The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 05, 1906, Image 1
The Atlanta Georgian. VOL. L NO. 61. ATLANTA, GA., THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1906 WILL TRY TO CONVICT THAW BY AFFIDAVIT SIGNED B Y HIS WIFE White Urged Her to Sue* For Breach of Promise. man she MARRIED PAID HER BIO SUM Lawyer Hummel Knows Whole Story—State Is Preparing to Make Strong Case. New York, July t.—Details of the breach of promise suit which Evelyn Nesblt Thaw contemplated bringing against Harry X- Thaw several months before their marriage were revealed today. The district attorney's office traces to this nctlon the motive for killing of Stanford White. The prosecution has been Informed that Thaw believed Stanford White In spired the suit An affidavit made by Evelyn Nesblt to be used In the suit is In possession of the state and wit nesses have been found to whom the young chorus girl, In a burst of confi dence, showed love letters from Harry Thaw, on which the suit was based. She Feared Thaw. According to the facts related to the district attorney, Evelyn Nesblt left Harry Thaw In Paris because of his erratic and cruel conduct. She feared him and returned to New York, taking ai>artments In a Broadway hotel. 8ho had with her a number of letters writ' ten to her by Thaw. In these he paint' ed a glowing picture of her life If she married him. ■ Although she .had voluntarily left Thaw, Evelyn Nesblt expected to re cover a large sum of money from him. As to the exteift of White's Influence In causing her to take such a course, there Is said to be positive evidence that when she returned to New York she met White'at Sherry's with dem onstrations of alTectlon and they hod a long and earnet talk. Qave Her Big Sum. Following this the affldavlt was drawn 110. On Thaw’s return' from abroad he was shown the affldavlL He at once capitulated, it Is said, met Eve lyn Neebtt's demand for a large sum of money and also settled the .fees of her lawyers, which were heavy. Shorts ly afterward Miss "Nesblt went to Eu- Thaw followed her and they patched up their differences abroad. Later Thaw learned that Stanford White had Instigated the nctlon against him, recording to the story told the district attorney, and It rankled In his breait. Wife May Convict Thaw.. The statement la made today that the district attorney, rellee upon evidence of Evelyn Neablt Thaw to convict Har ry Kendall Thaw of the murder of (Hanford White. The proaecutlon ex pect* to gain poeaeaslon of an affida vit mad* by Mrs. Thaw In an action she contemplated bringing against the young man before her marriage to him. This, It was asserted, will be a se vere blow to the defense, ns It will, It Is alleged, establish a motive and pre meditation. ' Stanford White, It la said, directed the drawing up_ of^thls affidavit, In DECLARES LETTERS FOR GERIES. ARE JOBBED Bloody Rioting is Re ported From Vladi vostok. GENERALS OP OZAR ORDERED PROM ARMY Latest photograph of Mrs. Augustus Hartje. Love letters alleged to hnvo been written, by Mrs. Hartje to her coachman, were read in court on Mon day last She declared they were for geries. One of the thlrty-flve read at i he trial waa: "If you love mo alt where I can see you." DENIES GETTING NOTES FROM MRS, HARTJE COACHMAN AQAIN. ON. 8TAND IN CELEBRATED PITT8BURQ DIVORCE CASE. which Miss made serious ropy of the affidavit. Thaw settled the girl for a handsome sum, the story goes Pittsburgsr to Aid Thaw. Hhortly after this Evelyn Neablt went to Europe. Harry Thaw followed, they met end made up their differences. Sellers McKee, president of the First National bank, of Pittsburg, stated at the Waldorf that he would gladly con tribute SSOAOO toward a fund for the defense of Thaw If It should be needed. Mrs. White, widow of the slain mnn, «ho had planned to get away from tha distressing scene end spend an Indefi nite time In Europe, has Joined with Richard Mansfield White, the brother, In an effort to send Thaw to the electric chair. Found Nothing Wrong. The attitude of John D. Lindsay, president of tha Society for tha Proven Hon of Cruelty to Children, In an open Inner addressed to Anthony Comstock, •ays the closest observation failed