Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 22, 1912, EXTRA, Image 15
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN OCT NEWS: r EAO F qr PROFIT--GEORGI AN WANT ADS-USE FOR RESULTS Building Materials. ~steel' beams ~ FOR BUILDINGS. AUSTIN BROS., Atlanta, Ga. -19-7 KING HARDWARE CO. Builders' hardware, supplies, equipment and tools of all kinds. 53 Peachtree-st -13-7 Discounts On Roof Felts. TOP OF ATLANTA sone to the bad. I sell roof paints, repair all kinds of roofs. J. N. Little, 82 Last Hunter st. Phone M. 3927-J. 4-24-12 Office Fixtures. CROCKETT & CARTER. 40-42 PETERS ST. BOTH PHONES. -22-8 Monuments and Stone Work. ATLANTA GRANITE COMPANY. All kinds stone work. 17-19 Fraser-st. Phone Main 3540 1-5-47 ALL KINDS of cemetery work for 60 days at n big discount. Everything must and will be sold. J. N. Cook, manager, 82 East Hunter street. 4-17-71 Plumbing. Plumbing and Steam Fitting. H. C. Gullatt Plumbing Co. »9 N. FORSYTH ST. IVY 4379, AT LANTA 722. 4-18-57 Tailoring, Altering, Cleaning and Pressing. ana ly done at 226 Houston st. Atlanta 4181 -21-16 BROOKWOOD DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING COMPANY W. Peachtree and Fourteenth’streets Ladles and Gentlemen’s fine garments T Pressed, altered and repaired Ivy 5386. 4-10-25 Shoe Repairing. AVORK T. J. SMITH, 36 E. Hunter. ’ - 25-6 Mattresses Overhauled. BEST work; reasonable prices; new ticks if desired. Give us a trial. New Jack son-Orr Company. Both phones. 4-22-4 Stove and Range Repairing. ~DANTHEFIXER. sell second-hand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys. We take down heaters. We sell wick and wickless oil stoves. We sell gasoline stoves and ranges. Atlanta phone 2235. 121 Whitehall st. Beil phone M. 2699. 4-4-7 For Sale—Miscellaneous. NEW rubber tires put on your baby carriages; repairing. Phone Ivy 3076. Robert Mitchell, 229 Edgewood avenue. -5-9 SODA in new and sec ondhand soda fountains; easy terms; write for prices. P. O Box 1022, Atlanta, Ga. 3-16-76 WE RENT good pianos, 83 month up. We sell good pianos, $5 month up Bargain in second-hand. SIOO up. R. P. Becht Company, 110 Temple Court building. Bell phone 667 Main. 4-23-20 FLY SCREENS. -BE SURE and see our screens and get our prices before buying. Kane Blind and Screen Co., J. J. Crawford, 202 Kiser Bldg. M. 1929. 3-20-11 Atlanta Tent and Awning Co manufacturers high-grade tents and awnings. Luckie st. Ivy 5667. -16-54 SEE our line of Wagner go-carts. We also re-tire go-carts. 415 Marietta st. Atlanta phone 1797. 4-22-44 SWEET potato plants, Golden Beauty and Porto Rica varieties. Two dollars thou sand, express 25 cents thousand and less. South Island Plant and Seed Co., Meg getts, S. C. 5-10-43 FOR SALE —Gurney refrigerator used one summer; cost $55; will sell for $22.50. Call Main 2180-J. 5-18-4 FOR SALE-The furnishings of a «nine room rooming house. Phone Main 5333-I*. 227 Central avenue. 5-18-24 BARGAINS TN USED PIANOS. Very fine upright piano, only $167. Everett upright piano, only S2OO. Good upright piano, only SBS. Kranich & Bach square, $47.50. Fischer square, $50.00. Several good organs, all iu good condition, S2O up. Easy payments. Cleveland-Manning Piano ('ompany. 80 N. Pryor. WILL SACRIFICE for cash or exchange two Regina music boxes; $430 and $250. Mahoganv and oak. Five-cent slots. Practicallv new. Operate anywhere. Great money makers. Box 361, Greenville. S. C. 77 -1 o"«J Clothing. Clothing. MEN AND BOYS of Atlanta —Get BOTTOM PRICES every day in the year—on SUITS, TROUSERS, SUMMER COATS AN DRAIN COATS AT W. H. MOOR’S WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE. 62 West Mitchell Street. t OME AND SEE-TELL YOI'R FRIENDS AAOUT IT. For Sale—Miscellaneous. THE ATLAVILCiiPHOLSI’ER -ING CO. BEG to announce the opening of their new shop at 171 Whitehall street, where they make a specialty of REPAIRING and REFINISHING of all kinds of furniture; all work done by expert mechanics. Esti mates cheerfully furnished. Phone Main 2475, or rail in person. ATLANTA 1' PHOLST E RIN G COMPANY. Cotton Seed Hulls. F. R Logan & Co., Atlanta. Ga. 5-20-12 THE ATLANTA UPHOLSTERING COM PANY is now open for business. All kinds of furniture repaired. 