Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 15, 1910, Image 9

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'T^LTRY. dogs. PET stock, etc. poultry, dogs, pet stock, etc poultry, dogs, pet stock, ETC. 'D*' 1 ' H ^rd for ads nnda? this finding- On# rent a word for #d§ under thin heading One rent a word for nde under thla heading. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15,1910. Al TH^owcoumr^ ure of attending th# Cobb county fair "ii Thutfday. Thla being th# first time that I have been able to get to a fair or a poultry ehow thla season, It was a great treat to me to go up. to Ma rietta and come In contact with tbe people- of Cobb county. There were not a largo number of waa there a large f** n ‘of form product a, but the corn. I.mooat or WMi , th ,„k. ■ ,„l«r to any that I have ever eeen In l&nrrla V.egetablea, preaervea. pickles. I ,, were exceptionally good. Thla ex it, bit w ill go to the Macon atate fair hihit will gO to in* aiaiy im*r. “ ".S lip to eee the poultry, but h J,d not keep from telling about the wrrior quality of everything In the l.ricultura! department of the fair. ’ There w*» • «"*“ nun ?5* r w'° f ch i ck ' ro, shown. There alrould have been noubl* the number. Those at th« ehow some <>f them, nic birds. A trio r; Partridge Wyandotte* were ex.-ep- v good birds. Ther were not en- if r.'d f"r competition. The prl*cs awarded were as follow*, me bird, being entered In trloa: White Plymouth Rock*, first It M. Barred Plymouth Rocks, first. Mr, J. G. Morris; second. Mrs. B. O. nylon; third. W. A. McDonald. Buff K. first, Mrs. E. O. Dyson. Buff , mlngtons. first. Jamea Dunn. Rhode islandRed*. first. R- E. Adams; aec- H S L. Allen: third, Mrs. Rosa Da li, White Leghorn*, first, H. D. Kemp, second. White Leghorn Poultig- Yard, Brown Leghorns, first, J. B. Fleming. Bantams, first. Lout. Brown. Belmont ferm: second. 3. B. Fleming. There was a fine lot of pigeon* shown. First, J. D. Reynolds; second. T .oi; i s Brown. Belmont farm. Taken all together. It waa a nice fair TOUR UNCLE DUDLEY. Pear Uncle Dudley: I_ want to *«- isbllsh * small P«» i ‘ r K b 5 u f , '; , “; r rK; two or three pens. I like the Cornish Indian Game. Are they as good aa any t -red for this section? What breeds do Von regard a* a better general purpose fowl than th* Cornish Indian Gams. Thanking you In advance for your <ourt«oti» -*^1 "^youro 432 Second-av*., Columbus, Ga. ANSWER. . . . You have asked me a question that I find difficult to answer Th* Cornish Indian Game Is a good purpose fowl. It I* not. for eoms rea son as popular In the South as It should b*. There seems to b» an In clination among Southern P'ople to run after the new breed* and neglect the old standbys. FouKfrman have to follow the crowd and breed the most popular fowl*. Ther# are "ye "J .pur pose hreed*. any one of which will do good service a* utility fowls. It la slm- a matter of choice with you. The Wyandotte. Orpington. Rhode Island lied, Plymouth Rock and the Cornish Indian Game. The latter and the Or- plng'ons are English bred and the oth. , „ are American «**»«S bDMtT . nUnri* Dudley: . • .... T did not a#e you at th# KnoxvUI# #xi>r*tHan-i*iil!ry *h^w th# r«»t wf#K. thought you and your r#ad#r# might b* git* t+MnoviJMV AHtyW c 4m# out. ahow r ahn* fln#r h#ld Hi *»na of tho a^M.biiUdlng* jbr.tfi* Purpo## nro hav# ##**n. 8o w ondorfully w#l| H»ht#d fthat.the jiidg#*' work n*#nt along with* out n hltoh. Th# #*hlhlt was rnof#d n-ltfi BprnttV coops, th# aftm# aa you ua#d in Atlanta laat winter, and #v#ry- thlt* wan uniform and nlc#. Tfccro were 114 different p#r#nn« exhibiting from wld#ly scattered flection# of th# country* «o yOu can r#adlly ■## what a r#prf»#ntat1v# show It miiat hav# b##n. Tli*• quality hi ihoat rgrl#ti#a waa *««- p#rK Thl# waa sparlally tru# In Urp- tngton*. th# White*. Buffa and BlacKfl b#lnx out In for##, and wa arc £«*••*** ir> not# that both In Whit#* and Buna 8outharn br##d#ra mado • ln10 f t ,ul#nn *w##pa over th# heat nr##o- rra from the North. Whit# and Brown l/ghomi, Whit# Wyandott#* nn«l B B. R. Oam# Bantam# w#r# Mmng in quality. Georgia breeders •von th#lr ahar# of prix*#. Many valu able raah prize#. otipa and inedala went t • prominent br##d#ra of Atlanta, Au- guata. Athena, eto. W# were glad to ## Georgia breeder# an w-MI repf** a#nt#d. The greater part of th# Judg ing waa dona the flrat day, Wednesday, nnd tva# finished Thuraday forenoon. Th# judging waa don# by J. H. Dr*v#nftcdt. Theodor# Whitman, P. M. •men# and F. .T. Marshall. A very •njoyable dinner wa* given the Judge* and their fr#i#nda. about fifteen In an. ,\V#dne*dav evening at 7 o'clock. by » prlne# «>f good fellow* and poult O’ worker. Mr. Ewing L. J. Audlgler. It '\ai» Informal in ft* character and waa 1 enjoyed all the rrtor# for that, ft will h# a bright