Newspaper Page Text
Break in Peace Negotiations
May Result in Walkout of
170.000 Men.
any referendum vote of the anthracite
miners «n the peace agreement, which
was rejected by their conference com
mittee In New York yesterday, will
support the action of the committee
was the opinion expressed by leaders
here today. As a result of the break
off In the New York negotiations, be
cause the operators insisted on the a bn- .
lition of the sliding scale, the same
leaders say they expect that there will
ultimately be a strike In the anthra
cite fields, which will affect 170,000
Hitch on Wages.
The anthracite leaders declare that
th* supposed ten per cent increases
offered by the operators amounted .to
little more than five per cent, W’ith the
•llding scale gene, and they demanded
some form of union recognition.
The possibility of a miners' conven
tion, probably held tn this city, to
which the whole matter will be refer
red. is now very strong although it
was reported that President John P
White, of the United Mine Workers,
and his fellow committeemen might
make a final attempt to have negotia
tion* in New York reopened.
WASHINGTON, May 3.—Senator I
R*sd. of Missouri, continued hts argu
ment in opposition to the employers'
liability and workmen’s compensation
bin tn the senate today. He said the
bin contained grave errors and tremen
dous mistakes, and that the railway
employees of the country were not
unanimously In favor of It.
The measure, he declared, was the
most revolutionary piece of legislation
that had been introduced In the senate
for twenty years. He said it wiped out
common law rights and prevented an
Injured employee from obtaining re
dress in the courts of his own state.
WASHINGTON "ay 3. Edward H
Farrar, of New <>r;>an-, and Samuel i
t’ntermyer, of Neu York, attorneys for
the money trust Investigating commit- i
tee. trrlved today and conferred with |
Chairman Pujo concerning preliminary
steps in the probe of the country's
financial institutions.
They innoum . d no open hearings
would be begun until the 30.000 banks
have reported ,i« to their reauirce* and
liabilities to the inm’nittee.
Panamas cleaned. Bus-1
sey’s, 28 1-2 Whitehall St.
White City Park Now Open ;
Negligee Shirts
Complete stock of summer
“Manhattans. “ as well as our
own popular line, with plen
ty of the favorite soft shirts
marie with French foid cuffs.
High grade shirts at SI.OO to
Light Underwear
All styles athlete or short
sleeves, knee length drawers,
ete . at 50' to $2.00 per gar
ment. Union suits at SI.OO
to $3.50.
All the popular new
shapes. Straws at $2 00 to
$5 00. Bankoks, $5.00 and
SO.OO. Panamas. SO.OO.
7 ailoring--Hats--
S hoes--Furnishings
Three-Cenf. Piece
And Nickel Penny
O*K/d in Committee
WASHINGTON, May 3—The Bulk
ley bill, authorizing the minting of 3-
cent pieces, has been reported by the
house committee on banking and cur
Representative Bulkley, author of
the bill, halls from Cleveland, where a
brent carfare is imposed by city or
dinance. hence the demand for coins
of that denomination.
The bill proposes to withdraw the
copper penny and to substitute a pen
ny made of nickel. It is represented
that the copper penny collects germs
and dirt.
H Joseph Wise, former secretary and
treasurer of the Wise-Nussbaum Com
pany, was placed on trial In criminal di
vision of superior court today, charged
with embezzling 1975 from the funds of
the company
The prosecution grew out of receiver
ship suits filed against Wise by Mrs. A.
O. Stelnhardt, one of the stockholders of
the company. Wise, as an officer of the
corporation, is alleged to have overdrawn
his personal account.
Special Sale in > 1 , 1 O • 11
fine stationery Jacobs baturday Specials
Note the Extra Savings on These Items
No Telephone, C. O. D. or Delivery Orders Filled,
We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities, Mail
\ Orders Filled Reaching Us by Monday Morning.
