Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 22, 1912, EXTRA, Image 16
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: READ FOR PROFIT—WZ*r* I AU*>-USE FOR RESULTS Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. PEACHTREE D oertein now that on the strong tide of an advancing market, everything on Peachtree out to Police DeLeon will go to SI,OOO a front foot. Discriminating buyers who secure lots that are especially well located, either corners or lots running through to other streets, will possess one good asset in a piece of Peachtree front age. This property is fast becoming fancy and rare. We have a few (a very few) small Peachtree investments that are a little better than the average. They are about the size that a young fellow can handle and make money on. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR REAL BARGAINS—REAL SIX-ROOM granite front home in Ponce DeLeon district: a beauty; quartered oak floors, tile bath. etc. Level, east front corner lot, 50 by 190 to alley. Price $5,500. On terms, or would consider a lot as part payment. 50 ACRES. oru”i>art of it, to exchange for a $6,000 to $8,500 home. The land is on Heards Perry road, near Rossville road, and is level and under the highest state of cultivation. INVESTMENT Strictly white. close in, we are going to sell a three-room cottage, on a lot 40 by 150. water and sewage: one and a half blocks from car line Always rented. Tin tot is worth the price. SSOO, on terms of $75 cash and $lO per month. WILSON BROS. REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. 701 Xmplre Building. Main 4411-J. Night No. Ivy 4070-X FOR RENT BY M. L. PETTY & E. L. HARLING Real Estate. 32 East Alabama St. WE OFFER the southeast corner of Haynes and Nelson streets, lot 42 by 80, with a five-room cottage, for $4,000. This is business property, and at the above price it is very cheap. Good terms_can be had. ON MILLEDGE AVENUE we have a lot 60 by 200. with one of the most sub stantial seven-room cottages in the city. IVe offer thia for $4,750; one-third cash, balance In one, two, three and tour years. No loan. If you are in the market for ;i modern up-to-date seven-room cottage, this will appeal to you. ON ORMEWOOD AVEN’i’E we have two five room bungalows We. offer these bungalows for $2,500 each; $»0 cash, S2O a month. This beats paying rent. If you look at them you will buy them, as they are worth more money than we are saking for them THIS SIDE OF BUCKHEAD, on Peachtree road, we have a lot 174 by 1,000. We offer this for S6O per front foot. Will sub divide It or sell it as a whole. Take it up with us at once. * M L.THROWER 'YU 28 WALTON STREET. GRANT BUILDING GRANT PARK section, No. 33 Woodson street, corner Love, live rooms and bath; price, $2,500; easy terms. CORNER lot and 5-room house in Captol View, for $1,750; $250 cash, bal ance S2O a month. N. 154 LUCILE AVENUE, beautiful six-room home, well built and a real bargain for $4,000; terms easy. Main 515-1450. Atlanta, 164. SPRING STREET LOT WITHIN 150 FEET of Walton street we have a business lot that should sell at an advance of $4,000 to $5,000 next, spring. It’s mighty seldom you get an opportunity of buying high class business property so close to center around the price of this. $11,500. Easy terms. B. M. GRANT & CO. Second Floor, Grant Building. rWBBW L"! 1 ! ■ ■ ■ I 2 !■ ' i i !■!£! 1 Free Transportation AUCTION SALE Marietta Car Line at Carmichael and Conway Stations Wednesday, May 22 at 2:30 P. M. 100 LOTS Perms: $25.00 cash and SIO.OO month, at 7 per cent interest. Car leaves corner Walton and Fairlie 2 P. M. J. W. FERGUSON & SON, Auctioneers. FREE: Call Ivy 4157 for valuable nformation. HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO. 34 N. Forsyth Phone ivy 4157. itr-:— ———■“ — —1 ■ ■ in. HOME SEEKERS ARE TOU In the market for a home? If so. ft win be to your Interest to confer with u« at once. LISTEN: Do you own a lot anywhere in the city or sub urbs paid for or hall paid for? If so, let us build a house on It to suit vour Ideas and arrange terms like rent or easier Houses we buiid range second to nons jo point of workmanship, material and beauty Ask our customers. Plana and specifications will cost you nothing. GATE CITY HOME BUILDERS REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. 1509 Third National Bank Building. Phone Ivy 3047. Real Estate For Sale.