npot In th# memory of each on# v>r#*ent for many year* to come. I tin Thuraday night at th# Atkina ho- | M a dmilav party waa entertained by bunch of Lexington iKy.) breeder*, 'ho entertained In keeping with th*lr ’•putation aa royal entertainer*. The | Judge* were honored gueM* at thl* f*a- tlv# board. May wo fortunate enough to meet ••gain #om# time under Plmllar condi tion*. |* the w|«h of the writer. «\ M. Harwell, of Atlanta, aecretary of the Georgia Fbultry aaeoclatlon. w-aa -n hand Friday, making hlm»elf known to exhibitor* In hi* endeavor* to turn exhibit* toward Atlanta for th# big January ehow. ^ . hr. \V. C. Cltrkley, preeld#nt of tn# Nuguata aaaoclatlon. wa* doing a *lml- lar *tunt In favor of the great allow to I*# held In that city In November. Taken all In all. the Appalachian ahow •wa* a pucceak In more way* than one. and I believe that every on# who waa fortunate enough to have been In at tendance will feel that It wa* good for them to have been there. The exposi tion management may well congratu late themaelve* In having secured Mr. I*. B. Audlgler and hla corps of effj- • lent co-workers who pushed the poul try *how to such a *ucce**fttl finish- F. J. MARSHALL- .fudge F. J. Marshall ha* given u* a splendid report of the Knoxville poultry ahow . With Audlgler. of Knoxville* and Cleckley. of Augusta, on hand, how #r earth could It have been anything “I"** but a grand succe**? Well, surely the poultry Interest In- th* Sffimh (■ am a Room V*It In HnO •'••ii, iureiy ins pvumj — » Snuth i* on a boom. Next In line Macon. Bob Plant In char,*: then ntuata. and then the Georgia Poultry > ■ tailor, ahon- In JanuaD' «® follow. <«hvin*. the Trl-Btate show at 51m- Is. and Rlrmlnchant In th* paat. with Mr spl-ndld record*. Burely the like »»r sas seen In our briflit, happy, mny Southland before. YOUR UNCLE DUDLEY To All Crank*: Undo Dudley will ha clad to give all Georgian reader* th# b#n#flt of hla expe- rtenca In poultry ralatng. . Inquiries gladly anavrared. In writing for Information bo brief, to the point, and don't write on both aide* of your paper. BARRED PLYMOUTH RCCK8. BARRED ROCK8-Tw«nty-eifbt bans and •#v#n-montha-old pullett. twalv* corker- ala; whole lot SI each. Trio*, ou# cocJl two pullets, $4. Order at once. ReT. W. D. MacGregor, Bylvtnla, Ga. 276 BARRED BOCK coek.rel, from th, beat utility bird. In the itate; 31 and 33 each. W. B. Klne. RoawelL Gt. 391 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS FOR SALE —"Rlnflet?," young stock, from bird* •clentlflcally mated for ten year*. Dr. A. A. Williams, Columbus. Gs. 445 BUFF ROCKS. ONE BUFF ROCK cock, ten cockerels snd a few nice pullets snd young bens. Ex* reliant leyers. One Cyphers "O-egg incuba tor for sale. Want a good brooder. C. B. Hnlt, Forest Ptrk. Gs. 10-1-16 WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS. WHITE ROCKS -Trading strain thorough bred prlse-wlnnlog winter layer* and at whit# a# snow. Eggs every day tn tha year: 12 for fifteen. Cliff W. Jones. Greenville. 8. C. 406 WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS -Brat utility strain South Good than*. I*rg» site. Snow* white. Cockerell S2.od to 319: pulleta 31.50 to $5. Elmhurat roulfry Farm, .leffer- aon. Ga. 394 WHITE LEGHORNS. BLUE RIBBON Whit# Leghorn oggi. 31 per fifteen; day-old chirks. 10c each Satis faction guaranteed. Whit* Irnghora Poultry Yard*. Smyrna. Gt. FOR SALE—A few extra fln# thoronghbred Single Comb White Leghorn cocierels. $1.50 to $5 esch: «om# of these will win anywhere. Egg*, utility stock. 11 par set ting; vary best stock $2 per setting; prise winners S4 per setting. Mesdowbrook Farm. P. O. Box 462. Atlnots. Gs. 10-MO KNOLL CBEflT FARM, Aberdeen. Md. William N. Michael. S. C. White Leghorn hen* 11 each. Alao a few good eocka 18.6* and a number nf cockerels 61-60 np. 81* THOROCGHHRED Whit# Leghorn eggs. flftoen 41: delivered In Atlanta free. Mor rell Carlton. College J»ark. Gs. Phona »-L. FOR RALE -White leghorns cheap. 13 At- gsrd-ave. 416 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for chicken*. white Leghorn pullet, preferred: Tw* 13- ,hnt nlckel-rlnted M-callher Wlnehettec ri ll,,. Call or nddrra, 190 Weat Harrli-it^ BROWN LEGHORNS. FOR BALE-On* hnudrwl Brown Leghorn chlckoni. rorly hatched and grow*; tha bird that will Improve ynnr atoek and pro duce levers: at 32 am) 33 each: also 2.0 choir, early hatch*! pulleta. ready to lay, at 33 etch. Order from headquarter, lln# brad stock that will mak* you mouey. Bel mont Farm, Smyrna. Ga. M-11-3S SPECIAL SALE of Brown Leg horn hens and cockerels. Forbes Poultry Yards. New Decatur, Ala. ia-1-iT. DOGS. FOB SALE-Fsw hlahlr pedlarsed. bean- tlftilly marked, registered it. Bernsrd end Collie popples; srr,n montb* old. J. B. Clark*. Rom*. 