Newspaper Page Text
President Secs Jackson About
the South’s Vote. Fearing
Move by Barnes.
WASHINGTON May 5 Strong evi
Jence of a wall laid plot (<■ tea’ from
President Taft the delegates of every
Southern state and m ike hi" nomina
tlon impossible ha ar-ciFed the
going chief executive to a< tj.m. and 'he
announcement was made <ar;y today
upon his eturn to the whit' house that
he would take personal ■ ■ a ze of :■;«
campaign from n<>w on
Too pl' t involves William Rants
Jr., Republican bo-sof Nr York state,
who four ’ desperately aga.nF in
structing the Empire Sta'>. -- delegation
for the president. It -as firs' t< \ot "d
in a sc.-ct letter sent to the ».m<rs of
the Taft henchmen m South.
This letter was t e subject of a
lengthy confrrene between Henry S’.
Ja. k-oti, colic, tor of internal revenue
at Atlanta, aga.nst whom seriou
charge' have recently been mate by i
weekly publication. <nd the president
aboard Mr. Tift's special train • n it
wa' to Washington today.
Taft Tells Jackson
To Keep Strangle Hold.
Ja-ksmi w;is liw pre-<dont gu?st
pnd until th? ?arly hour- 5 ih» two went
nver tic Southern situation. Mr. Taft
js thoroughly alarmed an*! Jackson is
under.'?nori to have been given rigid in
struction." tn keep h strangle hold "ti
The hot fir? directed at .h. k-nn re
cently by the npospvolt forms put him
in urgent need of comfort and solar?,
and it is understood lie v. as ready to
vroiu; e the ;-r> i<irnt everything ho
asked. Howey ci . the \llanta collector
insisted to the that the
Southern lift leaders*. in Georgia al
-any rate, interpret'd the Harpes letter
a* meaning that William Barn'"-. Jr, is
for the pr< ideni.
The president tur not reus un d He
has received information from reliable
pnur< rs that the Kepubli-;ui is
preparing tn throw the New 5 ork dele
gation t" t’hat’lr: E llußhrf*. non mi
preme < ourt justice and the most »-on
ppicuou - dark horse that oyer b.<'k»-fi
pt running tn < pv idmtial ra•- No
bndy supposes that I’arno- is in
with Hughes.
Barnes Sounds Out
Leaders in Daring Plot
Rut Barnes 1? that, ac
hording to present indication®. the split
■Republican party in Now York Is going
to hr badly whipped in th" November
election. It is a ease of the Albany
boss loving not Tuft les-, but Barnes
more and iti the belief that Hughes
can ' art y the state for him, he has
turne.i tn the former governor for help.
Barnes has sounded out Taft leader
throughout th.' country on this daring
plot to desert the titular head of the
Republican party. X number of the
Southern men who received It inter
preted it as indicating that New York -
uninstructed delegation will not sup
port Taft, but is looking for a compro
mise candidate.
The president is pretty well con
vinced that this i- the situation he
fa. c . and is said to ha' < -o fold Jack
s'u The pre ident arrived at the white
house about 9 o'clock and simultanc
ously the announcement was made that
he "will personally direct his campaign
for i enomliiat lon from this thin on un
til th< national convention at < 'lmago '
Delegates Refuse
To Desert Colonel
IP »;-T< »N‘. AT i '• Th? t jrin deb .
gates at latg- • levied m in Ala >a
pi* ft •!!('■ primary und pledg
ed i<> vol'- f«>! riicoij.i]* Roosevelt will
vote according t" theii pvi.-'Wii in< ’
nati"m x\ Ina convention time • (»mrs
around a- ■•"iMmr to tndav's drve|«»p
menu in the mnuled pi e; ificn’ situ
ation in th* Rax date
* m ! R.*ose\clt ha- as* d th*
"big right ’ after Ira) nmg the result of
thr pi • l*‘. •■m - \"i • Rut ( ’ha S
Bixter. who led tin KmvveU slan .
declared. I have a, \ .i\ h* •• n a R<»o>e
vrlt man and I "lii! a >. tnd it is h«
Hevrd that the attitude of the othm
Jeh’gatos will be th*? samp as that of
Th* Taft forces, however, are not
satisfied with th<- Mtuaß m The\ ha\<
announced that tii*y- will demand a re
count of the st.lie \nt-' so; d‘-h't:a!''> .!
