Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 12, 1916, Home Edition, Page 8, Image 8

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) Internat ora!l News Servies.)
HING v . Progres.
; put re taade plans
o forc« gressional Invea
b of v E ex penditures
g e ection and to put
. ®in the rupt practices bill
prevent rruption in the
y P i i wWere taken
n ha ) spparent that
. Al o 4 abandoned
AVOW n of pushing &
ation ¢ s+ probing com
: to nto the expendl.
of bot s in the last cam
: Progre Hepublican clque
she Senate see in this plan an op-
U janity ' to take a whack
SR the ()1d Guard. but also to attempt
| show the ntry that the Demo
were ng n gilass houses
¥ they thremtensd & campaign
: fnvestigalic Reports filtering
g :_; the Se te from all parts of Lhe
Intry are beginning to reveal that
‘pome Stutes the Democratic can
lAtes ran the Republicans & close
: in spending campalgn money
-~ yomi ng was stated today, has
nished the latest instance of Dem.
LRRtic rivalr to Republican cam-
A profiigacy. Silver dollars, bear-
R pasters with printed inscriptions,
B ¥pte for Kendrick-—Your Candidate
[ Mine.” have found thelr way to
Senate from Wyoming.
,% kendrick was the Democratic can- |
',2 ’ te for Senator against DC, ‘.illk.l
% Incumbent, and won |
’M'lnf Kenvon, of lowa, Is ex- |
% pd to take the jead In dc-muudtnxl
? “gAampaign fund investigation,
B The Privileges and Elections Com
p llee arranged today to appoint A
g fal subcommittee, to consist of
;Y tors Reed, Walsh and Kenyon,
. redralt the corrupt practices bill,
- FPecc amitted late yesterday., It s
od to rewrite the bill aimost
g pletely, to make it conform to the
- nds of certain Progressive-Re-
Publican Senators, who have prom
to support it if amended accord-
ARg to thelr ideas
£ 2
L f 520 T
% FITZGERALD, Dec. 12.—The build
g;‘ J and fixtures of the Ben Hill Na
- 1 Bank were purchased by W. R
] en, E T. James and Dorminey
R $6.825 at a public sale, purchase
'2 3 being about half of original cost,
3 bullding probably will be used as
pes for a trust company.
| < i
| 1 OQ}M&
// A
&T’;&'f' . M
a 4
Whether there is
B‘oom or gladne"
in your heart, a
frown or a smile
upon your face, de-
End‘ won yowr
T il
| RMQ};CMP“"
S, .pe -
<ol egl
feel fine all over.
8 ;:J:' 1
S “@7 A
_ -“@&s
¥ A gift that will help
1 her every day of the
§ year—install an
4 ‘The Home Company’
30 CAR
HE Judge gave every eovi.
dence of Ingrowing melan
choly as he jJoined the gang
on the front platform. Naturally,
an explanation was demanded.
“I had a few minutes of worth-
Jess time on my hands, and [ be.
:u reading rome of the alleged
umorous stories used to Al up
the bottom of the columns in the
dally papers.” he explained, “They
were English stories, and the
Engliah brand of humor is above
my intellect,
“From an analysis of a half.
dozen of these cholce anecdotes |
gather that it dossnt matter
whether there's a point or net
Perhaps that's a de idea, for an
Englishman wouldn't see the
point if it were there. The value
of the astory depends entively
upon the rank and reputation of
the person involved or who re.
lated It upon some singularly
auspicious occasion, This one be
gan Nke this
“UAD amusing M'rly inter.
esting anecdote is aently re.
lated by His Excellency the Duke
of Boolagurry, who, it is well
known, was for some years sta
tioned at Gigakatabootum, in Up
per India, where he was the close
friend and adviser of the Maha
rajah of Ripantore, one of the
wealthlest and most notorious of
the native Indian rulers, and the
same who owns the celebrated
Woolagob ruby, once in the pos.
seasion of the Maharanee of Ug,
about whom there clusters a ver
ftable treasure of tradition. The
Useful Toys on
Display at
The trend of the American boy's
mind this season-—and the American
girl's, too, for that matter is in the
direction of toys with a purpose. And
’lf you will note the stock now on
display at the King Hardware Com
pany's store, for instance, you will
begin to understand why.
