The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 11, 1906, Image 4

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Sad Accident Happens to Miss Webb, For
merly of Atlanta, Now of
The New York Bun of Friday says:
Frank Daniels, sometime* n comedian
and at other times the village cutup of
R>e, K. Y„ got real gay at Wallark's
tb»atar last night at the performance
• ■f tha show, "His Honor the Mayor.”
l'anlela was seated In a box at the
tight hand of the stage. With him
v. rre Colonel Elverson, a Philadelphia
r.< -.spatter proprietor, nnd several other
Miss Kella Webb was singing her
sor.g, "Wouldn't You Like to Have a
l.ltlle Girl Like Me?" There la a re
frain to this song that has much con
cerning kissing. Each night there Is
a "stair' In the orchestra seats who
yets real nervous when the spot light
is thrown on him and Miss Webb sings
lots of nice things to him.
While this stunt was on last night
Miss Webb tripped over close to the
box containing Daniel, anil hla friends,
puckered up her lips and sang toward
the comedian. Everybody In the house
laughed, but Daniels dldnt get nerv
ous. He just waited until the actress
got sufficiently near. Then he grab,
bed her by the nose and held on until
he climbed over the front of the box
and on the stage. After planting about
»*. dozen kisses Daniels crawled back
Into his box.
.Ml this served to causa the audl
enre to rise to their feet and howl
Miss Webb wns so flustered that she
couldn't sing the rest of the song.
Itlnn-he King, who hod been a wit
ness to the proceeding, looked at Dan
lets leproncbfutly and said:
"Oh. Frank! How could you?"
Three men who sat In the front row
of the orchestra seemed to appro:
Frank Daniels' act. One of them, who
looked ami tulked like a Southerner,
led the way. and the three jumped '
the orchestra and then climbed up on
the stage. The Southern-looking man
got a few kisses before the stage
manager concluded maters had gone
far enough and rang down the cur
tain. After a brief Interval the show
went on.
The Fourth National Hank bulbtlng
corner ha* become whirl-pool of
maddened diminutive humanity,
scrambling for coin*. Despite the ef
fort * of the police, which are bring re
doubled day by day, the dropping and
pitching up of coin* for street gamin*
to fight for has been Increasing until
Saturday afternoon, the entire force of
call officers at the police station was
aant up to stop the sport.
Captain Whitley and four men, with
the call officers, cleared the street by
2:It) o'clock Saturday afternoon. Four
What la thought'lo be n nest of mis
chief making negroes has been located
In tha rear of 14 Evans street.
A complaint sent In to Chief Jen
nings by ths residents In the neighbor
hood of this alleged rendexvous for bad
men were left stationed, one at egeb
corner of llte quadrangle, formed by
the Fourth National Hank building cor
nera and tha two points opposite. The]
will be left there until night.
Two men who threw pennies Friday
were arraigned In police court Satur
day and lined |3.75 each.
J. T. Whittle, who Is alleged to have
thrown down red-hot pennies, which
severely burned the hands of several
of the gamins, will be tried Saturday
The acting recorder said he would
henvlly fine any one who was found
guilty of this queer sort of sport.
Officers of the ensuing year were
elected at the annual mealing of the
executive committee of the Seventh
Georgia Regiment Association held In
Ihe mayor's parlors Saturday morning.
The meeting was adjourned to meet In
lb ai ail HW1410 V* HID ” - * ' ■ ,
may be seen going to ‘ha roninilttee will attend fhe Jamas-
loose nnd that the tow n Tar-Cantannlml exposition,
louse, ami Ibal the "The officers elected are below
negroes, says that at all hours of Ihe j Virginia July II. of next year,_ when
night negro men
and from the house,
blacks who do Infest the house drink,
gamble and carouse all night long.
This complaint coining the day after
two bold burglaries In Unit Immediate
neighborhood, has led the police to be
lieve the place to be a trystlng place for
burglars and other evildoers of the
colored race.
