Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 15, 1910, Image 6

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18 THE ATLANTA OEOSttLAN ANi) NEWS I SAT! RDAY, OCTOBER 15.1D10. HI AT CLOSING 15 T01? POINTS OFF Absence of Frost in Belt and Weak Liverpool the Factors. New York. Oct. lS.-Totton was cnaler at the opening this morning. price* bclug 9 to 1? txAnta lower. After such a abarp ad vance In value* A* had occurred during th* week there was more or leaa of a reaction ary sentiment, owing to expectation* of week-end reallafng and the absence of frost In the cotton belt. Tba fact that the tropical »torui had •hanged it* course and^would not vial! Testa SSt gj** makes tba'situation more health,. The close was baraly steady. not II to IT RANGE OF YORK STCO COTTON MARKET (Bf private LEASED WIRE.) NAME OF STOCK. Amalgamated Copper. Am. <co Securities . . Am. Sugar Iteflucry. . Aui. Smelting. Aui. Cottou (ill Atu. Wo© leu. ... s'. AuMCouda. ...... Atchison. ....... Atlantic Coast Line.. Brooklyn Rapid Traa. llnltiiuora aud Onto.. Caondlan Pacific . . . Chesapeake and Ohio. . « oru rroUUuts Consolidated (iaa. . . Cautral Leather. . . . Colorado Fuel and L . Co'orudo Southern. eover and It. Grand*. Rehouse stocks in Jew York Saturday Bated receipts Monday: 1910. .... 6,000 to 7 000 . . .94.000 I# 34.900 SPOT COTTOU MARKET. Atlanta, steady: middling 14%. Liverpool. atendy; middling 8.19. S'ew York, qulat; middling 14 90. New Orleans, qulat and steady; middling jfcignata. steady; middling 16% I Savannah, steady; middling 14%. Galveston. atendy: middling MV Wilmington, quiet; middling 14%. Charleston, steady; middling MS- Mobile, firm; middling 1444. Norfolk, quiet; middling MV Great Northern. Pfd.’ . Great Northern Ore. Mocking Coat and L Illinois - Centra*' luterboro do. j»rt — Ifwt Central if City L_ Kansas and Texas ireferrad refarsed. . • . Kaaaas*Clty'soothers! NAME OF STOCK Missouri Pacific. . . . New York Central . . Nurtures tern National Lead. .... Norfolk aud Western. . Northern Pacltlc. . • . Ontario utul Western. . Ptfuus/lvsnlu. ..... Pacific Mall People's Get Co. .., . Pressed Steel Car. . . Heading. Rock Island. . . frrt 8 ’ Stnsa-Hbeffield. ! * *. Southern Pacific. . . Southern Railway. . do, preferred. . St. Paul. lenueseee Copper. Texas Pacific. Third Avenue, "nlon Pacific. C uiua r«Miiv. ..... . . . . nlted Slates Bobber Utah Copper> United States Steel...... J&fsr Western Un nlon. Wabash lo, preferred, tlcghouse KF Westlcghous* Klertrtf. Wisconsin Central. . . tVeqtern Maryland. . * Under Its Lead Entire List Ad vanced, Closing at the Highest. By CHARLES W. STORM. New York. Orf. II.- Pliers rontli mover Ing < flflwn nlnntM of*radln; toorh*d a blih tn- *BM It NEW YORK Quotation. In cotton future: ■Klilmorc. nniiilitnl; mlQmlnfi lie. Philadelphia. quiet: middling 15.15. 1” ilndrlphla. quiet: middling I Boston, quit*: middling 14.9*. Viitle^Hock. steady; middling 14%. Cmgrllle, firm} middling 15c. ■ Memphis, Ann; middling 14%. V i 1 $ a II 71a Oft.. . Nov Hoc Jan Fcl. March. . . May. . . • 2!2w-ud 14.71 14.71 14.76 14.82 I4.S4 14.W 119111AM I9.