Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 20, 1912, FINAL, Page 3, Image 3
WING THOUGHT ISDFPOORTDTS Mrs. Eliza H. Paxon, on Death Bed. Urges Her Christmas Charities Be Carried Out. M'. Eliza H. Paxon, mother of Colo- Frederic J. Paxon, died yesterday I-, moon at 5:20 o'clock at her home, .3 ,'apitol avenue, after a'n illness of but five days. She was 81 years old. Maintaining consciousness to the end, uist words to her eon, one of the ,' ni ,ct prominent business men of At lanta were for him to carry out her r’bristmas charities to the poor and af flicted of Atlanta. Each year during -., e seventeen she had lived in Atlanta Paxon had done all that she could bring happiness to destitute homes , : -he did not wish those whom she dded before to feel that she had -ten them, even on her death bed. -■ie was in good health until last S.itm-day. when she began to fail as-a I u it fan attack of bronchial pneu . ~n i a suffered three years ago. Ory -hmday she was too ill to attend the ~ vie’’? at the Second Baptist church, of which she had been a member for years, and Monday her condition was rf _. .< ’’ as critical. She was conscious to the last. Mrs. Paxon was born in P.eading, ,_-..ind. July 29, 1831, being the daugh <.f Rev. George Hatt, a well known ■ in of that day. She came to , with her father when she war ; c ’ Lie. and married Philip Henry Paxon In New York city at the age “f 1. ■ ■ they went to Rochester, then p: Ha.l- iphia and finally to Camden, y. .1. When her husband died in Phila ,,hia eighteen years ago she came to Atlanta. urvived by three children, M-=. 1 \i .Morningstern, of Newark; II Paxon. special agent of the r ; ; St Express Company, and .1 Paxon. of Atlanta. A sister, - >\ Stoddard, of Newark, also survives. T: lum ’al services will be held in <■ Baptist church tomorrow nr. . ii 9:30 o’clock, Dr. John E ■ liite. Dr. John !•’. Purser and Dr. i W Daniel officiating. The body a n to Philadelphia for inter- Wheddonfleld. Tii. pallbearers will be the members ih’ 'T< 11 club” and Messrs. Beau- Davison, T. L. Stokes. H. A. . W. W. Orr and David B. Smith. WEDS NURSE WHO AIDED HIM IN HISBLINDNESS NEW YORK, Dec. 20.—Suddenly stricken blind at a dance, Fred E. Bal lard. Jr.. Princeton student and nephew ’ f F < d G. Bourne, head of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, has mttr i-d his pretty nurse, Miss Gladys E. Chesnee. The romance has just been made public, although the wedding took place ve.ral weeks ago. The young folks are enjoying their honeymoon on a 1111 in Ridgefield, Conn. NAVY IS 6.000 SHORT: ENLISTMENT FALLS OFF WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.—The navy is abi.iit 6,000 men short of its au thorizvii strength, though latest reports • ”V. an improvement in recruiting. In ill’ last few months, however, enlist u nts dropped off in an unprecedented gr> • Navy officials believe this was i” partly to the suspension of adver tising for recruits and on account of wide demand and high price paid UISIT THE CfIWDY SECTIOI< lw WWWWWWWWW ’ I d!.%: iAs 30 i.’ ill ’, b®'IIN 3u 13 ?■ I : till I Iff | pna If JU Ml 1U iflIF 11 111 1111 * wII 1 JSP JBk™ J wi®J i < HI I IJI I®. _ ■ , .~ 3i —— - | A Before Noon Sale for Sat. Only Big Xmas Bargains Prizes to Early Comers » No phone orders. Sale stops promptly at noon. Right reserved to limit quantities. i» 1 Men's and Boys' 50c Cotton Sweaters Q Just 6 dozen to close quickly. Broken lines: sizes for boys, 26, 28, 30 and 32. »• Sizes for men, 36, 38, “ IH ta Boys’ 25c percale blouses, i£• I 25c men’s and ladies’ knitted -j r 2 assorted designs. 