to •how that young girls were taken to White's studios "No'Jury In the world will convict Thaw of murder If the story of Mr*. Thaw, aa I understand It, la told In court. There Is no reason to bring up emotional Insanity as a defense, as this Cannot be sustained, but.Thaw la right In believing that he will be Justified In hie art when the facte are mad* public »" h- knows them.” This declaration was made today by Dr Frank A. McGuire, the Tombs phy. ■iclan. Who he* made a careful study of ih* physical and .mental condition of Harry Kenf ini, rleoned. I Thaw since be has been Humrftel Htt Papers, The breach of promise suit which Evelyn Nesblt Thaw proposed to bring faalnst Harry Thaw several months Itr:* ‘heir marriage, was prepared ■or the young chorus girl by the law arm Of How# * Hummel. Hummel, who Is said to have all the “4 Is the only member of the arm who has any right to talk about Mt*rn° Ut ° f tOWn ’ bot W|U r * tDn > this By Private Leased "Wire. Pittsburg. Pa, July 6.—The Hartje divorce case was renewed today with the same rigor which has character ized It since the-trial began one week ago Tuesday. Hartje waa early on the scene, but Tom Madlne, former white coachman, was there' before him. Mr*. Hartje, the moat Interesting of this trio of irinclpals In the sensational case, .was ast to arrive. Tom Madlne was called, to the stand aa soon aa the trial began. Attorney Matron continuing the cross-examina tion he began Tuesday afternoon. Madlne denied getting letters from Mr*. Hartje. Madlne testified to Hartje having taken a strange tall Woman to his own home at 10:10 o'clock at night, while Mrs. Hartje was away. The woman, Madlne said,' was taken Into the car riage with " curtains drawn, at the Forbes street entrance to Schenley park. FOUR ARE DEAD FROM AN EXPLOSION ON SOUTHERN GRADE BROTHER_TO CONTRACTOR AND FOREMAN ARE AMONG TH08E HURT. 8pedil to The Georgian. Chattanooga, Tenth, July B.—In an explosion" of" powder;on the • Jasper branch of ; the Stevenson extension of the Southern railway, four workmen were seriously Injured this morning. They are J. L. Yandell, a brother of Yandell Brothers, contractors: J. T. Allison, foreman;, J. L. Tudor*, fore man. and an unknown foreigner. They were drilling In an excavation near Jasper when a load exploded, together with four can* of powder. All were badly burned and ara In a serious condition. They were brought to a local hospital for treatment. OOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KAI8ER-S GRANDSON O TO BE "WILHELM." O O o o a a o a By Private Leased Wire. Berlin, July 6.—It la eald to day that Wilhelm will be the name of the baby boy bom yaa- terday to the crown prince and princess, and who Is Emperor William’s grandson and dlract heir to Ut* throne. Reports of Mutiny of Soldiers Reach St. Petersburg Prom Various Sections. Special Cable—Copyright. London, July S.—Dispatches from Toklo received today tell of serious riots which almost amounted to revo lution In Vladivostok. The news was liruught i" XuguKnkl by tho steamer Colonla. According to the story told by the Colonla’s officers, the trouble started on Saturday when a mob got posses sion of eight large cases of dynamite belonging to the government. A loyal regiment of Cossacks attacked the rioters and captured thirty of tbslr leaders, who were locked up. On 8unday momlng the rioting broke out afresh. The mob gathered, determined to resen* tho thirty men who had been arrested the day before. There was bloody fighting In the streets between tho CoesBcks on one side and tho mob, reinforced by disaffected sol diers. on the other. Just before the Colonla sailed the moli hail raptured a battery of artillery and was using It In an attack upon the Cosaacks. By Private Leased Wlrs. Odessa, July 8.—At Taganrog a Cossack regiment has mutinied and refuses to put down agrarian riots that are plentiful In the district Es tates of noblemen have been plun dered, the Cossacks Joining. GENERALS ARE CASHIERED BECAU8E OF THE RIOTS. Special Cable—Copyright. Petersburg, July S.