Newspaper Page Text
(CT8 WILL 111-; 80I.D OB fb*
fourth cash, the Imlnnco io oue,
4 4sfirt»9 -
Eone Pains, Itching: Skin Diseases,
T^rilianentljr cured by Inking Botanic
UJodd Balm. If you have achea and
ifelna In bonea, back and Joints. Itching
skin, blood feela hot or thin, rlalng*
nnu bumpa on the akin, aore throat.
Itmples, or offenalre eruptions, or raali
oh akin, are run down, or nervoua. ul-
,era on any part of the body, aralea nr
watery bllaters of erxema, carbuncles
or bolls, take Botanic Blood Balm,
guaranteed to cure even tbe worst and
moat deep-aeated cases. Heals all
sdrea. stops all swellings, makes blood
pure anti rich, completely changing th
entire body Into a clean, healthy con
dltlon. B. B. B. la the recognised blood
remedy for all. Blood Diseases
If. you have a persistent pimple, wart,
spelling, shooting, stinging pains, take
Blood Balm and they will disappear be
fore they develop Into Cancer. Many
apparently hopeless cases of Cancer,
suppurating swellings, eating sorts or
tumor cured by It. B. B.
Botsnie Blood Belm (B. B. B.) is
plesaant and safe to take. Thoroughly
tested for 30 years. Composed of pure
Botanic Ingredients. Strengthens weak
kidneys and weulc stomachs, cures dys-
japsla. Sample sent free by writing
Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Oa.
Bold by all druggists nt tl per large
bottle, nr -ent liv express prepaid.
Called for and delivered.
Both Phonos—No. 1 N. Forsyth St.
Iii Presence of Minister on
Door Steps Man Com
mits Suicide'.
Birmingham, Ala.. May SO.—With a
marriage license In his pocket and ac
companied by A minister who was to
marry him to Miss Mamie May Blow,
J. N. Castleberry, n paper hanger,
about t:JS o'clock laat night placed a
revolver behind hla right ear and blew
his brains out on Ihe doorstep of the
young lady's house In Ensley, The set
was not committed until the ypung
man waa Informed that Miss Blow had
married J, T. Armstrong but a few
hours before. -
Head of Unions Calls Upon
“Uncle Remus” in
West End.
Evansville, Ind., May JO.—Riots re
sulting from the street car strike de
clared two days ago occurred yester
day and the police were unnble to
quell the disturbances, Tho company
attempted to operate care, but was
forced to take them off oarl|[ In the
afternoon. Every car that was taken
out yesterday was stoned. On street
corners and In the suburbs crowds del-
uged the earn with rocks.
Officials of ths company held a meet.
Ing with Mayor Boehne and members
of the board of public safety, and de
manded that policemen be put on the
cqrs. Mayor Boehne ordered a infect
ing of the board of public safety to
mm thts- morning, at which member*
of all labor organisations hare been
asked to attend. No ona rode on the
cars yesterday and tha strikers lake
this as an Indication that ths public Is
with them In tha strike.
8an Francisco, May JO.—The United
States cruiser California tins been
turned over to the navy Incompleted.
on account of the strike of Iron work
ers. the Union Iron Works people were
unable logo ahead with Ihe almost fin
ished cruiser, and us the nation had
need of the fighting machine, orders
were Issued for the California to bo
turned over to the navy yard.
Kpeelel to The Georgian.
Cochran. Us., May JO.—Tho body of
Minor Smith arrived here this morn
ing for Interment. He died of con
sumption Thursday night at Savan
nah. Mr. Smith was born at Perry, Ua.,
and was J! years of age. of a family
of nine children, he was the seventh
to di# frith consumption. He leaves
two sisters. Misses Fannie and Beasts
Smith, of this place.
With one hundred gdeats In attend
ance. the "Oompera Dollar Dinner” at
the Kimball Saturday night proved to
be one of tha most delightful features
of ilie visit of President Samuel Oom-
pers, of the American Federation of
Labor, and was a fitting testimonial to
the high regard In which the great
labor leader Is held by his fellow
workers In Atlanta.
Jerome Jonea presided as toastmas
ter and Mr. Oompera delivered the ad'
dress of the evening. His speech was
devoted principally to a plea for the
eight-hour day, And* he eloquently re
viewed the long'struggle through which
organised labor passed In seeking to
bring about an amelioration of condi
tions when the Introduction of ma
chinery and artificial light brought
longer days amj mors arduous toll for
the workingman.
Addresses were also made by W. C.
