Newspaper Page Text
The Atlanta Georgian,
F. L. SEELY, President.
Subscription Rttes;
j Published Every Afternoon
One Year
Except Sunday by
Six Months
Three Months
at 25 W. Alabama Street,
By Carrier, per week
Atlanta, Gt.
Catered as second-cUss matter April 26, 1106. at ths PostoflTIca at
* Atlanta. Qa.. under act of congress of March & 1879.
The Verdict of the People.
The most sanguine expectation* and predictions of
the friend* and advocate* of Hoke Smith have been
confirmed by the ballot* Of Georgia voters, and on the
platform of railroad regulation and negro disfranchise
ment he has swept the state.
Thus terminates one of the longest and bitterest
contests In the history of the commonwealth. Today
the people who hare been for fourteen months rent and
riven with conflict will resume the tranquillity of mind
from which they were aroused. They have expressed
their cholee and we believe that .the confidence they
have shown In the victorious candidate will be vin
dicated by his administration. He had chosen as his
platform living principle* such as appealed to the
wisdom of the masses.
With the grace and equanimity which mark him in
every relation of life. Hon. Clark Howell, who has led
the militant opposition against him, has accepted his
defeat and will cordially support the nominee of the
Democratic psrty. The fact that he has made a game
fight and a great fight will linger with him as a com
fort In the hour of defeat.
Equally true is this of the other candidates In this
notable contest They are all ready to unite for the
triumph of Democracy and the permanent welfare of
the state.
The municipal campaign has revealed surprising
strength on the part of Goodwin, and of this he may
well be proud, but the older and riper cltixen carries
away the honors, and The Georgian extends Its con
gratulations to Mayor Joyner. That he will make at
once a sate and a conservative chief executive of the
capital city of the state Is a foregone conclusion, and
It Is the general sentiment that in his election ho but
comes Into his own.
The manifest duty of the hour on the part of all
the recent candidates Is to heal the wounds of war
and unite for the general good.
Governor Smith and Mayor Joyner, we salute you!
of the appreciation which Georgia should feel for educa
tional work of such vigor, of such courage and of such
high and progressive Intelligence.
Brenau College and Its Lesson.
In educational Institutions, as In all other forms of
public enterprise. It Is the progressive and courageous
spirit which produces results and establishes reputation.
No college In the South baa done more to vindicate
this proposition than Brenau College, located at Gaines
From the first day that Presidents VanHoose and
Pierce took charge of the college In Oalnesvllle, It began
a progressive career In which every year has marked
some new and vital Improvement along the lines of mod
ern education. In the first place, the original college
at Gainesville was changed to Brenau .College, and was
established from the very beginning upon a foundation
of admirable merit In the personnel nnd attainment of
Its faculty and In tb* equipment of Its several schools
after the most heroic liberality.
The Brenau College established at Gainesville soon
ranked among the first of the state, and the enterprising
proprietors conceived the design of establishing other
colleges upon the same foundation of merit In other
states. They havo already established the Alabama
Brenau at Eufaula, which In Its first year recorded a
phenomenal success, filling the building to Its cspaclty,
and they are now erecting a beautiful new building as
a mark of the appreciation and generosity of the people
of Eufaula.
Brenau College has Just begun a building for a high
grad* military academy at Gainesville, to cost $40,000,
and to be the most completely and perfectly equipped
of any similar building In the South. Other notable
buildings will be erected around the site of the original
In addition to Its other attractions Brenau hns or
ganised a Chautauqua association and will next summer
at beautiful Chattahoochee Park put Into operation a
great summer school modeled after that parent Chau
tauqua In New York. Brenau has done more than this.
It has had the audaolty to cross the ocean and establish
a branch Institution In Paris, that such of Its students
as may wish to do so may receive the advantages com
ing from foreign study and travel. It is not strange thnt,
applications have already poured In for the next year
for a connection with this foreign school, llrenau is now
moving to establish a school In New York and In Wash
ington where young ladles from the South, after finishing
their courses at Oalnesvllle end Eufaula, may spend a
year In the capital or metropolis of the United States.