—General Oazeraeff, nf the First guards divisions, and General Gadu, of tho Preobrajen- sky regiment, have been cashiered be cause of the revolt In tho regiment, and Prince Vassllchlkoff has been re- llrvi'd from duty us < unmuniler of the guards corps. News of agrarian disorders, accom panied by the burning of a manor house, comes today from the provinces of Dcnxn, Kamenetz-Podolsk and Polt id the districts of Bogorodltsk Atkarsk. ■ The xemstvos of tho province of Tula Is bankrupt, owing to the refusal of the peasants to pay their taxes. POLICEMEN a’rFiNDICTED FOR TAKING PART IN RIOT. By rrivale Leased Wire. Blalystok, Russia, July 5.—'Twelve policemen have been Indicted for par ticipating In the recent antl-jewish rioting. The mayor hna been removed by Governor General Rojelsky for re fusing to call an extraordinary session of the town council, to deny the ac curacy of the report of General Bader, the former governor general, on the recent massacres. THE “UNGLORIOUS” FIFTH '•GREAT DAY, BUT DURNED GLAD IT'S OVER." MUTILATED CORPSE IS FOUND ■ OF LONG MISSING MANAGER OF* PHONOGRAPH COMPANY tOX8j and HUMAN INTEREST IN THESE STORIES EPIDEMIC OF RABIE8 IS IN MA|8ACHUSETT8. Special to The Georgian. Springfield, Mass., July S.—Hydro phobia In It* worst form* ha* caused tha death of IZ-year-old Napoleon E. Byron, who waa bitten two month* ago. The fatality Is the first In the epidemic of rabies now prevalent In waatam Massachusetts and reported by expert* to be the most widespread on record In the country, L0NGW0RTH8 SIDESTEP A FILIPINO DINNER. By Privet* Leased Wire. London, July S.—Several wealthy Flllplnoe residing In London had made arrangements to give Mr. and Mrs. Longworth a dinner to rignallaa their acceptance of American rule In the " mds, but tbe congressman and bis S left London today on their way the continent and the dinner has been Indefinitely postponed. . TRIE8 TO 8CARiToFFICERS AND L08ES HIS HAND By Private Leased,Wire. Buffalo, N. Y„ July 6.—Patrolman Chariee D. Fuller was maimed for life last night, hla right hand being i.i-.wn off by a premature explosion of a giant cracker, with which he had planned to aurprlee hla brother officers, enjoy ing dominoes at the station house. THREE LOSE LIVES IN A HOTEL FIRE Blaze Was Discovered in Early Morn ing*. . Special to tbs Georgian. Shreveport, La., July 5.—J. H. Cum mins, W..H. Kyltr and. Andrew, Carr were burned to death In a fire In a two-story frame hotel at Monroe, 1st:, Body Had Lain in Ra- ' vine For at Least Five Days. LETTER AND PANAMA HAT .FOUND BY SIDE sleeping on. the second floor, of . the building. When the Are was discover ed the entire top of the building was enveloped In flames. Kyler, who owned the hotel, waa found dead on the floor of hi* room, evidently, having suffocated. The'body waa In flames when the firemen reach- ed him. The bodies of Cummins and ' Carr were found In the ruins of the build ing. It la believed that the Are started In the kitchen and was smothered a long time before the outbreak. ACTION IS FILED D, OtMXWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1906 Fourth of July Death Rate May Equal That of Last Year B >' Private Leased Wire.. an SSL July B —Telegraphic reporta from all over the country at ^eanr hoar today .how a death roll of thirty-eight a* a raeult of the hJri—Sff M* Glorious Fourth. Many of the large cities have not SStTS 5»b murTfe nn» i are all in last year's record of 48 us Injuries will probably be equalled. TAKES HI8 OWN LIFE BECAUSE LEG IS BROKEN By Private leased Wire. Chicago, July 6.—F. D. Callan, a wealthy real estate broker, becoming despondent oyer hi* sufferings from a broken leg, this morning ehot and killed himself In hla home on Sheridan road. He was being resuscitated from an attempt to end hla life with gas when he secured a revolver and fired a shot into hla brain. BREAK8 CHILDS NECK WHILE IN A ROMP By Private leased Wire. Blanket. Tex. July 5—“Oh. papa, you have killed me," screamed the 12- year-old daughter of W. w. Nelson. The child's neck w as found to be brok en. Nelson was lying on the floor playing with his children He broke his daughter's neck by twisting It with hU leg. He is Charged With Conspiring for a a Monopoly. By Print# Issued Wire. Toledo, Ohio, July 8.—A special to The Press from Findlay says: "Prosecutor David today filed In formation against John D. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Company charg ing It,"in -.i Uli . .inspiring I" m-.l!'.p"llze the production, sale snd transportation of crude petroleum and Its by-products. Tha motion .to quash the Indictments against the Manhattan Oil Company was denied by Judge Hanker. The prosecutor say* he will bring all tha partlea against whom he has Informa tion to trial In September." First to File Report. Captain 8. D. Sant rd < .misiny Third regiment, miledgetlii-, ts the first company commander to file his nartarty re;, .rt m th- office of the ad- Jutant generaL Man in .Field Had Attention At tracted to tbe Scene by Buz zard Flying Away. UNFIT MEAT SOLD Special to The Georgian. Macon, Ga.,.July 6.—A man plowing In tha fleld near tha house of Henator A. O.iBacon. by .whom he Is employed, this morning had hla attention attract ed by h Buisard flying from a deep at 1:10 o'clock this morning. All war* ravine In.the woods. Leaving hla plnw In the fleld, he wfent to the scene and found there the corpse of a> dead man, whose, bones had almost been picked bare by the buxsard. A letter and a Panama hat were lying »nenr by, by which the body, waa Identified aa that of R. C. Dews, th* missing tnnnnger of tv* Macon Phonograph Company, whose continued absence since June 21 ha* been a mystery. The body had lain In the ravine for at least live days. t . Although the contents of tha lettar reported to have been found have not been made public. It Is the b«ll«f of some that tha man suicided, although no cause can be given for such an act HI* account* and. business af fair* ar* said to be In perfect order. Th* dead man Is survived by a wlfa and one child, who reside at Decatur, Os., near Atlanta. He was a brother of II. W. Deere, secretary of the East Atlanta Land Company. DEAD MAN'8 Br"otHER LIVES IN ATLANTA. Mr. H. W. Daws, Jr., of Edgewood, who work* In the office of Joel Hurt, In the Equitable building, li of R. C. Dews. He could cated by telaphone Thursday afternoon. Mr*. R. C. Dew* and child, who llv* ■t Ih* residence of Mr. H. W. Dews, In Edgewood, were reported Thursday morning aa being In either Forsyth or Macon. POLICL FORCE WOMAN TO HAUL DOWN FLAO By Private Leased Wire. Lincoln, Nebr., July 5.—As a result of threats on tha part of an angry crowd, th* police yesterday compelled Miss Anna Tompsett, of (10 South Twentieth street, to haul down an English flag which ah* had hoisted at sterday. Sha cam* bare recently. 00000000000000000*00000000 By Private Leased Wire. Havre. July 8.—With a bro ken piston and twenty-four hours late, the French liner La Provence was towed into tha harbor this morning. She had raced tha Deutschland across the Atlantic and met with th* mishap near tbs end of tho trip. IN FULTON COUNTY County Police Declare it is the Regu lar • Thing. ISIS DEATH TO SAVE MEN Pleads Guilty to Haul ing Down Czar’s Flag. ALL OTHER OFFICERS PLEAD "NOT GUILTY" Vice Admiral Knows Men Acted as They Did Because of Love for Him. By Private loused Wire. cronstadt, July 8.—In a manly effort to save the surviving members of his staff and other officers who he bell' v- ed surrendered th* gunboat Bedovt »i account of their affection for tie ir wounded commander, and their deslra to save hla life. Admiral Rojeatvcn-ky has pleaded guilty before a court rour- In a abort speech to the court the admiral declared that he took nil the blame on hla own shoulders and that he alone be punished to the full est extent of the law, virtually an ap peal for condemnation and death whl. li Is the penalty for hauling down tha 8t. Andrews cross to a hostile veseei. All other defendants. Including Captain Det'olongue, chief of Admiral Rojaat- vensky's staff, and Captain Barnnoff. commandant of th* Bedovla, pleaded li"' ami's The admiral appeared to have entire ly recovered from the wounds he re ceived during the battle of the 8< a of Japan. Th crow of the Bedovl will he exatn- Ined to determine who ordered tho surrender, the condition of the tea"'! and the Incident* of the capture. Thu taking of testimony will occupy rev- cral days. WILSON TO VISIT TO URGE REFORM , That Atlanta butcher* are dally slaughtering 