Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 15, 1910, Image 7

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7he Georgian is the leading Want Ad Medium of the South, carrying more paid Want Ads than any other Southern Newspaper. Below are the figures showing the number of Want Ads published by all the Atlanta Newspapers for the week ending Oct. 8, 1910, a period of six working days: The Georgian carried 2,772 Paid Want Ads, Journal 2,066, Constitution 1,142 Want Ads. CHURCH NOTICES. Nfcvto- hAlLUoAi, uiJiOi PRESBYTERIAN. IRRIP HT.—0«« "to** WMI fro “ ri «3r{ ££Hart? ■nRTH-AYR.—hwtlnMl. and Notth-ar#., Ktor 7 •'"‘“wtdnwW. » ft f nufllnflt 7.10. All • *' 1 ..4 man iiliifi H. Chapman. .nd . T:S !L p"-; > t.#?hrr.' mratfnf. l>Mm worahlp l ri" xr&Jszsgs.: 1R»T-B1«rk wet* pnatofflr* on Mnrlettn. Rev. Waller I., l-lnflft I). !».. will apeak *t both wrvljra. It I m Sunday school at 0:90 a- Fleming *np*rint<®n«apt. «rj r> each Sunday morning at 1 iirlori of the cburrii. Mlfl'WIt RAI.~8*rvlr#a it 11 a. m. an In the morning Dr. Omani trill Ira "Christian Cltiipnwqip. InVltpil m attend the service.’ whether m*m- nreni'h mi “Captains III the Fines or 1 Ihtndny school nt 9:39 n. IB. x rNJTKD-Senrtefa at Ot»» Hlr bolt. 52 Houston-*!. Snbhath sriio •*alth. ,: Pwilm singing a service. All arr Invited. I.lnton Johnson. paator. school at 9 |». m.. C. O. Ijarmaon Undent. Prayer martini Thuradayat T p. m. Church rtctptlon Monday at 7:90 p. m. A welcome for all. 'RYORdrr.—Pryor and Olenn-sts. Sunday school nt »:» n. m.. W. II. Wright super- itanriant. The pnatnr will preach at the 11 . ra. and 7:35 p. mi. services. At the morn. cathedral tar. Vary 7:80 a. m.. hoi: Rar. C. T. A. PJs*. V. D., dea nmunlon; 11 a. 1 . WIT f sermon and holy l_. I rayer. Sunday Of bool at 9:43. ayi * ' limy communion; 9 a. m., Wednesday and Friday, litany 1 Pin,. Rer C. B. Wliroer. 1>. D.. ntln 7:30 r m.. holy rommnnion: 11 a. in., morn, in* prayer and aarmnn; • p m„ ar.nlni prayer .nd rarmon. Snuday acbool nt 0:45 •I f rpt nn Friday, at 8. day and Friday. To... All other daya vrnlng prayar at 4, l.ltany on Wadoe. Al.l. 9AIST8—Went Pmrlirrrr-at. and North-nrr. Rev. W. W. Mnrarolnitnr. nn >r Sunday, October 10, 1010, Holy com* muninn, s a. m.: Sunday arhnot. 0:40 a. m. i mnrrinr prayrr and arrraon. 11 a. m. Th. ran "nr will prrarh. Kreninf prayar, 0 p. m. itr.ncr, wrlromr. All aaata Iran at th* 0 nlonk laarirr. . Foelld- tnm.n Farit. Rna, Rtmaall K. Smllfc, rnrlor 7:80 a, ra., koly rommnnion: 11 0. «.. morning prayar and aarmon. Sunday whool at 0:40. HOLY COMFORTER—Corner Atlanta-*?* ■nd Fulliam-.t., R.r. John D. Wing In h.rg,. 7:80 a, m„ koly coramunioa: 11 a. morning prayar and aarmnn: arralai oraynr and aarmon at I p. m. Sunday aakool at 8:80. METHODIST. 1- NELLIB DODD—W*ihl**ton-a8. and Rid*.- r 0 r 7, 8ooday ichool at 9:80 a. m- W. E Cbapmaa, aaparintasdaot. Praaehln* at 11 ? byRa^E^: “ 4 “ 7: ‘° DRUID HTLLS—On Highland-are. osar Ola- burne-avora Edward O. Mackay, paalor. m Snjdy etheelel 0:80 a. m„ Dr. Blawart R. Roterl, «up , riow ,, d.ot. Barrie#* al 11 a. m. and T:45 p m. Th* rtriral aarrlaaa whieh *>»»• bean la proyreia darln* Ih* weak will oloaa Banday. COLLEGE PARK—Wallace Begtte. paator. »• .. FMMhla* *1 11 a. m. and 7:80- p. m. by 1 Cl* paator. Fifteen mlnotte' aoa* aarrlca a tr.cileg tha aarmon at ulfht. Sunday * JJadrot ® ! * # *• w - #■ Harrlt, aoparln- _ FIRST—Junction Paachlraa atd Iry ati., Rmr. .. « ik 8p Sunday aehool al * ii*® ft " • H ' PaGaraon, auparintandant. * PratoSlnj at 11 a. m. aad TtIO p. m, by tho 1. paator, Rt*nlar aarrieaa throo*hooj th* a **•*■ % SOUTH BEND—Rar. M. L, Underwood, paa- • n. ^••^hlaa at 11 a. ra. and 7:80 p. m. a by the pastor. Sunday school at 0:90 a. m. ST. JAMES—Marietta .! raid Roi.