And each of these great school's Is united In one'splendld
chain, working under a perfect system which will con
tribute to tho success of the other. The school Is al-
ready drawing patronage from all over the United States,
North and South. Students are registered from Con
necticut and from California. One of the things which
hss been found most attractive In this great Itrenan
system Is the fact that It has the beat organised school
of oratory In the entire South, affiliated with the great
Emerson school of Boston, and the graduates of Brenau
are accepted without question Into the full fellowship
of the Emerson school.
Now, we submit to the judgment of those In Georgia
who are Interested In vigorous and -progressive methods
of education that these phenomenal and magnificent
achievements entitle the presidents of Brenau College
to the appreciation and the congratulation of the people
of the South. 8urely no Institution started under such
circumstances and with so little capital has done so
much and done it so rapidly, to build up the fame of the
college and the educational reputation of the state. We
tee! that editorial Indorsement and congratulation Is the
faintest possible recognition for work so advanced and
•o liberal and so beneficent as this college has done.
The career of Brenau marks a new era in the educa
tional growth of the South, and the mark of progress
which u has established will force In neceselty end In
competition a corresponding effort which will raise the
standard of every female school In tho South.
All of which adds new emphasis to the heartiness I where.
The Way to Save Our Women.
Whether Hoke Smith had won or lost In the battle of
the ballot* the race question will live on, and In Its vary
ing emergencies It must be met until It Is finally answer
ed In the only and inevitable way.
The Georgian struck a key note on Tuesday which
Is still vibrating In the hearts of this people today.
We have learned the great truth that lynching does
not stop the crime against our women. We have reach
ed by elimlhatlon the conclusion that other experiments
must be tried to Intimidate the criminals of the negro
race. One of the most hopeful of these experiments
seems to be a statute authorising the mutilation of the
criminal and the branding of him on the forehead with
the letter "R” significant of bis crime and making him
an object of suspicion for the rest of time.
The other experiment Is to devise some new and
mysterious form of punishment wrapped In darkness and
In mystery which will appeal to the terror and to the
superstition of the criminal negro.
But beyond these and above these and more poten
tial than all others, Is the stern and Insistent demand of
our white civilisation that the leaders of the negro race
shall give us from this time forth that cooperation which
they have heretofore refused. The South Is growing
Indignantly tired of negro tirades In central cities against
the lawlessness of lynching. We are tired of negro plati
tudes and resolutions against the Injustice of the South
toward the negro. And we have utterly lost patience
with those pacific preachments which cry out for law and
order on the part of the white man, while they spend
no time nor breath nor effort In thundering to their own
people the earnest and passionate denunciation of thesi
criminals who make the ehlef tension and the deadly
friction between the races.
Now see here: The South has for 2S years befriend
ed the negroes In every practical way. We have helped to
build their churches, we have helped to sustain their
schools, we have buried their dead and helped to main
tain their living sometimes In idleness and sometimes In
want. But now as one unit In the mas* of Southern sen
timent, The Georgian lifts Its voice and protests that
henceforward It will give no dollar and lend no aid and no
cooperation to any negro Institution until Its officers, Its
preachers, Its teachers and Its editors shall join with us
In thundering into the ears of the negro race the warning
and denunciation of this horrible crime.
Without passion, or at least without passion which Is
not richly due and Justified, we ask our brethren of the
Southern press and our Caucasian friends and brethren
everywhere to take this firm and unalterable stand—that
they will help no negro church, newspaper or school until
they know that Its preachers, Its teachers and Its editors
In those institutions sre thundering the doctrine of hell
and damnation to the assailants of white women.