(ffi 19.06 1; J5.06I1 pi 4.72 4.10 *.*' 4.M 4.98 14.69 14.68-76 14.73 14.72-73 4.86 14.80-81 .... 14.86-88 4.86| 14.86-91 4.99 14.96-15 4.88114.86-90 14K-90 14.82-64 14.M-87 14.94-95 15.00-62 19.64-66 15.15-16 16.14-16 LIVERPOOL Futures opened firm at follows: , Opening Previous Rouge. Close. Close. Oet H.04 -7.94 v 7.96 8.40 Oet.-Nov 7.91 -7.91% 7.M 7.17% Nor.-Pee 7.86 -7.87% 7.77% 7.91% Pec. -J« 7.tC%4.74% 7.77 7.90% Feb.-March 7.8S%-7.77 7.86 -~ Mnrrb-April 7.86 -7.78 7.78 A It r II-May 7.78 7.78 May-Jane 7.M -7.78 7.78' June-July 7.84 -7.77% 7.74' July-August 7.92%-7.74 7.741 Closed quiet. NEW ORLEANS New Orleans cottou market quotations; a 1 -e M 3 9 a •■3 sa h ; si Oct.. . . .114.64 Nor I Hoc ;il.62 Jan 14.71 ! March.' .' ! iljfi Mdy. . . .15.04 July. . . .Itn.ffl 14.64 1*4*65 14.74 iamI 15.06; 15.0) 4.62114.62 4.55! 14.65' 4.63114.65 ....1 j 4.89114.63! 4.96 14.96' 5.09il5.08 1 4.57 4.54 \MM 4.64-65 4.70-72 4.86.14 4.96-67 a. 05-07 14.67 14.72-71 14.8142 14.S5-H6 15.01-62 16.14-16 15.22-24 ; C’Uiactl steady. it. miring th ig today this . - -- prig# of fh* pi movement when It quoted 79%. Kteel ore- forrHI in .tron« nnoiln* « Jtah: of V,. Brio IV.I pmmfn.nt In the rallroml .fork, -l*S» SUB.of '« or.r the rtn«e. Northern InelSe, l nlon I’nrlflr, Canadian Pnclfle, Itork Inland, and I/nil.vllle nnd N.ibrllle eewtoo net In .nd manV of the' *a!na*i ' »- - d||||- **!'• "wE tSdfns* wefe“"wTo«l out and fractional toenea oiih.tltutod. The mar* ket, howerer. mnllnnnl etrons, and In .ome Inefnoeyo thMe Ioann were wiped Practically every Indnntritl wan .irons "odcr the lead.rahlp of General whteh ndTnnred 1 point to 1M. Tradlns on < rresnlnr. Am.rleann told heney lie Ixindon. MONET AND EXCUANOE. Now York, Oct. 15.—Money on rail nom sal. Poatvd * rata. IS.—B»r ailwr steady at ay bill.. London, 5%d, an advance of %d. NEW YORKBANKSTATEMBNT. Aaaoeiated banka shows tha following ehangen: Awrtge statament cash reaarrt, 85.4.1 par eent. Reaenra increase. $1,472,000. I^esa United HtMes inrrenae. $1,474,828. Loans decrease. $18,112,000. Specie decrease. $4.010.600. Legal tenders inrreaae, $11,100. Dapoait* deereaae. 881.885.300. Circulation Incraasa. $7,700. Actual statement caah reserve, 35.85. CLEARING HOUSE STATEMENT. W. H. * W. B. im i l55t Monday Tticwlny Wednesday rtinrmlay Friday Saturday Ahtm 2.382,411.24 2.2SH.429.2I 2.940.083.02! LSI5.fiI0.3l Totnl fn, w*.h.... !'gl4.Tt«.»;.B2:tI4Jl>.l*LM MIKING STOCKS. Bolton, Octob.r 19 Ou.ning: (Tnitid StatF, fin.Itlnx. 40: B.lakll.a, 9U ; Arl ion* CnmaireUI, ITH; Trinity *M : Shi. Southern Trust Company HAWKINSVILLE, GEORGIA llncorporated January 5th. 19101 Paid in Capital Stock $100,000.00 B. RAGAN, I’re.ldant J. HENRY, Vleo Prenldent OFFICERS: J. It. VAL'OHN, AMt. TRUSTEES: W. N. Ynnona. 