-ar.,, Rer. .C. T. leathers, paator: residence, 700 Ma- 0 rietta at. Phone II. 8078-J. Sunday morning 1 Mrvire do clock. Sunday school at 0:90 •. j. ra.. W. If. Williams, superintendent. Preach- . Ing »5 11 a. ra. by the pastor end at 7:90 p. r ®* Jo«l T. Daws, presiding elder of the Atlanta district. Stewards’ meeting Mon* r J*y avaninf at 7:30 o'clock. Revival services d aontlnua to grow in intefest. Reception of •* morning service. AH are cor dially invited and strangers will And a wal* r . eon* her*. A8BTRY-—Torner Davis and Foundry-sts., I „ Raa. 0. W. Farr, pastor: residence, 100 • S» n< lsy school at 0:80 a. tn.. „ W. A. rincher, superintendent, preaching at t 11 •; »• ***4 7:: . }0 P- «>• by pastor Prayer 7 meeting Wednesday evening at 7:80 p. ra., lm Rar. E. K. Cavaieri, leader. AH most cor- 1 dially invited. * HOLINE88 MEETING—Th* regular monthly meet^ing of tire Atlanta Huliness association . will he held st 8t. Paul Methodist church, - S jr £ nt L. Grant-sts., Bundny at 3 p. m. Take Wondward-ave. to Grant Psrk cars. | TRINITY—Whltclinll-Mt. and Trltilty-avc. a F - Detnpaay, pastor, will preach r h°1h 11 a. m. a nil 7:30 p. m. Morning aahjapt, “The Duty of Ilappiiieas;'' evening. TT*e Happiness of Duty. Hunday school . E 1 tn,: ”• Fo °ta. superintendent. Beginning Jbindny, revival servicea will tw® held every evening at 7:30 o'clock during the coining week. WESLEY MEMORIAL—Ivy.*t. amt Anbant- ■ve. Frank Slier, pastor. R. J. Guinn. Bundsy school superintendent. 1*. A. Rob- erteon. president Epworth league, t'hnrles Btedtnau Sts tinge, director of music. At • a. m.. fellowship meeting; Im W. Atnes. 1 leader. At 9:30 n. tn., Sunday school. At 11 a. m.. sermon by the pnatnr: subject. "The Church nt Work." At 8:>> p. tn.. Epworth league. At 7:39 p. m.. sermon by the pastor: subject. "How to Itccome a Christian." A I special welcome to strangers. 1 8T. JOHNS—East Georgia and Central- area. Rev. 8. B. l^dbetter, pastor. At 11 a. m. nnd 8 p. nt.. there will be regular aerrlcea. Sermons br the pastor. Bundnv •ehool begins promptly nt 0:90 a. m.: F. A. Qnlllinn, superintendent. Epworth league each Htindar at 7 ii. m. Hpecial attention fa called to the gowi music under the leader ship of Mr. Minor. Heata free and every body Invited. 8T. PAULB— Grant nnd Sldney-sts. Rev. J. R. King, pastor. Prayer service nt 8 s. m. Sunday school at 9:99 a. m.: J. R. P. Cochran and J. 1j. Loftls. superintend ents. Preaching nt 11 a. m. by Rev. Joel T. Daves, presiding elder; at 8 m. by the pastor. At this service those who • have Joined the church nurtng the pro- trarted servlrs and who hnve not been re- calved will Ira baptised and welcomed Into tbe church. Epworth league at 7 p. ni.; W. !«. Iteyer, president. I\oodward-ave. cars paaa th* door. BT. MARK-Rsr. 8. R. Ilelk. pastor Praach* Ing at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by the paa tor. Hunday school at 9:89 a. nt.: H. Y. McCord, superintendent. Deaf mute class taught by W. F. Crusseile. Prayer meet- « Ing Wednesday evening at 7:45. CI5NTER-8T.—C«nt*r and Cthahala. R*r. George H. Turner, iraator. Preaching at 11 a. m. nud 7:45 p. tu. Hunday aeliooi at 9:89 a. m.; H. C. Orr, superintendent. Re vival aenrlert are being conducted by Rer. W. A. Olllla. JEFFER80N-BT.—Jtfferaon and l.lDdnr- ata. Nunday aehool at 9:8) a. m.: J. T. N*tb*rland. iii|i*rlnt*ml*nt. PmrUBS al It a. m. nnd 7 r- m. by tb* paator. Reg- nlar a*T7lrra thru th* waah. Kirryhody will find n w.lrmn. at tbla bom.llk* rbnrab. Rar. Walter M. Ilonton, pnator. MOUNT VERNON-Nunday arhoot at 10 t a. m.: V. H. Mimr*. aiip-rlntrndriit. Prrarhtn* t>y paator nt 11 a. m. and 7;« p. m. Htibjurt of crraln* arrmoq. "Tbr I n- pardonnld* Bin: Wbnt la It) F*lton Wll. llama, paator. BONNIE BRAE-IJIllan and Jam*o-*U. * Rrr. J. N. BtrtckUnd. Paator l-rrarhln* nt 11 a. m. and 8 P. m. Nnnday whool at 8 d m.t D. Brown, aprrintrndrnt. Prayrr n wrrtrr nt « n. m. Rrrlynl arrrlrr* rloar Sunday nl*bt. EvrrylMidy Inrltrd. Nprrtnl rnuplr. TABBR.SACLE—Sunday aaktol at 9:00 a. m„ Dr. Joaapk Bronrhton, auparintandant. 11 a. m.. aarmon br Dr. T.. U. Poteat, o( Given- rilla, 8. 0. I p. in., B. VP. U. martin*. 8:80p. m., martin* of gunbaama. 7 p. m,. V. W. A.. Ula. I.ula llatntyra, laadar. 7:45 S . m„ aong arrrica, A. C. Boatman, dlrartor. p. m„ aarmon by Dr. Potaat. FIR8T—Ear. Baa C. Doan will prrarh at tha Pint Raptiat church naat Sunday morn- In* and araalng. Dr. Daniel, paator, la in* In a protrartad mratlyg at Troy. Ala. Hr. la an Allantaa aad kaa hundred, el frianda in tha rity who will gladly hrar him. GRANT PARK—Goorgiaara. aad Orant-.t. Praacklng at II a n aad 7:80 p. a. by Bar. T. W. Hillard. Sunday acbool at 9:S0 a. m., E. M. Prtra, nparintandrat. Ladira Aid Socluly Monday at 8:10. B. T. P. U. Monday aranlng at 7:80. Wadnea- day aranlng prayar aarrirg at 7:80. CAriTOb-AVR.