Puckett, president of the Atlanta Fed
eration of Trades; C. T. Ladson, coun
cil for the Atlanta Federation and the
Georgia Federation of Iotbor, nnd Pat
H. Moore, of the Journeymen Tailors'
Union. The banquet continued until
As stated Hi the night edition of The
Georgian Saturday, President Oempern
was. ths guest of Joel Chandler Harrla.
at Snap Bean Farm Saturday after
noon. For a considerable length of
time “Uncle Remus” nnd tho famous
Inbor lender sat under the shade of Ihe
persimmon tree and swapped stories
until the mockingbird on the topmost
hough folded Its head under Its wing
uml went to sleep.
Mr. Oompers expressed his great de
light nt being permitted to visit “Un
cle Remus" In his native haunts, and
Ihe former's relation of "Brc'r Rabbit's"
latest escapade wns a source of un
bounded amusement to Ihe visitor.
President Uompers left Atlanta Sun
day to continue his Southern tour, and
.Monday he Is the guest of Jackson
The Praise That Comet frpm Thankfm
Atlanta Pacple.
One kidney remedy never falls.
Atlanta people rely upon It.
That remedy Is Doan'* Kidney Pills.
Atlanta testimony proves It always
reliable. ,
W. A. Carey, of 75 Decatur street,
carpenter,, says; “Backeche troubled
me >S much fbr a Ions time that I was
hardly free from It for one moment,
day or night, and when I tried to sleep
the paths became worse and mado me
feci lust as though I was lying o ■
pile of rocks. It hart me so to move
about In bed that I would Me there for
a long time before I gained enough
courage to turn over. The secretions
from tbe kidneys were very unnatural,
being full of sediment and hard to con
trol. I also lost a great deal of ileep
ou aceount of the lack of control over
them. I used remedy after remedy,
but nothing had the slightest effect
r on* me, and work became a burden
untIV I- treat about more dead than
elite. . I was attracted to Doan's Kid
ney Pills by an advertisement in the
paper and west to Brannen £ An
thony’s drug store. IO* Whitehall
street, also 30 Marietta street, and got
a box. The use of this remedy brought
about a wonderful change. The pain
. has gone and the urine has been nal
ural and free. I can go to bed and
sleep all night without being dtaturb-
t * ed In any way and rise In the morning
feeling strong, well and able to do my
work aa I did twenty years ago. You
are welcome to use my name as a ref
For aale by all dealer*. Price 10
cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo.
New York, sole agents fer the United
ft BUtee.
Remember the name—Doan’s—and
l^btiks no other.
Chief Interest In the council meeting
Monday afternoon venters around ths
resolution by ths streets committee,
which provides for the election of the
commissioner of public works, the city
engineer nnd the city sexton by council,
and nol the (people.
The resolution grows out of a recom
mendation of Ihe mayor. In which he
suggested that the election of the city
engineer and the commissioner of pub.
lie works should be by the council, In
asmuch as both officials were under ths
supervision of council.
Tho laboring people of the city have
protested against this taking away
from the people the elective (power In
Ihe Instance of these three officials and
nntend that It Is a step In the wrong
direction In a democratic gpivemment.
Councilman W. II. Terrell ■will offer
n rcsoluilipn abolishing the major por
tion of the manual training now re
quired In the public srhools on the
ground that “the dabbling- In red and
green colon” takes up too butch time
and does not do enough good.
Many' mailers iff minor importance
will be transacted.
vary la slxs front l to S seres. Conwsy Springs ti t
miles out, sad fronts, on both sides of the ear line And
tbs public road front Atlanta to Marietta.'
Tilts 18 ftB.nuWTlSK that an cpyortnnltjr has
lieeu siren' tbe public fo-buy any property slung the new
Marietta car hue In an eatabltebed community with nice
boniea and good people. In traete cut Into etxes to suit
everybody. Dr. Ebberhnrt. Mr. C. A. Conway and Mr.
