Newspaper Page Text
L i
Mr. Harrison Jones left last night for
a visit to Jakksonville. Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. R C. Patterson have
as their guest their sister. Miss Mary
Burnaby Wood, of New York £ity.
Mrs. Harry Jackson is in Washing
ton, D. C„ for a month's stay with her
sister. Mrs. Hoke Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Junius G. Oglesby leave
tomorrow to visit their daughter, Mrs.
Ringland F. Kilpatrick, in New York.
Mrs. Charles P. Glover has been ill
for several days at her home on Pied
mont avenue.
.Mrs. Julian Field and Mrs. A. D.
Adair. Jr., leave May 15 to visit their
sister. Mrs. Calvin Morgan McClung, in
Mrs. C. C. McGehee. Jr.'s friends will
be sorry to learn of the death of her
mother. Mrs. B. F. Hatcher, in Colum
bus. Ga.
Miss Pearle Arnold, of Atlanta, will
leave Los Angeles the middle of May
for this city, returning by San Fran
cisco and St. Louis.
Mrs. Boykin Robinson, who has been
entertained at a round of parties dur
ing her stay in Atlanta, returns to
morrow morning to her home in New
Miss Mary Cooper, who has been ill
for the past week, is better, but is still
confined to tne house. She has been
greatly missed from the social affairs
of the week.
Mrs. E L. Bishop left yesterday for
Washington, D. C . where she will visit
Mrs. William Snow, formerly Miss
Belle Locke, of Atlanta. Later Mrs.
Bishop will.visit Mr. and Mrs. Prioleau
Ellis in Springfield. Mass. Mrs. Bish
op will be aw ay six weeks.
DAMAGE OF $10,000.00
DOUGLAS. GA May 3.—The Cow
art and Meeks boarding houses were
• burred here yesterd&y Both were large
wooden structures, and were surround
ed by other wooden buildings. The
Cowart house was valued at $7,000. w ith
$4,000 insurance, and the Meeks house
■ was valued at $3,000. with $1,300 in
surance. Mrs. A. Henrickson lost a
valuable diamond ring and $250 house
hold furniture, with $l5O insurance.
New Remedy That Removes Freckles or
Costs Nothing.
Here's a chance Miss Freckle-Face, to
try a new remedy for freckles with the
guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will
not cost you a penny unless it removes
the freckles, while if it does give you a
clear complexion, the expense is trifling.
Simply get an ounce of othine—double
strength, from Jacobs' -Pharmacy, and one
night s treatment will show you bow easy
it is tn rid yourself of the homely freck
les and get a beautiful complexion. Rare
ly is more than one ounce needed for
the worst case
Be sure to ask Jacobs' for the double
strength othine. as this is the only pre
scription sold under guarantee nf money
back if it fs:’s_ , 2_jynmi,e Jty-'kles
Buy Hosiery Direct From Makers
35c Hose for 20c pair; six pairs $1.15 25c
Hose for 15c; six pairs 75c. Pure silk hose.
75c grade, 50c; six pairs $2.50. for men.
women, children, in black, tan. white.
Sent express paid anywhere in U. S.
Agents wanted.
Friedman Mills. 52 Llspenard Street. New
York City.
Warm Weather Seems
To Be Here At Last
A word to the wise is sufficient.
Tan Shoes may be ai'ailable later on. but we will stake our reputation as style forecasters: Atlanta is
going to be short of white shoes again this summer.
We have bought 25 per cent of our entire spring purchases in White Sea Island Canvas. Genuine XTTiite
Buckskin, and the new Nu-Buck. and even though we are placing re-orders daily for white shoes, in an
other month when warm weather sets in in the Northern States, the shoe manufacturers of this country are
simply going to be unable to supply the demand. Ex ery smartly dressed woman will be wearing white
tootwear this summer, and where perhaps 25 per ceut of the summer shoe business has been done on white
shoes in the past, we look for 75 per cent of our sales between now and the Ist of September to be on W hite
Shoes. There is just not enough in the country, nor can they be made in time to meet this demand.
We therefore earnestly urge you to buy your White Shoes just as soon as it is convenient or you can
possibly do so.
At $3.00 we have a dozen styles in White Sea Island Canvas, Pumps, Colonials, or Button Boots, heavy
or light soles, leather or covered heels, low or high heels.
• At $4.00 we have the Wliite Nu-Buck,
/ Colonials, Pumps, or Button Boots; /
I cyWfe* while at $5.00 wp can furnish the superior I
genuine IVliite Buckskin, in either the
xXGA Colonial. Pump or Button Boots. \V\
\ Come in and see them while we can fit
j you in all styles that we have. Later on it
will be a mad scramble and shoes that you
. . , , „ can bur todav will undoubtedly- be with- .... .. c r . . r
White Sea Island Canvas, ‘ White Sea Island Canvas,
$3.00 drawn from the market entirely or ad- $3.00
Ku-Buck, $4.00 vanced in price when the second or third Ku-Buck, $4.00
Buckskin, $5.00 ' orders are sent in. Buckskin, $5.00
I 51 Whitehall Street
—-■ .
