Newspaper Page Text
Pugene R. Black, president of the
Chamber of Commerce, appointed a
committee Wednesday to arrange a
geries of group meetings of members
to discuss the new pelicy of the or
ganization. The first meeting will be
beld at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. A
yrogram for this meeting will be pre
paged at a meeting of the new com
-littee at 11 o'cleck Thursday morn
ing st the Chamber of Commerce.
It i& planned to imwvite about 1090
riembers to each meeting. The invi
tations will be sent out in alphabeti
cal order. George Gove of the Amer.
iran Cities Buerau will attend and
outline the new system used in cham
ber of commerce work now being in
stalled here.
Following were named on the céom
mittee: John M. Coopeg, G. E. Watts,
George W. Forrester, Henry C. Heinz,
T. H. Daniel, Benjamin D Watkins,
Bayne Gibson, Palmer Blackburn,
John Westmoreland, A. A. Jameson,
Hervey W. Laird, William T. Can
dler, Buford Goodwin, R. 1. Fore
man, Paul Jenes, Paul Stevenson, w.
R. . Smith, J. B. McCutcheon, R, B,
Proutman, Charles D. Atkinson and
TForrest Fisher.
The following named applicants
have been aecepted for enlistment in
the United. States apny at the At
lanta station:
John K. Willilams, Macon; John R.
PBarton, Pitts; Earnest F. Darsey,
Dexter; Capers Oliver, Smyrna;
Charlte Hudgins, Orange; Ezra
Childs, Rochelle; John W. Wiggins,
Putts; Byren J, Roach, Henagan,
Ala.: Clarence L. Richardson, Dalton.
The little Spamish P-Nut is one of
our apecialties They are sald to be
the finest flavored P-Nut in the world
P-Nuts wre said to- be healthy and a
sood brain food We well them in
many different ways, and, considering
the advames on Sugar and dpanish
P-Nuts, our prices are low Rewd
y in shell Esey v e I,
' , in shell In in,
w, shelled y 3 ih,
Roasted, Unsalted, shelled 400 Ib,
- Balted .4 e 40¢ Ib,
Golden Crisp Brittle. i 40¢ Ib,
}'-P"‘l(‘lfly iihe gpiine oTR
~ P-Nat Butter .. Sa i & .30c Ib,
Ovemmed P-Nats . . 0w I,
| =-N-t Covered Marshmallows. . 60c Ib,
| Conted P-Nuts con 0000 ID,
Chocolate Conted P-Nuts Koc Ib,
} When you think of bhuying P-Nuts-—
Bmited P-Nuts or Candied P-Nuts -
L think of the little Spanish, and wheras
" you are sure to get them-—New, Fresh
cahgd Moe ;
: Take Home » Pound
; s Candy Kitchen
Buchanan & Shelton
.+ 62°N. Forsyth Bt.
: e 100 Dba.
‘.j WM (I;S:l:t-
- | Cane Sugar 4 gycar,
| Granulated | $17.50
‘ l‘g:::v 25.1 b, Bag
| "o
i&whanan & Shelton
62 N. Forsyth St.
N. E. Corner
B et .. 2401
No. 10 No. 5 2 Lb. Net
Pails Pails Pails |
$2.29’ $1.16‘ 59¢
No. 10 No. 5 t No. 3
$2.13/$1.09/ 59¢
Beef Roast . ... .20c to 30¢
Pork Roast ... . .25¢ to 30c
vm ) Ohops 35c
STEAKS 25¢ and 35¢
A full line Smoked and
Fresh Meats, also a full line
Fresh Fruits‘ii“rlz.i_Vegetablf‘j}4
Maxwell House Coffee
TS .......... 500
«f axative
C. ) Erore
THE ATLANTA GEGCRGIAN s ‘A Clean Newspaper for Southern Homes 5 o WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1920.
South Georgia Ruin
. .