* Real Estate For Sale. At Auction 41 Building Lots I 1 2 Modern Bungalows Saturday, May 25, 3 p. m. Good Building Lots Are Scarce I IF YOU DON’T believe it, just look around and see how few good lots you can buy for $50.00 per foot. Os course, you go out on the edge of things and buy cheap, but you have to wait ANT) pay for sewer, wa ter, gas, paving and all those things that go to make a city home comfortable. TIIE 41 lots we propose to offer have every element of value you could possibly find in building lots, no matter what price you pay. ALL THE LOTS are either on.the North Boulevard street ear line or just off it. Close to Ponce De- Leon avenue, two blocks from Piedmont park, and surrounded by the most active building operations in the city of Atlanta. North Boulevard has a new r wooden block paving which joined to Ponce DeLeon provides a perfect avenue to the center of the city. EVERY lot has sidewalks, paved street, water, gas and sewer DOWN and PAID FOR. THE SOCIAL conditions are the very best. All around are new homes, modern and good to look at, occupied by the best citizens of Atlanta. JUST TWO BLOCKS away is beautiful Piedmont, park, with its lake and children’s playground, a place for the little folk to play all summer and gath er the strength and health that comes from out of doors. YOU CAN NOT duplicate these lots anywhere be tween Piedmont park and Ponce DeLeon for less than $60.00 per foot. Our auction lets YOU price these lots. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS recently PASS ED UP the work of inclosing the creek and advise that work will begin about June. THE TWO BUNGALOWS have been just finished and are beautiful homes, finished right up tn the minute, in style and comfort. Go look them over and be ready to buy when they arc put up. Quick Money Is Made At Auction Sales THE PRICE invariably advances after the sale. THE TERMS of this sale are so easy any thrifty young man. with a few hundred savdd up. can lay the foundation of his (‘state, prepare for his future home, or clean up a nice profit as an investment. THE BULLDERS can find no better place to operate. This Sale Is the Biggest Oppor tunity of the Year. TERMS EASY 1-5 CASH, balance'l. 2. 3. 4 years. 6 per cent. Re member the date —Saturday. May 25, 3 p. m. i Steve R. Johnston, Auctioneer. Chas. P. Glover Realty Company 2 1-2 Walton Street Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. 50 LOTS On Gabbett’s Hill AT AUCTION Thursday, May 23, at 3 P. M. THAT ARE especially valuable and desirable for sit is upon which to build houses either to sell or to rent to colored people. GABBETT’S HILL is apiece of high ground fronting on Currier street, School Place, Buchanan street, and on a 20-foot street running from Ripley street to .Bedford Place, and is surrounded by the following prominent streets: Currier street and Forrest avenue on the south, Piedmont avenue and Ripley street on the west, Pine street on the north and Bedford Place on the east. NEGRO PROPERTY. INVESTMENT FOR BIG INCOME. THIS SECTION OF ATLANTA is recognized as THE BEST negro property in the city. THIS IS THE SECTION that all the wise ones trv to buv in when they are making INVESTMENT FOR BIG INCOME. ASK ANY REAL ESTATE MAN or trader in Atlanta “where to buy the best negro renting property.” and he will promptly tell you In the Fourth ward. Anywhere from Ponce DeLeon avenue on the north, to Decatur street on the south, and from Piedmont avenue on the west to Hilliard street on the east. ASK HIM WHY. and lie will tell you because it is the ESTABLISHED NE GRO SECTION, and also, because houses in this section RENT FOR MORE and STAY RENTED BETTER than in any other part of the city. THESE LOTS are especially desirable because they are easy of access from both the business section and the best residence sections of the city. FOR ALL OF THE ABOVE REASONS we say that these lots are particu larly well located for the homes of the colored people, because they are anxious to live among their own race, at a convenient distance from their places of employment. BUY ONE OR MORE of these lots, and build neat homes for colored people on them, either for sale or for rent. THE RESULT will be ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY to you. PROPERLY IMPROVED, this property will pay you better than any other form of interest-paying investments. STOCKS AND BONDS pay from 4 to 8 per cent —6 per cent being a high average. IMPROVE THESE LOTS, as they should be improved, and 14 per cent would be a conservative aver age (gross) return from them; or just three and a half times more than a savings bank pays. IT IS REALLY A VERY RARE THING to be able to buy this class of property, especially at auction, where you will name the price. WK WANTED EVERYBODY to have a chance at it. So we induced the owners to GRANT TERMS OF $50.00 cash and the balance SIO.OO monthlv, with 7 per cent simple interest. EVERY LOT PUT UP WILL BE SOLD ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT RESERVE. TAKE FORREST AVENUE or PINE STREET cars. EITHER LINE will put you tylthin a short block of these lots. IF YOU DON’T QUITE UNDERSTAND, come to the office. We will gladly figure it out for you. Get plats from FOSTER & ROBSON. Agents 11 Edgewood Avenue. J. W. FERGUSON & SON, Auctioneers. THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modem home unless it is wired for Electricity. 