Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 15, 1910, Image 8

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25 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: SATL'KDAT. OCTOHEB 1ft, l'JJO. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. (SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. *fird. under this holding fra* Thro* yrara experience; best Add rut Primary. car* Gaorgl.n. YOUNG LADY want* position dolnf tan aral Ulrica work: have Bad aararal yaara aapartanra. Wall aducafad. l'kone X71 or aildraaa Port*. 31 Otlmcrst.IS YV ANTED—Potation a* aairwany. warn Ifcare la a ahaoae of promotion: am com petent of xlrlax aattofaotlon. A.idraaa Mr*. W. L. M. earn Oaorylan.“ ■BBSWSSS^Bb: W* -«*** a a • Bl.aa.U/^tlrlroSlM " “ JSSSSUSR^SSSSi. rMSHR city. NEEDY LADY dralras to address envelops* LA1M OFSin!l IU dUHirr. .*1 _ 4 ropy atraulara: will rail for and da- r work’ Addrara C. P.. car. Georgian, WAKTED—PaaWoa ••»■}? raaefcar. In aamo ‘good" town, or acbool: ran fnralak aary haMtatalmottinla Addraaa Mlaa L. J.. Box 281. Eaaiman. Oe. II AN INTELLIGENT yonng womaa. wko kaa 1 experience In books**™"* Hn “ "kad'amo sgns'rtoaea In bookkaanlnx and writesafoodkaad. aroold .Ilk* pAltloo In „..all storcTphannsey or shop no clerk or office woman. Apply to Aaaoolalad Charl- rlan. Vain (NO, Atlanta $91. Or addraaa I. A.. « Ella-at. 11 WANTED—Poaltloa aa aalraladyi bar* had aaparlano* hi mllllnory: prefer millinery, but will a crept poaltlon In tint deport- mrnt. Addraaa X. Y. 7... Box SI. Tall}, pooaa, Oa.« YOUNG LADY atanoxrnpkar daalraa to .k. «ad an.l a half FI- WANTED—Position as PffTff tntcfcaT by Christian womao re experience. Addraaa Teacher. Bo* 44. rare .Georgian. W ni3?familyTam ’"willing Tomsk# myself naafnl. Refarmra* exekaafed. Addraaa Ralpar, cara Gaorxiaa.U Eli—Poaltlon aa mother** helper In LADT of ability, tubing xraat prlda In homo life, good hooaekaepor. good cook, tpiciligant, reined end enerfetle. wonld ec- cept poaltlon aa bonaekeaper In n xentle- >.i.'o knmn wh aorta IhFTS HP# Oil* Of tWO m»n'a home where there are one or two children; do not unswrr nnleeo able to pay reoaotable aalary. Mra. N., Boa 117. cara Oaorataa. WANTED—Poaltlon aa assistant teacher: have had college and normal training; am well experienced. ter log taught Jg Tt-are: good recommendations. Address Mlaa 1a.. ffoi 45. care tJoorglati. U AN EXPERIENCED colored nam want* to nurse chronic cast or obstetrics! work Aildraaa F. B„ 26 Anburn-srs. t NICE, neat colored woman wanta poaltlon to go to Florida this winter aa none, maid or cook; would like to go rlaht away, with nice family. II. II. W.. 210 Mootgora- ery-st., Marietta, Oa. U WANTED—By lady of middle age. poaltlon na managing houaakeeper In rooming hotiaa « r hoarding house or Inatltutlon In city. fill give faithful aervlce. Mra. E. I. Mara. SI Waat Bnkeref.. city. 25 NICE, naat colored woman would like to gat Job la city aa a nurea or maid: can roraiah good rafe foraiab good reference* ; want room on lot. B. D. I„ 3U Montgomery-.!., Marietta, On. WANTED—Position aa nnraa In prlaata Addraaa E. M„ at once; coma no oiccicai wnra in onica or Intelligently direct koooekeeplng lo ho- B l, boarding nonio or tnotltntloo. Addreee re. o. M.. cara Georgian. 15 , IUIIUH, UUIPI). inikiuiuj iiuuaw born.; beat reference* Addrean Mra. *11. E„ care Georgian. 15 IY, high arhool gr< alrea pqtatloa aa or naowuurr bookkeeper: keel .. Addreee Box MOO, rare Georgian. WANTED—Place In Gorman or Jewlih fun- place. 28 DRESSMAKING; rra.on.bte price, and good work. Apply at 1M Summit nr*. 20 LADY DRESSMAKER wtnhee to oaehango oawlng for room awl board jn^dg^ Atc YOCNO LADY atmograpkrr daalraa perma- ^|sr* t,< r.u UT ;d ( b.'rr‘‘ 1 WANT yoor work peatly, add i accurately done, call Mina Tnrpli aoo Main Wild: room 781 Empli drj "bTO S&SZ: WANTED— Poaltlon to do coning; notary modagntc. Addraaa Copying. Box IB cara etanograp k WANTED—PoattIon at otflco girt. Ida Six- ** SECT * »•'$/ va iryuxu .iii, u companion or nureo for Inraii furnish pod references. Apply Nui m, cart Ooorgkm. •WHISK” “ *“ I! ii north i Writs fi ifj? .rd<u a WOMAN who In on sxpsrtrarad koooa data- WOMAN work# by the da, f work, by the day, na oxporltncod cleaner, liter at XI Fort at., city. Miller. 