# 25c Danderine ]4q 10c, 1-p't, Domestic Ammonia 5c
15c Jap Rose Soap 8c 20c, 1-qt. Domestic Ammonia 10c
35c Marlborough Cards 25c Packer s Tar Soap 10c 15c Amolin Powder 10c
| 25c Woodbury’s Facial Soap 14c red rubber bag, pipes, swivel hang-
At 1 50c ’ lqt- DistUled Witch Hazel.... 35c er 49c
AVERT important sale for Satur- If v | » 117 ? O 1
day—the first time these beau- MPPP Q £1 F HIPV WP VP I IOU Cl VJI 1
tlful Marlborough Cards have been of- 1 IVI O Ad <X 1 C 1 C A 1 UUU .
fP MarihoroJgl' bl is a Very fine linen A FAIR and Square Deal for the People. Wherever you find the sign Jacobs’Ph«-
card embossed in the most dalntv -* *■ maev, thorn von will find this ironclad principle, the bed-rock or our business. Kit
combination of gray and white. Tn LIABLE GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES.
quire boxes, with matching envelopes. Thi:; p O p C y we have maintained for over a quarter of a century, even in the face,
uuf'prh e V, u><' e Special' 1 ' 0 " I*o " aPW ' Pars back, of very strong: opposition from the wholesale drug trade, as well as
Saturday IwC from all competitive retail drug stores. Rut our principle was RIGHT and JUST, for
the people, and we held on, ami won out. and sustained our CUT RATES, for YOU.
In every Jacobs’ Pharmacy Store yon find RELIABLE goods at the LOWEST-in
in CH T the-f'ity prices, not for ONE day but EVERY day. because Jacobs’ Pharmacy main-
jpvLlal 111 Vlll-d 1 tfl|ns jts p |]t THROUGHOUT the year. While we have special sales from time to
EdffC Pla.VinffC3.rds time at less than our own usual prices. Ihev are not the foundation of Jacobs Cut Rates.
A - j4 r» v * J THE IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE that' stands under our big and steadily growing
IIERE is a chance to get the "qiial- business is that the JACOBS' PHARMACY CUT PRICES save yon from 10 to 331-3 |
'• ity " cards with the crisp touch per cenl on EVERY article EVERY dav, THROUGHOUT THE YEAR.
that you like to deal, at a worth while r
saving In the price. Spick and span new
25c Hornet Playing Cards, especially A Bright Moon and Closing Out Splendid Stock
select for whist 17r „ 6 U. ’ . 7* 1I I • ri 1
par,ie9 1 a Box of Candy-—? Imported Hair Brushes, $1 .00
50c Gold Edge Playing Cards. No. * t ] lP prettiest girl in town Os —1 m r— 1 r 1
52. made by U. S. Playing Card Co. ZY CoU rse \nd the Mav nvs will S, | Ml ATKI Jnl./S V SIUCS A
A beautiful 33C wlnk PVPr merrily, while she nibbles * * *P •
card. Special WtJU at the 9wee ts and weighs you in the < N unusua i opportunity to get a very fine imported brush at
balance. A a verv uit'e price. Our buyer was on the ground at the
Can you risk any but the confer critical moment to secure this exceptional close-out lot from
I w.<■ tioner’s masterpiece Such i. Block - pne o f t ) lf , leading importing houses. Hence this Great Sale!
17 er-KISS import No finer Bonbons and Chocolates are ‘ 17 7 / r
J r made anvwhere in the world, nor boxed r irte Brushes r rom England and r rance
Just Come In 1-3 or Moro Under Price
peerless and deliciou j confections A rare chance, indeed, and one not likely to repeat Itself
IF we are to judge from Its splendid Price does not count in thi. in often.
