Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 15, 1910, Image 12

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SCE THE WANT AO PACE* FOR Little Stories of Big Opportunities The Atlanta Georgian • SEC THE WANT AO PAGES FOR Little Stories of Big Opportunities FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. SACRIFICE SALE, INMAN PARK. PRACTICALLY new five-room cottage, on nice, level, large lot. Every modern convenience, with all improvements. Reduced from $4,500 to $4,000, ' for a short time only. See Mr. Sharp about this. SHARP & BOYLSTON 26 S. BROAD ST. SALES PHONE MAIN 881. FOR 8ALE—REAL EBTATE. FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE. LOOK! READ! $3,250 WILL buy one of the oireit fll cottage* in Weat End; large hall running garden, houie well big bargain; vaajr term*. Main 1317. See Jarrell, 223 Kiaer Bldg., Atlanta phone 2 Id, Bel I phone $1,600—I WILL tell you a rood 4-room house and 2 Iota, in Capitol View, that the owner paid $1,850 Hr 2 yeara ago; no loan to aaeume on this property, and ran tell it on eaiiy terms. SEE JARRELL AT 222 KISER BLDO.. ATLANTA PHONE 216. B. PHONE MAIN 1317. CHAS. H. BLACK 212-13-14 Empire Bldg. Phone Main 910 SALESMEN—E. .T. WITT AND W. O. ALSTON. SOUTHEAST corner of Piedmont-ave. and Tenth-st., elevated lot; thoroughly up-to-date, nine-room house. Owner, leaving city, says sell. See this and make us an offer. Terms so easy that rent will pay for this. JOHN D. MULDREW REAL ESTATE. Both Phones 3534. 616 Empire Bldg. I HAVE 6 Iota in Collega Park, 100x880, faring a rhertad atreet and running through to another atreet, that I will aell for $1,000 per lot, $100 cash, balance $10 per month at 7 per rent. These lota are within 4 blorka of ear llnv and on a high alerated section, and this atreet carries water end aewerage. I will huild on theae Kota to suit yon and gira you good fepna. Just tha place for your chicken farm. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Of Farm Lands ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, at the court houie ai Decatur, Oa„ will be ■old 240 acree of fine farming land, located on the Seaboard Air Line fifteen miles east of Atlanta by rail, eleven miles by wagon, five miles from Decatur, two miles from Tucker, one-fourth mile of Lawrenrevtlle road: over S.000 feet railroad frontage; 75 acres original forest; plenty of running water. This property has been divided Into sU farms of .about 40 aci'ea each: all with wood nnd water, railroad and public road'Trontagr. This land runs within 200 yards of depot and postnfilcn at Montreal, Oa.: also has dally R. F. D. route. Convenient to local and long distance telephone lines. v If Interested write for plat and arrange for trip of Inspection. P. E. HUDSON Route 2, Decatur, Oa. J. L. HUDSON Route 3, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta Phone 5857-B. Administrators. BONDURANT & TIBBS, 24-A South Broad-st. Real Estate. SPECLVL PRICE. ••ROOM cottage, aaal front, lot $3x106 to 16 foot alloy. Thia’plae* la a modern, good '-homo, oa ear lino, rery dost la. and near good school, clow. This pises is well worth $$,600; caa aoll for $$,100. No loan oa this. ARTISTIC BUNGALOW We will build you this up-to-date, modern Bun galow on your lot or will bay you a lot for reasonable cash payment and balance like rent—house is double floored, storm sheathed, combination lights and fur nace heat. For price, terms, etc., call at office. GATE CITY HOME BUILDERS 407 Rhodes Building. Main 679. A Beautiful Suburban Home, Ideal Spot for Sanitarium, a Boarding House, a Hotel or a Chicken Farm FOR QUICK SALE—A SNAP IF thli property waa offered In the aprlng It would be snapped up ao quick It would make your head swim. The business interests of the owner re quire his removal to Jacksonville, Flo., within the next month and he will not rent It and does not want to shut It up. Under these circumstances a reasonable offer wilt be considered. Ho has been holding It at $12,000, and It Is well worth every penny of It. Don’t go nosing around and take a pass ing glance, but step right up to the owner like a man and arrango to be taken over the property, where you can see It In earnest, and then make-an offer. (No trades considered.) , • 9 BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME, ALL ON ONE FLOOR: TEN ACRES IN HEART OF TOWN; WATERWORKS, HYDRAULIC RAM, LAKE, GAS FQR LIGHTS AND COOKING; A FRONT PORCH OF 1,000 SQUARE FEET, FREE OF AFTERNOON SUN. EVERYTHING SPICK AND SPAN. Pretty lawn with fountains. House has four chambers, library and all other necessary rooms, every one of which opens on four sides. Delight ful In summer In a high, dry mountain climate, yet not too cold In win ter; In fact. It Is as flno an "all-the-year" climate as there Is on earth. Flr.n free stone water; hydrants all over premises. Fine old shade. No scrub oak bushes. Abundance of fruit, strawberries, raspberries, asparagus, cel ery, apples, pears, peaches, quinces, apricots, figs, grapes, nuts and heaven knows what else. It Is such a home where on a can live like an English lord without too many frills and flounces or sounding brass and tinkling cymbals. Ample