Now this Is fstr. It Is Just, and It Is right
The 8outh Is living under a shadow which no man
can estimate. Men whose public duties call them to pub
lic meetings nre held at-home because they are actually
afraid to leave their famlllea alone even In the shelter
nnd sanctity of their own hornet after nightfall. Men
cannot go to church for tho same reason. And this,
please God, is the South. We are a free people and a
great country. Are we to live forever under this shadow
and under this terror? Are we to sit still and help to
build up these negro Institutions when they nre silent
and apathetic toward the peril In which their criminals
put the host element of our race? Aro we to co-operate
with these people to build up Institutions In which they
do not preach the enormity of these offenses? Are wo
to be forever held In a slate of selge with onr women
trembling In fear and terror when they are alone? Is
the liberty which our fathers bought with their, blood to
bo surrendered to tho foul terror of an alien and sub
ordinate race?
We tell these teachers, these preachers and these
editors that they have the most vital interest In this af-
fBlr. If the boundaries of restraint nre ever broken by
this Caucasian race In a wild spirit of retaliation for a
condition which Imprisons nnd terrifies the noblest women
of the world, they themselves will bo whelmed In the
tidal wave which follows.
And we say here and now to Booker Washington, to
Gaines, sad Turner, to Proctor nnd to Stinson and to tho
rest of thosd who nre so eager to rush Into print to plead
for law nnd order, that If they havo any regard for tho
future of their raco and for themselves, they will take
the hint which Is not unkindly sent from this aroused and
Indignant race of Caucasians, and will stand shoulder to
shoulder with us In demanding that every preacher In
every country pulpit and every editor of every little 2x4
sheet and thnt every teacher In the city and country
schools shall devote some part of his sermon or some
portion of his editorial, or some segment of his scholastic
hours to preaching hell and damnation to all who are
guilty of this fiendish crime.
We assure these men that the Caucasian sentiment
of this country Is now being aroused as It never was
before. We need not nnd we will not continue to have
our women live under the shadow of this fiendish negro
lust. We are going to freo our women no matter what
the cost may be to another race. There Is no wildness of
passion and radicalism In this announcement. If these
men know anything they know that we demand It, end
they know thnt demand is firmly stern and earnest
When they have done their best they will command
our commendation and the confidence of our race.
But as long ns they continue to howl resolutions
against lynching and orate against lawlessness while they
are shamefully silent toward the crimes which produce the
mob, then tho back of our hand Is against them and all
that they represent. \
This Is the position which the present tragic environ- 5f’a HSmin'Smphlthiaie'r
ment sternly demands of the Saxon race, and we call up- In the time of Tiberius. Fifty thou*
on Saxons who respect themselves to assume It every* un<1 peopl ® we,e cru »hed.
What Congress Really Appropriated.
It requires some little time after the adjournment
of congress for the clerks of the appropriation commit
tees to make up the budget and determine Jnst how
much money has been appropriated.
This report has Just been completed and It Is shown
that the appropriations for this first session of the fifty-
ninth congress did not reach a billion dollars.
But,- In the language of the topical song, it “was
near It, very near It."
To be absolutely accurate, the appropriations
amounted to $879,589,185.16. The New York Commercial,
which gives out the figures, shows that In addition to the
specific appropriations made, contracts are authorized to
be entered Into for public works, requiring future appro
priations by congress In the aggregate sura of $30,58?,-
200. Theso Contracts cover tho following objects and
amounts: Fort Mason, Cal., $750,000: West Point Mili
tary Academy, $1,700,000; torpedo boat destroyers and
submarine torpedo boats, $2,760,000; public building in
Baltimore, for light vessels, light bouses, life-saving tug,
derelict destroyer, heat, light and power plant and sub
way system for cspltol and other buildings, and for
school buildings In the District of Columbia, $2,018,700;
new public buildings throughout the country, $13,368,500.
A comparison of these contract liabilities, with those
of the laet session of the last congress, amounting to
$26,770,057 shows a reduction of $6,182,857.
