Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 10, 1912, EXTRA, Image 14
THT ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. Business Opportunities. WAXTKI'- Mi<idle-ag« 1 la ■ snappy proposition io leave city at once. Box 15. care Georgian. 42-8-9 Sawmill or tfit f«-r <ai*- ■ r Change 25-horsepower J. 1 Case boiler and en gine. No 5 Wheland mill • ■ mplc’< . !!••♦ saw. belts and other fixtures. >»’><•>». or would exchange for rountrj or cio prop erty or good second hand automobile If interested, write John V (’lenient*. Eton. Ga 46-8-9 FOR SALE/—Grocery store, good Incation. «xood business reason leaving town «5 E. Alabama st Phone 1(37 T>> ■: • ( ]. \-r \ ET BIGH-CuiSS. gilt-edge nvestment. guaranteed to pax 10 per cent net above all expenses: great opportunity f t hnrt time to person desiring safe -nd profit able investment. I’ B<»x 192. Atlanta 25-7-31 Money To Loan. Tlip Prudential Insurance Company of America can make you a 5, 5 1-2 and S per cent loan on improved property through their loan corresptindents. TERM AN. BLACK A CALHOUN, 203-S Empire Building. / MoNi’.Y E<>R SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon thr-lr own names; -heap rates, cast ptivmenls Confiden tial 1‘ H Tdman._j_O Am tell building Al*; an mailt loans on Xtlanta real es ’ate ami faun lands Apply to_R»lplt i - ’ocbra i |9Soutl Broad - H 20 ;.f- pat 1 • mrncdiat« loans on property in or mar Allanta .1 E Van X alkmborg. 501 Equitable Bldg (>-'y32 Weyman <«• coxx, ms, ESTABLISHED 181'0 Mortgages on Real l-taic 4-1-3 WE IIA'.'E plenty of money to Ind at lowest rales on Atlanta •uni iiearlu properly, filler for straight month!' payment plan A<■ f<>i purchasing pm chase money notes. Foster & R. . ” I’ I-.;. ’ • •»<! A"" [>, JEWELERS AND BROKERS 301 ’’ETt-ltS bldg M< LOAK - <Y CO STRICTLY PRIVATE ' '</• ■ ■ • ; . ■ . • t • . * I 8 ' V ’ i. 1-1-17 MWA ■■ ■ Improved farm iH’ ds Hi Georgia The • Southern Mort gag* «’• -t? , Gould build ing Without Indorsement Without Collatertil Set urit v Without Real Estate Securities M’-nev loaned ;tf LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO., 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. «=■— - ■ .. Money Wanted. YOUNG MAN would like to secure a • loan to finish his dental course Bank) references an 1 good securities, c \A .. Bo* 125. care Georgian 47 8-9 Real Estate For Sale.' RWE your earning* hu» building lot Two dollars cash and one dollar per month. Box ST. <’ol!eg» Park, Ga 8 ■ FOR \i 1 Norti • -:■ .■. ■, g well, which you can bu\ choaplj and i hold for appreciation Phone lw 309 g g ■. IF YOU want a real home at cost, write I me. It is on the car line In the best j section of West End and has everything | I'. <■ - . 1 . ; ■ \ \ I . 57 ACHES «>f mulatto land in Cobb coun ts five miles south of Marietta. Ga . three miles w e*t of Smyrna. Ga., ’0 ! acres >n cultivation: balance in pasture and timber- fixe acres good branch bottom land; house and barn. Price *2.000 Will give terms Apnly to W (.». Fincher, 509 Lawrence street. Marietta, Ga 17-8-8 RASH I 11 1 1 \ ’’ LO Hol •• ■ ■ Oakland City, cheap for cash. Owner, I ; i 8-8-7 FOR quid <ale, list your property with Everett X Ever it. 224 Br »wn-Randolph Bldg . Marietta and Forsyth 7-15-27 THF fIOI'SE yon h’llld. Imv or rent will not boa modern home unless it is wired for eleetricitv fFg like getting inoney front notne! for it « money easilv b\ reading, using j and answering tie Want Xds nt Tbe Georgian lew - . ..pie realize the nutnv ' opportunities offerc'l il tn among the small ads It -a sign that if the p< . pie did not get results (torn the Wan! Ads i's The Georgian that •lute would not hr so man' . ( them If f. rn. tl'u g .