The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 23, 1906, Image 10
'jJib A’ijvA^NiA (ji^oKUlAK. ^ PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER, Phones 1255. 39 E. Hunter SL “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW sold at fife N. Pryor 8t. Alex Kent. Phone 4848. KROM'S MEDICATED SKIN. SCALP and bnJr soap; sold at drug nod depart ment stores: ask for It or write J. J. ICrom, Scalp nnd Hair Specialist. 613 The Grand, Atlanta. Ga. BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WIDOW, 23 YEARS of age, $40,000 in own name, desires the acquaintance of a refined young gentleman of good appearance. M. M., care Geor gian. MATRIMONIAL. YOUNG MAN FROM NEW YORK, stranger In the city, expecting to locate In Atlanta for almut six months, desires the acquaintance of refined young lady of ;jt»od appearance; ^object, matrimony. Ad- OLD HAT8 MADE NEW PANAMA AND MILAN 8TltAVV HATS cleaned and reshaped. 50c. Soft and stiff felt hat* cleaned and re shaped, 35c. Bands or sweats, 25c each extra. ACME HATTERS. GV4 Whitehall flt FOR SALE—D0Q8. FRENCH POODLE S—REGISTERED stock. 2 months old. and little beauties; male $20. female $15. McMillan Seed Co., 23 South Broad street. FOR SALE—REAL E8TATE. IF IT IS BEAL ESTATE YOU WANT to buy or sell, call to see me. Jl. C. Peu- dfetmi. 614 Peters building. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELF.. place It with us; we give It our special nnd personal attention. If it's worth the price we will sell It. C. II. Wells A Co., 1104 Fourth National Bank. IF YOU WISH TO BUY, 8BI.I. OB KX- change property of any kind. It will pay you to see us. C. II. Wells A Co., 1104 Fourth National Bank Bldg. WANTED—REAL E8TATE. IF YOU WISH TO BUY. HELL OR Ex change property of any kind, It will pay you to see us. C. II. Wells A Co., llrfi Fourth National Bank. ! 1 MONEY TO LOAN. \ MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED FEO- pie and others. American Investment Co., 704 Candler Bldg. EstnbllKliiMl 1». WBYMAN k CONNERS, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on renl entnto. • FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend money for purchase money notes; straight loans made for 6 per cent nnd up wards.! According to desirability of loan. W. A. Foster, 12 South Broad street. TI1E UNION SAVINGS BANK BUYS purchase money notes nnd lends money on Improved Atlnntn property n reason able rates. Bell phone 769. Gould Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6, 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of fered; small expense nnd prooipt attention. Only on renl estato lu and hear Atlanta. S. 11. Turman. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE. 3 1 TO 6 YEARS. 6 PER CENT. JOHN o CAREY. 18 EAST ALABAMA STREET. ,, SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND: r nny amount, 4Mr, 6 nnd 6 per cent. Write t or call S. W. Corson, 24 8. Broad street. * FARM LOANS—WE ABE PLACING " loans nn Georgia farms nt the lowest *' rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgage $. Company, Gould building. MONEY TO LOAN ON BEAL ESTATE ® nt very lowest rates. No delaya. Charles Herman, rooms 292 3 Temple Court. $• WANTED—MONEY. * WANTED—YOU TO ASK YOUR GROCER j. for Money Flour, and Insist on getting It, j- beenmte there In money III It. * L' o Si F K D K U A T i: JIllNKlTBclNUS. |, NiainpH nml war paper* bought. Rest n prler* paid. Clin*. D. Barker, 20 Peters St., r- Atlanta. * FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOM8. " TWO NICK UPSTAIHH FRONT BOOMS " In private family, every eonvenlenee; „ north side: one block from First Moth- | odist church. Reference required. Address .. 