—Bar. William B. Owon. paator. Aa tbr paator la copdurttn* a matting at Colnmhua, Ga.,.Dr. A. T. Spald ing win praach both morning aad aranlng. A cordial Inrltatlon la extended to all. IHMANUEI—Eaat Katr-nt. and Barenn-ara. Bar. Walter M. (lllmora, paator. Preach ing at 11 a. ni. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday acbool at t JO a. m.. W. T. Bbodea auprrtntandrnt. CONGREGATIONAL. BERKAN MISSION-Berran-arr. ami Tcn- nllla-at. Itrv. A. I.. Mane*, paator. Serv ice* at 11 a. nt. auil 7:S> p. nt. Snuday acbool nt S p. m. Prayer meeting Tbure- day at TM p. m. PII.GBIM—No. 17 lu-onartl-nt. Rev. W. n. tlrahnin, paator. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:10 p, nt. Nunday acbool at 2:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednoaday at 7:30 p. nt. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—At once, good fdanlat: 115 par tviek. Sinner, nootl opp-arnnee, tin per wi-ek. Acute llitaliioaa Agcui.y, 810 tVnttiry iHtllillng. Itt 15-tt MISCELLANEOUS. MOUNT VERNON MISBION-848 Detmtnr- *t. Sunday aehool at 1:80 p. in. Preaching nt gso and 7:81 p. m. Brarybody (nrltmT IV. B. Coat ley, paator. DIVINE SCIENCE ASSOCIATION mreta at 408 Tbe Grand on irnndny at 0 p. in. and on Wctlneadny nt 4 p. m. The aultjct for thla week le ■•Spiritual Conaclouaueaa. Vlaltors are eoMlally welcomed. TENT MEETING— Sell,-tire, and Iloldar- neaa-at. Preaching nt U n. m. and 7:45 p. m. by A. Z. Pencil. Agi ■t »:80 n. nt, Prayer tae Tueaday, All are cordla at u a. in. ana t:w p. Agoga Sunday acbool ' meeting nt 7:48 p. ra. rdlally Inrltad. HIGHLAND PARK—Joaaph A. Cnmiblay. poator. Sunday acbool at 0:88 a. m.: W. J. Brownlee, auperlntrndenl. Song norrlce and aarmon nt 11 a. ra. and 7:9* p. m Then# aerrlcea will he the beginning of a aerlea of rorlrnl aerrlcea, and-tia paetoi urgea n good atteadaaea. Chrtatlan work era anti tho public generally Inrltad. JONES-AVB.-Rer. n. S. Ralley. of Clay. Ion. Ain., baa bean conducting aarrleea for the pant few daya nt donea aro. Bap- Mat church, aad will Sll the pulpit Sunday. Suhjccfa for tbe dey. At It a. a.. ••Ctiria- w.try n, 0a0, e II. We "- Kterybodf welcmn#. INMAN VARDR—rron^hlnf by tb« p«»tor. Kffv. ft. Unit, .SmiUay it 7:10 p. m. All mllronil u:en and lh**!r fttulllrf nn* Inrltnl “ * Pmynr rattHnf ayanr Rtran«frs ar« alwaya H sitiE PARK-Rar. Mr. Paek. pa* Itev. Thomas E. MrCntrbon. nqnor- ntt of mioalnna of tho Atlanta Rap* HOT.Y TRJXITV—D^ratar. Rey. J. J. P. Perry in rharf*. 11 a. m.. holy rommonioa an«l sprtnon. Hunday afhool at 9:49. I •nd »ermon at 4. 9T. pai;L8—Eaat Point, Bar. H. B. Data ta fnaraa. Morniny prayar and larmon at 11 h r lay rradar. ST MargarEt—Carrallton, R,r. H. B. Dean 81. JOBNS—College Park. Morning prayer and .ermon at 11 by tbe Rer. C. K. Weller. “uitd,r ech.Mtl at 10. »T Pdt.tS , Colored)—Aubarnare. near lort-it. Rer. A. E. Day in ebarg*. Holy • outmunlon at «:80 a, m.: morning prayor and v-rmon at it a. at.: araalng prayar ‘ •ermoa at g p m.; Sunday acbool at 9:8 CHRISTIAN. first—Cornar Booth Pryor at. aad Trlaltr- H. K. Pendleton, pa,lor. Preach 1 1 » m. aad 7:8o p. at. Blfcl* aehool at "•*® •• m. Chrtatlan Kadaaror at d:0O pi m. END-Gordan and Dana ita. Pruack •"gat 11a.m. aad 7:80 p. m. and 7:»o p.' Prrachiag at 11 a. m. ' °uitir° E .PARK—Rer. P. L. Adama, paator. Bihle „hoo| I^ra-, 4, ; „ lo a. m. Aral Low'* day at 11 a. m. aad CATHOLIC. ,A Un R «l D . H *ART- -P,* t ktr« and ley. Path*? * H . paatrr. Snaday awning a.r SuIh.** 7 \* : *®. »d fclgk mu ot II a. m. SJV !' h0 »l Imaaa aad ratoeklam) from i .. r , l* a* ■■ Sorautn,. Patk,r LaBIkaa UJl.'albw Oman at 0:80 and Fatkar Dan- 1_•* _*• 1 .Sunday nltkt aarrieta I’rrurhln^ Kundar at 11 a^ in. and iu. Sunday arhonl at 9:19 a. n».: . Krana. aur>^rlnf#ndanr. Young union Tueaday at 7:90 p. tn.; E. Hear, proaldant. Trnyrr meeting C. Ward. D.D., preach on “The Tearhera ineetln* at 7 p. m. Wednea- day uiffht. preceding the regular prayer ..