For one thing, the toys are Ameri
can-made toys. The war has settled
that. Toys can't be had from Ger
many now, And the stock of the
King Hardware Company today run~‘
sists largely of toys manufacturea
within the present year in America. ‘
And the kids want substantial toys
these days. The “Erector” set is a
good exunmple. You can make lhlnnl
with this set. Lots of things-—minia
ture derricks and bridges and appli
ances that the boy may very well be
devoting himself to, in the large, after
he's grown up.
The King company has bought ten
times the number of Erector sets it
lald in last year—and expects to run
short before Christmas. The other
popular toys include wagons, veloci
pedes, “scooters” and many other
things useful as well as amusing. l
Municipal Ticket Is |
Indorsedinßoston,Ga. |
BOSTON, GA., Dec, 12.—The mu—i
nicipal administration received a;
flattering indorsement In today's pri-|
mary. Only one of the udmlnmtm-‘
tion's aldermanic ticket was defeated,
E. C. Milligan, J., winning over I\r.!
1.. E. Morton. Following are the nom
inees: Mayor, B, A. Norton; Alder
men, ¥, C. Jones, J. J. Parramore, J.
J. Melntosh, E, C. Milligan, Jr.; Clerk,
F. L. Bradshaw; Treasurer, H. L.
Groover; darstal J. A Hnnel:'
School Board, W. A, Taylor and W. T,
Mardre. '
Off Ferry Boat'
DALTON, Dec. 12—E. W. Petty snal
W. T. Kenner have returned from a |
business trip to Knoxville, and have l(-|d|
of a hurruw!nfl experience at the ferry
near Loudon, Tenn. Stuck in the mud
at the foot of a hill, Mr, Petty gave his
Ford the proper amount of gas to pull
out, and .it not only responded, but
jumped onto the ferry boat and hit an
other Ford that was already on the boat.
The last named car, in which were neli-‘
ed three men, took a sudden plunge into
the Tennessee River. 7The men were !
hauled to safety and the Ford was,
pulled from beneath the waves and re
' Head
Masons' Head to
i . . .
Dedicate Auditorium
| — 4
‘ SAVANNAH, Dec, 12.—-Grand Master
' Frank O. Miller, of Fort Valley, head 01l
‘the Georgia Masons, will preside Thurs
‘day over the laying of the corner stone
of the municipal auditorium. Other offi- '
cers who will attend are Deputy Ornnd'
Master W. G. England. of Cedartown;
Senior Grand Warden Charles M. Bass, '
of At'anta; Col. R. J. Travis, third grand
steward, Savannah.
Calvary Methodists
“Christ in America,”” a pageant di
rected by Miss Lottie Loftis, will b
presented Tuesday evening at the Cal
vary Methodist Church, in Gordon stree
near Lucile avenue, It is to be given
under the auspices of the Epwaort
League of the church.
The pageant was scheduled for las:
Friday, but was postponed because o
Women Invited to
Commerce Banquet
Women relatives and friends o©
Chamber of Commerce members wil
be present at the Chamber’'s annual
banquet at the Piedmont Hotel on
December 28, it was announced Tues
At that time Victor H. Kriegsha
ber will turn over the president's his successor, Ivanp E. Allen.
FITZGERALD, Dec. 12 —A cold
‘storage plant has been opened up by
Stubbs+s Dorminey, with a capacity of
half a jmillion pounds,
Duke, it seems, was on & hunting
expedition near the source of the
Birrawaddy, which rises _ln the
province of Uglaphoot, near the
quaint village of Wok, where s
sithated the world-famous tem
ple to the Goddess Umph, bullt,
it is given on excellent authority,
in 28 B. (. though Melville Too
tum-Barker, the widely known
explorer, sportsman, antiquarian
and chess player. and author of
‘America From the Inside, or Two
Days In Jersey City” sets the
date 3t three years eariier, In
the party with the Duke were His
Grace the Archbishop of Huckle
berry, the Marquis of Waxem
and & Yyoung subaltern of »
mountsd regiment, whose name
escapes the writer for the mo
ment. They were gathered around
the campfire beneath the punkahs
after an excessive day’s work, in
::w: the mnative beaters had
Iked 30 miles or more, review
ing the results of the hunt, when
the Duke turned to the Archbish.
on, and, In his world-famous and
utterly inimitable manner, re
“Now, that's a highly amusing
anecdote, fan't 1t .