The new offices specifically authorized are 6,934 Id
number, at an annual compensation of $6,616,870.61, and
those abolished are 5,625, at an annual compensation of
$4,010,109, a net Increase of 1,649 in number, and $2,-
605,761.51 In amount
Of this net Increase In number, eight are for the
library of Congressr 26 for the Department of State,
63 for the Treasury Department (including 4$ for the
office of the treasurer of the United States), six for
the Independent treasury, tour for thp War Department,
three for tho Navy Department, 16 for the Department
of Justice, 49 for the Department of Agriculture, 110 tor
the government of fhe District of Columbia (Including
33 school teachers, 12 firemen, 20 policemen and 22 em
ployees for the alms house), 17 for the military prison,
62 for the diplomatic and consular service, 61 for the
military establishment, 38 tor the naval establishment
and 1,366 for the postal service (Including 35 assistant
postmasters, 798 clerks In postofflees and 592 railway
postal clerks).
Deducting from the net Increase of 1,649 new salaries
and employments the 1.366 additional employees for the
postal service, there remain only 283 net Increase in em
ployments for all other departments and branches of the
public servcle.
The net number of salaries Increased Is 588, at an
annual cost of $374,449. Of this number 28 are In the
senate, 24 In the house of representatives, 11 In the
Navy Department, five in the Department of Commerce
nnd Labor, 17 In the Department of Agriculture, 147 In
the District of Columbia, 274 In the diplomatic and con
sular service and 10 lu the postal service. The remain
ing Increased salaries are In various branches of the
public service, anti Involve generally small amount*.
Continuing, the New York Commercial says that
a comparison of the total appropriation for the first
session of the fifty-ninth congress—$879,589,186.16—with
that of the last session of the fifty-eighth congress—$820,
184,634.96—shows an Increase of $69,404,550.20.
The principal Increases by acts are as follows
Agricultural act, $3,047,760, of which sum the amount
of $3,000,000 is for meat Inspection service; diplomatic
and consular act, $963,046.45; postal act, $10,673,905, In
cluding $3,030,000 for the rural free delivery service; sun
dry civil act, $31,725,319.66, including $25,466,415.08 as a
new Item for the Isthmian Canal, and more than $6,000,-
000 Increase In sums required to meet contracts author
ised for work on rivers and harbors.
The deficiency act* show an increase of $7,455,746.73,
but they Include as new Items $16,990,786 for the Isth
mian canal, which If excluded would Indicate a reduc
tion on account of the deficiencies as compared with the
previous session of $9,545,039.27. The appropriations
made In miscellaneous acts exceed these of the previous
session by $34,748,202.29, Including $10,250,000 under the
new statehood act, $10,276,500 for new public buildings
and $1,000,000 for arming and equipping the militia.
The permanent annual Appropriations are reduced
$6,700,000; tho fortification act shows a reduction of $1,-
693,900, and, as no river and harbor act was passed, a
reduction of $18,181,875.41 Is made on that account.
Other Increases and reductions are made In the va
rious acts, the whole showing a net Increase, as stated,
of $59,404,550.20, which aum Includes $42,447,201.08 for
the Isthmian canal, as a new element of expenditure.
