New working world. (Atlanta, Ga.) 188?-1???, May 22, 1886, Image 1

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vou 1. •»* I,!•»«»»<. «*WH»IWII*M«i AWaplmt M llt» N*W MMUMH • rmteteiH nw IM fu»»* NIVtUW* Tin* Ni*w Kl'glaud M»'4l*»*dl*t tfttaßM’’ «(*<<*, co* «*Htly ill m>«a(i*)( *1 N*’** l**UV» |x*H, Mum,, ni**i»hmm»ly adopted H*l« ivpoil its IM t»|H'»lttl *H»Hunltt***» on the In taw quwtiou i " \Vlu*l he* tb<* eluiivh I** nn* In thin t'tinln **f tM'onninh' nffmvuf Fliwt. tw n pert *»t Ihnl ohinvh, *l«M»llw b* expr***** our hearty mid wiwmt a* i»(|*aih,* with Hm latauliig mnwteii of th** t*'|*nl*li*'in Hmlr ('lhnl* In aeoui'o fair mid full wm<* |ioHt'ii(ion for tholr lid'oi I'** *'h'*nb', putll v, «•**! mim* Un* l«l***rh*H tnni'hi nin (■> ,ni**' Hm ino 'l'k llt*|*it'Ni nn*l I'vnnh them In In oxtingutah the li*q*i’**f the niHli'iinlm** **l tin* hiltii'n The hem Int t'luixl, wlio in m>vi*r imtiiliidiul of the opprenhetl, In 111 * li««*t minpatli,* with Ilin men nf toil I and mil’ a* lupiiHi* mnnl luiriiioiitan will* Hint **l Ihn Miv*tei Wt* highly approve nt the i*rut(t*Ui*tli*n nf wnrklHgiut’H wgaiiml *Ht|*llnl It* lit* now I'linn, ’t'h** Intaww **mi »h* notliliq*nin 1110 Immloil, Tin* ui*«»li*g of *'iq*ili(l in* omnlmitw Hit* nilinniiitf nf Inlnti’i WliiH Iho Inhmvr ewiintii tie alom* iiintim he Will be tilde tn th* In tii’t'iieiiliiiiH Wt* mtlmil Inlnti iti'nniii« i i*lliinn Inii**i’llin new |y m*ql||r**il p**woi modi'iiitel,*', Ho not ini Hulu iht* rtiiloi’t<(ll* 1 mill ilii’tiil rlnl ntylu mu, >tiio>M nnnitmetl lij I’upHal. ltd 11(1*1(1 aland f**r their rlglil* i lint hd tholr Yippiml lit* tn jiinlh u, liiinit ,it, In Hu* imn Hidp|li't*n nt good uud elm* int*n, timl mil tn brill** Inh’i' Tn lilt* llppt'lll I**l Jimil*'*’ wiii'mi never fall In rmipomli hut for * Inli'tiOt*, mmrt’liy, ntt*l ilm apli'H of int» chief mid ilnntiHi linn, wt> linvt* uni* wtii'dr* *tf ileprtiittiimi, Hilt'll iimllin<ln, innluml of aiding, will iilteil* diiiiiugi* Hu* lid***i omim* Finally, wt* intliml iht* I'llplHilial In rmnt’inhiii Ihnl the hihevoi in ti num | In |*iil imide Illa nuioi'iftlle mill dlelnloilid iilm, in t'nnniilol’lht* queiltlilll til |»im emididly, mid In iwikeii Juul dial ihmtloe iiiunl, lit* tin* Until mldlei In ilua mt in nlh**i tntnt*H, Hui Im olulum Hie right luihtw lmi he will with hie nt* n Tniu, bill Hu* qimalion mined, wind In hit, tn*nf Tin* |*rt*niiiii|dit*n It* rigiilliwt lit** pimr iiimi nf .vt**tlortit»y, wlm * Hlfrfl; lip Hi ill* WHill #l(l,lllhl,t«lrtnr s*lo, 011(1,(inn In hit* |it ** l»eli, Tin* i|iien(jlmi re iimihit whether It him not given him nnimdiiiiiy elan* tummy, mid whether it will noli hn |H*rfm>tl,v ilgltl hi render u ahiillai m oiiniiiliHimi during mu* lift* nn luipimllillll* Hui the num wlm omiiou tlt'iiiiimlliig mi Hiijimtiimiit us |iiioen wnu hie eiii|iloye yeeleriley. Very llltoly, hut Hu* iiiilliminlio wnnemiio other iniui'n eiii|iliiyt* tiny itnfmn yenleitley, Wlm I in« n uuh* him in dlitoi limn bin |«imer brnllmr * Wlm in thin mini with