— nt KTeryhtHly welcome. •The f’onreralon of a Rnbjert for eronlnf. • *8: —■ * Unm ' nesday at 7:45 p. m. f fjartlea* meeting Wed- Mon- TEMPLK—Manga* and Woat Hanter sts, Henior and Junior B. Y. b, aumrint P. V. at i nrellet of th*. fltatt Miaaion board, will •ch at 11 a. n. and 7:90 p. m. and dur week alao. Rerrlcwa erery day at 9 7:80 p. m. • Mr. Walton '* muaic. has i 11 a. m. Subject of letaon aarmon. Grand, free to the public. Preaent Judgment." CHURCH OP CHRIST—West Bible atndy 9:41 a. m. comun fellowship 11 a. tn. Trenching l*y 1st S. II. Ifall. Ix*glnning nt 1!:: ly. will he organitod at thla 1 will l»e Of at 1:90 p. tn. by Kvangellat I TryorHit.-to-Federal Prison < •t Yaisar-st. PBNTRCORTAIj—209 !4 Marietta-at. Paul T. Barth. Worahlp i Krangai A meeting U also hvld errry International Bible Student* atanriatlpn T Dternational Bible Thf regular Sunday ted Men% hall. H« ( that tin tend. I lection. HELP WANTED—FEMALE* ply to houae keeper Pled motif hotel. For ay th-at . entrance. Women with no Incum brance. WANTED—Peroral experienced t-nuwi-tw dippers; permanent place and goo«l t*ar. Nnnnnlly Tandy Factory. 19 Iry-at. 1012-14 Apply 287 West HELP WANTEDs-MALE. Ono cent a word for ads mider tbla beadltu*. I7»r COUTH*, ilyiiim anil si wages. Atlanta Barber •11-si. HELP WANTED—MALE. apnre time checking, copying, form lera. attending ndvertlsiitg material for locality. Tnndom Mnunfacturlng (’ouipsuy. I.oiidon. Ontario. Sal machinist conrae. Day or night rlaan t’orreapond Immediately. Waiting Hat lari Empire Morgen thaler linotype Krboolg Ftrst-are.. New York city. WANTED—A yonn* lady wlUt some knowl edge of drafting; salary 985 per month. Address Insurance, Box 770, Atlanta. «a. WANTED—Several young lull.* io tako charge of contest department for out-of town newspapers. Position permanent Falnry and eapenaes guaranteed. " vnaalng. I to 7 p. nt. Apply room 2*. Aragon .Hotel, ! for boarding hottae. Apply 2*1 Peachtree- rererenroa. no* oi, i.oiifib i*>»i v ***• • phone Bait Point 388-L. WANTED—Eiperlenpwl young. wnltrem al Araorlran t’afe, 89 North Pryor-ot. WANTED—By Virginia aoelety. two ladle*; a Mr. Walton, the director organism} a good chorus for NORTH ATLANTA—Hemphill are. and Cm tl-at. Preaeblng at fl a. m. and 7:94 by tbe pastor, William H. Bell. Ben- ehool at 9:90 a. m. remembered are: ENOWBn.AYE.-W. W. Britufleld. paator. Preaching at 11 s. m. and i:4» p. ni. br the paator. Bunder school at 9:99 a. mj It. E. I<ee. superintendent, t horns choir led by Professor J. Gordon More. PAYNB MEMORIAL—Corner Hunnlcutt and Luekleste. William Dunbar. naator. Preaching at U a. m. and 7:90 p. m. by the paator. Banday aehool at 9:90 a. ro., A. 8. Causseanx. aaperlateadent. GRACE—North Boulerard, corner Highland are. James Osgood Grogan, paator; real- 07 Angttr-av*. Tha Knday aehool will ban It. annual promolton day eaerelaefc The program la a «r;l Intanillng on*. .Thla a . * Jae aa# Rraea etinPsn This aenrl' preaching m . day at Orace church. This promptly at 9:90 a. m. .Regu far preaching aerrlcea at 11 •- 1 * ?.? p. m. by the paator. Mrs. A. B. Cnnyna will alng nt both aerrleta. Epworth League at 0:30. METHODIST EPI8COPAL. Atlanta Dlatriet—R. H. Robb. D.D., Dta* trict Suptrlatandant.) EOELSTON MEMORIAL — WnUngtomal.. torner Tnltoa .l.; Waahlogto. il. rar. Ra%. ■ R. Blau, paator. Sunday aehool at S:45 . A-* -* •.•a. — Prayer meeting day aehool at *9:90 a. Wednesday night. NELLIE CHAFBI^—Eaat Polat. Eer. John VL IP—r,MI IGIRL I5f7. VW8II8 77 . Mar. paator. Preaching at tl a. m. and 7:90 p. ra. fuaday aehool 940 a. 'm.. R. F. Thompson, auperinterdenr Prayer .meeting TkAHMOB. lUDenBlsnusui. r wmjwi niglii. A cordial luritatioa la aa undid to aU el Ike., eerelen. LUTHERAN. IraT** r JOHNS—Otnnau Eeauiulleal. Fonyth and Oarn.tlat.. O. NuKuunn. paator. Str Tie* witk preaekiag lu Gtriaan tl II I. a. Hlk|. aehool al 9:45 a. m. A cordial Inrita- Sin l.aatwdad 10 *11 who ar. latere.led. CHURCH or THE REDEEMER—TrlBlty- are. and Capitol niiee. Her. W. f. Sckeef- frr Jr. pa.tor. Herrlcea at II a. m. and 7J4 n. ra: Mon-ln; anhjeet. "The Vlct..ry Of Faith:” erroln*. ”Je*u. ami Ik* Chink and Slate." nunday whool at 0:30 a. m , liharla* H. Stleglllx anperinUmkuL iheua aad othar*. rial aarmon. Vou'ar* Tlue at 7:10 p. m. Special wclcon 'ra. Grim**, Mr., ‘ Oowrr, Mrt. i.l« aad ap.