11 ewrerel yrttr ■■■■■■ core n poaltlon at once. Am ea area rata ■ rapid writer; can fnrnleh A-l ■ im rai’io wniwif miuiei once*. Call Atlanta Phone ru glEgC-CLASI .te.ograpbtr, now employ ed, wtebes change. Two joe re' experience, epleadld referencee. CnU oner I n p. m., ley RbL WANTED—Place oa a tnt^Uaa cook by a No. 1 woman cook; ana begin at ooce. Ad- Arete Lain WUIIe teal.), rear !M Bedford Ida for the winter. Addrean None. Box WANTED—Podtlaa by neat colored gti Jtfloe girl or la deatlsfi office, write nice band. Addreee II. B. C.. North Bntler-ot yean old; eta do almoot anything and will work hard; office work, bonte work, srw leg. or anytblag legitimate. Meat hare WANTED—Peeltlea for to ytara old; eaa do almoot t . » work, boot* *A5±“g OcvrgUo. WANTED-Position tot young lady atcuog — * “ and accurate. Three l Mr. Clyburn. Phon«» ?**! W ANTED—Poaltlon: A-l preparer In mills- nery .lrpartmcnt. twelve yanra osporlence. Adilrres A. No. One, care Georgia a. U WANTED-Clrcutar lettere lo write, en velopes to addreta, on typewriter. Call Main 3800. 1> POSITION WANTED na bonrekreper. In IInon room or an ehamtermald. by a l.nljr with A-l refareurct, that undrrafanda the lia«lneaa In all Ita branches of hotel work. Addreaa Mra. C.. Ill West llay af., Jackaon- vnie. Fla. 15 WANTED—Poaltlon aa houaekeeper: beat of references. Addreaa A. B., Bo* $00, care Gear glan. 1$ WANTED—Dreasmaklng and til kinds of oosriog; fine darning a specialty. 147 gprtager. M YOUNG LADY, high acbool gradnale. tome experience, deslrca position aa stenogra pher or assistant Imokkraper. Beat refer- encea. Modarate aalary to begin. Addreaa Mlaa K.. rare Georgian. M WANTED—Potltlon In widower's homo na houaekeeper by an unincumbered Indy. Addrraa Mix. A., Box K ear* Georgian. U ; WANTED—Position aa bouwkoepar br white woman; aalary >15 par month and hoard. Addrow 2M Canltol-ave., or pbont until Saturday Main 1214-J; after Saturday i 978 Ivy. M , ENERGETIC yoaag Indy wants position aa cashier or office eealtant, la or oat of tosrn. R. K. L, rare Georgian. 15 EXPERIENCED telephone operator wanta privet* branch oxrhangt. \V. M. R., Box M. car# Georgina. 11 FIRRT-CLARS lady stenographer and of- gee aaalatant deafre* poaltlon where com petency counts; nothing lew than 815 per wwk considered. Addrean Hteno-Clerk, ran Georgian. 14 LADY will produce a bH1!la»*» mnalcal at- ! traction for tba tenant of naaoclatlonn, churches, or toy good pnrpooe; persona do- airing to nlw mono* for toy good now, pleew addrraa or ralL Lady. 49 Kiser Bld|^ , WANTED—Tfpewrittag to do at homo. Ad- dreaa C., Box ISO, care Ororglan. 14 RTENOGRAPHER, brood experience, effi cient manager, correspondent, accustomed to receiving in month, accept 545 to begin, desire* Immediate employment. Telephone Bell $88 Beat Point after 4 p. m. 15 RKFINBD YOCNO LADY, ospcrloncad ate- noernpber. familiar with ccooral offlca work, wanta poaltlon In Atlantn; high acbool gradnata; neenrnto and maka neat sprcarniu'e. Addreaa H. 8.. Box ML carj YOUNG LADY atanograpber wtabea poal- 1 tlon at onco; willing to bogln on reaaona- hlo Mtary. Con giro reference.. A. C., 84 Pledmontar*. 15 YOUNG LADY wlahaa poaltlon na atenog- ! rapber; ran give referencea; am willing to Mart on renaonable aalary. Addreaa R. It.. 454 East Pair. IS PORITION WANTED In office where eta- nognphy la not nece.eery: uw typewriter •nd fumlltar with most other offlre work. Will accept moderate mtary to begin. Ben referencea Phono Went 531. 11 j WANTED—At once, dbultlon'hy young tady to do clerical work, filing or tar office r work, ftatary M per week. Hare had ex perience. Addrew l,. K.. rare Oeorgtsn. 15 WANTSD—Poaltlon at collector; night yaara ® experience. Addraaa Mre. It., cara Geor gian. U < LADY WOULD LIKE to help erlth poultry* raising In or near etty while recuperating . from breakdown, ftmaf! reiaontrnifon be- r ■Idea quiet room nnd board. 11., Box IX. rare Georgian. 15 ' EXPERIRNUED NUR8E wants employ. > nieut; maternity raws a specialty; In or nut of city; ran furnish good referenced. Iteaaonnblo price*. Bell phone Main 414*4. IS LADY Jnet out of acbool doelren position ns 0 B;H2zrffi.. w @ ,, oD “ b t» WANTED-Permnnont poaltlon by ffmt-ctaw 1 etenogrtpber, with fire end a half yearn > experience; nlw billing dark; gilt edge ref erence# given an to ability, etc. Moderate > Mtary. Will not Iwro {own. Addrow Mini E. II. Box 18. rare Georgian. 