Chief Jennings Is also In receipt of a
letter from the residents or Ashby
street, not more thnn two blocks from
Evans, stating that there have been
several small burglaries In tlmt neigh
borhood In the course of the past few
“ ye. Another letter, from Mr. ttlr-
deau, stales that a tramp Is Inhabit
ing a house which he is building and
which la yet unfinished. Detective Con-
nally Is working on the burglary cases
In West End and has already made
several arrests. Boston I.umur, a ne-
grd who runs the West End Pressing
Club, 117 Gordon street, has been Jail
ed, an old letter addressed to I.nmnr
having been found In n house on Ash
by street which was burglarised, lat-
mar states that lie had written the
names of some of his customers on the
envelope and given II to Frank Hal
sey, a new boy which he hud hired.
Holsey was arrested at a late hour lust
' Tit by Detective Fonnally.
hadrack Holmes Is also under ar
rest oh suspicion.
Sunday afternoon and Sunday night
Hallowall'a Hand will give two open
air concerts at Ponce DeLeon. Wede
ineyeFs Band will give the regular
Sunday afternoon concert at Grant
Park from 3:30 to 5:10.
Sunday Afternoon. 3:30.
The programs will be as follows:
March, "Buncombe”— Hrgner.
lntermesso. "lola”—Johnson.
Overture, "Stradelln”—Flolow.
Chorus, "The Hearena Are Telling”
(from "The Creation")—Hadyn.
Medley, popular—Morse.
Relict music. "Faust"—Gounod.
Patrol, "Ouard Mount"—Ellenberg.
Spanish Fandango, "lata Novlos"—
March, "Maryland”—Mygrants.
Night, 3:30.
March, "College Life"—Prsntsen.
Gloria. From the "13th Mass"—Mo-
Selection, "The Office Boy "—Englan
Suite, "Looking Upward"—Sousa:
(a) "Under the Southern Cross; (b)
"Hv tbs Light of ths Polar Star; (c)
"Mars and Venus.”
lntermesso. “Cherry"—Albert.
Grand Selection, "I lombardl '—
Ballet Music and Soldier's March,
"William Tell”—Rossini.
Selection. "Oerman Llederkranz"—
March, 'The Diplomat"—Housa
* Sunday Afternoon, 3:30.
March, "Our Senators"—Chambers.
Overture. "Hungarian Comedy"—
Heller-Belle. _
Sextette from “Lucia"—Donlsettl.
Selection, "Sho Gun"—Ludere.
Intermexxo. Tola"—Johnson.
Walt me, -Jolly Fellow*"—Vollstedl.
Polonaise, "On Mountain Heights”-—
Selection. "11 Trovators"—Verdi.
*'aprice, "idle Hours"—Kretschmer.
. March. 'Thunderer"—Souaa.
J. K. Pendergrast, president; If. L.
Wilson, vice president; V. A. Wilson,
secretary; W. J. Hudaort treasure; W.
I,. Norman, color bourer; 3. B. Daniel,
assistant color bearer; W. J. Hudson,
chaplain and captain,
Tha retiring officers are Robert Mc
Collum, president; J. H. Daniel, vice
president: V. A. Wilson, secretary and
W. J. Hudson, treasurer.
What affect has gasoline on paving
la a question being widely considered
and whlrh Is being given a teat In
It la claimed that gasoline la ex
tremely dertlmentat to asphalt, dtstn
tagrating It and causing It to laat but
a short lime.
Commissioner of Public Works II. I
Collier, when asked Ills opinion, staled
that he was watching with Interest
what effect the gasoline had on a*
phalt In front of the garages on Pryor
street. Mr. Collier ealtl that the asphalt
In that locality waa kept eaturiiled with
gasoline nnd that If It was Injured ths
garages would have to make repairs.
This test will be watched with no
little Interest, uml If It Is found to bo
true that gasoline Is detrimental to
paving, a law will doubtless follow
making automobile owners equip their
machines with pans, In which to catch
the drippings from the tanks.
By Private leased Wire.
