The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 23, 1906, Image 9
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. Telephone Lines Extend all over the United States. You can sit at home or in the office, use the Bell Telephone and talk to almost any body anywhere. It saves you time, money, travel, trou ble. Try it. q Reasonable rates. Call Contract Dept., M. 1300 OF NEGROES STAY CLOSEJ HOMES Many Who Venture Abroad Carry Pistols to. Pro tect Themselves. BELL SERVICE IS SATIS FACTORY RAILROAD SCHEDULES. Showing the Arrival and Departure of Fa*, tenger Train* of the Following Roada: TvkstkRN AVb TfCmU: ftAIUl&AB.' No -Arrlv. Prom— I No.—Depart To il NmhrUle.. 7:10 oml* 1 Nashville. 1:1$ am 73 Marietta... 1.16 am) 74 Marietta..11:10 pm •S3 Nnalirllle.. 11:10 ami* 91 Nnsbvllle.4:i0 pm *#***- tld*fH» i%z 1 uEonou ltAitWAt. *1 Nashville.. chntbaL oV i DivnnnnD...,. Jsrkpoovllle.. 7:00 Msoon 11:40 Savannah 4HI nm : Macon 7:05 pm " ATLA. “ rr__. ROAD, Arrlvt From— I Depart To— •Selma 11:40 amrMontgomerv 5:30 am •Montgomery. — •Selina.,.. La Grange. iontgomery. 7:40 pm|*3Iontg’m!ry.U:45 pra lelina 11:35 pm|*8e!mn 4:21 pm LaGrange 8:30 nm I La Gran re.... 5:80 pm •Montgomery. 3:40 pmi*Montg f m , ry.U:l5 pm •DnlTy. All other train*‘daily except Sun day. / * Ail tratna of Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company arrive at and depart from Atianta Terminal station, corner of Mitchell street and Madison avenue. oJJofttilTfiATUtoAb: Arrive From- i Depart To- •Augusta 6:00 am *Aufua i 7:45 Conyers 6:45 am Mthonia 10:05 CoTlngton 7:46 am •Auguata....„ 3:30 •Augustn.. . .13:30 pm Conyers 5:00 Litbonla....... 3:36 pm Covington.... 8:10 •Augusta...... 1:16 um|*Augusta 11:45 •Daily. All other trains daily except S day. HffAhoAUli AUTLIRB IiaILWJW. Arrive From— i Depart To— Waahlngton... 630 nmiBIrmlngbam.. 6:40 a Abbeville 9:00 nmJMonroe 7:20 a Memphis 11:45 arnlNew York....12:00 New York |:S5 pm Abbeville.... 4:00 l Monroe 7:40 pmfMempbl* 5:00 i Birmingham.. 9:36 v: L *—— Shown in Central NOTHING NEW OCCURS County Police Believe As sailant of Miss Lawrence Eluded the Mob. The women ,n the rural districts of Fulton county and In the auburbs of Atlanta have been terrified either Into confining themselves to their immedi ate premises or to securing arms with which to protect themselves from pos sible attack from such brutes as the negro who made the assult on Miss Lawrence Monday. One of the county policemen said to day that he had seen several women who tarled pistols when they went any distance from home. Chief Turner of the county police has advised that women In Isolated portions of the city or county stay where they can call help In case of need. He thinks that this would be best until the present agitation cools down, at any rate. ■ Most of the county officers are of the opinion that the negro who com mitted the crime of Monday waa the same who made one or two of the other attacks which have occurred re cently In the vicinity of Atlanta. They cite the fact that the description Is similar and the actions of the negro were nearly the same. The coui.ty police think the negro could have been captured on Peachtree creek Monday afternoon If there had been any way of Intelligently directing the movements of the crowd of over 300 cttlsens who were In the chase, and that his fresh tracks were found The fact that the negro was seen once several limes seems to bear out thi. assertion. No Information has been received to day which can help to locate the fugi tive. The county officials are not In clined to believe that tho negro undet arrest at the police station Is the man who committed the crime. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Trains Leave Atlanta, New Tarminsl Station, corner Mitchell and Madison Avenue. N. It.—Following schedule figure, pub lished only ua Information and are sot gun rnu teed; 4:0) A. M.—No. 23, DAILY. Local to Blr- nilugbam, making all (tope; arriving In Klnulughem 10X5 a. m. 4:33 A. M.-No. IS. DAILY. "CHICAGO AND CINCINNATI LIMITED.” A solid vestlbuled train Atlanta to Cincinnati with out change, con.osed of vestlhulvd day reaches aud l*al! 'an drawing room sleep ing care. Arrlree Home 7:30 a. m.; Chat- imioogn 9:45 a. ra.i Cincinnati 7:10 p. in.; Uulerllte 8:14 p. m.; Chicago 7:8 a. m. Cafe car service. All meet! between At linta and Cincinnati. 4:30 A. M.-No. 30 DAILY, to Origin and Columbus. Arrlvee Griffin 7:U a. m.; Co- lumltue 10 a. m. 4:15 A. »!.—.o, 12, DAILY, local to Macon, llnmawlck and Jacksonville. Mnkee all •toiia . arriving Macou 3:16 a. ro.: Brnue* «lc* 4 p. m.: JackaooMlie 7:4# p. m. 7:8) A. M.—No, 33. DAILY.—Pullman to Birmingham. Memphis., Kansas City and Colorado Sprluge. Arrives ili-mphl. 8:04 I' ut.; K.neae city »:» a. m.. and •.'■dorado nprlnga s:16 a. m. ■ i:» A. M-—No. 12. DAILY.—Local Charlotte, Danville, Richmond and Asha* vllle. STATE COTTON MILL STARTS NIGHT SHIFT TO UTILIZE CONVICTS By Private Leased Wire. Montgomery. Ala.. Aug. 22.—The state cotton mill nt Hpelmer'a will put on a night ahift to utilise the hands removed there last week from t*ii Montgomery Cordage Company. .TIM will largely In* crease the output and the profits. The total net earnings for the state mill for the nineteen month* ended July 81 was $43,977.78. nil this time the mill la paying well to the convict fund proper, the nmount for July being $675. It is thus shown that the mill is n double _.*eder to the state treasury, earning nrof- Its from the cotton manufactured nw rnrt through without change. Dining •erve all meals eu route. Arrives >» lUKto.i 8:12 a. m.; New York 12:*$ p. m. 1:00 P. M.-No. 40. DAILY.—New 1 Express. Day coaches between Atlanta Washington. Hleeners between Atla Charlotte and Washington. Arrlres W«.u- iugton 11:06*. m.; New York 6 p. m. 12:15 P. M.-No. 3, DAILY.—Local for Macou, arriving Macon 2:4e p. m. 4:10 P. M.-No. 10, DAILY.—Macon and U.ntkliiMvIlie. Pnltninu ooservatiou chair rnr Atlanta to Macon. 4 25 P. M.-No. 37. DAILY.—Pullman ‘ ping car and day coaches to Btrmlng* Arrives Birmingham 9:15 p. iu., ha. Memphis 7:15 a. m. ' “I p. M.-No. U "Air Line Bell. — <■•*> p. M.—No. 22, DAILY.—Griffin and Coiunibus. Pullman palace alceplug cur u "; 1 ji »y eonelie*. 4:35 I*. M.-No. 23. DAILY.—Local to Fay and Fort Valley. m I». M.-No. lb, DAILY.—Through drawing room and sleeping ears |o Cfn tia and Chattanooga tt i.; Dalton etnnatl and Memphis louiivllle. Arrives Rome 7:20 p. — P in.: Chattanooga 9:56 p. m.; Memphis JP* a. m.; Louisville 856 a. m.; St. Louis 1 J\. ra v Cincinnati 1:10 a. m. I*. M.-No. 5. DAILY.—Makes aH •tops. Local to Heflin; arrives Heflin 10:60 P- in. P. M.—No. 14. DAILX.-Florlda Lino* A solid vestlbaled train to Jackson* Fla. Through sleeping car* and day to Jacksonville and Brunawlck; tr» rives -Eickaonvllle 3S& o. m.; Brunawlck * *• m > St. Augustine 10 a. m. 11:3,1 »*. M.-No. 97. DAILY.—Through brntn*** ^drawing room sleeping car.. At* Niecpers open to receive passengers ..H.^IGIIT-No, K. DAILY.—United States ‘“M Solid vestlbuled train. Sleeping *Vh’ ■ ork - Richmond, Charlotte end i-vr. Coaches to Washinstoo. Dining • V r 1 ”” all meala en route. Arrive# {2.*A l *r» n »» P- m.: New York I7H.ii. ‘"■(1 Atlnnta-charlotte deeper, open to possensers at iM p. ro. Loeal Ti.i '.'V— rlll, ‘ eloper Opon 16:30 p. m. I'lf?** 1 Peachtree. on VladHCt. n.;! * huHdlng. and new Terminal Statloa. Mi B. M. WOOLLKY, 6 a. Office 104 24. Pryor 9*.i By Private Leased Wire. Bay City, Mich., Aug. 12.—Henry Bloom, 66 year* of age, and his wife, while walking across the Grand Trunk bridge over Dutch creek, were struck by a way train laat night and knocked Into the water. Bloom was badly injured and died on the train. Hla wife waa InJ-red In ternally. AGED 8TREET WORKER 13 HEIR TO 160,000. O O By Private leased Wire. 0 Platnwell. Mich., Aug. 23.— 0 While working on the atrect. 0 of South Haven shoveling dirt 6 and doing other menial work, 0 Ellas Plnchln, a former resident O of Plalnwell, was Informed that O he waa heir to 140,000 from the O estate of a wealthy relative In 0 England. Mr. Plnchln Is 75 years 0 of age and has always been a 0 hard worker. O000000000000000000000000O 0 MISSISSIPPI AFTER 0 GEORGIA'S RECORD 0 AS COTTON PRODUCER. O o a 0 Special to The Georgian. O 0 Jackaon, Miss., Aug. 22.—From 0 0 present Indications Mississippi la 0 0 going to raise a bumper cotton O O crop. There la aome talk In differ- O 0 ent part* of the state of the crop O 0 shedding aome, but as a general O O thing the crop I. aplendld. Cot- O o ton men say that Mississippi will 0 O nose Georgia out of second place O 0 thla year and come next to Texaa 0 0 In production. 00000000000000006000000000 Sam Jones Tabernacle Meetings, Carters- ville, Ga. On Septemper 15th to 23rd, Inclu sive. the Weatern and Atlantic rail road will sell tickets from Atlanta- Dalton and Intermediate station., to Cartersville, at rate of one fare for the round trip. Sam Jones wilt be assisted by Evangelist Oliver and other minister, of renown. Prof. E. O. Excell will have charge of the music, and other gospel singers of note will attend. Three service/! etch-day. 10:30 a. m.. 3:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m., and the people of Cartersville will welcome the great crowds with the same hoa- pltaUty they c have 8 a.-.yS A .h M 0.n ; Gen. Pass. Agent A Few Pictures and Reduced Prices Taken Here t and Thers in the Ten-Day C.-J.-D. Furniture Sale “Rearrangement Sale” we’ve termed it because that name best fits the reason behind the price-cutting. Re arranging the furniture rooms makes reduction of stock necessary, and reduction of stock is always quick ly done via reduced prices. Because—well, because house-furnishers always know that reductions in this stock mean many a lucky find for the home. This sale continues until the last of this month. None of the reductions allowed after September the 1st. - * • Hall Scats $11.00 Hall Seat In Golden Oak.