-Ise sit I down and check off tie ads hat appeal 10, you You wll be astonished how many ~f ' them mean money to you The Want i pages are bargi n . liters In every line i The ads areipvenientlv arranged that they can be picked out ver\ east Real Estate for Sale or Exchange. SLX-R<H»M b .ngab \x . aciehi Marietta car line, for vacant lot •-r eouil> m ti\. or six-room h<usc. Atlanta property Address A »• R.»x . are ..rgiaii WILL SELL or exchange for city proper- | ty. beautifulecountrv plac» gas lighted house and barn 20 a« r« s hind springs op Marietta --ar line price $3,000 Call Main 2405- t \ddrc« Cl arles R Cook. South. Boulevard 7-31-2.’ Farms For Sale PALI' Hlgl - I ;i’p. t . c< unto farm nf fttwt art. -• It. .< - • 4 h:.- ; . , (I e*«y terms The finest farm lands n Georgia are to be found tn ' u r. n- \\ J Gilbert. T'ublin Gn S ■. 22 Building Materials. FOR BITLIMNGS Al STIN BROS. Atlanta Ga x' GEORGIAN Want Ads BTUNG RESULTS. « Poultry. Pet and Live Stock. By .A. F. Pearson. Centerville, Tenn. As a means of i j reation after bust- J- i (IVICC nes, hours, I do not know of any- - , thing that equai- a few minutes ‘ ' U,rl spent in the poul. , / there is the nio. . iHC plump hen that 7 > 7 y Ay / ■ / f}~Y • :he nice, large, * j white eggs to he had at any time Dnrtnr 1 tilth Soin*- to JLyOCIUI spare, especially iit - oil breed the wingle-eotnb Brown Leghorn. Eor beauty and grace of carriage, I think they have no equal and they cer tainly stand in the front rank as egg producers. .Among the well known va rieties of standard tyred .’owls that ate great egg producers. Hioun Leghorns seem to be the least appreciated. It is surprising to me, because there is no better variety on which to display one's art in bleeding. There is a fas cination in controlling color values. In the pullet line there ate no colors, but a blending of half-tones. They ate a hardy fo\vl; therefore, easy to keep, and I claim they will lay uicii for tile amount of food given than any other breed, hut they will not stand for neglect. The missing of a few n.cals will diminish tin- size of eggs and cause a falling off In number. Eew novitvs »■ cm to r. tlize that the pullet should lav as well in the early winter months as in to latter part, and they would if they were properly cared for. Th. sei ret of obtaining spring re sults in lylnter is to give them spring treatment; heme, they must be prop erly housed, have fresh beefserap, w liit'h is i substitute for worms, and sprouted oats, a substitute for green food. Win ter housing seems to he the problem, and .-ven h-re in Tennessee there nr« three or four months of the year when It is necessary to keep the poultry 1 housed. If they are compelled to scratch all the grain from a deep litter, there by getting the necessary exercise, there will he little falling off in egg produc tion, if any. A house Ifi by 30 feet will aceotn modatf oor 75 pullets. In this- climate tie walls need not he double, just plain, tindr. st d lumber will do, hut it should be we|: stripped to keep out drafts. This is- rii m in importance to sun’light. 'l’ll, nooses should face the south and ■ lou'd iv eight feet In front and six ! f. In b:■■■)• I' should be of the cur- | i.titi front t'-pe. having two curtained | > indows, tach three, b'’ ten feet. This , allows the direct rav« of the sun to each every part of the Interior some i tim. during th< da.'.'. Muslin is prefer able to glass, for when closed in cold 1 weather it will not cause the house to I he dam; thereby making the fowls run the risk of colds and frozen combs. Tie ■ s should he close only on windy days. Reliable Poultry Journal. Orpingtons. Bl \<‘lx < »Rl’!N<?’!’