nn eliort h i,t'>i|igit*(i, NtemllnM upiii the htlim mm to,* of ilm wm ht Io |n»in* hit f Iml him ruinniiihiii Hutl Hie elilel’ end of nil Mtolefy in imt In iiinliu mmmy mul pile lulllimin In dingle lunuln In Hie Im povni mltnit’iil nf genurutloilll <*f men, The go #1 nf tun inly, Ihoeiul of Hit* gnu |te|, in the fhiiTitiig of iimn, llm luiililing of t'linnu'ler, the nudmliig It* Imnuinllv ilm linegn of <litd, Tide ultliiiitit* mm iniiNt ihiiilrol Hie I'upiliditd iin well mt Hie lulimui, The nmil of one innii iniidt* In Hie illvlim liltt'iiunn mul redeemed hy flu* hlood of I'lirint in mmu preoloiie Ihmi the gold nf iiphir, Imt lithnr mid oepltal Inuit turnh other In Um fei'e, end egree to Im lull mid pint, mid ret iigiilllmi will iml lie far itwsv," I lm tioetoo Jmimel'ii Whine. 't he llunton Jmil iml, the iiimitliplu(*u of Iht* nuiim|Hill»U of I lint oily, lM*eg up hnlf it oiilimm of upitim in mgoing Ihnl Hu* )* idglH* of Imlioi nre forfeiting pulilh* oplnimi hy lioyooltliig lyrmilM, mul wlndn up IM rummltn hy enylng Hutl the order ommil defend Hwlf Imbue Ilm Irlluinnl of piililii* opinlmi, "It id quite evident," rmniiilit llm Lowluloli (Mo I Labor Aii* i* <*eli>, "Ihnl llm l< nlghlN oiiuld nolde fund llmmnolven if mudi ptipoin itn Hit* Joiininl mid I'ruun were to provide over llm inliiinnl, Imt, mt limit would Imre 11, llm looiilhplmmn of Hie WeHlIh.V robiietd of uiiiih will mil lie nllowed to |utM« llmd judgment no llm lubnrlnp i'liumi, And mt to pidtlli itplnlmi, why, llm way Hm puli lie m« litnnmilng nmmln'i’niif ||m order, Il will Im hul n nlunl time lieforu Hie pulillt* will nil lie Kllighln, etotipl nimh llutmriigM m> ilm Jotinuil mid I’reen, Ii,»v»» noy men 101 l nm Hint my full uffiiitu t>mi nol lie of nervli e, mid Hint It di„ « mil lii’liiiio Io m* lIIIIIIIIIO<H<III<III tn ounlilh with Hie I'Himunin of 11 iinHon f | mm toll him, Hint II in on tnii'h Individ unln nn I Hull g iiulimi luut to rtul, Imih for Hm hmul of tuippml mul llm oyeofln lulllpomt! ilm uiilnfmnmd imili mu* nwoll n iuHlim'n luill, mid llm titled, Hn eulod i iimlly ilooiig inn* lie Hnfoullmrod <irumimnl| hul Hm mmilmi of lliinm who ere olavuioil eimiigh 111 tlfo to rannoii mid n llooi, ytl low oomigli In keep I'lcm of Hm veiml oimiogloH of n ooiiit mid of jh* llllt'nl ooirtiplloii UituK* itre 11 nnlloii'* eliengih, - Holterl lluriiM, NKW WORKING WORLD. Thunder Wtnimn mul Lighiniug \n*iu*g Igitrumu Uftetawu, Hghtwiug tu* ***q*ir« Hm ti*m mnh It l» hnown h* he the effw't **f the nuivnmt'hU* of nlwtrlt* itv, Hm llrnuiy of which muni In* nt(*died In philiM*'|*hloul trem)**» Ill« dovelopetl by th** |*«nm*go **f wntt'* front Hm form of *Hom** into thnt t*f rein, m*d hence if le n|*l h* pin* wilt*** henvy eltulds f**r**» mid dt*(*l,' II lit (he iHlcot t*f e|,*m*gwt dt* l*en*lnnt *wt Imid, and not their euntte, «» nonw he**' leproeenteit. It Ui*l»** lergely gi imi'iHod when wm*w mmuiiu** the form of nti'mu, m*d hence •** often ea**n In In commit piny boion* dry weather, On be for** Hturine, Il in not