0*. IffiU-H I^ehorss. eonelstls* of ten hens end one cock, 115 per pen. These *« tin* ion nr hsns and pollets. A. G. Tfllson. Ltbonlo.G,. Box 7». WYANDOTTE*. BUDUS ^HFSgTIOjC; Cerreapqedenc* Bolldteo. Geer,, Hi Body, Mattoon, ItMaoh.^ ^ OLDEN LACED Wyandotte *eo..«f<»»5 rer It; the prettiest s?d be,t all tonnd poultry on th# market. W. D. BenaatL Mo- OBPINGTONS. , _ FOB SALE-Thoronehbred Buff Orplnfton cockerel*. P. G. Box 500. Deeatitr, Gil t Decatur 122. *" Bell phone WHITE ORPINGTONS; cryatal: cockerel* 13. Nice Inrre fellows. Shipp Bt"» Fln- ley,on. Ga. 1(, * w TTIE-I1LUUU weil-ntm uui. nnllets and cockerel, three months i ,1 to 11.50 each, seren months ol* each. V. A. Ham. Nswnan. Ga. RHODE ISLAND BEDS. SINGLE and Doubla Cnmb B. I. Bed <*!«• ens for sale at »4 t.'rsw-at. Party *otn^ ♦o learc town. SINGLF."TOMB BEDS; best atraln; crow- ...™ par fifteea. - . Shipp Bros., Flnteygon, Better ones. »2.' E«J. few pnilett st I1.IJ. n, Ga. 10-I-25 FOR IALE-B. & », h Red c^kamlti^hMt ■ntllltr stock; »i each; s.ra ll.M for 1A BarflsM’a Poultry Tarda, PTnehnrat, Ga.H BUSCHMAN'S fsmotis noti-fsdin(t Rose Comb Rhodp Island Reds swept the deck at the South’s largest fait show, winning 24 out of a possible 25 prises. S*nd for our gal** likt. It in tr**. C. Ii. Btisehman. 4925 Meridian-st.. In dianapolis, Ind. 9-24-26 S. C. RHODE ISLAND REDS NOW IS . YOUR TIME to buy pullets and cockerels. E. E. Sewell, care Nashville Bible School, Nashville, Tenn. 10-5-26 PIQC0N8. UALTEPB AND CKnSKAVX; *t*#k; PIGEONN-White, rod. buck e»4 yellow 1 e.ntslii- nrlts winners snd yennf hr»d frSm the'm; stoek and show bird, for .ale Fa. Ham. Newnan. G«- n DUCKS. , ivniAN RUNNER DUCKB; patr ». srfa It ,N n?r thirteen. Fish R'e" B«'WT Msrnolls Sprlttks- Ala. *■ Tv-rtt.v nt'NNF.R daeks. Bonrbon Red tnn issrWffi? ui®s5 Tjrto r#n«Tllt#, Ind. fS * SINGING BIRDS. ipaktfD—!’• rroti. c*n*rl#*. *nd *11 klnu* W .1\miin« csk* "irds. F. C. son. on. . E0Q8 ' rnR RALE-White lAghorn ami Bnjf Orp- F iti*ton chickens and Wt njmM-tlon lm rlted. «i Uherokee sve. Belt 37x3. *tl.SIS phone 1 HOGS. FOR SALE OR RXCRANGE—A well-brad tointeh eighteen months old: partly traln- «di not spoiled: male: will awati for any gtandard tired game rhlckana. J. G. Bern- aett, Adel. Ga. U» COWS. FOR SALE-Fraah Jerroy cow; good mlIjtar. 12 Marion-ave., two blocks eouth of R hit* City. 383 MISCELLANEOUS. W. J. ffTEERS. >o. 3 North Broad-aL. **- elusive Southern agent for Norwich auto matic feeder. Philo brooder-hitcher and Cycle hatcher. Philo ayatom book poultry review. Bend for d.acriptlve catalogue TRY YANCEY'S Infallible Poultry modi- cine; • tha medicine that never fall*: the medicine that la guaranteed to gtv* **"»- fiction. For sate by the Owen* A Minor Drug Company. Maln-at.. Richmond, v*. Manufactory by th* . Virginia Stock and Poultry Food company. Meltont V*. 393 EGON from onr prlae winner*, bred-to-lay ftock. Whit* Leghorn. Barred Rock*. Rhode Island Reds and Indian Knnner Ducke. egg* 33 for 1*. 15 for 39. ahlpped on abort nolle*. We breed the bird* that lay. stand right. Belmont Firm. SmT™*; Oa. 13-11-23 EGOS FOR HATCHING—R. 1. RMa snd Buff OrptogftMis 41.88 snd 42.19 par sotting of flftaan. Can furnish In g#od sls#d 1«ts for nrubstor n##. 8om# flu# rookarels for sal#: no pulkrts or b#ns. E. W. Rurka, Maoon. Gs- 19-4-14 FOR BALE-Two hundred thoroughbred pullats snd rorkorols. B, C. Brown snd sSr R :?< and White Leghorn, 31.69 for 1»: also Indian Runner dark eggs. 33 for 13. J. T. Prarce. Colutnbti,. Gs. FOR BALE—Indian Rnnn#r snd P#kln darks. B. tangsbsn. W. Orpington. B. Wyandotta, R. IT Rod rhfrktns: s*tui tion gusrsntMd: #ggs In s#«aon. w. E. Lum1#y, Box 9, Tuflshomi. T#nn. 19-1.-19 WANTED—To purrhee# at once fllteen or tweaty good milk tow, Juet freak; ale* 9Dy each ot Rhode talaad Red* and Whit* Or pington kena and pnllete. eingle combe. Wire or write. John S. McEerhern Sone, B timing- ton, N. C. .412 WANTED!—9 R. I. Red nullete, either full- blood or nearly full: so fanoy price,. P. O. Boa 923., 30-15-15 THREE female aottur pup* four month, old; subject to registration; will sell nt 119 each: writ* for podlgre*. A fln, lot of Whit# Leghorn: all from myleet ycer s nrls# winner#. 8. 1*. Orsbnm. Rotno. Ga. 10-1®.32 ALL ABOUT POULTRY —By— YOUR UNCLE DUDLEY ON SALE at all hook atorea tn Atlanta. ••Alt About Poultry" |2 Southern Poultryman *9 Southern Foocler Yl Induttriona Han 99 Total JJ-2 Book and on# paper Ri Remit hy money order or cheek: If check add 19c exchange. UNCLE PUDLET. 354 Notth Jaekaon-at.. Atlanta. Ga. F. G. HASTINGS & CO„ Seedsmen. 16 W. Mitchell St. FOR Cbrv*aiith#a»mi#s tkst are n#t drr»l- oping at nlrely *» rsu d likf. w# adviM th# ui# Amotir’a Flnw#r Food. Tt’a vary high analysis, aria readily and m#V## no odor or am# Id applying. Th# prir# for 4 pound paekago, 35<*. 