< »NS Cork?, hens, • < pullets: summer prices Hal - Riviere, Kirkwood, Ga. 33-8-9 , !•< 'll SALE Ruf! Orpington pullets and (•o( !<erol.«, March hatching, at $1 each. B I 1 cat trot. Pim hurst, Ga 8-7-22* Blrck Langshans. Hi \* K i.' ’ 'is;i \ \>. old and young stock for sale Hose Aallev Farm. Box 943, Atlani 8-8-2 Ducks. ini I\' Ru • : Ducks, fawn and white, I at erial bargain thu- week ’26 Eas’ | a • . !' It " ■ ><>< I 8-8-9 F' d <AI.E Eighteen Indian Runner' ducks Atlanta phone 3987-F. 34-8-8 . | Eggs- Til'd:*’! GHBRED Buff Orpington 6ggß. $1 per .‘lfteen, $5 per hundred. 126 Wind- i so. reel Main 3»88 4-27-25 ..; _ I Pigeons. TWO pair Maltese hens, one pair English | runts, M 0 for 10l Gu\ Tabler, College I Park 25-8-9 Miscellaneous Poultry. CHLORO NAPTHOLEUM DIP | l.l\ F. STUCK DISINFECTANT. GET Rih of chicken lice and keep youi* poultrv healthy. t’hloro • Napthoieum does th- work, prevents roup, gape and • •thrr diseases: one quart, 50c; one-half gallon,/’.‘oc. one gallon, $1.50 West his infecting Companx, 26 South Forsyth 7-23-2.’ II G. HASTINGS & (’().. Seedsmen for Ihe South, 16 AVest Mitch.>]| street. Four City De-i veries Daily North and s.mth Side 9 n. m.. Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Hell Phom- M 2,‘>(;S Atlanta 2568. RI ST'S 11 y y i:.\ CLIMAX ROl’P I’ll.LS for roup and pg« «»n diseast s. Price 25e i and 50t .'KI SHE|> oysTElt shell. SI.OO per! 100, P. >| L’l’liY GKl'r. ll' 5. .1 KAIS.-. I'IGE’.XS and want al good ch an teed that is free from corn I gi\»- Hu Pigeon Feed a trial; 7? pounds 20c; 100 pounds $3.25. BEGIN Now if yon have not alreadv be- | gan fouling \ «»ur » hickens the "Red ! bomb’ Meat Mash This is a well ba I- I at ■ -ed feed. being composed of wheat I bran, alfalfa meal, shorts, beef scraps. | « <»rn meal and a small amount of charcoal If \<’U feed it regulurl.x io \ our hens you will notice how it aids them along while • -’UlHng and \«»u will also notice how th.e| egg production will increase As a duck ' feed you can't get anything better for' both ' «Hing and old: 10 pounds 25c; 50’ pounds. $1.20; 100 pounds $2.2,5. ’’•‘l KEYS ANh LEES IJQITh LICE KILLERS. Lice Powders and Stock Con- . dit ionvrs \ RE.MEhA' FOR ALT, DISEASES o'! poultrx, just pb<>np us \<>ur trouble and we will tell you the rernedx veil need for th»uu. Doos. F« »R SALE Beagle hounds, xoung and old. Rose Valley Farm. Atlanta. Ga 8 8 3 C< »oN \Nh FoX hounds, full blood, red hone. tw<> \ears old. three packs will be sold for the next five daxs for half f regular pr *•< .1. S Bobo. Villa Rica. 13 Cows \\ \NTEh Tu.i or three tine milch cows E S Gay. 745 Equltatye building 37 Horses and Carriages rey and ba’ness for small horse, must be rea sonable Answo’ Post office Box 1265. 11 -8-9 If ye ! -pd! a letter or telegram to tbe address. \4 hi would hardly expect l an answer. w<'uld \ou'’ 'J’he same is • ,ie ! ■’ho . < »«•<’♦ the wrong medb to " ’•• r I gS t vay Ihfc Gt Au ( was. READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN XA/ANIT AOS— USE FOR RESULTS Reai Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Rea! Estate. Renting and Loans. Bell Pbon'’s 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. FOP. SALE. FOR REXT. IX <H’R opfni<in a Marietta street is the rpxt street to set fnhan<e ment. Ji jviJl naturally follow the physical developmente th■: ..ri - b< ng made on lhat street, together with the completion of the Bell wood avenim viaduct, which is now being built. We call especial attention to 2 large orner lots between the via duct and North avenue. Over a quarter of a million dol lars worth of land has been sold on this street within the last week, and it is safe to predict that in the next year over two million dollars' worth of property will be sold on tills street. Thert are now over $200,000 in new buildings under way. V\ . b. licve that the lots referred to al>o\e will make you big money. For pa i tit ulars, see either Mr. Eve or Mr. Hook. IE YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN, WE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT 24-r.h . 