large, and if this recount still shows a
Roosevelt I'Cid. '.'ill attempt ‘o p r\. m
the snatinc of tl* R • e\• ’ <ie’.”,i,.s
at th- e<»n\ cm ion
T" <’)osc their two da\ - eenxontien ai
the Georgian Terrace, a ban-iuci will he
given t»> th? John A S< hellhig agenex
bond salesmen hi that o’cl tomorrow
night The Srhelltng agency ti c h-ai'i
selling organizutmn of iL'» fmar.imro
Trust and Banking • unpam . <»f ytianta.
th? host of the ban'ii’H . 1
Smith, president of the i-a*.. \A \
Sims, x iee president, and John A Schell
ing. president of th? agriv-v, v ■ he
among the speakers
Tb- m-dl.-ai -xamination cr.pfl l)rtc
by the tuatc beard <.f bedt ■. .. nun
d-r way at the state capif.' Kbmit ! I"
graduates of medical r ho.. -■ are b. ng
examined for licenses to practice medi
cine. Th- examination will be finish..i
to morrow.
Mat ion Bishop, a fnur-y car-old box who
was knocked d--wn and ir.oind
by 8. f r>ohlo ‘ aummobde in I■’,< g» \\ -I
avenue n Krogg >.*••»-,•? xpre t <<
filed suit thrnuch hi - r R Hi
•■p for i?. *mh) dam-igr rii. .uh iijrrr.-
tba* the lad sustained a fra- ture > f the
'• a result of >• frcnzi-d effort to
dominate absolutely the forthcoming
stat" convention, to be assembled on
May 2» in Xtlanta the Hoke Smith
machine finds itself today not only
ditched and out of business as an in
fluencing factor in that con'ent ion. but
utterly unai.l. to secure even minority
representation therein.
That th" Hoke Smith machin" has
come to this melancholy plight is no
.■. ■ e fau 11 but its own.
The state Pemorratle executive enm-
.ti.e was • rented of Hoke, by Hoke
and for fb ke
It has br-ep aa submissive to him as
ece'r yello-v canine ,<as to the master
that fed It. It lias done nothing since
it .pencel up f.buslnrs. except give
. xc. 'itiou to the e.r'lers of Hoke. It has
been a mere phonograph to sound the
words Hoke r"< orded w ithin it
There f. re. when Senator Smith railed
upon ft to frame up a presidential pri
mary In Gfre.'.a that woulel to Smith's
wax <>f thinkitig a -wire the »t.atc to
Woodrow Wilson, it promptly inquired
r.f link, .' ha' -■•.ft of primary that must
be. and H'd:< te.lei it to abedish the an
cient am! fair county unit plan, and
give the d"a" pr .plea popular plurality
primary, so called.
Wilson a Stalkinq Horse
It wa figured that in this wa' Wil
«on. by tarry ing the big counties, could
smother the- smaller and rural counties
that I niton, for instance, might by a
big popular majority for Wilson, put
the vote of some dozen e.r so small
country counties out of business.
Tim Hoke Smith machine cared noth
ing about Wil.-rm He was made a
mere 'talking horse.
E.uiy in ill.' game XX I Ison did look a
if he might he a good bet in Georgia,
howeyrr ... the Hoke Smith machine
seized upon him. ami used him as a
mask behind which it might move once
again 1., recapture Georgia from flic
militant Brown host'. In whom th"
propio of th" state had but last fall
voted once again their confidence.
But the Smith plan to grab the slat"
through lite big counties, nt the ex
penp» of the little fellows, miscarried
miserably. Just a’ It miscarried once
before, ami as it will miscarry again,
if the Smith outfit has Hie nerve to try
it out a third time which it hasn't
Tip Smith machine had ii dummy
executive committee meet in March
and fix it up so that the candidate car
rying Georgia in th" presidential pri
mary should have all the delegates In
Hie state convention. I'nder tire rule
Hint subnii °lve body framed, the dele
gattt io this eonvention must be se
lected bv Hie various county commit
te< s "nd must come from the friends
ami nii.portors of Hie man winning in
the state, regardless of how the coun
ties in.i' have gone accerally.
Thus I'iiltnn. I’loyd and Chatham,
three of Hie big city counties that went
for Wilson, must, noy ert Iwlcss. send
Cnderwood delegates to Hie convention.
Had the Smith machine not been so
bus' undertaking tn ''hog" the conven
tion for Hoke to obliterate the minor
ity utterly it might have a look-in In
the conventloti of May 29 It would. In
deed. be entitled in a minority ropresen
i.ition therein that would let folks know
the Smith machine was still alive and
able Io kick, any way.