To the Etllloi of The Georgian:
The varieties of Democrats now being exploited be
fore the people of Georgia Is strange, wonderful and
A few years ago the Hon. Thomas E. Watson, then
a Populist loader and canvassing the state for the Popu
list ticket, sntd In a speech delivered at Cordele that
there woro then seventeen kinds of Democrats In the
United States nnd he named most If not all of the varie
ties and said thnt he had been Invited and urged to return
to the Democratic fold, but he said that he really could
not tell which fold to enter with so many doors all open
wide and labelled the true Democracy; and he did not
enter because of the uncertainty of getting Into the right
fold. But It seems after some yeara. of wandering in the
bleak and barren hills of Populism, he has found the
right door and entered the right fold and has proclaimed
his arrival at home and to stay. The prodigal hat return
ed to hts father's house and there is great rejoicing
In the Hoke Smith camp. But the other fellows, Clark
Howell, Dick Russell, Big Jim Smith and the South Geor
gia candidate, J. H. Estlll, say he has not come Into the
right fold and he la still a prodigal, a wandering freak,
a tremendous fraud, a terrible deceiver and not worthy to
be called a son of the Simon-pure, unadulterated Democ
racy. So It seems we still have five varieties of Democra
cy left even In Democratic Georgia, and now it Is in order
for the man who holds midnight communions with Hoke
Smith to bring out the best robe and a ring nnd put them
on him, kill the fatted calf. On with the dance; sound
the loud timbrel over the land, the loat Is found, the
dead Populist Is a live Democrat In one branch, division
or fold of Democracy known ns the Hoke Smith kind—
and Thomas must have discovered that this fold was the
Simon-pure, blue-ribbon, red-shirt, all wool and a yard
wide, unadulterated Democracy, since he has always pro
claimed 1n no uncertain voice his Jeffersonian Democra
Now the situation demands that the rank and file who
are anxious to get Into the right fold of Democra
enlightened, slnco the followers of the Hon. Clark How
ell claim they are tho only true Wue. Simon-pure Dem
ocrats. and have the machinery, and -control the court,
which Is the biggest thing in all the kinds offered, for
one good counter Is worth twenty to fifty voters at most
of the polling places. Then he should be a skilled manip
ulator of tickets, ready to supply the right kind at the
right minute and in the right place, for the fold that will
win Is the fold that has the best counters and most
skilled manipulators. Now the Clark Howell shepherd Is
crying aloud In tho hills and highways In startling head
lines In his paper. The Constitution, now Infamous for
Its distortions and misrepresentations—that the Hoke
Smith wing and leader Is a fake—a fraud. Insincere, hypo-
critical, a defrauder of men and desplser of the rights of
women—without conscience or humane feelings, favoring
negroes rather than white men. Now this smells a good
deal like a fish factory In June. But these other three
good and true Democrats.
The South Georgia candidate, who knows he can
not bo elected but Is out for an airing 6f his good deeds
and pure Democracy, and the defense of his section. He
loves the piny woods and wlrcgrass South Georgia
so well that he wants a governor to come from Its
homes. All right. Brother Estlll, but did you ever sup
port a South Georgia candidate when one offered? How
about the Norwood-Colqultt race? Which side did you
take, and how much did you contribute to pay taxes of
negroes to vote In that election? Let's be consistent, Col
onel Estlll. When Dupont Guerry, a South Georgia man,
was running as c. Prohibition man. did you not oppose
him, and announce In Albany, Ga„ that you were a
whisky man—wanted more and better whisky. Now we
all know this was good, sound Andrew Jackson Democra
cy nnd It Is strange that Thomas E. Watson or Hon.
James Hines did not enter your fold when they were
seeking tho genuine, Simon-pure article of Democracy—
and you are offering to lead your followers up to the
gate of Clark Howell fold, and if possible, push them Into
his gate. But there are many old rams In your flock and
followers who can't be driven In that fold and will break
and scatter over 8outh Georgia and go home to read
the splendid things you said of W. J. Bryan four years
ago In your paper. Now you and Clark have both a mud-
slinging machine, but when the campaign Is over you
may have trouble to restore the mud and slush, nnd to
replace some of the mud-holes and cesspool* you have
Now you have had this advantage of poor Dick
Russell, whoso chief recommendation Is that he la a
poor man with nine children nnd wants an office and
wants one bad. He needs it In his business of taking
care of wife and children; he wants to ornament the
lawn around the governor's mansion with Mb splendid
family, and If be had the Simon-pure Democracy to offer
he too might have had Tom Watson, Yancy Carter or
Charlie McGregor helping him lend and drlvo his herd.
