The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 01, 1906, Image 1

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v ATLANTA 1910 3 THE TATLANTA GEORGIAN. VOL. L NO. 31. Morning Edition. ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1906. Morning Edition. T)DTPT?. In Atlanta TWO Cents, i On Trains FlVB Cants. BOMB THROWN AT ROYAL PAIR KILLS SEVERAL PERSONS' CORPSE SAT IN CHAIR TILL FOUND IN MORNING. Deed Probably Committed by Robbers Seeking. Money Be lieved To Be in House. Special to The Georgian. Washington, Oa., May SI.—For the purpose of robbing him of 1400, which sai believed to be kept In his home, William Q. Bryant was assassinated by unknown parties Wednesday evening ti his home at Bessie, thl county. Bryant was last seen alive Wednes day afternoon at a country store near his house, and was found dead In a chair In his home this morning at sun rise, W ith a shotgun wound In his right fide. He was nearly 60 years old, a farmer and lived alone. .Vo one heard the report of the gun and at noon no clew had been found that will lead to the Identification of Ms slayer. Coroner Smith has gone to the scene of the killing to hold an Inquest. AMID SCENES OF DAZZLING SPLENDOR, ALFONSO, YOUTHFUL RULER OF ALL SPAIN, WEDS THE PRINCESS ENA OF BATTEN BERG OF TO BE INSPECTED Member of Butchers’ Union De clares Conditions Are as Bad as in Chicago. By Private Leased Wire. New York; May 31.—Stirred by the rharges that conditions In the packing houses In New York are as horrlblt as In thoss of Chicago, Dr. Thomas Dar llngton, president of the department of health, today begins a personal Investi gation into the meat establishments here. “1 am unable' tb say how long It will take me to complete my Investigation of the packing houses nere," said Dr. Darlington today. "1 will not stop until I have gone Into every detail of the Dullness." Dr. Darlington said the Investigation would be thorough, and If there Is •nythlng wrong he will uncover It. Is Bad Enough. He added: "From the reports which have reached me from my Inspections, the situation here Is not as bad as has hern painted, and nothing Uke the situ ation which prevails, according to nil reports. In the Chicago packing houses. "That everything Is not as It should he. however, may not bs controverted, with even tha small force of Inspectors at my command—wq have but six men Madrid is Crowded c by Thousands of - ■ Visitors. RULER AND HIS BRIDE CHEERED BY POPULACE —the meat 1s' constantly being con demned. There has been an unusually large amount-of meat thrown out re cently, and It goes without saying that a force of halt a doxen Inspectors Is entirely Inadequate. Asks for Inspectors "Last weak 1 asked for at least fifty additional Inspectors. It does not nec essarily follow that they will be de- taled to meat Inspection, for there Is less demand for watchers In the pack ing houses at some periods of the year than there Is at others. Just at this time tvs need a large force, as It Is the bob-veal season.” George A. Christian, secretary of Butchers' Union, No. 174, himself a faussge maker, la authority for the statement that there Is little difference between packing houses In Chicago and those In New York. Conditions Are Hidden. 'This agitation,'’ he said, "has sat the peckers In New York on edge, and they will now fall over themselves to lou may go through any one of them that was rottsn last summer and you mil find It as clean as It can be made— that Is In the parts you are permitted <o enter—but tbe parts dosed to tbs public view are the same as ever." Mr. Christian said further that In- • ceasing the present force of six In spectors employed by the board of health will avail little, because men mth a knowledge of the preparation of meat an not employed as Inspect Streets Through Which Couple Pass Guarded by Troops and Best Sleuths of Europe. GREA T STRIDES MADE FOR CAUSE OF PEACE At Conference on Ar bitration Cardinal Gibbons Talks. *■»«>' Inspectors who could not tell a decayed ham from a sound one or dlstlngatab dyed sausage from the nat ural meat would be as useless as none. "Doped” to Look Good. A member of the same union, em ployed In an establishment where kosher” sausage Is prepared, says the sausage Is made from parts of the ani mal which ths rabbi prohibits. Offal beef, he says. Is shipped here In a fro- Mate, and If It Is bad. enough dope” is used to make It smell good end look good. HEAD OF PACKING HOUSE BRAND8 STORY AS FAL8E. By Private Leased Wire. Chicago. May 3L—Ths head of ths 'arge packing house of Nelson Morris, uklng of ths charges of Upton Sln- Galr. said this afternoon: "These malicious persons who are making unwarranted attacks upon tbe packers are dotr.g a greater wrong than •hey Imagine. These charges are false; they have not the frame work truth to stand on. I would welcome any fair Investigation of our plant. 