Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 03, 1912, HOME, Page 14, Image 14
14 TJttE ATLANTA WtUKWIAJN AJND KtAU t- <_> K FKUb H -UtOHilxlPirßi W/=Krw ■ —<U»E. FUN ntL3U!_l3 -.nVAVAi, dl at a. KUa. Clothing. Clothing. COMFORTABLE CLOTHES BEAUTIFUL MOHAIR SUITS OUTING PANTS. HOT WEATHER COATS SELLING TO EVERYBODY AT FAR LESS THAN RETAIL PRICES. COME AND SEE THEM. Money promptly refunded if wanted. W. H. MOOR WHOLESALE CLOTHING, 62 W. MITCHELL ST. 6-3-31 Money to Loan. MORTGAGE LOANS on Atlant* real es tate Established elnee 1889 S. B. Turman & Co., corner Broad and Ala bama.-sts. 4-1-20 WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes Foster & Robsou, 11 Edgewood ave. CHAS P GLOVER REALTY COMPANT LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Established 1899 21$ Walton street 6-18-16 WEYMAN * ESTABLISHED 189» Mortgages or. Rea,! Estate 4-1-t BPECIA L HOMETUNDS TO LEND any amount S per cent Write or call B W Carson. 24 South Broad at Loans on Diamonds PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. •‘Collateral Bank." , 256 Candler Annex. 8 Per Cent Per Annum. 6-11-52 f*.' JEWELERS AND brokers 501 p * tie »s BLDO LOAN V (V X- PMONt MUN iH CO ' STRICTLY PRIVATE Without Indorsement W i t h out Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Monev loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO.. 301-2 Fourth Nation • al Bank Building. 2-8-55 i> YOU WANT MONET, bring loan ap plications direct to us We contract buildings and finance propositions We buy and sell purchase money notes We loan you money or loan your money. Randolph Loan Co . 821 Candler Bldg Ivy 5069 4-27-8 MORTGAGE LOANS on Atlanta’real es tate Established since 1889 S. B. Turman & Co, corner Broad and Ala bama streets 4-1 20 FARM LOANS placed in any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia The f Southern Mortgage Company. Gould bulld og Tirt HONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEO- PLE. women keeping house and others rlthout security, cheapest rates: easy Payments Offices all principal cities D. t Tolman Room 524 Austell building FOR SALE. TWO lots of purchase money not»': one lot of $2,000 sec ond mortgage, north side home. Another lot SI,BOO. first mort gage unimproved property - Ti tle perfect in both cases Will trade for clear, vacant or de sirable equity, or accept small discount for cash .TNG. R. SCOTT. Phone 1869. 814 Grant Bldg. Colored Undertakers. Fountain & Robinson, ,123 Auburn Atl. 5921-F, Night Ivy 8609 4-11-27 rs." ?. Fire Proof Storage. WE STORE HOUSEHOLD goods and pianos Office and warehouse 239- 341 Edgewood-ave Ivy 2037 John J. Wood aide Storage Company Mattresses Renovated. WE MAKE OVER old mattresses: also furnish new ticking: best work, give as a trial Acme Mattress Company, Jack son and Irwin streets. Both phones -4-8 Hatters. OLD hats cleaned, dyed and reshaped"' best work: prompt service; satisfaction guaranteed Out of town orders solicited Both phones Acme Hatters. 1004, Whlte ha!) street 8-131 Sewing Machines W£ REPA.IR any sewing machine Work called for and delivered anywhere M McNair, 229-B Auburn avenue 3-14 9 WB PENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired, prompt delivery Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 79 Whitehall 9 14 44 Monuments and Stone Work "’ATLANTA GRANITE COMPANY. All kinds stone work 17-19 Fraser-st Phone Main 8540 1-5-47 ALL KINDS of cemetery work for «0 days at a big discount Everything must and will be sold J N Cook, manager 81 East Hunter street 4-17-71 Office Fixtures. CARPENTER SHOP CROCKETT * CARTER, 40-42 PETERS ST BuTH PHONES 3-22-4 Business Opportunities YOuUIIPPORTL’NITY—SSOO will pur chase an established, profitable, pleas ant. light manufacturing and mall order business Profits S2OO monthly; capital absolutely secure Address Walter Mor row-. Piedmont Hotel, Atlanta. 6-1-43 WANTED-—To buy small established drug business. Address J H. Summers. 193 Walton street. 