Newspaper Page Text
Prosecutor of Jordan Massee
Charges His Attorney With
Slander in Interview.
Following the decision of Judge Thom
as S. Sense yosterdaj afternoon, when
he declared the Tennessee requisition
for W Jordan Massee, the Macon cap
italist. null an.) ordered his jio.tifnt bond
camelled suit for .$.',0,000 has been filed
b> Robert M W illiams- of Columbia,
Tenn M’ Mass-ces prosecutor, against
M Felton Hatchet, a Macon attorney
and a relative of Mt. Massee. Sum
mons were served in this city, and the
ease will come up for trial here. The
basis of the suit is alleged slanderous
remarks given out by Hoti her in an in
ervlew in a Macon newspaper
Mr, Hatcher was in this city as at
torney foi Massee. He won his case.
Attorneys who are seeking to have
Massee taken bat k to Tennessee held a
conference, and this suit was decided
The complaint, w hit h 1“ to bo served
within a few days, will allege that
Hatcher tn the Macon interview, made
statements con< ermng Williams similar
o those made by Massee in Tennessee,
when a court there awarded Williams a
verdict of 116.250, which was later re
iuced by the presiding judge to $7,000.
The suit was brought in Spartanburg
because, according to attorneys for the
plaintiff they feared they could not get
an Impartial trial in Georgia, and be
■ It was never possible to serve the
tn Tennessee. Nicholls &
Nicholls of this city are attorneys for
"Foot Care important
as Your Complexion”
Puffy. Tired Aching Feet Change
the Facial Expression and Are
Often Responsible For
Send tor Free Trial TIZ Package Today.
A well rounded neck and shoulders are
not enhanced in beauty when the feel
make you look careworn and wrinkled
Tired, aching fee’ get on your ner\i’*
corns. callouses and bunions take all the
sunshine nut of life And yet if you put
your feet in a TIZ foot bath all foot trou
bles vanish, the feet take on a sensation
of freshness and glow : your nerves and
tired muHcles at once relax and your
mind thus becomes amiable and your face
reflects this in the smile of happiness
Try the TIZ foot bath plan. It draws
out the acids and poisons, reduces all
puffiness, makes your feet look trim, neat
and well-cared foi Po not use something
else for you will surely be disappointed
For a free trial package write to Wai
ter Luther Podge X Co . 1223 S W abash
Ave., or go tn any drug store, department
or general store and get a regular size
box of TIZ 2K cents
Are You Preparing Now for
Unprecedented Fall Trade?
Business conditions are
fine and growing better
every day. A record-break
ing autumn is assured.
With this certain growth
of trade, wise merchants are
preparing now Tor the tre
mendous imrease of those
who “shop b‘\ wire."
Our phone in your home
only 8 1-3 cents per day.
Atlanta Telephone
and Telegraph Co.
A. B. CONKLIN, Gen. Mgr.
Legislators Are Overfed. But Happy
Member- <>f the senate and house
walked slowly ami painfully into their
halls today and sank heavily into their
-etts. They wore an air of placid sat
isfaction. of absolute indifference to
whether taxes were raised or towered
whether their pet bills were passed or
not They didn’t have spunk enough to
rise to a point of order. They wouldn't
rise to anything.
For It was the day after the barbecue
given by John M Slaton, president of
the senate; Jack'' Slaton. lawmaker for
17 years: J. M. Slaton. Atlanta citi
zen: but NOT John Marshall Slaton,
candidate for governor. That was clear
ly understood.
It is appalling 10 reflect upon what a
terrffi ■ chance Mi Slaton took, now
that all is safely oyer. The average
consumption of barbecue per member
was one and three-quarters pounds,
with a pound of Brunswick stew and a
I loaf of bread a.« side fixings Then there
were lemonade and things. Suppose
there had been permitted to creep into
that barbecue an ingredient not just
right, suppose some crafty foeman had
inserted into that savory sauce a pow
der calculated to produce cholera mor
bus, cholera infantum or kindred af
fections of the department of the inte
rior! Suppose those 500 men of influ
en< e had awakened in the night with
ANXISTOX. ALA.. Aug 8. It Is ex
perte<i that by tomorrow the trial of Cross
Pearce, eighteen years of age. now on
in the <ity court here, for the killing of
Sarge Kennedy, a youth of about the same
age. on January 14. 1911, in a feud in
which I‘i John Pearce, the father of
Cross, and Shell Kennedy, the father of
Sarge Kennedy were the principals, will
have ended with a verdict from the jury,
opinion differs as to the outcome.
