill, Engine and Gld . ' Roppliea. •TjSr TltJ 1 Wi ™ hugusta, wwwwr', u ~ - S’®* 'Don’t Tobaoco Spit or Smoke your Life Away.” Name of a little book just received tells about Notobac, the wonderful hai ui less, economical cure for chewing—smok ing—cigarettee or snuff habit. You run no physicial or financial risk, for Notobac is absolutely guaranteed to cure or money refunded. Book mailed free, The Stapl ing Remedy Co., Box |1026. Indiana Vin xalrings, Ind. KEYSTONE WASHING MACHINE I made of White Cedar, will out —J ware any other machine and give better results. Clothes last one half longer, We war rant it wash as clean as can be PTjjjaßS? <lone by hand. Will sell at wholesale prices. Territory 'jUBIWI free and exclusive right. Ad- J L I dress, Keystone Meg. Co. tr Harrisburg, Pa Pleaselmentionßhis paper. fadifADcrit'wfe Tansy. OrOthko’ Poisonous OnuasMßxaMM qftFpRALL iRREOULARITIBS.RIINFUt;, MSNSTRUATION.SuPPRESSIONite W I HaveASure,Safe Remedy. r GuARAMTetoi. Prepaid. Boston,. Madame Perrine, Mass, DODEG’S PATENT TRIPLE tMILK STRAINER, Bestjand only perfect one in existence. Very durable Brass frame; containing three seperable wire cloths edges neatly soldered Screws on. Takes off to to wash. Try it and ybl can’t do without it. Send for descriptive price-list, and address all orders to Chas. H. Dodge, Sole Mfr. Washington Mills, New ork. EAGLE BRAND IS THE BENT ROOFING. Is unequalled for House, |Barn, Factory or out-builduings and cost half the price of shingles, tin or iron. It is ready for use and easily applied by anyone. Send stamp for samples and state size of roof. Excelsior Paint and Roofing Co. Dep’t 17, 155 Duane Street New York.N Y, FAT PEOPLE To reduce your weight SURELY use Wil lard’s Obesity Pills and lose 15 pounds a month. No injury to the health. No inter ference with business or pleasure. NO STARVING. They build up and improve the general health, beautify the complex ion and leave NO WRINKLES. Lucy Anderson, x 4 Auburn St., Cambridge, Mass., writes: three bottles of your Obesity Pills reduced my weight from 225 pounds to 190 and I never felt better in all my life. lam much pleased with the result, and shall do all I can to help you. Our patrons include Physicians, Bankers, Lawyers and leaders of Society, Our goods are not sold in drug stores; all orders are supplied direct from our office. Price per package $2.00 or three packages for $5.00 by mail prepaid’ Particulars (sealed) 4cts. ALL CORRESPONDENCE CONFIDENTIAL WILLARD REMEDY COMPANY. BOSTON, MASS, Important Changes on R. & D. Notice is hereby given that there will be no passenger train leaving Atlanta on Saturday, May 20th, an 11:05 p. m., but this train, No. 52, will leave Atlanta at 6:20 a. m. on and after Sunday, May 21st, for Bir mingham. Train No. 50, leaving Atlanta 4:05 p. m. on and after Saturday, May 20th, will be run through to Greenville, Miss. Train No. 53 will, on and after Sunday May 21st, arrive at Atlanta at 8:40 a. m. Train No. 51 will arrive Atlanta 11:30 a. ni., as at present. Train Ko. 55 will, on and after same date, leave Tallapoosa at 2:55 p. m. and arrraTn Atlanta at 5:25 p. m., and returning this train, No. 54, will leave Atlanta at 6 p. m., for lallapoosa; all scedule figures being on Atlanta city time. W. B. Ryder, Superintendent. S H. Hardwick, Assistaut Gan IPass. Agent. G. B. STEWARL —DEALER IN— I'm old Ftf oned topper Distilled Sweet Wtafctoj AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL. No. 147 Peter St., and No. 75 S. Broad q treet sep 21-2 w 7