Identified as Old
Spanish Mission
WAYCROSS, Ga., March 10.—The
‘“old sugar house,” as it always has
been ealled in this seetion, has been
identified as one of the old Spanish
missions and the history connected
with this massive old ruin, sitvated
in @ dense hammeck about six miles
nerthwest of Bt. Marys, Ga., bas been
partly . unearthed. .
8. W, MecCallie, State geologist,
while visiting in St. Marys, was
shown this old structure and bis cu
riosity was Immediately aroused. ;
After considerable research a state
ment was found in “The Catholie
Chureh in Colonial Days” by Johm
Gilmary Shea, which throws some
light on the subjeet. It says the Eng
lish barkentine, Reformation, was
shipwrecked on the coast of Florida
in September, 1699, and Jonathan
Dickson, a member of the party, drew
up a journal of their adventures till
they were rescued by a Spanish party
and eonveyed to BSt. Augnstine.
Many perils wére encountered on
the journey, at the hands of the hos
tile Indiams. They marched into what
i now St, Marys, where they found
a Francisean monk with his church
and school eof Indian beoys, ‘“Near it
was another missgion, St. Philip's,”
says the old history. The party was
well treated by the Franciscans and
sheltered for some time, after which
they journeyed on nerthward te the
English setilements, with the atd of
the monks.
Officer to Speak to
Young S. A. Workers
Aotivities among the yonng people
of the Salvation Army will be dis
enssed by Col. J. E. Marzette of New
York, national gecretary of the young
people’s division, Thursday night at
8 o'cloek at the Salvation Army Hall,
14 1-2 Anburn avenue,
Colonel Margette 18 vigiting Salva
tfon Army posts in the South in con
nection with the home service fund
appeal, May 10 to 20, but his chief
Interest is in arousing the interest
of the young in the woflg of their
Prior to Colonel Margette's ad
dress the recently organized Salva
tion Army Band will hold an open
air meeting at 7 o'clock at Broad
and Marfetta streets. The band will
play at the hall
Colonel Margette will be accom
panied by Ensign Herbert Young of
Atlanta, division secretary for the
young people.
Miss Malone Exhibits
Paintings at Oglethorpe
Miss Blondelle Malone of Afken, S.
~ widely known painter of garden
scenes, exhibited some of her paint
ings to the student body of Ogle
thorpe Univeysity at the chapel meet
ing Tuesday. Many of the paintings
are familiar to Atlantans, they hav
ing been on exhibition at the Car
negie Library for several days. The
collection embraces pictures painted
in several foreign countries, chiefly
in Ireland, Greece and Japan. |
. Miss Malone is the only American,
man or woman, belonging to the In
ternational Water Color Society of
Painters, She js also a member of
the New York Art Club, Lyceum
Club of London, Lyceum of France
and the United Arts Club of Dublin,
of which William Butler Yates, the
Irish poet, who will appear in At
lanta on April 17, is a member.
‘Honeymoon Buick’ and
. .
~ Grooms Go to Nashville
. The “honeymoon Buick,” the seyen
passenger car said to have - been
stolen in Nashville and recovered
here by county police, will start om
its return to Nashville Wednesday
afternoon with the two young men
wlio were declared to have stolen
‘the car, Clifford M. Doran and Clyde
E. Hubert. They will be accompa
}nlod by two Nashville detectives, who
‘nrrlved in Atlantyg Wednesday morn
! The two girls, said by the accused
prisoners to be their brides, will be
left behind. They pleade to be per
mitted to accompany their husbands
110 Nashville, but were refused. They
then declared their intention of fol
llowm‘ later by train. Both men were
indicted Tuesday afternoon by the
Fulton grand jury.
Hoke Smith Encourages
« Armenian Relief Drive
Officials in Atlanta of the Near
East relief fund were encouraged in
their work Wednesday by the receipt
of a telegram from Senator Hoke
Smith expressing his sympathy with
the cause. I was addressed to L. E.