, “You never have told the anec.
dote,” objected the Colonel. “How
do we know whether it's funny or
not ™
“l don’t know what It was"
retorted the Judge, “The printer
had filled up his column with the
introduction about the personnel
and the geography and the his
tory of the country, and he threw
2 the rest away, | reckon.”
Free Denta
the Poor
’ S g |
Plans for providing free dental work
for the poor children of Atlania were
being perfected Tuesday by a com
mittee of dentists headed by Dr. De.
Los Hill, following a conference M(m-?
day evening at the Carnegie Library.
The Atlanta Society of Dental Sur
geons, which had been trying for two‘
years to take up the work in a sys
tematic matter recommended two
methods. ‘
One method contemplated is for
every dentist to devote two hours a
week to free practice in his office, Thrl
other provides for one dentist to give
free work four hours a day, his serv.
fce to be pald for by the society. The
committee has authority to act,
Experts estimate that 13,000 of the
17,000 children in the grammar
schools have defective teeth and 2,000
or more are too poor to afford ex
pensive dental work
Mrs. Abner Cleared
In Shoplifting Case
Mrs, Mamie Abner, who was m-ru!-1
ed, accused of shoplifting in a White
hall street store, was exonerated of
this charge at a preliminary hearing
before Recorder Johnson Monday
afternoon. She was let off with a
fine of $5.75 on the showing that she
had been drinking at the time of the
incident in the store.
Mrs. Abner explained that she
merely had picked up a pocketbook
by mistake, thinking she had laid her
own pockethook on the counter. She
said she had no idea of stealing the
pocketbook, and that she returned it
promptly on discovering her mistake.
801 l Weevil Signs
Found in Bugrke Co
WAYNESBORO, Dec. 12.—J. D.
Smith, of Atlanta, Assistant State En
tomologist, visited Burke County to
day and reports finding the pupae of
the cotton boll weevil in the vicinity
of Gough, which would show that the
weevil had been breeding there before
frost came, He visited in the vicinity
of Munferlyn yesterday .afternoon,
but found no evidence of the presence
of the weevil, He will remain in
Burke Tuesday and will visit other
sections of the county.
Dealers Sign Up for
26,250 Overlands
TOLEDO, Dec. 12.--Dealers attending
the Willys-Overland convention here
from Texas, North Dakota, Montana,
lowa, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee,
Louisiana and Oklahoma signed up for
26,250 cars for the coming year. This
makes a total of 110,000 Overland and
Willys-Knight cars contracted for this
vear, approximately $100,000,000 worth.
Thle tconvemlon is just at its half-way
Eczema Wash
How many hospital patients have been
soothed of their frl*htf\xl itech, of the
ncurvhln% pain_of skin disease, by the
famous D. D. D, Prrscr‘liptlon for eczema,
: soothing fluld, washed In by & nurse's
and !
A Supervising Nurse anlme of nurse
and institute on application) writes re
'nrdlng a patient: “The disease had
eaten her eyebrows away. Her nose and
lips had become dlsflgured. Since the
use of D. D. D. her eyebrows are growing,
her nose and face have assumed thelr
natural exrnulon."
Some of our best doctors are using
D. D. D, right along in their regular
Come to us and we will tell you more
about this remarkable remedy, 25c, 50c
and SI.OO. Your money back unless the
first bottle relleves you. D. D. D. Soap
keeps your skin healthy. Ask about it.
: neh W {
\ !
Eck ’S |
Alterati !
i |
A copy of an Augusia neWSpa per,
earelessly thrown asice oOF the seatl
of a Ford car, furnished the ciew hat
proved the undoing « f two Yyouns
strangers. giving their names &s B J.