1*. W.. enre Georgian. t WANTED—ROOMS. | r ’ WANTED-'LIVING ROOM OR BED-HIT- M ting room mid board with private family for two. Address X. X.. enre Georgian. FOR RENT—OFFICES. OFFICE SPACE IN NICKI.Y FURNISH- ed office, i'houc :NJ3 or cull nt 1330 Can dler Bldg. LL — LLBM1 [ - mm LJ - LJ * LOST, nr >\ ho puts your paper on so slick, n And guarantee* that It will stick; |»oe» your painting, tloen It nice, p And ''always lowest In the price?’’ | N Burnett, of course! p Your "Pnde Jim*' Is hard to lient; i lie's at Number 12 E. Hunter street. 1 Both Phones 550. | FOUND. I] FRANKLIN. THE CLEAN CLEAN FEL- 1 low. cleans suits $1 to $1.50. Pnnts 50c. „ 168 Whitehall St. Phone*. Bell 629. A. 3881. ^ FOUND BY MISTAKE. WRONG SUIT n ease was taken from Walker to Westvlew I* ear on Thursday. August 16. Phone S. II. Franklin, main 5Ju. 16* Whitehall street. | WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. "Don't let ’em fool you." Jim Burnett iformerly of Burnett Sc WIH1*> 1* not dent! nor ml»»lug. He 1* contracting wall paper ■ ml painting. Office and show room 12 East Hunter street. Both 'phoues 650. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ^ ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU „ business. For high grade work call oo i Kent. 9l!t N. l'ryor. Phone 2923. AUCTION SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY V nt 10 a. in. nt the Southern A net Ion aud Salvage Company. 20 South Pryor. IF YOU WISH TO BUY, SELL OR Ex change property of nny kind It will pay vou to .Je u*. c II. Wells * Co., 1104 Fourth National Bank. J. H. GARNER & CO. 1 REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 305 and 306 Century Dtdg. BOTH PHONES 4490. wsrTTTxnreinrc ui.acy^xn tfrcrrpD room house, corner lot. hs hr 106, for c only $5,000. One fifth cash, bulaiiee oue, V two, three nml four years. SPRING STREET-SEVEN ROOM HOUSE. large corner lot; clow In; $5,509. Fourth cash- MILLS STREET -EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. with stable* In rear: large lot; gooil »n tielghborhootl: <3.000. Fourth cash. * r M. A. SHELTON, > DON'T FORGET M A SHELTON IS A prac tical stove and range repair* r: l»est work and material guaranteed. Both phones WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD Six words of avaraga lengt make a line. The following rat« • re for consecutive insertions! 1 time . . 3 times . 6 times . 26 times . , 52 times . 78 times . . . 8 cent . 5 cents a line. . 4/ 2 cents a line. : 4 cents u " . 3/2 cents a OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH. .... Georgian want .da. are inax* pensive, but th.> bring quick re* suite and .ure return.. Adi. tor Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR hfE8SENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, . OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE When eendlng ads. pay for at rates quoted above. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. W. n. HH ELDON. FELLOW OF THE American and Georgia State Association of Public Accountants. Sheldon Audit Co., public accountant* and auditors, 618-519 Temple Court. Examinations, appraisals, nudJfs. Loral and long distance plume 119*. TALKING MACHINE8. TALKING MACHINE* ANI> RECORDS- Wholesale and retail distributors of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received large consignment of machines and over 20,000 recorda. immediate attention given mall orders. We want the names of all talklug machine dealers in the South. Write for catalogue. Alexnndcr-Klyea Co. South. Southern — ----- Snell and Hudson bicycles. Write for our 1908 rata login* and price lift. Alexander- MESSENGER 8ERVICE. ^ FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE MEB* sengers, 'phone S3. J. A. Davies and J. C. Bninun. PICTURE FRAME8. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. II. W. Yarbrough. 