Platt, director, and said:
“The story of suffering in the Near
Bast can hardly be stated. The ap
peal for relief should reach every one
with human sympathy.”
The campaign for funds, quietly
conducted, is meeting with sucocess.
The Clover Club of the Y. W. C. A.
Tuesday night gave $lO5 after hear
ing an address by Sergeant Mathieu
of the British army, who recently re
turned from Armenia and Syrla.
Chambers Wins Long
. . s
Fight in Liquor Case
Aldine Chambers won his long
*fixh( Wednesday for (hree clients,
wealthy Texans, convicted jn 1917 and
given sentences under the Reed
amendment on charges of bringing
whisky into dry terntory and Indian
reservations, He recelved official
word from Washington the depart
ment of justice had revoked the pris-‘
on sentences and reduced large tines.
[' The men were D. M. Hardy, J. O,
Blliott and J, R. Young, all of Wichita
Falls, Tex. The case was fought
through the Supreme Court, and. fail.
ing there, the attorney went four
times to Washington to present new
evidence personaly to the attorney
lAONDON, March 10~ Doctor
Branting, Socialist leader, nas
formed a new Swedish cabinet, said
& dispatch from Stockholm today.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonie
restores vitality and energy by puri.
fying and enriching the blood. You
ean soon feel its Strengthening In
vigorating Effect. Price 60 cents.—
Fair Price Plumbing Co.
266 S. Pryor St. M. 1008
Plumbing & Repair Work at a
Fair Price
J. F. Schofield J. C. Durham
Georgia Presbyterian churches will
be called on Sunday to contribute
$306,000 in the “every member can
vass” to the nation-wide fund for
benevolence for the year beginning
April 1. The Southern Assembly has
heen asked for $4,000,000, On the
same day similar appeals will be made
in Virginia, the Carolinds, Mississip
pi and Alabama. The aim is te raise
the emtire fund in one day, but Mareh
28 ha been named as the final limit,
with all reports in by March 30.
Atlanta Presbytery has been as
‘sessed $137,490; Athens, $26,392; Au
gust, $33,935; Cherokee, $25,906; Ma
con, $53,687, and Savannah, $28452.
The campaigners expect to get this
year 50,000 new chureh members and
40,060 Sunday school members. Part
of the fund will be used to give Pres
byterian preachers higher pay.
Of Georgia’s quota 60 per cent will
be disbursed by the general assembly
and 40 per cent for loeal purposes,
Thirty-three per cent of the former
will go to foreign missions, 16 to as- |
sembly home missions, 7 to (‘hristianJ‘
education and ministerial relief, 2 to
Sunday chool expansion and publi
ecation, 1 each to Pible cause and as
sembly training scheol. For local
purposes 5 per cent will go to synod
fcal home missions, 20 to Presbyte
rial home missions, 3 to congrega
tional home missions, 1 each to Co
lumbia Seminary and Davidson Col
lege, 7 to’' Nacoochee and 3 to or
Dynamite Subsoiling
To Be Shown at Capitol
Talks by Gevernor Dorsey and W.
F. Dykes, superintendent of Atlanta
schools, will feature an educational
demonstration of the scientific value
of dynamite in subsoiling Thursday
afternoon on the State Capitol
There also will be talks by Wil
liam Deckner, Miss May Hardin,
and Chauncey Smith, while the tree is
being bored for the dynamite.
- After the subsoiling demonstra
tion, Miss Baxter, head of the secience
department of Girle’ High School,
and Miss May Hardin, for the gram
mar school grades, will explain tree
Predicts Huge Cotton
Storage for Atlanta
If Atlanta possessed adequate
warehouse facilities this ecity would
become in a few years the leading
cotton eonecentrating center In the
Smith, in the opinion of R. E. Chaun
den, cotton factor of New Orleans,
and A. Georges Giind of France, in
Atlanta conferring with cotton men.