Miss Agnes McEvoy, of Baiti
~ more, who is the puest of Mrs. J.
y llw - X. J. Schroeder at “Deerland." and
’ ’ \ \ has been the jruest of honor at
1 I FtS/wi X many of the week s social events.
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X Xs. M m sfceMMioi
Both Tempting /Rk
and Healthful WW
r —'ii ” J
® Pastries QtS
Indigestion is the cause of most human ills; lard —
I is made from hog-fat—is ofttimes indigestible. Cottolene is
more healthful, more wholesome and goes one-third farther Vj
than lard—therefore, is more economical.
Being made from pure, vegetable oils, containing no hog-fat, Cottolene
makes food which agrees with the stomach and aids rather than retards i
digestion. Don’t be talked into using some of the many imitations. I
Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY * "I
“Nature’s Gift from the Sunny South”
. • .-it
( White Wash Dresses |
j ot $3.95 p
a —> Exactly /Is Illustrated
We will sell tomorrow a limited quantity of
beautiful white wash dress. We think so r
f '' : 'y* °f , ' iat we’ve had our artist sketch it
f" r ’^* s advertisement—without a doubt one of
/ le seasnn s prettiest models. The waist is of
\ awiX, English ei elet embroidery with collar and cuffs dk
"I l ' lo l | i , l ll( ‘« edged with Irish lace crochet.
C qffl||L s|Mr I 'he skirt is of lino corduroy pique, buttoned 1
I down the front with large pearl buttons. This k ■
' bk r dainty dress offered - OQ
II. 1 IW i tomorrow at
.nB :,i I’B I —: ; a
1 i W White Serge Suits, Were $19.50; Nou) $12.50
" '' ’
t ' w / 1,1 these line white serge suits to sell at
ySBw f' ' m r ' w l ,r ’' ,p ' T hey are strictly plain tailored and
WmKi'lTi 1 ' 1 ;B7 of splendid quality, fine white serge. Just
1 if ! t■' enough for one morning's C/1
■ / selling all sizes, while they last. 1/ *
y 'iw ■ jg. Sensational Sale Silk Dresses
v ■IlL'-' .< ■' ’ Saturday
£1 M D:3G to 10:30 A. M. f
2 i I
/ IT- I#/ >w $4.95 k
C »■■'' SrJSt' ■'> w 'h sell Sat-
J 4» ii urday morning,- be-
* W tween the hours of p 7
< ’ W fK WRt'l 9:30 and 10:30 ’ 86 V
lovely silk dresses K.
t in taffetas, messa- /
/ U MLs X lines, foulards and
I New Silk Coats T ~ P on S ees - Charming
J era, l’“\ r neW St > leS and P at - V
’ ar Sa.oo Bl /I '* / terns in tans,
Charming short silk coats in black and V-fhll • I 81l / / browns, grav. naw, 1
navy blue. Especially attractive when \ l 'J|.'o 8,1X7 ’ L u 5 k-i-7. I
J worn over the white -ummr costunv' / il h'w||F*'^ 1 / Copenhagen, black | a
Priced very -pecial $5.35 XfluV ' / BUd white ~ stri P es V'
S at -/ re vr' / and figures of every fas
Linen Suits at /'jwV-i! gXffsiik ™cks Z}
» at $12.50 j /Oh; Ii '—A aie trimmed in laces, J
A&J I la il o buttons and sou- &
A wonderful value in a handsomely I' ‘lfflll ■7 Jr i ta '' he ’ The . most ' r e- I
'd«l tailored linen suit made in our own jgffl -1 markable Silk dress
I shop, worth double the price we as,. ,'A L fMljisl i ,»■' z barcrain pver nffprod * A
/ Made in white Alite blue, -orn and I c )W ffl liVW If / oargain e\er oirerea
r natural—our special CI9CtA ' tfl ’tW, If in Atlanta. One hour <
price »IC.QV T I only. Saturday. 9 ;30
‘ hr~~i 7~r~- n i' t rtrffilllLiuT to 10:30 a. m. at y
A Natural Linen Dresses, ( ’ j h>ffiyhr ! g - 4
All Linen x ' , t _ r
Em * —1 No Phone Or- J
A great range of eyelet and o-mbroid- ■ BJ' rfpre NnnP Sent
n ered styles in one-piece natural linen uer*. tvorie oeric
f dresses Some self-trimmed, others C. O. D. None ,Jk
Ks. trimmed in red. brown, green and blue . , .
Stunning models Priced here at Sola Dealers SW
A $7.50, $5.85, $4.85 and $3.95 T
5 SouthernDuit Skirt Go. I
”Atlanta’s Exclusive Women’s Apparel House, 43-45 Whitehall Street