Newspaper Page Text
CARROLLTQN, Ga., March 12—
Three men and a car full of liguor
saig te be from Hulett, were stopped
in Tallapoosa by Chief of Police
Brewer Murphy and Policeman Pete
Williams today,
Shooting followed in which Murphy
was dangerously wounded The men
escaped, leaving the car nd the
liguor. Offfcers have since captured
one of men, said to be Kinney Sma
wood. Sheriff W. A. Garrett expect
White H Balery C
Ite flouse baKery Lo.
Between Alabama and Hunter.
To deliver Bakery goods, the cost is a big item and must be passed
_on from the Baker to the consumer. We do not deliver, but we use
that expense in making Superior Bakery Goods. »
Our Delicious ANGEL FOOD CAKES, small, 6 for 25¢
Our Assorted FRENCH PASTRIES, delicious and pretty at 80c
PER DOZEN are pleasing hundreds of patrons.
pure granulated sugar and milk, is the pride of our Bakery.
One visit to our Bakery will make a regular customer of you.
Ite ouse bakery Lo.
- “There’s a ROGERS Store near you”
*: . [
In times of stress these
stores prove their value
t is in just such times as these that the Rogersg
‘ktores will prove their great value to the people. ‘
o matter where you live, one of these stores 1s
;thin easy reach of practically every home. If ;
&ou are not a patron already, now is a splendid
ime to learn how well we can serve you. |
ull 16-oz. Loaf of | ;
ogers’ Quality Bread ......... 8C
iflccan Besgm-~~~-~ 11s I‘
Evaporated Milk ..........4 1 C
:bne-pound can 1 7 l
Best Pink Salmon ............. 4§ C
’Z.Aea & Perrin’s 2 6 !
fiauce e Ci
{ unbeam Mayonnaise 15 32 I
g:ampbell’s Soups, 1 2 l
;Nl B s C}
,k!ampbell’s Pork 2 5 ]
:!'Lnd8ean5,Zf0r..;............ C
ogers’ 1 5 ‘
gugarC0m.................. C
*lo..}’canLyeHominy e itle
z‘lo. 3 can Libby’s Sauerkraut . ......15¢c
| ] Monte can Spinach ..........12V5¢
‘irish Potatoes, pound ................6c
gPurity Nut 3 7
\?utterine oL SRR SRR C
;tßest Creamery 6 9
Butter C
%“Cheese, 3 7
%'American ERRRI S i il C
5 ;
THE ATLANTA GEGRGIAN 2o @ . AClean Newspaper fox Seuthern Homes LA FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1920.
soon 'to have the ather two. &
Chief Murphy is shet through the
neck. His windpipe is cut.
& A .
North Avenue Revival
. .
Draws Big Audiences
Despite thé car strike, attendance
Thursday night at' the North Ave
nue Preshyterian Church revival was
the largest of the week. Dr, Trigg
M. Thomas, conducting the revival,
has invited boys and girls to a spe
cial school service Friday night.
There will be an hour of special
gongs under Prof. D. 1., Spooner, with
a special choir of fifty from the Bap
tiet Tabernacle. Doctor Thomas will
preach at 8 o'clock on ‘“The lLost
Christ. Seats will be reserved for
boys and girt and Boy Bcouts.
There will ®e no services Satur
day. They will be continued next
week, starting at 8 o'clock each night.
| e 5
| erhe Flying Parson,” Lieut. Belvin W,
Maynard, appears six times at the ¥or
syth Theater today, and teils the andiences
at the big photoplay house of his aerial
cxperiences, and particularly the record
flight frem New York to San Francisco and
return, and New York to Toronto and re
At 12:15, 2, 2:45, 5:20, 7:15 and 9 Lieuts
enant Maynard makes his falks to the
crowids Today 18 the first and m)}y,h)r
pearance in publie of the noted flier. His
talks are an added attraction to the regu-~
lar scheduled showing of the Charles Ray
success, “Alarm Clock Andg
In a few years, predicts the lleutenant,
acroplanes will be as common for trans
portation as automobiles, And he recalls
that it wis only a few years ago that 'ynu
couldn’'t persuade a man te go up,
““Now everyhody wants to fiy,” said the
“Flying Parson."”
“Flying.” he adde, *is the sport of
kings now."”
It was in 1817 that ldeutenant Maynard
went into the aerial gervice. He served
aighteen months in France as a test pilot
After the armistice ,came the race from
New York to San Franeciseo and return,
We emphasize GOOD
FISH because you can
get no other kind' at the
Fulton Market.