6-1-1 The easy way to get help for house work office, store, factory or anywhere else is to insert a small ad in the Help Wanted columns of The Atlanta Geor gian. Just phone 8000 (either phone) and the Want Ad will do the rest. Legal Notices. STATE OF GEORGIA—FuIton County To Superior Court of Said County: The petition of J. T Rose. Arnold Broyles, Mrs Emma Neal Douglas, Mrs. Oscar Elsas. Mrs. Benjamin Z. Phillips, T. K. Glenn. W C. Mansfield. Joseph Ja cobs, Eugene Oberdorfer, Clarence Hav er! y, James L Dickey, Jr., W. R C Smith. A W Farlinger, W. S Byck, L E. Rogers. George F Rogers. J M. Gloer, H Clay Moure, J M Van Harlingen, E. A Hartsock. C T Turner. U. A Robert son. Milton Klein. A Glenn Mickel. A. R. Blanchard. Emil Schnegass, W. B. Wil kerson and Willis M. Everett respectfully shows: First—Your petitioners desire for them selves and their successors to be Incor porated under the corporate name and style of ‘Dixie Boys' Club ” Second -Said corporation is not for profit or pecuniary gain and there shall be no capital stock. Third —The objects of this corporation shall be to furnish wholesome and health ful recreation, to establish and maintain camp*, to conduct outing and "fresh air" trips, to develop and upbuild the health and character, especially of the boys of Atlanta, and as the opportunity offers to afford similar benefits to the young men and women, as well as the mothers and children They desire the right to con duct any enterprise that will advance the cause of good health, good morals and good citizenship Their work shall al ways be governed by the highest moral and religious standards, but in manage ment and teaching shall be absolutely non-sectarlan As gifts hereafter to be received will be conditioned on the fore going objects, they shall never hereafter be In any way changed or nirxlified Fourth Your petitioners shall consti tute the board of directors, and they shall hold office for life, unless they re move from Atlanta, voluntarily resign, or are requested to resign In writing by at least three-fourths of the remaining members of the board; such vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the re maining members of tbe board, within 60 days after such vacancies occur Persons of any denomination, creed, faith or be lief. who are of good moral character, shall be eligible to membership on the board of directors. They shall elect an nually their own chairman, treasurer and secretary shall hold and manage all of the property of the club; attend to all permanent Improvements, outline from time to time the scope of the work to be undertaken and at all times have power to direct or restrain the work of the offi cers Fifth- Your petitioners desire for them selves and their successors the right to sue and be sued, to have and use a com mon seal and to change the same at pleasure, to have the right to receive and hold any and all donations of personalty or realty by gift, deed or devise, to pur chase. lease, hold, mortgage sell or otherwise dispose of real estate or other property, to make contracts, to borrow money. Issue bonds and secure same as thev see fit; to receive and Invest money, or other property as endowment funds for maintaining and carrying out the ob jects herein set forth; to make and alter by-laws and to have all the rights, pow ers and privileges Incidental to such cor porations or necessary for carrying out the purposes and objects Wherefore your petitioners pray that after filing and publishing this application In accordance with the law. an order be granted by this honorable court allowing this application and that they and their successors be incorporated for and during a term of twenty years with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of said twen ty years for the purposes hereinbefore set forth -WILLIS M EVERETT. Attorney for Petitioners Filed In office this June 3, 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk STATE OF GEORGIA— County of Fulton 1. Arnold Broyles, clerk of the superior court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the application for charter In the matter of Dixie Roys’ Club, as the same appears of file In this office. Witness my official signature and the seal of said court this June 3. 