2*fc Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn ave nue. CARE THE GEORGIAN. WANTED—THREE YOUNG collectors. Address nt once C< The Georgian.' WANTED—HELP. YOUNG MAN AS BOC KEEPER AND STI OGRAPHER . MU! HAVE HAD EX PE ENCE. SEND REFER I CES. MUST BE STEAI RELIABLE, SOBER. A DRESS IN OWN HAS WRITING, B. & S., OA THE GEORGIAN. WANTED - A FIRST CLASS CANDY utnL I1E A FIRST-CLASS HARHKK. BASIE1 trnue lentlied. Full course 120. We nt several simp* in Atlanta where we emid only our graduate*. Commission paid fr«i day von enter. Atlanta Burlier Collei 182 Whitehall street. WANTKD-t;tMID MILKMA? farm hand; good and steady man. Apply L. U. OUmtu, t. catntillahed paper: good pay. D. Barker. 20 Peters St. WANTED—A STEADY. RELIABLE C or ml man. who understands enre of ho end yard work. Apply 327 West Peach afreet. . - WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED Till farmer with small family either for wr or a part "llrtg.. At I jvjj^to WANTED VlELP—FEMALE. WANTED—FKM A tngton opera toi “ * n Troow TO INQUIRE ABOUl WANTED-USERS OF MONEY FI.OUR. FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. TlH8TM?LA85~ FOR SALE-ONE folding doors, one sfi Co.. ©Whitehall §t. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. II. W. ROUNTREE Sc RRO. TRUNK AND BAG CO. ttetall and repairing. No. 77 Whitehall street. Phone 1576. WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: COMPLICATED wntehes are my hobby. Modern Ideas In vork and dealings. H. Walter Lett, Room 1217 Fourth National Rank Bldg.. Atlanta. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY.' Phone. 5488. 412 Peter* Building. uu nmru hi- nu luaic irr/ mirne- five terms; say, S500 cash and $25 per month. If this doesn't suit you, may be able to do attll better. #2,700—BRAND NEW 5-BOOM COTTAGE on largu level lot In West End, ou car line, with every convenience, water, gas, ASHLEY PARK LOT-OS PEACHTREE circle, 196x420, and we.are going to aell this lot at coat for special rcusous. Price <5.700. I Fa a good one. $5,000—LINDEN AVENUE, NEAR PEACH- tree, a splendid 9-room house on nice, large north front lot. Can make easy terms on this. $4.250—ELEVENTH STREET; SHADY, level lot, 66x204. Your last chance to get one of theae lovely lots for a home. Spe cial reason for selling. This Is like silk, and floe silk at that. $35.00 FRONT FOOT-WE HAVE ON THE provements down. JOB PRINTING. NOTEHEADH, ENVELOPES, BILLHEADS. cards, etc., printed 75c for 500. Address Chas. D. Barker, 20 Peters St., Atlanta. 8HOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 2335. Men'. helf eol.e. 76c. FOR FINE SHOE RE PAIRING go to J. W. Carroll, 47 8outh Pryor etreet, ripoelte ronrt bouee. All work flret-cleae. No cheap price. office flatnrea to acll, i*c.' the Souther Auction ami Salvage Company, “ "M l'ryor. 'Phone Bell 3304. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED- AM. KINDS OF SALAD echool. law. modleat hooka for eaah. C. tlavan. 71 Whitehall alreet. 'I'bon. ISM. 9ANTKD -.SECOND HAND BOLL or But-top tick, with aide drawer., r In gm| r.,million. State prler;. rpM lick. Hire The tiiHtrglan. MISCELLANEOUS. eek; now la your time. It. IV. Kill.. Atlanta. I.AKH IIAIUiER.. EASIEST lit; A Flit NT'. -- . W ** trade learned. Foil eoinwe $M. several shop* In Atlantn where we only our graduates, day you enter. 162 Whitehall street. Commission paid vll I buy or sell you out. TYPEWRITER CARBON. finality, all colors. $1.25 per llvered. Samples 25e per REAL ESTATE AGENTS WILL. ■E2K PICTURE FRAMES. Tt It,. I It.tMEH 'SFanted Klot,|.i . ART SCHOOL. PUBLIC TO t •>f Art am! Inspect CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) CATIONALS. IIAM.WOODB. IDEALS and all other makes at bargain prices. Ve can sell yon a register, suitable for REGISTER EXCHANGE. 