1 pound, 50#. postpaid 55# and PAPER Whin# NarriBsua Rulba froio h#at Frsnrh growtrs; das»a. 3»r. postpiid 40«: 100, #xpr«SB not in#iud#d, fl.50. WANT • good #l#sn #hlek#n ft#d with no grit or '^rsBlt,'* giv# “Rad Comb" arretch a trialf *0 pounds, IMS; 100 p^snda. 43.25. DARLING'S Bref Brrspa. 25 pounda. 00#; .50 pounds. 41:75; 100 pounda. 4§.t5. CRUKHED Oyeter Shell. 25 nnnnde. 4«e; 59 pnaad*. 7»«; too pound,. 31.99. LEE’B Egg Makre. 2*4 pounda, 25#; 35 pound pall. 42. sspreaa not inrlud-fd. Rorp. rholsrs. Bor*h#ad, BrsUv I^g snd LlmW N#ek R«mrdi#a. Frea diaasa# book- FIRST aia# Fronek grow# Whits Roman Hvs rinth bulba, 40e dnren. pontpsld 60#. Doubt# and abaci# Dutch Hyooiuth bulba, all rolora, do*»n 00#, postpaid 70#. LARGE aias Chin### Barred UlltS 10# #s#h; i for 25#; fl p#r doaau. FOR RENT—APARTMENTS. On* root a word for ada under thla heading. FOR RENT—Flat nf fnnr nr all ennneellng room*: all city conveniences: hot water. Mr* O J. Dalle,. 229 Gordon et. Phone,. Atlanta ill. Rail fa Waal. 3» FOR RENT D#1lghffnl flat of four room* sad bath room: n#w and all «*nnr#nl#nre#: own#r'a r##id#n##; reavonahl#. 650 Pl#d- moptav#. FOR RENT—Elegant apartment; Are room, and largo reeaptlnn ball; large front and roar porahaa: hot water heat supplied: also hot and eold water: equipment eomnlete; modern eonvenleneea: good neighborhood; muatbe aeon In he appreciated. 217 Nouth Pryor. I*-**-* FOR REKT-rtve room tipper apartment on lltghtand-ave., Juat off North Boulevard. Highland, car* Georgian. 424 ATTRACTIVE flve-rooin apartment. 19* Juniper; exoelleat eoudttlon; aenarate eq trance; veranda; very reasonable. Ivy J43K-J. lv-19-3* FOR RENT—A tix-room #t#arn-h##t.*d ■partmrnt. J. W. Boon#. 227 i'b#rokre- ar#. *** FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR One cent a word for ada under tkls heading. BEAUTIFUL furnlahed a'*-™" apart ment: *y»ry '•oaveBlctve am pie.lniour- *y". Phone 'ivy I1H. « tTiREE flrsf-4oor #o®B#otlug room#, fur- nlsb#d or unfornl#b#d. for llgbr hous#- k##plng. with prlvnt# bath an«l voranda; ••lo## In on north aid#, lo hont# with R. !.. B.. »*«r# <1#orgian. 4« FOR RENT—Fi»rnl*h#d tparim#nt : sultabl# for map!#: In furns**# h##l#d hoti*#. Boat r#sld#n« # t##tlon. All *-onv#iil#iire#. g Curriar-st. 10-1437 WANTEO—APARTMfeNT®. Ou# rent a word for ads undsr this h#adfng. run nn.N a—.aiubij im steam he.t. elecLh- lights. Oglsthorps apartments. Ivy 2H0J. 10-IO-^a 0(11*0, pmaie uatn wii« — heater: eery romfortahle and eapeelally cleau: Nnrtherit family and no chUdrou. M Forreat-are. • 10-12-22 ron SALE—Bolin • bls'a and Rsrkahlra ana?*" WANTED—By couple, no children, three nnfnrnlahsd conneetlp- honaokeeplnf. with sink _.. kitchen nnd ae|i arare aaa; prefer renting from family own ing home; atate price; moat tw reaannalilc. Addreaa A. J. B., car* Georgian. M3 HOUSES FOR RENT. One cant a word for ads under lhh> hemline BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I Ont cent c word for ndi under thla heading. , IIOU nr trail 8F.e-Call. write or tihone 100. caro Georgian. WANTED-Tbreo unfnrolshsd room, fur honaekeeplng for couple. Muat lie clo,e In. lualrian. Ml South Fryor at. 4io partle. without ehlidran; reawa.ble; .tale pries. Address R. T. D., cpr* Georgian.. 481 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Ona cant a word for Ida under this beading FURNISHED ROOUS-Ons on lower door with print* hath., four on second *oor- isur TWO or threo furnlahed room* lor light housekeeping. Call 11 lAtlmer-«t. 10-1-37 FUBNtSHBD ROOM for rent! at earn heat, .electric Aghta. Oglethorpe, apartment 4. Call Iry 2074. FOR RENT—Nicely furnlahed front room; LAIIOE. light, airy front room; alao small furnlahed room. 11 East Alexander-,I.. slrable. I! Cotrler. Phone try TO GENTLEMEN—Nlo,Ir furnlahed ataam- heated room, wilhirunning water and two bads. Phone ivy 2373. 10-11-12 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room, at 113 South Pryor-et. Hot and cold halbs. NICELY furnished front room, furnace- heated, private bath with Instantaneous FOR RENT-To gentleman, newly fur- nlshed pleasant room on.atreel car llao: north nldo: by amall family: no -hlldteo. - —i. phone snd fnrnacs hast. Phone Iry FOR RENT—To gentlemen only, nicely fur nished room In •team-healed apartment, with private bath: cloa* In: rea.onulde Phone Main 1303-J for particular.. I0-13-, NICELY furnlahed front room, flrsl douirj ICELT furnlsneo front room, nr.i uoor, good looatlon; reference required. M Ie*-st. *•" NEWLY furnished room for rent; all con- renlenrrs nnd vary lesaonahle. 1TO-B tvy-st. Hy M33-J. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. Phone Ivy 1241-J. 378 North Boulevard. 317 OGLETHORPE APARTMENT—Furnished room: all conrenlenc; for one gentle man only; price 317.50. Apply O. *' R-- cars Georgian. TO GENTLEMEN or couple, clean, newly furnlahed front room, cfose In. with pri vate family. All conveniences. 