1912 ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk Superior Court Fulton County. Georgia 6-3-26 COURT COMMISSIONER*S SALE. PURSUANT to order and decree of Fulton superior court, in the case of Lola Badger vs Katherine Monninger, petition f'T partition. 1 will sell before the court house door told Chamber of Commerce), same being the place of public sale m Fulton county. Georgia, nn the first Tuea day in July, 1912. between 10 a m and , l P m . the following described propertv. to wit Being m land lot No. 51. in the Fourteenth district of original!' Henry, now Fulton county. Georgia, more partic ularly described as follows, to wit. Be ginning on the north side of East Harris street at a point 217 1 feet east of the northeast corner of Harris and Ivy streets, and running from said point east along the north side of East Harris street. 40 feet to the east line of the propert\ which was conveyed to R D Badger by George F Glazier. September 27. !R7s by deed recorded in deed book I’D. page 112. thence running back north of uniform width 132 5 feet, more or less, i’o the Cox property Said sale to be for ■ ash. subject to such further order of I the court as may then be legal and prop-i er Further particulars may be had by ; reference tn the order and decree of the j court of date May 9. 1912 HARRS KROUSE. Commissioner 9 6-49 READ FOR PROFIT GEORGIAN WANT ADS USE FOR RESULTS Poultry, Pet and Live Stock 4- ATLANTA ©DOTATIONS. 4 4 May 30. 1912. 4- 4 4 S ’Corrected by McCullough Bros » 4 Egg'— Fresh 'elected, no guineas 4 or dirties, 17%@18c: miscellaneous, -r 16!t?165ic; guineas and dirties. 10@ 4 12tjc 4 4 Poultry—Live per pound: Turkeys. -r 4 12541715 c; ducks 10'312 ! $c: geese. 8 4 4 I?9c. hens. 13@14c. roosters, 8JT10e; 4 4 broilers. each, owing to size, -r 4- fries. 30@36c each. 4 4 Dressed, per pound; Turkeys. 16 4 •r 1717; ducks, 18@20c; geese 10® 4 4 1214 c; hens. fries, 301735 c: 4 4 roosters. 10@lle. 4 +44444444-H-44444+444444444 FROM 30 TO 200 EGGS PER YEAR. Step b.v step we a , are solving the zi trace problems of cor- rect mating, of w—. proper housing an fl yarding, of x v * sanitary feeding and watering the /A- different values of Iflt food, of Incuba- tion and brooding w-j —by these means I OH (try we have increased the hen's output __ from 30 to 40 eggs Ijnclnr pPr year t 0 20 "' .4—xc/Lrt/r j-fte not time to set and care for the chicks, so we are compelled to rely on artificial means to replenish the flocks. I am told that It was the duck grow ers who first won victory on a large scale. Thirty-odd years ago James Rankin Easton, of Massachusetts, known as 'the father of duck industry In America." built up his trade by sending pairs of tender ducks of his production to friends in and around Boston. Today we have numerous duck farms on Long Island, in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, clearing annually from $3,000 to $20,000. I read a book on in cubation written by Mr. Rankin 32 years ago. He at that time had manu factured an incubator to sell for $250. That incubator today hatches as well as It did then. I have a friend that is now using one that he has had all this time, and I was surprised to note that the Instrfictlons now sent out by incu bator manufacturers are practically the same as those of Mr. Rankin 32 years ago It Is this question of incubation that we have not mastered yet. It is easy to run an incubator, and the most of them hatch a good per cent of the eggs intrusted to it, but this Is not sufficient It is of little use to hatch 96 per cent to have them go weak or have some bowel trouble and all die in a few days. J hear you say it is faulty brooding! No, not always lam fully convinced that the Incubation has a great deal to do with whether they live or die. CULL CLOSELY. Cull closely to get the best results from poultry raising This should re ceive your careful attention now, as In most cases the chicks are at.least large enough for