As it is, by its ow n foolish efforts at
playing Hie aw I no. It will have to see a
convention assemble In w hicli no whis-
A Physician
Cures His Wife
of Consumption
With a Simple Home Treatment, Book
Fully Describing th? Treatment
Sent Absolutely Free To Any
Lung Sufferer,
It W II Kmght, of Last Ga'igus,
M IFS . « ! Itc u
M\ wife w t. dn’o ii with <’qnsumption,
when 1 "T']rr»'.| the LloyH treatment. Slip
\ er\ weak fr -m night sweats, cough,
and in a feverish • infill.<m I n<>ti< efi a
« hang? tor the better alter ten Ma) s'
ii'-.uniptit. ind frmn that time on up to
three months, when the cure was com
pleted The l.lmfi ireatment kills the
h ihrr.’ie Hai ill'is in tin blood and tissue,
i and it is the only remedy so far discov
ered that will «i" this. It is a preventive
as well as i cure It should he used b>
those who are run down, or those who
tear the ap|T'-;"h of Consumption Ii can
t" truthfully said that forth? cure and
prevention of ( onsumption, it Is the most
wonderful treatment of the present age
This o .-nix one of hundreds of letters
re<-.*-ved from physicians and others re
p'.rtmg '.<s<s of consumption and lung
'■ ■ iblc restored to health in all sections
>'f the 1 mtrd States We want to send
everx lung ' fferer absolutely free the
‘•tartllng stat, nents «.f i »r. \\ II Kiester,
■'f 1 'a\ ton. <>h It < ’ G I’inckard. of
Kansa - < ’il x . M- . I»r I H Ward, of
Troy. ?do . and many others who report
i remits almost bex<»nd belief, together whh
■ < valuable booklet <»n the cause, prexett-
I’ion and ircaimont of ronstrmption and
lung t rouble
If y..i ar? suffering from weakness,
■ ■ h'ofi spHtinu. pus-filled sputum, night
-yxci v. >hills. fever, loss of flesh, painful
; Lings, listre-smg cough, wasted body, loss
;"f strength write me today and I’ll send
; ■ t ARSoI.I’TEI.Y Fl* KI thr s w orn t es-
■ itnony of many who. after suffering with
;• ’ s’.eh (li<tt» <s ng mptorns. now state
j’hat the} \ltl * I I’ITI*. strong, able to
x\ ■! k. w ti.out <.r pain, bappy. full of
. ;»ra after a few months’ u-r of this
s!’io,’i? ho,nr treatment Send x our name
and adflrec.- T< »P \ > J I DD 1 LOYD.
I .'791 Ijoxd Building St Louis, Mo
I ktlsntn'x RqxltslThevlrr j Toripht ktSQ
1.." Arpeauni, pf Next W"ek
I May T„||y £ Co.. ’Nicols „
S'ste.s. Charles and Fannie Remarkable -
Van and Other Features. Hypnotist
! M • • 1 or in 'Ka 1 Ural < • .
Two B*T'nnmg May 6th
Matinee Dm
rrnf. !*•- e?". s?"
per nf rh" greatness Hoke will h?
And -oh. wo? to Hok? and his chief
lieutenant of publicity —he will have to
hold his peace while th? convention
names delegates to Baltimore, which
delegates will proceed prompt]' tn elect
(’lark Howell his own Fin’cessor nn the
national commit ter, and all without
protest from any quarter that amounts
to anything politically just now!
The Hoke Smith machine reckoned
without its host, -• hen it re* Ivon rd
without flic people nf (Jeorgia. Those
people arose in their might, and they
walloped the Smith machine past all
recognition -walloped it so badly and
so thoroughly that it has been sent to
the junk heap, whence it ro t er will re
turn ready for business.
Its sorry little creature, the state
committee, xvili be good forth? few
weeks of life yet allotted tn it. of
course, ft will bp good, not because it
wants to, hut hrcauJtr ii just naturally
u ill have to.
< <)NS I’ A N T’TNOPHF2. TURKE V. Ma y
3. A telegram received from Smyrna
says th? steamer Texas, which went
down in Hie gulf of Smyrna " ith 140
persons Monday night, uas sunk by a
shell fired from the military fort and
not b\ a mine, as at first reported
Th? dispatches say two blank shots
were fiist fired by the Turkish fortifi
cation. warning the vessel that she had
deviated from th? proper channel When
no notice was taken a shell sent th''
ship to tlm bottom.
The annual declamation contest of the
prepara torx schools <»f Atlanta will be
held at Taft hall tonight, and two stu
dents from everx school of that class in
the clt<v will contest for honors Major
Winn will present a medal to the winner
Judges for the contest arc: J. W. Aus
tin, .1 J Hastings. I W. Martin Marlst
college orchestra will furnish music.