32 A W es Biker at. 10-13-24 TOR RENT—Completely furnlahed room. with all convenjencea; doae In; ateam heat. etc. Phone Ivy 2713. FOR RENT-Very attractive targe front room, completely furnished, bath, heal, tc. lAght housekeeping privilege*. Ren etc. Mibt houaekesplng privilege*, lieu- aunabls to couple. Phone Ivy 3575. 21 Bal- flmore place. FOR RF.NT—Furnlahed room*, two email or one eatra large, light room; (II con- yenlence*. Term* raaaonahle. Phone Main 32tf-L. ,M4 » FOR RENT-Trent room. In quiet gentlemen or cotjplo without children, Jl.tanea DofarenPM 1.1 X#IlU#m*D nr rmipiv wituuiu^-.t-u- » walking dlatanee Reference,. 152 lorreatj are. rhon* Irv. lj>< « -1 1H3-W FOR - RENY-fi»e' ^th.. .r'^'n TO| yh»eh*», nan, Pro drat family; Brothet. 373 LARGE, wall, door; rocreq] for gentlemen, ton. -jiV-i, FOUR connecting furnUHeil room* for light honaekeeplng;-all .convenience,; Tor rent ,V ,r r Oakland- A NEWLY furnUhed room for rent lo gen tlemen who can -appreciate a nice place. 175 Ivy-at. ■ t- Iil) FOR RENT—Tar* nterly furnlihad room*, all convenience,, cloa# In a»d on north aid*, •ply 77 Weal Coin-at. 10 1.114 Apply ONE well-furnlahed Irony room In private home, all mnvasleneei. vary rloar '■ bast location. Ball phone Main 4S3g- FOR RENT-TWO nr three nh-elr furnlahed rooms: rail roarenlencce; g"<»l location. Phone Iry IU37-J. 41 ‘ FOR RENT- Twn furnished or unfurnished rooms; nit eonrenlenees; gsnttemen or couples. 312 Pe*ebtree-st. Ivy 3133-J. TWO drst-door furnished rooms, eomplei, for housekeeping; elderty Northern cmple went qnlst conple c. Cslvln, care 3 Bell- FOR rir*Nr~Furnl,he,| rooms for sdnlts only. 72 West, Pesebtrse. 415 FOR RENT—Collsge Park, near Cox Col lege. four room*, drat floor, furnished or unfurnlahed. with use of parlor chicken inmmiPlIPn. wmi vwr •»» ,mt..n, ■■■cnr.. jtr«l «««l *#rd#n, #r tiro room* for light hiu»#k##i»lng nr roomer*. ' ,Ml ' "•** 'ricl'i“phone' East' PolnV7?'' "'lMS-M FOR RENT—Furnlahed room*, with furnace . -rnianF'i riFRii". w.,,. .... mm. r h#*t. drfMltur riymi. running w*t#r. hot t xny tlm#. In rtflnrd pnrnt# fpmlly, •—-v. —**— runplep — Nth lit *ny unar, *•• iv»"u r with #T#ry ronr#nl#nu#: pr*fcr e#ntl#ifi#n; r#frr#n##* #x#h*ng#«l. Ivy »lu»-J. North *!«!#. «»r*r Toachtr##. J*-l* ** yoll UKNT—N#*tlr fuml»h#«l rnoaa. In r#- - - • * family: all c<M*v#nlri»cw: rent fln#d private nimiij. ••• >»"”•• ••* r#atonat»l#: reference# •**-k« , nf#U. Prefer roQpIo nr gentlemen. 131 Merrfttaave FOR RENT—In Weat End. to acceptable parllea. choice fiirnl«hcd room* In elegant k. R-, Box *1. care Geor- 1# 15-11 private horn# gt*" FOR HK NT—HI ogle mom*: *t#*m heat. Ivy at. Ivy !*«• » FOR RENT—Nicely furnlahed ateem-heated room. coflvenUnt t« Nth. Gentlemen only. 4 Wellington aparinienti. 1015-o9 KLKGANTLY furnlahed room. nte*n»-hen»- electrtc-llrtt#.!. hot *n«l t cold water. *d electrtc-ugtiTen. not iw telephone: walking dlatanee. * ome ,a * fpting**t. Hall apartment for yooraelf. 1« i NU’ELT furnlahed room*; eloae In; north ’ aide; alto roommate for young gentleman: terms reasonable. 14 WIlltamaHil. 435 FUR RENT—F»n»lahfd room. M. Ivy 405.V J after 6 o'clock. 10-1555 FURNISHED ROOMS WANTEO One cent a word for ada under thla beading. for heated WANTEM Atwmt N.fvember apartment. live or al* room*:.*#"7. — Wbfel: rent: not th *H# tjv* ferred. 4d»lr-** Drawer II. 4-are i.rairg!#^. nr phone Ivy Ski. WANTED—By couple, two or »bren nectlng furnlabe.1 room* complete light hoaaekeeplng ami with modern vJntencea. Willing to pay for convenlem ca Give particular* and If can It# a##n Hon day. AiMreaa T. O. Box IMS. fit j. 4Ct EDUCATIONAL. On* cent a won! for ada under this heading. flA.WTF.!.!s H-hool of Millinery. R#gul*i "training erboH. largest and nM#tk In th# Sooth Tr*b»ed trarheria. Write f«T llluo !rated caWlogoe. iV.% Whitehall st. Mr* HOUSES FOR RENT. PARTIES desiring to rent hoiiRe.s, flats or rooms can get lists of all property for rent in the city by apply ing at our information bu reau iu our furniture de partment. No charge for service. J. M. HIGH COMPANY Department Store. FOR RENT—224 JUNIPER-8T., 8 ROOMH. All votav#nb*uc##. Apply Owner. 6^ o#n- tory Bldg. 19-9-67 FOR RENT— XW ##v#n-room hous**. gs#. wat#r, hath ro»in. porrelatn tub. staid#. #t#.. In W#st End: $17.50. Call B#ll plmn# W#«t 8«t. 19-14-13 FOR KENT—Flvn-rnoin 6*oltag#: watrr ami ga#; dow In; r#a#onal»l# ml#. <*«»ll Main 10W 5fr Bowl##. 372 A PRACTICALLY NEW flv#-room mtlngp; tvalla tinted: cuhluot iuunt#la. gna ami ua- f#r: oti oar lluo: $20 per month. Apply on pr#tnlo#«. 