- Regular aar- OAKLAND CITT—Rer. A. C. Ward, paalor. Preaching al II a. m, and 7:45 p. m. Run. day aehool at 9:10 a. m„ 8. M. Gordon, au- perlntendent. Ererykody welcoma. JACKSON HILLH-JackaondL aad Eaal arc. C. J. Thompaon, paator., Sunday aehood at 0:80 a. ra . Dr. F. P. 11. Akrr. and J. E. Raley, anparlnlrndante. Worahlp at II a. ra. aad at 7:80 ». ra. H.rmon, by the paator. Morning ankjtat, “Gralltuilc tor Rlr.vln*. Rarrlyrd:'' .renla* aubjert. -'CkrfaCa for Ik* Chrl.tlanT' Monday. 8:80 w. miaaion ary rar.tir.g of the Woman'* auailiary; W.dnuday, 7:80,p. m„ prayar and pral.a ■arrlr*. • raday aehool at 0:45 a. Raid, aaymlayaadaat. Preaching by lh« pallor, Bar. A. T. O'Krlltr. It a. m. and 1:*0 p. m. S*hJ*#8 far morn ing R.rrle.a, “Tha Firat Thin* in tha Chrla- tlan Ufa." Communion aarrlaaa will b* held (mmadlataly aftrr the morning urrlcoa. B. V. P. 17. meat, at d:4f p. m. WEST END—Th* peater. Dr. Juba T. Pur uer, will prueeh morning and uranlug. Sun day ..bool al 9:30 a. m. B. V. P. V. WANTED—Flrat-rlaaa laundrr... to «l>o do light uputalr.. Apply - — Fort MePherann. Went Peachtree. pSsLr?»«i«ha..f.: GREAT Bf’ARClTT of triegmpbera! railroads and wireless compsnfes of Am*r Ira arc short full 19.0W telegraphers. Wi can uuallfy young men nud Indies In a few muntlis and place them at 970 to 99) per month for banners. Tuition ran he de posited until position Is secured. Operating sis schools under direct supervision of rail way and wireless telegraph official*. Main line wire and wlreleau station* In each school. Write for catalogue to nearest In stitute. National Telegraph Institute, Tin* etnnutl. Philadelphia. Memphis, Columbia, 8 <*.; Davenport, Iowa; Portland. Oreg. ANY ONE. anywhere etn earn big pay c«»i»y lug addressee nt home erentngs. Iio*»k for 4c stamps. II. Rowan, Chicago, If I. 384 lenru hairdressing. y WANTED—Fifty students to learn telegra- . phy. typewriting nnd railroading. North 0 Georgia Telegraph School. Ranger, Ga. 239 , RAILWAY SIAII. CI.KHKH WAKTED-At- Intitn etnmlnationa Novemlrar 13; 9900 to 91,109: preparation free; write Immediately. I Kraqkliu institute. Dept. 49-1', Rot hesl' r, ii S. Y, 439 a WANTED—Men to take fifteen dnya praett' cal cotton eoura*; accept good _poaltloni - during the fall. Charlotte Cotton Company, . Charlotte. N. C. 4-lf-K - WANTED—An unlimited itum- ? ber of patients. Atlanta Deu- ! tal College, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. 10-6-29 • CANVASSERS WANTED—We have an at- • tractive contract to offer one or two men; • experience not necessary; reference requir ed. Anply Singer store, 79 WhltehnlLat. 19-10-1 WANTED— At once, young man as general office assistant: must be thoroughly com- * petent ns stenographer: splendid opuortu* * nlty for right man; reply In own handwrit ing. atattng age; salary expected and pres ent employer. If any. Address Manufac turer, Box 108, care Atlanta Georgian. 19-11-1 WANTED—Thrae good stove men at once. Apply to 40 Mouth Broad-at. F. M. Broth- erton. 19-11-11 AUTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION. THOROUGH and prnrtlrnl course jriren In thoroughly equipped machine and repair shops. Driving, repairing, upkeep and vul canising taught. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postal for Information. One hundred men needed for the fall and spring trade. Au- ♦omoldle School of Mechanic*. 177 West Mltchell-at. 399 WANTED—At cnee, some good laborerr. wages 91.60 per day. ‘Coll for J. H. Kin sey, Chattahoochee Brick Company. 239 WANTED—Men to take 10 days practical course In our automobile shops nnd lenrn the business; we secure positions for all graduates. Charlotte Auto School, Char lotte. N. C. 10-13-17 SORER, reliable men for detective work. Confidential, care Georgian. 265 WANTED—Resident agents In ail South ern towns for best gssoiine light on mar ket. Address Gloria Light Co.. Atlanta. Gn. 2M WANTED—Al rouvnnsrr to work In the city. Apply 14 l.uckle-at., between 2 nnd 3 o'clock Thursday. 19-12-17 WASTKIt—ttnoghtomun, experienced In J lumber and mill work. Apply by writing P. O. Box 9QJ. city. 10-163 WANTED—Correspondence with financially able Atlantans Interested In progressive aviation. Bird, cure Georgian. 295 WANTED—Several young men to handle canvassers contest department newspaper. Expenses and salary guaranteed. Good proposition for hustlers. Experience un necessary. Apply room 29. Aragon Hotel. ID to 13 a. m. 999 IF CROWDED OUT of public aehool. tele phone Ivy 1M nlwnt Wesley Memorial night school. 