22-24 East Ellis (Aug 31 >.5150.00 14 r. h.. 104 Luckle $45.00 '!’-r. b... 12-16 West Ellis . 200.00 11-r. h . 31 W. P’tree pl. < Aug 31 i 50.00 17 r. h.. 185 S. Pryor (Aug 15).... 90.00 10-r. b.. 139 \V Peachtree (Aug 31) 83.33 15-r. h . 18 Hemphill avenue . 60.00 10-r. h.. 75 Washington 5t75.00 WE i‘ri’,ijsn \ WEEKLY RENT giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copx. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AVBVRN AVENI’E. PHONE MAIN «18. FOR RENT B\ r E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY 208 WEST IM<A('HTREE STKEET -(Bryon Apartment E-3) Between Baltimore Block and Linden street, on the west side of West Peachtree street, we have this beautiful six room, third floor 1 front apartment. Gas and electric lights, electric bells, house telephone, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas raiii’e. refrigerator, hardwood floors, dust shute, clothes shute, jrar bage shute, passenger and freight elevators. This apartment is “up to date’’ in every respect. Price SBO per month. Vacant August 31. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. College Park Hornes IF Vol' ARE thinking about a location for a home, don't even think til! you see this beautiful suburb. It's so much better than the city or any other of its suburbs. Now is the time and this is the place to buy or rent. $1,5011 SI,OOO ('ASH. splendid 8-r., 2-story; water, sewerage, lights; on u lovely shaded lot 110x380. It's ideal, and actually worth $5,000. Talk to me quick about this. $7,500 - ELEGANT 9-r. residence, modern and up to date; bath, hot and cold water, el< < trie lights: 300 feet from ear line on a beautiful shad ed corner lot 225x130. The owner is a widow and is very anxious to sell as she can't live alone. If you would buy at all, let me show you this. $2,150 (4-R. COTTAGE, on a beautiful shaded lot 75x190; 4 blocks from car line; $250 cash, balance like rent. $5,000 10-R. RESIDENCE; fi rooms down and 4 upstairs. It's a splen did home and a. big bargain. Owner has moved west and is very anxious to sell. Corner lot, 100x190; terms. 3 ACRES on Fairburn ear line, one mile out from College Park; 5-room cottage; lovely shade; it's a beauty and a bargain, IF YOL’ would buv, sell or rent in this lovely suburb, see i. c. McCrory Bell Phone 171. IT CAN BE DONE, \V I€ CAN A R R ANGE IT, OWN YOUR OWN HOME WE HAVE beautiful building lots on the north side. All city improvements and 10-minutes ear service? Prices from $1,200 to $2,000. WE WILL BI'ILD and make easy terms. Conte and talk it over. ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT CO. 609-13 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. I )ILLIN-MORKIS CO. Allanta National Bank Building . Phones 4234, 4235. S2OO CASH. $25 PER MONTH. BEAI TY IN A 6-ROOM. FVR \ACE-HEATED Bl NGALOW. HAS EVERY MODERN FEATI RE. PRETTY ELECTRIO SHOWERS. (’EILI\G BEAMS. PANELLED WALLS. CLLB GRATES. WINDOW SEAT. MIRRORED DOORS. PLENTY.OF BIG CLOSETS. 12-FOOT PORCH LEVEL. SHADED LOT 50x200. WITHIN BLOCK OF XEW CITY SCHOOL AND STREET CAR. STREET TO BE CIIERTED AT ONCE. NEW HOMES ALL AROCND IT. IT'S A GREAT CHANCE. Look AT THAT BIG TWO-STORY. 