oflt'i* ***'en when wnli i chmigen it** form nh*wly. bcomme the th*i*l mover In wueh ttmiill tpimilltit** n»li* prodiwt* m* lln«h, Tlmeluelrh* ihild in quite invielbh* 1 ll In Iht* nuddouly ecu Ipi emo, I glr ilium* w e nee, Thunder in dimply Iht* iml '** tine t 1 the iimtlimn of llm t'lecliio iluid, mul dm**t mil dlll'ei from llm lepnd noimnipmiylug the die ohmga of 1111 t'li’i'lrlt* imu'hiim, oM'opl In being nmol* louder mid oowilitllug of n nueernMltm of mpui(« wo olnncly ftillow lug eilt'h ullu*i iiw to pt'odnei* 1* eoiilliiimii*, pent, The diuimvmy of the identity of lighliiliig mul eoiiiimui t'loetrielly In dim it* Hi . Hen,lmniii I'Tmikllii, Tin* mimlmi of liven lont every yenr, owing to Hm ignormioe of ilm Imvn of uh’oirioily indmmn llm Wilier of I hl** mil ole Io wny 11 word regurdliig llm eiuirne *,* hit'll oiip,lit Io Im piirmieil timing limn dor hlormn, Tim priii'tli'iil mien on I hit niiliji'i’t mu* I**' I’i’duood to two lirli'l pit* eoptni I'irnl, keep tiwu* from eondimt urn, mieli qn mt'lub* mid lluldn, wldeh uro miiulimtorn 1 nil *lr* iinimnl mid vi’gotii hli* mil ulmitit'H uro mm otinilimliirn, e<i ii’pl llm* hint' Immi liiirut. Meoutidly, di* imt phii'i* oim'H eels Hi 11 nlluiillmi In bei'imm n prliiu* immliiolor, Thin y*m would lie npl io du ** Imiiever you mo no nllmited Hull Hm iluid in npl io ulrllie your Immi flrut, If ymi me 111 11 hoimi’ iiiiproli’eted I** mdi, du iml nil imm llm upon window or door, or imiir 11 ntovour oiiimimy, or wnll, ni bell** ire, 'l'lm nn font pliioi* In In Hu* middle of Hie rrium, with your feet 011 llm roiilidn of ilm oliitlr, or will) *lllll bod* In mi limlliilng punllliiK. ’l'lm miHipiuiod lulk of glgw* wliidown mid fi'iillmr liedn in nlurnr mm HHiino. Niivtir ntiiud under tn nom ti free, With regard to houeeg, limy emi nlwnyn Immwiirt'il, mid Ihnl oltooliiidly, ngnliiMt dmuiige from lighliiliig, by llm proper tipplloHilnn of 11 miHleliml ipiniiHty of inuiihm one oiippor rmlw, holkiilllloiillv mid nul*ntmiHnllv pul up, luriiiliuifing In pariniiimiiHy iiioiei omlhluiii leiwtl Hm depth of leu foei To Hm Ignormil, ttwllidlliig roil nimi, who iniiken mi Im perfect liiriiiiiuilhm inmiy fuel from llm nuiinl emili, i*mi Im imood Invnrlirhly llm diumigu I’hmgud iigulnnt iimlnlllo 0011 dimtoin, io* well n*i llm opinion oilier tallied by Hu* Ignormil mid ouimeltod, Ihul 11 rod, 110 limiter us whirl kind, rimlv Iron, or fruiuhilmit copper, (Im rowiilt of lielng dipped In 11 uoliitlon of moiled cop per, miywiim pilieud, plmmd to Hm wnll by iiiillm, wlllioiil miy glimw Involntm** lw quite Miitllolmii tn neotirn 11 building nt nuy n|*o, Is n frovoii nlmurillly, 'l'lmre In not mi reoord mid wo defy miylhitig to llm omdniry Imlug ehown n wliigio in itimme, where tlrwl clmmk 00p|iwr rudn linve ever fulled h* do tlmlr duty, through Hm Imiivlewt Himidt'i xtormw, whim* miylhlng like due enrt* mid mteiitlon liiive mid hnd been iiM'il In regnrd to their nuludmitlnl, eoienllflo croi'lloii, mi well nn uiibitlmdinl tormlniilloii, Timl Himulnr mli*i imt lurvn