1 deny the charges and demand proof, and I believe the packing business Is a credit to the country.” By MANUEL VISCAYA. Special Cable—Copyright. Madrid, May 31.—Spain has a new queen. At noon. In the church of San Geronlmo, King Alfonso and Princess Ena of Battenberg, In ths presence of a most distinguished assembly, heard the words, pronounced by a cardinal, which mads them man and wife and gave to Spain a new queen. The scene In the little church was gorgeous. Members of all the royal families were there to do honor to the young couple, while the republics of the world also were represented. Church is Crowded. Fully 1,200 people crowded the church to Its capacity, while ten thousahd who had not the entry, Jammed the streets for blocks around, anxious to catch a glimpse of the boy king and his queen. From the time the wedding cortege left the royal palace until It reached the church It passed through serrld ranks of cheering people, who showed by every mesne In their power their love for their young king. 8<arch for Anarehista. Troops lined the streets to preserve order and mingled with the crowd, was a great force of ths best detectives from Paris, London, Berlin and Rome, for there was a fear that the anarchists would take advantage of the;occasion to make a demonstration against the king, and every possible precaution was taken to prevent anything of this sort. A circumstantial story #as current that several of the anarchist colony at Paterson, N. J., had started:for Spain to kill the king during the wedding festivities and a close watch has been kept for them. The king left the palare shortly after _ o'clock and the wedding' ceremony did not take place till noon. To reach the church the royal cortege traversed five miles of stmts, giving all Madrid a chance to see Us sovereign on his wedding day. • . • It was for this reason that ths church of Sen Geronlmo was chosen for the ceremony, being a long distance from the king's palace. The route was through ths Calls del Batleu. the Plaxa de Oriente, the Calls del Arsenal, the Puerta del Sol, and the Carrera de San Geronlmo. The king and queen will return to the palace by way of the Calls del Alarlon. the Calle de la Lelated. the Calle de Alfonso XII, the Calls del Alcala, the Ihierta del Sol and ths Calls M J??Bcess Ena, according to Immem orial Spanish custom, donned her wed ding finery at the senate house, whence ehe was escorted from She villa of the Prado to the Table of the Ladles of Spain, who superintended the adjust- of the wedding veil. royal progress to the church was ihs "Arabian Klshli" !nf or Tb* like a scene from ths "Arabian Nights' fslry tale of coaches made of crystal and gold. Arabian horns with tails sad manes twined with rosea and har ness plaited with gold and studdsd with precious stones, troops In gorge ous uniforms, military bands, delega tion. from Aragon and Castile In the gay and picturesque native costumes, while everywhere were music and flowers, gutter and pomp. The royal process ten entered the church by the western entrance, where Imposing flight of stepe had been * fly coo specially constructed for the occasion. The sculptured porch of the church Continued on Pegs 3, Second Column. PROSPERITY OF U. S. GREATER THAN OF OLD Christianity Has Done Much for Mankind and Uplifting of All Nations. By Private Leased Wire. Lake Mohonk, N. Y., May 31.—Card! nal Gibbons was the first speaker to day at the conference on International arbitration and the 100 diplomats, Jur lets, congressmen, clergymen snd edu cators were greatly Interested In his views. He spoke In part as follows: “My purpose, In the brief remarks which I shall make la to ahow that Chrlat'a mission has not failed, but that the cause of peace haa made dectalve and reassuring progress. "The United States haa existed as a sovereign nation for about one hundred and twenty years, since the close of the revolution. During that period we have had four wars—the war with FOR IKE CAMPAIGN IF GET REBUFF BY ANOTHER SHIP FIVE PERSONS DIE Radical Democrats Are Suspicious of Move Just Made by Mr. Taggart. Mexico, from 1S46 to 1141: the civil war, from 1S61 to 1366, and the recent Spanish war. The combined length of these campaigns was about ten years. Tha United States, there fore, has enjoyed twelve years of peace for one of war, while ths Roman em pire enjoyed lass than one year of tranquillity for every century of mili tary engagementa. "What Is tha history of ths Hebrew people as recorded In ths pages of the Old Testament but a narrative of war fare? Ths sacred chronicle, from Moses to the Mschabecs, comprising 1,400 years, presents An almost uninterrupt ed-series of wars of defense, or In vasion, or of extermination. "But the bleaaed Influence of Our Christian civilisation haa been experi enced not onlx. In reducing the num ber of wan, but still more In mitigat ing the horrorg of military strife. • "Prior to the dawn of Chrlatlanlty, the motto of the conqueror waa- 'Va vlctla’ (Woe to the vanquished). "During ths siege of Jerusalem, In the year 70 of tha Christian era, under Tltua, tha Roman general, more than a million of Jewa perished by the sword of famine. Let us contrast ths conduct By Private Leased Wire. Washington. Mny 31.