15 c WANTED—Br middle-aged Northern tady, poritlon to do light work In refined family, for email pay. Addrow J. E. M.. rare Gwrgtiu. If t MIDDLE-AGED LADT, beet of ref earn CM, wants position na bonwkaepof for small hotel. P. O. Box a*. Onlaaorilie, Go. 15 WILL do ptaln rawing tn private home, ho- t tel or boarding bouts In eirhaage for a meals. Hewing, ran Owrgtaix. 15 fi EXPERT ■tenogrnphee dcMrea ponltlen at once. Call Iry »J. 17 WANTED-By a rnflnnd, competent widow, n good homo where there ere no bnbte. or •mill children; dnn housekeeper and good cook: not afraid of work. Prefer widow- er‘» none. WUI giro good referencee and want noma. Addrow 8. E. J.. Box 5. rare Oeongien. 17 RXPERT RAILROAD fttenogranbnr dmlrea poaltlon at once. Call Iry 34234. 17 FIR8T-CLA88 COOK wente poaltlon at , once; will go ont of city nr nnywhoro. Call 1 58»F Atlenta phone or write ai-A Clarke- •L IS 5 TOt’NO LADY wlabca poaltlon In office to fold and nddrcM envelopea; willing to begin on small aalary. MU^4a Call for ma ovar Atlauta pbone 17 WANTED—Position at boueekeeper or to * taka charge of linen room* t>x middle- aged woman; thoroughly competent/ Ad dreaa Competent, Bos 211. care Georgian. 17 WANTED—Poaltlon no office giri for doctor or denUat. Addreaa N. P., 4 llox-at. 17 PRIVATE PUPIL8 wanted for klndergnrtn 1 and nlao elocution pnplla Addreaa B , Box 1R care Georgian. It WANTED—Poaltlon na atenographer with ! knowledge of bookkeeping. Will atnrt at * email aalary. Addreaa willing, rare Geor- £ du. it; STENOGRAPHER of thorough edneatlon 1 deatren poaltlon In general office work. Willing to begin on small aalary to obtain expert^ Addreaa Experience, Bos IX j WANTED — Needlework. Kmbrolilcrlre. French eyelet, Battenberg. delepo and In- fantn' wnrarobw. Knmple wnt on rvqucit. AU work made aatlafactory. Addreaa Mre. M.. Box 34. Ohlplty. Ga. 11 WAS4TED—Sira office poaltloa; horn had I rare* yanra axperience; •plrndld cashier nod; familiar with most office work; nee tyttewrlier. but uot n etonogrn idler. Coll Mein 4285. li j FAHIIIONABLK drewmnker (colored) would ( like o few more petrous: will do tkelr fell and winter dressmaking at rvaonnshle price; „ aatl«faction. Addrean Eleanor, 44 Bunact- . are. » <] WANTED—PonltTkn by yonn* tady at an- ■Istant bookkwpor and ts do geatral offlc* work. 8o*eml yrara cxpsclcnc*. *1 ref srvocra Addrow Mtan May. Bell phone Ivy ax-L $> COACHING end prints taachlog by track- ! or with Brat grade llceaw. retarancra, at « reaennable rate*. Addrow Competent, Box M. care Georgian, or coll Ivy 5426J. 1$ cold HIED GIRL would like to work In o txllor »bop or dry droning house. Ad dress Mabel*. Box 82. csra Georgian 11 STRONG. Intelligent yonng woman, with ■•von month* old baby, wants poaltlon na bon»ekeener. Aaaoclated Cbarltlaa. Pbonj j WANTED—8t*nographlc work by romp*- 1 tent *t*aocrtph*r who own. machine. Will rail for aud deliver work promptly. Call Atlanta phone 47*. Bell Meta 1871. 18 8 POSITION WANTED ae Invalid aunt. Ad- dm. 155 Frner et. S0m pher or aaalatant bookkaepor. Can gjvo Imat of referenoea. Modcrafc aalarr to Im- gin. Addrean Mlaa K ■ care Georgian. U WANTED-Aronce. poaltlon by A I colored girl to doctor - , or dcntlat a office. Can funlah reference.. Edocatod. Addrean 1* Weat ITne-et., Atlanta. or com pan . Georgian. ■It Ion na bouac- rood acrrlce. win expcci k»*i bo. Jreaa Jane. Box M, cere Georgian. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. •II family. ntt-are. U m. .Call Bell pbone ley vv „„ „ADY alenoarnpher with three yearn expocienc* with Urge mennfnrtnring on cent deatren to make a change I" •— poaltlon. No email tnlnry connldered. reference.. Addraaa B. L. M., cara glan. flood Geor- M dreo. oi or boopltal: willing to work. Mra. !., earn Georgian. WANTED—Poaltloa an pantry jDrl: beat refaraneea. Mra. F. R.. cara Goorglan. child twain yaara eld wanta place aa honeeieeper for a widower or ,a*wing; meat bare work at one*; In need. Mre, «. A. T« e, sanitarium!, matron for Inatltutlon; i tiled Ore pieces of trust; best of ref- reu glren and requlrud. T. X-. Box 10, GeorgUo 20 mce nouueKeeper i “Sd^.rK'V 0 ^!' euro Georgian. V lady erlt- ligkt dictation. Addi Bell pkooo fry UK ITENOIIRAPIIEH with eome experteoce de al ree poaltlon about the 17th. Endrrwood uchfua. Salary PM par wane. Auareaa <. •„ care Georgltu. — IP YOU WIHff your utenographlc work Mala 4411-J. , » I'OtINO LADY with night ytara expartence reference. Addrraa A. C.. care Oto£ WANTED—Plala i TOSITIOS WANTED by.yoaag lady with «vvrr« , i-.r d refer- SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. a print! want ada af not mart that M rdi aader t > by young i r well; w»n time to Mint. The nooltlon I now hold intros $1,000 bond. Address H. Hraltb. Boh . eitf. WANTED—Poaltlon with some good arm. there la aamo cbanco for promotlow; good roforoaeeo; am wurklng a— i Ga lino to monographer by man with N yoat*' experience; , eferencee. Address Hurry. Box B. eorgtan. 