286 lilghlnad-nve. 426 FOR RENT—Twu lion###: on# right rnoiira and on# «#v#n rooms: nil Improrontonl#; 267 and 2© Olonn-at. Apply at 267 Olvnii-nl. or 451 WaNhingtoii. Boll phorn* Main 515,'^L WANTEO—HOUSES. Ona cant • word for ada under thla beading. WANTED—Beven or eight-room house: flosa In, Pbon# Ivy 1532-la. 10-14-82 FOR RENT—8TORE8. One rent a word for ads under this,beading. FOR RENT- Store and loft at 23 Decatur- at., opposite Kimball house. Both pbonea. Rclple Hous. 7 33-14 WILL RENT part of store fur drug ator# or will sell; flue locution: heat corner. Apply C68 North Boulevard. 10-16-47 FOR RENT—OFFICES. One cent a word for ads under this beading. FOR RENT—A fln* office for doctor: flre- ^jiroof bonding. Addreee Office, P. «. Box FOR RENT—Half nf well located Apply 327 Auetell building. 438 ONE-HALF of office for rent, with phone and nil convenience*. 417 Empire. 447 FOR RENT—DESK ROOM, fine cant a word for ada under thla heading. IIF.SK and desk spare In Candler Rtdf. Phona M. 3309. 10-16-18 OFFICE APACE FOR RENT CHEAP at 62 Inman Bldg., city. 463 HOTELS. One cent a word for ada nnder thla bending. FOR SALE-A 17-room hotel; well fnr- plehed: the only one In town: you can buy fnroltufe and leaee houee, or htty both. Apply to R. J. !>. Halo. Rutledge. Oa. 239 FOR HALE—Ten-room cottage, Ve. Beach. V*.; throe blorka from water (rout lldcllght- fol climate all the year; nlea place forboard- era: ^rlca $4^000. Addiwta Lakaelda Cottage. FOR SALE—FARMS. Otta rout a word for ada nadar thla heading. KOR SALE—Tmrge and amall tract* flrat. class tracking, farming and orchard land*. Flowere-I’arker Really Company. Tltomua- vllle. Oa. *> FOR SALE—150 acres fine farming land; plenty wood, running water, sever al acres pasture, wired in; fronts railroad; Wise Sta tion. four miles from Union depot, Macon, joining farm recently bought by John T. Moore from Bibb county. Convenient to schools. Terms, one-fourth cash, bal ance to suit purchaser. James T. Gantt, Macon, Ga. . 10-6-26 FOR HALE-A 316.999 plantation ft* J19.M0: leas than 339 per acre for laud that If lead; level and Dr tn,; eight-room brick hous*. good community. Come, and at*. Don! write. Offer open only few day*. Owner Room 1 Hill building, ABBUton. Ala. 249 M- ACRES In Nawtoo counts, located on public road half mile from Emory collage. Oxford, Ga.. two mil#* from Covington; the Georgia railroad ran* within one-quarter mile of farm; Simile* trorn ktlAnU. Land Ilea well and productive AbontlWacra* of flue hot tom (and on place, and plenty of timber. Will sell In whole or part. Also eotne nice building loin In Covington. W. B Shepherd. Covington, Gt. 1IM3-9 FOR QUICK HALK—Eight arm of good land: good four-room houao; good, new barn: two bram be* na aama; juaf the pUro to truck farm and to ran milk dairy; halt of land In city limit* of Marietta, Cobl. enmity. Georgia. Price I1.2W. Half down: easy term* on-rest. Writ# me when you ran come to eoe me. W. 0. Fincher. Mj- rletta. Ga. **■ OWXKIIK OF IIOMKII. peach and. melon farme-lniprore.1 property only-lf vou .slab to sell to good Northern buyer,, write foil pertteutara. location, prodnctlvenaao, noil, bralthfitlneaa. Improvementa. dlaUnce from railroad station, till#, lowest and moat fnrorahle term*, to Platt R. Hpencer. 1193 Broadway, New York. 3M FOR LEASE OR ItKST-516 acres farm. watered hy ereek: 295 aeraa baa bran on luiatnre for elx year*. Apply to M. K. Htrotid. Mnaella. G*. *2 TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS—Several handred thousand arras coming on markat monthly a, ranchmen'* leave* aaplra: for eale bv etatr- gl to (5 per aero: terms one fortieth down, balance forty year*; good fanning and fruit lend,. Send 8« poetage for further In formation. Journal Publl,hlng On.. Ilouelon. Tea. 4,0 FOR BALE—Hardware bnalnear Will In voice about 14,000; A-l gomla; npiendhl growing oeotton. Flue opportnnltv for right parly with e««U. Good renwna for Helling. IOA.31 FOR HALE—Newspaper ami Job printing iitiiiit In tioiitbweat Georgia town of 5.000 InlmbltaiitH. UtTIHal organ of county,* illation 1.50O. lining gpcal adverttalng and job work biialnea*. For b price, a<ldr**a Itox 11. care Georgian. FOR SALE—REAL i-STATE. On* cent a word for ad* under this bending. FOR HALE—Three-room Uonae In city jlro* .KW San Oeroixnin Suvlngr, bank. MM® DEAN E. HYMAN, Attorney, -Ml Emplr building. Expert advice ou tltlgs. R#l phone Main 441I-J. 9 2 ' FOR HALE—Ten-room two-afory j u houfe; modern: located In the limits of AurtHI. On., within quarter of * mile of Bowden LlthJa Spring*. Ia>t face* »0 feet on bprlng. established 'phralclan: willing to atari on easy fertua; will coiiaider contract practice ness. For further commu nication amt references, address L. Doctor. Itox 18. cure Georgian. FARM8 WANTED. Onv cent a word for ads under this heading. FARM WANTED-Ten to twelve miles of Atlanta, 25 to I* acres «>f land: must be clo»# to rattfoad; will exchange city prop erty or liny. tVll Mack over Main J373, At lanta 1547. .Apply 114 H. Bro*d-*t. bllHlltCrt I ecu In <1 