4-18-20 TWO brand new 5-room bungalows, facing the North Decatur car line, in Kirkwood; lots 50x150 each; paved street, water, sewer and electric lights. Price $2,750 and $3,00; on the easiest of terms. - ■ - i - - . -, ii I , mi n | ■ ■ - - - .. . ii i ■■■ i_l FORCED sale of Brookw'ood bungalow, on Brookwood avenue, just off Peachtree car line; close price and easy terms. / LOT 100x300; this side of Peachtree creek and on Peachtree road; we can aell this for less than SIOO per foot. HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO. Phones: Atl. 226, Bell Ivy 4157. 34 N. Forsyth St. AUCTION 70 Building Lots, Inman Yard Heights, Wednesday, May 22, 2:30 p. m. $lO cash, $5 per month. THESE LOTS WILL BE SOLI) absolutely to the highest bidder, without any restrictions. The very easy terms upon which we are offer ing these lots puts them in reach of everybody that wants a home or small investment. Houses built on these lots will rent or sell at a big profit. There is always a good demand for houses in this section on account of the many industries located so near the property and it being convenient to car to reach this property. Take car marked Marietta- Inman Yards, get off at railroad bridge, look west for big sign on the property. TERMS: SlO CASH. $5 PER MONTH, 7 PER ( ENT INTEREST. J. B. JACKSON C. G. CLARK. Auctioneer. PHONE MAIN 929—4 NORTH PRYOR STREET. Real Estate For Sale. £ gHARP & J^O ALSTON CENTRAL. WE have a corner inside the mai' ic half mile circle that can ne bought right, now for a price that is bound to make mqney for the purchaser in twelve months time; this property is bringing in suf ficient income now to make it easy to handle and we ean make the terms so easy you won’t realize that you have speqt any money be fore you will be able to turn it over at a nice profit. BETTER LOOK INTO THIS. TERMINAL DISTRICT. WE have 100 feet front in this sec tion that for quick enhancement can not be beat: we can sell this at a price that will enable you to double your money before you finish paying for it. This is a speculation where you CAN’T LOSE. HARWELL STREET. Tins is a nice little five-room cot tage on a nice level lot that we can sell for $2,000 on easy terms QUIT PAYING RENT AND GET A HOME. WEST PEACHTREE ST. HOME. NEAR HOWARD STREET we have a. good two-story slate-roof twelve-room house, on an east front lot; has furnace electricity, servants' house, stable and all conveniences. This is elose in and can be bought on reasonable terms. Owner wants an offer. Call at office. SOME CHOICE BUILDING LOTS PRICES LOW. Fairview avenue (Druid Hills), 100 by A SO , "'SG W. 6s *’ Corner Park and Dabney, 100 by 147. 4 150 Avery drive. 75 by 178 2000 St. Charles avenue, 50 by 240 1 900 Westminster drive. 50 by 200 2’500 Jackson street, near Ponce DeLeon avenue, 50 by 130 2 500 Royston street, near McLendon, 50 by 132 1,350 Kuhn street, 50 by 180 1 350 Ponce DeLeon avenue, 50 by 240 . / PETERS STREET. BETWEEN Whitehall and Eorsvth streets, cheapest property in Allanta has good brick building on it: side and rear alley; lot 40 by 100; $20,000, on easy terms. S. B. TURMAN & CO. BROAD AND ALABAMA STREETS. • Houses For Rent. For Rent by E. RIVERS REALTY CO.\ 16 rooms, 605 Washington street.... $70,n0 12 rooms, 510 S. Pryor street,.'so.oo 12 rooms, 49414 Decatur street 32.50 11 rooms, 132 Capitol ave 40.00 10 rooms, 79 E. Merritts avenue... 65.00 10 rooms, 218 S. Forsyth street.... 35.00 9 rooms, Baltimore block 30.00 8 rooms, 274 Gordon street 37.50 7 rooms, 143 Pulliam street2s.oo 7 rooms. 137 Windsor street 27.50 7 rooms, 566 S. Pryor street 30.00 6 rooms, 281 N. Fifth street 30.00 6 rooms, 26 Capitol place 35.00 6 rooms, 40 Royston street 30.00 6 rooms, 24 Uncle Remus avenue.. 25.00 6 rooms, 230 Randolph street 25.60 6 rooms, 186 Park avenue 32.50 5 rooms, 67 W. Baker street 30.00 5 rooms. 89 Woodward avenue ... 25.00 5 rooms, 254-A Courtland 35.00 5 rooms, 27 E. Alexander 40.00 5 rooms, 259 E. North avenue 22.50 5 rooms, 39 Mills 22.50 5 rooms, 36 W. Peachtree street... 38.10 5 rooms, 120 S. Mason avenue 12.50 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases. RETAILED AND REPAIRED? ROUNTREE’S 77 PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654. Builders’ Column. Contractors and Builders. I Will Finance You IF YOU wish to build; all kinds of build ers’ material for sale. B. F. Mitchell. 514 Austell Building. 4-25-14 ARCHITECT, contractor and builder, cabinet shop; carpenters furnished. P. H. Jones. 190 Houston st. 3-21-12 HOME BUILDERS. HOMES built for cash or terms; archi tectural designs furnished free. Century Construction Co. 720 EMPIRE BLDG. -10-35 Architects and Builders. CONTRACTOR, cabinet shop; carpenter! furnished. John Allen, 106-A Edgewood avenue. 3-22-43 Painting and Tinting. FOR THE BEST PRICES~CALLrir B ba E «ld£ 1455 ’ 31s 4TH Georgian I 1 Want Ads Get Results ''