broilers and will bring good prices if sold for market prices, al though not weighing so much as they will two months later, the cost of feeding them and the decreased price per pound at a later date will not war rant you to keep them any longer, and It will give those that you Intend to car ry through the winter better aecommo. datlons and $ chance to develop and mature faster. Cull closely; do not keep any cockerels that are not up to the standard as breeders, and only keep enough males for your actual needs to head your breeding pens next season. If you have any surplus cockerels that are good breeding birds, advertise them for sale and dispose of them as soon as possible, but do not sell your culls as breeders, let the marketmen have them. Cull out your pullets, do not keep any’ that do not show promise of being good layers or breders; keep only healthy birds. To the Poultry Doctor I will greatly appreciate it if you will advise, through your columns, how to get rid of the cut worms; also how to rid chickens of Texas fleas, etc. Please let It come in your next issue, as I assure you it will be of great benefit to a great many. Very very' truly, R. J BRINKLEY. Arabi, Ga ANSWER. Am sorry that I can't tell you what to do to get rid of the cut worms. Y'ou can get rid of the Texas fleas .by the use of any kind of salty grease—lard with salt added. Apply to the parts that are affected. To rid the premises of them, wet the ground with strong salt water All letters and commtinica tions on poultry matters and for the question and answer column should be addressed to POULTRY DOCTOR, THE GEORGIAN, Atlanta, Ga Orpingtons. BABY CHICKS from high clas3 White Orpingtons, 25c each, in lots of ten or more Charley Dobbs. Gainesville, Ga FOR SALE. S. C. CRYSTAL White Orpingtons. A few trios at $lO. sls. S2O. $25. S3O. $35. Also five prize hens, one cock and one cockerel, winning at Dalton. Ga., and Chattanooga. Tenn., shows. Write for prices. GEO. M. MOSELEY. Menlo. Ga. R I Reds BABY <’Ub KS from high <la«s 8 C Rhode Island Reds. 25c each. In lots of ten or more Charley Dobbs, Gaines ; villa. Ga 1-27-28 SI XfiLR-COM B REDS now leading all] breeds In New York egg laying con lest, and leading all utility breeds m con test at Storrs, Conn < *ur Reds big lay - , ers g< od shape and bright < ..lot Tomp kins strain !3 a setting reasonable fer I tllttx guaranteed P Whiting ears Ge<>r- ! r*n QI 'l.iri Rb.Dil -1 H-. 5 rd 'j I'Kint, 4 .'J-ll Ducks. NOW is the time to set White Runner duck eggs, and Ren dotte Farm is the place to get the best. SIO.OO eggs the next two weeks for $5.00. Rendotte Farm, P. 0. Box 300, Atlanta. Ga. 4-24-16 INDIAN RUNNERS—Fawn and White and White ducklings, 25c to $1; eggs, $1.50 to $5; satisfaction guaranteed. Geor gia Duck Farm, South Kirkwood, At lanta. x 67-1-6 - - « .. .. • Eggs. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs, $1 per 15; $5 per 100. 126 Windsor st. Main 3588 4-27-25 EGGS HALF pßlCE—Pure White and Fawn and White Indian Runner ducks, Black Minorcas, Barred and White Rocks, baby ducks and chickens; 50 this year's breeders; cheap to make room. C H. Ledferd, 81 Whitehall st 6-1-29 THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs. best strains, $1 per fifteen; guaranteed fertile. 285 Euclid avenue. Phone Ivy 958-J. ’ 3-12-49 EGGS FOR HATCHING—SingIe setting. $1 50; two settings, $2.75; 50-egg lots. $4; hundred lots, $7.50 Buff Orpingtons, R. I. Reds, S. C. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks. Large flocks. Able to ship in cubator lots promptly. Choice stock at low prices. I. R. duck eggs, $1.50 per twelve. E W. Burke. Macon. 12-22-41 EGGS from high class S C RT. Reds. Now Is the time to set eggs to get the best colored birds. Write at once for my illustrated catalogue and reduced prices. '^° 6 Wa 1 lace. Dalton, Ga 5-1-6 Miscellaneous Poultry. FoWWII baby chicks and eggs, write Charley Dobbs, Gainesville. Ga.. 4.000 catalogs ready to be mailed free Write for one. 3-27-30 FOR THE BEST Single Comb Rhode is land Red stock, baby chicks and eggs, write Charley Dobbs, Gainesville, Ga.: 4,000 catalogs ready to be mailed FREE. Write for one 3-27-31 H. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seeds men for the South, 16 W. Mitchell St. Four city deliv eries daily. North and south side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. ni. Bell phone Main 2568. Atlanta 2568. “BUG DEATH” is the surest thing for killing potato bugs and all other insects that bother the garden It ih non-poison ous and is easily applied Price, one pound package, 15c, postpaid, 35c; three pound package. 15c; postpaid. 35c; three $1 00. DIP YOUR FOWLS with Conkey's Nox-1- Cide. Just the thing for killing mites 1n the poultry houses; is fine for disinfect ing brooders, garbage cans, etc.; is an ex cellent disinfectant for the household; one pint mixed with water will make 100 pints of disinfectant. Price, one pint. 35c; one quart. 60c; one-half gallon. 90c; one gallon, $1 60 CANARY CAGES—AII brass, with and without wire gauze Price, $1 25 to $5.00 each FEED YOUR DUCKS the "Red Comb” Meat Mash It Is a well-balanced food for both young and old ducks and chick ens If fed regular you will see that the egg-product ion will increase. Ten pounds, 25c; 50 pounds, $1 15; 100 pounds. $2 25. SWIFT'S BEEF SCRAPS are good, clean scraps, and are the scraps to feed your fowls. Seven pounds. 25c; 50 pounds, $1 65; 100 pounds. $3.25. Hogs. FOR SALE Ten young sows, well graded Berkshire and Poland China, due to far row soon, also one Berkshire and Hamp shire boar Will sell the lot very cheap if taken at once. T. B. Ashford, 166 Peachtree street. 93-1-6 Cows JERSEY COW giving 2> t to 3 gallons of milk per day; young female calf See her at 869 Peachtree street Telephone Ivy 365 5-31-21 FOR SALE—Fine cow and calf. Call East Point 263-J. 52-3-6 Horses and Carriages FOR SALE— Horse and top grocery wagon cheap Call West 827 5-24 1 AN extremely gentle pony, rubber-tired pony buggy and harness, all $95; fine for children Address Box 10, care Geor gian. 31-31-5 FOR SALE—Medium size horse; perfect condition. Will sacrifice. SSO. Atlanta 2641 5-31-36 F'OR SALE One-horse wholesale deliv ery wagon with top. 313 Cooper street. FOR SALE —One rubber-tired runabout and harness also one set surrey har ness Call Atl nta phone J 298 6-3-5 FOR SALE Full leather top single horse surrey with rubber tires in first-class condition, costing originally S3OO. First $75 gets it Call 601 Gould Bldg 40-3-6 Dogs. FULL-BLOODED French poodles, fe males. two months old. $5 each. Apply 46 Alice strect 6-1-34 Railroad Schedule. southern" railway’ "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA The follow ing schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not gi>a ran tee■ d No Arrive From ' No. Depart To— -35 New Y. 500 am 36 New Y.12:15 am 13 Jaxville. 5:20 am! 30 Ol’bus 5:20 am 43 Was ton 5:25 am 13 Cinci . 530 am 12 Sh'port 630 am' 32 Fort V. 5:30 am 23 Jaxville 650 am 35 B’ham 5:45 am •17 Toccoa. 8 10 am’ 7 Chat’ga 640 am 26 Heflin . R 20 ami 12 R’mond 6:55 am 29 New Y’.10:30 am 23 Kan C. 7:00 am 8 Chat’ga 10 35 ami 16 Brun’k. 7.45 am 7 Macon 10 40 ami 29 B’ham 10:45 am 27 Fort V 10 45 ami 38 New Yll 01 am 21 Col’bus 10 50 ami 40 Charl'e 12:00 n'n 6 Cinci 1110 am 6 Macon. .12:40 pm 30 B’ham. 230 pml SO New Y. 2:45 pm 4 n B’ham 12 40 pm! 15 Chat’ga 3 00 pm 39 Charlo’e 3:55 pmj 39 B’ham 410 pm 5 Macon 455 pm *lB Toccoa. 430 pm 37 New Y. 5 00 pm 22 Col’bus 5:10 pm 15 Bruns’k 7:50 pm 5 Cinci . 5:10 pm 11 R’mond 8:30 pm 28 Fort V. 5:20 pm 24 Kan C 9 20 pm 25 .Heflin . 5:45 rm 16 Chat ga 9 35 pm 10 Macon . 5:30 rm 29 Col'bus 10 20 pm 44 Wash’n 8 45 pm 31 Fort V 10 25 pm 24 Jaxville 9:30 pm 36 B’ham 12 on ngt 11 Sh’port 11 10 pm 14 Cinci .11-00 pm 14 Jaxville 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (•) run dally,'ex- cept Sunday. Other trains run datlv. Central time, city Ticket Office. No 1 Peachtree St. Why not begin today and take ad- I vantage of the numberless onportunl : n.a that daily appear In the Want A.l ; i <>l itnnt of The Go.trgian'* Bargains Isidore nro there that mean a big sav ing to you. Answer quickly any arts - voti may see that offer you things ar I bargain pru Remember that all At -1 ’anta Is >at hlng these prgts. and the first one to answer <«-t* th> aoods. Real Estate For Sale. For Rent—Houses. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Renting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 21 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. FOR SALE. ONE BLOCK from a rar stop on the De- , catur and East Lake car line, a brand new five-room bungalow on a lot 57 by about 400 feet deep, which runs back to ! the street car right-of-way. This place i has not the city conveniences, hut we be- , lieve they will be accessible within a few months. Price $2,250 on terms like rent. ' We offer this property, both as a good home and a good investment, on account ' of its location and the depth of the lot Before many years the rear of the lot will ! be more valuable than the front, as it 1 fronts the car line. See either Mr. Rad ford or Mr. J. J. Hook. THREE ACRES on River car line; four- ' room house, chicken house, fruit trees, etc.; $2,000. See Mr. White. ♦ I' A NEARLY new and very attractive six- i room cottage on Edgewood avenue In Inman Park, on lot 40x180 feet to a ten foot alley, slightly above grade. This , place Is a splendid value for $4,100. Very attractive terms. See Mr White. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. WE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT. 6-r. h., 182 Haynes street $25.00 I 6-r h., 245 McLendon street $25.00 6-r h., 24 St. Paul avenue 25.00 I 6-r. h.. 196 Windsor-st . June 11. .. 23.50 6-r. h.. 27 Summit avenue 25.00 ‘ 6-r. h., 281 Highland avenue 19.00 6-r. h., 545 Lawton street 25.00 I 6-r. h.. 274 Woodward avenue 18 00 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of ev erything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT, 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618 FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY 218 SOUTH FORSYTH STREET, ten rooms two stories, all conveniences: house in good repair; only a short walk from center of city, only $35 per month 9 BALTIMORE BLOCK, between West Peachtree and Spring streets, nine rooms, three stories, brick; first-class location with all city conveniences; S3O per month. 354 CAPITOL AVENUE, near corner of East Georgia avenue, eight-room two story house, in perfect condition; fine location; all conveniences; $35 per month 64 EAST GEORGIA AVENUE, near Washington street, seven rooms, two stories. This house has all conveniences; splendid location; house in good repair; $27.50 per month. 27 EAST ALEXANDER STREET, between Peachtree and West Peachtree streets, we have this first floor five-room apartment; gas. electric lights, steam heat; S4O per month. FOR SALE BY THOMSON & LYNES 18 AND 20 WALTON STREET. BOTH PHONES 458 HERE are some worth investigating: $3.750 —BRAND-NEW West EnJ bungalow. Has six beautiful rooms; cor ner lot, about 50x160. If you want a West End home, you will buy this when you see ft. Easy terms. $4.250 —INMAN PARK bungalow-. A little dream. Has five pretty rooms, on nice size lot. Mighty easy terms on this. $2,350 —TERMS, $350 cash and S2O month. This will buy nice five-room cot tage near Cooper and Richardson. How about It? Administrator’s Sale A. J. & H F WEST, Auctioneers AT THE COURT HOUSE Tuesday. June 4. at 10 o'cloek. we will sell to highest bidder for cash, the following good rent-paying property:, 122 WEST STREET—White property. Lot 100 by 185. Excellent cottage. Lot elevated, with pretty shade trees 7 ARTHUR STREET —Colored property. Lot 50 by 185. Three-room cottage Rented to good tenants 87 HERBERT STREET Three-room cottage, on pretty lot. Corner Herbert and Arthur street s. . PUBLIC will name the" prices on this property. F. E. RADENSLEBEN. Administrator Estate Mary Hosang Muel ler, 1222 EMPIRE BUILDING. A. J. & H. F. WEST 218-219 Atlanta National Bank Building. Spring WITHIN 150 FEET of Walton street we have a business lot that should sell at an advance of $4,000 to $5,000 next spring. It's mighty seldom you get an opportunity of buying high class business property so close to center around the price of this. $11,500. Easy terms. B. M. GRANT & CO. Second Floor, Grant Building. i OFFICE PHONE MAIN 3422. RESIDENCE PHONE WEST 946. 