5-20-25 SECOND-HAND SAFES —Small, medium and large home safes sls: Hall s bank and fire-proof safes, vault doors, etc. C. J. Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank Bldg. -7-33 FOR SALE—Contents of nicely furnished four-room flat; new; bargain; together transfer of lease expiring September 1 and can be renewed; cheap rent: every convenience; close in: just the place for couple wishing to go to housekeeping; or will sell furnishings separate from lease. Address X. Y. Z , Box 33, care Georgian. -21-20 POR( ’H FURNITURE. $lO Solid Oak Swings, full bolted $7.50 $6 Solid Oak Swings .forest green $4.50 sls Fiber Rush Swings .ex- tra large $12.50 S3B Fiber Rush Suits, three pieces ....$27.50 $9 Fiber Rush Tables, round top $6.50 $8 Fiber Rush Rockers, large $4.25 $7 Fiber Rush Rockers. .. .$3.75 Also special discount on all rugs and art squares. CHAS. S. ROBISON FURNI TURE COMPANY. 25 and 27 E. Hunter Street. Wanted—Miscellaneous. WANTED—We pay highest cash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consign ments. Springer’s Auction House, 25 South Pryor-st. Bell phone Main 1526. -10-lv WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for household goods, pianos and office fur niture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitch ell-St, Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26 I BUY men’s old clothes and shoes Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell st. 5-1 -14 DROP A CARD—WiII bring cash for old clothes and shoes. The Vestaire. 166 Decatur street. 3-7-8 BEST CASH PRICES for furniture, household goods and office furniture. Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 S Pryor street Bell phone Main 187. ’ 4-5-25 WANTED Second-hand bricks, store doors and show windows Address D W. Yarbrough, 20 E. Hunt er s t 5-18-11 I WILL GIVE reasonable price for sec ond-hand suit men’s clothing: size coat about 37. Address D. A. Y., Box 20. care Georgian. 35-21-5 Automobiles. R E PAI rVng?S STORAGE? PEACHTREE G A RAGE TIRES, TUBES AND ALL OTHER SUP „ PLIES. 828 PEACHTREE. IVY 2272 ... 4-10-24 WANTED Second-hand automobile; state make, year and lowest cash pri.-e Address 3-A. No dealers. Box 687. pare Georgian. 4-17-6 FIVE-PASSENGER ELMORE- 36-horse power: 1911 model; practically new. run less than 3,000 miles; fully equipped: in first-class running order: cost $2,000 when new; owner out of city and must sell: bargain. Hartrampf & Yarbray Company. Phone Main 3810. 56 Edgewood avenue. Just below Equitable Bldg. 4-22-5 DOWN GO THE PR'it’ES ONALL OUR TIRES. 1,000 NEW CASINGS in stock FIRST and SECONDS. 28x3 $7 90’ 30x3 $8.90: 32x3 $8.50; 30x3 U $11.90; 32x3 V, $12.90; 34x314 $13.90; 32x4 $17.90; 33x4 $18.90; 34x4 $19.90; 36x4 $19.90: 34x4V $22.50; 37x414 $22.50. UNGUARANTEED We have FULL LINE FISK DIAMOND AND GOODYEAR GUARANTEED TIRES and TUBES at regular list price. Send us your orders for PROMPT SERVICE. McPherson Auto Tire Co., Atlanta, Ga _ 86-18-5 WANTED—To buy at a reasonable figure, one. two or four-passenger rar. Must be a bargain, or would rent a machine for two months. Box 688, care Georgian. -20-49 CAN store few automobiles. Call and see W. O. Jones, 35 South Forsyth street WANTED—To buy a good second-hand automobile: must be in good shape and cheap. Apply o!4 Empire Bldg. 5-21-36 Motorcycles. ALL MAKES s.’? AND UP—Largest mo torcycle dealers in the South; exclusive Southern distributors for Indian. Elyea- Austell Co., 35 North Pryor-st. 1-21-9 Money Wanted. 1 BOUGHT nine vacant lots for $2,400 and have paid SBOO on them. Sold three for $1,200 and have received S3OO. The other six will bring at least $2,400. Can prove it. Account of other obligations, bit off more than I can chew in handling this. Will sell out for what I have paid out or will sell the S9OO worth of notes and then I can make it. I am the lose." because I haven't the money to cinch the profit. Let me explain. Address E. L. M., care Georgian. 