15 D-By n boy. age 17. mi E. E. M.. cere Georgian. reatnurant; neve nan ten years n Hue. Addrcaa M. L„ cere Georgian. X. U. care re pf good Georgian. CflLOBED MAN tmarriad) wanta paettlon aa Porter; can gtre good referencro. Wal ter Darti, 7 Mxyeon are. 12 -Position by regM'fed pharma* i la town. F. L. K.. corn Ooor- Sent rcgU-l lodoatrtona m medicine. N WANTED by compel, tfdle-aged. sober end la pUarmaclat; also grndnate In medlclnt. Praacrtptloa deywrimeat prafarred. Eaaaoa- alifa compenaatfon eipected. Addraaa Acoal. Has. cara Georgian U WANTED—Poaltloa at dairy work or drtrer ALLROUND OFFICE man. well edneated. young, energetic, juat come to AUnnta on account of wifo'a health, will accept pool- ijM rt very reasonable aalary. Addrei J. \V., Box 96. care Georgian. 13 WANTED—Position In some kind of ntdre; am honest and willing to work. T. 8. N.. rare Georgian. 18 WANTED—By boy of alxtoen, a Job, hut prefer office work. Can tiao typewriter. Can furnish liest of referencea. Addreaa Work, care Georgian. 13 FIRfiT-CLAKN RAI.AD or general cook want, position at once. Three years at Piedmont botel. Young, active anil thor oughly trustworthy. Address 8. illon, 282 cniiritandst.. Atlanta. 18 WANTED—Poritloa on stenographer: have bad four years rxperieace; understand Imokkraplng and offtre atatatance. Can furnlsb A-l references. Address Ambition., ilni 433. rare Georgian. IS WANTED—HI tun tlon by young man stenog rapher. six years experience; also book- keener. Minimum salary $60. Address W. J. low 73 Weat Baker-af. 14 WANTED-Ponlltaa a. traveling ralemntn for grocery firm. References. Reed, rare Georgian. 14 CHAUFFEUR and mechanic wants Job; work cheap; knows how. Addreaa Nation al A. Mo and A. D., care Georgian. 14 LICENSED DRUGGIST, graduate, several yrara experience, capable of managing, want, position: married; good beblto. Con furnlsb beet Atlsnin referencea Address J. O. 8.. 150 Crumley-st. 14 WANTED—Offlc* potltlon by yonng man CS) with five yrara experience; prefer lumber or hardware basinets. Address A. B.. Box 87. rare Owrgtan. 14 YOUNG MAN M yrara old must have work »t once. Apply J. A. B., rare Georgian. 12 PRINTER wanta poaltlon at once; am all round printer and can deliver the goods. Address X D., Columbia Sentinel, IUrlem. Oa. is COMPETENT young man stenographer with three year, experience desire* posi tion: also bar. knowledge of bookkeeping; bew referencea Address C. K. Box It. rare Georgian. 7 PHYSICIAN, middle nga would Ilka to travel with or take charge of Invalid gen- tletngn. Address Doctor, rare Georgian.^ AN experienced young man desire, clerical positron; some knowledge of bookkeeping. J. E. P.. Box 822. ran Georgian. 14 WANTED—By young nun unending bust- new college, work In the afternoons, col lecting pretarred, or writing circular tatters ■t boms. Addrow F. B., Box 884, core The Georgian. 14 WANTED—Position for afternoon*: collect, tag preferred. Address B.. rare Georgian ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper or any clerical work wanted, by young man of fourteen yanra experience; rapid and neenrate. Can ■rtra beat of references. Address Bott*. IM Cnpltol-ara. 1$ YOUTH. a*v*nt**Q, desire* permanent res idence with Atlanta family of wraith. For further particulars, sddrstt Box 28. cara Georgian. 15 ENERGETIC yonng man. with cltrinl nnd bookknoplng experience, deslrw position, local or out of town; prefsrnbly In bank ing bnstnesa Excellent references ns lo ability and batata. Branonabta wlnry. Ad. drew T. G. M., cara Goorglan. 15 CARPENTER of several years uperfonc* wish!* year house* to ovorbsn! and re pair. Address J. It.. UH Decstur-st. 15 WANTED—Poaltlon by boy of fifteen, who can ran the mnltlgrapb. Must gat off at 5 o'clock. Address T. It. care Georgian. 13 WANTED—PotltJon la dairy work or driver for wagon; ran milk. Address Dairy, Box 178, rare Georgian. 15 PORITION WANTED by A-l cnrpentsr; » ~ tT - u PRINTER—Rtrletly up-to-dats Job nnd ton yog's experience; young man; prefer ■malt town In Oeorgla, SonTh Carolina or Florida; state wagra paid. Addreaa Printer. P. O. Box 401, Clnritesrllle, On. li f.r.x'js^r?.