1’re.ldeat rirnt National Bank, (Inwkln.rtlle. (It. C. V. Alford, Banker and Capitalist, Hyl- renter, (lo. 1.1. Whitfield, President Whitfield Hard- Attorney nnd Cnpltollot. John W. Penree. Capitalist, iifurj, irrsiurm nmrHin*Tiua Hunk end Truat Ca. Hnwklntrlll*, Ga. U. A. Jetks. Cotton Factor nnd Fertlli- . xer Manufactnrer. Jlnwklm.vine. Ga. John L. Rvans, Ree. and Trens. J. 8. ^ Betts A Co., Hawklnsrllle. Oa. HawklSirS Coates. Attorney, rille. Ga. B. Rffgan. Frea. Hnwklnatllle and Wegtertf R. R. Co., Ilawklnsvllle. Ga. Buy and seU Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages and other securities. Act as guardian, administrator, executor, trustee or in any other fiduciary capacity. Insure your life and property. Lend and negotiate loans on unproved farm and city property. Prepare abstract and guarantee titles. 6 per cent interest allowed on time' deposits. Correspondence soUcited. Southern Trust Company, HAWKINSVILLE, GA. Audit Contpany of the South C. J. METZ, C. P. A.. Prtoident. AUDITS SYSTEMS All work executed* by-or under direct supervision of CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. The American Audit Company Home Office, 100 Broadway, New York City. F. W. LAFRENTZ, 0. P. A., President. THEO. COCHEU, JR.. V.-Proo. and SooV-A. F. LAFRENTZ. Trooo. BRANCHES: NEW YORK—Woldort-Aitorla. BOSTON—Exchange Bulldlnr- WABHINGTON—Colorado Bulldln* NEW ORLEANS—Mal.on Blancha BALTIMORE—Keyner Building. RICHMOND—Mutual Building ATLANTA—Fourth Natl Bank Bldg CHICAGO—Marquette Building PHILADELPHIA—Betlovue-StratfOrd. SAN FRANCI8CO — Claua Sprocket* Building LONDON. ENO.—E. C„ (0 Oreobata Street, Bank. ATLANTA BRANCH, 1015*17 Fourth National Bank Building C. B. BIDWELL, C. P. A., Resident Vice President. 'ctohono. Main 872. C.fcto Addroai, Amdit. New York. If. L. Carpentir. J. N. Carp.nt.r, Atmor, L. Bafxot. LOCAL STOCKS AND BONDS Now York. Oct. 15—Todor'. mark,: wai ,.ry dull af:rr th. np.nlnf wh.n prlc„ .t.rl »d ralh.r w,«k and dtclln.d 10 to II point* rloau oo llto r.arilnn at (iooutlons furaliktd hr . ATLANTA STOCK EXCHANGE. f, in'a flop, oa llto reaction at jjr.rpool. That mark.!, Inatoad of aainuiit' foe an adranc. o' ' h ,d our rlmlne l*ol. foa an adraoc. of I to 9 point* to hart .qua! od our rloilax of y.«(«rd*y, cloud » to I fowtr and .poll (oil « pojot* with aalca of » 00 kal.a at l.l» for middling. Thla raa«- 10 O'Olock Call. LISTED STOCKS. Bill Aak**«). floomlo Ity. A Elactrlc mil |jo ' , 0—1*1 , tha rapidity of tka racrat adranra. Ilrr. wtr. uatry unr.rt.In or.r tk. prob.H, vathw lo thw cottou boll OT.r Sund.y. Th. ' ' ifaT o ‘ ntlnu.d ab.«MO .of .nr ludlc.tlou. frooi n*kaa thm f..l xoln.l th. uurk.t ot .oeh o high l»r»l, hut th. Irar that the Othoa hurrlean, now ot th. riorid. fold nay an • t ort ocaouat tow. 1 roily e» hull np- tint, from the hut o notUM la ttw laat N.w*. Out. IS.—Uaerpool dlaap- I, cr>ucaru.g“fvhliii prnaun ia U. north 1 tha alarm or.r Florida toward thr Atlantic nnd ha. tta.lf » taoch routnartnM. nimby that no Mrtoual n,!.1 wrathar (tout prohib), orrr Munday. Weather condition, worn r.ry farorahla orar r if lit. Generally fair waathar pr«,ll.d •«• vrpt la the aurth ranlrul halt, whom It li rlondy. aad th. map do., not .how any pr»- vlpitatUa la th* halt. ladlratloa, or* for I r.ily nltlrd wralh.r aarrpt that th* Atlto-I tin ooeat aartloaa may faalth, o.aruaaa of th* dl.tirhauo* by nnaattlad neither. It will b* ovolcr tat th* northwaatrro hrlt. The atark.i otr.nrd about 10 point* lewor, but tkia twine Saturday, thm waa no snot i.airu toward drrialr, actio*, aad cor.rlng _ no atrong bn th. laat hour liquidation valla*** tor January. COTTON SEND OIL MARKET. ! Oiwulng. I Cloning. •flnt - ? - Ortohrr.. November.. prmnticr Ssncary February March May 8.4NB6 7.B14T 7.4*57 7.46Q7 7»57 7.5407 7.WT 65 4* w 1* .67 f flalee JJ98 barrela. NEW YORK OOrFKB. Coffee quotations: Opening. I’lnul**. I I }•££•£ I >.if*uP.oo *.