61-21-5 Purchase Money Notes. $16,000 for Purchase Money Notes on Hand. Fulton Investment Company. Green, Tilson & McKinney, Attys. 1201-6 Atlanta National Bank Building. *>-17-26 FOfi SALE—Purchase money notes. Ivy 4253. 5-21-17 Money to Loan. MORTGAGE LOANS on Atlanta real es tate. Established since 1889. S. B. Turman & Co., corner Broad and Ala hama-sts. 4-1-20 FARM LOANS placed In any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould building 7-11-1 MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEO PLE. women keeping house and others without security; cheapest rates; easy payments. Offices all principal cities. D H. Tolman, room 524 Austell bulldins WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood-ave. weyman & connors; ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages or. Real Estate. 4-1-t PURCHASE MONEY INOTES—I will buy for a client either first or second mort gage notes on Atlanta property. Have 510.000 to invest. J. M Worsham, 908 Third National Bank building. Ivy 5626. 2-6-47 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. 8. W, Carson. 24 South Broad-st. __ 4-1 -JJ Without indorsement W i t h out Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Money loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO., 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. 2-8-55 MONEY to loan at low interest on im proved Atlanta real estate and farms. Eb. T. Williams, 518 Grant Building. -15-15 Loans on Diamonds PROVIDENT loan society. “Collateral Bank,” 256 Candler Annex. 8 Per Cent Per Annum. 5-11-52 EASY MONEY for salaried peo ple. 8 cents per annum at Wesley Banking Co. Purchase money notes bought. 51 Inman Bldg., 22 1-2 South Broad St. 5-8-5 JEWELERS AND BROKERS 301 PETER s loan PHONE MAIN 2M . STRICTLY PRIVATE REALTY ’i'Rl’ST COMPA NY. FORSYTH BUILDING. Capital $600,000. Surplus $350,000. Can negotiate any good Real Estate Loan on Atlanta or suburban property. Bring us your applications. Phones: Bell, Main 1304—At!. 633 2-IS-1 Business Opportunities. STUDIO —$500. Other business causes forced sale. Ground floor. N. sky light. Opp. Candler Bldg. T. R. Math ews, 117 N. Pryor. M. 2*69. 4-18-56 FOR SALE —Bearding house; eleven rooms: best location; near in; Washing ton street. Full of boarders. Bargain. Good reason for selling. J. B. R., Box 133, care Georgian. 5-9-60 FOR SALE—Nice office business paying $75 per month; good business for a lady. Box 25, care Georgian. 5-18-20 HAVE $5,000 in good accounts to sell; give me an offer. Box 84, care Geor gian. 5-18-19 WANTED —Some one to finance business with established trade and already making money. Capital at present insuf ficient to care properly for growing busi ness. Two thousand dollars required. Good interest paid to right party, or will sell half Interest to right man who will take charge of branch office in Columbus. Write quick to P. O. Box 56, Macon, Ga. BOARDING house, completely furnished; .close in; Washing ton street. Low rent. Will sac rifice for quick sale. Leaving city reason for selling. J. B. R., care Georgian. 5-18-71 Bl ><>KL< IVEHS’ OPPORTUNITY We want the name of everyone interested in the Booklovers’ Contest. How would you like to have the assistance of several literary people? Send for particulars im mediately. “The Select Title Club,’’ P. O. Box 102, Nashville, Tenn. 35-20-5 Real Estate For Sale ( THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity* 4-18 19 DO YOU WANT A NICE HOME IN DE CATUR? If so. see us. We have sever al beauties. Prices, $2,500 to SIO,OOO. Georgia Home & Farm Co., 457 Candler Anney_ Ivy 5767. 