319 WANTED—High-grade office men. teaehera. •te. Address secretary' Employment Bu reau Central Young Meu'a Christian Asso ciation. 21 Auhnru-ave.. Atlanta. Phones 1085. 10-13-29 WANTED—Bookkeeper with practical ex perience to go to Gainesville. Ga. Apply In own handwriting, P. O. Box »2. Atlanta. WANTED—Collector for Vltagrnph adver tising: 9tt weekly and expenses: 9200 cash security required; permanent position. Ad dress Box 942, care Georgian. 344 FIRBT-Ca«juSN WAITER at 110 tv,. 10-14-20 MAN PIIK88ER at once at 17 Hemphill- ave. 10-14-23 WANTED—Ten laborers for clay pit at Yin- tugs. Ga.. ten tnllea from Atlanta, on Wcitern aud Atlantic railroad: best wages. Apply F. D. Hloan, Vltilng*. Ga., or 891 Grant tmtldlng. Atlanta. 1614-41 WANTED- Experienced colored chauffeur. butler and house Itoy comblaed. 388 Ponce De Leon a ve. 19-1444 WANTED—Experienced clerk In dry goods store. Apply Adler. 179 l*eters-at. 1614-38 MEN OF IDEAS with tome inventive abili ty. Greeley 4k Mcluttre. patent attorneys, Washington. D. C. 6H4 YOUNG MEN WANTED for railroad fire- men. lu *ken»en. baggagemen; 9754109 to | start: earl/ promotion; experience unneces sary: state nge. weight nnd height. Address Railway Bureau. 873 Panama building. Mt. tmfll*. Mo. 0-104N Home money made while learning- write Holer Barber college, 53 Wes ell-ft. MEN—Loam autoinohllc business, denisud for skllbnl help. We t mall, send you auto model. Get . weekly Job. Make 919 weekly while learn In*. Rochester Auto Rehonl. 19, It .V. Y. free sample and Instructive liookle „ , plans <»f operation, tl. F. Redmond, Dept. *5. Boston, Maas. 8. Bchefter, frenagrer. T-ir*" easily ^arnH. and capable of acting as our represent* tire; no ctnraaslng or soliciting; good In come assured. Address National C’o-Opern tire Realty Company. 949 Mardett building. Washington. D. C. 40C free, with position or metier back offer. Ask for booklet W. T. Earl Hopkins. Wash ington, I>. <!. 401 N5 to SloO i»er month. Inclose stamp f«»r Icatlon blank and l»ook. Ilutulreda put ork wlthotit experience. 6)0 more want* ... Inter-ReIIway, C. I. Department 69. In* dlsnnpolls. I ml. 403 emplover; pay —ort: pieces ran r —,— r —...... raeations with nay: thousands of racanelea every month; all kind* ot pleasant work everywhsrr: no Isv-offa, no pull needed, com mon ednestion sufficient. Ask for free Book 1st 413, giving full particulars and captaining my offer of position or money back. Earl Hop- jclns, Washington. P. 0. 403 Owls. Routh Rand. fnd. LIVE ONEB In svsry community; |50 wsek^ ly; spare time: no canvassing; I furnish •.•vcrythlng: frae particular*. Voorhh- 19. Omaha, Nabr. SALESMEN WANTED. Jne cent a word for ads under thla heading. WANTED—Specialty salesman to tell tbe •lulckent *na l»eat stock and poultry oiedl- rlne on tho market. To the right man. exclusive territory. Liberal commissions paid. P. O. Box 9, Evansville. Ind. 219 WANTED-By raldd*e-nged Mvafrious woman, a poaltfon as honsekerper for an Best piiylng bualneta lit which lady gage. Tall or write Moler College, 53 West Sr ‘ GET A BETTER PLACE-fncle Mam la It# «t employer: pay Is high and sure; hours short: pieces permanent; promotion* regu lar: vacations with nav; thousands „f vacan cies 8'very month: all kinds of plenaunt work everywhere; »o lay-offs; uo mill needed; common education ■nfffcient. Ask for free Imoklet 412. giving full partlcalara and ei* plaining tuy offer of p#>alt!nn or money track. Karl llopktne, Wnahlngton. D. 9) WANTED—Men 19 to 45 for motormen and conductors: good wng#o; no strike. Kx- l pehence imnecessary. Address Electric CONGREGATIONAL CENTRAL—EllhMd. sad Carnegie wait. Rev. lleary A. Atklnsoa, pastor. At 11 a. m. the subject will be "Hallowed He Thy Name.'* At 9 p. tn. the subject will be ••fnderlalon In Reflgfot)* Matters.*' Chris tian Endeavor prayer meeting at • p. m. Hunday school at 9:*> a. iu. rilbsT TABEBNAcfal— Mcl»an!el" and lllgbtower-ats.. one Iderk raeith of White, hnll-st. Rev. J. It. Jordan, pastor, rreach- ut U a. w. and T:4» p. tu. Btnnlay Ing at U school at ! IMMANl’KL—Btehrart and Lllllan-aves. Drenching at 11 a .m. and 7:46 p. m. Hun day acbool at 19 a. m. MARIETTA-HT—Marietta and Mrhllllan- ats. Rev. A. T.' Bcoggln, pastor, nt 11 a. in. and 7:46 p. m. > GREENS MDISION—Jtffmoo and fhrat- nuT-.l.. R*v. John X. ()7p*«. (Hiatnr. Sun- daj Kbool at 9 a. m. Praa. blu* at 7 p. aa. Stas* IJIractor. WANTED—Ij5j to travri lu r«ir own :*r- rlrnir. Good ho* and InUor mad* dr**a In I ! '„U nluMr dara. Exm-rli ur* iinn.r-o, ur .v. 11^- Ibl-lt- Arm. Writ* for parilrnlara. J. n. Mrllrnd* Company, Chlrngo. 