*eKiv. ,fc * MMI8.8$ I.* i 17MPI.89 1 8.75<»8.» WAVAL STORES. Oct. 15,—TurpFntinp 8nw st ►a.ea.1 m. 44P. •riw: b#Ip« 2.044; rsYripts 1,611; ws- »• »7»0; window glass $6.75: X M 14.45; K 94 45; I $6.45: H $6.40; |5 » S , ' i 54: E D •® 00: G B. A IN LATE SESSION Left 011 1-2 to 3-4c Higher. Corn and Oats Closed Lower. rhkgfn, Oet. 19.—Wheat attrtad higher at tka oj of an Tha at to tka bulge. Con waa atrongrr la th* boltof that th* tlaip ban con* for a momentary reaction i.'omralaali l|t>. t/n, w—nnrs» »»•*■«■* opoalnt thla manioc on U* report. Intprortd nth domond yootorday. nnlirr nlf.rlDga la th* pit aloo added (.'ommlsalim houaoa won on both aide* of th« market Btattond ahorta bought wall of Daeombor. Oau wi -- - -- — - - CONDITIONS. Atlanta, Oct. 15.—Tba iroplral dUtarhanc* R taama to b« slowly approaching th« south U)t of Flarids, tha atmosph«rle prmure hsv- I fallen from 86.09 to 38.88 Inrhe* at Tanc pa, Fla., aad miaialng at 89.80 iaehss at Nassau. No rala has fslltn In th* oottoa bait **r*pt •null anounts at Jarksouvllla, Tampa aad I In wsst*rn .t: •aatward to Manitoba. Mors or lass idv waathsr without much rala prevails in taa Ohio valltf, Isk* rtgtoa aad ralddU and aa th# Pa«lfid aoaat Tha r valley, laka rtgtoa aad mt( .Jit Psclflrt aoaat. temperatures are moderate everywhere. OHZOAQO OA* LOTS. Vlrflnla—Kair^lMl|A?*nd A 8Mday; horns- hst cooler Huodey; Hcbt to moderate vsrls- TOLISTED r STOCKS. Atloutn & Writ Billot H. K American National Dank IIP Atlantia Ire ft Cool Co. pfd Allnntn Automotillr Ari'n.. AtloBtn Urewlua ft Ic* Co 129 Atlnota Motor Tor Co Attantn National Bank 30 foiword Woolen Mill*.... 95 ronrord Woolen Mill* pfd M (.'o-operatlvo Agrnry •atnr Mmi Nana. IS iM lleraiur airwi ... i Rnpoolt'on Cotton,Mill* f wind., , I Kim City Cotton M.. LaOrnngo 199 North Corollno—fnaroaalag rloodlaaaa with , i-„ ur th Nntlonal Bank J— ■bow.ra lat* tonigkt: cooler Bnnday, nrlad. Kullon National Bank CARPENTER-BAGGOT CO. IT-91 WILLIAM SIBEET ^(Ground Floor), NEW YOKE. York Stock Exchange. Philadelphia Stock Exchange. ■ York Cost* Exchange. Lrmpool OotWa Aaaodauon. -- - - - New Orleia. Cotton Exchange. New York Cvtton F.ichnig«. °““'S0 8 rSElFEm%KElIA0B BUSIlfESS—COB iSFONDENC •W ion r iiinm.ii" uhitxh., ....... .... this rocaosloit oaam advlsahla. and the trend routlnnea upward. would not be the forerunner of a substantial roaeflon In general. Wo do not helleve the fa area will he n fnrtor. The.