We keep only GOOD
ones and we get them
“That is the secret of
-~ Fulton Market Popu
Every Variety
Here for Lent
We ‘ways keep the
widest variety for your
choice — everything in
Among others today ‘are
Shad, Trout, Mackerel,
Snapper, Cod, Spots,
Croakers and Floaters.
in Poultry you will find
Chickens, Ducks and
Geese. \
Al seasonable Vege
tabfes are hera, ahd they
are up to the Fulton
25.-27 E. Alabama St.
Cor. Pryor and Alabama
Phone us your order. On
account of the strike WE
Pure 1
Hog lARD 2320‘
No. 10 No. 5 2 'Lb. Net
Pails Pails ' Pails L
No. 10 No. 5 ! No. 38 }
§2.13| $1.09! 59¢ |
Pork’ Roast . ... .25¢c to 35¢|
Beef Roast . ....20c to 30c!
Lamb-Legs ..........35¢|
STEAKS . . .. 25 To 35¢|
b '
i FBs¢
ey .o, 10 W 0 108
Pure Pork Sausage . . . 35¢.
' :_.‘:'E;{__;;: SAEAPARIA S 1: 2“00 i
Full line Smoked Meats and Freshi
[Orane Paenry. . o
| Grocery Department i
Maxwe!l House Coffee
3.Lb, Can ..on:0e0n .$1.42
tl-Lb. Can....... 0000 .48c;
ii\@aragus (Empress brand; 'v:one:j
et e 30
; Nabob Asparagus : 428 ’
Points, 1:1b, can eit b :
s TG
’?fl 190
[ Full line Fancy Groceries, Fresh |
Fruits and Vegetabies.
Royalty Forgets °
0l Dances pnd Ask
New Steps at Balls
: = B
~_ (By Universal Service,) :
LONDON, March 12—Foxt trot
and hesitation waltz may figire on
ithe next danee cards at Buckinghfm
Palnce, as'a eonsequence of a dance
fizzle there this week when only the
lancers, quadrilles and waltzes were
on the program. ¥ %
It was a small party, Only twenty
gucsts were present. The Prince of
;,Wulcx had urged the inclusion of
gcme of tie modern steps, but Queen
Mary had said that most of them
were not fit 1o be introdueced in the
palace. 1
After the opening lancers, in
which only the king, queen and
membars of the royal household par
ticipated, the guests inforined the
ladies-{n-waiting and equerrics -t?ut
they dldn’t know hew to dance the
old fashlonsd lancers and quadrille
steps, They praved that they be al
lowed to 7sit out” them.
There were only four walizes on
the program and when thege were
over the parly endedq abruptly at 11
o'clock, Members of the royal house
hold say the queen will henceforth
admit the up to date, If lively, steps
or abandon the royal dances alto
gether, .
Company Is Formed to
Manufacture Pea Picker
HARTWELIL, Ga. March 11--~The
Perfect Pea Picker Company has been
organized here to manufacture and
sell a machine recently invented by
T. 8. Mouchet, Mopuchet already had
built fifty of his machines in a crude
shop on his farm in this county and
those who have used them gay they
gather p@as at the rate of 35 to 60,
bushels a day.
The officers of the company are W,
M. Fmith, president; . M. Fort of
Atlanta, wice president, and J. L.
Massey, se¢retary-trepsurer. A mans
ufacturing plant is being erected
Big Gold Shipments
Headed for America
{By International News Service.)
WASHINGTON, March 11-—Huge
shipments of gold from France and
England will reach the United States
within a short time, according to in
formation reaching Secretary of the
Treasury Houston today. He thinks
these shipments are intended to bring
relief to exchange rates which have
been to the disadvantage of England
and France.
Low Prices
50c HOSIERY—Good way to pay for
a home ......ccoiviiveiin., .. 280
65¢c HOSIERY—LisIe, thousands eall
BRI Vo iaa D
75¢ HOSIERY—Best wear made from
theos labbriof . s vevisss... 00
HOSIERY, SOCKS ~— Twice usual
wear or another pair--best assort
ment in city 15¢ to $3.50
SHIRTS—New era. prices, new era
. shirts that Rlv:me ..$1.50 to $12.00
CWA?M“ e-Arowssa sty
for every matfifit just ridnt SI
n p 20c to 6
UNDERWEAR-—Direct from mills;
garments in demand, three blocks
from Five Points ....., blc to $5.00
NECKWEAR—Best factories, en
larged stock-—many #hiocks less in
Py L el vl s e tose.i
SHOES, SLIPPERS—Best wear {ro
factory to wearer ....bsoc¢ to $13.00
CARRIED OVERS-—Now great bar
gains—only half price,
Pierce He Pays It.
Away from that sorry high rent.
Southern Dry Goods & Shee Co.
E. PIERCE, Prop.
* 139 Edgewood Ave. (Only)
Jack's Market
Smoked Hams . .25c1b,
Pork Chops . . . 30cIb.
Beef Roast . . . 15¢c b,
Beef Steak . . . . 20c Ib.
Salt Pork:.. . . .156¢1b.
Side Pork . . . 15c1b.
Veéal Roast . . 1215 Ib.
Veal Stew . . . . . 8 Ib.
Kenn y’ 9
Coffees and Teas
guaranteed to please
Good Rio
Coffeg A 0
High Grade
Coffee .....45¢
Special Coffee.soc
Java and Mocha 55¢
60c, 80c, $1.60
Ken Y'S
f’.’mncs; ~Main 559, Main 200.
5 Seouth lu'r‘q‘({ Streel.
Learn toLook Helpless
f You Would Ride to
Workin a Limousine
Girl Reporter Learns Bitter Lesson as Result ofifi
Trolley Strike—*Fluffy Things” Gain ‘
Attention. ) i
“I wish 1 could look helpless,” I
mournfully told the City Editor.
“But 1 can’t’” :
“If, you* mean mentany—-gxu
dO,” he answered, without even
glancing up from perusal of “Who's
Who in America.”. And my name
isn't there, yet. \
“But why this laudable ambition?”
e questioned, closing the book and
reaching for his cigarettes,
“Well, if I looked helpless as I
meandered ajong Peachtree street in
this trying time of street caf strikes,
1 could get some poor, tender
hearted plutocrat with a limousina
to take me home from work, or
down to work in the morning. But
as it is I can not even get a ride in
a flivver, no, not even a dellvery‘
truck. Woe iz me.”
“Yesterday morning, I set out from
home with a song in my heart and a
light. in’ my eye, feeling confident
that some passerby could tell by mv
stride that 1 was already fifteen
minutes overdue and the office, like
Sheridan, fiften blocks away. And
I arrived at the office disgruntled,
disgusted, and with a premonition
of .a flat foot on my starboard
gide. But 1 consoled myself with
the thought that I was overlooked in
the rush in the morning, and 1
Healthful Food Makes
: -
Healthy Childre
There is nothing better or more healthful for the
. kiddies than good, fresh bread-—but to get them to eat
it and really enjoy it, you should spread each slice with
This delicious relish is NOT dry and clammy like
ordinary peanut butter. It does NOT stick so the roof
of the .mouth. The first taste will convince you that
here is the “spread for bread” you have beew wishing -
for. ;
€€ 3
Don’t Ask for Peanut Butter,
s 3
Say Peanut, Relish
~ b \ Your Grocer Has It
_.. ;
| I A demonstration of A
I‘ ‘ Ilfi Peanut Relish is now ~
‘i} _ i’; being conducted at ’;
i 1 T | | 111
‘i é@r\\"" #'f/fig, j STEWART D. JONES, kS
e s
i R il ¢ R 118 Whitehall St h
TR i
2, SAVANNAH GA ol sl - ;
SsT ; e
- Read QOur -
- Announcement
In Tomorrow’s Papers ‘
Incidentally, tomorrow will be
a good day to become a Federal
ist. »
Your loaf of bread will have a
message for you.
6N. Broad. = 10th and Peachtree. 33 Whitehall.
Macon - Brunswick Auvgusta Valdosta
would surely be giveh /& ride home
at’ night. Thirty minutes after leav
ing the office, heart' high with hope
and anticipation, I slunk into my
rooftree, cryingrfor foot ease and?
slippers., Seta : E
! ‘“This morning the traged was re']
lpeated. And I am thoroughly con
vinced that it is because I don't lookl
|helpless. Girls in frßnt of me, giflsi
behind me, girls at the side of me!
are singled out for attention and |
lgiven a lift, but me—overiooked,”
“I'yve watched, and it is the little,
fluffy things in the high heels and
lacy bonnets that get invited to
ride. When a girl in walking shoes
and a sailor hat comes by the guys!
in the autos have astigmatism. |
‘Tain't fair. It's unjust discrimina
tion.” . ; i
“The fnost ‘trying thing in this as-!
fair is the attitude of superiority the
girls at my boarding house are tak- |
ing with me. They—why, they ac- |
tually pity me, and all because Il
can not look helpless. i
“Fach night they repeat details of'
the thrilling rige in the _morningfl
with the most distinguished looking |
men and the evening's return with!
a dashing brunette, :
“L walk, ploddingly walk.
“If this strike keeps up I'm going’
to get a pair of satin slippers and u,‘
helpless Kkitten expression and do a |
little riding myself.” }
"Vegi S s e :
28 Ve EWT Com B SRy W Sy, Ss, SRTSR AR N 2 3
R & L B e Y 2 2 bl
T e S B S ea e e i )
Fy SL Gl | B& £ LY O o
fies R Woksed [ fed Be &1 iG] %Yl A
i, efA SR bs &% Fa ‘&) Ne A
PGS Vit e 2oy ar Noo eTyAgk i S ;
b ££B iot Cal e ok B bLA e S 1
R I T PR, AR T g G R
s 4 e P 7 i 2, WA AT
Le B e e ”v“;} v;‘? e U S . > 4‘%‘ SPANN e
pa _:"'t;" BRI, R -':.Tz:“\;g, By it % goy W ".'(—,_%; “;s"&* T b s
L ias devs phgmier sy -2 oP M T eAL WAI
£ ’,g;;?, Tk .'*fi"fr’!f»t?fia{& R il P R, 37N
Ce e N R % Ro S ol A ppdok 5
L % : ey AR o e eaa ¢
e DE LN ey
[ DB Ed e B il B R i
baE A . . PR WY N e — R
n‘;;,-',\ gdgk,; e B EEatadl B o g a 2 ol e
!MYi B e A ) TR R F LRI, Aae i
e, oyt Mo o RTToRTR SR Nt i
) “:‘,-‘i", TR .‘:“E,*A;’}»f»“ AR N L R RS Ysl »
5 ii o rom
“FISCHER, Upright ..........$260
IRVING, Upright ...........3325 .
STEINWAY, Upright .. ..... 8380
r“.; Y &‘ ‘ s »‘-PT AT A :I, v
‘%i‘%’f?“w A
G D>
—the kind that mél,tidn your mouth——invafiifily:yj“‘-
result from the use of OMECA Flour, .. . %
| \M 1B
‘Ask for I=, M) Your
OMEGA fifigg% L 0 Grocer. &
by name. {irpui has it. . .
Ao presiERILE) N s
oneeh POV s
For mlrer‘ 80 years, OMEGA has.-l’)een ‘the Gol&
Standard of Quality in the flour industry, A
-~ - Wholesale Distributors” ™ ©
L. &N. Terminal, ~ . Main 3064. -
LB By A O I B LT 7
o G WY Lk ;:?’ oST G N AT
*«*' Y BIWI @ N obl B
Fresh Country Eggs, dozen ... ... iweeoms 470
et et st e ettt et e
Best Creamery Cheese, 18, . .....: .00 a 0 OFC
Bvaporated Mk g 8 o. .5 cnin ik inas 218
e s bt e el
Ne.dcanive Hominy ... ibs on i e 1508
tl\o. 3 Stokley’s 5aueMkraut,........c.....¢. 1080
il bk
'No. Sean ¥ams Tl il .am
. : . NEW PACKED ,
l No. I'Chumh-Salmon: . .c.. ... 5.5 476. "
- & - ¥ : 5 R BT oy
B No: 1 Pink Batmed .00 000 S e
‘* No: 1 Libby’s Red Salmgn ........29¢
M 8-oz. can Libby's Red Salmon .4¢..20c
R R e R A
\Purc()1{(301111)01111(1 fard, b 00l it e ivias .25¢
iLea & Parrin's Sanmee:. v s a 0
!Quak(rr. Purity-or Heck
er’s Qats or Grits, :
{package . . .. . 12(:
| e e
ll«)vapomted or Sun-Dried
Apples, 1
;I)(mud. S 222(:
| Tima Beans g .
!pmmd .y .’. . 17c
o . by ‘» A g ‘ < .
24 Ihs Plain or” et $ 1 .69
Self-Rising Flour ......;... Bia
i()vmg'nn R Y
dhvoly oo L, "“
Palmolive . . 2
Fels Naphtha . ,
Fairy ~ oo i) Yy~
| Lavar <v, . P e
' : ~+ CAKE
g ‘.’.’4‘-7...'.' 1 .
Sauer’s Extracts, 11c
botthes @ 06 o :
" :
e il
: ¢ -1 a 3
Lvaporatec P 6):
)]) aporated 2272(:
1 cz.u_-hcs, b 1 IR
4N S :
.% 9 ¢
Macaroni or 8c
Spaghetti, pkg. . .
£ g L 5
O POUIES w 2:’
gy oo 2 OC
No &7 lzc
Toniktees, ™ . . .
e ———————R
mtar Soap, LSO
har Rcoefioge oL