# 4 " !*v&£ tree-,.. 11 DRUGG18T, experienced and reliable, with New York lleente, dtslret Roulhprn posi tion. Will register If neceeasry. Healed re ply. Q., 818 Csrlton-nve.. Brooklyn, N. Y. U HONEST, retiebl* colored man wants work at one* a* porter, Janitor, or la any other line, better jn printing office, etc. R. 8. C.j COLORED MAN wants position w Preiser In (tore or tailor shop; long *xp*rifora aa ptn’n and Indira' null* and sklrta Address L. M.. 31 Atabaster-st. H BOY (18) wants pwllloo; office work pre- ferrad: ran us* typewriter: beet refer ences. Address M. A.. Box 2, rare Georgian. 11 WANTED—By■ boy I15i, work: otflco posi tion preferred: good referencea. Address Y. Y„ Box 1. nr* Georgian. - 11 WANTED—Poaltlon by young man In office after acbool hours and oadtntnnlaya tor experience only. J. C. K., IM Penchtre*-tt. WANTED—1'nelllon u electric engineer; 10 year* practical experience with attain tur bines. Corliss engines, boilers, pimps and electric mtrblwry. Address X. T. £.. Box 2g7. rare Ueorgtan. 11 YOUNG MAN. wventren yrais old. desires position In offlc*; bars bad sxpsrlenr* and ran give beet references nnd bond If nec essary. Address Bond, rare Georgian. 11 PORITION WANTED by boy wveatwo yrara old: have good common school edu cation and write guod band. Do oot uw tobacco. Address Venc* Sorroogb, High Hhnall. Os. 11 WANTED—Position by thonogbly expe rienced advertising nun. solicitor nnd strong copy writer. Sow employed on lead ing paper In city of 50888. Beat reference* fnrnbbed. Addrow X. 1. X.. rare Ueorgtan. WANTED-Pnaltlon na typewriter and office clerk; willing to (tart small notary; can furnlib good reference. Addrow W. F. Holliman. 281 Feck building. U AN INTELLIGENT bos. thirteen, who has bod rmi* experience la machine shop nnd n printing eetabllehment. would Ilk* work In nn office or atom aa an errand or caah hov. Apply to Anaoclnted Cbarltlaa Main C$8. Atlanta SSI. 11 ACCOUNTANT (romprirat) with two meeke time on his tends would arrapt temporary poaltlon for •nwnara. ate.; oould open a ■vatrnt or ■Yretchtrn l>ooka. or aui.ply t<*m- norary vmunej. Addnwa Bookkreprr, Box 301, rare Gtordau. 11 BOOKKEEl'ER. tan janra axiwrianca, dr- •Irea to maka rhanfa: firat-rlaaa refer* anrev. 7... Box 21. rare Georftan. 11 IF YOU WANT your brick work dons st rraaonuble price sad promptly, phono At lanta 4084. 11 YOUNG 51 AN, 26. require* poaltlon In office. Tan yearn experience In railway’ office. Hfeadr, reliable and honeat. C. B . Box 15>\ rare Georftan. . 11 NIGHT .tndent at aato acbool wanta posi tion la ante shop that would pay booed Magneto, cam Georgian. . 12 SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WE WANT petition, tor atenographer. Imokkeeper. office clerk, talesman, office manager J-bone Main IK5. Y. M. C. A. S5S& YOUNG MAN wants position In gsnts nlshlngs department; four years e rtenre. Addrrnw B. 8., rare Georgian with six y*srs rxpertenre as bookkreper- strnographer and grn^ral offln* work: ronr years with Inst employer; test references. A. K. R.. 112 Nral-st a! t red drtrer t e. Addrei YOUNG MAN experienced as tal nlres poaltlon traveling. Solar; ihlMlon. Am able tp finance mj dreaa Salcaman, Bnx 101, earn Oe purr, ciic iur ..r Hiceiunn. au tier, 20 McDonald-at., Atlanta. WANTED—By reHabln colored man, poal- tioo aa Janitor of porter; undersuod steam bent, eleratora and electricity. Good U c - WANTED—Potltlon an trarellnc nalenmnn. Fine bnalneee expartence. Best refer- dreee Capable, rare Georgian. WANTED—By boy of stxteon. poaltlon U office or light collecting; ant-cUee ref erences furnlabed. Addreae J. D. H„ I Addrean Cortea. CM. earn Georgian. In Urge Southern Uw chief clerk detlrea to make change. Belt at refer ence!. Addrraa law Clerk, care Goorglan. :r WANTED—Poaltlon at atanograpber by young man who ha a bad torn, experience end coo furnlib beet of referencee. R. ■ A., care Georgian. work for aalary or YOUNG MAN daalraa poaltlon In groe more: hare had twelve months experte and will gladly glra recommondaflona to character If neceeeery. W. D., IN Wh VANTED—Poaltlon aa rhauffrur; goo oroncca. O. G. A., care Georgian. Oct; can nae typewriter i >at of refer* car* Georgian. boat 'of reference*. Addrase la Eornei ronlng * good * YOUNG MAN dashes clerical potltlon with Urge life Insurance company where pro motion la rapid; hi Pretest employed: rea son for