Expansion of the Atlartic Compress
Company under the new ‘ownerlhtp
and the consummation of' plans al
ready formed to bufic additional
warehouses in Atlanta will put this
ecity in the lead in the cotton in
dustry, according to Mr. Chaundon.
Out of Fix?
"Phone Your Groeer or
Druggist for a Dozen Bottles
of this delicious digestant—a
glass with meals gives delightful
relief, or no charge for the first
dozen used.
Nothing Wke it for renovating ola
worn-out stomachs, converting
food into rich blood and sound
Bottled and guaranteed by the
celebrated Shivar Mineral Spring,
Shelton, 8. C. If vour regular
dealer can not supply you, tele
Distributors for Atlanta,
The Naeal Treatment acts as an ANTI
DOTE for these pnoisons, eliminates
them from the system, creates a
Jjoathing for drink or drugs, and over
comes the diseased condition. (No
Hyoscine used.) Dr. J. H. Conway,
10 years with the “Keely,” physician
in charge. Address Neal Institute,
229 Woodward Ave., Atlanta, Georgia
60 Neal Institutes in Principal Cities
Watches that are
—We Sell Thom-
et G e Ko, Cne:. Whitehal
Violin Instruction
Private lessons, day eor nighi, by
mn;mt‘,.;‘; Studie or your home,
vy ¢
209 McKenzie Bldg. !
Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove It
Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets, the
substitute for calomel, act gently on the
bowels and pontgvefy do the work.
P‘exg‘)cpkle afflicted with bad breath find
q relief Uflmig mfi them. |
Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets are a
vegetable compound mixed with olives |
oil. They act gently but firmly on the |
bowels and liver, stimulating them to |
natural action, clearing the blood, and
purifying the entire system. They do |
that which calomel coes, without any of
the bad after effects. Takcor‘ortwo |
every night for a week and ®te the |
pleasing effect. 10c and 25¢ a box ‘
These Columbia Records
Now In Stock
We are making a special run of a Columbia
Grafonola and 6 Records (12 selections) for
$3.00 Down—3s3.oo a Week
Keep up with the best music as it comes out.
You are due some pleasure in this world, and
music is one of the most wholesome and inex
pensive pleasures.
Hear These, Too—
(Bowers.) Bert Williams, comedian. Urchestra} A 2849
accompardment. 10-inch
SOMEBODY. (Hanley.) Bert Williams, comedian. | gsc,
Orchestra accompaniment.
g (1 e om (g ot Tewts] A 4
Jazz Band. 10-inch
BARKIN’ DOG. (Fiorito and Gormaa.) I-‘ox-trot.r 85¢.
Gorman’'s Novelty Syncopaters. '
Atlanta Phonograph Co.
18 N. Pryor St. Kimball House.
- On Sale At
N Ludden & Bates’
il | W ‘
; ;
i X AColumbia Grafonola
; with Columbia Records
List of is the ideal musical com-
Roaich ‘bination.
In a Columbia Grafonola
ek fyou get a graceful cabinet,
Come In artistically correct, a tone
and of exquisite clearness and
M B purity, and the exclusive
o™ Columbia tone leaves, which
New enable you to obtain the
Records most exact musical shading.
T On Columbia Records you
Postage get all the music of all the
Paid world—much of it made by
On All the host of popular head-
Mail liners, concert singers, opera
stars, and instrumental
Orders artists who make recordes for
i Columbia exclusively.
@ wvv;&nmss
80 N. Pryor St. Atlanta, Ga.
Just Look at That List
OF ;
They’re Always the Latest and Best
Come at Once to “Atlanta’s Busiest Record
Store” and
]he@e#)/zeon 5]1(73 Inc.
@ 117-121 “IN THE ARCADE” @
The Home of
Columbia Grafonolas and Records (Sealed)
Personalized Service.
R .
Mail Orders Given Special
All Makes of Phonographs
Sealed Record Service to
Insure Your Satisfaction.
