The Living issues. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1892-18??, August 30, 1894, Image 4

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THE LIVING ISSUES Published Every Thursday at Atlanta, Ga 1 M. D. IRWIN, Editors. RANK M. KIIIBLV, Official Organ ot the Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union of Georgia. Bcbscriition: 81 Per Year in Advance. Entered at the Post Office at Atlanta, Ga as second-class mail matter. Do yon want your paper changed? State also the office at which you have been receiving it. . . When you renew your subscription, or send in the names of others, write the names plainly and legible, and you will avoid mistakes. ... Address all communications intended for this paper to Living Issues, Atlanta, Ga. Al’ checks, drafts and money orders must b made payable to Living Issues, Atlan- Ga. •—— ' I REFORM STATE TICKET. Governor—J. K. HINES. Secretary of State —A. L. NANCE. Comptroller General —W. R. KEMP. Treasurer —C. M. JONES. Attorney General —J. A. B. Mahaffy. Coin’r Agriculture—JAMES BARRETT Congressional Nominees. Ist. Dr. S. P. BROWN. 2nd. 3rd. G. W. WHITE. • 4th. C. J. THORNTON. sth. ROBERT TODD. Gth. W. S. WHITAKER. 7th. W. H. FELTON. P Bth. W. Y. CARTER. [ 9th. J. N. TWITTV. 10th. T.E. WATSON. 11th. S. W. JOHNSON. Texas is having a grand encampment of the State Alliance. The order remained in session for six days. Cotton under even the republican rule brought ten cents. Now, under “democratic prosperity,” it brings half of that amount. Yet, its all on account of the “tariff.” There will be a meeting of the People’s Party, of Clayton county at Jonesboro, September Ist, at 12:00 o’clock, for the purpose of nominating county officers. All are invited who are in favor of the reform movement. The democrats remind us very much of a boy going through a graveyard at night. They are whistling to keep up their courage. The leading democrats acknowledge that if they fail to buy up the negro, they are gone this time. Some of our reformers think seiiously that ihe re is no furlher use for the Alliance. How far off are all such. If you wish to secure just laws, you must keep the farmers organized. All other classes are organized, and the farmer is forced to it. The Macon county democrats have put four negroes from each district in the jury box. This they did to save the party ! However, it is said that the names of the negroes are written on colored paper, and the judge will not draw them. In this way they seek to decieve the negro. Under the iniquitious robbery of the McKinly act, the people could get 22 pounds of granulated sugar for one dollar. Under the beauties of the Wilson democratic measure we get only 16. The fellow who voted for Grover is paying pretty high for the whistle. Joe Janies, Hamp McWhorter, Bartlett, Brantly, Fite, Gober and many others, are demonstrating the truth of John Temple Graves’ letter. A ring, including the judiciary of the state, is now in control. Good demo crat, are you willing to support such a ring—such a shame. The congressmen who are going around over the country showing their new silver dollars are all the people who have any dollars at this time. Did you ever think of that. These gay deceivers prowling over the coun try at the expense of the people. When our courts go down into the filth and slum of political spoils, it is time to turn the guilty party down. Turn cown any party or set of men who would disgrace the bench. Up and at Them, The democratic press has been busy publishing stories as to dissatisfaction and disagreement at the State Alliance meeting, and saying that the Living Issues would be discontinued. But it come out all right last week, and will continue its good work for the reform movement. M. D. Irwin, the editor, has been chosen president of the order, and he will infuse new life into it. The jute bagging trust is getting in its work, and the Alliance must meet it. —Thomaston Sun. Thanks to the Sun for this notice. The democratic dailies knowing the power of the Alliance in the past, have never lost an opportunity to crush every effort which looks to the rebuilding of of the order. They know that with the Alliance alive, the people will know where the responsibility for conditions rests, and will hold to account the guilty parties. If the Alliance was dead they would be able to deceive the people much easier. This accounts for the untiring efforts of the daily press to suppress the state organ. The enemies of the reform know that the order could not be kept together without the influence of its organ. They know that if the Living Issues could be suppressed, the Alii ance would go to pieces, and the greatest blow that could be aimed at the reform movement would be struck. This is the reason for their strenuous efforts to dewn the Issues. However, we were determined that this blow snould not be struck, and your paper committee came square up to the measure of their duty, and placed your paper out of the power of the enemy. Your committee has done its duty, and it now remains for you to do yours. Let every Allianceman and every reformer put his shoulder to the wheel now and sustain your paper committee and your own enterprise. A few hours work for the paper in your neighborhood will put your paper into the hands of the people who should read it, and will put it where the enemy may howl, but it cannot effect it. This wotk will put the paper where the enemy may howl, but it cannot effect it. It will put the paper where we can make its enemies howl for quarters. Take all the yearly subscribers you can get, and four months during the campaign. Now, for a pull altogether from every reformer for the paper and the cause. Ssnator Wolcott of Colorado, who proudly calls himself “Silver Ed,” has returned from Europe bearing the cheering tidings that an international bimetallic agreement is not far away. It is supposed that Senator Wolcott bought a new English hat while abroad and is talking through it. The worst enemy of silver is the man who prom ises international agreement in the near future. —Chicago Times, Dem. So it is down in Geoigia. Mr. At kinson howling for the Chicago plat