24 8. Broad 8t., Atlanta. Ga. .JOSEPH P. LONG CO. Real Estate and Renting, auta Phone 4358. Bell 5551 L 213 Edgewood Ave. change hiiudM at at the best cash perty with me, and if you Imvo renting f ierty give me n chance, ns I also do Ing. I guarantee prompt collections. rented now for $125 per month; ... . MODERN 1 CoT- m Houston street. I VH A CHOICE 2-SToltY REMI- lot 60x120 feet; side alley; gas nnd BUYS 5-Uun.M WELL-LOCATED renting ijroporty;lot 60x100 feet, corner; $15 per month. by 150 fed, and also another house nnd lot by 211 feet; splendid well; desirably lu ted nnd would be nn Interesting Invest- 'lit; paying 10 per cent now on $3,000. Fraser street. iaIiai •ar line, 1>etwcen city and Fort Me- •rang; fronting i.ono feet on Stewart nve- *. two bliN'ka from car line; tine truck in nnd will grow anything that we raise Georgia *efi. Price $13,000: half cash, •alam e to suit purchaser. Till* Is a very great bargain nnd must go. GLOBE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. iiKokiTia avenue. we iiaVk ottages, reutlni two I . nent t , . looking for. Him* us about this. IMU )OM *C( ITT AG B ON N El.MON eet. Lot 50 by 125. This Is close In * $2,000. Is.a dandy and the I $6,600—FIFTH STREET HOME OF NINE rooms, on lot 60x200 (as perfect a lot ns there Is In the city). This house Is furnace- heated, In * “ " ‘ ■* * cuted for SIATHEWS & HILL, 611-12-13 Empire. Bell ’Phone 1748. Atlanta 172. ON NORTH BOULEVARD, IIIOHT AT Armour station, and on Southern railway, we have a piece of land now valuable but surely to become more valuable, that we can sell vou at a genuine bargain. This property fronts 240 feet on North Boulevard and 172 ou Center street, and has a 3-room house rented to white people at $5 per mouth. We can make you thla at the low figure of $850. Our liest opinion la that you should Investigate this property. »0. TO $3,000—ON*' ASHBY STREET, 1111 street. East Georgia a venae nnd sev eral streets, we hare some very neat and attractive cotta— “*“■ * -* — *“ hall and Imth, provision pantry; grate urrumiTi, nun- mantels, porcelain hath, stationary utand, porcelain flush closet, sink, hot and cohl water, gas, front and rear porches of good width; also tinted walls. We can sell you these all the way from $300 to $500 down and easy monthly payments. Why continue to nay rent? Fat the money you are paying for rent In an Inreatmeut re- FOR SALK FOR CASH. No. 93 Oaklaud avenue, 33 1-3x105; rents for $15 No. 95 Oakland avenue, 33 1-3x105; rents*for $18 No. 124 Oakland avenue, 53x188; rents for $20 No. 368 F. Fair, 48x64; rents for ^ We will sell these places under the hammer for spot ca6h before the Court House door on Tuesday, Septem ber 4 (legal sale day). All these are neat reside nces in good order. You don’t often get a chance to buv such at vour own price FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. WEST ATLANTA PARK. look beautiful; oua of the best built houses to be found. Can make enay terms ou this to good party, and give possession September 1. ‘ • uoiiis uuu unit, on 101 waiiv; jusi com pleted; In splendid neighborhood; first va cant cottage next to Hunt street. In this block you would have for nelghliors such ns CapL Richard attle, Mr. ob Hemp hill, Mr. Perkerson. etc. Street to l»e cherted soon, and then property will go bounding up. SEE M. M’NEIL AND WM. S. SHERWOOD Room 514 Empire Building. IF YOU WANT RAILROAD FRONTAGE- small or large—at from $8 to $100 per frout foot. IF YOU WANT A HOME OF FROM SIX to ten rooms at from $1,709 to $3,000, $4.- 000 to $12,000; an j* pari of the city; with 7 YOU WANT A LOT. PURCHASE same from us, and we will build for you on long time. Lots from $600 to $2,600. IF YOU WANT CENTRAL PROPERTY, which wc will guarantee to double your money; close In. uear the poitofflce; 100 by' 100, for $25,000. to Increase—call and see us. CLAUDE L. NORRIS, Real Estate. 