Duluth, Minn., Aug. 11.—The steam
er Troy crashed Into the span of the
Interstate bridge this morning, throw
ing ihe bride Into Ihe channels on
either elde of the renter pier on which
the span revolved.
The accident la the moat disastrous
that has ever hsppened In the Duluth-
Buperior harbor. Traffic Is blocked.
The draw span waa 500 feet In length,
one of the longest In the world.
Forty steamers now In Ihe tipper
harbor are cut off from returning 10
the lake or to the Duluth elde of the
GETS $10,000 JOB;
Wt I'rlvrjtP Loused Wire.
Washington, Aug. 11.—Professor Henry «\
Adams. of the Mlchlirnii Htote I’nlvormlty*
who will Im» "expert In charge of statistics
it ml accounts” ttmlcr the new organisation
of the Interstate commerce commission,
nml get SUM**) a year, hits fiwtnnlly nr-
omitted thU and after a i-oiifereuee
trlfb ths etMumliMdon has gone to hie home.
I lr will retain Ms connection with the
Hrlil c*n State University. which has
granted him leave .if absence fr«mi hi*
ehslr of eronouihw. He will l*e the highest
salaried employee the iitnimlition has ever
IS FINED $2,500
By Private l.en»ed Wire.
t’hlrago. III*.. Aug. 11.—John A. Tooke, of mealing thr county's fund*
a* rlerk rtf the circuit court, irn*
HfiOO *ml sentenced to an Indeterminate pe-
rind «f from one to five years In the pen-
union, I, also he. « coqtu-
dented. rank.- wee rrlraa-,1 an Ikib.Is peal unions end 13 district unions chartered,
lug Ms sppcsl to I be higher courts. | The total membership is (4,015.
A crtimnuiiirnffon wn» weired by Mayor
Woodward Haturday unking that the mat
ter of having Atlanta adequately represent-
ed at the Jamestown Ter-Cenfrnnla) Expo-
•Ion. May 1 to November 31, 1907, he taken
up with the city eouucll nnd the Chamber
of Commerce. The communication came
from the cxiHiftftfon IxNidqunrers fu Norfolk.
Vn„ iilid It !■ prolmhle that council will
money for exhibits wll
The JnmcHtown cij
ninny reMpect*.
the next fow
monition will he unique
It will he International
... haracter, and the first large exposition
held where battleships of all nations will
lie In attendance. Mince the $30,000 appro
priation linn Ihumi made by the state It Is
ho belief that Atlanta will do her part.
The Chamber of Commerce Una the mat
ter under <*nniildenitlou.
Mors Wrsck Suits.
Suits against the Atlanta and West
Point and tha Central of Gaorgla rail
roads to the amount of 113,000 were
Died Saturday morning, all as lha re•
suit of the recent wreck of the Pearl
Springs picnic train at Castleberry
street crossing In this city. Alt who
filed Hulls Saturday claimed personal
Injuries and the amounta were as fol
lows: Ed James. 33.500; Mrs. Mattie
Briley, 33.500; l.ula Sweat, 31,000; Mary
E. Parr. 31,000; Minnie Lee Pate, 33,-
000; J. B. Garner, 33.500: Ella Rich,
31,000; Marvin York, 35,000, and Rena
Medley, 11,500.
8uet for Divorce,
•utt for divorce was tiled In tho
auperlor court Saturday morning by
Mrs. Estelle Garrett tinker Agnlnst Os.
ear A. Baker, supposed to be, living
near Nctv Orleans, La. The couple
led In 1901 and resided together
1903. when they separated and
have never since met. The petitioner
prays for absolute divorce and alimony.
Triad for Lunacy.
William II. Wltaon. a well-known
machinist employed by the, Georgia
Railway nnd Electric Company, wns
discharged by Judge Wilkinson, after
n trial for lunacy conducted at the
court .house J-'rtduy afternoon as the
result of cherges brought by his wife,
Harriet O. Wilson. Several witnesses
testified to the unusual circumstances
surrounding the case nnd Mr. Wilson
tvns Immediately freed from the charge
against him.
entertainment for Knights.
.. highly entertaining program baa
been arranged for next regular meet
ing Knights of Columbus Tuesday, tho
14th. After a short business session,
Dr. John K. Gunn will deliver an ad
dress on "Travels In Foreign Lands."
tie Is amply qualified to cover the field,
n* he has Just returned from an ex
tended visit over the continent, spend
ing quite n while In Italy, France and
Ireland. A car load of Augusta melons
has been purchased and all brothers
arc Invited to be present and take a
Spoke at Clemson.
Guy L Stewart, of the land and In
dustrial department of the Southern,
returned Friday from a trip to Clcm-
son Agricultural College, In South Car
olina, where he addressed a gathering
nf agriculturalists upon matters |>er-
talnlng to the labor problem.
Mining Engineer Hera.
D. Stone, mining engineer of I In*
land and Industrial department of the
Southern railway, with headquarters In
Washington. Is In Atlanta for a few
days on official business.
Snapshot of Mrs. John Brown
and friends on a shopping tour In
Newport. Mrs, Brown Is In the
center of the group, facing tha
‘ camera from her victoria.
Special to Ths Georgian.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 11.—Be
cause a prominent young man of this
city refussd to marry her. It la claim
ed Mlee Daley Chewnlng, who gives
her home address as Peachtree sire,):,
Atlanta, attempted to commit suicide
by Jumping from Ihe county bridge
here laat night. She waa In the act
of Jumping when two possereby grab
ber her by tho dress.
Mlsa Chewnlng came here from At
lanta with Mrs. Mabel WoodslUe.
The name of Miss Chewnlng la con
nected with a prominent young man
here, whom she says promised to mar
ry her. Miss Chewnlng has a brother,
P. C. Chewnlng, who la a telegraph op
erator for the Queen and Creecent,
Says He Promised Chinese
Coolies Wouldn’t -
Be Used.
A bride of onljr 2% month*, stricken with
typhoid fever on her wedding tour, Mrs
Eva Cone, wife of Itmiglns 8. Cone, of 1M
West Cain street, died early ttnturdny morn-
lug at a private snnitnrluni.
Mrs. Cone was only 23 years old at the
tluio of her death. Jlefore her marriugv,
Mrs. Cone was Miss Eva Jncksou, of Edge-
wood. Ga. The body will he rnrried to
Ilnlrdstown, On., for funeral services and
Office of Andy Stewart Is
Besieged Saturday
At 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon, only
a few hours from tha lime for regis
tration to cioaa, only a scant few over
13,000 voters had registered In the city
of Atlanta, but the otflre of Andy Stew
art wae besieged by a crowd of delin
quents who were anxious to be In the
running for the coming primary. Ac-
cbrdlng to the opinion expressed by Mr.
Stewart, the total registration will bs
about 33,500. vvlih very little prospect
of reaching the expected 13,000.
"As clean n registration as was ever
held In Fulton county,” stated Mr.
Stewart In answer to a question Sat
urday morning. "There has been no
trouble of any kind and only a surpris
ingly small few have been turned down.
After the registration closes this aft
ernoon we will hare to go through thr
list and take out a few thtt have reg
Istered Illegally, but on Ihe whole th
list Is remarkably clean."
New Ones to Allege Ac
cepting Rebates in
Dy Private limned, Wire.
Chicago, Aug. H.-fi’ork Is being rushed
by stenographer* in the office of tho dis
trict nttorney to complete Ihe Indictment*
which It is declared ore tp be returned Aug.
20 -igalnsf the Standard Oil company. Tho
grand Jury adjourned Yesterday without re-
|K>rtlng. hut It la declared a true blit was
rotrU and no indictment wn* returned lie-
invent and the southeast.
Deaths ahd Funerals. to The Georgian.
Little Rock. Ark.. Aug. II.—The sac.
nml annual convention of tha Farmers'
Educational and t'o-nperatlve Union nf
Arkansas has clostd tin thiee days' see.
elr.n. Thera were more than 300 dele
gates present, representing sixty-five
out of the seventy-five rountles In the
state. According to the serralary’s re.
port there vara 1.318 local unions
chartered a year ago. The organisa
tion nos - h»# 1.973 chartered local
unions on the rolls, an Increase of 814
local unions. It also has 87 count;
By Private I.eased wire.
Washington, Aug. IL—President
Samuel Gompers, of Ihe American Fed
eratlun of Labor, today condemned the
proposed Importation of Chinese coolies
for work on the Panama canal. He
also charged Chairman Shonta, of the
canal commission, with bad faith, say
ing that the canal chairman had prom
ised him that coolies would not he
brought Into the canal sone. He says
It Is s violation of law to bring Chinese
coolies to the cAnal.
By Private Iwased Wire.
Philadelphia, Aug. II.—Seymour Kntoti la
prcpnrtng tin answer to Judge Parker's
tiufce. Since early this luorufug he lute
lieen working on It.
"It will lake me at lens, nuttl t n'rloek
to finish my nnswer." he antd. momdug the
beads „f |hts|,trail,hi freui hla brew.
Special to The Georgtsu.
Newborn, Gs., Aug. M-—The Jasper
County Hit,sing convention met in this
place Thursday morning for a two
days' session. If was by the Invitation
of G. M. Mitchell, of this place, who
attended the convention at Liberty last
August that Xc-vhnm has the pleasure
of entertaining It this year.
The convention has as Its lenders
some of the best talent In middle Geor
gia, and the singing by this body Is
Indeed fine.
The good people of Newborn have
royally opened the doors of their homes
to the attendants at the convention,
and have preiared a free for all bar
becue at noon of each day on the
Margaret 3. Andrews.
Msrgsrct S. Andrews, the
months-old daughter of Sir. and Mrs.
J. S. Andrews, died at the residence of
her parents, 30 Lucy street, at 9 o’clock
Friday night. The funeral services
were held at the residence Saturday
afternoon at 3 o’clock. The Interment
was at Westvlew.
Jennie Louise Turner.
Jennie Louise Turner, 4 years old, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. 8. Turner,
died at 5 o'clock Saturday mi
the residence of her parents,
Bonough street. The funeral services
will be held at ths residence at 4
o'clock Saturday afternoon and the In
terment will be at Westvlew.
Four Small Boys Arrested.
lower end
boys, Robert Green,.aged 15; Ed Buch.
anan, aged 14; Dellwood Weaver, aged
15, and Walter JenkJns, sgsd 15, were
picked up Friday night and sent to
K llce headquarters by Patrolman Wil
ms.' The youths say thsy ran away
from their- homes In Columbus, Go., a
few days ago; and have beet) wander
ing ever since until thsy struck this
city Friday morning. There are no
charges against the quartet, and Chief
Jrnlnnga says that the boys will be de.
Ilvered to their parents upon receipt of
address and railroad fare.
Georgs Moors Pardontd.
On recommendation of the prison
commission, Oovernor Terrell Saturday
morning signed the papers pardoning
George Moore, of Cobb county. Moore
was convicted of selling whisky and
received s twelve-month sentence,
most of whlrh he has served. He Is
said lo be In very poor health. Sen
tence was commuted to present ser
Mrs. Mary J. Almond.
Mrs. Mary J. Almond dlsd Saturday
morning at her residence, 392 East
Cain street. The body will be carried
to Washington. Gs., for funeral ser
vices and Interment Sunday.
O o
O By Private Leased Wire. O
O East Stewartstown, N. H., Aug. O
O 11.—Samuel Mansfield, a young O
O farmer of this village, was shot O
O apd Instantly killed by John Oil- O
O bert late yesterday afternoon. O
O Gilbert says he mistook Mansfield O
O for a bear. He was not arrested. O
Special to Tbe Georgian.
Llthonls. Os., Aug. 11.—Hon. Clark
Howell Is making a whirlwind cam-
e n of DeKalb county. He will de-
■ two speeches, one here and one
at Stone Mountain. He Is also meet
ing the voters nnd conferring with
leaders of the party In this county.
RpMnl to Tli*» Georgian.
Greenville, S. C., Aug. 11.—News has
reached here of a disastrous freight
wreck which occurred at Blacksburg.
Twelve car* were derailed and turned
over. No one wn* killed.
By I'rlvnle Iwflms] Wire.
New York, Aug. IL—Brodle L
Duke, of Durham, X. brother of
the presided of the American To- j
bneco Company, was today granted a
final decree of absolute divorce from I
his wife, Alice Webb Duke, The cou- !
pie was married in December, 1904. i
Mrs. Duks filed sn nnswer denying i
the charges set up by her hu.bsnd, but!
she did not appear to defend the suit.
She brought a counter suit against
him, but It waa abandoned.
Manufacture Car Wheels.
Special to The Georgian.
Gadsden, Ala.. Aug. It.—The South
ern Steel Company mil shortly begin
the manufacture of tram car wheels
on a small scale for Its own use In ths
mines, ore bed* and rock quarries.
If the experiment Is a success, the
manufacture will be taken up on an
extensive scale
A temporary restraining order was
Issued by Judge George F. Oober. of
the Blue Ridge circuit, who Is presid
ing during the absence of Judge Pen
dleton, Saturday morning, to prevent
the Loulevlllo and Nashville railroad,
the Ferro-Concrete and Construction
Company, ths city of Atlanta ahd the
Georgia Railway and Electric Company
from taking possession of Waverlv
place, near Washington street, amt
from blockading the free paaaage nnd
uae of aald street; from removing or
placing railroad trucks and In any
manner Interfering with tbe aald street
until a hearing can be held upon the
case by Judge Pendleton In the supe
rior court on September 3. The re
straining order was Issued as the result
of a petition to the effect filed by Oer-
shon Brothers' Company.
The Gershon Company occupies s
three-story brick building on Wsverly
place, close to Washington strset, with
a lease which does not expire for two
years. A few weeks ago the Louisville
and Nashville began the construction
of a warehouse on the street and the
city voted to construct a viaduct as nu
extension of Washington street. The
city council voted to close Wsverly
place on condition that the railroad
company grant a deed of land close by
for a new Wsverly place. The peti
tioners claim that In order to obtain the
consent of the mayor and the city
council to make such change, the rail
way company falsely and fraudulently
represented to tbe mayor and counsel
that it was the sole owner and In pos
session of all property abutting on
Waverly place.
The petitioners further allege (hat
tbe new Waverly place has not been
deeded to the city, sidewalks have not
been graded, no curbing laid down,
sidewalks laid out or the street paved,
as ordered by the c/y council. Tho
Georgia Railway and Electric Company
Is tearing up its tracks through the old
Waverly place and the Louisville and
Nashville Company, through the Ferro
concrete Construction Company, is
be restrained from taking possession
of the old Waverly place and from
blockading the free passage and use
of some; the Georgia Electric Rntlwuv
Company be enjoined from removing
Its tracks, wires and poles and from
obstructing passage of street, nnd fur
thermore that the ordinance of the city
of Atlanta deeding to snld I«oul*vi'V
and Nashville the possession of Waver
ly place be declared null and void. The
plant of the plaintiff company betne
situated on Waverly place, would bo
Irreparably damaged by the changes
being made, declare the plaintiffs.
8perla! to The Georgian.
Howie, Tex., Aug. 11.—The following U
s partial list of passengers Injured n* a
result of the wreck of thh northbound
passeuger ' train of the Fort Worth nnd
Dourer City railroad, near Krultlaud,
A* J. Evans, WlchlU, Fills, Tex., slight-
ly Injured.
8. W. Paris, Snyder, Okla., hand and
■boulder hurt.
Henry Coleman, Ellsworth, Tex., back
and hip hurt.