out-buildings and servants’ houses. An Ideal place for parents to raise their children; an ideal place for a couple who are unfor tunately without children. This property Is in the growing town of Smyr na, on the Marietta car line (twelve miles from Atlanta), at ons .of tha highest spots In the state of Georgia. Before the car line was rub thru Smyrna rour years ago this was a little h amlet. Today It has about 1.000 people, and Atlanta business men have found It out and are building pretty homes here. Electric lights are now being Installed In the town. We have an exceptionally good ten-grade high school here; Its graduates are admitted to state colleges without examination. This would make an Ideal spot for a sanitarium or boarding house, as there Is plenty of room to enlarge and Smyrna needs another good board ing house. It would support a moderate else hotel, as there Is no hotel here. The owner can be seen at <1< Rhodes building between 9 a. m. and 1 p. m. dally. Phone M. 2S4S-J; residence phone, Smyrna 27. Come and see him at once and arrange to see the property. While an offer of half cash would be considered, a full cash payment Is preferable. It you have no other time you may sea the property Sunday morning by previous ar rangement. Property of this character will not be hawked upon the market and yoii don’t want to think too long. GET BUSY NOW. If you haven't any money, do not waste your valuable time. You can buy this property now and sell It In the spring and clean up 2$ to 40 per cent annual Interest If you arc mercenary, but If you have any consideration for real comfort and the health of your family you will NOT sell It unless you are forced to change your location, as Is the case with present owner. You can purchase this home furnished If yoy like. J. L. STOPPELBEIN, 616 Rhodes Building PEACHTREE HILLS PLACE? a subdivision or smuts or u.«w A T MAYFIELD F0R the south side xs., j. mail 1 J-avlJ AND FOR BUSINESS; that Is. some thing close In to rent; anything from sn eight-room common house to a mod ern flat. The largest now on my list unoccupied, anyways close In. has only five rooms, and there is a great demand for large house*. I HAVE SOME Close-In lots, very cheap, which If occupied by large houses would pay a f»r«e Interest on the Investment. Woqld be (lad to show theip to any one sccklpg s food In- vtitmcnt. IF I AM OUT when you call, Rev. Rob ert P. Martyn, who Is nsiodated with me as salesman, will show them to you. MY OFFICE HOURS are 10 a. m to 2 p. m„ and 5 to 7 p. m. Bal once of time -given to outdoor work —collecting rente and looking after property. List your property with me and It will have my personal atten tlon. OFFICE 49 SOUTH PRYOR-ST. Both ^phones. -Bell, Main 20*0; Atlanta. STANDING UP- look FOR MY ”AD” In Saturday’s paper, as I do not advertise In Sun- May papers. BEFORE YOU BUILD, WRITE ME You want to save money on tne plans for your new rrsldence. I can save It for you If we can get together. I am a specialist In the economical design of artistic, homaliks homes. I do not deal In "stock” plana. Every single design I turn out Is entirely orig inal, laid out to suit each Individual need. Tell me what you want, what your Ideas are ana I will untlllxe my experience to work them In a design for a modal home that will fit your every need, and em body all your pet Ideas. Isn't this worth Investigation? Sketches are free—write me or call 15*1 both phones. •TACK HEAD. ARCHITECT, til Empire Bldg.. Atlanta. Oa A STORY FOR THE LITTLE ONES Lightfoot's Antlers Get Him in Trouble Retold by Annie Rankin * Light foot came down to the lake to drink. He wax very' thirsty, for the day before he had been to the "Great Salt Lick'* and had eaten enough salt to laat him several week*. You see, at Lightf<x>t’s meals salt waa not set be fore him In salt shakers or little dishes. Neither waa It cooked In his food, for he was only a deer. But .he liked salt and needed It aa much as you do. Therefore, not having It convenient to cat every meal, he had to eat his salads and other vegetable foods fresh and go afterward to the deers* salt d|sh, which was just a big, bare, rocky hill side, where there was a great deal of ult in the toiL It was a beautiful October morning. The sweetgum and sumach leaves were taming red: the maples were turning to gold. The air waa just crisp and •ool enough to make one feel that he could run and run and not be weary. The lake waa blight and clear. And as Llghtfoot stood there he could see his Image reflected perfectly In the water. Ilf was truly a handsome animal. Ills mild, trustful looking brown eyes and hi* graceful, arched neck atone would have made you admire him, but his 'Townlng glory' and hi* chief pride wag his great branching horns—"antlers'* he wanted people to call them. "Horns** was too common an expression. Just any old barnyard cow could have horns, but only himself and deers of upon them, but they are equal In strength and beauty to any tree that grows from the ground. But these ugly feet and legs of mine! They look like bean poles. They almost spoil the effect of my beautiful antlers." As ne was speaking, he heard the baying of