5-14-47 WEST END Between Gordon and Lu cile, one-half block from car line, two attractive and substantially built houses; six rooms: new and modern in every re spect; built by day labor; access to Pee ples street school; your choice for $3,500; terms; houses ready for inspection. Take West End or Walker street car; look at 33 and 37 Atwood street. Apply W. Strong, 364 Oak. Phone W. 460 J. 51 East Eleventh St. Remodelled Throughout. PAINTED, tinted, new mantels, new plumbing, new furnace. Will sell $4,500,00 On terms or will exchange. Apply owner, 509 AHant_a_ National Bank Bldg. 5-18-18 FOR SALE Ideal place to build summer bungalow; vacant lot just outside city limits; north side; easy terms; buy di rect from owner and save agent’s fees. F. T„ care Georgian 5-18-28 FOR a well located, well built, modern seven-room house, good terms, see owner, 816 Peachtree street. Phone 80 Ivy. 5-18-30 FOR SALE Merchants mill, known as the obi r<ck mill, Z l / 2 miles south of Alpharetta; will sell or exchange for At lanta property. Call 80-18-5 FOR Best vacant lot in Atlanta for the price. Will sell at a sacrifice. Need the money. Answer quick. _.l B. R.. car? ' 5-18-76 FOR SALE Two new four-room bunga lows in good white neighborhood; south side; city water; good lots; bargains at $1 400 each; SSO cash with $lO per month: might exchange for vacant lots. Address Owner, Box 100. care Georgian. 5-20-18 A GOOD BARGAIN. Owner Leaving City. FORCED BY OWNER to sell. Must go regardless of price. Fin? house in a nice neighborhood in the thrifty suburb of Lakewood Heights. On car line, near school and churches. A four-room cot tage on a lot 60 by 150. A bargain for some one. First come, first served. Ad dress Box 508, care Georgian. 43-20 5 Poultry, Pet and Live Stock <• ‘ ' 4* V ATLANTA QUOTATIONS. -r May 20. 1912. 4- 4* 'Corrected by McCullough Bros > 4- + Eggs—Fresh selected, no guineas 4- or dirties, 1714© 18c; miscellaneous. 4* 15®161jc; guineas and dirties, 10© 4- •E 1214 c. 4- 4* Poultry—Live per pound: Turkeys. 4* •E 1214© 15c; ducks. 10© 1214 c; geese. 8 4- 4* ©9c; hens, 13© 14c; roosters, 8© 10c; 4* 4- broilers. 30ig>35c each, owing to size; -*• •E fries. 30©35c each. 4* 4- Dressed, per pound: Turkeys. 16 t 4* ©l7; ducks, !B©2oe; geese. 10© 4* 4* 1214 c; hens, 16@17c; fries, 22@24c; 4- 4> roosters. 10®Hc. + •»**?■’*■** I •*•**•* 4**** *l* •*— J— • i*4**** * INFERTILE EGGS KEEP BEST. Following is a press notice being a sent out from the office of the sec retary, U. S. de- -f-. partment of agri- r< mW) culture, Washing- x ' ton, D. C., which is designed to re- yJ. duce the enormous lilt, loss on eggs that occurs every sea- Poultry A large part of the heavy loss _ from bad eggs can JJ nr fnr be obviated by the production of infertile eggs. This has been demon strated beyond a doubt by the investi gations concerning the improvement of the farm egg which during the past two years have been conducted in the Middle West by the bureau of animal industry of the department of agricul ture. "Secretary Wilson, of the depart ment of agriculture, estimates that, between the producer and the con sumer, there is an annual loss of $45,000,000 in the egg crop of the United States, the greater portion of which falls on the farmer, who is by far the largest producer. Os this enor mous loss, about one-third, or $15,000,- 000, is caused by heat which develops the embryo of the fertile egg, caus ing what is known to the trade as a ‘blood ring.' As it is impossible to produce a 'blood ring’ in an infertile egg, such an egg will stand a higher degree, of temperature without serious deterioration than will a fertile egg. ’'The secretary says that if farmers and others engaged in the production of eggs would market their male birds as soon 'as the hatching season is over, a large saving would be made, as practically every infertile egg would grade a first or second if clean and promptly marketed. "No more simple or efficient method for the improvement of the egg sup ply of the country could be adopted than the production of infertile eggs.” HOW TO PRESERVE EGGS. Use pure water that has been thor oughly boiled and then cooled. To each 10 quarts of water add 1 quart of water-glass. Pack the eggs in a jar and pour solution over them, cover ing well. Keep eggs in a cool, dark place. A dry cool cellar