A’, li. Conway bare handsome homee and form the on-
-Jeue of a blgh-claes community.
want a summer home, aa well aa those who went a per.
maneut suburban homo. Aleo thoaa who want room
uottgh to keep etoek, rats# chickens, bogs and dago, grow
lowers, fruit, vises and vegetables. No better peach*
growing section In tbe state.
with running water aeroaa them, which makes them es
pecially attraetlve. Every tract hat a pretty ells on
thick to locate your house, sad the view of Atlauta Io
particularly Ona." ”
hers. A splendid public wagon road which Is now
charted from the end of Marietta street ear Has to tha
battahoochye river, and ths authorities of Cobb couuty
havs decided to continue thy cbertlng front tha river to
sod beyond Carmichael's. This will carry It through the
anttre length of our property, making a splendid road
for driving and nutomoblllng from Atlanta to ''Conwsy
Springs," and msgaillcsnt street railway service, sod two
-sllrosds cross this property. The Western end Atlantic
crosses It on the north sud ths Seaboard on the south,
iklug It practically Impossible to get weather bound at
home or la towa. and making It easy to got freight to
so that you can pay up ivhfen you please. Five per
mat discount will i» allowed lor all cash.
TRACT NO. 1. We named tract No. 1 the "hotel
tract," because It Is perhaps the most perfectly adapted
site lor that purpose suywuero around Atlanta. It rises
gradually from tho risiuwny and car Hue, and extends
tsiek gracefully to the crowu of the hill, where the
wooded laud begins, then slopes easily back to tho right-
of-way of the Western and Atlantic railroad. At this
proper building site the view ot Atlauta Is splendid sud
S acres.' Everything
•m-me s
Ml cornea
ba» llr.
The recent action of the Episcopal
convention of Georgia In dividing ths
diocese of Georgia Into two dioceses
lias placed Bishop C K. 1 Nelson on
the horns of a perplexing dRemma. For i
many years the bishop has been known
as "bishop of Georgiahaving uniler
his supervision the dloceee of the l
slate. Mince the creation of the new 1
diocese nn additional bishop is needed,'
and Bishop Nelson has been beaecched
by both the northern and southern di
visions to accept ths bishopric of each.
There are many reasons why Bishop
Nelson desires to mak# hlr home In
Atlanta, ss bishop of the northern dio
cese. but there are also reasons why
sn urceptnnee of the other Invitation
would be advisable. Uonsequently, the
bishop lx perplexed and has announced
that his decision will not be made
known until he has time to give the
matter much thoughtful consideration.
Ha will await ths connrmatlon of the
staty convention's action by ths na
tional convontion In October.
. . .. . The tmultles
urss men would keep It full nil in- lone.
I'bls tract contains t and t-luo Seres, anil huh n .. .uuge
of 300 feet on the public road sud cur lint-; Is ...... .t wo
feet deep to the right-of-war or the Wesleiu n... .Iilitu*
The transportation facilities on built ends <>, title
Hikes It available for any purpose. A rt-sldvuce
d look mighty Hus here.-* A summer bOuiu upon It
would make you cold to look it II.
TRACT NO. J eoutaldt 4 sud 1-100
1 ubuuL tract Ku. 1 can Uu repeated
eiWpt tbatlt l« not »o prominent, t _ _
»oa n vprinjc oml nice broiteh running awa* from It.
TRACT .No. t contftlus I ami &4luO ucrea, and cou
.under tbe wine bead as No. 1 ami No. 2. It ban L
tig water running through It. aud If la n lino proposi
tion for u home slt«*. It onght to Just suit the people
who luvw riii’li other aud ot uccewlty all animal lift?.
Think of the clilrkcna. the cow mid tbe to aa/
nothing of the fruits, berrle*. vegetable*. Wo won t
uieutlou tho (lower*, thrubbety and children you could
rai»o ou It. It already has a email cabin ou It.
THACT NO. 4 rontnlna l nnd 18-100 acres, and fronts
310 feat ou the rlght-of-wiiy of the Western aud Atlantic
railroad. This tract la buck from tho car line, lint It
lies nicely, and Is big enough to make an acceptable
ionic alto, or It would do for manufacturing purposes.
THACT .NO. 0 coutalus 1 and 64100 acres, fronting
Ik ♦...* .... turn U'oatasn “ 1,(1 AtlillltlC rsllroilll. Js COV-
i running water. It la a good
It goes naturally with tract
TRACT NO., i contains 83-140 of an acre. It ia
insular In shano and fronts 489 feet <>n the railroad
. .bt-of-way; This tract has running water and Is cov
ered with woods, fjook at 6 and 0 together. Don't 7ft)
feet railroad frontage sound good to jou? If It does, add
No. 4 to It? Don't 1,030 sound better to you?
THACT NO. 7 contains 3 and 07-100 acres, fronts 187
feet ou the public road and street car line. This tract
la elevated uml Is a perfectly lienutlful piece of ground,
lias nice young peach orchard ou It. It raus buck over
non feet, aud Is a splendid “home site ’ proposition for
some vue.