some hounds In the distance. Ho turned and ran for dear life. Those ugly bead pole legs of his were mak ing line speed, and had left the dog* far behind, when his beloved antlers caught In the branches of the trees and held him tight and fast, until the dogs like family could boast such a tree as | caught up with him. grew on his head. j Then he learned that It Is not al- As he stood before the lake, looking | ways the most beautiful things In life at hi* reflection, he said: "Now, where j which are the best helpers In time of can anything more beautiful be f*>und • trouble. The ugly legs, which he so than these magnificent antlers of mine! j despised .would have saved his life had They are my tree, my family tree! They I not the antlers of w*hlch he waa so may not have green leaves grow ing | proud proved bis downfall. PUNEBAL NOTICE. KTHRT—Friend* of Mr*. Mary Kshrt, Mr*. Mamie Ryan Kuhrt, Mr. Henry O. Knhrt, Jr., Ml**** Isabell and Lurlla Knhrt and Mr*. John Ryan and family ere invited to nttvnd the funeral of Mr*. Msry Kuhrt tomorrow (Sunday) morning at 10:16 o'eloek from the Church of the Immie- ulste Conception. Interment st Oskland. The following gentlemen will set ns pall- henrer* nml meet nt Greenberg. Bond k Bloomfield'* at 9 o'clock: Mr. Jobs Heim. Mr. John Klnits, Mr. Lnwrenc* Harrison. Mr. Henry Beermnn, Dr. Darid » Smith and Mr. A. J. Rvan. Atlanta’s Most Desirable Subdivision The above plat sbowa the arrangement and size of lots in our eubdivision, Peachtree Hills Place. A few years ago a borne situated near Peachtree Creek would bave been con sidered "far out" and undesirable; today—tbe day of automobiles and long trolley lines—tbe distance is quite insignificant. Tbe only objection one could bave to investing in a suburban borne here is that it will not remain "suburban," as tbe city is growing so rapidly in this direction that our property will soon be sur rounded by fashionable residences and itself a part of tbe crowded city. Besides numerous conveniences, we have endeavored to make our park a place of beauty, which tbe wide driveways and other improvement* will *how. A comparison of our prices with others for property in this vicinity will demonstrate the extreme reasonableness of ours. Wa are offering beautiful resi dence sites now at $750, $1,250 and $2,500. ^Ve also bave some very large lots at special prices. SEWERAGE SYSTEM The map of tbe OLD SEWERAGE SYSTEM of the city of Atlanta shows conclusively that there is no favored property in this city as relates to sewage outlets. It is a fact, however, that no sewage goes directly into Peachtree Creek. The map of the NEW SEWERAGE SYSTEM shows that the lo cation of the septic tank is far below Peachtree Hills Place. This statement is made to correct the impression that there are more sewage outfalls in this section of the city than elsewhere, and is based on actual condi tions as represented by the OFFICIAL MAP OF ATLANTA showing plan of -ewage outfalls. This map was made by the CITY ENGINEER. Copy of same will be mailed from this office on request. PEACHTREE CREEK Our property is immediately adjoining tbe cement bridge over Peachtree Creek, wbicb, in tbe not far distant future, will be surrounded on all sides by magnificent homes and will be a refreshing scene of loveliness during tbe warm months. The water in this stream has been analyzed by experts and proved to be pure. Tbe beauty of tbe stream, together with tbe fact that tbe water in it is pure, ends an attractiveness to our property possessed by few residence parks. Peachtree Hills Place American Securities Company of Georgia, Owners 621 CANDLER BUILDING BELL PHONE MAIN 1852 Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Brass Band In struments. Write us for Catalogue. CABLE PIANO CO., A. CARO OF THANKS TO FRIENDS AND ST. JAMES MFTHOCIST CHURCH Dr. Thomaa H. Cox. Mrs. Nannie A. Cox and Mrs. V. Ii. Cox take this method of expressing their sincere thanks to the many friends srlio were so kind during the recent Illness and death of Dr. Virgil H. Cox. Also they wish to thank the following for aych beautiful floral offering* at tl.e funeral: St. James Methodist church, of which the deceased was a member; the facul ty of the Hospital Medical college, the senior class of the Hospital Medical college, Mr. Frank H. Roster. Mr. C. E. Williams and’ the Norton Drug Com pany and friends. ATLANTIC COAST LINE WILL BUILD EXTENSION Waye/oss, Ga. Oct. 18.—That the At lantlc Coast Line has let a contract for building a line from Ilalnea City to the Caloosahatchee river via Avon City, In J-lortda, ta the report here, and It romra tfi good authority. An exten sion from Narcnossee to some point on Lake Okeechobee Is also regarded ae one of the proposed lines this company will build In Florida. In order that territory not now’reached by a rail road may be developed. Work on the Hatnee City line Is scheduled to begin it an early date. PLANS OF MODERN BUNGALOWS Plans of bungalows, cottages and two-story residences turned out on short notice at unimaginable prices. Write or call me If you Intend building. J. L. BOWLES, Architect. Phone, Ivy 2S3(-J. (4 Eaat-ave., Atlanta, 1 3 j