Is a good place. If the eggs are kept in too warm a place the silicate is deposited and the eggs not properly protected. Do not wash the eggs before packing, for by so doing you injure their keeping qual ity, probably by dissolving the mu cilaginous coating on the outside of the shell. For packing, use only perfectly fresh eggs, for stale eggs will not be saved and may prove harmful to the others. Water-glass is a very cheap product, that can usually be procured at not to exceed 50 cents per gallon, and one gallon would make enough solution to preserve 50 dozen eggs, so that the cost of material for this method would only be about one cent per dozen. Wa ter-glass is sodium and potassium sili cate, sodium silicate being usually the cheaper. If wooden kegs or barrels are to be used in which to pack the eggs, they should first be thoroughly scalded with boiling water, to sweet en and purify them.—The Progressive Farmer, All letters and communica tions on poultry matters and for the question and answer column should be addressed to POULTRY DOCTOR, THE GEORGIAN, Atlanta, Ga. Orpingtons. BABY CHICKS from high class White Orpingtons, 25c each, in lots of ten or more. Charley Dobbs, Gainesville. Ga -27-29 Plymouth Rocks. \\HITE tire flock on forced sale. Every one a winner. If you want something tine that's cheap, address Walter M. Rogers, Ocilla, Ga. 33-21-5 Games. FOR SALE—Two Dominecker game hens and one cock; first money order for $7.50 gets them. R. H. Crawford, Tiger, Ga 5-18-40 Real Estate For Sale. NEW 8-room 2-story residence in Deca tur, beautifully finished, furnace; large, level corner lot. Will refuse no reason able offer. Price $5,750; SSOO cash, bal ance easy terms, or will take vacant lot or automobile as cash payment. A hand some home at much below its value. W. H. S. Hamilton, owner, Decatur. Phone Decatur 413, 5-21 -1 LOT eighty by two hundred and ninety, located in beautiful Peachtree Heights sub-division, one block from Peachtree road. Asking ex ceedingly low price. Terms to suit. Owner 702, care Georgian. 32-21-5 DO Yol WANT a picturesque homo lot'.’ See those choice ones at (’openhill an Copenhill avenue, Sinclair, Lake, High land, North, Blue Ridge and Linwood ave nues. Prices attractive. Terms ver^ 1- easy, exactly to suit you. Also beautiful 5-r. bun galow. just finished. Price $2,850. Terms, SIOO cash and S2O month; no mortgage on this. -Just the home you want. See Co penhill Land <’o., 836 Equitable Building. Phone Main 603, or your real estate agent. FOR SALE Three nicely elevated lots on north side; will sell all three together or single, cheap. Address Lots, Box 80, care Georgian. 5-21-26 13% INVESTMENT This week only; a 6-room negro house rented $132 per year, 34 and 36 Matthews street. West End; lot 49x143; SI,OOO, half cash, balance one and two years; no commission. Address P. O. Box 595, City, 59-21-5 $4,500, SPRING STREET, near Baltimore block, eight-room . two-story beautiful home; a real bargain; be quick. Chris tian, 318 Empire Bld* M. 4747. 5-21-35 R. I. Reds. BABY CHICKS~~from hifrtT class S C? Rhode Island Reds, 25c each, in lots of ten or more. Charley Dobbs. Gaines ville, Ga. 3-27J1S SINGLE-COMB REDS now leading all breeds in New York egg-laying con test. and leading all utility breeds in con test at Storrs, Conn. Our Reds big lay ers, good shape and bright color; Tomp kins strain; $3 a setting; reasonable fer tility guaranteed. P. Whiting, care Geor gian. 3-29-7 QUALITY REDS. J. I. Hosford, East Point, Ga. 4-25-31 FOR SALE—Best strain Rhode Island Red pullets and cockerels. H. D. Belles, 120 Lucile avenue. 