inmilfunled greater vluleni'e, nml luive lumoinu of n iimre dmigeroua I'limmior than n quo* lei of a century ngo, Im evident b* every nne, wlm hnw eyre mid earn nnd rmthmil their vliiluimn nnd Hm luriitli* pngla mid vivid ilaalmn, ijuHe n iimnlH*rof maaona luive lioeii mnilgimd, mid llmra In m* doubt Imt Hint ilm lm*ri«iiui'd volunmn oi nmoke, dirt, vapor* nnd pmllolnn of du<*l mul gimi'i tilling tin* idiiumplmra rnndm Il highly impure, nnd 'lmmfore Hm de velopiimnt of oleol rlolty In mul aroiiml i<ltlt<* nnd town*, linn bnan ivoiiderfiilly limri’iiwml j while Hm dooroioti* of Hm trona of Hm forunl Hiroiigboiit every atmtlon Miilijnotn llm inoroolnvahul Imiinnw to a greater degree of mtpmmrn, wldeh lluuafiiiH mioi'wllnlt'eHm priiprlnly of Hm laml ooppei lighliihig ihilm | notwltli atandliig, however, llm oalmtiHlKN Hm*m ntoriiia ooeiialou, they emi lien veiled Inn goal degree by priqier prui'millmi mid cure, mul den**rve to to* ootiaidarad, an pimlnlly, now, mi Imrntnfori', one nf Hm gienbiMl biumllla Hint Hie (iraatoMiHn Im ntowed. They frealmn Hm hot, mdtry iilr, revive Hm |*lmil» wlille < rope nnd friiila rl|H*n imiie rapidly and Hm hnfm Hili*** of Hm nliiuia|dmii* lieonum clear mid brlghl mid pure. Aiimmi v, •««■» * 4>aa» ■« Tim iitilrumi rolilmin of thia iiumlry have run llm giivernnmiil hi Ihi’lr own liitunmli lung enoiigli Now Ini llm gov urniimnl tnku hold of mul rim llm rnil roiula In llm lnt< lent of llm whole |H<<>pl»i fm a while and »m If It will not give Imllar aalinfm'llon, Kmiwi (Hy < ngnnl ear. "An lt\jtn*y h» Onn i« i|»m Omtutu ti ol Ail.** ATLANTA. GEORGIA, SATURDAY. MAY 22. IBM. OO TO TUB] BIG SALB OF DRY GOODS AND CARPETS M. RICH & BROS. Jual buck from Now York, where they had bl# anoceiß !n dloahiK out birge lota of DRY GOODS AND CARPETS AT PRIOKB YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN BEFORE! Thia entire week they Intend to offer you the greategt bar galni in ©very department that you have ever bought First-Class Goods nt. Tiike udvautitgo of this rare opportunity. They quote only n few pdoei below, for everything In a “bargain” nt :m:. bioh bros/s. SILKS. |GeS’ ftfii Ms. |l|(M*k HIIIim worth IftH*,, $1 mid sl,llß wr* olb'i itl (Hit*,, 7fi<> mid #l, I’oUHi'i* Milka nt $4 Th, worth $7,811 per pl(*l'l<, New Foulard Milliw ut'lfii*,, wmlli sl, All util 1 $1,98 I'uhirud Miiralia, id> sl, Hui hi*nt $1 mid SI,VB HliU'k MiirirliM yint i*vni' biuigldi, DRESS GOODS. New Hmlima nt Iftu,. worth TTr, I'Tt'iioli Hnl lima at y/u*,, woi th fitto, All our HHi*, mid IBi'. Hlitglimiia, nt (Sc fa* <*'o<r> Hmm out » Now (ii Ink led Nf*m *m*k«ra, at 18c, mid '<ll io. white Mnnirtiiokhrx nt A lii’iudifiil llnr* of new Frmmli wmili droHM gondii, light weight Wool I'nl'iToa, biiima. t*fa* lt jimt hi, While I'.inlifoldoo'd Muilx in Ixoox, nt $1.8(1, Ni*w oulornd l.mmxmid coloind am liroidt'tit'M (id (n(*li HlilHlng I'ei’ftlen, nt Mu,, former pili t* llm, TTiuunmida of rmnnmita In every de pm ltimfil nl loan thmi hnlf coat. I'ivorytlilng I* n hnrgnhi nt M lljoh