6to 12 years.. l UC | mufflers; black and colors lOC 5 Ladies' 35c Pure Silk Boot Hose rj £■* 2 Ladles’ 35c Pure Silk Boot Hose. Not to be confused with the ordinary 25c silk f t 1 ■ 2? boot hose; these never before sold for less than 35c. Black only, high spliced silk ta heel, double sole and toe and deep garter top. All sizes, 8 1-2 to 10. 1.000 bolts No. 1 red ribbon for r I 5c shaving pads for men—while j- Xmas. Five yards to bolt. only. I they last, 5 pads for OC 5 Men's 25c Pure Thread Silk Hose at 101 te Just half price for men’s black pure thread Silk Hose, with lisle feet, and top. * "Run of the mill” grade. Black only M « 19e extra'large size IHc I 10« genuine Amoskeag staple o 5 stamped laundry bags IVC ' apron ginghams. All checks .. OV g Adies' Initial Cambric Handkerchiefs -| JJ 800 dozen ladles' initial hemstitched full size cambric Handkerchiefs. A splen- did seller at 3c each. Saturday until noon, one-half dozen (6) for 12c. j» l!»e genuine Serpentine Rimono -i Oj/ r boxes children s handkerchiefs. n * Crepe, all colors. Kimono patterns.. * /2 e Hemstitched, 3in box. The box OV ’'■"•MMMmWWMMWWMM *• RICH & BROS - co - MWWWAWMMMNW PROGRESSIVES MAKE UP NEW JAP CABINET; POPULACE PLEASED TOKIO, Dec. 20.—Progressives make up the new Japanese cabinet, which was announced today by Premier Kat sura, and the appointments give great satisfaction to the pjogresive element in Japan s public life. The portfolio foj lows: Home affairs. Viscount Oura; finance, Reijiro Wakatsukl; communication and Policy, M, Goto; agriculture and com merce, Rennakashoji; justice, Itaru Matusmuro; education. Komosuro Shl bata; war. Lieutenant General Kikoshi; foreign affairs, Count Kato. CONTRACT LET FOR BIG BRUNSWICK WAREHOUSE WASHINGTON, Dec. 20,-Contract for the construction of the new warehouse to be erected by the Southern Railway Company at Brunswick, Ga., for the purpose of handling fertilizer material, salt, cement and similar commodities, has been awarded to Algernon Blair, of Montgomery, Ala., according to announce ment made today by Vice President and General Manager E. H. Coapman. ♦ P e ware house will be an impor tant addition to the part facilities of Brunswick, and will be equipped with the most modern appliances for handling bulk freight. COULDN’T GIVE BABIES ‘‘CHRISTMAS;’’ ENDS LIFE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Dec. 20. William Keener committed suicide by shooting himself. Despondency because of inability througli illness to provide Christmas cheer for his children, prompted the deed. His wife and daughter, eight years old, were in an adjoining room. EXTRA SPECIAL ON MEATS FOR Friday and Saturday at BUEHLER BROS. 119 Whitehall Street Our Royal Brand Sugar Cured Hams,' per pound 16<* Our Royal Brand Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, pound.... 14<* Our Royal Brand Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, pound. Our English Style Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, pound Choice Pork Loin Roast, pound 14<" Choice Pork Shoulder Roast, pound 12 ! >i0 Choice Fresh Spareribs, pound Our Own Home-made pure Pork Sausage, pound 13c* Prime Beef Rib Roast, boneless and rolled, pound 14<* Choice Beef Pot Roast, pound B<* and lO<* Choice Beef Boiling Meat, pound and 7 c Mutton, pound Fancy Hind-quarter Lamb, pound 13<? Fancy Fore-quarter Lamb, pound 9c Choice Pork Chops, pound Choice Rib and Loin Lamb Chops, pound ... 