change. Address P. W. L., I care WANTED—Position as night watchman other Ugbt work, by man of atm wall and etrong and can ft phone Mala *2M. EXPERIENCED horaeahoer and grnarnl i pair workman wanta work at o— Unify, Warm Springs, On. WANTED—Poaltlon by bn all-round good .'ANTKI ■prlaiar; rlraru Ini dan. Box »r: knee bad afrarnl yanra fxpa in newspaper work. Address Plan- tax ». Bwalnaboro, Ga. 15 . rx by aal man. Referencee and bond If I drew Bog IM, Cscfcna, Ga. ACCOUNTANT and bookkeeper of right years experience erltb hf — — reu position 152. Collfi “ WANTED—PoalUrin at real eutato collector; hare bane and buggy. Can furnish 1500 or $1,000. L. M.. Box ai. rare Georgian, u EXPERIENCED .penalty aaleaman wanta A ivy** r* m,t A man * •*/ aoaman aa y*ar* old: a** yean general office expe rience. Willing to work at aaytklag. Moat have work. Pnlton Colrtlle. M East Has t*f at. — KIRffT-ri ARS white ckanffear waata poaf- lino la , V oat of city. Ckanffear. • Lncy- at.. city. $7 WANTED—Position for MI! on n^^A^rrvr Grille. Go. anraoco or oroaenigB arm; am a recent graduate; now employed by United States jgorerumrot. Addrem II. II. W„ Deltato. WANTED—Position u Janitor of no ments; grnt^taw reference*. D. W. Box 245, rare Georgian. EXPERIENCED white chauffeur wanta no. altlon at once. Cun keep up car. Ad- drew II. II., Box ». cun any kind of work tkxt Is kooe* perleneed along wrwnl different lines of work. Addreae Mr. Work. 55 East UoDter WANTED—Pooltlon aa altctrie oa^hn WANTEI►—Poaltloo In small hotel nr res taurant by an experienced uinn; can tal full chance of any department; can furnlL- good rcferrace*. Addreaa Hotel Mas. M Eaat llunter et. el tlon with targe coffra beam D„ Box U, ram Georgian. .ssaie.r • Itfgiuiwr. Awima nmi Miiir, M, cart Georgian, or call Mata Met. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. rt FIR8T-CLA8R rhauffrur. who underatanda n all about autoa, drslrra poatlioo at once, e- P. O. Box 'laliirirlll*. Ga. 15 e. YOUNG MAN with three year, railroad ex- 17 parlance, two yanra general offlre expe- - rlrnc*. wants potltlon. Fulton A. Colville, r. Atlanta. Ga 15 L YOUNG MAN 111) won In, Job a. aattatanr pressman; ran fend cylinder prean; will 17 accept Job out-of city; moat have work at ~ once. Joel Macon, 106 8. Prjor. > is ■- WANTED—Poaltlon an agent or collector: 7 ran glre brat reference*. It. Moora ttf - Cr*w-*t. i$ - MARRIED MAN ($2) steady nnd wber. de- r lire, work that erih support wife and a children. F. U. Fort McPheraon. On. 7 15 • SALESMAN, city or road, acquainted with •. aouth Georgia, wanta tltnatlon. J. K. J., 7 rare Georgian. . li - AN expert chauffeur and mechanician wanta '. Ip drive good rar In the "nronnd-the-atale Z tour:" brat referencea Addreta Efficient, 701 Empire Bldf. , 15 t WANTED—By exper/enced young man. to manage your firm for tb* year till. Can 7 funlah reference*. Would Ilk* lo lorale lb - math Georgia. Addrow C. R. Womble. h Route 1. Woodland. Gn. >17 - WANTED—Potation a* collector. Can give 8 bond. Boat of reference. B. Moore. * 163 crew-xt. 17 4 WANTED—Poaltlon nt atenographer. Young It man nineteen yrara old. Four year, eg- - peri*nee. Rapid ou typewriter. Addrow A. - B.. Box 11. nr* Georgian. 17 3 WANTED—PoeltlAn at once aa collector or driver for lauudry, or mont nnythlne. * Good referencea. Write me at once. B. L. j If., care Georftan. 13 ; CHAUFFEUR wanta potation: nn keep up * ' rar; beet references; rraaonable eatery. “ Addreaa A. A., care Georgian. 15 [ WANTED—By llcefiaed pbnrmaclat of Geor- 3 gta, poaltlon aa preicrfptlon man or front ■ man; tax yrara experience. Cen give the [• beet of referencea from teat employer. Ad- ► dress Aaplrin. P. O. Box 184. Bnford. Oa. S'- “ - WANTED—Potation nn bookkeeper or na- 1 taatant: five year, experience: A-l refer- r : encea Addreta Bualneaa, Box 11. rare J Georgian. It ' YOUNG MAN Ivltb ten yrara experience b In office of targe manufacturing company ’ wants potation with construction nr engl- : neerlag company, with chances of outside 5 work. Am a alx-footar and hava not been " alck In yen re. Want-tbla kind of work on » account of tetter future. Hard worker ; and capable of learning anything. Best ref- f eren«*e«. • If yon Want a good man, addrem * 4. A. F.. care Georgian. 18 • MARRIED MAN. with guod referencea ~ stranger In Atlanta, desire, position; bad J experience an billing clerk. J. II. W„ rare } Georgian. . 