^ank atatanjent likely iu uiHnr .. poor showing, — duce pruflta-taking by timid trailara. Market literature and presa eommtnt more cheer- puts fill. I low-Jones Co.: member of stock «r h * n ! member of atoek exehiinje. foil* with Ilibll- Itlee In exeeae of «].000.000. Utb.m Alex- nntlar ft Co., ottialde broker., fall, r reneh NEWS AND GOSSIP OF THE FLEECY STAPLE (From H.yw.rd ft Clark.) N.w York, Oct. 18,—Carpenter, It.ggnt ft Co.: Liverpool wa. due H lower on October aad I to Mi hlgh.r on lat.r. Opened ateady 4 to 5 higher. Clo.ed quiet 214 to 4tt lower. * Spot., fair at 6 point, lower; mid dling 8.19; ,al., 8,000, Including 7,200 Amer ican; vxport 800; ul.a tnrlnd, 2,000 mad. IM. yeatreday: Import. 14,000, ,11 American. ahiftlng lo aorlhr.iterly and locroMiag. Georgia Life Inaotanco... Sooth Carol aa—Ian**tiag .loudin.aa with , lvor(M Hy. ft Maaklng C. 151 show.ra 1*1* tonlshl or Sunday; eool.r, !*'!dnarnutC*TraotOocaptly,,,.., gm rr.aalng nortkmatarly wind* Lowry National Uaak 2XJ “ — farraailng rlondln... with ruin I £«* “At.W U—1IUHMB11 g WHO ri northern .portion flund northoost to aoutbsMt i sms—Inercaslng cloadla Following am receipts for Saturday and estlnia'ei] rscalpta for Monday: 1 MatordayT , ...» _ waa not Its. and waa confined merely to profe*- * r |ng by acatterad abort# lightly Improyad. .vOga wart‘noth higher ai itr receipts than axpacted, jqttlsh Argentina news and oved demand for Manitoba wore the in- iooo today and wheat elated t® %e higher. The market during tbs» morning was an uneven affair with big commission houses on both sides. Advices from Minneapolis showed the cash market inclined to dpg with torest ta It. — - - on hearlor American ekipmeats. All ntinental market# were hither. . ’ Corn closed %e lower. The market held thin narrow limits, but on slf hard spots within narrow limits. — , ... . there was llboral eelling. Liverpool wss %d lower duo to .heaviness in America. Oats wars off % to %c. The market show ed strength si times, but on the whole It wss sa unattractive affair. _ , . Provisions were irregular. Pork elooed an changed to 7% hlghv/.lard ranged 2%e lower to :hc higher, while ribs were 3% to 15c highrr. The market was htaber earl; sympathy witff higher bogs and a with grain. sold off ^[ster 15,000 bushsls wheat, 130.600 corn and 180,000 oala. Grain quotations: Open. WHBAT— Itec 94\ May.... 1.61 July.... 9«S High. 96% $4% 96% 1.61% 1.66% 1.01% COBN- May.... Jaly./.. »0% OATH— 10T4 May.... 34 Inly.. “* St .v>% PORK- Oet... 15.06 11.00 Jaw... 17.17.17' May... 14.77% 16.81 LARD— Oct... 12.87% 12.87' 16.97% 16.76 16.76 .Nov... 11. Jnn... 10 May... M K1118— Clef... 18.51 Jan... May.. n i:»:% 12.M 12.0 12.97V 11.77% 11.77% 11.77% 11.76 16.7.»% 16.97% 1067% !<».« 16.15 10.12% 10.15 16.10 J 16.87% ll.'O 16.05 9» 9.r% 9.Si 9.35 * $.27% $.3 Hogo, head*. . . A Monday.' y St. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS r El MAST MOVEMENT. wheat— Itroolpta thlimiant., ~m^r 1*10. l.iSAOOO Itn-rlpta Hhlpnirnta.. TOT jaiiui ~W l.hl.doo 910,000 06,000 mow NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. fiartay "du’l. melting"'?