ERIE. RA . .May 3. After working in
miner and machine shops for two xears
and successfully passing herself off as
a man all that time. Mrs. Alexandra
Sellski revealed her sex by the simple
process of fainting.
- - F
Chamberlin ,hihnson Dußose Company
Atlanta New York Paris
A Saturday Sale of
59° 89 c
s|.so„ud w For $ | 5 ° $ 2 -flo so
Corsets Corsets
The reason for this Among these are our
price is that the above own special brand
corsets are in broken Majestic, than which
sizes, that is, every kn ° w no be , ttct ,'
stvle can not be had in ’s° C 0 b 5 e . L
every size-but all terials are |)lain an()
sizes aie in the lot. striped batiste. Fotrr
I hey are corset rem- and s ix hose support-
nants—just as good ers. Models with very
and substantial now long skirts and me-
as they were a month | dium low busts. A Sat
ago when they were urday sale in which
selling regularly, You youi money may do
will find that most of t twlce and eve " thre . e
these aie just the coi- —with no sacrifice of
sets for warm weather the coin f ort o f a bet .
wear. ter corset.
Chamberlin Johnson Dußose Company
HALIFAX, N. S„ May 3-W holesale
burial of the Titanic dead has today
marked another stage in the closing
chapter of the world’s greatest sea dis
aster. Sixty bodies wer.- made ready
for interment in Halifax cemeteries
early today, and shortly after 9 o’clock
th" first 'funeral services were held in
St. Marys cathedral, when a funeral
ma. s was celebrated by Rev. Dr. Foley.
Today's burials were forced by the
condition of the bodies. Man? were
embalmed hurriedly on th" Mackay-
Benii' tt, and these have been so af
fected by the warm weather of the last
Hvo days that Dr. Finn, the medical
examiner, ordered their interment.
Identified and Unclaimed.
Sev. ral of the bodies over which
services were held today were identi
fied but not claimed, while others were
prepared for interment in Halifax by
order of the \\’hite Star officials. Pho
tographs of all, with a complete state
ment. of the effects found on thetn, have
been prepared and will be' placed on
file in the White Star offices at New
York. A separate grave was prepared
f>r each body, and where the names
were known the grave was so marked.
In cases of the unidentified the graves
were niarkeo by the numbers given the
bodies as they were taken front the sea
Gas, Sourness and Indigestion
Quickly Banished
Stomach Distress Vanishes
in Five Minutes and Dys
pepsia Is Easily Con
quered by Mi O Na Stom
ach Tablets.
That drowsy feeling after meals, ac
companied by heaviness at pit of stom
ach. means that you are in danger <<t
Start to put your stomach right be
fore it goes so far wrong that serious
results will follow.
Keep MI-’.-NA stomach tablets
with you all the time; take one or two
after or with meals and stomach dis
tress will never appear. A man can
easily carry a box in his vest pocket. A
woman can carry them in her purse.
They will surely cure any case of stom
ach distress, if used as directed.
If your food ferments in the stomach
Hastings H. Hart. D. D., head of the
child helping department of Russell
Sage foundation, will deliver a lecture
on "The Child and the Hom"" at Car
negie library next Monday afternoon at
.? o'clock. H" will speak on a similar
subject, relating to child welfare, at
Wesley Memorial church on Sunday
Dr». Hart i« perhaps the best known
and most scholarly child-saving "Xpert
in the country. Resides being bead of
the child welfare department of the
Sag" foundation, he is secretary of th"
National Children's Hom" society. H"
was for a number of years stat" super
intendent of the Illinois Children's
Home society , and h" was . ailed from
this position six years ago to take up
the work of promoting child welfare
throughout the country forth" Sag"
foundation, which set aside $10,000,009
for promoting social work of various
"kinds throughout the country. Dr. Hart
is considered the most capable man on
the subject'of dependent children to b"
found in the country. He is author of
several recent books on child welfare
in America
Following the lectur" at Carnegie
library the Georgia Children’s Home
society will hold its annual meeting in
th" lecture room.
and gas forms and sour food belches
into the mouth. MI-O-NA stomach tab
lets will stop the misery in five min
If you have any symptoms of indi
gestion. don't waste time. Put your
stomach In sba-pp before indigestion
takes command.
Indigestion or any chronic stomach
trouble leads to loss of vigor and vi
tality; half th" nervous wrecks in
America today can blame indigestion
for their condition.
Fermentation of food means that
your stomach is run down; that your
food does not digest and that the blood
not being supplied with nutritious ele
ment can not supply the various organs
of the body with sufficient nourish
That's why indigestion often causes
eye weakness, brain fag. palpitation of
heart, inactive liver and e'en pains in
th" kidneys.