Cross Pearce was convicted a year ago
on a first degree charge, and was given
twenty \ears in the penitentiary. The
court of appeals reduced the charge to
the second degree, or manslaughter, and
sent It hack for a new hearing Mean
while, Pearce went to the penitentiary and
apen» six or eight months. When he was
admited to ball he married a Piedmont
girl, who. as his wife, is standing by
him in the trial through which he is now
William F Kennedy, the father of Shelf
Kenneth and grandfather of Sarge Ken
neth. is one of the chief witnesses for the
| defense He is himself to be tried next
week as an accomplice in the death nf hi?
I on and grandson
CORDELE. GA.. Aug S Drive to
the right, -low down to the minimum
speed limit, observe strictly the mili
tary turn at crossings, and keep lamps
trimmed and burning, will be some of
the requirements of autoists In Cor
dele, through the enforcement of an
ordinance City Attorney E. P. Strozle’’
has been instructed this afternoon to
draft to take the place of an old ordi
nance regulating the operation of auto
mobiles In the city, which was found
too drastic to stand the test of the
Cordele and Crisp county have ap
proximately 500 automobiles, besides
the number from other cities that arc
constantly stopping here
t'ORDELK. GA. Auk. 8 The Cor
dele city council will oppose a bill to
be introduced by Representative < >. T.
Gower, of Crisp, to amend the city
charter so as to provide for the crea
tion of a permanent bond commission
to have complete charge of all bond
moneys accruing from the sale of future
issues and the sinking fund for out
standing bonds. This was clearly evi
denced by that body in regular semi
monthly session last night
i Harris, city attorney of Sandersville;
S. J, Taylor, of Davisboro; Alfred Har
rison. of Agricola; Charles N. Summer
lin, of Sandersville, and E M Price,
of Harrison, are making a thorough
canvass of Washington county in their
race for representative.
To Drive Out Malaria
and Build up the System
l ake the <'ld Standard GROVE S TASTE
LESS CHILL TONIC You know what
you are taking The formula is plainly
printed on every bottle, showing it is
simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless
form and the most effectual form. For
grown people and children. 50c.
I A sugnintred cure for
Troubles. IMabeten. Etc.
lake •«rr<RT , M RI'CHC ARD JI 11P» K (OMPOI N»».
a liquid preparation thoroughly tented for
vrarg by tliounanda of cures, made after all
else failed. Scalding, dribbling, attaining, or
t<>o frequent passage of urine; the forehead and
the ba-k t the head a« lies the stitches and
paint in the back ; the grow mg muscle weak
nets; spots before the<»v*s; vrllow skin: slug
gish bowels; swollen eyelids or ankles; lea
• lain' s; unnatural short br-'a’h sleeplessness
and d-sp..ndeneyf Nil IHI K CHI ASH JI W!-
I’l i< « Oaroi st>. bees action on the Kidneys
an I HH,tder. quick! e does a wav with the aboee
symptoms. e promise a prompt cure bv tak* ■
' ' ’’■ * ■ " you money refundttl. ■
Drugri sft S’ u • .. I
by writing to Btuart Drug Co., Atlanta, Ga. ■
Mr r S Earlj write* us thai after
sufferiug for i?n >e«rs with the most tei
-1 Hili’ case of eczema, .luring which time
he had taken ever, blood purifier, skin
.salve, etc.. li“ read the testimonial of a
; lady who bad been cured by Tetterlne.
He tells that two or three arplicatiuna
showed results and hi continuing its use
completely cured himself lie sa.s he
i known of many verx bad cases of ec
zema that Tetterins has cured since •••
While on the Pacific
Coa'.t read the
I San Francisco Examiner
wild cries for doctors and ambulances
and favorite pastors! They would have
blamed it ail on Jack Slaton's barbe
<u< and the whole state would have
arisen in arin« against him He would
have polled only the doctors' votes.
But everything's all right. The feast
era of yesterday have that happiness to
day which comes only after a feast
where too much was a plenty and no
more. They may be lacking in appe
tite, but they are full of appreciation.
Surely bread and beef was never cast
upon tire waters with greater certainty
of return in the form of ballots.
But Mr. Slaton was careful to say he
didn't give his 'cue as a campaign prop
osition. When Mr. Upshaw, of Doug
las county, was lifted to a barrel by
his friends to thank the host for the
feast In, pledged to the candidate the
votes of all present. But Mi. Slaton,
smiling upon the assemblage, absolved
them from the promise of their spokes
man, and said the pledge needn't count.
■'l've been giving these barbecues for
seventeen years,” he said. "This will
be rny last year in the legislature, and
Mr«. Slaton said I just mustn't cut it
out this summer. If I can feel that
you and I are just personal friends, ir
respective of polities, the purpose of
this barbecue is more than accom
Henry W. Laird, deputy insurance
commissioner of Alabama, will at rive in
Atlanta tonight to be one of the speak
ers of honor at the annual banquet of
the Anniversary club of the Southern
States Life Insurance Company, which
will be held at the Driving club Fri
day night.