9-ROOM HOUSE. NO. 612 WASHINGTON STREET IT HAS A SLATE ROOF. THE ROOMS ARE ALL LARGE AND NICELY FINISHED. IT HAS EVERY CONVENIENCE. AND IS ON THE BEST PART OF THE STREET THE LOT IS 50x200 TO A 20 FOOT ALLEY. THINK OF THIS FOR $5,250 FOR A QUICK SALE. AND ON TERMS TO SUIT YOU. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. BEAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING I none 2106 Main. TAKE \ LOOK \\’’ NO. 63 CLEBURNE AVE This is a new double-floored and stonr-sheathed home: built ->f the very best materials; steam heat, tile floor <»n front ] oruh and in bain, hardwood floors birch doors, stone mantel, exposed ceiling beams, bookcases, walls tinted in rich colons dressing room with large plait glass mirrors in doors, which gives a beautiful effect, plate rack, butler’s pantry, china closet splendid basement This is located directly in front of Judge Palmer’s beautiful home It is fresh and new No one has ever lived in it. All we ask you to do Is to take a look at it and then come to see us. Our price is right anil terms easy N< • 352 MYRTLE STREET Here is an eight room ?.,WLTk ..-Tn~on a corner lot. will c»t v er jell or exchange, will take vacant pronerty as part" Pe,yi.<nt BARGAIN STEAM HEATED APARTMENTS- Just go out to No JOO West Peachtree struct an«l vou will find some of the nicest ’NEW” apartments in the city; absolutely ex or> known convenience to the apartment Will rent you one. Money To Loan. Money To Loan. MONEY TO LEND W F \RF, IX P<>SITIOX to handle good, first-class mortgage r«a) estate ' loans from 6 to 7 per cent from 3to 5 years. There is no delay in getting > your monex See us I, H Zurllne. m: nager RAI.PH O. COCHRAN CO. 19 SOUTH BROAD STREET. 1-r . 292»4 Whitehall st 5.00 7-r h.. 61 Whitehall terrace 823 10 7-r. h.. 26 Formwait street 25 00 7-r. h . ’7l •;*:» thorpe 35.00 7-r h., 18. East Ellis 25 00 6-r. h . 94 Whitehall terrace 15.60 6-r. h., 297 Cooper street 15.60 6-r h.. 31 Park street 30.00 6-r. apt., 810 Peachtree street 30.00 6-r. apt.. Georgian. 215 Ivy 42.50 6-r. apt.. Piedmont. Piedmont ave... 25.00 6 r. apt.. 290 Dast Linden street .... 35.00 6-r. h.. 700 Simpson street 16.00 6-r. h.. 24 South Warren street .... 15.00 6-r. h.. Peyton road ... 15.00 6-r. h , 38 Haralson street 30 00 6-i h . 8 Heleha IfcOO 6-r. h.. 21 Howell place 27.50 6-r. h.. 34 Greenwood 37.50 6-r h.. si Candler street 25.00 ’*» ’ 21.00 6-r. h., 38 Curran street ... .* 9.00 6-r. h . 208 Fulton St 20.60 6-r. h., 77 Izwtoh street 25.00 AND A LON(; LIST of larger and smaller houses. Come to see us. FOSTER ROBSON. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. j _njnj^rLrLJ ~ Onj * l * r '" r J "~ r ” ' ABOI 1 three blocks south of Inman Park in a pretty pine grove, xve have five lots each fronting 50 feet with a depth of 14,3 feet to the street, the neitrhho)*- ; hood is building up nicely as there are homes on either i side and aeross the street Is ver” close to tlir< e uifter , <*nt car lines, about 12 minutes ride from Five Points. ’ Ihe owner has been build on it. but will , now sell at SGOO each. Upon examination they will prove \fry attractive to any one wanting a verx* cheap lot for a modest home. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR RALPH O. COCHRAN COMPANY REAL ESTATE RENTING AND LOANS. WEST PEACHTREE RESIDENCE. \A E HAVE HERE one of the most attractive homes on this prominent thor. ougbfare. with evvry modem convenience and a large shady lot tor $9,- aOO. on very reasonable terms. HARRIS G. WHITE, Sales Manager. Ansley Park Six-Room Bungalow, $6,000 1 Piedmont avenue, on one of the choicest residence streets in the . ’ a . r . -Z/ 1 ? large rooms; every modern convenience, including furnace East front lot, a0 by 200 feet. A good home location and a good home. $6 000 on terms. This is worth investigating. North Boulevard Eight-Room Home—s6,7so. NEAR ST. CHARLES AVENUE we have this two-story eight-ronin dwelling: be -1 . Ln K K W t O A b ." llt an< ' ) vp " arranged, with all city conveniences. East front shadv lot. 50 by 180 feet; stable on lot. Street has wood block in front. This is a choice home location. Terms easy. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458. FOR SALE 8.1 Y 371 PULLIAM STREET. (On Easy Terms.) I ( J J—l I\T T A TWO-STORY HOME, with 8 rooms; I V./ A A A 1 I . modern conveniences; well located; 'j lot 45x110 feet. Price. $3,500 WOODSIDE TH OS. R. FINNEY. Sales Mgr.. G. R. MOORE & CO. REAL ESTATE, BUILDING AND LOANS. 1409 CANDLER BUILDING. PHONE IVY 4978 $5,600—A dose-in central corner lot 60x100, at a real sacrifice. Can you use a corner like this? $5.5(X) —Beautiful north side bungalow. 6 rooms, large lot. It’s a gem. EDWIN P. ANSLEY REAL ESTATE—FORSYTH BUILDING. 308 PONCE DE LEON—Fifteen-room apartment. Rented $135 per month. Price $13,500. This property should be seen to be appreciated. Pay $5,250 cash, assume indebtedness of $8,250 with 6 per cent. Buy this and let the rentals pay for it. J. H. ’EWING, Manager Sales Department. JOHN GILMORE, Assistant Manager Sales Dept. ANDREW CARNEGIE SAID "FEW large fortunes can now be made in any part of the world, except from one source —the rise In the value of real estate. The wise young man or wage-earner of today invests his money in real estate.” PEACHTREE HURST. OFFERS the opportunity. Lots, $309 up. Easy terms. No interest. No taxes. L. P. BOTTENFIELD, Owner ‘2ll Empire Building. Phone Main 1298 ♦ A Real GRANT PARK HOME. ’GREENE vx J—< i (Out Where the Breezes Blow.) T * t 'taxt rooms, newly painted, on a perfect- AX I I I ,y beautiful, elevated, shady lot. car line * ■*—* * and charted street, out where the air Is j pure and heaithrui ' on,y * 3 ' 7s °- see us - REAL ESTATE. RENTING, LOANS. 511 Empire Building. Beth Phones 1599. WANT Tu BUY—QUICK. WE HAVE A CLIENT who wishes to purchase at once a small six-room cot tage or bungalow; north side or West End. Will pay S2OO cash and the bal ance $25 per month. Will assume small loan. Atlanta Suburban Realty Company 31 INMAN BUILDING.' THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent, TURXIAN, BLACK & CALHOUN 203-8 EMPIRE BUILDING. EOK SALE. New Bungalows —$4,500. $750 CASH and S4O per month gets one of the prettiest, new. six-room bunga lows on the north side; has hardwoo*! floors, lot 65-foot front; one block from E-uclid avenue and Moreland avenue cars. Look into this. Sinclair Avenue Cottage. $5,200- On an east front lot 50x200. we are offering this new six-room bungalow on I terms* of SI,OOO cash and balance on terms j to suit; has all conveniences, and is cheap at the price. See us at once for this. Lawton Street Cottage. I $4.000 -Near Lucile avenue, on a beauti ful lot 50x150 to alley, east front, we i would like to show you a real nice six room cottage with a six-foot hall: every < on\**nience: in A-l condition, three large bed rooms: terms. SI,OOO cash ami S4O per month. Going to sell this week. We Have Plenty of Mou ey to Loan oil Real Estate. FOR RENT. 4- flat 403 Rawson street $ 14.30 5- flat 122 East Fair street 20.60 5-r. flat 124 East Fair street 20.60 4- h.. 32 Rogers st., new 15 00 5- h., 23 Cunningham place 22 50 h . t( I »<>am |6 00 5- flat. 196 U Juniper. 6- h . 11l J I’l.U/r ffs. . j •?-r h. $0 Ounninjfbftir. Place Za.fio 7- flat, furnished, 196 Juniper 65 ou 7- h.. 76 Avon ave.. Oakland City. S-r. h . 74 West Peachtree stis n » 8- h.. 206 Pulliam st2s 00 8-r. h . 248 Stewart ave... ’ s.son 8-r. h.. 53 Ponce DeLeon place . . 40 on 8- h . 