Lee Yueii, Cblnsmau. shoulder and side
J. W. Vincent, Hberman, Tex., head cut,
face braised. -
Joe Darla, Longview, Tex., bacX wrench-
Mis* E. J. Moore, Llano, Tax., bead and
back bruised. ......
UiM A. F. Gray, head and back bruised.
Miss It. K. Ford, 8*u Autoalo, Tex., bond
J. T. Hanks and wife, San Marcos, Tex.,
•lightly hurt
Miss Llssie Anderson, Fairfield, Tex,, arm
Miss Mnttlo Anderson, Fairfield, Tex.,
back sprained. _ . ,
Miss Bimua Burkheader, Shreveport, La.,
back wrvuebed and braised. , ^
u. W. JsNMtntter and wile, guanab, Tex.,
seriously bruised. _ ,,
T. 1*. lllloy, Hbenuan, Tea., ^boulder
^Leslie Stulllugs, Howie, Tex., shoulder
ylrs. II. M. Iteiul.y, sun siul dsugblrr,
Prosper, Tex., slightly hurt shout hesrl.
J. If. Hutltb, Deeutar, Tex., shoulder
J. II. Ityner, Wnlutit Springs, Tex., whip
sad hands hurt.
C. A. llolierts, conductor, scslp hurt.
B. M. Miller end wife, New Uo.luu,
Tex., back etui head hurt. , ,
\V. K. Robertsou, Hereford, Tex., bark
and abuubler hurt. . , ,
T. W. Call, Temple, Tex., clavicle, chest
nnd latch bruise,'.
W. II. Myers. Henry. Tex., ihoulder
dislocated ami luterim! injuries.
T. Itnillilln, Mntntlur, Tex.,
Picture of Mrs. Delarglt M. Raf
ferty, wife of the son of the coke
king of Pittsburg, who Is now su
ing her fsther-ln-law for 1500,080
for alienating her husband's af
j.' w. Ttiiauer Usurps, Teau., shoulder
and arm hurt. - ...
Mias Jciutlo B. Bdwards, Cleburue, Tex.,
•light Injury. .
I. C, hunk and wife, Sun Marcus, let.,
slightly hurt.
JtHM’pli t'b’inniona and wlfft. Fort Wortn,
Tex., slight.
E. W.‘ Campbell, It. and B. drpnrtnKiR
Denver railroad, liowlr, Tex., slight ly
Ml** Kinm
Internal Injuries ai»u ...
B. F. Webb Holly ttprlitg*, Miss.. «-
and aide brutail. •
Mrs. llncoii Hnnudcra, Fort Worth, Tex.,
nose cut nnd eye bruised. . . ,
Mias Lulu Maun, Texarkana, Ark., ankle
Special to The Georgthn. 1 ,,
Savannah, Ga., Aug. IL—The police
cnmrrtltee concluded Its Investigation <>f
the- charges agalnnat -tl»! department
this afternoon. Detective Davla prov
ed no connection with the gambling
rooms. The committee will sift tne
charges. It Is stated, and give Superin
tendent Garfunkle an opportunity <o
answer, material ones. He will also
answer fifteen questions formulated u>
the committee yeettrday. It Is said to
Mr. J. Manning Poole and little
daughter. Carrie Jfny, have returned
from a ten-daye' trip to New York
cUjr - ’ ^ hi
Mrs. Mac Lowrsy, of Aroericus, «l»
be with Mrs. Walter Frederick next
Dr. James Booton Is at home, after
a week In Atlanta. ,
Miss Bertie Walker has returned
from Athena, where ehe has heeo
atuuytng tnls summer.
Mias Brown, of Xewnan, Is with Mrs.
I. F.- Murph. . „
Miss Eons Frederick leaves Monda>
for Lawreneevllle to Join a caroplns
party for a week. „ _
Among those who left for Indian
Spring this week are: Mr. and Mr»-
Lewis Humph. Mr. and Mra. Edom
Baldwin, bliss Ethel Baldwin. Mrs.
Goodwin. Miss Clara Martla Mr »nd
Mrs. Walter J. Walker and Mlaa Dal»*