The opening session of the club was
held in the home offices of the South
ern States Life In the Candler building
this morning. The feature of the morn
ing session was the annual address of
President Wilmer L. Moore. The club
is composed of the leading agents of
the company for the states of Georgia,
South Carolina, Florida and Alabama.
They have obtained their membership
in this club through the volume of busi
ness written during the past twelve
A number of features have been
planned for the entertainment of the
club during its two days session.
PARIS, Aug. B.—Fifty men of the
Twenty-second regiment of Dragoons
were wounded in a dynamite explosion
during flring practice at Rheitns yester
day. It became known today. Fifteen
of lhe injured probably will die.
Tiie military authorities endeavored
io prevent news of the accident from
leaking out.
An additional passenger train be
tween Atlanta and Columbus, which
will carry a through Pullman sleeping
car. to be operated between Columbus
and New York, will be inaugurated by
the Southern railway about September
15. according to an announcement made
today by H. W Millet, assistant to the
rhe Columbus-New York sleeper will
lie ope'ated east of Atlanta on South
ern railway trains Nos. 29 and 30,
known as the 'Birmingham Special.'
and the schedule of the new train be
tween Atlanta and Columbus will be
arranged to provide comfortable con
nection at Atlanta. While the detail
schedule figures have not been worked
out, it is probable that the new train
will leave Columbus about 9 a. m. ar
riving in Atlanta at 1:40 p. m. and re
turning leave Atlanta at 12:30 p. in,,
which will give connection from the
Southern's Cincinnati-Atlanta train, as
well as from the "Birmingham Special."
The Trials of a Traveler.
"I am a traveling salesman." writes
E. E. Youngs. E. Berkshire, Vt.. "and
was often troubled with constipation
and indigestion till I began to use Dr.
King's New Life Pills, which I have
found an excellent remedy.” For all
stomach, liver or kidney troubles they
are uhequaled. Only 25 cents at all
druggists. **•
Our examination of the eyes is not
what is usually termed "testing eyes. "
Our examination does not consist
simply in placing a trial frame on the
face of a patient and adjusting lenses
before the eyes, with the familiar ques
tion. "Does this make it better or
Our examination, with perfect equip
ment. is absolutely scientific in every
particular and is made without the use
of poisonous drops or drugs.
The world's best medical authorities
nre responsible for the statement that
drops or drugs ate not only dangerous,
but bting about n condition in the eye.
in many cases, making it impossible to
determine the refractive error.
Our examination of the eyes is -o ex
act that absolutely guarantee all of
our work. Unless you arc completely
satisfied we will cheerfully refund your
We are in n position to positively de
termine. through our examination,
whether or not a diseased condition ex.
ists. In case of disease we do not pre
scribe glasses, but alway s refer the pa
tient to his family physician for propei
You can feel sure of finding out here
the exact condition of your eyes We
will conscientiously tell you whether
y ou need glasses or not. or whether you
need medical car. You pay nothing
for this information.
Whether or not you wear glasses,
come in and have us determine the con.
dition of your eyes Have us tell you
whether the glasses you aie wearing tit
You will save your eyes and your
j money bv lonsulting us first.
Remember, the examination made
; I 'thout cbarg. Hines optical t'ompa
lo' optometrists and optician-. 91
' P> ic htrei street, Atlanta Ga.
Ai. t-»( SI A. GA., Aug, B.—At a meet
ing of the creditors of the Perkins Man
ufacturing Company, held here. John
P. Mulherin. George A. Toale and
George F. White were elected perma
nent trustees. They were instructed
to wind up the affairs of the company
as quickly as possible.
As soon as the concern acknowledged
bankruptcy, Joseph Ganahl, referee,
named Messrs Mulherin and Toale as
receivers. Within a day or two the
announcement came from Macon that
Judge Emory Speer had held up the ap
pointments because Mr. Ganahl's term
of office had expired and he had no
right to make the appointments. Speer
then sent George F. White, United
States marshal, to Augusta to take
charge. About the time that White
came over Judge Speer reappointed
Ganahl and subsequently Messrs.
White, Mulherin and Toale were named
temporary receivers by the referee.
Now, the three temporary receivers
have been made permanent trustees.
NEW YORK. Aug B—Policeman
Huth, of this city, has eieived a goc;
cup for winning a inn-yard race. Huth
weighs 250 pounds.
Men’s Grey and White
Value $3.50 yr
s£B9 J
We have the Jk- \A
White Ox- SjfGglg
fords in ’• • <7*!
Same TK 5 ' ' £’7*
Price ’•
/ \ o° NX /
/ Order
L by Mail
Men's Onyx Silk Sox 35c, 3 pairs for SI.OO
Dr. E. G. Griffin’s Jental Room; |
$5 Set of Teeth $5
ImfeZ! glSmy* 22k Gold Crowns, S 3
Spccial Bridge Work ’ S 4
Dental Work Lowest Prices.