18 . YOUNG MAN. with good bablta. now em- * ployed, wante position at stenographer; " can furnish teat of referencea. Addreaa ^ Hurry. Box 11. care Georgian. 19 ’ RELIABLE colored man wanta poaltlon an ; Janitor or porter; can do any kind of work J around the bonae. Addreaa Eddie Smith, ~ 40H Conrtland-at. 18 • WANTED—Position by bright boy 118). bon- : nt nnd tnatbfnl: referencea. Address s. • E. IL, cere Georgina. - I* J WANTED—Poaltlon aa collector: te«t ref- 1 erencea and bond; well acqnalatcd with i city. Mr. Winn, 47 Trlnlty-are. 1$ : WANTED—Work on farm or dairy, by man 7 with small family. Addrean Aaaoclatad * Uhnrltlea. 79 Gould building. Bell pbone * 4588 Main. Atlanta phone 881. . » * WANTED-Job panning your fruit or abnd* - trees by prnrtlrnl expert. Addrees Y. H. ; R.. 184 Palna-nve. 13 JOB OR TARIFF compositor (lint data) or atone man (book nnd Job) deal re* perma- ■ nancy. Could Ink, cburge.pneneaalng uec- J easary executive nbUlty. Total abattlnev. • A.tdrris Wctnex. ram Geovgtan. 18 i YOUNG MAN. H. erltb tbrw ywrn expe- ■ rtenc# na bookkeeper, wishes to locate permanently with same good firm. Cgn give | good referencea O.•». B.. car* Young 5 Men's Christian Autocltllon. M J WANTED—Potation as atenographer: fonr ! yrara axperience; nlw office aaalatant: un- ‘ derslnnd bookkeeping.. Can give A-l refer- ; encea. Nothing nndet $50 per month. Ad- dresa Ambllloua. Ilox SB. rare Georgian. 28 i STENOORAPHER detlrea work four duy* : weh week; in an experienced talesman nod office moo. Own machine. Thoroughly competent. Address Accurate, ram Geor- I gtan. 5» ' WANTED—By young man attnndlng bual- neat college, work In the nftornoona from 1 to 8. Cnu furnlah good referenrea. Rd- draaa F. 8., Box 888, car* Georgian. 28 WANTED-Potatlnn aa aaleaman tn dry goedn nr gents furnishing* atom by bm- ; ttar of tax yrara einnrienc*. Brat rafnr- ancen Experienced bookkeeper. Da not smoke nor drink. Address P. O. Bnx 22, Nashville, Oe. 28 WANTED-SItnatlon ae bookkeeper or ship ping clerk; several yrara experience. Can give references. Addrase W. 1'., rare Oeor- gtan. 28 WANTED-By wsll^dnrated yonng nun, position, clerical or Monographic; prefer- ably liotb. Experienced nnd thoroughly competent Mac. enn Georgian. 2) WANTED—Potation as bookkeeper from '7 until 18:38 at night; antary expected, SJ per week. Any kind of position will bn accepted. Address Jonea 3(1 Whltshnll-st.. city. 28 PRINTER—Competent nd man, make-up, proofreader wants position. Will go any* wo ere. Union. Addreaa J. K. J., care Geor• gtan. 20 WANTED—By young min 9 yrara old. po- tatlna In ebfpplng depsrtment n* attaatant i or shipping clerk; have bad fiva yearn expe- rience: am employed now. but will burn to mako n change. I am compelled to work. Baber, honest and da not mind lota of work. Georgs L. Williams, » Trinity-***., city. 5» POSITION WANTED by married man; ten yrara experience In railroad work. WUI accept potation ns shipping clerk or fore man of taboren. either In nr ont of city. Bast nf referencea Addresu P. 0. Box S£f7. Atlanta.. < 58 POSITION WASTED by tn experienced man nt private tecmtnry oe correspond ent nnd general office men; mxaafartaring concern preferable. Address Secretary, csre Georgian. 20 UOIAIRED MAN of IIS Howell-et. would Ilk* wor( of any kind; could b* a porter for grocery Mom. >8 JUST ARRIVED ta Atlanta, expert chauf feur. capable of keeping nr op and re- daring garage MU* 88 per rant. Highly recommended. Address Expert 701 Empire building. 20 WANTED—Position aa offlc* .Mtetant for experience, flood edneatlon. Excellent penman. Present experience not .efficient. Address Box 574, nr* Georgian. 38 POSITION WANTED an traveling nlranun by yonng mau with firs yesrs hualnw* sxperfencs; now, employed. Capable, care Oeorgltn. 38 WANTED—Potation no bookkeeper or office nun by n young man of tan yrara expo- rlcncc |a corporation bookkeeping nod ae- muattag; A-l references. Rotary no object. Mast boro work. Addran M. A. C., 38 Rip- toy-It. » WANTED—Potation ts stenographer tay young man who boa had tom* experience end ran furnish good reference*. It. A. H.. ram fleorgtan. 38 WANTED—By yonng man attending but- ness college, (of kind of honarabl* work In the afternoons, collecting or writing cir cular tatters on own mochla* preferred. U*a fnrntsh good reference*. Addreee F. 8.. Bag 88A rar* Georgian. 31 WANTED—Potation by plumber and *1 rem itter ta ret 1mster and erector aa nil etaeera of p'nmblag and heating. Addreae Plumber, ran Georftan. 