manufacturing allow him where buslura* III easily net half thla amount the flrat twelve uiontha. and pay fair onlary I he product hit* aliw^d^. lieeu large^Jul dneed in Atlanta. \Vill talk to parties only who are able to fluini{-c the business FUR SALE- siock general merchandise at on the dollar. Total amount of *t«>ck $1,250’. I». O. Itox SS*;. Anniston. Ala. -T* W. W. II.. R. F. I>. fl. Atlnnta. Ga. FUR SALK-13.500 slock of general liter • handle**: g«H»d alore with g<n»d business: hi town near Atlanta. Addreaa Box 43. t»e- FOIt SALK—Small machine shop nnd foun dry: well c<iulp|N*d and located In th# countv all# of one of south Georgia a best customers lu town large at* nnd extends thru the block. For 1 and prices, address 128 South Broad-tjf.. Thomasvllle, Ga. *5” HOME FOR HALE at 324 Junlp*r-at., be- tween Eleventh and Twelfth. ^ New. Sever Occupied. $7,000. Apply owner. 509 Century building. 10-8-41 noi'icrneaa-flT.; especially wen nun*: ern convenlcncea; flve large rooma and Nth. East front level lot, 42x230: bargain. $2.i»0: ternia. Hee owner at S44 Oak-at.. or phone West 440-J. 14-10-32 MV NORTH HIDE/HOME, almost new: eight rooms: all modern convenience*: fur nace. sneaking tube#: $1,200 cnah. balance as you like It. A bargain. Buy rtltwt nnd a*ve commission. Pbofte Ivy 4145-J. * ‘ 10-13-10 FUR SALE. SACRIFICE—Five-room eot- KACRIFICB—An elegant home of threo counties. Have an ,■> — •»- hi*w mill, variety worka. nil mill, three cot ton glim, tind short railroad: several email saw iiillla and cotton gins near this Pl*e* that patronise we. Good reason* for aelUng. A 1 t_fi... *i-.i n,.flllo Ua Address Box 258.' Ocllla. Ga. PATENTS PROnrCB fortune*. Prlae* for putenta. Patent* secured thru na *U- verttaed without ehnrge. New list* of Inven tion* needed and posalblo buyera. Hint* to Inventors." "Why Hotue Inventoiw Fall ” Hooka on patents. Send ns rough nkelch or inmlel for search of patent offTc# records anil report on patentatdlHy. -Hpeclal ageuta in 500 cltlea tn towns. Mr. Greeley, while acting commissioner of patents, baa full charge of !’nlt#d Stale# patent office. Greeley A Mdutlre. patent attorney*. Wash logton. I>. C. K ** 5-$l-7 STOCKS AND BONDS sold. CommlsMon* moderate. Reference# exchanged. GlV# full details. Established house. Postoffle# Box \9T2. Sow York. W» WILL HELL milk depot In. AtlanU clenr- Inir over $200 per month; price $1,000: terms S500 cash, balance $iuo monthly. Addre#" Dairy, care Georgian. #* WANTED—Young man to occupy a ale* front room; furnished or unfurnished. Phone Ivy 2211-L. WASTE D—Pa rty to tak* charge of gmwrnl inerchandla# buatueia. Muat be aide to In- Teat come cash. Hama la paying good prof its nnd preaent owner hn* more than be can Stroud lo. Box 24. Rooky 1'ord, G*. 33* FOR BALK—Complot* *l«ctro-pl*tlB* pl*Bt, Including motor, dynamo, polishing ms- tilnm. ...Ik. l.thM .II,><1 C, ,t(V *1*0 C*n including motor, o/ukoio. puiuhiu* iw clilnc, tnuk*. lath**, ■nodes, otc. Al*o esn give l*s*o of .hop If dfilrol. Fine oppor- innlty for young mss to ilsrt In lio*ln**». tnnltv for young mss to stsrt in inuinras. K*t*lill,li*d trsd*. 1700 will buy *ntlr* •limit Phos# Doctor 413 or sddrou Plst- ing. ere llrorgtan. Will soil sli or In DSrt. WHITK PATH GOLD 430'S*3# plsesr mlao. Two million dollar* alredy inlnvd out of . ,/o Ilium'll mumi* ... V It. Eleven hundred pennyweight nugget. »st ever found In Georgia, found here. largest Many outer rarer unn. »*vm» •"'J-J on one end and both aides of the Artesian Bluff, half mile. The vein la undoubtedly here. Two creek# two miles Jong on place All natural ad to wash th# gold. All natural advantage*. Mountains above 4.000 feet high, nearby. One million oak. poplar nnd, other timber on property. Five thousand feet of h. nnd N\ railroad frontage. Six roll#* northeast from ElllJuy. Ga., the county #eat, Gilmer from Kllljuy, Ga., the county seat, uumer county. In Blue nidge noonuia*. north Georgia. Proapect of minion* of dollar* in Also 315 acre# adjoining; 30-room hotel? i» n,,.. m.w cv.v:« ..^olning: jo-room noiet: »„* «umzn,_r rcqr.l_3.0 > gnej. rogl*..r*4 last nummer; opes y#ar ------—- mile from railroad station. Pur* freestone tlevelon mine, or to sell one-thlm intereat lU min*. River Vlth fln* water power opo mill* from property. Groat nitiiral alt* for AUTOMOBILES. On# cal a word for ad. andw thla h*adlng ; AUTO SUPPLIES. VULCANIZING. SI toa, r Alaaha-ava. Atlaata phoaa rto. _ •tatlng condition, »xc. Addrrai Box W. W*dl#y, Ga. propirtyr 4*0’ •era* land In CoS*# county, ..nrmnglai. On. At t hargnln. N. C. M»- Pberaon. 32 Bottlmid tcrrac*. Phone Ivy 2S40-J. " WAVPKU-To trad# two good automobile for one or more vacant lota; one la brand- new and the other It a« good a* new and tra a.: icc m* at one*. •• 1 m*#n minor,» Call at 217 Kl*#r bnlWIn* and a*lr for Jar- rail. ltcll* Mala 1217, Atlanta 21A 10-15-38 PERSONALS. Oa* nil a word for ada aadtr thla aradlng. SERIOUS RESULTS coat* from trour* Im properly flttrd. Job* B. •panliil. •» »« W*lt-,t.. hag an axptrt flttra andlit will ec*t yon “.