667 GORDON STREET. J. N. LANDERS. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. 26 Inman Bldg. ON MATHISON PLACE—NO. 7. SIX ROOM up-to-date bungalow, hot and cold water plumbing combination fixtures; sidewalks and sewer down and paid for. Lot 50 by 147 to a 10-foot ■ allev Price, $3,300 each. S3OO cash. $25 per month MATHISON PLACE—NO 9 SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, on the corner: east front; front and side porches. Hot ' and cold water plumbing, combination fixtures, sidewalk and sewer down and paid for. Lot 50 by 147 to a 10-foot alley. Price $3,760; SSOO cash, $25 per month ON GREENSFERRY AVENUE. TWO FIVE-ROOM bungalows, hot and cold water plumbing, combination fix tures; street cherted; sidewalk and sewer down and paid for. Lot 43 by 140 feet to an 11-foot alley. Price $2,600; S3OO cash. S2O per month. ' m 1 te i Administrator’s Sale THE REAL ESTATE of Mrs. M. M. Morris' estate will be , sold at auction before the court house door next Tuesday, June 4. Terms, 1-3 cash, balance 1 and 2 years, 7 per cent. Plats ready. C. F. Morris, administrator. 26-1-6 For Sale or Exchange • ONE of the nicest homes in College Park; large house and lot; on one of the best streets; will sell on terms to suit purchaser, or exchange for a smaller home or vacant property in College Park. Title o. k.; no loan. J. B Webb, owner. Bell phone 251-L. College Park 5-31-7 THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. 4-18-20 Empire Trust and Safe Deposit Co. GROUND FLOOR, EMPIRE BLDG. 745 Marietta street, one store. 20x30 feet j 25 oo ' 775 Marietta street, one store. 20x60 feet. . . 17 ,'.o i 777 Marietta street, one store. 20x60 feet 17 .‘.O G 596 Marietta street, one store. 16x26 feet 12 00 I s!<B Marietta street, one store, 16x21 feet I>iOQ I 1 140 Peters street, one store, 25x75 feet 30 t n 143 Peter, street, one store. 25x75 feet .. _ <>■ i 272 Peters street one st< re 26x10“ teet ....... 125 n ■ Alabama street e.-t and I aseme -tores, 15x25 feet ea< h .. J- ’ ■ ii Corner Jackson and Decatur streets, fournt 150 0) ■ FOR RENT 292 RAWSON STREET. OUT ON RAWSON STREET at the above number, on the comer of Cooper street, situated on a high point of Raw son street, and on a corner lot with plenty of shade, we have a nice two-story ten room residence with an attic. This house Is in nice clean condition, has several nice cabinet mantels, tile hearths, electric lights, gas. three baths, stationary wash stand, sink in the kitchen, china closets, nice hall, lovely front and side porches; in a good neighborhood; on a car line; convenient to schools and churches, and within close walking distance of the busi ness portion of the city. Price, $55. 82-PARK STREET tWEST END). . ON THE I,EFT. going out Park street, in West End. we have a nice two-story ten-room residence, with gas. baths (one on each floori. sink In the kitchen, sta tionary washstand. This house has lovely cabinet mantels and in nice first-class c< nWition. Has servant’s room in the basement: situated on good lot. 50 by 150 feet, in first-class neighborhood, on car , line; convenient to schools and churches. Has nice front yard with shade. Price. SSO. Real Estate For Sale. CHARP & J^O ALSTON $25 CASH, $5 MONTH. BUYS two lots on Ashby St., 50x100. This is mighty cheap when you con sider that these lots have car line in front. $400.00 CASH. BUYS a lot on St.. 40x120. These have car line In front, paved strret. and all improvements down. BIG BARGAIN. $200.00 CASH. $20.00 MONTH. BUYS a good six-room cottage on Chestnut street. This place has all city improvements, with a big barn, and the lot is 70x168. The owner is go ing to sell, and the place is well worth all we are asking for it. No loan to "assume. AN IDEAL HOME. THIS place is on the