Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 03, 1912, HOME, Page 6, Image 6
6 JOHN D. MTU 5908,000,0001 His Holdings Have Been In creased $100,000,000 by Supreme Court Decision. NEW YORK. June 3 -Lawyers in- I rprestrd in the litigation in which I John D. Rockefeller ’is now involved have figured that he today’ i« worth j $900,000,000 This estimate is believed to he with in a few millions of being correct. In the oil trust suit John IL was called as a witness to tell «>f the present re lations between Standard Oil and Its former subsidiary companies. Th? in quiry regarding Tr* wealth was made in connection with the litigation. Since the “dissolution" of the Stand ard Oil trust under the judgment of the United States supreme court, the wealth of Mt. Rockefeller has grown by leaps and bounds. It is reckoned he is now worth fully $ 100,000.0<T0 more than before the supreme court judg ment took effect. Krom his holdings of Standard Oil stock Mr Rockefeller derives an in come of $40,000,000 a year. His in come from other sources varies, run ning as high as $25,000,000 and as low as $15,000,000; so that his yearly’ in come varies between $55,000 and $65,- 000,000. In 1865 John P Rockefeller achieved his first $5,000. Ten years later he ufle worth $5,000,000, and in 1890 he was reputed to be worth about SIOO.- 000,000. Mr. Rockefeller has never ventured to say what he was worth. Several years ago he placed the figures at ’somewhere between $300,000,000 and $400,000,000.” hut hr confessed on the stand h? could not tell “within $lO.- or more” just what he was Morth if he really sat down t<» figure it up He has given $174,500,000 to various charitable, educational and scientific institutions. STONED BY STRIKERS. POLICE FIRE AT MOB ('LINTON. MASS. June 3. -One striker, a Greek, was shot through the leg others were less seriously wound ed and a half a dozen policemen were struck by stones or other missies tn the course of a pitched battle today between sixty strike operatives and po llcemen Half of the strikers in the mob were women. The strikers climbed on a steep sloping bank and hurled stones and branches of trees down upon the po lice. Our June Sale of Spring Suits J. P. Allen & Co. The first of June brings us together again, for we find that our Suit stock contains 265 good Spring Suits, and we are quite certain many of you are want ing another good Suit. And certainly we can get together on the price when you read this list and then see the kind of Suits they are. Honestly—and personally speaking—we don’t believe there’s a bad Suit in the lot. They’re all well made of best materials, and are all desirable styles. Every color and combination, including black-and white. navy blue, gray, all black and all white. $22.50, $25.00 and $27.50 $30.00, $32.50 and $35.00 E Suits 1 O $40.00, $45.00 and $50.00 $2() $55.00, $60.00 and $75.00 Suits ..... J. P. Allen & Co., 51-53 Whitehall St. '•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •JOHN D.’S INCOME * : $1.90 A SECOND OR : : $164,735.31 PER DAY: , • John D. Rockefeller has S9OO,- • • 000.000. • • Hr derives an income of S4O.- • • 000.000 yearlx from Standard Oil • • holdings. • • Earnings from other sources • • hiing Rockefeller s annual income • • up to $06,000,000. with an occa- • • sjonal rise above that figure • • Getting down to tlnej ealculat- • • ing. Rockefeller has an income of • • $1.90 2-3 a second $114.40 a min- • • ute $6,863.97 an hour. $104,735.31 • • a day. and $1,158,846.15 a week • • He has made gifts to charity and • • education totaling $174,500,000. • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••a MABEL TALIAFERRO IS FEATURE AT FORSYTH Mabel Taliaferro heads the bill at the Forsyth this week, and a better bill has not been presented since the theater was dedicated to Atlanta The dainty little actress will be seen in a playlet written by herself It is called "The Return of Tori San" and It fits the charming qualities of the star to perfection. An Atlanta boy who has been more than successful in the theatrical pro fession. Shep (’amp. will be another of the features. Camp left Atlanta in ptu slcal comedy and met with success, but his real hit was registered as the star of "The Traveling Salesman." the part lie will play again when the regular season commences Bob Matthews and Aishyane, In a comedy Idea founded on the dope fiend of Chinatown, will be a feature that promises to have Its drawing power. Matthews has given the character a study that has found the humor of the being and It may be detrended upon that I here w ill he real comedy