But like the South Georgia candidate, hts followers are
In a narrow limit; the bounds of his former Judicial cir
cuit; and they can and will only he led up to and. If
g osslble. Into the Clark Howell fold. Since poor Dick
as no mud-slinging organ, he will have to draw by his
good looks and explaining his true and tried Democracy
and then he said so first—even before the Divine called
had been summoned to lead the hosts of Simon-pure Dem
ocracy of the good old Grover Cleveland kind, had an
nounced^ and that Is a long way back, ns we all know.
Dick ought to have chartered him a mud-sltnger. This la
hts weak point.
Then we bare Big Jim Smith from the. hills of Big
Creek, Oglethorpe county. He whose Democracy Is of the
true Lucinda kind as they call It In that good old county.
And who by blood money wrung from manacled human
beings, worked to the limit of human endurance, can
buy him a mud sllnger am) set his Larry Gantt going
with his little 2x4 organ, and who can ride over middle
Georgia In a palace car seeking help, not td elect him
for he knows he has no chance, but his Democracy Is
so pure and genuine that he can help the other fellow
beat the fellow that Tom Watson favors and In whose
fold Tom and a lot of his kind have entered—when
they see the still waters and the green pastures before
them—and Big Jim will have less trouble to drive In and
turn over his fellows to the other fold than the South
Georgia candidate,,because he has a stronger hold on
them and they cost more and will be closer watohed
when they come to the grand rounding up of the Inno
Now this Is the situation ns it appears to an out
sider on the eve of this grand rounding up of forces,
and If there was ever a more corrupt, dirty, mud-sling-
Ing, slanderous, vicious, unholy political struggle In Geor
gia It was more than fifty years ago, and the stench
of this kettle of fish will disgust and annoy the nos
trils of decent people for years to come. And yet the
pure Democracy In five doses Is offered. Which shall we
take to relieve the situation, which Is critical? Echo
answers which. A VET.
The English vocabulary of a slum child of 6, ac
cording to a Scottish school Inspector, contains only two
or three doxen words. That of the average child of the
middle classes of the same age Is about 1,000 words
It Is said that the hides of American live cattle sent
to England to be killed and eaten are by prearrangoment
all sent back across the Atlantic, there to be tnnnod,
and mayhap reshlpped to England as leather or In boots
and shoes. .
June- 25, 1876, at the centennial exhibition In Phil
adelphia. the telephone was for the first time exhibited
to the public. A few months before, Alexander Graham
Bell had perfected his invention, but It was not until n
month after the opening of the centennial that It occur
red to him to exhibit the wonder-working device at the
great fair.
On the Isle of Portland, In the south of England,
there arc certain quarries of limestone which have boon
worked for many years. In former times producing build
ing stone. In 1824 an Englishman named Joscpn Asplln
of Leeds patented a process for mixing and burnmg lime
and clay. The product looked so much ltko the Portland
limestone that he called It "Portland cement," from
which the commonly known name given to nearly all
kinds n? hydraulic cement wah derived.
The dowager empress of Russia Is extremely fond of
the Danish black or rye bread, such as Is baked for the
Representative Charles Curtis, of Kansas, Is the only
man In congress who has Indian blood In hts veins. One
of his remote ancestors was a noble red man.
James 8. Harlan, recently appotn'ed a delegate to
the Pan-American conference, waB known In bis younger
days as "the handsomest man In Kentucky.”
Thomas Nelson Page Is a quiet man wno says little
yet hls house Is known In Washington as the place where
the host has the most exacting Ideas as to the qualifica
tions of hls guests.
The emir of Afghanistan recently discovered that
three of the muftis of hls court had been grafting, and
also had been guilty of oppressing the poor. He ordered
them buried alive, and this was done without delay.
When Elsowath, king of Cambod's, now on a visit
to France, takes hit walks one attendant carries a gold
cigarette case set with diamonds, another a gold match
box set with rubles, and a third a gold cuspidor.
Andrew Carnegie, at Gravesend, when he was the
first distinguished stranger to receive the freedom of
the borough, said that he understood only one machine
the human one—end be always patted It on the back.