'cattle which era not flt for human food; that Atlanta meat dealers are dally selling meat from Such animals to housekeepers throughout the city; that Atlanta citizens an dally eating meats which would be condemn ed by an Inspector who carried out th* laws of the city. Is the statement made by members of tho county police. That there Is anything new Ih such a statement Is laughed at by the officers, who say that It has been going on for years. The casual discovery of one In stance" and a discussion of th* racent Investigation* In Chicago following the disclosures made In "The Jungle' brought nut the facta Last Tuesday afternoon Officer Dun bar, of tba county police, was asked by a woman living on tha Marietta road to let her in finding a cow which had strayed. The search took th* officer Into a small slaughter house about three miles from the city, where be failed to And the cow he wanted, but found other thing*. y had Just slaughtered on , (fleer Dunbar In answer to ques tions, "which would have given birth to a calf within a very short time. Th* body of th* calf was taken from Its mother and I cannot say what waa don* with IL I have no reason to doubt that the beef of the cow wee sold to butch era, as I know that .this IS done every day and has been done for years.- •Thl* occurred at a small alaughtar house near the Marietta road, about three miles from th* city. Th* place le used by a man named Burdette or Bur- dett. 1 do not know hi* first name. H* la a wholesale dealer and eells to th* meat dealers In Atlanta." The beef from a cow which fa In th* condition described by the officer le unfit for food and Its sale Is forbidden nr board of health In th* coun try. The laws fix th* period after calving at which an animal may be slaughtered for food and tbs flash sold. Happens Often. "That Is nothing," said Chief Tur ner, of the county police department. There Is nothing new In It. Why, I know of hundreds of cases where snch meat has been sold. Every butcher handle* IL Not only la the beef sold from th* cow, but In many Instance* the unborn calf has been cut up and sold for veal, though the las' requires that no calf weighing under nrty pounds be slaughtered for market." If the situation t* as described there Is no safety In th* mere avoidance of OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tl" Chicago parking sea he* caused a heavy deprecla- i In the demand for Western meats Secretary Expects Have a Heart to Heart Talk. to lly. Private Leased Wire. Washington, July 8.—Becretai Agriculture Wilson expect* to next week on his tour of Inspect the packing plants. Ho will go t rngo first, whero he Intends to ci < tog folk "I'll II,' "1. believes he will bo nble to ronvlm <• hla audience that It Is ttmo to abandon evil way* and live In obedience to tho law. The packers have given many in surances of hnnest Intentions to II \ o up to the new law, but the secretary Intends to look Into nil the nook- and corner* of tho plants. Dr. A. D. Mel vin, chief of tho bureau of nnln hln llevee the time I for a gnat exploitation of An the world over. In NEGRO IS STABBED IN FRONT OP HOME OFTHEJOOSEVELTS BLACK 18 MEMBER OF THE CRr»V OF PRESIDENT’S YACHT SYLPH. By I'rlrate leased Wire. Oyster Bay, July 8.—Pre.l.font Roosevelt went horseback riding with the boys today and hts vacitfon may be said to be on In earnest. The president, however, did sine work today and spent a couple of hours with Secretary Loeb and a pile of offi cial document*. It was all of a routtnn nature and after th* work was flnfohed Secretary Loeb declared that the prea- tdent would not appear In public again for some lime to come. Home Italian laborers and the negro sailors on th* presidential yacht Sylph had a set-to during the night In fount of the executive olflc* and one of the sailors was stabbed. The crowd wn* setting off firecracker* and t hen the Italian* went by made them butt, of their sport. One of th* Italians draw it knife and Inflicted a wound below the sailor's heart and It was said today that hlq condition I# critical. He waa taken aboard the Sylph, where Ills »->ui was cared for. and many have i house- might ntlrvly upon ahown that .laughter Interesting