48-21-5 Houdans. FOR SALE—"Faultless” Houdans; this strain has been egg bred from trap nest records since April, 1890; I have bred them twenty-one years for great layers and twelve years for large size cbalk white eggs. These fowls are extremely hardy; have neither comb nor wattle to freeze and are the best all winter layers in open front coops. "Faultless” strain Houdans have won every blue ribbon at New York, Boston, Chicago and Phila delphia shows for past six years: eggs and stock sold on honor: send 10c for the largest illustrated poultry catalogue ever issued. It tells you how to breed these fowls, which average 250 eggs a year apiece. It tells you bow to net $3,000 a year from 100 hens. E. F. Macavoy. sec retary Iloudan club. Cambridge. N. Y. 3-21-49 Ducks. NOW is the time to set White Runner duck eggs, and Ren dotte Farm is the place to get the best. SIO.OO eggs the next two weeks for $5.00. Rendotte Farm, P. O. Box 300, Atlanta, Ga. 4-24-16 INDIAN RUNNERS Fawn-and-white and white; ducklings. 25 cents to $1; eggs, $1.50 to $5; satisfaction guaranteed. Georgia Duck Farm, S. Kirkwood, Atlan ta, Ga. 84-18-5 SPECIAL bargains in true fawn and White Indian Runner ducks for next 15 days, as 1 must have room for growing stock; are lay ing now. Model Poultry Farm, “The Farm of Quality,’’ Colbert, Ga. 4-23-7 PURE WHITE Indian Runner duck eggs for short while at $4 per setting Eng lish Pencil Runners, laying, $6.50 trio. C. Stewart. Decatur, Ga. 11-21-5 Eggs. ~ THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs, best strain, $1 per 15; guaranteed fer tile. 285 Euclid ave. Phone Ivy 958-J. -12-49 EGGS for hatching. Single setting, $1.50; two settings, $2.75; 50-egg lots, $4.00; 100 lots, $7.50; Buff Orpingtons. R. I. Reds, S. C. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks. Large flocks. Able to ship incubator lots promptly. Choice stock at low prices. I. R. duck eggs. $1.50 per twelve. E. W. Burke. Macon. 12-22-41 THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs? $1 per fifteen. 126 Windsor , street. Phone Main 3588. 4-27-25 EGGS from high class S. C. R. I. Reds. Now is the time to sei eggs to get the best colored birds. Write at once for my illustrated catalogue and reduced prices. Joe L. Wallace, Dalton, Ga. 5-1-6 Miscellaneous Poultry. FOR THE BEST White Orpington stock baby chicks and eggs write Charley Dobbs, Gainesville, Ga.; 4.000 catalogs ready to be mailed free. Write for one. 3-27-30 FOR THE BEST S. C. Rhode island Red stock, baby chicks and eggs, write Charley Dobbs, Gainesville, Ga.; 4,000 catalogs ready to be mailed FREE. Write for one. 3-27- 31 H. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seeds- men for the South, 16 W. Mitchell St. Four city deliv eries daily. North and south side 9 a. in., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell phone Main 2568. Atlanta 2568. YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY about what you are to feed your ducks, both young and old. The “Red Comb” Meat Mash is an Ideal food for them It is also an ideal food for little chicks and laying hens. If fed regular to your hens it will increase the egg production. Can be fed wet or dry, or can be mixed with scraps from the table and fed as a mash in the morning. Keep It before the little chicks regularly, and watch how fast they grow off Ten pounds 25c, 50 pounds $1.15, 100 pounds $2.25. MYER’S - BRASS WHITEWASH BUUK- ET SPRAYERS are what you need for whitewashing the poultry houses and spraying disinfectants. If you haven’t water convenient for watering the gar den you will find that they come in very handy for this tfork. Price $3 each, f. o. b. Atlanta. PETTY POULTRY PUNCHES are just the thing for marking little chicks. They are small, and can be carried on a key ring conveniently. They do not tear the web of the foot, but punch a clear hole. Price, 25c each. Dogs. FOR SALE Female black-and-tan toy terriers. Perfect little beauties. H. Roquemore, Mansfield, Ga. 50-21-5 Horses and Carriages. FOR SALE—Harness of every description. 5 sets of extra nice second-hand car- riage harness. Piedmont Harness Com pany, 189 Marietta street. 2-27-14 FOR SALE—Shetland pony, surrey and harness. Phone Decatur 32, M. I. Stone. Decatur. 