58 East Merritts avenue (furnished) soon S-r. h, 429 South Pryor street .... 3750 1 9-r. h , 140 Crescent avenue 57 50 9- h., SO McLendon avenue .. . 65 an 9-r. h.. 242 Stewaj-t avenue (new/. 40 (10 11-r. h.. 26 Gordon place 50.00 50-52 ~ avenue. 20 by 100. each ... 00 00 12 South Broad street; four-story brick, modern. ■ ust \4aba ma 132 Marietta street. 20 by uo. heat included 100.00 S 4 •v\ sireet. 20 Lo 85 |q qq 65 East Mabarha, 20 bi 60 th *<J Acer 12 50 . Real Estate For Sale. gHARP & gOILSTON i WE have for quick sale a be“uti | ful bungalow on Lucile Ave.; jowner is leaving the city and will jsell for small cash payment and j purchaser to assume his payments which now amount to $26.50 per month. This place will rent for $35 per month. Looks good for either home or investment. A SMALL CHICKEN FARM. IF you want something like this with a modern home on the lot, see us about a proposition we have on one of lhe best streets in VVegt ' End. WE also have three new modern bungalows just being finished on one ol the best north side streets. Prices are all right and«the terms are easy enough. Legal Notices. A PROCtyAJIATIOX Submitting a proposed amendment to the constitution of the state of Georgia, to be voted on at the general state elec ”on, to be held on Wednesday. October 2, 1912, said amendment relating to justice of peace court by his excellency Joseph M. Brown, governor. State of Georgia, Executive Department, Atlanta, July 30, 1912. Whereas, the general assembly at its session in 1912 proposed an amendment to the constitution of this state as set forth in an act approved July 30, 1912, to-wit: An act to amend article 6, section 7 of the constitution of this state, which pro- v i(ie<l that there .shall be in each militia district one justice of the peace; so as to provide that the legislature may abolish justice courts and the office of justice of Hie peace and of notary public, ex-officio justice of the peace in ceriain cities and establish m lieu thereof such court or courts or system of courts as the general assembly may deem necessary; to provide tor the jurisdiction of such courts, and i or rules of procedure therein, and for the correction of errors in and by said courts, by the superior or supreme court, or court of appeals, and for other purposes. L ,? e enact ed by the general assembly of the state of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of same, that article f>. section 7, of the constitution of this state be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding to paragraph 1 of said section the following words, to-wit: 1 rovided, however. That the general as sembly may in its discretion, abolish jus tice courts, and the offices of justice of the peace, and notary public ex-officio justices of the peace in any citv of this state having a population of over 20 000 except the city of Savannah and establish in lieu thereof such court of courts or system of courts as the general assembly may in its discretion deem necessary, con ferring upon such new court or courts or system of courts when so established the jurisdiction as to subject matter now ex ercised by justice courts and by justices of the peace and notaries public ex of ficio justices of the peace, together with such additional jurisdiction, either as to amount or subject matter as may be pro vided by law, whereof some other court has not exclusive jurisdiction under this constitution: together also with such pro visions as to rules and procedure In such court, and as to new trials and the cor rection of errors in and by said court, and with such further provisions for the cor rection of errors by the superior court, or the court of appeals, or the supreme court as the