Wilson and Richard Johnson and |
thelr home as Bridgeport, Conn., who
Tueaday were held in the Towes as
confessed auto thieves awaiting the
arrival of an officer to take them Dacx 1
1o Augustia. One of the prisoners pald
]'w was & hotel clerk In Bridgeport
snd the other a coliect for an aute
mobile truck concern in that city oth
are about 20 years old ‘
The two men arrived In Atlanta
Sunday night, with two Aug u!nl
Fords They were accompanied by
their wives. The two youhg women
Tuesday were domiciled In a local
notel, and expected to return to Au
gusta with their hushands to await
the outcome of the charges against
Wilson and Johnson were taken into
custody by County Policemen Baker
and Carter at the garage of the
Southern Auto and Equipment Com
pany, where they had taken the cars
wn arrival here. They had informed
officials of the company they wers on |
their way to Florida, but gave ”tr‘
two officers a different story. The of ‘
ficers, In examining the two Cars,
found tn one of them a copy of an |
Augusta newspaper of December 9
and this aroused furlper susj icions, |
Arrests followed, the suspects n~ru‘
grilled thoroughly, and, according to
the county officers, finally confessed
1o having stolen both cars In Augus
ta. They had brought the cars to At
lanta to sell, they explained.
They had taken the Georgia num
bers from the two cars and suhul-‘
tuted Connecticut numbers
OMcers Baker and Carter vnmm-‘
wed thelr Investigation Tuesday with |
the view of tracing, if possible, Ihrl
movements of the men prior to their
arrival in Augusta. . ‘
Mayfield Studies
Duties of Deputy
Fred Mayfield, who is to be chief
deputy under Sheriff-elect J. L. Low
ry, has begun a detailed study of the
work in the Sheriff's office, under
Chiet Deputy John Owen, In order
that he may be prepared to take over
the oMc= on January 1, when the ad
ministrations change. The office of
chief deputy is one of the most diffi
cult and most responsible In the
courthouse, and is characterized by a
mass of detall
Mr. Owen has held this position for
the last eight years. He will return
on the first of the year to the Frank
E. Block Company. as salesman. He
was with this company for many
vears before entering the Sheriff's
office. Members of the Atlanta bar
have expressed unanimous regret to
Mr. Owen on the fact that they are to
lose him from the courthouse,
Duke Looking Over
Georgia Water Power
James B. Duke, president of the Brit.
ish- American Tobacco Company, left At
lanta Tuesday with H. M. Atkinson for
a visit to the Tallulah Falls power plant
Mr. Duke, who is interested in several
water power pants in North Carolina,
came to Atlanta to look into the possi- |
bilities of conecting two electric rail
ways to form a line from Charlotte to
Mr. Duke is owner of the Piedmont
Northern line, from Charlotte to Ander
son, 8. C. The Georgia Secretary of
State Monday issued a charter to the
Atlanta and Anderson Railway Com
gdnny. a contemplated e'ectric rallway.
Mr. Atkinson Is chatrman of directors
of the Georgia Rallway and Power Com
pany, which owns the Tallulah Falls
power plant. Mr. Atkinsen, Mr. Duka
and Albert Howell, r., attorney for the
Atlanta and Anderson road, hefii a con
ference Monday afternoon.
Father Bevier to
Give Lecture Here
“A World of Wonders and the Won
ders of the World,” is the title of a lec
ture which will be given Thursday night
at Taft Hall by the Rev. Albert %evler.
“of New Orleang, one of the South’'s best
known scientists and speakers,
The proceeds of the lecture wi'l be
given to St. Anthony's parochial school,
in West End. Motion pictures made
under the personal direction of Father
?evler splendidly will illustrate the lec
Father Bevier is a professor of Loyola
Col'ege and is one of the most distin
{shed astronomers, entomologists and
g:hnlltl in the United States.