A Hnw, PARASOLS. Mntliiriii nil imlora mid lilwk, sl, I'* liiTii Twilled Milk, nt $1,(18, I'uiigr-c Milk, $1.78, (ihllurcii'a I'nrmwda, ficin TBu< up. HOSIERY. I<mllr*a' I'raimh Llale llm**, black and oolorcdi nl B(ic, I,ndtea'mid limit'* Milk lloae, at Win,, worth $1 Ms, Lndlca mid Iteril'* full rcgulm marie I lid lull'gm*, ISO, (iliildion'a good Molhhil Hone, id 8 nml 10 eta. Thia deperlmimt la full of hm gninv, I'lvcrythhig la n I nr rnfai nt M. Ilich A ItroN, Ladies’ Underwear 1(0 mid Wi emit (llmndaea, worth Wi and (1(1 ufrfH* 80 mid HO omit liowitM, worth 78 mid W* 80 mid 78 (mid Mklrta, worth 78/*, and $1 4ft mid IKI cant Drnwnra, worth 7ft nnd no I ndia*' Hmiza Van(« nt Ibn, In all alzee, Minna*' (InilMr Ventant Ifftn, in nil alzae, On Iftc, hoc nod $1 (Jorrmfe w« can Irnni dm world, T lioiiamidaof r<'HH*md* In every /Japmf meet rwlfwmri to laaa Hmo half mmt f. Houcohold Goods. Mi omita for n full aftad while (ted Hprcnd, ''ll • nin fm feat < o|(>, luthgy r> d Titlifa. Li nan, Mi and ft ( (mta for n good Towel, 111 (<aoW for n goml ml hlm ii T'owi l, I varylhliig I* ft bargain nf. M, Ithdi A iC/rn, All thffiff mid thtHiNttfidN of othor hargttln« we offer to every hotly, whether otir regular ouetomtri or not, WE WANT YOU ALL TO UOMK, We have the blffMt etock In the Mouth, and plenty ot goode for all, HflLai JOLKfJEJE 54 and 56 Whitehall street. fifth Haida* Midili Tie*, now, tlftc, (tenia' ralnlorcud IJimn front Hhlrta id hoc, Dill ingiilm rclnforcafi $1 Hhlrln id 78e IlnyM' raliiforoml Vent Hlili ta id Mi'. Koya' Whirl Wiilate, veat Utting, Mu, l.iiiga Hfan k of Jit|num.'ll mid Mikado glioda I'm il(icornllng, very clmnp, Carpet Department (JHINA MATTINGS! ''/opHaliig Hmgaiiia! Itemillful iff fa*«tal Mmiiirli Mtylea mid Lowiwt Prinee In Atlanta, Having pmclimmd morn largaly than immil of MATTINGS thin "prhiu, we mh determined hi do Hie Matting Trade of thia idly, und have uiiirkcil our jmmiimm atoekof about 1,- or , I(),()OI) ymdn, At Exceedingly Low Flguree. In everything that we aell w« try to Im idmird of our < mnpi libint hi galling out alylea hi time, In keeping up The Standard of Quality mid in Mailing id very cloae profit*, IN MATTINGS W« have hit Hie nafl on the hand thir» Manaon Hur pih me without a naral lai f SPECIALS ftft roll* of white, atimllnnl duality, nl I Hl' jam yard iftft rofla rad and white r hack at lajo [rer yard, 3'X'i nilln n»l.i» grade saw y at Illis, worlh Aft IWi rirlla fanny (Hfrn.i ml maim) nl, #te par yatd, worth ttte, 7ft roll* jofadlemr nt </)«, worth ftft any wlmru, Beautiful Mikado MattlDf, to mat' ll avery pattern of imr fine ipmlb ly mnliiiiga Kxmribm out mattbigH bafuri- Imying. Wu will Mirra you mom y and give you naw and fraah gmala CORTICINE! CORTICINE! I nir own ajmctal door novnring, tlm bout mti< la arm madu for hotel*, dining rmniiK Ollil HH, Hill, I'tHtV.i IIK I DDUTICINK t Awnings Awnings flat imr on your awning work Mom giving <mt UPHOLSTERY! I moHiiot n Win kimoMup nt "<"4onnfate griima, Everythin# lea bargain at M RICH Ac