form and free silver and Bill Glenn howling for the Chicago platform and the gold standard. Honest democrat, do you know what you are voting for when you cast that ticket ? Hon. Henry G. Turner spoke at Decatur, Tuesday to about 150 people. This was one of the “large and enthu siastic crowds” what you read about. Here was a democrat who never wanted an office (though he is a candidate for two), the ablest congressman from Georgia only drawing 150 people in a democratic town! Gentleman, the “parity” is lost^someway. The dailies tried to kill the Living Issues, but we are “here to stay.” We know that the people appreciate the work that the paper has done in the past, and are ready to put their shoulders to the wheel in the future. Glenn and Atkinson are about as near together on the silver question as the democratic congress is on the tariff. Outside of the salary grab will some one please tell us upon what the democrats are agreed ? What can you expect of a party that is divided against itself ? THE LIVING ISSUES, ATLANTA, AUC. SO, 189 4 . THE ALLIANCE WOHK. The alliance work should not be neglected during the political excite ment. The alliance must be sus tained as a school house in which wo study all questions affecting our inter ests in a non-partisan way. There are still many questions unsolved that will effect the farmer in the future and the alliance is the place for all far mers to meet and discuss them. In this manner the truth can be reached and in no other way. Men must lay down this party spirit before they are prepared to search calmly for the truth. The alliance is a school in which the democratic farmer, the populist farmer and the republican farmer meet to«discuss their common interest. When they have found that, then it should be their aim to secure it. The alliance will not have accom plished its purpose so long as there is a wrong to right or a burden to relieve. So long as there are widows and or phans who need the strong arm of a friend the alliance should live—must live. The order is not only a great educator, but it should be made what its declaration of purposes indicate—a brotherhood of man. Now, let every man who has ever been a member of the order return to the fold and put his shoulder to the wheel to build up and strengthen it. It is the hope of the country and without it the far mers and producers are at the mercy of organized greed. Let organize be the watch word in every county until every farmer is in the order. The bagging trust, the sugar trust and the trust of our representatives in con gress should be sufficient warning to the farmers to organize. Organize for self-protection—orga nize for your family. Words of Wisdom.' Interest is robbery, and must be for ever made impossible between individ uals. I said in my article on interest in the Journal of May 10, that which I de sire to repeat here. There may he a per fect monetary system, bnt let there be connected therewith the possibility of the money-lender, and in time wealth will concentrate in the hands of the few non-producing classes. The lending of money, like the coining of money, must become a governmental function, pro tected by constitutional prohibition. The money lender must in future, like the counterfeiter, he countei a criminal. Through some system of postal savings banks, the government most receive all funds the people wish to deposit, and loan them out on security to those who wish to borrow, at such a per cent, as will cover expenses, and, if the people desire, add something to its revenues. Until then, America, though nominally free, is nevertheless, the home of the slave. —H. H. Brown, in Ottawah(Kan) Journal. The aggregation of population in distributing centers, has from our first knowledge of human government, drifted to a money domination and imperial obligarchy. Those who occupy higher and commanding positions rarely have the time to look below, therefore, republics have never been considered by the better philosophical minds of the world as nothing but an experiment. But it may now be asserted that the science of human government and political economy is so well advanced that all the wealth of Europe, and the combined powers of the world, will not be able to overthrow our republic. We are here to stay—never fear. We publish this week an article from John Temple Graves. It should be read by every honest voter in the the state. Nearly every Congressional district in the State of Georgia has adopted a different platform; yet, the plutocratic press pretends that the party is won derfully harmonious. Watson and Hines spoke to four or five thousand people at Cartersville Tuesday. Big crowds greet the peo ple’s champions all over the state, while the democratic war horses paw the air. What does it indi cate ? WILLIAM X. ATKINSON AS A BLUB BER. There are many fables credited to Aesop’s from which good morals have been drawn. The sacred writings are full ot parables by which man might be able to throw off his vanity and realize his true state; but, the man wdo is now seeking to be governor of the great State of Georgia as the dem ocratic nominee, appears to have ig nored absolutely, all these valuable lessons and has arrogated to himself such an amount of egotism as would brass plate a capital “I” long enough to reach from the earth to the moon. A man who has eked out a mere ex istence as a Georgia shyster and a political trickster blows himself up with self generated gas like a blubber, and cries out to the people of Georgia I am the only man who is qualified to serve you as governor. The distinguished statesmen from Oglethorpe up to the lamented Alfred H. Colquitt are mere pigmies as cam pared to this self inflated and imaginary statesman, who can pronounce the pronoun “1” with more gusto than the bigots of the inquisition pronounced the sentence of death on a condemed heretic. A man who lias the audacity to scheme and parcel out the offices of this great state for years to come simply because the people of Coweta county entrusted him as one of the two hundred and nineteen members to legislate for the good of the state. Will the people of Georgia elect this man as their Chief