. _\J
LO3 fl
g : e f’ by 4
e il
&" 3 "l Pullman Sleepers
TAT )5 2
) ining Cars al ches
EM ‘. y- ‘A‘ .. »
(@) S Utn
e'hefi : bls Tl g
i le'red 350 : " : Tickets,
X : Resewations ¢ inform,
A 3 g wahions & 3ho
RO | caves AHanta 455 P M B at
R Amwcz‘;Mmphbe?:AM AHar\l'a
& Armcg{&}‘ ng; [ ;sg;: chit OFFLCCS
TTVES AP 505 | % Peachlree St
Two Other Trains = dian Sherton
Daily to W?:C%M?\nc;:x':izu
Ghicago-St Louis g ,‘]o‘?‘";:;d‘gsidg 7y
C 1f A k
onvic SRS
(By International News Service)
Georze . Gardne conviet, in safe
n bhis cell today nd will not be
hanged, in spit {f his urgenli recom
mendation that this was the best
thing for all concerned in his chse,
Without a sign of emol.on, he AP~
peared before the Hoard of Pardons
and asked that it give him a “condi
tlona! pardon” that his case Do le-
Cpene thnt he be put on trial A
murder in the Arst degres, and that
he be hanged
Gardner was conviceted in this oity
en December 8, 1514, of an attack on
a young givl. and was sentenced to
State prison for from ten 1o twenty
years The « d died after his con
viction 2% & result of his attack, he
told the board
For a moment, overcome by aston.
ishment, everyone in the room WwWas
silent Then Governor Holcomb
Why do you ask this®™
“Hecause | think 1 deserve It"
came the reply
“You think you ought to be
hanged ™
He was led from the room by a
guard, The pardon was not granted
Geogian Back From |
Border on Furlough'
Jobhn Wilson, Georgia militiaman,
was in Atlanta Monday on his way
to his home in Augusta to spend a
Christmas furiough
“There are no bullets whizzing
around the Georgia boys at Camp
Cotton, but therc’'s something just
about as bad-—those cold Texas
winds,” said Mr. Wilson. “The boys
are keening well, although everyone
is predicting brisk business for the
hospitals all the time, on account of
the weather™
Methodists Scor
Li Circul !
Advertising intoxicants by letters ‘
circulars sent by mail was ,‘”,,,",‘!.:'_?Q
the Georgia conference of the .\ifll‘\mh'(‘
Episcopal Church (Northern), which |
closed its sessions at F‘);:’.-.' Chapel |
Monday evening. The conference !lrl‘nl!
the passage by the Georgia lLegislature
of a bill to regulate the issuance of mai -
riage lcenses and diminish hasty mar
riages A union of the two branches of
'h;’ v';mrv;\ was recommended
ishop F. 1. Leete, of Atlanta, presid
ed. The At'anta pastors were r,‘:um,d‘
to their present places. The conference
reported gains in membership and con
Techites to Play
Georgia Tech students were plan
to take Santa Claus' job for ‘an‘!’gfl:
next Sunday when they will give a
Christmas tree to the “kiddies of the
town "
Froggie Morrison, the hefty football
player, will wear the whiskers and other
fixirgs. Harry F. Comer, secretary of
the Tech Y. M. C. A., has the affalr in
DALTON, Dec. 12.—The Rev. O. D.
Fleming, who recently resigned the
pastorate of the First Baptist Church
here, has accepted a call to the Bap
tist Church of St. Elmo, Tenn. and
will leave to take up his new work
early in the year.
“1¢ 1s necessary in order to treat head
aches properly to understand the causes
which produce the affection” says Dr.Jd.
W. Ray, ot Blockton, Ala, Continuing
he says, ‘Physiclans cannot even begin
the treatment ofa disease without know
ing what causes gve rise to it, and we
must remember that headache 1s to_be
treated according to the same rule. We
must not only be particular to give &
which produces the headache, but we
must also give a remedy to relleve the
Emn until the cause of the trouble has
een removed, To answer this purpose |
anti-kamuia tablets will be found a mo-é
convenient and satisfactory remedy.