BROS? " Frae to Starve." "Colored |*ooplo tn the Huuth,” naye the Cincinnati Unionist, "aeoni to think Hu* almvß n correct tranalatlon of the lib erty limy enjoy In thl* country, to whoao wealth they have greatly added by tholr labor, " I'etltlona from coloriui men who de idr*< aid in nHenping the hurdeld[M in llm Mouth continue to reach < iongreM, Among thiem prceent'ul recently wirn one largely elgned by the colored people of Hroverton, Toxaa. It, rmule an follow* : 1 The nmmorlal of the mulendgned, clti- Ktmaof (Iroverton, Trinity county, Tex,, iHMpt'i lfully repreMnta : That wo are do- M’eiidmitaof people torn from Africa mid brought to tide country, when* for two hiuulred yeai'4 tlmlr children have con tributed by tlmlr labor to limrwnm the wealth of every portion of llm HuHod HtiiieH, Wt* greatly daairt* now to go to llm land of our forafatlmra and make II our home, but have no mean** of paying our paaeagi* or providing for our Immedi ate wan it* on landing In Lilmrla. low wagett nml high rente nnd a dmipalr of doing Imller in the future conqml um to emigrate, The main reiuon urged why we abould rumntn hurt* la •hat our labor mul our vote* are ncciled in tble country, a auggeetlon the force of which wo full to imroalve, believing the country can very well dlH|Min*m with even our pre** enet*. 'l'lm nttraotlona of Llletriiv are rich, virgin landa, freedom from compe tition with any but our own race, nml na auranooof eiqmrlor position, Yonr peti tioner* reapmjtfully imk Congrmw to pnm* ft bill npproprmtliig not exceeding SIOO per capita, to let eiqmiulad under tlm dl rm'-trnn of the American (Jolonlzntlon Hoeiety, In paying Hm oxpumma of end grmdnto Idlmrifi, mid llm providing there of nl» montliM* nlmller mid mipport of (Hiraalvoft and children," , ♦ * 4M- •—» Greenbark'a Daddy, <IOf„ K, h, TAVIXIII'H t I.AIM TO THAT IMf'OHIMH TITI.K, An nxclimigu fmnlaliiu the following in regnrd to tlm birth nnd lilabiry of Hm greanlamk, mo nnmli duepiaed by bmikura : My Dual < 'ol, Dl< l< I bii*e long (loL'ilolrimt to nuikc public Hm origin of Hm gr< «*iibiuik, and t«ll the world that it i» one of Dlok Tny lor’a ermi tiona, You have nlwnya lamii friendly to urn, nml when troubloiia Home fell on na, nnd my ahoidderM, though brood and willing, weary, nml mynelf aiirroundod by nimh circumMtmi< ch mid Much people that I knew not whom Hi truat, then I aftid in my extremity, “I will muikl for (Joloiml T aylor ; he will know what to do," I think It won in January, IHIIH, on or ala/ut tlm Hlth, that I did no, You cniim, nml I wild to you 1 "What can w« do'/” Maid you : " Why inam*Tri ne ury notea fa itrhig no internal, printed on the Imai bnnklng jni|mr. faxiio enough to pay oft the army ex|mmmM, and de clare it legal-tender," Chaae thought it a hazardiaiM thing, Imt we finally wrnom pllnimd It, and gave to the people of thia Republic Hm graateat blearing they ever had their own jatja-r to fifty their own iloldM, Il Im due b> you, the father of the lireaent green!wk, that the people know it, I