—8 to 7. Lady
Your Rocky Mountain Trout
is the gamest, w iliest thoroughbred that ever a fly deceived.
He s alwax s hungry. lie lives in a country of prodigious
appetites and tremendous vitality.
By the way, how is your appetite ami where is your
energy these sticky, muggy, man-killing days? A little off
feed, eh? No ambition? Brain foggy? If you will stick
to your grind throughout the year you can’t expect to keep
your edge. Y ou’re ground down. Better go to Colorado
and hone up. A month in the great hills will quicken
your pulse, harden your meat and clear your brain. The
fares are surprisingly low.
Anv way of going to Colorado is a good wav because it ccts
you to Colorado. Rut the best service is that aftorded by
tiie fast limited trains of the
Rock Island Lines
direct to the foot of the Rockies by the route of the greatest
Through Sleeping Cars From the Southeast
are operated in connection with the Frisco Lines.
The Colorado Flyer—every morning from St. Louis —and other
fast daily trains from St. Louis, Kansas City, Memphis, Chicago, Omaha
and St. Joseph for Colorado, Y ellowstone Park and the Pacific Coast.
Let me tell you about through low fares and other details.
yY ’d. Hunt. District Passenger Agent
Isooiibl. 18 No. Frvor Street V'lanta. Ga.
[■MOhlh PHONE MAIN 661.
WASHINGTON, Aug. B.—Wearing a
broad band of crape around his high
silk hat. President Taft returned to
Washington ai 9 o'clock today, accom
panied by Major Rhoades, his military
aid, and William Herron, his broth
er-in-law. Mrs. Taft and Charlie
Taft remained in Ciniinnats. They will
leave for Beverly today
Immediately upon arrival here, the
president hurried to the white house to
attend a special cabinet session which
he had called, presumably to consider
the veto of the steel bill.
Atlanta people have found out that A
SINGLE: DOSE of simple buckthorn
bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded
in Adler-i-ka, tiie new German Appen
dicitis remedy, relieves constipation,
soui stomach or gas on the stomach al
most INSTANTLY. This simple mix
ture antiaepticizes the digestive organs
and draws off the impurities, and it is
surprising how QUICKLY it helps. The
Jaiobs' Pharmacy Company.
Where Where
Highest Prices
Quality Are
Prevails Lowest
Exposition Week Sale
Os Some Things
Made In Atlanta
Friday and Saturday’ the 36 Rogers’ Stores
will specialize a few of the many “ Made-in-Atlan
ta" goods carried in their stocks. The quality of
these Atlanta-made articles is very high, yet Rog
ers’ prices are very low.
The Best Brooms Are
Made In Atlanta
After having sold and thoroughly tested brooms
made by leading manufacturers all over the coun
try we have decided that Atlanta-made brooms are
best of all. So we are now selling only Brooms
made in Atlanta. Friday and Saturday only we
will offer these Brooms at reduced prices.
Extra heavy 5-string Broom.
60-cetit kind
Medium weight Broom, 0 4a
regular 40-eent kind
The Best Mops Are
Made In Atlanta
We think the Made-In-Atlanta Mops that we sell are th''
strongest, most durable and altogether most desirable
mops on the market. They are the product of the Atlanta
\ ariety Works. On sale at all our stores. Three sizes, as
follows :
Extra large and heavy, for
office buildings, etc OVV
Medium weight, for general Jl
purposes “fwC
Light weight, the housewife's
favorite favC
Some Table Delicacies
Made In Atlanta
Regal Brand Home-Made Apple Jelly, absoluteli pure and
delicious. Same quality made out of Atlanta
would cost you 20c per glass. Our price, per glass |UC
Peerless Brand Apple .felly, made a
in Atlanta; large glass I UC
Peerless Brand Grape Jelly, made »■
in Atlanta; per glass j
Two glasses for 25c.
I). L. Brand Pure Apple Vinegar, made
in Atlanta: gallon bottle wUC
Pure Apple Vinegar, made in ««
Atlanta: quart hottie |
Red Rock Ginger Ale
Made In Atlanta
Few Atlanta products are so widely known and used
as Red Rock (linger Ale. The Rogers' stores sell manv car
loads ol this delicious beverage every year, and its popular
ity is constantly increasing.
Smail bottles, each g c
Pints, each 9e; per dozen $lO5
Quarts, each 12 1-2 c. per dozen $l5O
The Following Specials
Are Not “Made In Atlanta”
Old llickorv Braud Tennessee Sugar Cured Shoulders or
Picnic Hams ; small 4
sizes; per pound I
Extra tine Virginia Green Cabbage 41
for two days at. pound |
Trumpet Brand Condensed Milk.
one of the best brands; per can
36 Stores