THACT NO. 8 contains I snd 12-100 ncrea, and every.
Ing can be said of It that «»• have auld of tract No.
The only appreciable difference being In tho width.
TRACTS 8 aud 10 contnlu 3 nnd 21100 acres ami 3
nnd 2# lu> ucrea, respectively, nnd come In the same
class with No. 8, with tho advantage of having ruuulug
water ou them.
THACT NO. 11 contains 3 nnd 28 100 acres and runs
luck to tbe right-of-way of the Beaboard railroad. It
has woods nnd two branches running across It. It Is
nicely elevated uml Is very dealrablo. living across the
street from tbrae nice homes already built. ■
THAiTH'i: and 13 rontaln 1 and a little over one-
half acres each; they are elevated, with nice shade and
ruuulug water. Are Immediately across the street from
the nice homes mentioned above.
TRXCTB 14 and 13 contain 1 and 39 100 acres nnd 1
and 80-1'W acres, respectively; they lie Immediately behind
tracts 12 uud 13, and frout on the railroad tiebt-of-wa/.
They lisvc nice woods ninl running water, and will niaso
very acceptable home altes.
n point of site,
the other trtrta. triangle, ami 38$ feat frout on the
railroad; lies nicely, with good shade, aud la ouly a atop
twity from the famous L'oTlIus Springs.
JanHnd the Rlectrte
•srvlea freight three fltuea dally. Will carry anytblug
ut u r«Uo of I'»c |»er I0u pound*.
WR WILL RUN A *1W»AI. CAR for tho accommo-
datlou of all thore going with us froiu Atlanta. This
car will leave from \V. A. Foster's office promptly at 2
p. in. We start this early In order that you may have
time before the sale begin* to look tbe property over.
Come and go with ua ss our gnests. We think you will
enjoy It, uud we know It will pay you. Titles perfect.
Wtt UAVi: DBHCRIHKD all these tracts In detsll.
beesuse we want you to realise that we are not offer-
by ■* lot, but n real piece of lan«l % big enough
J.S+Mtftt \
. sS.4- /Jere s
3.3 7
~//*rc 5
«m. Hlg emiugh uml suod enough /fir
_ home. We want good people to buy
property, feeling tlmt they will have good neighbors
and congenial surroundlugs.
to make a lit tug
any gentleman's
412 Peters Bldg. 12 S. Broad St.
New York, May II.—'Th* reformationpreventing ths exemplarlsing In.lulg
of smoking ami drinking heroes und
heroines of modern novels Is the unique
l»lan now unde- consideration by the
Womsn'a Christian Temperance union.
The attractive atmosphere in which
move these flctlilour heroes with curl
ing wreaths of priceless Havanas, "am-
be.' tekay." "ruby claret" and "spark-
line champagne" U to be dispelled by
the leader* of tbe Women's Christian
Temperance llkn.
Mrs. Kmily D. Martin Maxwell,
world's superintendent of the depart
ment which will work for purity In lit
erature, baa explained that the work ot
ency of liquor* in character* ot Action
will be pushed rigorously.
For Infanta and Children
Tbs Kind You Have Always Bough!
Bears tho
Bignntoro of
California. P»., May 13.—Robbed of;
51.415, the savings of a life-time of!
hard work and economy on her little I
farm. Mr*. Susan Witherow, u widow,'
wa* found on the road near her home |
Saturday aulYerltut from a blow which
had rendered her unconscious. Two
foreigner*, she said, hod assaulted her.
They took a package of money which
she carried In a basket.
Rats* Restored.
Chicago, May 30.—Word was re
ceived In Chicago yesterday of a read
justment of rates from Chicago to
Sioux City and Sioux Falls and from
Duluth to th* same points June JS.
This readjustment put* both places on
a par aa to rates from Duluth.
I Cincinnatig Louisville
Chicago, May JO.—Defending hla
mother, whose life he believed was In
Jsopardy, Frank Peters, aged It,, yes
terday shot snd probably fatally
wounded Rudolph Pnadeke. aged 3?, a
boarder at the Peters home. Being
assured that th* boarder was no longer
dangerous, Peters gave hinjself up.
ShsriJf Gets Rswsrd.
Greensbunr. Pa- May M-—
Sheriff James A. Martin, will wlnare
ward of !«*♦ for having an**;”
George Hudak. a Slav, at Carney, ac
cording to Hudak'axopfesslon. *>• ““
dered a countryman In Clearfield coun
ty In December, ItOt.