take great frleaaure In making It known, How many tlmea have J laugh ed at you, lulling ma plainly that 1 wim 100 ln./.y to Im anything hut a lawyer. Youn truly, A., I'reaiduot, An might be expected Golonel Taylor fa a great ft/lmlrar of the greenback ; he behave* It b* Im the Imvt money ever fawned, and in nn firomi ot it m U Hm father of afiromlaiiig arm, 'l’lm old man la wtlve for bln yeara ami an InUrronting talker. Hfirlogfteld (III,) ftegWer. ♦ < ♦ The Power ol Farmera. I Tfmy hare ten vote* to men of all <Almr occiipatimia. They have vote* enough to carry an elmdion, ft Tlmy 'an effm toally pot an end to to tlm exl/zrtf/me of rallrowla, d, 'l imy inn imt ten farmera In t>m greaa ami Hm Htete lagfalatore for every onn limy now have, ft. T hey inn make tlmlr own law* In nil tlm Htetea, A, 'limy Ino Mtmmru the aeme javyment imr hour for hard work that la demand «d for brain wi/rk. 7, They run hare all Hm '//mfort* and luiiurinn now enj/zye/l hy thov i.lmth-h which firi y iifioii them. h They inn i/mil/tm- in h mmunu t hmiy, k, 'Ffmy iMi rw-rrpnraht, onn ntnml hy ■ onn MuA.hnr, arwl If they will do »o, 'an run ttm world 01 10, TTmy can mmitimm to hn the 'loll drmlge they have, the fzrey of every muuiing poUtinian nml Hjm' iilMor in llm faml. Jnati'W. <ireat ex'-itement baa Iman er amwl in Pillrimrg, I‘mm., by Um gemrral diatri butkm ol Mmrchkn mn ulan. "Am I My Brother 1 * Keepers" HV A. nRoMLNV If every human being that Imaever lived on earth, had lived a life <rf nl*<>- hiU* aordld ai’lflahnww. whnt would lie the condition of the world in every mpeet to-day f Tfm wildcat and moat extiiivngmit ininghmtion inuat full to fully conceive tlm horror nnd draclatlon of tlm picture tliua prcMinted to tlm mind, The blghcat and moat perfect ex ample tlm world him ever teen of pure iinaolHHhneKH la Hint of the Hon of Hod when He took upon Hiinaeif tlm re demption of the whole world by n per fect, voluntary aacrUloe of Himaelf. We can gather aorirn faint and abndowy Idea of all Hm glory and lieuuty of the home ll« left to come among uh a inowmngur of |amee ami light to a darkened and deapnlrhig world. Great Indeed muat have lieen that brotherly lovc-llltnaelf Hm full and Imautiful llliiatration of the I'onimandmcnt Hu gave ua: “A new commiuulmunt 1 give unto you that ye love oiuiftnotlmr.” Follow Him where you will and you will nlwaya Hnd Him working, teaching, healing, mHferlng for Illa people, Down among the ahadowa of life never in tlm aunaliluu- -there Hlm work wita done, there Illa footato|w id wnya fell, To Hm poor and lowly, llm down trodden, tlm afflicted and tlm de aplacd Iht cimm n* a glorlotia revelation of Hod, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work,” (llftcolng back upon tlm page* of hla tory wh'HH* arc the niinma which ahlno with brighten! luatre? Hitroea of imaulf ialim*H. Tlioae men who In every age have felt for their brotlmr'a woea ami have aided to redrew* thorn, Think of Hm noble voluriteera from dlatant lamia who came to llm aid of thia nation In