32-18-5 WANTED—To rent good horse or mule , for three month* for light farm work No peddling and no public work. Best I care will be taken. Address J, T. Rustin. i Route I. Dunwoody. Ga. 5-21-45 Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. “PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: No. Arrive From No. Depart To— -35 New Y. 5:00 am 36 New Y.12:15 am 13 Jaxville 5:20 am 30 Col’bus 5:20 am 43 Was’ton 5:25 am 13 Ci net. . 5:30 am 12 Sh’port. 6:30 am 32 Fort V. 5:30 am 23 Jaxville 6:50 am 35 B’ham . 5:45 am •17 Toecoa. 8:10 am 7 Chat’ga 6:40 am 26 Heflin.. 8:20 am 12 R’mond 6:55 am 29 New Y.10:30 am 23 Kan. C. 7:00 am 8 Chat’ga 10:35 am 16 Brun’k. 7:45 am 7 Macon 10:40 am 29 B’ham. 10:45 am 27 Fort V 10:45 am 38 New Y. 11:01 am 21 Col’bus 10:50 am 40 (’harl’e 12:00 n'n 6 (’lnci .11:10 ain| 6 Macon .12:40 pm 30 B’ham.. 2:30 pm 30 N?w Y. 2:45 pm I 40 B’ham 12:40 pm 15 Chat’ga 3:00 pm I 39 <’harlo’e 3:55 pm 39 B’ham. 4:10 pm 5 Macon. 4:55 pin'*lß Toccoa. 4:30 pm I 37 New Y. 5:00 pm! 22 Col'bus 5:10 pm j 15 Bruns’k 7:50 pm 5 Cinci • * r >:lo pm 11 R’mond 8:30 pml 28 Fort V. 5:20 pm 24 Kan. C. 9:20 pm' 25 Heflin . 5:45 pm 16 Chat’ga 9:35 pm; 10 Macon . 5:30 pm 29 Col’bus 10 20 pm; 44 Wash’n 8:45 pm 31 Fort V. 10:25 pmj 24 Jaxville 9:30 pm 36 B’ham 12:00 ngt ll Sh’port. 11:10 pm 14 Cinci. .11:00 pm= 14 Jaxville 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (•) run dally, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run daily. Central time. City Ticket office, No. 1 Peachtree St. Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate. Renting and Leans. Bell Phones 1031-1032 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. FOR SALE. 1 NOT FAR from the end of the East Lake ; ear line, a very attractive six-room bun ! galow with hall; on lot 150x450; $4,000. If this is not land enough, we can give you as much as you want up to ten acres, and i sell th? whole proposition to you on at l tractive terms and at a bargain price, i owner leaving the state is me only rea ; son for selling. This property is located i so that it will steadily increase in value, i For full particulars, see either Mr. Hook i or Mr. Dews. ON KING’S HIGHWAY’, near College avenue and convenient to the north De catur car line, a six-room bungalow on lot >ox2oß feet. This house has every modern convenience except gas; piped | for furnace; handsome mantels; good plumbing. We consider It good value, for $3,750, and can arrange for easy terms. Would exchange for vacant lots in At lanta. See Mr. Dews. ON WASHINGTON STREET, near Jef ferson, we have a new' two-story eight room house with all the city conven iences, on good, level lot 50x190 feet to an alley. We can sell this place for $5,000 on terms of SSOO cash and the assumption of a $2,000 loan, which has five years to run and the balance in 60 monthly pay ments. The place is vacant now and pos session can be given promptly. See Mr. White. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TOLOAN. WE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT. 7-r. h., 45 Currier st $45.00 7-r. h., 98 Ormond st $22.60 7-r. b., 50 West Twelfth st 35.00 7-r. h., 48 W. Alexander st 22.50 7-r. h., 341 Capitol ave 27.50 7-r. h., 59 Irwin st 26.00 7-r. h., 251 Crew st 25.00 7-r. h., 24 Walnut st 20.00 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of «v --erything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 012. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. WHJJAMsIIARTSOck CO REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Phone 2106 Main. HERE IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKJNG FOR-Slx rooms, hall and bath, double-floored, storm-sheathed, tile floor on front porch, tile in bath room, steam heat, large lot, beautiful fixtures, gas and electric, stone steps, tile walk, lot fenced. This beautiful home is new. Owner has covered It with best cy press shingles; bookcases, beautiful stone mantel, exposed celling beams, hard wood floors. The price is cheap. Terms easy. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME; will arrange to suit your own taste. Make easy terms. 