1 sales. Djer-Kiss Perfumes and Toi- stance It Is the incomparable flairs agk you to examine these
let Products stand very high in mi- and blends, and the exceptional!:, fine goods critically Included is almost
ladv's favor. It is a very reasonably qualltv nf thp fru)ts . nllts . p.,,,.,,. ~n d anv n.CticX
priced line for its exceedingly fine other things in these <-anm. that / ■ p)pfpr ' A|] sort? of woods and
make them the finest ob<auiable in / I bristles, and many different styles
Djer-Kiss Extract, original bottles. Atlanta Iry them. Fresh evna nay I and 'hires MRUiAII
small. $1.50; large. $2.00; In bulk. One pound box at 0111 Special Price, I lEg ‘ " S AM
$1.25 an ounce. 60c: one half-pound 30c. 1 w Ez:' Even at Jambs’ Cllt Fates
ojer Kiss Talcum. 25c. the reguar prices of these AV ,kr
Djer K lss Cold Cream, jar 50c. UuT Week-End \ Brushes would be $1.50 and
D|er Kiss Pace Powder, small 50c; w-j f T> I \K? " $175 T W
' H ' c ' s ' oo - Box or Bonbons I®
Djer-Kiss Brilliantlne. solid. 75c. ICIOS6 Out SH-1©
o,„ ki„ Sep.. rak. soe. Ch F* /« Price, While a, ■* fin
Special /Rp II They $1 U |
Oil C 9 1 HPHF regular 50 cent sorts, and This special sale at main store only
ask 60 crni '• a pound foi thi.T — a TAT
WT . t grade. You will find in tlu box you COHSldcr QUALIIY F ITSt
Nickel Roller Free When Buying Rubber Goods
With Sno-Tissue an j Sickroom Supplies
fresh Fridav night. Our Special rr
SNOTISSUE is a pure white and very which we sell Saturday and Sumi.i; ,• , .... . , , , ,
fine, absorbent toilet paper made by onh. at the Week End TAGUES reliability IS backed by MANY /EARS
the Scot Tissue Towel Co Regular Special Price J standing as the LARGEST and BEST rubber goods
the Main Store only Six Rolls of Sno i 11 X7 T’ a and sickroom supply house in the South.
Tissue Toilet Paper and One Paper 1 ID. I OZO 1 31CU1Y1 r nmrcT u. • ui
Roller Fixtur.--with ni-keied Ef|-. or T ACORS pncesaretheLOWESTobtainfibleany-
waii atta.hment PUC ZvJCat 1/C J where on absolutely DEPENDABLE goods.
Organdie Silk Tissue, very soft silk „ . • i
finish. Roll of 1,000 sheets 10c' 3 X r OZO TAI,CI Mwe recommend for Comfy Water Rottie. excellent grade heavy maroon rubber,
for 25c. * ’ 1 nursery and toilet use It is a full 2 quarts. Better than $1.25 grade elsewhere. Our
borated and refreshingly perfumed. Special, SI.OO
A. P. W. Tissue, verv fine Roll of " 500 pure talcum powder: excellent for the
sheets 25c; carton of t rolls 10 000 complexion, antiseptm. sooth'.ny nd Palmer's W'zard Vagina! Spray Syringe. This whirling spray
sheets. SI.OO. Flat. 1,500 sheets 20c' cooling for chafed skin, nettle rash. > s the only thoroughly efficient, cleansing, safe vaginal
carton of 6 packages SI.OO ' hives h <t. in • u : douche We consider Dr. Palmei's the beet vaginal syringe
sifter top cans. Regular Price -i 7 on the market. S ounce bulb Special Price. $2.50.
Balsam Sanitissue. 10c a roll. 3 for 25c. 25c: Special ,
AAA Tyrian Fountain Syringe, excellent heavy grade rubber.
| —— rapid flow tubing, 3 hard rubber pipes, full 2 quart. Extra
w 1 Special at SI.OO.
I X* V s ’l7’ s ° c Junior Pants, medium weight, band at waist and bot-
V# y toni of pants for extri comfort and protection. Jacobs’
•7 regular price 50c; Special 40c.
Main Store and Laboratory, 6 and 8 Marietta Street Omo Slll ' Rubber sheeting, by the yard; i yard wide, $1.00;
J ’ 11-4 yards wide. $1.25.
23 Whitehall Street 152 Decatur Street. 102 Whitehall St Davidson or Anticoite Nippies. sc: six for 25c.
n.c n < e.. , . . r.. .a , . n. , Hyqeia Nursers or Breasts. 15c each; 2 for 25c.
245 Houston Street 423 Marietta Street 544 Peachtree Street D^che Pans 7inc 75c; whtte enamPl . $1 . 50 .
266 Peters Street 70 W. Mitchell Street Bed Pans, porcelain. si.oo; white enamel. $1.75. "Perfection"
| 1 Bed Pans, finest quality porcelain. $2.50.
Structure Belonging to the
United States Is Destroyed
by Mexicans.
WASHINGTON, May 3.—An Ameri
can owned bridge on the Pan-American
railway south of Juchltan has be-n
burned by the rebels, according to state
department reports from Mexico today.