16(* and 18<t Choice Beef Chuck Steak, pound lO<* Choice Beef Round Steak, pound Choice Sirloin Steak, pound Choice Porterhouse Steak, pound 16d and Our Own Sugar Cured Corned Beef, pound B<* to Our Own Kettle-rendered Hog Lard: 10-pound Pail, per pail .* $1 30 5-pound Pail, per pail 65t 3-pound Pail, per pail 40<t All other meats at the usual very low prices. Our meats are all strictly U. S. government Inspected and only of best quality. We op erate our own packing plant. We sell direct to the consumer, there by saving you the middleman's profit, or saving you from thirty to forty per cent on the dollar for your purchase. BUY AT THE MARKET WHERE THEY SELL AT LIVING PRICES. THE ATLANTA GLUKUJLAN AND NEWS FRIDAY, DECEMBER’ 20, 1912 TWO MISSIONARIES HELD AS MEMBERS AUTO BANDIT GANG CHICAGO, Dec. 20.—One of three men arrested by the police as the auto mobile bandits that have been active in Chicago for the past few weeks has, according to the police, made a partial confession. According to the story told by this man. the police say. the arrest of the trio after a desperate fight frus trated a series of hold-ups planned for the next few nights upon a chain of popular-priced restaurants. The three men are Joseph Wilde. 32: Arthur Lewis, 22, and Morris Wolf, 24. Lewis and Wolf told the police they were missionaries. Lewis fought when arrested and tried to shoot the police men. Lewis showed papers he had signed to go out as a missionary for the Moody Bible institute. The arrest followed a story told the police by an automobile repairer employed at a South Side ga rage. He said the bandits had planned a robbery and asked hihi to drive them to the place in a car. The police, fol lowing the tip, arrested the men in a pool room. BUYS ROYSTON RECORD. ROYSTON, GA., Dec. 20.—R. C. Ay ers, of Royston, has purchased The Royston Record. Mr. Ayers has been running The Record under a three-yeai lease. "XMAS PENS.” Why not make some one happy with a Fountain Pen? Jno. L. Moore & Sons have a complete stock. 42 North Broad St. (Advt.) SLAYER OF 11 MEN KILLS HIMSELF IN JAIL BY MORPHINE BIRMINGHAM, ALA., Dec. 20. Deputy Sheriff C. Henry Cole, slayer of eleven men, died of morphine poison, self-administered, while a prisoner in the county jail, sentenced to a ten year term in the penitentiary for kill ing Irving Cobb. Cole, 20 years ago. was a noted des perado hunter, killing Jim Morrison and Bart Thrasher, famous outlaws, distill ers. postoffice robbers and man slayers. Cole also killed Walter Pickens for al leged insults to his wife, and was al leged at the time df death to have slain Felix Ellard, a guerrilla chief residing in the Lewisburg beat, famous for un punished murders. Cole was a quiet, sober man, but al ways got the man he went after. Four white men and seven negroes suffered death at his hands. holiday! RATES VIA W. & A. R. R. ANO N. C. & ST. L B. XMAS Suggestions FOR MEN We have a beautiful line of useful articles, such as— Silk Neckwear from 25c to SI.OO. Silk Half-Hose. 25c and 50c. Combination- Sets, 50c to $2.00. Kid Gloves, $1 and $1.50. Wool and fur lined Gloves, 50c to $1.25. Handkerchiefs (6 in box), 75c to $1.50. Silk Handkerchiefs, 50c and SI.OO, Initial Handkerchiefs (6 in box), SI.OO. Fancy Suspenders, SI.OO and $1.50. Men’s and