Madame Albanl has performed before
royalty more frequently than any ether
actress or singer alive.
During the reign of Edward the Con
fessor, of England, the practice of em
ploying surname* began.
From ISO* to 14SS Bcottla-i bank
rupts were compelled to wear a sort of
convict dress, half yellow, half brown.
Spain la the only country that has n
coinage bearing a baby's nend on It.
Coins beating the baby head of King
Alfonso were Issued in 188S.
As soon as the neressary funds are
collected a Hebrew Institute will li»
erected In Omaha. Nebr.. by the local
B'nat B'rith for the purpose of train
ing Jewish boys and girls.
The National Baptist Convention, the
largest body of colored Baptists in
America, haa decided to eatabllah a
theological seminary at Ita own. It
already haa a large and proaperous
publishing house.
Plana for the aalt water and high
pressure system for the purpose of lire
protection to the business part of the
city of Seattle have been complete I.
The plan Is modeled after the Phila
delphia system.
A woman at Keighley, England, sum
moned for not sending her boy it!
school, explained t.. the bench that
when she attempted to chastise Mm
for not going he threatened to report
llFT tf$ ttllS "dPttel • Inanaolne
her to the "cruelty" Inspector.
The Six states of Guatemala, Hondu
ras, British Honduras, Salvador, .Vtc-
uragua and Costa Hlea together form
a long, narrow strip of land extending
from Southeast to northwest over u
distance ofiaotae 80S miles. The width
varies from 80 miles to over 100. and
the total area Is estimated at 178.S27
square miles, or somewhat larger t.tan
our state of California.
By Private I-onBed Wire.
New York. Aug. 21.—J. Q. A . Wan ,
the famous American sculptor, hss
taken unto himself a wife and It’ Is hls
third, and hls friends have not recur
ered from the shock of the announce*
ment yet. Mr. Ward Is now 76 y ear ,
old. He declines to make known th«
Identity of hie bride.
"Whyshould you. ask?” he Inquired
“Docs the public care? I am not s
katser or president. I would prefcr
that nothing be said, and certainly it
Is not necessary that I should tell th.
name of the lady. I was married about
?ay XutT"“ nd ‘ hat a “ 1 “» 2
I-'rom another source It was learned
that the bride was a widow and t.
about 40 years old. She and Mr Ward
had been acquainted many years
Mr. Ward -will retire from hls' pro.
feaston when he completes hls statue
of, General Hancock.
William Rockefeller Is to erect a hilf
million dollar mansion for hls Z*
Percy, and family to occupy In Green
wich, on the borders of his deer nark
and almost on the site If the old h,ivei
where David S. Hueted, a miser, spent
hls last days. It Is to be the finest
house In town, no expense being spared
It will take two years to build It
Percy Rockefeller's brother, William
G„ lives almost across the streak from
the new house, hls home being a re
modeled farm house, resembling three
square boxes of different sizes, but
very comfortably arranged In Its in.
The f&mouit "Poet Sonon,” of Mark
Twain's "Innocents Abroad," Blood-
good H. Cutler, of Little Neck, L 1 | (
In bed aa the result of a serious acci
Mr. Cutler, who |s 85 yearn of age. is
a sufferer from rheumatism. As he
opened tho door with hls crutch It
swung back and hit him.
I learn from a sure source thnt the
Duchess ConsuelO of Marlboro Is soon
to pay another visit to this country.
It la the Impression that she will bring
at least one of her children with her
to see the land of hls mother's birth
and the place where her family money
comes from.
Although suffering from severe In
juries received when a train struck hls
automobile on August 2, Lewis R,
Conklin, on attorney of 59- Wall street,
will today wed Miss Grace Frlsbee, of
New Haven, at the time they had set
for the ceremony. She has nursed him
at the hospital. He will have to ho
married on a stretcher.