—A voluntary committee which desires to act as ad visors of the congressional commutes will mast here tomorrow and there Is much speculation among politicians as to the reception they will get from the chairman of the national congressional committee. Taggart's appointees are Guffey, of Pennsylvania, Kllyson. of Virginia, McOraw, of West Virginia, Ryan, of Wisconsin, Sullivan of Illinois, John ston, of Texas, and Secretary Woodson, of Kentucky. Radical Democrats are suspicious of this move. The congressional commit tee which also holds a masting here to day, did not ask that a board of coun sellors be appointed and the personnel of the Taggart committee haa provok ed the suspicion among the radicals that he managers of ths Parker cam paign are attempting to get control of ths congressional machinery. of Titus toward the Jews with General Grant's treatment of the defeated Con federate farces. When General Lee surrendered his sword at Appomattox Court House, he snd his brave army were permitted to return without mo lestation to their respective homes. The Roman snd American generals, In their opposite conduct, were reflect ing the spirit of the times In which they lived. Titus was following the traditions of paganism. Orant was obeying the mandates of Christian ctl- mention. I hundred years ago disputes be tween Individuals were commonly de elded by a duel. Thanks to Ihs hu manising Influence of a Christian pub- 'lc opinion, these disagreements ere tow usually adjusted by legislation or conciliation. Have we not reason to hope that the same pacific agencies which have checked the duel between Individuals will, In God's own time, check the duel between nations?" LETTER FROM ROOSEVELT PRESENTED TO BOY KING By Private Leased Wire. Madrid. May 31.—His Majesty, King Alfonso, received ths specie! embassy at ths royal palace yesterday, when the autograph letter of President Roosevelt waa presented to him. Tha audience took piece In the hall of tha tmbuaadori. Envoy Frederick Wallingford Whit- ridge, wearing American evening dress, waa accompanied by Llautenat U. 8. Orant, United States army, and Lieu tenant Leigh C. Palmer, 17. S. navy. In full uniform, and Minister Collier and the staffs of the special American em bassy and legation. Tbe Duke of Aim- dover, tbe foreign minister and the Duke of Sotomayer, tbe Grand Cham berlain, received the Americans snd conducted them to ths hall. Tha king waa seated on the throne. I under a canopy of red velvet, flanked by ths famous golden lions. His ma jesty advanced and stood midway in tha apartment. He wore a blue mili tary uniform, red breeches and high boots and held his military hat In his left hand. He greeted tbe special American envoy most graciously, speaking In perfect English. Mr. Whltridge handed the king the sealed letter from President Roosevelt at tha aama time addressing to him • mes sage of felicitation In behalf of the American people. The king broke the seal of the presi dent's letter and road It attentively, and than conveyed his thanks to tha ealdent In behalf of himself and the , .mnlsh nation. Tha audience termi nated with tbe Americans withdrew- I lag. TWO VICTIMS OF LAKE DIB ASTER ARE WOMEN. Unknown Freighter, Which Ram med Vessel, Fails to Aid in Rescue of Survivors. By Private Leased Wire. St. Clair, Mich., May 31.—'The Can adian ateamer Erin, sailing from Cleve land to Algoma Mills, Georgian bey, was sunk In the St. Clair river at 3 o'clock tills morning In collision with an unknown freighter, thought to have been ths Cumberland. Five persons were drowned, Among them two wo. men, one a cook and another a paasen. ger. Ths other three victims were men Erin was hit starboard In ths bow and sank within three minutes after ths accident, hsr boilers exploding as she went down. Ths other boat did not stop and mads no effort to ascer tain the condition of the Erin, and the seven survivors of the wreck would have perished but for ths appearance of Canadian fishermen who witnessed ths accident and came to the scene In their boats. Thoss rescued lost all of Ihelr per sonal effects. Ths Erin was of 600 Ions capacity and was owned In Thorrotd, Ont. It now develops that the Erin col lided with steamer John 11. Cowls, of Ihs United States Transportation Com- The dead are: PA THICK W. QUINN, chief englnssr, of Port Delhousle. "BING* HILL, fireman, of St. Cath arines. WATCHMAN, shipped from Detroit. MRS. MARY REED. Spanish Rivera, Ont. WOMAN COOK from Buffalo, name unknown. 