ladies’ Um brellas, SI.OO to $15.00. Lion Collars, 75c and $1.50 the box. Cuff Buttons, 50c to $2.00. Scarf Pins, 50c to $2.00. Ladies’ Silk Hose, 50c to $1.50. Men's Coat Sweaters, $2 and $2.50. Walking Canes, $1.50 and $2.50. Raincoats, $5.00 to $12.50. And many other useful ar ticles. ALL IN INDIVIDUAL BOXES R.D. Barksdale Company 11 Decatur St. Kimball House * Open Evenings BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS’” BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS Bass’ Holiday Sale Saturday, Monday and Tuesday For three days—Saturday, Monday and Tuesday—the big Bass’ Store will offer bargains in holiday goods, etc., that have never been equaled in Atlanta. Only a few of the specials'are quoted in this advertisement. There will be hundreds of others. Shop early in the mornings. Ladies’ Suits, Coats and Dresses Three great special bargain lots of Ladies’ Long Coats of heavy, all- Ladies’ Tailored Suits go on sale to- wool fabrics—black, plain colors and morrow. All the latest and best novelty coatings—all the new mod- models included—black and plain- els included. Two great bargain lots: colored serges and broadcloths, new fancy mixtures, novelty suitings, etc.: Coats worth up QA Suits worth up to $7 Qh *° $17.50 at vD'VV $17.50 at VI.JJ Coats worth up (ftq qq Suits worth up to 0Q QA to $25 at ipu.uu $25 at 1 • New, One-Piece Dresses of all-wool Suits worth un to (h 1O 50 serges and satin messalines, values S3O at osls - 00 : $4.95 Other Specials in Ready-to-Wear Department Children’s Coats of all-wool ma- Children’s All-Wool Sweaters, 300 stylish Fur Neckpieces, worth tenals; sizes for ages<C AE worth a dollar and KAr, up to $15.00; ffiO 6to 14 years more; choice Ovv at, choice JpOivO Great line of Ladies’ Waists, Ladies’ All-Wool Sweaters: the Ladies' fleece-lined ribbed Vests t'hisWli'Vt 0 * 3 ' oo ’ in 980 » reatt ‘ s t values you 95 and Pants, per garment, 25c Ladles’ Silk Waists in many new Ladies’ Flannelette Kimonos, One lot of Children’s Rain Capes models; values up to AE worth $1.50; tn this to close out at. $o.00; choice JII.UU sale at. only D&C choice WOO New Taffetaline Petticoats, worth Ladies’ House Dresses, well made Ladies' Trimmed Dress Hats fully $1.50; in fiQp of good materials; worth up to $12.50; at <R •’3 QK this sale OS7© this sale WO© choice, only Satin Messaline Petticoats, worth Ladles' Outing Gowns, full cut Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Hats and $5.00; on sale tomor- $1.95 and extra well made; 49© Untrimmed Shapes; 98c I Ladies Skirts ot fine all-wool One lot of Children’s Dresses, Children’s Hats In manv new «RSK..' , . P “53.95 XX®Bc 69c Bargains in Gift Handkerchiefs Q Thousands of Ladies’ and Men’s Handkerchiefs on a big special table tomorrow rj —Pl a ' n white and colored borders; all hemstitched and values up to fifteen cents. 3 cents each is the special price. Ladies’ Shamrock Handker- Ladies’ All-Linen Handker- Men’s All-Linen Hemstitch chiefs; six in a holiday chiefs with embroidered ed Handkerchiefs real 39c " ls : 10c 19c 25c Gift Table 50c Gift Table Big special table of Holiday Gifts, On this table you will see Hat including Brooches, Bar Pins, Pins, Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins, Beauty Pin Sets, Silk Handker- Beauty Pins, Garters, Vanity Bags, chiefs, Gift Baskets, rtf" Card Cases, Coin Purses, f" Men’s Silk Neckwear, Z A Sewing Boxesf Shopping 1 1 A Coin Purses, Belt