Jmr hour of need, nnd offered up on tlm altar of liberty tlmlr fortune* and tlmlr Uvea. Htruggllng for her life ngalnat Hm oppruroior alm found her atrangth re cruited, and her coiirago helghtermd by the noble aid alm received from tlmae glorioiiH haroea who lent 11 brotlmr'a heart and a iirotlier** arm to her cau*e. HolllMh niwa Im tlm devil'* favorite ain. Through It Im r«iq»* Ida rlcheat harvest, There la no one wlioreada tlu’a* llnea tlmt la not to'K (urtain nnd a grant extent " bln brotlmr'a kecjair.” Thia 1* a divine obli gation which you cannot avoid, You ow* to Hhn in your dally lite every thing In tlm way of example and jire cept, aid, and, aympothy. Hod manna Hia gift* to be diffiialvu, and MulJiMbneaa la the enemy to dilfuaivn Intelligence, dHfiiaive g'Hi'hmaa and co-operative prin clplea. The Ixmd of larotlmrhood Im an cred ami abould lx. IndlaaolulJa, Helfiali new* criHH out " I am mA my lirother’a keeja*r,” The aame old cry heard w> often ainw* the day* of ('aln. Tlm wdflah man too often la the murderer of Ida brotlmr'a right*. “ Why abould I tumble mywdf with the wrong* and outrage* heaped upon atmthnrf lam doing very well myself,” .hmt imagine the oond£ Hon of thing* germrally If that had Iwen tlm only aentlment felt and uttered on earth from the day of creation ami wo need aay no more. The whole moral force of tlm world to day I* polnffug t< the mivarircrrmrit and elevation of tlm people. They want jtwttoe, They want humarm trefttrnar.t ami tlm right of free men. Tlrey want mhmatlori ,wl church privilege*, IM It ler the opprewerr’'! jrart to eolHably deny them Hrnwi thing*, f art no man who earn* hl* bread by hon eat Inbor I* found Hhirklrig hi* duty and making that craven cry which ntamla at Hm head of th I* nrtioln, Our forimn are Mora 1, ami |x*iitica) form-n only ; but through tlm atreogth of unity and broth erhood wr, HHALL WIN, Whither we ere Drifting. It far atated that relallvea of ptmn have rwarivad of public money *lo»m IMfi, Em:h Duke hr« alao at (*«*• ent fifty-five relative*hr fmtrite office. 'Dm hnrndllMry |mer* own an average of 3/5,0H0 m;re« each and draw a fartalanmml rental of The Duka of Hioh- inorni han rnmlu a mmolally gmxl thing imt of hhi nmnalorH. A |rer|xrtual pen alon of Hl9,<Xlf> wax granted to one of the duk«*, To nommuht thia, mmnr'a worth were purctiawm when con*'»la were Mow pur nwl the inmii» worn act oxide for the Duke, Tticw eona'ri* nrotn> nhi/rif |/ar. were Hold, and tier prot-wi* inrMmA inland, which now give* lire Duke a yz-ar in ptarw i/f gIkJXNf a year to which Jm inmilitM. What an itnfaMing batr h of jmenr mir Hermte would make with their We hare evaryttring ex/wpt tire tittee, and unUwa the people awake, wit hIihII noon bear .A "Ttm Karl of Krteo,” " fxrrd Htanford," “ Httron Pahm-r,” and "lord Chief Ju»- tin- G'Wfai,"- ’O WM, Toterte, O, An unexpeotwily large numimrot »ew Mitw'rHxrrx (raving baren •rlded to oar lixt late laud week, we were unaide to wrpply many of them. We will try to the <ieraand in the future. NO. 47