general'assembly may from time to time in its discretion provide or author ize any court so established shall not he subject to the rules of uniformity laid down in paragraph 1. section 9. article fi of the constitution of Georgia." so that said section when amended shall read as follows: "There shall be in each militia district one justice of the peace whose of ficial term except when elected to fill an unexpired term, shall be four years' Pro vided. however, That the general assem bly may in its discretion abolish justice courts and the office of justice 'of the peace and of notary public, ex-officio jus lice of the peace in any city of this state having a population of over 20.000 except the city of Savannah and establish in lieu thereof such court or system of courts as the general assembly may in its discretion deem necessary, conferring upon such new court or courts, or system of courts so established the jurisdiction as to subject matter now exercised by justice courts and by the justices of the peace and no taries public, ex-officio justices of the peace, together with such additional jur isdiction, either as to amount or subject matter as may be provided by law. where of some other court has not exclusive jur isdiction under this constitution, together also with such provisions as to rules and procedure in such courts and as to neT trials and the correction of errors in and* by said courts and with such further pro visions for the correction of errors bv the superior courts, or court of appeals or the supreme court, as the general assembly may from time to time tn its discretion provide or authorize. Any court so estab lished shall not be subject to the rules ot uniformity laid down in paragraph 1 i f section 9, of article fi of the constitution of Georgia." Section 2. Be it further enacted by th» authority aforesaid that when said amend ment shall he agreed to by two-thlrds of the members elected to each house it shall be,entered upon the journal of each house with the ayes and nays thereon anti published in one or more newspapers in each congressional district In said state for two months previous Io the time for holding the next general election, and shall, at the nox; general '•lootion. be sub mitted to Hie people for ro.'ifica.tlcm. \p persons voting at said election in favor of adopting said proposed amendment tn the constitution shall have written or printed on their ballots the words "for ratilieaiion of amendment to article fi section 7 of the constitution, authorizing the establishment of other courts in cer tain cities in lieu of justice court’" and all persons opposed to the adoption As said amendment shall have written or printed on their ballots Hie words. "Against rati fication of amendment to article fi section 7 ol rhe constitution, authorizing’the es tablishment ot other . sorts t n certain est ies in lie' ' a „ (1 |f , b ; itiajor.tx o\ I'tcctoi's u it.ofl..- . ... >( . a. m.-.ers of (tie gener, I -kp. thereon, shall be consolidated a« , , l , ulr elections for members ’ ■ teral tssemblj and rett;.-, .. ‘ nade to the governor then h< shall deciare sai.l amendment adopted and make pro •- Ittmatlon of the result bv ouhb, ati. ~ .f the results of sai.l el,.< tio tl bv one InL • "t one of the dat|. ptpefs ,f pL state declaring the amendment ratified Section J. Re it further opaett .1 that’all laws and parts of laws In conflict with this act bo, anti the same art hereto pealed. " • ,r - \'ow. therefore. I. Joseph ,\f Broun uo.erttor of said state do* is*ate this *ov proclamation, herel t declaring that the totf.g. .op . t0p..,.,1 op,, . . ,| 1 :k 1 ' 1 -- B. novernor. I’hil P I 'ook Seerctar.' of State