“"J* Mr, him at yaa^iml It mean* laauraan. WANTED—Th* name, of any *or»lvln* lumbar* of Comp*nr K. Tblrd AUb*m* fhfamry regiment. L. fl. A. I am Dying to old a widow In .retiring a pin,loo. If you know of any one from tbr *bov* company, plea** write, glrlog natnr *nd addKM, J. B. H„ car* Georgian. II '•7 HAVE proved to alhrra, I will provt lo yon; »lf>0 will bring you otar (5.000 a yalf; •af/ .ound, bon.,1 tnra.tnienl. Lataat, brat opportunity on earth. Thoro Invaatlgatioa riiurted. Write qnlck for proof.,” Jam*. B. It) an. Hrrratary, Sanlt St«. Maria, Mlrh. IF any member of rnmiway F, UorUrth ilcorglareglnient.aecw tni* notlc*. will Ii* Georgia regiment, ma imi none*. win n* cuuimunlcate nt once with Mr*. I, 11. Mor- rla, Barnett III*, Gn.J 10-15-27 5-011 ADOPTION—Pretty baby girl all muntb, eld and fln* healthy boy. Mr*. \\\ T. Mitchell, a Wlml«Mr-#t. 45i TYPEWRITERS. On# rani a word for ada under thla heading. TYPEWRITERS RENTED threw month, le American Writing Marble# Coirpnay, 4J North l’ryor-at. h»7 u..i rremenc* necimni or too city, nee I school. T'hurchca. and abont ten mlnntaa' rid* to the eenter of the city. Large lot. For price, terota. etc., addrtas Owner, Bov 1, care Georgian. 377 BKUAUflE It la too large Air my prevent need*, I want to Mil my elegant and beau tiful home In on# of th* best realdrn*# *«e- llona of Atlanta. Will taka part payment In other propatty, vaeant or Improved. - t m. ear- — Home. Box 731, car* Georgian. KX13-4 WANT TO BUY a horn#? How'a thlat Beautiful north aide lot, new bungalow, •la rooma and haU: boat material and work- data and complete In Ax- III Uni| II i. Il|> IV UEI42 BUU Will |riw XV7 Inna ami ajpolntmanta; ataljtqfl floora; tue nanat among# amt smear; mgn ciu. man tala, plumbing and light fixture*: price and tarma raa ana ante. Souada goad, docas t ft 7 It's troa, too. It will pay you to ae, it befora you htty. Ownfr, w car* 0#ot- glao. 10-18-5 FOR SALE—Real #»tat*: lot X hy 1M foot, next to corner of McDaniel and Arthur- easy term*. Apply Luden Har- U°: rla. court houaa. FOR SALE-TWO adjoining loU. In alght of Eaat Lake duh hottae; 7U1 etch. Ea,v term*. Laden Htrrl*. court house. 10-14-4 t Point; aewera and wa- tar; two Mock* S ‘oaf'ilnqi MOO. Eaav ‘ Ian Harris, court hont*. 10-14-A term*. Luden 1 FOR KALE-On Oardn*r-*t., Joat off fltaw- •rt-av#, flva-room bungalow; all conven ience*: 1250 cash aid 120 ;ver month. Apply to W. A Baggett, 23 Beechar-ft. AUanra phone 2W. TOR SALE—Sli room house, with haR and hath, on cherted atraet; (MM locator Realty Company. Decatur, Ga. Phona M. of heat material; i nd art glaaa windows. Addreaa owner, P. I. Box ftCcll ramr, r. 1M4-S6 son Lumber Co. Smith ft Rimp- 10-14-4-3 WITHIN five mlnutM walk of C#nt#r 111!! school I have four tcrea ovarlooklng At lanta. 700 fact atraat front Will mak# nlr# horn* or can bh sold A* lota. Hr# John Stare, owner. ‘ “ * Phones; B754-F. 4-10-4 FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE—40 MILF.8 OF ATLANTA. 500 ACItEH OR MORE ’OF FINE FARMING LAND. IMPROVED; * »W UNDER CULTIVATION: RENTAL nPi 1 Apply 153 Craw. 3C7 FOB SALB-Fh... .#«#*■ <jajr* IMWflfiO# FOB SALE—Nlc# lot In Hollywood ceme tery; r#ry cheap for ca,h. IL »., care Georgian 433 FOR nuaHH raat froat FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Ten-room homo and more than on* aero of neautlfnl lave! land, ea floe atrott: haauttful orchard of yonng poMh trawx flgi and grapaa; In on* of onr beat aubnrbi. near car Una. Want arran or atoht-room ioom. In good •action of dDr. U. UacNallt, 217 Empire corner. 10-06 M REAL ESTATE WANTED. On# c#at a word for ada under thla haadlag. aBfi** rv,n fla WANTED-To bay In Collage Pnrk a homo on nlc* lot. on rraaonabl. fenu*. Addrcae, with grtce and fuU deacrlpUon, Newcmuarj flu, BUY lUract from owner three or four nice little booeeo In gorvt renting sec tion for colored people. Cat* Uara*ln. rare Georgian. I'MJ-w PALMISTRY. One cent a word for ada nnder thU heading. -fflfiuK’ .*'d'riM';‘v«-M-io« , ! , ‘ < .“iR? bwiSM affair*. Uw aulta. marrlaxc. ■chic sn*l mm* madam JfapuM- nilM ,***r 111.11 lee I |WI lintrimiv a AND SCIENTIFIC PALMIST. 1M B Iry-at Office hour*. 1# a. m. to 3 p. tn. ,l»llr. 4J-, DROPSY. Ou cent n word for ade nadar thl* headier DROPSY CUBEP-OIvm quick relief: Hup, •bortues. of braatb la 33 to a boar*; re- moves ill awelllng la U to » day A Ud 2-- eraRy effect* » euro In W to 30 day*. W* guarantee Just what w« any. Conxiiltaii.-. ami canmlnatlon free. It uubl* to (ML write for symptom Wanh, leattmo full partlculara. Collum Drop-r CO 612413 Austell Bids., Allv'i'v. G.