75 FEET FRONT on West Peachtree street, south of North avenue. This is • bargain. Make terms. HERE IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE on Myrtle street; will make terms, too. Come to see us about it. WE HAVE A BUNCH of north side bargains. See us. ANSLEY PARK BUNGALOW. NEAR PEACHTREE CIRCLE we have a very pretty six-room bungalow home. All the rooms large and well arranged, with 35-foot living room in front. Hardwood floors, beautiful electric fixtures. Lot is 50x290 feet. Price is $5,500, and can make terms of SSOO cash, balance easy. NORTH SIDE BUNGALOW—S4,OOO. NEAR WEST FIFTH STREET we have a brand-new, flve-room bungalow, well built and well arranged. The best thing on the north side for the price asked. $4,000, and on terms. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton Street. Both Phones 458. FOR SALE Store and Residence Com- Tfi T (No ’ 6o Carron st>) J J * THIS place has water and gas; lot 50x T-r 7 TUN TT 83 feet; easy terins '’ Price, $2,000. V V Vy JL/O1 JL7 l_y THOS. R. FINNEY, Sales Mgr. 12 Auburn Avenue. BUILD YOUR HOME WE BUY ANY LOT IN ATLANTA OR SUBURBS FOR YOU OR PAY NOTES ON YOUR LOT AND BUILD YOU A HOME TO SUIT, ON EASY TERMS LIKE RENT OR CASH. SEE US FOR EVERYTHING TO BUILD. ATLANTA CONSTRUCTION CO. First Floor Austell Building. Phone Main 5534 11l i. 11. ■■■■■■■■ _ II II !■■■ _■__ 1.11 2! L_,| Attractive Homes WEST END HOME, six rooms, with every convenience, east front, side drive; good as new, on West End place, for $3,900. Easy terms. MORELAND AVENUE BUNGALOW —This is a pretty six-room affair and In the prettiest section of Inman Park and a bargain sure; SI,OOO cash and $35 per month. EAST GEORGIA AVENUE—Dandy six-room cottage, with every convenience and terms for $4,000. EAST NORTH AVENUE —Close to Boulevard, six-room cottage, jam-up, with nice, pretty lot. $5,500; terms easy. Just let us show you. Martin-Ozburn Realty Co. Third National Bank Building. Phone Ivy 1276; Atlanta 208. Notice—Make Offer $5,000—011 north side, seven-room home. Will rent three upper rooms for S2O If you desire, making your payments very easy. This is a bonl fide opportunity to have the other fellow pay the differ,ence between the rent you are paying now and the monthly payments. This is a bargain. GILMER & WILLINGHAM 6 Walton St., Third Door off Peachtree. , Ground Floor. SMALL FARMS AND ACREAGE TRACTS WE HAVE a few small farms in Cobb, Houston and Coffee counties and 4,043-acre tract at Surrency. Appling county. We are anxious to sell on easy terms or exchange for city property. Come up to see us and let us show you what we have. The Atlanta Realty Owners Phone M. 2838. 1012 Empire Life Building. IN WEST GREENE ON NICE ELEVATED LOT, commanding . x x a splendid view, a nice six-room bunga- z-r-a-w w low with every convenience, including fur- IJT* 7\ T r I nace, and one of the Ixst built houses in X * the park This place is new and up-to date, and will make you a home that you IS. 7T I —* A IVY XT will be proud to own. Come In and let I < 1 l\/l f-'' ZXIAI Y us show you this. Price and terms are r ' B Both Phones 1599. BEAL ESTATE. RENTING, LOANS. 611 Empire Bldg. FOR RENT. 6-r. h., 21 Candler st., Decatur, Ga.. furnished $35.00 G-r. h., 77 Lawton st 25.00 6-r. h., 271 Formwait st 25.00 6-r. h.. 120 Broyles st 18 60 6-r. apartment, 290 East Linden st. 40.00 6-r. nat, os i,ee 5t..... la.ev 6-r. h., 79 Chatham st 25.00 6-r. h.. 9 Dickson st.. 27.58 6-r. h., 182 Sydney st 12 80 6-r. h., 175 Iveson st 20.0') 6-r. h., 280 Courtland st 22.50 6-r. h., 19 Elbert st 25.00 6-r. h., Clifton st 15.00 6-r. h . 21 Clay st 22.50 6-r. h.. 114 South McDaniel st 17.25 6-r. h., 19 West Linden st 25.00 6-r. h., 159-161 Oakland ave. and store attached 38.00 6-r. h., 9 Racine st 15.00 6-r. h., 504 Euclid ave 25.00 6-r. h , 108 Mansfield 27.50 6-r. h.. 129 W. Harris st 16.66 5-r. apartment, 290-A East Linden st 35.00 5-r. apartment, 272 East Fair st... 21.6# 5-r. h., Clifton st.. 12.50 5-r. h., 456 Grant st 15.75 And a long list of larger and smaller houses, and a good list of business houses. Come to see us.