Platinum has Jumped In prlre re
cently. and as a one of the re.
suits, diamonds, Jewelry, artificial teeth
and many articles used on proto-
graphic, chemical and electrical trades
are growing coatller. It Is all due to
the troubles In Russia. The govern
ment there owns tho mines In the I'rol
mountains, nnd Is trying to Increase its
revenue. A week ago the metal could
be bought for $24, but It now mats 126
an ounce. A year ago It sold fur 414
and $18.50.
The small boy must have hls fun.
but there was an Impression among
those present that Gregory Williams,
the 14-year-old son of Mrs. Gregory
Williams, of Brooklyn, N. Y„ carried
the Joke too far when he let looae 401 ■
grasshoppers at a dinner party and !
Gregory wear* a pained look as the re
sult of an Interview with hls mother's
A doxen smartly gowned women and
as many men In evening clothes were
thrown Into a ludicrous panic w hen the
grasshoppers swarmed on the dining (
room table at Mrs. Williams' summer
home In Oxford. Women grabbed
frantically at their hair, where the In
sects flew, breaking costly hair orna
ments, and a general mlx-up ensu'd.
Two women fainted and the party
woe broken up.
Richard Canfield does not need to
bother about the "lid” at Saratoga. Ho
In credited with being a winner to the
tune at 81.200,000 In the recent flurry
on Wall street. Another piece of be
lated luck came to Police Sergeant
Meyers, of Brooklyn. He has been
spending hls vacation at Saratoga ami
has picked long shots eo well that he
Is *30,000 richer than when he started
on hie trip. '
By Private Loosed Wire.
New York, Aug. 22.—Here are some
of the visitors In New York today;
ATLANTA—Mrs. F. Flexner, C. A.
AUGUSTA—Miss M. Jacobs.
MACON—C. B. Rhodes, J. L. \\ hlte.
1128—Rattle of The Standard. England.
128!)—l*oim» Xlcliolns HI dlod.
I860—1'lilllppe ito Valois of Prance did.
I486—Richard III killed on Bob worth field.
179T»—French dlri*4‘tory established.
1818—Wnrren Hasting* died.
1828—Dr. Frans Joseph Gull, founder «
phrenology, died.
1SC1—Richard (tastier, lender of th** te *
hour movement In England, died.
1881—Fort Morgnn. Mobile bay, mirrend***
ml to FnrriiKut.
1870—l*roclntn«tlon bjr the president «*
neutrality lu the Front”-ITumM
1877—(’mm! nmnnd the Ita* Moines
Id* on Mississippi river opened.
1886—Itafuee Aleut uder $>f Hnlgurlrt itaw***
I'rm Ulouiil government formed. .
1S80—Mrs. Mfijhnrk's sentence commutes
to pen*! wrvltude for life.
*-- - - Pr.-s.1cul
1886—Attack tttndo
iczucin. .
... on American nii«*»‘°o
school nt Foochow, Chinn. *
1903— Lord Salisbury, prime minister or
Kufflnnd. tiled. , ....
1904— Mrs. Mayhrlck. after release tea*
Knclisb orison, arrived In Lnliea
Admiral Lord Charles Beresford. sf-
ter hls release from command «>r
British Mediterranean squadron. «»*
come to America. He will be the
of Colonel and Mrs. Robert M. Th**mp*
son. of New York, and when he f 1 **
England will be accompanied by nil
daughter. Miss Kathleen Hereford*
now visiting with them.
Sir Douglas Fox, who has been corn-
missioned to prepare the new plans
th. lonp.ta ItrnA fhnnnot '*
the long-talked-of Channel Tunnel,
regarded by the members of hi* I***’*
feselon ns one of the greatest engin
eer* of modern times. It t* owing J 1 '
hts marvelous creative and cone, run*
ive getdiis that the famou. *’ape 10
Cairo railway developed Into an sctuM*
Itv InqtP.iil cit ivn Imiwiffglhl* dreHtU
Ity Instead of no Impossible dream
the Empire bulUers. •