394 hnlldln WANTED— Rrlchl. rnrrarrilr man In r*pr*- •*ni n. In Gmrsla. W* ar* wllllu* lo train ii.i for onr work If w* think you will All the hill. Box 1903, rat* Ororclau. 104-14 ran *rt liualnaa*. and olu> ratnil fTorary huidnr**: rafrranr. Apply C. n. C„ rarr Grorxl.o. la linallar and rxp*rl*nrrd In WANTED—Pftnt7r-nr**aman by Th* Dublin Printing Co., Dnblln, 0*. 19-10-80 WANTED—Young white man, preferably with wife or moth- n innn. Address Box 292, ele. Os. 10-15-28 minora' In l-nln'u Bntll* In th* ClmnU. WASTED—Trnnk m*k*i aktra. taparianrad and ln**|wrl»nr*d. .Apply Tool# a Trank aad Beg Factory. I® 8- Alabama it. 10-15-50 WANTED—MALE-FEMALE. ITAN'TBD—An unlimited num ber of patients. Atlanta Den- it College, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. 10-6-30 thrr* mouth* rrartli-al couraa: wo accurr rntha pi poaitV 93 WEEKLY nud expenses to trustworthy people to travel nud distribute »n;nplrs for big wholesale Ionise. C\ If. Emery. X-492. Chicago. 397 COLORED AOENTB ovarywharv. 93 dally; pnrtienlars free Tsylor Remedy Co.. IjouIs viU#. Ky. 411 *T. ~ month for iwdinners. Tuition can l*e ilrpbt- in i?ia i ^ *• •^eured. Operating six family. 395 Pone* DaLeoa-ave. in-iB-13 j shoots under direct aupervlsloti of railway wpsBvrvrrn nia S ’ I nn .' 1 "I***— telegraph officials. Main line EXPERIENCED cook. 9*0 N. BoalvTard. wtrea and wlrcbss statlona In each acbooL 10-15-17 Write fur catalogue to nearest Institute. Nstlcnal Telegraph Institute, Cincinnati I lier COLORED WOMAN to live on tbe place and do general housework aad family washing for awall family; permanent home and. fair, wa^ra^or. right alb-ave. •sa ^ 42* WANTED—Oae baadred ladles and IIHIe girls aa aapers la Fain's Buttle In the Clouds. Apply tonight at 7JO. Wolfshclm* rr'a hall. IJ4H Wbttchnll-at. K. u. Portland. Oreg. P-liwi WANTED—niucksmltb; man to do horse* *ho®>tng nod genera! rep«ilr work: go«M| lo cation for liMiieat. cneruetlc nud sober man. Addrcaa J. W. Hodge 4c Hon, Elko, Gn. 10-15^ WANTED—Bright young man aa retiring clerk and to handle the pack lug and ship ping of automobile parts. !*»«• Mr. Dunnell. ill I’lUclitree-st. 10-164 THE Cosmopolitan Employ ment Bin-pail, lieeused by the city, are now prepared to supply first-class white help — cooks, housemaids, general servants, waiters, butlers, etc. Call or write for particulars and terms. Room 80.’) Empire Life In- suraiK-c Building (old Eng lish-American Bldg.). Ed ward J. Marshall, Manager. , 10-13-25 nut hotter rnudwlrhet. For sale at all auda founts. Ask for them with your drink. Four for 5 cents 10-1649 WANTEO—TEACHERS. One cent a wonl for ada under thla banding. WE NEED many more principals; village • mostly; free registration again temporarily. Georgia Teachers’ Bureau, At- WANTED—Male principals for good rural nnd village schools: salaries gtt to 990; free enrollment. Hall a Agency, Macon, Ua. iTIILDRE.VS HATH (lid mips >nud. Mid trlnun*d; *Uo oblldren', rlotlios of all kinds muds: brio** roasonabl*. Mrs. ttal- kor. 104 Summit-*!-*, trail phono Itt 1400-J. n WANTED—Traveling salesman. Oldest rider house In the U. 8. Increasing salea force. Salary or commission with drawing account. Reference must accompany application. Red Cross Vinegar Co.. Bt. Louis, Mo. 94 2 SALESMEN WANTED-Hundredn of g<'»M positions open, paying from 51.909 to 98,009 a year nud expeuaes. No experience needed to get one of them. We wfll teach you to l*e an expert salesman by mail and assist yov to secure a good position, where yon can earn while you learu. Write tor call) for full particulars and testimonials from hundreds of men placed Itt good positions paying from 5100 to 9500 a month and ex penses; also list of good positions now open. Address National fMlestnea’s Training As sociation. 