“Roar Thamy Bre™ |
Ara lh.:m
Lo : &
‘ Mid-Month List of
4 3 |
Words and Musie 3,
wonfis“-“\ N |
‘M‘ T - ,‘.\::"‘.‘ :‘_- i
J 77 " ;—.}f:‘ X
Yy Al Jolson
Lk S o o 1
= B Sings “Chloe
Y 4 B
Q‘\\‘. i \\‘_\\ R . -
AR 2 This exclusive Columbia artist now ap
k{'.j\;}hgqq A pears in a new role—as author and composer
iy L\\\ \\}\t aswell as’singer. Fond memories of “Mammy
AN B Chloe” give appealing sentiment to this
il 3 Y / Sinbad star’s melodious ballad of the South. }
b =7 &\\)J A-2861—85¢
BAT ; \ : ’ = A
~/ ' ‘{x“‘ : a\ |“{ l 2 /////////////
. " \\ 4fé' { A.‘ /
M \ A > &t I/ R s
{ 3@/ W 6\%' i |
/ ‘ RO 4 "\ P
/ R 1% z -~
' e '\m s LAY =
led Lewis e J 75Tl ~
. ’ A ~~ I 5 \\ YL/
Latest Jazz ¥ i
sso i W
“Wond’ring” is 'the latest fox- 5 A
trot of these exclusive Columbia %
artists, stars of the Greenwich Vil- c %
lage Follies, which played seven v 7 -
months in New York. A syncopated = e ¥
riot which nobody can resist. ~..,,.( ’
Coupled with “You Can’t Get ,"7(7// i ;
Lovin’ Where There Ain’t Any ,[ / -
Love,” by the Louisiana Five. ’/ : i Y/
A-2857—85¢ }\. /
- L .4 D ESatece i 2 « :
‘% a , Dance_to Jusfi,
4 , © ' : ; 9
) s Like the Rose
g ‘;)’w‘\.s b N This famous dance played by the Paul Biese
WY Trio, new exclusive Columbia artists, is the
\j > ,’M‘d i quintessence of fox-trotting music. Coupled
:_«/,i égl”@\w N~ with “When You’re Alone,” by the same dance
B flAR : triumvirate, A-2864—85¢
& | : ;
& j A Few More Mid-month Hits
Elder ore’s Sermon en o
7\ Eatm n’ Se Throwing Sb.B.e.rt Wflfima} A‘-:lz:l
L » Elder Eatmore’s Sermon on Generosity , Bert Williams
e e You're a Million Miles from Nowhere When You're
b l ) One Little Mile from Home . . . Fred Hughes A-2882
| ''l 'l Once Upon a Time from The Magic Meledy Fred Hughes 85¢
L All That | Wantis You . . . . <3+ H B {
| When the Hnrv:nfMu- Is Shining .'i'. LQ::,JM:::} A-‘?‘l.ll
ik | Dear Litle Bey of Mine 3 315 o Riccardo Seracciari } GIOO
e, 1
' ' Get the New Columbia Novelty Record Booklet. Every Columbis Dealer has I‘
COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS New Colambic Records on Sale the 10th and 20th of Every Month 3
Stantars l‘l:::l;:::;:;}’z COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, New York
Only 22 Down
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Columbia Grafonola Foi@
olumbia Gratonola [T B
This handsome large Model E-2 Columbia Grafonola and 10 | j L£|l t
DOUBLE-FACED RECORDS (20 selections)—special for I ' (f !
ursday, Friday and Saturda ntire PR R
Z:Jl}t'fit jo;‘;lplclcdfgr. et .t. , H .t. ; $l2B. 50 Yf:é‘ k)i
$2 Down— P 2 Per Week ¢ - |
fitis 7 ABLY = M| RECORDS
LA FINE Do HQWHS'IFE?ET Com“:“:;:z:g:f:ak?s”:a:t al-