Pins, Bags, Neckwear, Mus- ■! IIL etc.; all at, choice flers, etc., at, choice v 98c Gift Table $1.98 Gift Table German Silver Mesh Bags, Gold- Very handsome Collar and Cuff Plate Bracelets, Jeweled Hat Pins, Boxes, Smoking Sets, Shaving Smoking Sets, Comb, Brush and Sets, German Silver Mesh Bags, Mirror Sets, Shaving Sets, Silk Jeweled Back Combs, Silk Auto Evening Scarfs, Silk Mufflers, Scarfs, Toilet Sets, and other Shopping Bags, etc.; good gift things A J n A values up to $3.00; on U Wfl worth up to $5.00; V I MX sale at choice, ■! Mlj on sale tomorrow Uj | fl only at, choice ▼ w Extra Bargains in Gift Things i o»l»/« er eh«mMs VeS A sreat special bargain sale of One lot of •Children’s Hand Bags; lined- only. . 39© Holiday Umbrellas for ladles and l ° 50c . ; . ... I©O I Ladies' $1.50 quality Kid Gloves. m*n. Scores of different handle Embroidered and lace-trimmed black and colors; TQft designs; all new and attractive. Centerpieces; worth up lAn this sale ■ Three big lots - to 50c: cholc e 1 Wli Ladles’ 2-clasp Kid Gloves; the Vo l»«. mm Embroidered and hemstitched $2.00 grade; black «'n rh?i > 98© Table Covers and and colors J 250: cho,ca wwv Scarfs; 69c values fcOC ladles’ full 16 button elhnw Values up to Very fine German Sliver Mesh length Kid Gloves- AO * B ' so; cholce Bags; look like and wear as well - Boys’ Cowboy and Scout Gloves, $5.00, choice Lp to SB.OO SIP! extra special grade A hundred dozen fine all-linen vaiuesat at, per pair ** W Damask and Huck Towels; hem - Up to SIO.OO QQ Satin Covered Sofa Pillows in stitched, scalloped and embroid- vaiuesat various designs; big ered; up to $1.50 Up to $15.00 «£*££/> bargains at values; each : vaiuesat...... Bargains in Blankets and Comforts Babies’ Crib Blankets, soft and Extra large and heavy Blankets; Good size Cotton Comforts silk warm; this sale. worth $2.25; Cl 4Q oline-covered; 00l Special lot of three-quarter size p..1l Cnit™ . Cotton Blankets; SI.OO Large, firn- Wool-Mixed Blan- splendid sllkol?m> m values; per pair ‘♦W© kets; $4.00 value; CO OQ $1.48 Single bed size Cotton Blankets, Per pair Extra size’silkolinelcovered Cot on sale tomorrow, Extra large and very fine Cali- ton Comforts; tDS AM at, pair fornla Wool Blankets; the kind $3.00 values. . Full 11-4 size heavy Cotton Blan- sold by other stores at $5.00 and Very fine sateen-covered Cotton - $3.98 $2.98 Good Gifts in Furniture Department Special sale of Babies’ Roikers. Oak and Mahogany Parlor Babies’ High Chairs with table red or green finish; Rockers, specially priced for this shelf attachments; GO 6n| y sale; $] 50 va , ues 90© worm B sl "in*' 1 ° ak «k rß ' mO^. 4 . 0 .. sl-98 Babies’ High Chairs of select Sol- 69® CJ>QR S.-S&.W $1.50 $4.50; only i Children’s and Babies’ Rockers, Babies’ Cradles of solid oak. well oak and mahogany, at these values up to O QQ made and nicely QQm prices: > 6o °; on| y finished ,oO© uptos2.on Q Br Rockers with Kath"? upiml“ m"d SpeC,al bar * a,ns 1 values, at VQC k«hKers «itn leatticr upm.l Wicker Rockers for holiday gifts: Up to $3.00 only 4>"F«ww Values up to QQ valu - 8 ' at Handsome Morris Chairs, worth » cho,ce Up to $4.00 Cl QQ up to $15.00; E QIC Values up to ® 1 values, at this sale $5.00; choice... .WCS I We Give If 18 West I Greeii IwiJr * Mitchell, ; Trading aW JkS Near Stamps w w Whitwhall - I BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS 3 BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS BAS