0000000000000000000 0 UNHONORED AND UNSUNO, 0 MI8S MAY PA88ES AWAY. 0 Like ell things mundane, ths month of Msy reaches an snd, slips away In tha Past, and la gone forever. There will be lit tle sadness therefrom In this section of the country, for of all the fickle and flighty Jades that ever came down the pike, Miss May of this year easily takes the pudding. The weath er has been as wildly kaleido scopic os Isay Raynor said Ted dy waa, and tbs effects have been Just about as unpleasant In spots. The weather has sura blown hot and cold. Bo has Teddy. But June Is coming, and bet ter things may be expected, even It the Ice man does swell up and get chesty. Ths hottest June day ever known In Atlanta was pulled off In 1130, the mer cury reaching the dlsty altitude of (3 degrees. It’s not likely to get any warmer than that this year. Maximum temperature Wed nesday 14 degieea; minimum Thursday, St'. Forecast — Fair Thursday night; partly cloudy Friday. 0000000 00 0 0000000*0 ASSASSIN HURLS MISSILE FROM BALCONY AS Horses Attached to Royal Equip age and Seven Bystanders Are Instantly Killed. KING ALFONSO AND HIS BRIDE ESCAPE DEATH BY MIRACLE: Terrific Report and Blinding Flash Came When the Bomb Struck—Panic Spreads Through Concourse. of People. 1 Child Killed, Many Injured. By Private Leased Wire. London, May 31.-13:23 p. m.—Another dispatch to a news agency from Madrid sayB seven persons were killed and that thirty were injured by the bomb ex • plosion. It is further asserted that although five per sons were arrested on the charge of being connected with the outrage, tho man who actually threw the bomb hns not been apprehended. Madrid, May 31.-rA dynamite bomb was thrown at the royal procession at tho end of tho Calle Mayor. Tlw royal couple were unhurt, but several persons were killed and injured. The assrihsiu stood on a balcony which projected well out over the street, and as the royal carriage approached lie threw tho death dealing missile. It fell in front of one of the royal carriages. There was a blinding flash and a loud report. Everybody seemed stunned for a moment, ft was seen that two of the horses which were drawing the vehicle had been killed outright and tho two oth ers were wounded. It is known that one of the cquo- ries who was riding alongside the equipage was killed and a child in tho crowd was killed. It is reported that several others of the bystand ers were slain or wounded. As soon as tho temporary shock had passed a rush jvas made by police, soldiers and people for the house from which the bomb had bocu thrown. Tbe only in mate was a young lad who while denying all knowledge of the bomb throwing was taken into custody. It was with difficulty he was protected from the people. Through all the turmoil King Alfonso and Queen Ena acted with exemplary coolness and cour age. His majesty sent one of his aides to ascertain what loss of life there had been nnd then order having been temporarily restored, ordered the procession to move on to tho palace, Tho city is wildly excited and all who are sus pected of sympathy with the anarchists ar? Ving arrest ed, and it it is not at all improbable that some of them may be lynched. j i INC RE A SE OF A CREA GE IS SHOWN BY BULLETIN Special to Ths Georgian. Jackson, Miss., May 31.—Tha South ern Cotton Association bulletin. Issued today, shows Ihs total acreage this year to be 37,634,718, si ski 411 last ytar, sn Inrreos seres, or 3.38 per cent. Ths Texas acretix" is < an Incrrase of 7.30 per coot. •tin BATTLESHIP LOUISIANA TO HAVE COSTLY OIFT Ibfflfll to Tha Georgian. !f*w Orleans, la,. Jlair B.-Tf# tbnuaand dollars will hr ap*at l-y tb* rltla*M of Unlaton* I* parr baaing a aattaht* gift for fb* batlJosbfa. Jeaaislaaa. now fa commU- rfofl. whlrb Is oa* of tb* Sant warships afloat. Th* piaN ban all t***a laid awi wh*-n tb* gnat naaM raws fa this port la 0*tob*r or 9tor*aib*r asst, la mooasa to tb* r*qa*st of tb* Htls*aa, a magalflmt silver attach art will be presented aa a token front tb* people, ’ear Orleans will share lb* burden to p« amount IbtMHPi New Iberia might ae*d#«r to pnrrbsi kef*, while two o tb** stiver ladles. wm• 11• r tawaa am _i:arh r«r1»b wtl ■flaad tb* dtlei » nay for th' rWl.-w. Mo la tb* set #*t will Im rUb, to' by i br li Hi.- mini.* of the iklf.. tb** W'llMK-tlp-