Marietta car line and has every convenience you find in town but gas, and Just think of the pleasure you would have in living where you have all the advantages of the country, with all the advantages of the city, in a horns' that has hardwood floors, two sleeping porches, two baths, a two-room servants’ house and a lot that is a beauty, 270x500. If you want a home that is a home, look at this place. Can sell on terms, with a small cash payment. House has five bed rooms and a dandy little breakfast room, and a living room that is so large that it is a genuine pleasure to be in it. The front veranda of this house ex tends all across the front and is im mense. Let us show you this proposi tion. ONE of the most beautiful homes in the city to be sacrificed; lot 100x408; plenty of shade, fruit, etc.; a fine home, all com plete. See photograph in this issue. PRICE $2,250. - SIOO cash and S2O per month. GARDEN’ STREET, near Georgia avenue, nice five-room house; has sewer, water, gas and on a lot 50x140. See this at once. NO. 166 LUCILE AVE. $250 cash and $25 per month. If you will go in this home you will flnfl one of the prettiest five-room houses you ever saw; has every convenience; ar ranged for four more rooms at a small cost. See this. S. B. TURMAN & CO. BROAD AND ALABAMA STREETS. ATTEND THE AUCTION SALE. of Mrs. M. M. Morris’ estate at, court house next Tuesday, June 4. Terms, 1-3 cash, balance 1 and 2 years, 7 per cent. Plats ready. C. F. Morris, administrator. 25-1-6 Real Estate For Sale THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. 4-18-19 DO Y'OU IVANT A NICE HOME IN DE CATUR? If so, see us. We have sever al beauties. Trices, $2,500 to SIO,OOO. Georgia Home & Farm Co., 457 Candler Annex. Ivy 5767. 5-14-47 54 East Eleventh St. Remodelled Throughout. PAINTED, tinted, new- mantels, new plumbing, new furnace. Will sell $4,500.00 On terms or will exchange Apply owner, 509 Atlanta National Bank Bldg 5-18-18 IF Y’OU HAVE property to sell, list it with us We sell It anywhere. Give us full description, price and location, and we do the rest J. M &H. J. Comer, Real Estate and Renting. Union Citv, Ga. -29-24 FOR a well located, well xtuilt, modern seven-room house, good terms, see owner. 816 Peachtree street. Phone 80 Ivy. 5-18-30 PRIVATE AUCTION SALE—Five-room cottage; nearly new, in East Atlanta, on South Decatur car line, one block from Dahlgren Station; price has been $2,000; name your own price and terms; best offer gets it. Owner. Peters street. Bell phone Main 2168 5-27-7 FOR QUR'K SALE—Large, attractive corner, on Luckie street, close in. Ad dress Corner, care Georgian 6-1-52 COLLEGE PARK six-room bungalow nearing completion; all conveniences and a lovely home; price $3,250; onlv $250 cash, balance easy. tv. H S. Hamilton. Decatur, Ga. Phone Decatur 413. 6-3-2 FOR SALE. TIMBER LAND, in Richland Parish. Louisiana, near Ray ville. 1,500 acres. Will cut 8.000 feet to the acre. Land high and fertile. Titles perfect. To quick buyer will give close price on this exceptionally fine tract. JNO. R. SCOTT. Phone 1569. 814 Grant Bld?. 6-3-8 Farms For gale A B ARGAIN -Eighty ar res with crop consisting of 26 seres cotton and 20 acres corn This property is only five miles from Marietta on a main road and is near churches and scl'-ol house 50 acres in good state of cultivation, 20 acres original timber, balan, p in pasture land; house ' ontain- fixe rooms; is in good re pair and on a beautiful site with oak grove in front; barn , ontains four stalls; good tenant house ami several other out " Hidings 1 his plaur made eighteen cotton and good crop of other producti! last .Piii I ini! .lune If* we tan deliver this* farm with prop for onl\ $3,750 but it be -ad W’rne us’for'our list -•f < -’bl. fOGiHx fams Marietta rit\ nr<»n --f rtv and ATarif ; ta < hne prnpertv R. N. '“r., •'" and L. ans. < nurt Hotis. . Marte-.-, r; t< fi.].,, u-k a> > bu«mc's man and he will tell Ufaw ~e \-‘ n ' Ad columns ; * ; , 1 •• r ' ' ,|r ui ’■ ng better results 1' ‘ •* 1 cun**(i in an/ oths? !*MKi<uxn in tins section.