716 Fourth National Bauk Building. Bell Phone 4439. FIRST I WILL OFFER YOU ONE OF the loveliest cottage homes 011 the north side, III one of the very liest uclghlM>rh(MNlN In the city. 11ns six rooms, beautiful cabi net mantels, beautifully tinted walls, don- blo-floored, storm-sheeted. Nothing but $7,- 0»W and $6,01)0 home* all around tills little place. $4,<50; $500 cash, und bulaiiee $35 per month. •c. tine nt 1*1 net mantels, double-floored, sheeted, tine, shady lot. ©,200; $1,000 'ii sli, I tala uce easy. NORTH HIDE—YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS ou Juniper street; two stories, seven rooms, tine mantels, donble-flnored, storm - sheeted. servant's house. This will make you a beautiful little home. It la In the best part of Juniper street, nnd that la enough aald. $5,150, $750 cash, balance $40 per mouth. WE IIAVi:XTnf GSHvofiDWARb aVe- 101 by 185, to nnother street; only minnt station; sidewalks and sewer; call, ninutcl*; splendid renting seetInn; $1,- each; one-third cash and monthly pgy 1UR Nil'll LEVEL AND (WADY LOTS tear Grant park; $1,400. You Uavk Vacant' WtriT'KlirV Wtt •an rent It. If yon have property for sale WANTED. Tf you have anv vacant LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Rentiug, hones 1075, 28 Peaehtrc Street. MONEY. TRADE YOU A KOOrt MODERN S- home In tine comlitloii. it rat class i*lghl*orht*o4l. on large let. for vaeant prop* M. M'NEILL and W. S. SHERWOOD. NORTH SIDE-CAN YOU VBK A « ROOM cottage7 if you ran. you will buy this one. lias live room*, nice mantel*, beauti fully tinted walls, nlee bath; lot 60x225. This little home Is In tip-top shape; nil you hnv got to do Is to pay me $650 cash * Only Two Left of 8 Bright, New Suburban Homes. Th* flrit month will be given FREE, end if occupied one year, two more monthe will be given FREE at the end of the year, making only nine monthe you will have to pay for. None but good familiea will bo allowed in theta house*. Theea ar* located on the river elactrie ear line, only twenty min. utee' rid* from the center of the city; contain •? and 8 room*! have never been occupied) ar* located in Wait At lent* Park. Every houae front* a fifty- foot park, which la let in treea, ever green* and flower*. Pur* air; natlv* oak*) an ideal spot for children. It it cheaper than living in the city and the turroundingt ar* more wholesome, the center of thl* park ar* the FERRO PH08PHATE SPRINGS, which will cur* any erte of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand* Ing. It now hat a new church, neatly furnished,a store, a ochool house cost ing $2,500 will toon be completed. Capt. J. T. Mille, who livte on the ground*, will allow you through the houses. Rent $20 per month. . JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. FOR SALE—DECATUR HOMES. A newly painted and papered two-story, seven-room house, electric lights. Close to Agnes Scott College and Car. Large lot; good neighborhood. Terms. Also seven-room cottage next to above, large, shad ed lot; a good time to invest in Decatur property. Address OWNER, DECATUR, GA. GIRL IS ATTACKED BY A WHITE Her Terrified Screams Drive Would-Be Assailant Away. JOE CANNON CLUB WAS ORGANIZED IN TARHEEL STATE By Private Lrasml Wire. Greensboro, N. C., Aug. 32.—The Guilford Republican Cannon Club, hav ing for Ita purpose the election of Jo eeph G. Cannon to the presidency of the United States In 1908, was organ ised here laet night. Speaker Cannon was born within miles of this city. J. D. White was elected president of the club. Within an hour and a'half a hundred members had been enrolled. Culberson is the winner. He is leading in every pre cinct in the county. 1 LUMBER WILL SOAR IN THE MARKETS In, nml pay tin* remaining $3,000 to suit. make tnr spend nil my money talking fo igh newspaper*. Call me up nn«l hat you want. There la no doubt you through newspaper*. te|i me what you wa~‘ almut me havliig It. INVESTMENTS—IN ONE OF THE BEST rentiug net-tlon* of the city I have ten house* renting to white people for $95 per month. $8.50). FOURTH ••In** nt feet WARD—I HAVE 18 FIRST gm house* between 50) amt 600 street frontage, rented for $2,109 FOR RENT. NO. 93 FOUIIEST AVE.