^™". Flour weak sl $5.106f5.70 for spring patents; straights, $5.14 5.15. Tallow, prime western, qohrt at $13.9$. Pork, ibfsi, strsdy st $21 #31.50. Coffrv, Rio Xo. 7 easy at 10 15-lfi. ilet at 64. Sugar, granulated, quit COTTON MARKET OPINIONS. Willistnn A Co.: On a reaction from this price would boy cotton. Miller A Co.: we fsror buying. K. F. Hutton A Co.: Favor sslee on ad vanre* rather than purrhsses. Daily A Montgomery: General feeling seems tn he that it would be unwiea to fell short, hut probably mueh sa Nr to buy on all good breaks. Hood. Ferpie A Co.: The market feels the influence of realising. Some selling against actual. CHRONICLE'S WEEKLY BE FOB POBT ON WEATHER Naw York, Oct. 19.—Reports Indicate that while rain has fsINn in moat localities, the precipitation as n whole has been moderate or light. At some points picking has been in terfered with somewhat, but over murh of tba belt it has made good progress. Tempers* ture waa rather lew in n few districts ni time# bnt at tba close ia more favorable. cooler, northeasterly winds, Introasing 00 n.rally fair tonight nnd Sunday, ,zr,ot un.ottud on tkn Mail; cooler loalfkt; .oorfktrly wind* lomoalog an tht Waatarn Lmlotano—Fair tonight and Sun day: modartta to briah north nrlnda oo tkn cooat: roolar loolgkt In northwaa: portion. Kaatarn Tax**—Fair tonigkt and Sunday; light north wild* on th* aoaat. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT Atlanta, Hoar. . . . . xxxt’hattanooga. foggy. * t’olumbue, clear Gainesville, cleir. ... urUha. xsxMacon, clear. . MAOth-ello. clear. . . xxxxNewtuin. dear. • • Rome, dear. ..... Spartanburg, clear. . . xxxxTallapooaa, rloar. Toocoe. clear. . . . . Writ Point, rlotr. . .’tnru M.x. Ul*. X XX i s 82 76 a 1? 96 97 % a n a » a 10 <2 sxx—Minimum temperatures nre for 12- ^1 a. m. this %late. mot incladad Id arcr- or row ’i rn lister O ... Wodmont-rorllnud Ceuwnt ca. ... I'rtmo Motor Go. pfd j^r.^roatat, Clarka lnr. Aoo'n. litbern Secnrlllra nthon: (lemrnt Product* Co. lath Ward Bank. TOIrd National Bank. Cowl » BONDS. Old. Atlanta 4H*. 193 coupon « iuaia Go* U*ht 9* Ity of Marietta *0. 199* 101 J7SJS2at .**“ TIPS FLASHED FROM WALL-ST. (From Hay art rd A Clark.) York. Oct. 15.—Carpenter, Baggot A Vaahlngton dlgpatrbea nay tba com- Near Co.: Waahlngi miti tuerve commission agrees that Knytern watch has always lieen reliable, adrlaen in* that stocks will ndvnnrc until congress meets in Dectmlwr. Inter-Metropolitan will he !»crn>ltte<! »to extend elevated rendn to city line, notwithstanding the published de nial of It. Advise buying common or pre- fe {v?*i»rt In a boll market'and stocks show every Indication of going much higher. We bear tractions nre tn for an advance, and ttdvlxe their purchase at once. Inrreaae ’ v ------ ... 7Fiiprns7, imperii j«,uuu, an Amencan. railway "’ff*.f lXt\or- W 5i * 000 - •f*in*t 48,278 last Brown, of Xew York I, gltrea impor WMlt >Bf j 71077 j Mt yfar tant evidence at railroad rate hearing- * . . .. -* year. Increased /cheerf^tlncea .■^d ,some_ ^ncre#s! activity, but denuind 1* still reati all branebea.. Bradatrcala ^yji Journal of Commerce: If the room has traced rerenl operations correctly a leading spot interest must be heavily long of the mat* raent aa a whole la not marl. .. , aervatlam la ailll manifant. Argentina rm- ernmaot order# cars to coat fUSCO.OOo. Bal timore and Ohio annual report shows — iimurr i**i«* «u>v - ---- pint aoual to 8.13 per cent on common. Gulf storm doing Ico. Banka lost 770,966 on the weeks currency movemeut. Twelve Indiistrials ad vanced .67; twenty active rails advanced .98. Castles bought January and March, and after . “ ‘ 14,87 for 10,060 January. LONDON STOCK MARKET. Stock quotations: "stocks- Amalgamated dopper.. .. .. Anaconda w*.. Atchison.. .. .. Rnltlmnre and Ohio.