416C Fourth National Bank duR4- Ing. Atlanta. Itrsnehes: New York. Chi- cago. Kansas City. Minneapolis. Ban Fran- dseu. 161-14 SALESMAN for this territory: spltadld com mission roatra<*t with $86 weakly advance to producer: staple line; permanent position. K. L. Rice 4 Co., Detroit. Mich. 10 ]5 33 AGENTS WANTED. On. rant n word for ndt under tbl, houdlnc. AGENTS for household goods bring repast orders for years; large profit and sales territory: agents with ua 12 years. Fitch Chemical Co.. Ray City, Mich. 161629 IF YOU ARE making leas than 990 per week, we want you to call at tbe New Kimball hotri on Saturday*.October 22. nnd ask for our Mr. C. H. Fowler, who will tell rou how you can easily make that amount. No experience or capital necessary. This Ip a straight, legitimate proposition, where wo are selling 5.284 farms, ranging In alio from 19 to 189 seres, with a town lot thrown In, all for 9389. on easy payments. Land la lo cated in tbe onion and milt district of tooth Texas. Flowing artesian water on the land. We want several good agents to assist us In selling this Inna and have an extremely liberal proposition to make poo. If you ere not nble to meet our Mr. Fowler at tbe hotel, please write to Fowler A Brno. IjiiiiI Company. San Antonio. Tex., for full particulars. 40T AtIKKTH WANTED to rail • p*rant fork linlli-r: pntlraly now Id**: qnlckwf ratlin, urtrara *vfr o(f*r*d. H*wl*y 5t»nuf*rturln* <*oRi|uinjr. nx-'lt*' d*p*rtm*ot, Stepnoj U*. pof. Conn. 109 AOENTB—*-81 hourly: Just pstentsd ens-hsnd- rd flour sifter; only on# In world: staple free. Forth** Co., Box 4. Dayton, Ohio. 10-19-31 AOENTB—Bl. monar: photo pillow top* 10<; bromtdra 30«; portrait* Site: olIttlT* 00*. W. produc* *11 work ot »rt, fuirantrad; low- r.t prl.M: tir.r.t atudlo; prompt irarlr*! credit .Iten; a.aplt*. portrali and fr*m« r*t- •to. fra*. RitUr'. Art.Htudlo, 1010 Marti- ■on-it.. Chlrapi, III. 10-15-38 AOB3ITB—Our Noodle Cuttera. one-band flour alftera aud aluminum coffee makers are the greatest 2Se sellers. Tbe Phillips Co., 278 rhlltlpa Bldg.. Dayton, OhK ^ ORGANIZERS In every section of Georgia; 97 paid per member secured. Opportunity, Box 19, care Georgian. 418 WE WANT PROGRES SIVE, BUSINESS-GET TING AGENTS FOR OUR 5-PASSENGER TOURING CAR. OUR EXTENSIVE ADVERTISING AND THOUSANDS OF CUSTO MERS MUST MAKE THE INTERNATIONAL THE EASIEST SELLING CAR ON THE MARKET. AD DRESS INTERNATION AL HARVESTER CO. OF AMERICA, ATLANTA, GA. 10-15-51 ASK HOW our Wonderful Hsdlefo* merge* on* pint of milk Into nw* pound of hotter, giving additional pound for only 4e. Healthy, pur*: no chemicals: machine guaranteed. Economy Utilities Co.. 108 Chambers iL, New York. 449 L08T AND FOUND. On* rant * word for ad* under tkt, h*adlu,. FOUND—A place to bar# wliiora. kotaw •ad raiora ahorprued by *u aiprrt. Math ew* A Uni/, ft East Alabama at. Phone, 111. 7041 (THAYER from ill Poor* RrLron-irr . le. mnlr fi.* terrier: anawm tn n*m, Trlile. lnrnriuatlon for reentry will bo reward..ri. fall Mala HI. ti« L0I8T—On Ormond-ot. or rhamka—aa*.. a eoln pun*, wltk two rkalu. e-rntairii,:r •bent R Return to Mra. tilrnn Mmlth, M Cherokra-nae. R*w*rd. 10-1 tl LOST-Ro»U wallet rootalainc .mall ebanf*. key# and owner’* rnrdi keep ebunffe and return to atatloo.ry counter. 47 Wbltaball. LIIRT-Uat Wednesday nlcht, diamond watrb fob loeket; monowram J. B. <i. on t»eb. Ulreral reward If returned to r.t PeterMt. S LOFT—A boa about rareo foot loac hua two loeka ou name. Ilot I* mad* of nop- tar and 1* aery ban. Phone Atlanta Da-... fare and Cnb Co. Arab Carll. «| LOHT—rtfin busline caw tbtd watch; 1... head watrh fab with diamond and (rid elrar eutter oa foh; asm. laalde of wat-b. mnnocr.m on lob. Haltahl, reward If rrlarn- ed. C C. Mooebal, 00 Maaaa-at. 10-15-00 HORSES AND CARRIAGE*. On* rant a word for ads under tbla hi-a-lluc FOR BALE—ManlSrao! foor-yrar-oM tuiy trot liny man; tbomurhly reutle oral ilir broke. Mb* I* a beauty. Call at or write to room lot: Empire Ufa bulldiu?, Atl. n- r 8. D. P. 0-1--1, FOR HAMS—On* born* nnd huffy. For In. formuflou. eult Atlantn |h-m- SIR 1017-4 FOR BALK—flood work bor-o- W. I<r 101101a 1 -10:1 FOR SAI.E-Three-year-old mare and rub- t>er-ilre runabout: Indy ran drive. Apply MS Booth Forsyth-at. |(j GOOD BADDLE HOBBS that co-- ir* ;l u lie bought for-93* apot cash If taken at nrp. Can a; Kiser building ci.d ..>k for 43» U West Mitchell r. 19-15-i Braswell, Ufbonla, Ga. 421 Kiutvhlnaoo. 161694