$10.00 $15.00 Hall Seat In Golden Oak.$13.50' $18.50 Hall Seat In Golden Oak.$25.00 $36.00 Hall Seat In Golden Oak.$32.60 $28.00 Hall Seat In Golden Oak.$21.50 $33.00 Solid Mahogany Hall Seat ' at $26.00 $43.60 Early English Hall Seat *t $39.00 A hanclsome Parlor Suit of solid Mahogany in classic de sign, as shown in cut; upholstered in silk verona. Reduced from $190.00 to $170.00. $75.00 Pari or Suit, In Mahogany, with verona’covering $50.00 $90.00 Mahogany Parlor Suit, with verona covering $76.00 $160 Mahoge-v Parlor Suit, uphal- ■tered In tapestry $130.00 $225.00 Three-piece Mahogany Parlor Suit, upholstered In illk damask $126.00 $60.00 Two-piece Parlor Suit, In Ma hogany, with damaak, at $35.00 $90.00 Five-piece Parlor Suit, In Ma hogany, upholitered In verona. re duced to $80.00 Turkish and Leather Covered Rocksr $40.00 All-Leather Turkish Rockera, reduced to $33.60 $66.00 All-Leather Turkish - Rockera, reduced to $68.50 $21.00 Leather and Golden Oak Rock ers $18.00 $12.00 Leather and Golden Oak Rock er. . .; $10.00 $30.00 Leather and Mahogany Rock- era $26.00 $35.00 Solid Mahogany Morris Chair, reduced to $28.00 $21.00 Solid Mahogany Morris Chair,, reduced to $19.00 $37.50 Solid Mahogany Morris Chair, reduced to — $34.00 $45.00 Solid Mahogany Morris Chair, reduced to $40.00 $7.50 Oak Morris Chair, reduced to $6.75 Davenport, Like Cut $145.00 Davenport in green verona; hand somely hand carved in elaborate design. This sale, reduced to . . $130. $85.00 Brats Bed. This sale, 10 days $70.50 $120.00 Mahogany Davenport, leather covered $100.00 $85.00 Mahogany Davenport, with leather covering $78.00 $82.60 Mahogany Davenport, covered In leather $70.50 Metal Beds $61.00 Brass Beds, reduced to..$55.00 $45.00 Brass Beds, reduced to. .$32.50 $14.00 Bronze Beds, reduced to.$12.60 $12.00 Bronze Beds, reduced to.$10.80 $9.00 Bronze Beds, reduced to. .$8.00 $33.50 Enameled and Braas Beda at ;..$23.00 $28.00 Enameled and Brass trimmed at $22.00 $17.00 Enameled and Brass trimmed st $1000 $7.00 White Enamled Beds at.06O9 $5.50 White Enameled Beds, like cut, reduced to $4.25 $35.00 Mahogany Davenport, verona upholstered $27.00 $25.00 Mahogany and verona Daven port $1800 $65.00 Mahogany Davenport, uphol stered with verona $69.00 Hall M lrrots $8.00 Golden Oak Hall Mirror, re duced to $7.50 $10.00 Golden Oak Hall Mirror re duced to .......$9.00 $11.50 Golden Oak*Hall Mirror re duced to $10.25 $14.00 Golden Oak or Early English Hall Mirror $12.50 $17.00 Golden Oak or Early English Mirror $15.00 $20.00 Early English Oak Hall Mir ror $18.00 $23.00 Solid Mahogany Hall Mir ror! at $21.75 $25.00 Solid Mahogany Hall Mirrors at $22.50 $210.00 Sideboard In Mahogany. at $175.00 $190.00 Sideboard, In Antwerp Oak. at $160.00 $145.00 Sideboard, In Early English, at $130.00 $105.00 Sideboard, in Early English, at $98.50 $80.00 Sideboard, In Golden Oak, at $70.00 $50.00 Sideboard, In Golden Oak, at $40.00 LIKE CUT. $28.50 Sideboard, In Golden Oak. at $23.50 $22.50 Sideboard, In Golden Oak. at $16.50 $29.00 Sideboard, In Golden Oak. at $21.50 Chamberlin - J ohnsQn-DuBose Company.