Montrell, the American Juggler, and other fea tures make up the bill, and there has never been more Interest In any For syth offering SOME FINE SINGING IS PROMISED AT THE BIJOU The headline feature for the week at th«- Bijou will bo the Bootblack Quar tet. This is an act that has never played any of the popular priced houses, and Its booking for the Bijou at Its bargain scale of prlqgs Is certainly un usual for even that house which has in the past given wonderful value for the money. The program also Includes the ap pearance of tile Wheelers and company in their spectacular pantomime absurd ity entitled "Fun and Frolic." This is another trig feature which has headed some of the strongest bills throughout the larger vaudeville circuits. The Miner til Trio, a splendid singing act. and Barto and Clark, in a musical comedy skit entitled "In '65." will com plete the bill. Following the usual custom, the very best of motion pictures will open and close each performance. Matinees are given dally at 3 o'clock, except Satur day. when matinees occur at 2:30 and 4 Night shows as usual at 7:30 and 9. .nK ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: MO>l>AY. -H ,xE 3. lui’J. N.j.orricifiisiN DICTAGRAPH NET| i Thirty-nine Atlantic City Coun cilmen Trapped as Grafters by William J. Burns. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. June 3 Thirty-nine city officials have been I caught hard and fast by dictagraphs I placed in city hall by Detective Wil- j Ham J. Burns in the graft hunt which i ,hatt given this city the greatest poiiti- I cal sensation in its history. At least 60 officials in all ar" in volved in the scandal. Fourteen dicta - I graphs were placed in the municipal' building to register incriminating re marks of alleged bribetakers, and these, it Is said, have produced records that "show the goods" on men who hitherto had escaped the taint of suspicion. Governor Woodrow Wilson is slated to compare the facts with the attorney general and contribute to'the pot" used to defray the expenses of the probe. The governor, it is said, will then take up Hie subject of the appoint ment of another elizor grand jury. Councilman Harry F. Dougherty is the only member of the gecused men who openly defied the reform fbrees. The program will be to flash the evi dence on each of the 60 or tnoie offi cials Involved, demand their confession, and if it is not forthcoming, start pros ecution. Dougherty's continued avowal of his I innocence has brought well known men ’ to his assistance, and they will tight I his cage to the final ditch, according to I Dougherty. Further startling ilevelopmen.s are : expected tonight when the various fae. tlons will wage fight for control at the special meeting of council and when men who have been implicated are ex pected to nesign Makes the Nation Gasp. The awful list of injuries on a Fourth of July staggers humanity. Set over against It. however, is the wonderful healing, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of I thousands who suffered from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explo- I sions. It's the quick healer of bolls, ul. i cars, eczema, sore lips or piles. 25 cts al all druggists. “• Each age of our lives has its Joys. Old people should be happy, and they will be if chamberlain's Tablets are taken to strengthen the digestion and keep the bowels regular. These tablets are mild and gentle in their action and especially suitable for people of middle age and older. For sale by all dealers. WASHINGTON AND RETURN $19.35 VIA SEABOARD On sale June 5,6, 7, limit June 12th, with privilege of extension. City Ticket Office, 88 Peachtree. WOMAN IN DEATH CELL TO KNOW HER FATE WEDNESDAY B< iSPrON, June 3. —Today began the | last week of suspense for Mrs. Lena ('usumano, under sentence of death at | Charlestown for the murder of her hus | band, Franak (’usumano. The woman w ill kt ow her fate Wed nesday when the executive council will act upon her petition for clemency. Councillor Alexander McGregor is her° to break the deadlock vote which re sulted w hen the question was put at the last meeting, and is non-committal as to his attitude. Mrs. ('usumano is the first woman to occupy a cell in th' Churb stow n d'-ath ! house. • Protests against he, execution are ' pouting in from all parts of the state. WON’T NEED JIM CROW CARS ON THE AIR LINES GREENFIELD. KY„ June 3. Sandy 1 Hoyle, negro jajtitot of The Advo cate. after listening to a discussion by the foreman and the intelligent com positor on the commercial possibili ties.of the aeroplane, shook his head solemnly and said: "White folks may do great things with them flying ma chines, but one tiling 1 know fo' sut tin —they won’t never need no Jim Crow I cars on ’em." •iitlfons or housekeeners and pxp»r rlmfs use SAUER'S PURE FLAVOR ING EXTRACTS. Vaniil :. Lemon, etc Indorsed by Pure Food Chemists. Dr. E. G. Griffin’s Dental Rooms | 24 1-2 Whitehall Street. Over Brown & Allen's Drim Store. I Lowest Prices —Best Work. ■ $ 5 Sei Teetil $5-00 1 Impressions—Teeth Same Day. H ESTABLISHED 22 YEARS. Gold Crowns, $3,00 I I Bridge Work, $4.00 | PHONE 1708. Hours Bto 7. Sunday 9to 1. Lady Attendant. Jf FOR SALE I —" "• • - Roofing Pitch, Coal Tar, IMMEDIATE Creosote, Road Binder, Metal Preservative Paints, DELIVERY Roofing Paint and I Shingle Stain. i I Atlanta Gas Light Co. Phone 4945 Our Presentation Afi A DC* 0F EVERy COUNTRY, To Readers of mUFA STATE and PROVINCE mwra the GEORGIAN FOR ONLY yIA ißuuUill&O v.v.vS X: V-.i’A' - clipped on consecutive dates from aw&*4 the first page °f the Georgian, W & $ like this - > ® Atlanta Georc •.*•*.*• *** ** ‘‘/*Ttf*~** '**• ,o show the part nf heading with date* m W I I ••«•»>«•»«»•»• «•>«««- ••H’:V<7 fray the necessary items of cost of SX? - i-. : . : -vsi .•?•■•■• ; :?;A’X:*.:V->A’7X. : : : 1 '•:; ing. accounting, etc. ■ I iMIM I < lIIBiB Eniit Ing Bearer to This $1.50 STANDARD Atlas 5 World 'XbVZA•?.'■: »»’ ljw * , *Mpjfea L * ; <4KR** , '‘ **?'• loth, beautiful and durable: printed on •‘•''.•’•■•'X *•!•*. .VU*'‘. : i‘ : r?}-,•!'.'•'•■*•'.,•’,•■•; •'.•? “f every state and every country, showing ‘•'•’•’X , ’.V'/■’•” •'•'. jSjJ‘<X^W»gX*l*/»'.VrJy.V* C.*.‘.*.‘.ixv*?.*.*'t'*'*Xfv 'X'l railroad lines, steamship routes, etc.; his ’■‘•■".Xfv Xi j»o*LQlX'jiMM‘‘*‘*‘‘y‘‘‘'*'‘‘‘*'X’X "•?•' t° r y of the world shown on colored charts, ■‘.‘/.‘■•‘.j ••*■•'•' ’•‘“’jrxffvi.- *•*<-■ ‘j‘‘i<iirSfc , *~'i‘Lr*^**‘'‘‘.•*X. ; T?‘* ****** ‘.k chronological tables, new descriptive ga- '•■.■.«'■'•■•■."• i®*-* i’ii! .*'X zetleer of the world: forest and reclama- '•.•'Aii’-) ij.j'.tjt’f L*:*tt-''i’< , ’X' ;.*.*•*•■.'•'; i;f; l';7 t ' on Sf>rv,, ' p . population of ap princi '.’•,7.’.V’."/X c'-Jt"v^? l^?<-‘*:'*.**'''fe‘ V^lvZwC. l t. i Z*t." | l.*‘** l ‘*‘‘‘'.%jßi?- 7?*'•/.•’•*.•'•*■■! *.".•.*, v 1 cities and countries. XX.-XX ■:•:••••. Present =!x headings of <*2p El ?nse ."'.•.’•?-’-’4 b’i'.i, f' H •'* *■*•*?.* .‘l3’.‘‘X* , ‘ l t'XiovXv.'c’. ronsecutive dates, at.d th.’ | ,',’L ax x*v S'HiSS : *- : * YOTINEED Wfefc WffOBW $ $ Handy Atlas Iw I Home, School and Office mail orebrs wi " be fl,w if v ‘"‘ ™ ci » d ' is «”» -.•■;■•.;■ ;.;j '..• -- •« j.,••.•..• 5 .- BjllJ extra for postage and address this Reduced Illustration Actual Size 8 3-4x7 inches office. - ■— SERENADERS FINED DOLLAR A HEAD BY DALTON RECORDER DALTON. GA.. June 3.— Arraigned before Recorder Tarver, a half dozen young men were fined $1 each for hav ing participated in a "serenade." The young men all pleaded not guilty, claiming that they were just miking "good music,'' but the evidence was a little 100 strong, bringing the "sere nade" into tile disorderly conduct class. Drives Sallowness from the Skin Ladi-i, imperfect complexion is caused by • «luggi«h liver. A few days treatment with CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS will do more to clean up the «km than all the beauty \ creams in creation. Cures constipation, unclogs the liver, uKj ends indigestion, pwJJTLk® fl dz&iv' I ® FiLLS. izz in e 11. vOr \\ Purely table —never fail. Small Pili. Small Do**, Small Rrice. The GENUINE must bear signature Annuity Co?—— A WORD TO BUSY BUSINESS MEN A GREATER part of your life you spend in work —leading the busy life that men who succeed must lead when accumulating a competence. But when you lay down your life’s work, what assurance have you that your business will suc cessfully continue and that your family will be well provided for? The American Life and Annuity Company has arranged practical insurance policies to set your mind at rest concerning these matters. A on can buy such policies reasonably from this strong company with headquarters right here in Atlanta. You are thus keeping your money in Georgia. Your holding an American Life <L- Annuity Company policy means trouble buried. While reading this advertisement is a splendid time to determine to buy a policy at once. We want to firmly stamp it on the mind of the residents of Georgia that the moment ‘‘life insurance” is thought of. memory instantly sup plies the company’s name American Life Annuity Company. American Life and Annuity Co. | Atlanta, Ga. | READ FOR PROFIT USE FOR RESULTS GEORGIAN WANT ADS