One tablet every one to three hours
gives comfort and rest in the most ae
vere cases of headache, neuralgio and
| partloulul‘the headaches of women™
| When we have & patient lubiecnoref
. ular attacks of sick headache, we should
eaution him to keep his bowels regular,
for which nothing is better than Act
oids,” and when he feels the least sign of
an oncoming attack, he should take two
| A-K Tablets. Such patients should al
| ways be instructed to carry 8 few anti
kamnia tablets, 80 as to have them ready
forinstantuse. These tabletsare prompt
A action and can be depended onto pros
| duce relief in a very few minutes. Ask
for A-K Tablets. {
10 Sti-kamnia tablets at all druggists. |
(By International News Service)
DES MOINES, D« 2 With 1
wrrest of Kimmage Widener the
police today professed (o see in Ihe
eath of Ellsabeth Walls, 21, a par
allel of the Orpet case at Lake Forest,
1., last spring
Miss Walls died November 27 of
polson Found by her mother, she
told her that she had been indiscreet
nd had been compelled to swallow'a
irug, after being rendered almost ur
onscious by chloroform. according !
an aMidavit by Mrs. Walls. Phys
ans found that sea ad e
aused bw oarbe acid, and the Co
ner ieciding the ARE Was e !
rieide, held ro Inquest
Police, however, wers it satisfled
Everything for sls
NO $ N 0
Mad> to Order
Any Suit or Over
coat in the entire line.
300 all-wool pat
terns, your choice for
slsthree-piece suit
or overcoat.
Let us have your
Xmas Order
Thousands Are
Wearing Them
9 Auburn Ave.
Only three doors
from Peachtree.
C. P, TALBOT, Mgr,
I Also Thank You
’i fwy e
. @ Of The World
On and After Midnight
Thursday, December 14th
Prices on All Cadillac Cars Will |
Advance $160.00 Per Car
In order to obtain a Cadillac at the
present price, we must have your
signed order and satisfactory deposit
before midnight of Thursday, Dec. 14
Place Your Order Today—Save $l6O
if:;:r:;mer Rmd\m e $9.810
(Tonvertible Tonting - CaP i v o .$;.‘.TT.’) sj_:,'.o:j,.‘,
N 7 s $2.160
LAMOMBING .. iivy s sanernnsviss P 8 109 $3,860
BODOrIaI .ieoo o s bisdolen S C BRERD $4,010
Lund:]lllliii(:és. f U b \tl(m[a ....$3,850 $4,010
A dill
tlanta Cadillac Co.
238 Peachtree Phone Ivy 2233 Atlanta, Ga.
and investigation revealed that Miss
Walls had been hedvd talking to &
man shortly before she was found,
and workmen near the Walls home
sald they had seen a man walking
rapidly away from the house.
Efforts are being made to learn
where and by whom the acid was
Dr. Porter Will Be
Host to Friars' Club
| Dr. and Mrs. Henry Alford Porter
| will entertain the Friars' Club at their
home Tuesday evening.
The Rev. E. Lyman Hood, presi
| dent of the Atlanta Theological Sem.
| inary, wiil read a paper entitled “The
Phllosopay of Goethe™
Bring Her Real Xmas Joy
by Putting an End
, .‘z; to Stair-Climbing
:'«fl ’
Ej ™ How often have you heard her
say, “I am so tired of running up and down
stairs!” You can prevent lots of thisand at the
same time add to the pleasure and convenience
of the entire family.
An Extension Bell Telephone
Is an Ideal Xmas Present
It not only brings joy at Christ- /n/
mas time, but throughout the year 1
it is a reminder of your thought- SR
fulness. Few gifts so well combine (759%
the pleasant and the practical. f{ |
Call Contract Office today. o ‘
S. B. MATHEWSON, Mgr. \ 3
- (UESDAY, DECEMBEK 12, 1910,
Atlanta’'s withdrawal from the con.
test for the Southern Farm Loan Bank
was given commendation this week In
Financial America, of New York, a lead
ing financial journal. The city's spirit
was prals d in the following words:
“A splendid instance of civie self-sae.
rifice to promote the Interests of the
State as a whole is afforded in the de
termination of the Atlanta Chamber of
Commerce to support Macon ip its of
forts to seeure 2 farm loan bank. Feel.
ing that a strong contest between two
Georgla cities wou'd be likely to resuit
in locating the bank in another State,
and to avold this and, If possible, se
cure the bank for Georgia, the Cham
ber of Commerce withdrew Atlanta's ap
plication in saver of Macon, lnmtum
statement advooating G‘OT. as
::1110 and Macon as the site for the