Owing to the fact that the wires m
the northern part of th® country are
down, the department has heard noth
ing further of the battle supposed to be
raging In Chihuahua or of the Buford,
the army transport now on her way
down the west coast to rescue Ameri
can refugees. No word has been re
ceived from Consul Alger at Mazatlan
for several days, but as mails arrive
only once in ten days, government offi.
cials declare they are not worried.
Conditions in the Salina Cruz district
are reported worse and five cases of
typhus fever have occurred in Saltillo,
one of the rebel strongholds of the
400 Texans Storm
Macon Tonight to
Win Next Reunion
MACON. GA , Mav 3—A special train
of nine coaches, carrying ton Texas vet
erans will arrive in Macon tonight, ac
cording to a telegram received by the re
union committee today
The delegation will be followed tomor
row by another Texas special train of
equal size. The Texans are after the
next reunion for San Antonio, which his
just announced its candidacy for the
ROME, May 3. -The Italian war of
fice today announced that 2,000 troops,
led by the king's favorite regiment, had
defeated the Turks and Arabs in Tripoli
and had occupied I.edba, 64 miles from
Tripoli. An official report to the war
office stated that the combined enemy
had lost 300, while the Italians had only
nine killed and 54 wounded.
NEW YORK, May 3.—James E.
O'Brien, a broker, choked to death on a
piece of steak in a restaurant. He
was eating a large porterhouse when a
piece lodged in his throat and cut off
his windpipe.
Templars of Georgia Praise
President's Aid. Who Died on
Steamship Titanic.
MACON, GA.. May 3 —F. J. Petri, of
Columbus, was today elected grand com
mander of the Knights Templars of Geor
gia, and Columbus was selected as the
next convention city.
A feature of the meeting of the Knights
Templars was the adoption of resolutions
on the death of Major Archibald W. Butt
in the Titanic disaster. The impromptu
eulogy on Archie Butt by Rev. G. Shir
wood Whitnev, of Augusta, met with such
favor that the convention decided to pre
serve his remarks in the minutes.
Call Main 1130.
[ - “1 — * “ nss
ss The Globe Clothing Co. The Globe Clothing Co. W
V A dig
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Aw 1L
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>;l V» &
< 'Mat 4 M JwSs.
I*7 z ’ •<. . z JX i \
lisgij • “ ' ““ ■ y ||m|
*1 Buys a hndsome silk lined spring
xj| Suit that ts and wears as well as m
any $25 tailor made suit. Ad you’ve a selection of
several excellent patterns. Ttj of suits are pic- %
Illi Bired in the above
I OiraW neW ’ deas at sl.r, $2.00, $3.00, flir
and genuine Panamas it $2.50 and
Uafa $5.00. New Belgian Fr Hats, any Unfft
I llulu shape or color that’s net $1.50, $2.00, IldlU
$3.00, $3.50.
7. ~ ~
< C Ort The of won
|j| derful value in Men’s Spring (ft
(II Suits of serge and Scotch Fifteen splen
fl? did stvles readv for vour dehtation ...$15,00 fill
® ‘ ‘ QI
I BOYS' Boys* Blue Serge Suitsivith one Children's I
Ici||TC pair extra trousers —$s£). Boys’ u/ioii
oUHo Worsted and CJieviot Suits — WAun
ANO new anf l exclusive psterns—
s3.oo, $4.00, $5.00, $6.5, $7.50, CU 1,0
| ROMPERS sio.oo. $1,51.50 |
111 rt rtrt Tllp most remakable value in
S Mpn ’ s Blue sp ?e Suits ever
HI shown in Atlanta. They are the sual “around
Ift town’* sls quality, and four oth- good styles,
In all at the same price SIO,OO
f Comfort I Balbriggan Underwear-long I NIGHT ]|
i UndeiWß3F drawers, short drawers, ong SHIRTS
and Un- sleeves, short sleeves, at 25cj0c, n.uuic
ion Suits 75c. Union Suits—soc, sl.oi 50c. 75c, $1
if! The Globe Clothin; Cc. |
| fii, 89 Whitehall Street $
ol ... ... lei
Do you want a positon?
Do you want help?
I | Georgian Want Yds
. : : ■ ; ■
Every Dav
til -==_ni
B I ■ aMMBMaMBMaMManwai l-nwcn T—IIM ■ 9 I