-THIS 2-MTORY K-roont frame, on lot 40x120. whleh Ilea level tu front. Is on the south able of tor- rest avenue, Itetween IMedinout avenue nnd Butler street. Has gas and water, porce lain Imth. closet, atntlonary withstand ou each floor, nml sink In the kitchen. This property la owned by Dr. Aaher. Two of the rooms are reserved and occupied by P»e«l by Dr. Asher. The rental on this property Is $50 per month, and Dr. Asher Is anxious that smile one take the house that win Itonrd him and bis mother. They ex pect lo make toe change on wept. 1. ror further Information, Itniulre on the prem ises. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phones (11- TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN Special to The Georgian. Jackson, Miss., Aug. 22.—Lumber dealers say that a new jirlce list will be Issued by the mills at an early date und they expect nn advance In the price of lumber within the next two weeks. Lumber Is very high now, but the retailers say that It Is going still filgher. The manufacturer* In thl* section of the country have managed to keep up the price of lumber, and during the month of July when It threatened to take a tumble, all the mills shut down on the ground that they had to make repairs. While the legislature was In session an effort was made to discover the al leged lumber trust, and th$ committee lit on the retailers as the trust. There Is a well grounded suspicion that there Is a trust, but It Is not believed that the retailers are In it. ARMY MAN’S WIFE IN A NEGRO JOINT By Private !.en«ed Wire. Richmond. Va.. Aug. 22.—A young woman, giving the name of Mary Smith, wn* found by Officer Bradley In a negro luticb room In nn almost unconscious condition, due to nn excessive use of Intoxicating liquors. When nrrnlirnei! before 'Squire Graves to day. the prisoner presented A pi tin hie ap pearance. She claims to be of u highly respectable family of Fauquier county, and prominent army officer. dcr Sam Jones Tabernacle Meetings, Carters- ville, Ga. On Septeraper loth to 23nl. iuclu- stve, the Western and Atlantic rail road will sell ticket* from Atlanta- Dalton and Intermediate statlona, to Cartersvllle. at rate of one fare for the round trip. Sam Jones wilt be assisted by Evangelist Oliver and other minister* of renown. Prof. E. O. Excel) will have charge of tr-> music, and other gospel singers of, note will attend. Three services each day, 10:30 a. m.. 3:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m., and the people of Cartersvllle win welcome the great crowds with the same hos pitality they have always shown. CHAS. E. HARMAN, Gen. Pass. Agent. By Private Leased Wire. Baltimore, Md„ Aug. 22.—An at tempted assault by an unknown white man upon Miss Annie Henshaw, of 3009 Elliott street, Canton, about 11:30 o'clock last night, caused much excite ment In that vicinity at a time when nearly all the residents had retired for the night. Mias Henshaw waa returning to her home. As she passed a small, dark al ley a man sprang out, and, seising her with both hands around the throat, be gan to drag her toward the alley, but she screamed so loudly that neighbors were awakened and the man escaped. IN A PISTOL DUEL ONE MAN IS SLAIN By Private Leased Wire. Richmond, Vn., Aug. 22.—-One man waa killed and nnother wounded In a shooting affray which occurred at Jnrratta, 8us«ex county, Inst night. The participants In the fight were J. P. Matthews and Frank John- Hton. both well known In that neighborhood. Eight or ten shot* were exchanged by the men. and Matthews died within a few hours n* a result of n wound In the abdomen. Johnston was shot In the ankle. HE ASKS POLICE TO FIND HIS WIFE By Private Leased Wire. 8t. Louis, Aug. 22.