Get a 50-cent box of MT-O-NA stom
ach tablets today at any drug store
Don't waste time with relievers; sr"t
the remedy that cures as well as re
M \SHINGTON, May r._ The Standard
Oil Company of Illinois was awarded
reparation from the Illinois Terminal
Railroad Company by the Interstate com
merce commission today because «>f 'ex
cessive switching charges on shipments
nf fuel oil from Woodrfver. ill., trans
ferred at st Louis.
The commission held the switching
charges of the latter point were unrea
sc?na b!e.
NEXY YORK. May .1. John Seatnn.
superintendent of public buildings in
Richmond borough, declares he saw a
white squirrel while motoring along
Jewett avenu".
Very Important pagea of newspapers
are the XVant Ad pages, because tnev
contain live and up-'o-'he.minute bus
iness of the day. This is an age of the
live up-to-the-minute business men and
women. Georgian want aus cost one cent
a word
Tremendous Sale of
XVp are extremely grate
ful to Atlanta patrons for
their patronage of our Rexall Imp
of Remedies, which breaks all records
and establishes through this store (the only
Atlanta agency’) the most phenomenal sale ever
known in the South.
There are 300 Rexall Remedies— in other words, an
extremely effective remedy for about every known dis
ease. Yon can certainly find xvhat yon need among!
them. Come in for them NOW!
.In the spring of the year xvhen the head perspires
dandruff begins Io form, the ha,ir loses health, falls out,
and baldness or at least thinness <»f hair is the inevi
table result. Keep the hair and scalp in perfect health,
by using |
Rexall 93 Shampoo Paste 25c j
Rexall 93 Hair Tonic 50c and $1 I
Rexall Spring Tonics and Blood Purifiers ,
Rexall Celery and Iron Tonw $1 size. (She
Rexall Beef. Iron and Wine $1 size,
Rexall Kidney Remedy $1 size. 79c
Rexall Kidney Remedy .. oOe size. 39e
Rexall Bamboo Brier Tome, unquestionably
one" of the best blood remedies on the mar
ket $1
Rexall Specific and Alterative, extreniely
effective in violent eases of blood trou
bles of long standing $1
Rexall Syrup of Hypophosphites s.l and 75"
Rexall Americanitis Elixir, an invaluable spring tome.
75c and $1.50
Rexall Orderlies, the biggest selling liver tablet on
earth 10c. 25c and 50c
Rexall Liver Salts, pleasant, effective 50c size. 35c
Rexall Sodium Phosphate (granular effervescent), a
most agreeable morning laxative for torpid livers,
25c and 75e
(/) Harmony Rose and Harmony Violet
Soap Glvcerine Soap, fast becoming th<=
CL most popular soap exer sold in Atlanta;
large half-pound cakes, l-hc each; 2 for
2"'te; $1.50 per dozen.
Q Mayer's Peroxide Soap, splendid for the
skin at this season; regular 10e cakes at this
(/) sale. 3 cakes for 1-'»c.
50c Perfumes 29c
All 50c per ounce (bulk' perfumes \'ioiet, Rose,
Crab Apple. Orange Blossom. Carnation Pink odors—
this sale, 29c.
Try Rexall Spearmint Tooth Paste, the latest and
best preparation on the market; absolutely different
from anything you have ever used before; refresh
ing. delicious and extreme)}
beneficial fcwG
If not satisfied return and set your money
Fresh, Delicious Candy
Our famous Barr s Saturday Candj 1 C
made from pure, xxholesomp sugar, syrups.
cream, fruits, mils and chocolate; the dain- g
first confection sold anywhere: the kind y>u j J
ean safelx give to children in abundance.
DRUG CO i -——— G ~— ._
Atlanta housekeetwis ar" receiving
quite a treat this week in the way of a
15c caul that in being issued to >ntro
du<e Pioneer Mills Self-Rising Hour.
The.' are mailing to every housekeep
er a card good for i.» cents in part pay
ment. so that you can take the card and
So cents to anv grocer in Atlanta anti
receive a 95. sack of flour. This is a
very novel plan to introduce the flour
that is sweeping tit" entire Southern
country. ~
It lias the leavening ingredients
soda. salt ami phosphate— already
mixed in. so one does not have to both
er with baking powder, soda or any
milk: in fact, you have only to add
water and lard and your dough is mixed
readv for the oven. It is not onl.'
quicker and more certain, but is much
cheaper in the long run titan the regu
lar kind of flour.
A large number of housekeepers na'e
alreadv announced their satisfaction
with this kind of flour, and especially
Pioneer, which is one of the well knoo
high-grade food products.
White City Park Now Open