Magistrate. The intelligence of the people will revolt at the thought. CAN BE BUT TWO, lion. W. Y. Atkinson the demo cratic nominee for governor says there, can be but two political parties. He says; “One is in favor of the largest liberty of the individual, the other lights for the centralization of all power in thfc government. Mr. At kinson states this correctly; there is in fact but two political parties today, one the representative of organized capital, the. other is representative cf the great masses who produce the wealth of the country. The first of these two parties is divided into, as we might term it a right and left wing; and for con venience sake you may cad the right wing republican, and the left wing modern democracy. Mr. Atkinson may fool the people for awhile by his partisan loyalty and sophistical methods, but the people will finally triumph. The new tariff law is now on, and we trust that our friends feel relieved. Most of them have been relieved of what little cash they had a year ago, and that is all they feel at present. Think of a southern democrat like Turner, whooping up a tariff bill that Grover Cleveland declared by his action to be a frraud. It is a sight for the gods to behold! Come home, General Evans, come home! You cannot afford to defend the ring that destroyed you and hood winked the people. The jute bagging trust is able, it seems, to get in its work in spite of the fact that bagging is on the free list. The trust is even stronger than foreign competition, but the Alliance whipped it once, and it can do it again if the Alliancemen will keep their order up. Mr. Atkinson announced in his speech in Greenville that he was for the free coinage of silver right now. Mr. W. C. Glenn at Hartwell an nounced that the man who said the democratic party favored free coinage of silver was either a knave or a fool. Wouldn’t it be wel lfor the democrats to call an nterstate conference and settle themselves on this question. The democrats don’t seem to be on a “parity.” SILVER COINAGE. It has been reported, and it is believed by some of onr democratic citizens, that Secretary Carlisle has ordered the coin age of silver, and we will soon have an increase of currency in consequence We find no act of Congress authorizing the coinage of silver now in force, ex cept the Bland Act of 1878. Under this act any person who had silver bullion could deposit it in the treasury and re ceive in return a certificate of the fact. If it amounted to ten dollars he received a ten dollar certificate. Should he choose to retain the paper certificate in definitely instead of asking for tha ten silver dollars, that was his privilege, the govern ment having on hand the silver to redeem the certificate whenever pre sented. Most people prefer the certifi cates because they are more convenient to handle. Should the holder of the certificate cocne for his coin, the certifi cate has to be surrendered to the Gov ernment that it may be cancelled. It seems now that Mr. Carlisle wants to coin up the Bilver that is represented by these certificates, and news to this effect is sent all over the country for the pur pose of creating the impression that the Administration desires to increase the circulating medium by the coinage of silver dollars. It can be readily seen that there would be no increase of cur rency by this method, as every dollar of silver put ont calls in a dollar of paper, to be cancelled aud destroyed. If the silver seigniorage had been coined, then there wonld have been an increase, as that silver belonged absolutely to the Government. Bat Cleveland vetoed that bill, and republican congressmen prevented, by tbeir votes, the bill from passing over his veto. Now that the people are becoming so clamorous for silver coinage, these hypocrites are attempting to deceive people by the coining silver that is virtually already in circulation through the certificates of deposit. How long will intelligent democrats submit to such hypocritical actions on the part of their leadeis. There is no use for two political parties when their prin c4 les aud politics are the same. And as the republican party has been the longer the tool of monopolists and money kings, the democratic party had better die, that che enemies of the peo ple may be forced to gather under one standard.—The Independent, Fresco California. Some of our Georgia Congressmen are now engaged in trying to deceive the people by declaring that the gov ernment has commenced the coinage o' silver to increase our circulating medium. It is reported that Congressmen Maddox of the 9th district came to Atlanta and gave to a bank of this city a t wenty dollar gold piece, for twenty silver dollais bearing the date of 1894, for the purpose of exhibiting them to the voters of his district as a proof that his party is car rying out its pledges for the free coin age of silver. Joe James it is said has his pockets full of this coin for the purpose of deceiving the people. The people however, will not be deceived. A If Mr. Cleveland could not stomach the tariff bill, how can any southern democrat who is honest do it? Yet the Hump speakers who are scouring the woods of Georgia claim that the present bill will relieve the country. How long will the people continue to allow these “salaried scabs” to pull them. Now friends it is not out of reason when we tell you that your paper can have 50,000 subscribers in six months. The paper will be made such that all you have to do is to show it. Then if every brother and every sister will do their duty it will reach that mark. No paper shall equal yours as an educator and that is what the people need. Not only that, but the news shall receive careful attention. Now get your neighbor to take it for one year, at least for four months at the campaign offer of twenty-five cents. You can do this with yourself and a half dozen other of your neighbors. Don’t wait to do this until the cam paign is over. Do it right now and send in the subscribers at once. The cause needs your services and you cannot afford to be slow in doiDg this little for the success of truth. Can vass your county and get all your neighbors to reading.