* ». .. rnundhiM I’aclflc.. rhesnpeake and Ohio.. .. .. itenrer anil Ulo Grande .. Great Northern, preferred.. .. Illinois Central Kansas and Texas.. .. .. Igoutavllle and Naahvllto .. Xew York rent nil Norfolk nnd Western .. Northern Pacific .. Ontario and Western.. .. Pennsylvania .... .. Reeding.. .. .. .. .. .. Rock Island Southern Pnclfle..... .. .. Boat hern Railway do. preferred.. .. .. .. . . Paul , Piilon l*nrlftc United flute# Steal do. preferred Waltash .. .. , do. preferred TOpen] tba rail ha bid ... Hartcorn sold him 15,000. 10:15 comparatively quiet.’ Storm warning: Hurricane has ramtined 8t I bv ng centered west of Florida keys t«x fitlll being centered west of Flrolds keys In the Gulf of Mexico, apparently recurring and now taking a northerly course and will prob* ably turn northeastward over Florid* penin sula. Still of great intensity and‘wide extent and ita progress will be marked by dangerous galrv, and vessels should be given necessary caution. \ Following Is tho statistical position of cot ton on Friday, Octolwr 14, ns made m hy The .New York Financial Chronicle: J Thla I*nst least 42L676 2J49&! 8,1»35 1,577,931 2,755,(Ld ePt. 1.. Port Ntocks .... Port receipts Kxports Int. rcrclpts .. Int. shlpmcnta Int. stfH'ka ... 594^929 . t'10.089 349.502 442.7RJ ... 200.118 292,976 237A34 ... 289.191 199.696 235.134 290.714 306.043 4(11,271 289.241 223.532 401.431 ling Friday, Or fo ment for the week her 14: 1916. 1809. I960. Week's sales 76.006 4SJM6 28.0* Of Which -American 36.006 23,060 For export 2.000 2.000 1,606 For s|>eculatlon n,4"-) 1.000 806 Forwarded 74, OW 65.000 41.000 Total stocks 298.066 6.12.606 120,006 Of Which American....264.006 328.0T LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. or wnten Amencan.... w.iwb m.ww Klnce Hcptember 1 286.006 117,000 227.0W of which American 241.606 85.000 172.0UO Storks afloat 48,000 846,006 316.600 Of which American....391,006 311.000 384,066 STATION DI8T. AVERAGES. Wilmington. . . ('barleatoa. . . . Augusts Havanas!) Atlanta Montgomery Mobile Memphis .... Vicksburg New Orleans. . . Little Rock. . . , Houston klshema City. . 1!'tu.'x f? Mia. XX ToT'g 5 86 Hcnttered showers have o'curred In a*>me central and Atlantic coast district* Hea- oouabln temperatures prevail la all districts. C. F. VON HERRMANN* fleet*** Diracier- ESTABLISHED 1906 As HUIyer luveatment Company Hillyer Trust Company Capital and Surplus $300,000 4% Paid on Savings Deposits, compounded every six months. $1.00 opens an account. Deposits made now draw interest from date. We ard Now Open for Business in Our Temporary Banking Rooms Corner North Broad and Luckie Streets Pending Erection of the New Hillyer Trust Building, 140 Peachtree GENERAL TRUST AND FINANCIAL BUSINESS