—At the request of Ernest R. Tnwney, age 25 years, of (?lmrlea- town, W. Vn., the police are searching for his 17-year-old wife, who, before her mar riage, ten months ago* waa Miss Bessie Mc Coy, of Greenup. Ky. She has lieen invste- rloiiNly missing from the home of her hus band's brother, Louis Tnwney, since August ATLANTA MABKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Produce“Lcbssfe?^ * Kr "“ Lemon*. $4.75fy£(X). Limns, 60t> 76c. Peaches, per crate. $1.00(21.50. Pineapples, $1.5002.60. Bananas, straight!, per hunch. ll.SOfiiTi dills, per hunch, ll.OOei.M. ' * FOULTHY AND COUNTRY I'UODUCE- mi™1&6 , "’i1c 35#37HC: ft "• K!4 ® ;St '; ‘"■oil- Live ducks, Pekin, 35c; Dressed hens, per pound, 12013c. Hires. t»er dozen, 22c. poullli; SKT 11, Inak - rsck.-M^’:. 1 ® 701 ' pound: 10 ‘ ‘ potatoes. "Ti, ‘HURRICANE” BRANCH IS AFTER MURDERER lly Private leased Wire. Suffolk, Va., Auff. 22.—"Hurricane” Branch left here today with some pick ed bloodhounds for Freeman,' Va., 65 miles from Suffolk, to trace a murderer, who. It Is said, Is located In the woods. The suspect Is alleged to have killed a man In Greenville county, Va., nnd fled to Tennessee, where he was arrested. WANT 8HIP8 BUILT AT IL S. NAVY YARDS By Private Leased Wire. Norfolk, Va., Aug. 22.—Employees of all navy yards of the United States are to take concerted action to Influence the building of war ves sels at navy yards. An organization with that purpose In view will be formed In New York on August 27 by delegates from all the navy yards. Loses Part of Nose. By Private Leaned Wire. Spencer, N. C., Aug. 22.—Engineer Robert L. James, of Spencer, was seri ously hurt last last night 7 miles west of Salisbury. Ills head struck a pro jection over the tracks, part of his nose was knocked off and his face was badly mashed. VEGETABLES—Irish stock, $2.60 barrel; per bushel, $1.00. Onions, 3c per pound; cabbage, me pound. New aweet potatoes.' <„c bushel. FLOUR. GRAIN, PROVISIONS. FLO U R—Poster a patent. $5.85; Diamond patent, $5.25; Maseoutah Star, $4.60; fancy patent. $4.50; Red Engle, $4.25; Blue Ribbon, tLOOj faucy, $3.90; spring wheat patent, $5.W COnN—Choice red cob, 76c; No. 2 white, 75c; No. 2 yellow, 74c; mixed. 73c. OATS—Choice white dipped, 52c; choice white, 60c; choice mixed, 48c; Texas rust- HAY—Timothy, choice large bslee, $1.10; do., choice small bales, $1.05; do., No. l timothy hale*, $2.00; So, 2, $1.00; do., So. 1 cloevr mixed, #1.00; do., No. 2 clover mixed, CLOVER—Choice 90c. The above prices are f. o. b. Atlanta, nnd subject to Immediate acceptance. GROCERIES. 8TIGAR—8tandard granulated, $5.20. New York refined, 4V4c* plantations, 6c. Market very strong. Look for advance. COFFEE—Roasted Arbuckle’s $16.50, bulk, In bags. or barrels, 13c; green. Wa .Market strong. _ 'E—Carolina 4VW$7ttc, according to grade. Market very strong. CHEESE—Fancy full cream dairy, 14*4c; twins 14c: brick 14c. Market strong. PROVISIONS—Supreme hams, 15<\ Dor* hams, 15!4e. California hams. lied Cross hams, 15c. Dry salt extra ribs, $?.8T; bellies. 20-5 lbs., $10.50; fat backs, 8c; plates, 8c; Supreme lard, $9.75: Red Crow. Iflr. Snow Drift compound, 744c; Red ('mss. 7\c. TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN LOOK OVER your liundry and If you find any res- ton* for diOMtlofactlon you should send your linen to us, for we guar, antee to Launder Your Linen and all other article* In a way that cannot bo lurpassed. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY, 40-42 Wall Street. Phones, Main, 41. NEW YORK S D AND RETURN VIA EABOAR AIR LINE RAILWAY $26.25 Tickets will be sold for all train* leaving Atlanta on August 2Sth and S9th, and will be good to leave Sew York not later than September 4th. Two trains dally, leaving Atlanta at 12 noon and 9:35 p. m. Correspondingly low rate* from all polnta. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 8S PEACHTREE STREET, (English-American Building.! Telephone No. 100. Atlanta. Ga- W. E. CHRISTIAN, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga.