Newspaper Page Text
The best
rough 3 Y.
weather e "’s‘//' >
shoe -
is this splendidly made, comfortable blucher that
\A.'l.“ stand all the hard licks that only a boy can
e W e
i Boy Scout Shoes
We firmly believe we have the best Scout shoe
in the city.
gl BNt BN
Boys’ Dept. :, NHe PR
. e 'y{f (4
Main Floor
Lay Up Your Car and Use
A ——————— oN M TTS S, eA B AR LS T .
Auto Owners, Spring Is Here
Put your car in the shop and get ready for the “Good
Old Summer Time.” You won't suffer the inconvenience
of being without a car, as you can depend on YELLOW
“The Cab That Took the Tax Out of Taxicab”
g For Economical Pencil Luxury Use
vewerows dlm e
BT i
American Lead Pencil Co., 220 Fifth Avenue.NY.
‘) PAPE'S "#%
7 i\
sz A ;/ .
At once! Indigestion, Heartburn, Gas and D :
by Acid Stomach is relieved. Buy a box! EAarsx::er;;a'wci::?:
fear! Read ““Common Sense Rules Regarding Stomach'’ in package,
g T e '~
<24 Lift Off Corns!
A I Doesn’t hurt! Lift touchy corns and
A calluses right off with fingers
. v Apply a few drops of *‘Freezone'’ upon that old,
(‘ \ bothersome corn. Instantly that corn stops
b hurting. Then shortly you lift it right off,
b root and all, without pain or soreness,
C.' Hard corns, soft coms, coms
33 between the toes, and the
Pos bard skin calluses on
" bottom of feet lift
e right off—no
= -
n , 0
| 14 Q
d Tiny bottles of ** Freewane'" coct A
: but a few cents at drug stores
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN eo 9q A Clean Newspaper for Southern Homes =~ ®% *# FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1920,
Continued From Page 1.
Central Berlin is filled with barbed
wire entanglement and manchine guns
The reichswehr (troops supporting
Ebert government) 18 threatening to
attack the Baltic troops (supporters
of Von Kapp) unless they are with
It is estimated that there are 50,000
reichswehr in Berlin and environs
Their leaders claim to have enough
soldiers to crush the Spartacist
movement. Spartacist leaders con
trol the strike situation, however,
Spartacist chiefg called upon Herr
Schiffer demanding the dismissal of
Noske and a revision of the KEbert
cabinet., Leaders of the independent
Socialists demand the surrender of
all persons responsible for the Von
Kapp uprising so they can be tried
for high treason, They insist that
no amnesty shall be declared.
The Communists asked the de
mobilization of the reichswehr on
the ground that these troops are re
actionary and untrustworthy. This
request was rejected with the ex
planation that if the reichswehr
were disbanded, there would be
nothing to prevent the Spartacists
from seizing power.
German Farmers
Joining Soviets
(By International News Service.)
LONDON, March 18.—The Com
munist movement in Germany is
spreading, according to advices re
ceived here from German sources
Just before noon.
Paris Hears Ebert
Is Not in Berlin
PARIS, March 18.—The German
charge d’'affaires, Wilhelm Mayer,
was informed from Stuttgart today
that President KEbert of Germany,
would not return to Berlin until
after the meeting of the National
riow to KReueve
No Medicine to Swallow, Just
Inhale Medicated Vapor
Wonderful cures of catarrh, head
noises and deafness are being re
ported by men and women
who suffered for years. They
found quick relief in sooth
-3 ing medicated smoke. Then,
L 5 by following the easy di
] ) rections, ~ their ailments
" vanished and have never
One of the world's veteran physicians
eompounded this amazingly suceessful
remedy of herbs. It may be obtained in
the form of cigarettes; or for smoking in
‘l Pih)g& or upon a holder,
This delightful remedy s harmless;
contains no tobaceo. The relief is usu
ally felt at once, A triple
| guarantee comes in the box;
| you are sure to be benefited or
no cost to you, Could any- s
thing be fairer? Just ask the gE "-,! ?
druggist for a box of Dr, Blos- “K
ser's Remedy and mention how A )
you prefer to use it., Or send \D
10 cents, silver or -hm]‘m, for
Proof Package with GUARANTEE to
© ; RL e t'.. 4TI )
Po ek eR A
lto‘t‘r o ) Tl T T
this' Package !}y | |
v 1 i ek u\ /\ ol
- ~ » | ~\ r
e } s
) ey | )
7 fi SN figj t
s (2 NI & i . XM .
(T ;@3 A= .
AR | (e ARES) ¢ s r ‘
noe L ey | é‘ ) L 4 :
:.x.',,:.; 1 el lsy :
v,".‘ . CORR ‘-.rfr*! ¢ W
._1(.l-‘ ’)'A.' '.-r_j‘i.
lil .’v/ \ G < r
will see the Point
ALWAYS select Kellogg's Toasted Corn
Flakes, as do millions of others. Not
only does their tempting, oven-fresh flavor
appeal to your appetite, but their rich, real
quality satisfies you that you are eating
the corn flakes which have always held the
popular verdict of “the best.”
Ask your grocer for them, and select them
by the “waxtite” package bearing this
* . .
Every grocer everywhere
sells Kellogg's every day.
Assembly at Stuttgart. He was ad
vised that there is great danger. of
the bosheviki seizing power tempo
rarily in Berlin.
Ebert Reported ¥
To Be in Berlin
(By Internationa! News Service.)
LONDON, March 18.—An Ex
change Telegraph dispatch from
Amsterdam today stated that the ru
mor is current in the German capital
that Wolfgang von Kapp, who re
signed yesterday as chancellor of the
German revolutionary government
has committed suicide.
President Ebert of Germany, has
arrived in Berlin from Stuttgart,
according to the Exchange Telegraph
A telegram received earlier in the
day by the Times from Amsterdam
quoted Berlin dispatch to the Tele
graph as sgaying that Von Kapp and
General von Luettwitz had both
fled from Berlin in automobiles im
mediately after they resigned. Gen
eral von Luettwitz commanded the
revoluticnary troops in Berlin.
President Ebert ordered the arrest
of Von Kapp and Von Luettwitz it
was reported from Paris.
Americans. Said To
Be Panic Stricken
Staff Correspondent of the I. N. S.
BERLIN, March 17.—The American
and British missions in Ber
lin are attempting tn arrange with
the International Red Cross for a
train to remove American and Brit
ish citizens from Berlin, German
officials said they could not guar
antee a safe passage because of news
that the Spartacists in the Ruhr dis
trict had defeated the Reichswehr
and probably command the railway
lines, 1
The missions then uttempted to
arrange for the departure of the
Americans and Britishers by way of‘
Dantzig. |
A large number of Americans,
mostly business men, who went to
Leipzig to attend a commercial fair,
are reporied panic stricken as a re
€ult of the street fighting in that
city. So far as knowns none has
been injured, but chey are reported
to be making desperate efiorts to
leave the city by automobile and air
Von Kapp has issued an official
denial of the report that the Brit
ish were forwarned of the revolu
tion or collaborateéd with the revolu
Poland Reported
To Be Soviet
(By International News Service.)
BERLIN, March 17 (delayed).—The
Deutsche Bank received a report to
night that a soviet government has
been proclaimed in Poland.
Allied Armies |
Won’t Advance
(By International News Service.)
PARIS, March 18.—The allies have
reached the definite decision not to
‘advance a foot beyond their present
military lines in Germany unless
'some new turn in affairs/ actually
threatens a resumption of tPe war, it
was learned in official circles today.
It was pointed out that, as the
British and French have already rat
ified the treaty of Versailles, an ad
vance by the Anglo-French armies
would creat an actual state of war
and upset the peace treaty.
As the United States has not rati
fied the treaty, it is held that only
the United States troops that are
still on the Rhine under the armistice
terms could advance into Germany.
One view advanced today was that
if German conditions compel allied
military measures the first aerial in
vasion probably would be made from
Poland.” - The crack “Kosciusko
Squadron” of the Polish army, which
is made up almost wholly of Ameri
cans is only 160 miles from Ber
lin. French strategists also point
out that practically all of the im
portant German coal fields “are un
der allied guns.”
Food Situation in
Vienna Critical
(By International News Service.)
I.ONDON, March 18.—Philips Price,
Berlin correspondent of the Dally
Herald, quoted leaders of the Scheid
emann faction of the German Social
ists, in a dispatch today, as saying:
“Now that Von Kapp has been
overthrown a reversion to the old
state of affairs in Germany is im
A general strike has been pro
claimed in Silesia, the proclamation
being signed by Communists, Social
ists and Centrists.
The Daily Herald correspondent
gays the food situation in Vienna has
become critical as a result of the
German railway strike which held up
relief trains from Holland and Den
‘Red’ Horde Sweeps
Ruhr District )
(By International News Service.)
L.ONDON, March 18 —‘“The situa
tion in the Ruhr district of Germany
is most serious,” the British foreign
office announced this afternoon. “At‘
both Vitter and Horne ‘reds’ attacked
the barracks and killed the officers
and most of the men. They captured
all the batteries and guns.” ‘
Communists Are |
. . - ‘
Barricading Berlin |
(By International News Service.)
LLONDON, March.lß.—German com=-
munitsts are building barricades in
the southeastern and northern sub
urbs of Berlin, said a Reuter dis
patch from Copenhagen this after
Bolshevik Uprisings
In Poland Reported
\ (By International News Service.)
. LLONDON, March 18.—There has
' been a bolshevik uprising at Warsaw
and elsewhere in Poland, according to
Continuous Fighting
In Leipzig Reported
(By International News Service.)
LONDON, March 18.—Fighting in
the streets of Leipzig has been con
tinuous since 4 o’clock yesterday aft
ernoon, according to a Central News
dispatch. Barricades have been
Twenty persons were killed in an
attack on the railway station at
Nurnberg. The attack was repulsed.
At Rostock, a German seaport,
workers made a surprise attack and
captured the military barracks.
(00 eAS SN £ S
L s S
'iy _.",_., e, »_-> i A
R Y g 2 i Fi 3
9B ' sV o -_v~'».~:;:':g;j 3 -',';; 33 ::
T R |
0 B
In order to reduce stock before removal we offer
All Sheet
While they last until April 1
\\“ \l"fi ‘ ’,’ {/
\, - Y]
| A 5
\ . e—— e e eeo .
g Mother! Watch
k 7 Child’s Tongus!
“ . L *®
California Syrup of Figs”
For a Child’s Liver and Bowels
Mother! Say ‘“California,” then you will
get genuine “‘California Syrup of Figs.” Full
directions for babies and children of all ages
who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue
coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on
the hottle. Children love this delicious laxative.
. Continued From Page 1.
term “self determination,” which he
said was a “phraise of pure hypo
By a vote of 28 to 51 a motion by
Senator Kellogg to table the Gerry
Irish reservation was defeated. The
Senate then proceeded to vote on the
Thomas reservation on Korea.
Senator Lodge served notice he
would hold the Senate in session
Thursday night if necessary that the
resolution of ratification may be
whipped into final shape before the
end of today’s session.
The Thomas amendment on Korea |
was defeated by a vote of 34 to 45, l
By a vote of 37 to 42 the Lodge
substitute for the Gerry Irish reser
vation was defeated.
Under the rules of the Senate, the
resolution would lie over a day, or
until tomorrow. A suspension of
the rules, would, however, permit a
final vote on it by tonight.
Such a vote is not anticipated,
however, until tomorrow.
. Senator Lodge plans to get rid of
all pending reservations and amend
ments and of other loose e¢nds at
today’'s session, '
Defeat of the treaty for a second
time, despite last hour efforts to
force ratification, is generally an
ticipated on all sides. At least fif
teen Republicans and twenty-five!
Democrats are expected to votei
against ratification as a result of
the coalition between the "irrecon-l
cilables” opposed to the treaty on
any condition and administration
senators standing unalterably against
the Lodge reservation program. Only‘
thirty-three votes are needed to block
. .
Commissioners Meet
- .
In Dublin April 9
DUBLIN, Ga., March 18.—County
compissioners of the Twelfth District
will meet in Dublin April 9 to discuss
problems which the counties are fac
tng, especially in regard to roads and
bridges. After the convention, they
will be guests of the Chamber of
Commerce at luncheon.
CHESTER, S. C., March 18.—Lem
Hinson of Lando, Chester County,
was put in jail here charged with
killing Robert Alley. He claims self
A Dainty Toilet
Dirt and dust cannot withstand the rich,
suddy, bushels of lather of
One to three teaspoons applied to the well- g
moistened hair, then rubbed into a bubbling \
lather, makes the hair feel and look as silk. \
Leaves the hair clean, fresh, brilliant, fluffy \
and wavy, \
A delightful acquisition to your toilet. \
A Hundred Times Better Than Soap \
60c at your druggist’s \
and Fiction
While they last until April 1
R ———
Chaplain Randolph
Celebrates Birthday
Chaplain John A. Randolph, U. S.
A., celebrated his sixty-first birth-
= fa e )
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& 257 '
£ _
il adp e
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3 A sweet that's as good for the
7 children as it tastes to them. :
BLAG,?{ Order a can of ALAGA from your
N S . o # ‘
N R 4\fl/. grocer and spread it on bread for the kiddies. A
fi\(‘fifii.’n,fl_figfé, delicious, wholesome treat. <l
LAR‘, | ol 3
QQO u?&g&,fi Packed by |
)ST ,;'.u/;,-,w_\ = Montgomery, Ala. Jacksonville, Fla.
% e
. % —
5 £
= ‘T QO
= Productsyoven
— @
| #attempt appetites
| Hhattempt appetite:
E There hardly can be a surer guarantee of
] sharpening dull appetite than by offering the
E tempting results of
1 R »
s A product highly appreciated throughout
4 the South for many years. Delicious biscuits,
={ fcathery muffins, light and wholesome bread
E] and beautiful cake are some of the things that
| housewives know from long experience are made
] best when this self-rising flour is used.
= —— And the saving that re- [
= ;(’L.:;.:.--‘-:;.‘u\_?\\i__',“\‘:' sults is a big economical
GO St R factor. Neither baking
E \;:}ss:l_-:'/"..-"—“ poewder, soda nor salt is
B 7 PR needed, all the ingredients
E \"'“‘"}—\‘"'. \ required to give the finest
= & W |BN \ bqkings being so exactly
(I'l/ \ A‘ ; mlx(fd that there is no
§E¢N) ELUUR '. possible chance of failure.
% : s IS 71\
. 957 L A d B
L\‘\' A / l;@:-!:’i‘:.; For Sale in Atlanta
== /42’/4% f Terminal Brokerage Co.
g\‘;%RY L L:n_nuu’.' :
Makes 20,000 trips, averaging half-mile each, to 1
collect one pound of honey.
A pound of honey represents travel of 10,000
miles. The honey produced in this country rep
resents trave of two trlillion miles by the little
| bees—or a million round trips to the moon.
‘ The honey crop annually is worth twenty mil
lion dollars.
Don’t be discouraged by the seeming small
ness of your SAVINGS ACCOUNT.
The bees earn the twenty millions mercly by
keeping at it. G |
ASR TR S el |
We Act as Executors of Wills, - .
. .
Georgia Savings Bank and Trust Co.
Organized 1899,
Iday Tuesday at Fort McPherson. He
has been in the service for over
twenty years. He is the second high
est ranking chaplain in the regular
|urmy. 4