38 SITUATIONS WANTEO—MALE. 'lone In a good workmanlike manner objection, to out-of-town work. Addrrst Hanford, Rdgewnod, Ga. TO?f^r?. ,n d.y dr !Sw*na ikrSmWs. ■ ,tndfnt - di 4 YOUNG MAN. tgrd ». fire year, rtj rlcncc na bookkeeper and rnshler, r, habltn ny.l refereners, now employed t- must change In near future. Addreaa “ keeper. P. O. Box 5M. Atlanta. WOULD LIKE to look after track ttrm * — Atlanta or la am D. C. Manors. 54 III NIGHT WATCHMAN that will look an bta Imalneaa wanta place aa watchtr Good bablta. Addreaa A. B. c„ Box rare Georgian. ROOMH with board for tiro young m>n h lly. 447 I-olllam-at. Bell phoj prir Stain YOLNG MAN (15). good edocntlon, deilre poaltlon with chance of adnarament; objection to work. Z., Box 4T. B. F. I. Atlanta. t I wholes!!. WANTED—Poaltloa with _ honae, railroad nr factory as mall and fll, elrrk or geperal offiea work. Can furnish be of references; total abstainer; tga 21. A, dress X. Y. g„ V. 0. Box 858, St. Augustin Fla. EXPERIENCED offtre mam turn years la ik, elty aa eonOdtnllal man in rear estate as! Jmnber business, would Ilka to aaaka a chsag, Addraaa Confidential, rare Georgian. 21 MATRIMONIAL. One eent.n word for ada under tbit heedii*. PHYSICIAN 148). very comfortable, wog|| marry. R., Box E, I-vague, Toledo, ou*. BOARDERS WANTED. One rant a word for ads under tble beadixg. NICELY furnished rooms and hlfh-dui board for young men; rear In; north «ld« home. S6 West naker-st. 1MM FEW table nnd regular hoarder* ran m good acrommod.tlocu at Xf Carnegie wit, two block, off Prorbtree. oppotat* LnV tbratrr. 10-n-a NICELY fnrnl.hed front room with Ixort; prlrnte family: new. nret. clean, etna heat: nil convenience.; rratontma Ivy IF YOU want goml home cooking tad llxlw tad comfortable qntrter*. com* to *3 Whltehall-tt. Juat opened. >» CALL MAIN S284-J for very choice rn*a ar-.| iKinrd with good family; nil convex, lances and rraaonable. a NEWI.r furnished room* with board M 2B Peachtree, oppotat* Hotel Ptan. Ivy BJ87-J. 18-U-a CAN GET NICE BOOM with good boert. 118 Washington. 10-1I-I STUDENTS to board. 48 Washington. Tn table boarders $1 week. PI TWO nice newly famished rooms with goad table board at Id Onrartt-ot. 18-11-17 ni38T BOARD In the city: beautiful rooms next door. 17 East North-nve. IMt-7 LOVELY, large fron* room, with board end convenience*. In quiet bom* oa Hurl-st.. Inman Park; gentlemen or couple: rraeou- ble. Iry f88. • XI TWO younc m«*n to board: prlratt ftmUy. reasonable. 60 Fulltam-si 93 WANTED—Boarder* «t 11. Castleberry-st - c- ; .i •• * lf imn Si WANTED—Mu.leal eonpto to room and board In private homo; ale* roommate for young man.- 258 Ospltol .ve.. Attanta^phnni BOARD WANTEft One rant t word for so* under tuts hradlag. BOARD WANTED In prlrnte family within walking distance of Edgewood nil ley. Mast be strictly private (.rally. Ns hoarding houxra^nsed apply, t. C.. Rot WANTED—Board with Mrtetly prlrnte fesi- lly for couple with 3Mt-yetr*old child, at not over $58 per month; on or near car line; south elite preferred; references ex- ebsaged. Address M. R. A., nr* Geor gina. X4 LOVELY, targe sunny front rooms; ntram brat; best loratloa; exrallrat ttbie: bom* comforts. 241 Wnt Peachtree, ley l$68-l. Bl FOR RENT—ROOMK Da* nit a word for ode under this heading. THE entire upstairs, consisting of three connecting rooms, hath nnd hall: ssparate gan; rates reasonable. 177 South Pryjj*^ j FOR RENT-Fornlshed or aafuralshrd. targ* sunny room, adjoining bath, la ♦(* gnat Pcscbtrse anartmoat; natal rsnso*. bio; for ladle* only! Address Box IK car* flaorglao. x; THREE or four furnished or,I rooms, onltably arranged for light bouw- kraping. 134 ForrsM-nfa * FOB BENT-To party without ^lldrcc. wSKaH pSS. >41 B FOR RENT-Four coni reage, ‘ 18*14 21 f r ettraetlve rooma: . All eoorralenceB FOR n K NT-Thre. K i.targ. bright room* clow la. 58 Eaat THREE ROOMS; hotgnd cold «tar and Mafn'wflJ. ** 4 ’ °* vonvrnlHQre; In bomt with owner. 18-15-2 •w&BFinaKsr*. n ~' - with bath and gnn; anltnbla foe light _hoWekeeptng: fand-Tv, nttabie tor iignt suwssiiiiw, ' rfsjolred. F. J. Sweeney, IM tllgl'- UB BENT—Threw noma, mnxom* s— »•- koueekeepHi; $18 per month. 118 fork; it*. Atlanta phono 4808. „ jg rooms: res sod t'ta tioiiera'wnabstand. rteot rra ■ ; lo o conpta or amnU fnnriD. 'OR RENT—Threw or . four onfgrntohed rooms. 8$ Boulevard place. «« THREE St fonr dellghtfally taenled irsv J